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Names of spring matinees in kindergarten. Spring

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons". Children enter the hall and sit on chairs. In the hall near the decorated wall there is a Birch tree, next to it Snow woman. The roles are played by parents.


The snow lies like the sea,

All the roads are covered with snow,

I'll freeze - woe, woe! —

The sun would rise clear!

Snow woman.

The birch tree's cry is not serious,

Make some noise, frosty storm!


Hands, shoulders get cold,

A blizzard swirls in the field,

The distance is white.

Snow woman.

Are you afraid of the severe cold?

Well, I'm afraid of heat.

The Sun appears, Birch Tree stretches her twig-like hands towards him. The snow woman squints and turns away.


Whose call do I hear to

I was melted by a ray

These white snowdrifts?

Isn't this your white lump?

Snow woman.

What to do? I don't know.

The expensive fur coat is melting.

I'm suffocating, I'm speechless.

She became weak, old...

Sun. It's time for you to leave.

A Cloud appears, circles to the music and covers the Sun.


I'm in the silver snow

I can hide the sun.

I will sow the whole earth with snow,

Let the cold wind blow.

“Exercise with Ribbons” by T. Lomova is performed.


I am a warm spring ray

I'm not afraid of snow clouds.

Spring day will come soon,

No matter how powerful you are, snowstorm.

The ringing song is heard,

Spring is coming to us!

The song “Winter has passed” by N. Metlov plays.


True, beautiful songs

Distant sounds can be heard.

Cloud. What should we do? I'm terribly afraid!

We can't escape Spring!

Sun. Guys, help me warm the earth more, melt the snow, open the buds of the birch tree. Here are some bright sunbeams for you, let's have fun dancing with them.

Dance “Sun Rays” (music of the teacher’s choice).

Snow woman. Oh, it's hot! No urine at all!

Cloud. Do you want to leave me?

Sun. It's hot, it's time for you to go!

Snow woman. Oh, I'll melt! I'm running away!

He runs away and loses his carrot nose.

Cloud (runs after her).

Hey old lady, wait a minute!

Grab your carrot nose!


The ringing earrings shine,

There are no snowstorms anymore.

There is a thin birch tree

And sends greetings to the sun!

Leading. Children, all the guests have gathered at our holiday, but there is still no Spring. Apparently, a cloud led her astray. Let's sing a song, Spring will hear our voices and find its way.

The song “The Sun Smiles” by Tilicheeva plays. Spring enters - the teacher plays the role - spinning in a waltz.


I open my buds

In green leaves

I dress the trees

I water the crops

Full of movement

My name is...

Children. Spring!


Spring came

And looks with blue eyes,

Laughs with a ringing laughter to the young

And now it’s flowing

Over forests and over meadows

Emerald smoke...


Let's take a look into the spring forest,

There, in the thicket, miracles await us.

Cheerful hubbub, chirping, singing...

Dance “Bird House” by D. Kabalevsky - a dramatization of the song. Reading poems about birds.

Game "Occupy the House".

There are hoops laid out on the floor, each with 2 child birds. When the music ends, you need to occupy the hoop house. Each time 1-2 hoops are removed. Whichever “bird” doesn’t get a house flies further (returns to its chair) to look for a house.

Spring. Birds and animals rejoice in the warmth and sun. Everyone welcomes spring in their own way. Nature is blooming. The first flowers appear Listen to the riddle.

He appeared before everyone else

When there was still snow in the forest,

Bluish, delicate.

And it was named...

Children. Snowdrop!

Spring. Right. What other flowers do you know? (Children's answers.) Look at my bouquet. Dance with flowers.


Flowers live well

The sun is laughing at them from the sky,

Let's have fun with them

It's fun to dance around.

Dance "Waltz of the Flowers", music by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Game "Collect a flower".


Spring has come, freckles,

Cheerful guest,

Watery, windy,

Herbal, sunny...


Rain on the window -

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Grass at the threshold -

Zhuh! Zhuh! Zhuh!

A stream in the ditches -

Zhur! Zhur! Zhur!..


The days have become fine,

Here we are, you know, we’ve made it

Until spring, until freckles,

Until the cheerful guest!


Spring has come, freckles,

Cheerful guest

Congratulate all the children

Happy birth of spring.


Be strong and healthy,

Cheerful and cheerful

Grow big up to the sky,

Never be sad about anything.


And I congratulate you too,

I'll play with you.

It was not in vain that you stood in the circle,

Let's play together "Shine Clear!"

Game "Burn, Burn Clear!"


I, field birch,

I congratulate all the guys.

And as a keepsake for all of you

I'll hand out handkerchiefs.

The round dance “There was a birch tree in the field” is performed, b. n. m.


I will not forget you, children,

You have a lot of fun.

I offer this as a farewell

Everyone should start dancing together.

The dance “Russian Dance” is performed according to the Spring show.


It's time for me to hit the road

There are a lot of worries.

I'm giving you a treat

And I say goodbye to you.

Spring treats guests with pastries and sweets. Leaves.


We will remember for a long time

This holiday day.

And for spring treats

The group prepared

Tea for you!

At the request of the teacher, you can include reading poems about spring.

ATTRIBUTES: ribbons, orange mugs, bird hats, hoops (15 pieces), flowers for the game “Collect a flower,” a handkerchief for the game, handkerchiefs as a gift for birthday people, balloons, treats.

1) Birch - White dress, embroidered with black stripes;

2) Cloud - a black cape embroidered with snowflakes;

3) Snow woman - costume, bucket, nose - carrot;

4) Sunny - yellow cape, beret;

5) Ray - child - yellow overalls, ray hat;

6) Spring - blue dress, blue cape, a bouquet of flowers in her hair.

Spring matinee in 1st junior group.


Spring has come - Freckle,

Cheerful guest,

Watery, windy,

Herbal, sunny.

Rain on the window -

Children. Knock - knock-knock!

Leading. Grass at the threshold -

Children. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Leading. A stream in the ditches -

Children. Zhur, zhur, zhur!


The days have become fine,

So we know we have survived

Until spring, until freckles,

Until the cheerful guest!

The song "Drip - drip!"


Song "Locomotive"

Spring appears.

Spring: Hello children!


Let's all say hello to Spring, guys.

It’s spring, and our guys can dance, look. Let's guys show spring our dance.

Dance "Squat"


"Who beats on the roof all night

Yes, he knocks.

Children - RAIN



Presenter. It's spring, and our guys want to show one more dance“Where are our pens?”


Have a treat!
Handing out treats
Spring is leaving.

Leading. Our holiday is over.

We welcomed the red spring

The children leave the hall.


Scenario of the matinee for junior group 2.

Leading: Dear children, dear guests!

Congratulations on the Spring holiday.

We wish you happiness, kindness and peaceful skies above your head.

Gөrlәp shaulap yaҙ kilde.

Beҙ һеҙҙе baryғыҙҙыла яҙ bayramy menәn ҡotlaybyҙ.

Eshegeҙҙe unyshtar telәaybeҙ”

Children read poetry.

Song “Yak Kilde”

Leading: The snow has melted, the streams are ringing,

The nightingales sang songs.

The earth has woken up and is blooming

And Spring is coming to visit us.

The Fox and the Wolf appear.

Fox and Wolf (talking to each other)

Fox. It’s so good that we hid Spring!

Wolf . But now we are the masters of the forest, we do what we want. We can safely eat the hare and no one will bother us.

Fox. Otherwise, as it happens, Spring will come, Mishka will wake up - the clumsy one, and he will set his own rules here, don’t do this, don’t touch that, so you walk around and are afraid.

Fox and Wolf leave.

Leading: Guys, did you hear what the Wolf and the Fox said? They hid Spring, which means it won’t come to us. What to do?

The Sun appears.

Sun. Hello guys, hello dear guests! I looked through your window and it’s so beautiful and festive. What kind of holiday are you having?

Leading: You know, Sunshine, we have gathered today to celebrate the Red Spring,

And the Wolf and the Fox hid Spring. This means that Spring will not come. And we learned so many songs and poems and prepared a dance.

Sun. Don't worry, we'll figure something out.

Leading : Honey, we will sing poems and a song for you too.


Children read poetry.

Song “The sun has a friend”

Sun. I know who will help you!

Presenter: Who!

Sun. Petya Cockerel from the neighboring yard. He sings loudly and will wake up the bear.

And the Bear will restore order in the forest and deal with the Wolf and the Fox.

Leading : Thank you, Sunny, for your help.

The sun is leaving.

Leading : Guys, let’s dance while the Sun calls the Cockerel.

Dance "Birch"

The Cockerel comes in.

Cockerel. Ku-ka-re-ku! Hello guys.

Leading : Hello Cockerel!

Cockerel. Sunny told me that the Fox and the Wolf do not let go of Spring. This is true?

Leading : Yes Cockerel! The Fox and the Wolf want to be masters in the forest, and they don’t want Spring to come, because the Bear will wake up and won’t let them be boss.

Help us wake up the Bear. Only you cockerel with your loud voice will wake him up.

Leading : I will only help you, but first I want to play with you.

A game

Cockerel. Thank you! How fun we played! And now I will help you. There, beyond the clearing, I saw a bear's den. Let's go wake up Mishka!

Children walk in a circle one after another and stop. The cockerel is crowing.

Mishka appears from behind the screen. He stretches.

Bear. From what Are you making noise here? Why do you wake me up early? What's happened?

Leading : Misha! We woke you up because Spring should have come a long time ago.

Only the Fox and the Wolf hid her and won’t let her go, so that you don’t wake up.

Bear. Not in order! But I need to wake up, and for this I need to do exercises.

Dance with Mishka.

Bear. Oh, how good it felt after hibernation! And now it’s time for me to teach the Fox and the Wolf a lesson on how to manage in my absence!


The bear leaves

Leading : And we guys, let’s recite the poems loudly. So that Spring would hear us and find her way to kindergarten.

Children read poetry.

The music of spring sounds and spring enters the hall.

Spring - Hello guys, hello dear guests.

I know they are waiting for me everywhere

Everyone in the world needs me.

I bring joy to people

And my name is Spring!

Presenter: Hello dear Spring.

– We are glad to meet you. Be our guest and have fun with us.

We have been waiting for you for a long time and finally we have arrived. We have prepared poems and songs for you, listen!

Children read poetry.

Song "Spring has come"


I came to you for a holiday,

I brought you joy.

Stand in a circle, children!

You are my friend and I am your friend

Everything around was dancing.

Song "Vesnyanka"

Spring: I liked the round dance.

And now, my friends,

Guess the riddles.

Let's make a house for the birds

With a small round window.

Here is a starling sitting on a hazel tree,

We are building him... (birdhouse)

Look at this, guys.

Cotton wool hung in the sky -

They are sailing to us from afar

In the blue sky... (clouds)

On a warm day from under the ice

Melt water rushes.

And the noise of all the ringing birds

This mischievous... (stream)

Nice days are not rare

Branches bask in the sun.

And, like little dots,

The branches are swollen... (buds)

Snow and ice melt in the sun,

Birds fly from the south,

And the bear has no time to sleep.

This means that... (spring) has come to us

Spring. Well done boys !

Leading: It’s spring, and our guys have prepared a dance for you, look!


Yes, friends, I’ll tell you honestly.

It's very interesting to be with you

And play and dance.

But the time has come for us to part, we still have a lot to do in the forest, and before I leave, I want to treat you with some gifts.

Spring gives her gifts to the presenter.

Leading. Thank you, Spring. We are glad to meet you, your sun, blue sky, flowers, first birds, your gifts.

Spring is leaving.

Leading. With this our matinee came to an end.

For enthusiasm, cheerful laughter

Now the moment of farewell has come -

Our speech will be short.

We say: “Goodbye, Happy new meetings!” »

Happy early spring holiday

Joy, happiness, health, love

The children go to the music.


“It’s so good that spring has come”

Middle group.

Children enter the hall.

Leading. Hello dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you to our matinee dedicated to spring!

Nature has awakened again:

A field, a forest, a river woke up.

And the birds reported the news:

“Rejoice everyone! Spring came!"

Guys, let's go to the spring forest by bus.

Song "Our Bus"

Leading. How much sun, how much light! Spring brought for everyone

Flowers of unprecedented beauty are blooming in the clearing near Spring!

Nature wakes up and washes itself with dew! And, of course, all the animals wake up in the spring!

Leading. We have gathered today

To start a story about spring.

We waited for her all long winter,

And we are very happy with her now.

Children read poetry.

Spring is coming.

Spring. Are you talking about me?

Here I am!

I know they're waiting for me everywhere,

Everyone in the world needs me...

I bring joy to people

And my name is Spring!

Hello guys, hello dear guests!

I came to you for a holiday,

I brought you joy.

Stand in a circle, children!

You are my friend and I am your friend

Everything around was dancing.

Song "Zemelushka - black soil"

Leading. Spring is red, and our children know poems about you.

Do you want to listen?

Spring. Certainly!

Children read poetry.

Spring. I bring light and warmth to everyone.

And in my native forest

There is a clearing where there are flowers
Unprecedented beauty.

I collected some for you and brought it to you for the holiday.

Spring hands flowers to the presenter.

Baba Yaga flies in to the music, flies in a circle, and stops in the center of the hall.

Baba Yaga. You didn’t recognize Grandma Ezhka?

Well, they didn't invite me?

I will take revenge on you for this!

I'll steal your bouquet!

Baba Yaga flies up to the leader and snatches a bouquet of flowers. Spring stops her.

Spring. What you , What are you saying, you can’t do that!

Friends don't do that.

Well, why did you take the flowers?

You're just ruining the holiday.

Baba Yaga. You didn't invite me

You didn’t invite us to welcome spring.

You are not my friends at all.

I'll fly away with a bouquet!

Spring. But wait, Yaga, wait!

In fairy tales you can be evil.

And we all know about this, -

That's why we don't let you in.

Baba Yaga. Try to let it go.

I'll try to be kind.

Do you like the concert?

Maybe I'll return the bouquet.

Spring. Do you promise not to be naughty?

(Baba Yaga nods with her head)

Stay, so be it!

And we continue the concert,

We read poems about spring.

Children read poetry.

Presenter. Our children have prepared a small song

Song “Qoshtar kil”

Presenter. Now, guys and our guests, let's play a game.

Game “Yesherәm yaulyҡ”

Spring. Look, guys, how many flowers there are in the meadow.

Just look, for some reason their petals scattered. Let's collect petals for each flower of its own color.

Game "Collect a flower"

Spring. Thank you! You are so good, you completed the task!

Presenter. The whole world knows our spoons

Our spoons are Russian souvenirs.

Oh, what! Oh, what!

It's beautiful and painted!

Orchestra "Spoonmen"

Baba Yaga. Well, well, Grandma Hedgehog was pleased.

They made me so happy! (Gives flowers)

But it's time for me to go back.

Goodbye, kids!

Baba Yaga leaves

Spring . Baba Yaga reformed, became kind, she realized that good always triumphs over evil.

Leading. Children are happy about spring.

Let the sun shine brighter.

And the children have been dancing since the morning!

Children perform the dance “Friendly Palms”

Spring . You greeted me kindly, greeted me with song and dance! And now it’s time for me to say goodbye to you. It's time for me to wake up the bear, otherwise he will sleep through spring.


Presenter. And it’s time for us guys to go back to kindergarten.

The children leave the hall to the song “Our Bus.”


Spring fun in 1st junior group.


Guys, look how elegant our hall is today! This is because spring has come and we have a holiday today!

Music sounds for you
We will start the holiday now!

Spring has come - Freckle,

Cheerful guest,

Watery, windy,

Herbal, sunny.

Rain on the window -

Children. Knock - knock-knock!

Leading. Grass at the threshold -

Children. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Leading. A stream in the ditches -

Children. Zhur, zhur, zhur!


The days have become fine,

So we know we have survived

Until spring, until freckles,

Until the cheerful guest!

The song "Drip - drip!"

Leading. Spring is a wonderful time of year. Everything comes to life, sings, blooms...

Come on guys, let's all go to the spring forest by train, where there are many fabulous wonders.

Everyone lined up behind me like a train, let's go, don't lag behind.

Song "Locomotive"

Spring appears.

Spring: Hello children!

I have been in the forest for a long time, bringing joy and warmth.

Brighter, sunshine, shine! The grass is growing greener!

Sing us a song, little stream! Everyone will make friends with Spring!

Presenter. Hello Spring! We are glad to welcome you.

Let's all say hello to Spring, guys.

It’s spring, and our guys can dance, look. Let's guys show spring our fun dance.

Dance "Vesnyanka"

Spring . Thanks guys! And I want to tell you a riddle, if you guess it, you can play with me.

"Who beats on the roof all night

Yes, he knocks.

And strums, and sings, lulls you to sleep? »

Children - RAIN


– Spring rain is never too much.

Let's play.


Presenter. It's spring, and our guys want to show one more dance.

Oh, how beautiful it is in our hall!

How many flowers!
Guys, come out quickly

Yes, collect flowers.



Why is the sun shining brightly from the sky today?

Why do birds sing loud songs on the branches?

Why are the animals in the forest now unable to sleep?

Because, because spring has come to visit us!

Guys! Hurry up, everyone get up,
Start the dance with Spring

Dance "Squat"

Thank you guys for the dancing and the song.
I found it both fun and interesting.
Happy spring holiday, I congratulate you all,
I wish you Sun, Warmth and Light!
Have a treat!
Handing out treats
Spring is leaving.

Leading. Our holiday is over.

We welcomed the red spring
Yes, we didn’t notice how our holiday passed.
Well, it’s time for you and me to go back to kindergarten!

The children leave the hall.


Scenario spring fun"Vesnyanka"


We gathered today in the hall,

So that about start a story in spring,

We've been waiting all long winter

And we are very happy with her now.

Today we welcome spring here

And with a bow we invite

Everyone who loves to have fun

And laugh and frolic!

Children recite poems.


The stream gurgled in the ravine,
Birds have flown from the south,
The sun is warming in the morning -
Came to visit us... (Spring)
Guys, today we have gathered in the hall to sing, dance, and have fun. It's spring outside now! Birds arrive, the first flowers appear. Guys, let's invite Spring to our holiday, let's sing a song about it.

SONG: “Spring has come”


What a wonderful time of year - spring

In nature there are three spring : - spring of light - March, spring water – April,

spring green grass - May.

Music is playing.

Hello my friends. Do I hear you calling me? Here I am - Spring is red, I have come to visit you again.

Leading: Hello, Spring is red, of course we called you. Be a guest at our holiday, have fun with us.
For you, Spring is red, the guys learned poems. Do you want to listen?

Children read Poems.
Song "Yaz kile"


Thanks guys! You made me happy.

Leading: The sun looks out the window, shines into our room,

We clap our hands, we are very happy about the sun.

Spring: Red sun, show up, my friend, red sun, show up!

Sunny enters to the music “The sun is shining for everyone.”

Leading: Hello Sunshine!

Sun: Hello, hello, hello everyone!

I rejoice in the long-awaited spring!

I will give everyone affection and warmth,

I want everyone in the room to feel light.

Girls help!

Here, take my rays and go out to dance.

"Dance with Ribbons"

Leading: The rays were collected and given to the Sun!

The sound of rain is heard.

Leading: Who's playing pranks outside the window?
Children: Knock, knock, knock! (knocks fists)
Leading: Who's knocking on the glass?
Children: Knock, knock, knock! (children tap their fists)
Host: Maybe these are mice?

Leading: Maybe kids?
Children: No, no, no! (shakes head negative)
Leading: Maybe a drop of rain?
Children: Yes, yes, yes!

(perform movements as if splashing droplets of water
from fingers)

Guys, clouds have appeared in our sky. The sun was closed. Where should you hide from the rain? Yes, under an umbrella.
Game "Sun and Rain"(with music and sound of rain)
Let's call the sun again
And let's go for a walk again.

There are so many puddles left after the rain. To avoid getting your boots wet, you need to jump over them. (children jump over fabric puddles)
(sound recording – bird voices)

Spring: Guys, my friend is the sun. And the sun also has friends. Who are they?

Leading: We, the sunshine, know a song about our friends.

Song “The sun has friends”

Leading: Oh, what a wonderful day

The forest and meadow have awakened!

Everything around was dancing!

You guys come out

Show the spring and the sun a dance

Dance: “Bashkir Polka”

Leading: It's good when everyone has their own friend around.

Spring has the Sun. And when it shines, everything blooms in spring.

They wake up together, are friends, don’t fight.

We will say to our friends: “Thank you!” for coming to us for the holiday,

And adults and kids will clap their hands!


You greeted us kindly

They greeted us with song and dance!

Now it's time for us to go to the fields and forests.
Urgent matters await us!

Host: Thank you, Vesna . We are glad to meet you, your sun, blue sky, flowers, first birds, your gifts

Spring and the sun are leaving

Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm, cheerful laughter

For smiles, understanding - This is our great success!

With a cheerful drop, with the last snowstorm,

Happy early holiday spring

We congratulate you, we sincerely wish you

Joy, happiness, health, love!

The children are leaving



"Spring Journey"

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

The birds sang merrily, and the drops had no time to sleep -

This means that colorful spring is knocking on our door.

So again, the tender grass in the field will turn green,

Warm air blows - spring is coming to us.

Children read poetry.

Song “Eh, kunelle yaz kile”

Leading. Well done boys! How well you sang.

It seems that just recently we had a mother’s holiday, we welcomed spring. And now outside the window is the second month of spring - April - the month of sun and ringing birds.

Presenter: - Children, I invite you to go to a smalltravel and seehow to welcome spring forest dwellers. Want to?

Then let's go!

Guys, what will we use to go to the forest? (By bus)

Song "Our bus is blue"

Sounds of nature. They put up two stumps, two telephones -

Leading. Word spread through the forest,
That spring has already come.
Here a magpie flies by,
She probably knows.
- Soroka is flying. Stands in the center of the hall, flaps its wings -
Magpie. I chirped about spring,
Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired.
If only there was a telephone here.
Oh look, here he is (picks up the phone)
I’ll wake up Mishka first,
I’ll tell him about spring (calls, the bear is sleeping)
Our Mishutka woke up,
Waking him up is no joke (calls).
Hello, hello, Soroka is calling.
Bear. What happened, white-sided?
Magpie. No winter, spring has come.
She walks through the forest.
Bear. That's how the news came.
Are you saying spring has come?
I sucked my paw for six months,
Now let's get some honey.
Magpie. I need to hurry up and call Kuma the Fox. (Ringing)
-Lisa runs up to the phone-
Magpie. Hello, hello, Soroka is calling.
Fox. What happened, Beloboka?
Magpie. Little Fox, Spring has come,
She's walking through the forest!
Fox. Oh, Soroka, how glad I am!
No better news needed.
Stop freezing in a dark hole,
I’ll sit and warm myself on a hill.
Magpie. Now I'll find the Hare,
I will tell him joy.
Hello, hello, Soroka is calling.
Hare. What happened, Beloboka?
Magpie. No winter, spring has come.
She walks through the forest.
Hare. I'll run through the forests
I'll tell you here and there,
That Spring has come to our forest...

Hare . (speaks loudly)

- Hey, funny guys

Come out to dance and welcome the red spring.

Magpie. Wake up, people, animals,
Open windows, doors,
Red Spring is coming to us,
Will bring light and joy

Round dance “We went to the meadow”

Spring comes out to the music.

Spring. Hello my friends,
Here I am, Spring-Red!
The sun shines brighter, warms our earth,
So that the buds open quickly,
For the flowers to grow,
So that the birds come and sing their songs!


Spring, come into your own!

Let the grass be green
Let the streams ring everywhere,
Let the songs ring loudly!

Round dance "Zemelushka - black earth".

Spring. I am so glad to sing and dance with you,
Celebrate the holiday with dancing, games, and flowers!
Do you know poems about spring?

Leading. We know a lot of poems,
Who's ready to read poetry?

Children read poetry.


- The sun warmed up cheerfully , a stream ran from the mountain -

It slept like a big white snowdrift all winter until spring.

And now I’ve come running to the kindergarten to please the children.

It will spill over the meadow, your friend will not be able to pass anywhere.

Do you guys want to jump over a stream?

(A blue ribbon or cloth is spread across the floor, children jump over it one after another

GAME "Stream"

Leading: Guys, look how beautiful the flowers are!

Only for some reason the petals scattered all over the clearing. Let us collect a flower.

Game "Collect a flower"

Spring. Well done boys. Everything was assembled correctly.

Guys, you like flowers. (Yes)

Now, let's choose a flower and stand around the flower.

(While the music is playing, the children are having fun in the clearing, when the music stops, the children run to their flower)

Game "Who can find their flower faster"

Spring: - I invite you, friends,

On the green meadow.

Dance you friends

It's not in vain that I came to you

Dance "Bim, Bam, Bom"

Spring: - Yes, friends, I’ll tell you honestly.

It's very interesting to be with you.

It was not in vain that I came to visit,

She brought gifts for everyone.

Spring treats children with sweets to the music.

Spring: - The time has come to say goodbye to you, children,

And hurry to distant lands.

I'm very

loved you

We will meet again more than once.



Ours has come to an endtrip to the spring forest.

It's time for us to head back.

Don't forget a spring walk with friends!

Joy, good luck and warmth of spring to everyone!

Spring holiday in the senior group. Scenario

Holiday script for children 5-6 years old “Together we welcome Spring”

annotation. The summary can be used by music directors, preschool teachers. The material is intended for children 5-6 years old and integrates the tasks of the following educational areas: cognition, communication, music, socialization.

Target: create a joyful mood in children, evoke emotional responsiveness, and promote the development of interest in the world around them.
improve children’s musical and rhythmic skills through round dances, dances, exercises, and games; consolidate vocal and choral skills in the process of group singing; systematize children’s knowledge about the signs of spring; develop creative imagination, memory, attention, speech; to develop independence, goodwill, sociability, willingness to help through games and dramatization; cultivate a love for nature.

The progress of the holiday

Together we welcome spring
And with a bow we invite
Everyone who loves to have fun
And laugh and frolic.
Children enter the hall to the music
Everything around us pleases our eyes.
The sun is shining, the air is inviting
All around nature has come to life,
Beautiful spring has come.
Roll call
1. It’s good to walk in the garden
Songs to sing and dance.
In our garden
Let's welcome spring!

2. Spring walked in secret for a long time
From the winds and from the cold.
And today straight
Splashes through puddles.

3. Drives melted snow
With hubbub and ringing
To line the meadows
Green velvet.

4. It's getting darker every day
Stitches and tracks
And on the willows with silver
The earrings glow.
5.Where are you, sunshine, wake up!
Where are you, little bird, come back!
Winter is tired of pouring snow,
Drip-drip-drip! Spring has come!
And the birds are right here,
I chirp happily.
Let's call Spring - red.
“Spring is red! Spring is red!

Spring is coming
Good morning guys.
I am a sorceress - Spring.
I am the meadow and the forest and the field
Woke up from sleep.
Melted the ice and snow.
Gave people light.
So let's all be together
Let's sing a song about Spring.
The song “Hello dear spring” is playing
Did you have a good winter?
Did you children have a good rest?
And now it's time
We shouldn't be lazy.
And now spring time has come
Everyone work hard.
They perform the round dance “We took the shoulder blades”
You guys weren't lazy.
What a great job they did!
The sun warms the earth,
So that the harvest grows!
Show us the sun,
Shine a little light
Dry the paths!
(Sunny comes out)
I am the red sun
The sun is clear.
I give my warmth
So that everything blooms around.
So that the leaves bloom,
The birds began to sing.
Thank you clear sunshine
For warmth, for light!
You and I are welcoming spring,
Let's start the spring round dance!
Round dance "Sun"
Well done boys!
You love to sing and dance.
And now we will
Play with the sun!
Game “Sun” (the sun is in the center of the circle; children walk in a circle)
Burn, the sun is brighter,
Summer will be hotter.
And the winter is warmer
And spring is nicer.
(at the end of the nursery rhyme, the sun shouts “Hot” and runs to catch the children)
Over the sea, over the mountains

A flock of birds are flying towards us.
We will build a city for them,
Bird city - bird city!
But first you guys
Guess the riddles!
1. There is a trunk, there is a stake on the trunk,
The palace is on stake, there is a singer in the palace.
Who is this? (starling)
2. He sang solo among the branches, the singer was called (nightingale)
3. A leaf is pinned to the hollow,
and my uncle (owl) lives there
4. Whoever is on the Christmas tree is a bitch
The counting is done by peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo (cuckoo)
5. Carpenter with a sharp chisel
There is a house with one window (woodpecker)
6. All migratory birds are black
Cleans arable land from worms (rook)
Well done guys, good
You know our mutual friends birds!
And now, my guys,
I invite all birds.
Come whoever wants
We love you very, very much!
Birds are flying to us in a flock!
And you will dance for us.

Dance “Birds” (after the dance, lined up in a semicircle)

The heights sparkle, the water roars,
April calls: “Here! Here!"
We arrive and sing
Delighted with the bright blue.
The rooks are flying, screaming all over Rus'.
Gu-gu-gu, we are bringing spring!
Spring sent me to you,
Say that she came to you.
Ay, thank you dear birds,
I brought you the most important gift -
The sun is clear! Round dance of birds,
The grass-ant will call you into the garden.
Spring round dance
Tell the birds
Where have you been?
Tell the birds
What have you seen?
1. In hot countries
Hot Summer.
There's no winter there
There is no snow!

2. Giant elephants roam there.
Monkeys scream all day long.
Liana trees grow there,
Bananas grow on palm trees there.

3. We lived well
Far from home.
With hummingbirds and flamingos
We were friends in Africa!

4.But we missed the village,
Along the ringing stream,
By birdhouse, by trees
A sparrow next door!
We are all glad to see you, friends,
Be with us always.
To you, dear friends,
It's time to play with the guys!
The game “Who will occupy the nest faster” (hoops are needed for the game)
It was fun all around!
We send our greetings to spring!
You, Spring, Spring are red!
What did you bring with you?
I brought it for the meadows
Blanket for flowers.
You, Spring, Spring are red!
What did you bring with you?
Brought for the Christmas tree
New needles!
You are Spring, Spring is red!
What did you bring with you?
For aspens and birches
A whole cartload of fresh leaves.
Spring is red,
What's in your basket?
My forest animals
They sent us their toys. (Takes out a bag of cones.)

Here the squirrels gave me cones,
So that we can play with them here.
The game is an attraction “Who can get cones into the basket faster.”
(a bird flies in and circles around the hall)
Oh guys, a bird is coming to us
The beautiful one has arrived.
Hurry up, everyone in a circle,
So that it doesn't fly away!
(children stand up, forming a circle)
1.Oh, gotcha, birdie, stop!
You won't leave the network!
We won't part with you
No way!
Oh, why, why do you need me
Small children.
Let me fly
Unleash the nets!
2. No, we won’t let you in, birdie, no
Stay with us.
We'll give you candy
I have tea with crackers.
Oh, I don't eat candy
I don't like tea.
I catch midges in the field,
I'm collecting grains!
3. Birdie, birdie, you'll freeze
Somewhere on a branch.
And here we have it in gold
You will live in a cage.
ABOUT! Don't be afraid, to a warm land
I'll fly away in winter!
And in captivity there is a bright paradise
It will be a prison for me!
4. Birdie, birdie! How to love
We would become you.
They wouldn't let me be sad
Everyone would caress you.
I believe children! But for us
Your caresses are harmful.
I would have closed them right away
I'm eye-catching!
5.True, true! You're a bird
You can't bear the bondage.
Well, God be with you, fly
And live free!
Thank you friends,
Why did you let me go?
Why don't you destroy the nest?
That you don’t offend the birds.
Let the birds sing again
There are ringing sounds in our garden.
And such joy
Let's dance with you!
Performing the dance “We will join hands”
Thanks for the fun
To you, friends!
I brought gifts!
Here is the wheat, here is the barley!
Come on whoever is quickest!
What are you birdie
Children don't eat grain!
(takes the basket from her hands)
Let's do some magic now
(cover the basket, opens it)
I'll do some magic for you, kids.
After all, I am a sorceress - Spring!
(distribution of gifts)
And now it's time for me to leave
Keep an eye on the flowers and herbs!
So that they grow and bloom,
So that the birds trill.
Goodbye friends,
I'll come back to you in a year!
(children leave the hall to the music)
We welcomed the red spring
Yes, how our holiday went - we didn’t notice
To a cheerful dance
Let's say goodbye now.
Cheerful music sounds, children leave the hall.

Spring holiday at the preschool educational institution. Scenario

Scenario for a festive performance on the theme of Spring

Festive concert for preschoolers “Spring in the Stone Kingdom”


The mistress of the copper mountain is an adult.

Two lizards



Sunny bunnies


Matryoshka dolls

Little frogs



Concert progress

Children of all ages take part in the concert. age groups. This concert can be a kind of report on the work done for academic year. The curtain opens to the lyrical, solemn melody of “The Lonely Shepherd.” The central wall is designed in the form of a stone rock, along which “lizards scurry” and shimmer “ gems" In the foreground is a majestic glowing stone flower. The Mistress of the Copper Mountain emerges from the “rock.”

Mistress of Copper Mountain. Hello, dear guests. I'm glad to see you in my kingdom of stones. Although my kingdom is made of stone, glorified throughout the world for its countless riches, spring has not passed by.

My kingdom is the most wonderful of all:

The noise of leaves and bird songs,

Soft feather beds of the forest

And the murmuring of a brook...

Frisky squirrels are jumping,

The hedgehog runs, rustling the grass,

And the bears with the whole family

They stomp to the watering hole...

Masters and craftswomen,

Guests, dear friends,

Have a lot of fun

I invite you all.

My cheerful people

Never gets tired

Life is very fun:

He jokes, dances and sings.

Here are my lizards

They came to us to have fun.

Come to us soon,

What's going on, tell me!

Two girls in lizard costumes come out.

1st lizard.

Spring is coming across the earth,

He brings his own music.

2nd lizard.

Listen to this music

Everyone is welcome in the green forest.

Orchestra of noise instruments (children senior group) perform “Spring Voices” (“Waltz” by P. I. Tchaikovsky).

Mistress of Copper Mountain. But bunnies appeared on the green lawn. So nimble and cheerful!

1st lizard. And we know why they are so funny.

2nd lizard. How can you stand still when cheerful musicians take up their instruments!

Staging of the song “The Cheerful Musician”, lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko.

1st lizard. Spring in the forest is the time for construction.

2nd lizard. All birds and animals are building new homes for themselves.

Mistress of Copper Mountain. In my fairy-tale kingdom, even the little kids decided to build something. But we learn what and for whom from their songs.

The song “Building a House” (verses by V. Kuklovskaya, music by T. Shutenko) is performed by the children of the second junior group.

Mistress of Copper Mountain. Everywhere in the spring forest there is music and fun.

1st lizard. Look, even in the forest swamp the frogs put on quite a show.

2nd lizard. Yes, they had a whole concert.

The children of the preparatory group run out in frog costumes, perform the song “Concert”, poems by S. Cherny, music by N. Eliseev.

1st lizard. How wonderful it is in our forest!

2nd lizard. How beautiful our stone kingdom is in spring!

Mistress of Copper Mountain. But we also have different funny stories and adventures. Here's one of them.

Staging of the song “Adventure in the Forest”, lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko.

Performed by children of the older group.

Mistress of Copper Mountain. In my kingdom, not only stone flowers “bloom,” but also real ones. Look how beautiful they are!

The dance of flowers (“Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky) is performed by children of the preparatory group.

1st lizard. And another flower bloomed in our fairy-tale kingdom quite recently.

2nd lizard. Yes, I know, it's a rose.

Mistress of Copper Mountain. A wonderful girl will sing the melody of this beautiful flower.

Piano three-handed “Rose” (Polish folk song). Performed by a preparatory group student and music director.

1st lizard. We know all the animals and birds in your forest, Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

2nd lizard. But often in a forest clearing we meet unprecedented animals. They are cheerful, mischievous and very restless.

Mistress of Copper Mountain. I can guess who you are talking about. These are sunbeams. And here they are!

The song “Sunny Bunny” (verses by M. Sadovsky, music by V. Muradeli) is performed by children of the older group.

1st lizard. And if the day is sunny and fine, such sunny bunnies become visible and invisible.

2nd lizard. And they start a merry dance.

The sunbeam dance is performed by children from the preparatory group.

Mistress of Copper Mountain. Sunny bunnies are the children of the bright sun, which warms and pleases everyone with its warmth. A spring sun so playful and mischievous!

1st lizard. It can even make all people sunny.

2nd lizard. Like this?

1st lizard. But listen to one such story.

A dramatization of the song “Red” (verses by E. Uspensky, music by I. Eliseev) is performed by children of the older group.

1st lizard.

All the boys and girls

They joke, they don't grieve.

2nd lizard.

And in a sunny meadow

They dance in pairs.

The dance "Quadrille" is performed by children of the preparatory group.

Mistress of Copper Mountain.

The fun has come to an end

Our concert ends.

1st lizard.

But a treat awaits the guests,

The holiday continues.

Mistress of Copper Mountain.

We ask you not to disperse,

Enjoy delicious tea.

1st lizard.

For aromatic tea -

A noble treat.

2nd lizard.

Tea quenches our thirst

Yes, it brings people together forever.

All guests and concert participants are invited to the tea table.

Spring sports festival for children of primary and secondary groups. Scenario

Shortly before the holiday, teachers take the children for a walk in the forest, in the meadow. Spring changes in nature are being monitored.


Adults: Leader, Spring, Chicken.

Children of the younger group: Titmouse, Sparrow, Swallow, Chickens, Rabbits.

Children middle group: Dog, Cat, Mouse.

IN kindergarten A fun spring sports festival is being held on the site. The children, enriched by impressions from excursions into the forest and field, sing songs, read poetry, dance in circles and perform funny exercises.


The snow is melting.

The meadow came to life.

The day is coming.

When does this happen?

Children: In the spring!

Leading: And now Spring itself has come to us.

Spring comes out in a colorful costume.

Spring: Did you know that there are three springs: spring of light, spring of water, spring of green grass? March is the first month of spring, the spring of light. There is still snow, but the sun warms up more gently, more strongly... “Drip-drip-drip!” - the drops ring in the morning. And at night the frost will hang icicles like a necklace on houses. The sky is becoming bluer every day, spring is coming and leading with it its feathered friends. Get ready to meet them.

Children of the younger group run out to the site in bird costumes - Sparrow, Titmouse, Swallow.

Children in the middle group sing a song about birds (chosen by the music director).

Spring: Let's play with the birds, kids!

1st child: Let's Play!

2nd child: We count!

3rd child:


The birds sang.

Soared -

We flew to the forest.

The birds have become

Build nests.

Who doesn't howl -

Drive him!

The game "Tag" is played.

Spring: April is the second month of spring, spring of water. People have long said: “April is Aquarius.”

1st child of the middle group:

The sun laughs tenderly,

Shines brighter, hotter,

And it pours loudly from the hillock

Talkative stream.

Spring: Snow melts everywhere in April. There are flowers all around: white anemone stars, pink wolf bast bushes. Name what spring flowers you know.

Children(vying with each other): Dream-grass! Lungwort! Snowdrop!..

Leading: And composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote beautiful music about the snowdrop. Listen! It’s called “Snowdrop”.

The play “Snowdrop” by P. Tchaikovsky is performed (recording).

Spring: May is the third month of spring, the month of green grass and fragrant flowers. It is green, sunny, but deceptive. For this, people call him: “May is a month!” Give the horse some hay, and climb onto the stove yourself!” In May there are frequent frosts, but they are not terrible, they do not last long. At the end of the month, a pink and white sea of ​​flowers of apple trees, pears, cherries, bird cherry trees will bubble up in the gardens... A fragrant sea!..

Leading: In May, cars hum in the fields from morning until late at night. What kind of cars are these? And who controls them? (Children's answers.)

Spring: If people work hard in the spring, there will be a good harvest in the fall. Children, do you want to play?

Children: We want, we want.

Spring: And I want to see first how strong, dexterous and fast you are. To do this, we will hold competitions with you.

Competitions, exercises and games are held at the teacher's choice from the extensive material offered.


Children of the younger group, together with Vesna, stand at one edge of the playground. At the direction of the Leader, everyone runs to the other side of the site, trying to catch up with Vesna. The leader must ensure that the children do not push each other. He affectionately attracts the children who come running to him. Then Vesna invites the children to run to the other side of the playground, and she catches up with them.

1. “Running in a column”

It is not so easy for small children to run in a column one at a time. They cannot yet control their movements so much that when running they do not bump into those running in front or nearby. Therefore, at first the column should be small, 5-6 children each. Spring runs ahead, the children follow, trying to maintain order. First they jog, and then, after a short rest, take long steps. (Gradually the column can be increased to 15-20 children.)

2. “Running in pairs”

Running in pairs holding hands is also quite difficult for kids. While running, the child must coordinate his movements with the movements of his friend, keep up with him and not get ahead of him too much, and not pull him along with him. If children run in a column in pairs, then they should not collide with those running in front.

Three or four pairs of children stand at the edge of the playground. At Vesny’s ​​signal they run to the opposite side. Depending on the availability of free space, couples run all at once or take turns. Then, forming a column in pairs, the children run around the playground or in the middle of it, along a long and wide path (the length of the path is at least 25-30 m).

3. "Horses"

Children are divided into pairs according to their wishes: one is the horse, the other is the coachman. The coachman harnesses the horse, takes the reins and rides in the middle of the area from one end to the other and back. Then, at the direction of the Leader, the children change roles and the game is repeated.

You may also be allowed to play on the path adjacent to the group playground. In this game (5-6 people each), children should also learn to coordinate their movements with the movements of others.

4. "Horsemen"

5-6 children stand at the edge of the playground. Spring gives everyone a stick 50-60 cm long. They sit astride the sticks and gallop to the opposite side of the platform, pretending to be horsemen. The leader makes sure that the children do not bump into each other.

You can also arrange horse riding competitions. A task is given: who can ride a horse faster to the opposite edge of the site, to the end of the track, or to any pre-selected place. 3-4 children run at the same time, and if space allows, more.

5. “Catch the ball”

Children stand on the edge of the playground. Vesna takes the ball from the basket and rolls it to the opposite side of the court. At the same time, she names the children one by one and offers to catch up with the ball. The child runs after the ball, catches up with it and brings it to the basket.

If space allows, you can roll several balls at once, sending 5-6 children after them at the same time. Then Vesna invites the children to roll the ball themselves and catch it.

6. “Catch up with the hoop”

If the children have not yet learned to roll the hoop smoothly, Vesna or the Leader can roll the hoop themselves, and then invite one of the children to catch up with it. The child must run quickly in order to be able to catch the hoop while it is rolling.

7. “Run and don’t get knocked down”

Several (4-5) pins are placed in a straight line, the distance between which is 1 m. Children run, going around the pins and trying not to touch them (cubes or low blocks of wood can be used instead of pins). For the little ones, you can place the pins in two rows, with a distance of 30-35 cm between them, and 20-25 cm between the pins in a row. Children walk and then run along the corridor back and forth without touching objects.

8. "Bring the item"

Children are on one side of the playground. Objects (rattles, flags, toys) are laid out on the opposite side. Spring invites someone to run to the toys, take one and bring it.

Having examined the brought toy with the child, he asks to take it back. Then he offers the same task to another child. Children can complete the task two or three at a time.

9. “Runs with a pinwheel”

Children love to run with a spinner: the faster you run, the more it spins. You can make a pinwheel like this: cut a square of thick paper (10x10 cm in size) from the corners diagonally, but not all the way to the middle. Then, bending the corners to the center, nail the pinwheel not very tightly with a small nail to the stick.

10. “Step wider”

Spring draws several lines or circles at a distance of 35-40 cm (the diameter of the circles is 40-50 cm). Children in the middle group run, stepping over lines or from circle to circle. The exercise helps develop easy running; it can be performed by children individually or in small groups.

11. “On a narrow path”

Spring draws two straight or zigzag lines on the ground (at a distance of 15-20 cm from one another) 4-5 m long. Children must run along a narrow path without stepping on the lines. At the same time, they learn to move over a limited area of ​​support while maintaining balance.

12. “Sparrows and the cat”

The Sparrow children hide in their “nests” (behind the line, in circles drawn on the ground) on one side of the playground. On the other side of the site, a cat is basking in the sun. As soon as the Cat falls asleep, the Sparrows fly out onto the road, fly from place to place, looking for crumbs and grains (the children crouch, tapping their fingers on their knees, as if they were pecking).

But then the Cat wakes up, meows and runs after the Sparrows, who fly away to their “nests”.

First, the role of the Cat is played by the teacher, and then by one of the children in the middle group.

13. “Don’t run into circles”

A large circle (2-3 m in diameter) is drawn on the ground. Children are located behind the circle line on one side, Spring becomes the center of the circle. Children run across the circle to the opposite side, trying to quickly run out of it. Spring catches those who did not have time to run out of the circle. If some children are afraid to run into the circle, Vesna can pretend that she is not looking in their direction, and, emboldened, they will also run through the circle.

14. "Shaggy Dog"

One child portrays a Dog, he lies down on the grass, puts his head on his outstretched arms. Several children of the younger group, together with Spring, quietly go to the Dog and at the same time recite the following poems:

Here lies a shaggy dog,

With your nose buried in your paws,

Quietly, quietly he lies.

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up

And let's see what happens.

The dog jumps up, starts barking and runs after the children, they run away and hide.

15. “Crested Hen”

The teacher portrays a Chicken, the children of the younger group - Chickens. A child from the middle group sits on a bench, away from the other children. This is a cat dozing in the sun. The mother hen goes out for a walk with the chicks. She says:

The crested hen came out,

There are yellow chickens with her.

The chicken clucks: “Ko-ko,

Don't go far."

Approaching the Cat, the Chicken says:

On a bench by the path

The cat has settled down and is dozing...

The cat opens its eyes

And the chickens catch up.

The cat opens its eyes, meows and runs after the Chicks, who run away with the Mother Hen.

16. “Sun and Rain”

Spring has a large colorful umbrella in her hands, and children gather around her. Spring says: “The sun is shining! Let's go for a walk." The children walk or run around the entire playground with her (you can invite them to “pick berries”). After a while, Spring says: “Rain, quickly hide under an umbrella.” Everyone runs to her, stands under an umbrella and waits for the rain to stop. Then she says: “The rain has stopped, the sun is shining again. You can go for a walk,” and the children scatter again.

17. “Cucumber, cucumber...”

Children of the younger group stand behind the line on one side of the site. On the opposite side lives Mouse (a child from the middle group). Everyone walks along the site towards Mouse and says:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end:

There's a mouse living there

He'll bite your tail off.

After these words, the Mouse begins to catch the running children.

"Jumps and Jumps"

1. “Jump Higher”

Spring holds a ribbon or paper strip in her hands. She calls several children from the middle group to her and invites them to jump up so as to touch the ribbon with their hand - first with their right and then with their left. She adjusts the height of the ribbon depending on the height and physical capabilities of the child.

2. “Touch the ball”

Vesna holds a small ball in a net in her hand and invites each of the children to jump up and touch the ball with both hands.

3. "Ring the bell"

Spring takes a small bell on a small cord and holds it in her hand or hangs it on a cord stretched between two trees or posts so that it is slightly higher than the child’s outstretched arms. Children can jump up to the bell from a standing position or with a slight run.

4. “Catch a Butterfly”

A cord is tied to the end of a small rod or stick, and a butterfly cut out of paper is tied to it. Spring holds the rod so that the butterfly does not fly too quickly over the head of a child in the younger group. The baby jumps up, trying to catch her.

5. “My cheerful, ringing ball”

Children gather on the playground around Vesna, who is holding a ball in her hands. She shows how easily and high the ball bounces when you hit it with your hand, and at the same time says:

My cheerful ringing ball.

Where did you start galloping to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you.

After this, the Leader invites the children to jump like balls, while he himself hits the ball on the ground and says: “Now I’ll catch up!” The children stop jumping and run away. He pretends to catch them.

You can offer another option. Vesna or the Leader, without using a ball, invite the children to jump like balls, while they themselves raise and lower their hands over the kids’ heads, as if they were hitting balls.

6. “From circle to circle”

On the site you need to draw small circles (30-35 cm in diameter) at a distance of 30-35 cm. The location of the circles can be different - along the same line, across the entire site. Children in the middle group must move to the opposite side of the playground, jumping from circle to circle. When performing the exercise, they jump, pushing off with both legs at the same time and trying not to go beyond the circles. At the same time, they learn to push off energetically and land softly.

7. "Rabbits"

On one side of the site there are 3 circles (up to 1 m in diameter) drawn - these are cages for Rabbits. Three or four children of the younger group stand in each circle, then they squat. A cat sits on a bench to the side. Between the Cat's house and the cages is a lawn where the Rabbits are allowed to walk. The leader approaches the cages and “releases” the Rabbits onto the meadow. Children jump out of circles, jump on both legs across the entire playground, squat, “pinch the grass,” and jump from place to place. At the Leader’s signal: “Rabbits, into the cages!” — everyone rushes to their circles. The cat is chasing the rabbits. After some time, the game repeats.

8. “Through the Stream”

You need to draw a “stream” on the ground - two lines at a distance of 20-25 cm. Children in the middle group are asked to jump over the stream, pushing off with both legs at once. At the same time, we can say that the stream is deep, so you must try to jump over it. Gradually, the distance between the lines - the width of the stream - can be increased to 35-40 cm.

After repeated repetitions of this exercise, you can draw several streams, one wider than the other. In this case, the children jump first over a narrow stream, then over a wider one, and finally over the widest one. If one of the children failed to jump over the first or second stream, he should try to jump over it again and only then approach the next one.

9. "Jump to the line"

Two lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of at least 40-50 cm from one another. Children in the middle group are asked to jump as far as possible in order to reach the other line. The better the children are at jumping, the farther the second line should be drawn from the first.

10. "Jump over the stick"

Several (3-4) sticks (small cubes, dies) are placed on the ground at a distance of 1 m from one another. Children are asked to jump over each stick (cube, block).

11. “On one leg along the path”

Children of the middle group stand at the edge of the playground. Spring invites them to jump to the opposite edge of the platform on their right foot (5-8 m). You can run back. Then they jump on their left foot.

12. "Jump Down"

Children in the middle group stand on a log 15-20 cm thick. At the teacher’s signal, they jump from the log to the ground.

13. "Chickens in the garden"

The Chicken Children are positioned behind a log. On the other side of the log, a large rectangle is drawn on the site - this is a vegetable garden. The cat walks around the garden, looks to see if there are Chickens anywhere, then goes to the opposite side and sits on a bench. As soon as he leaves the garden, the chickens sit on a log, and then jump off it into the garden and begin to run around, pecking at the planted vegetables. The cat, noticing the Chickens, drives them out of the garden, clapping his hands and saying: “Shoo, shoo!”

14. “The little white rabbit is sitting”

The Rabbit's house is marked on one side of the site. At the signal, the children go to the middle of the playground, forming a circle. The child named Spring becomes the center of the circle; he will play the role of the Rabbit. Children of the middle group, together with Vesna, pronounce the text and perform the corresponding movements.

The white rabbit is sitting

He wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He wiggles his ears.

Children, sitting down, raise their hands to their heads and move their hands.

It's cold for him to sit

We need to warm our paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

We need to warm our paws.

Children clap their hands.

It's cold for him to stand.

The rabbit must jump.

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The rabbit must jump.

Children jump on two legs.

Who scared the Rabbit?

The rabbit jumped... and ran away.

Spring claps its hands. The children run away with the Rabbit to their house.

15. "Hen and Chicks"

Children in the younger group pretend to be chickens, and the teacher portrays a chicken. Everyone is located in a place fenced with a rope stretched between the posts (at a height of 30-40 cm). The chicken goes in search of food, calls the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko.” At her call, the Chickens crawl under the rope, run towards it, walk, bend over, squat, and “look for food.” When the Chicken says: “The big bird is flying!”, all the Chickens quickly run away to their place. At this time, the chicken can lift the rope higher so that the children do not touch it.

Exercises and games with the ball

A child in the middle group stands at a line drawn on the ground and throws the ball forward. Where the ball falls, the Leader makes a mark and offers to throw the ball even further. If the ball is large, the child throws it with both hands from behind the head, and if it is small, with one hand, making a strong swing.

The task can be completed by several (3-4) children at the same time. In this case, the Leader can mark those who threw the ball further and use their example to motivate others. As the children master the skill of throwing a ball with their right hand, the Leader invites them to throw small balls with their left hand.

2. "Catch the ball"

The presenter or Spring becomes in the distance

1.5-2 m from a child of the middle group. They throw the ball to the child, who must catch it and throw it back. While performing this exercise, the Leader can say the words: “Catch, throw, don’t let you fall,” accompanying each word with a ball throw. The words are pronounced slowly so that the baby has time to catch the ball and throw it slowly.

3. “Toss and catch”

Spring invites the child to throw and catch the ball. First, she suggests throwing the ball up, waiting until it hits the ground, and only then catching it; then hit the ball on the ground and immediately catch it.

4. “Aim straight”

Vesna draws a line on the ground and places a basket at a distance of 1.5-2 m from it. The child is asked to go to the line and throw a small ball or a bag of sand (weight 150-200 g) into the basket. Spring can count how many times a child throws a ball into a basket.

If several children perform the task, then an element of competition can be introduced. The one who throws the ball (bag) into the basket the most times wins. Spring makes sure that children do not step over the line when throwing the ball. When repeating the game, you can increase the distance, and also give the task of throwing the ball into the basket not only with your right hand, but also with your left hand.

Hoop exercises

For exercises with a hoop, a free area with well-compacted soil or a flat path, the length of which is at least 15 m, is best suited.

1. Spring stands behind the line on one side of the site. At a distance of 3-4 m from her, behind another line stands a child of the middle group. Spring rolls the hoop towards him, offering to catch it and roll it back. If the child cannot roll the hoop such a distance, then it can be reduced. It is imperative to show how to roll the hoop correctly and comfortably: place it with the rim on the ground, hold it with your left hand on top, and with your palm right hand push vigorously so that the hoop rolls across the platform without bouncing.

2. Children of the middle group stand with hoops on a track 15-20 m long. At Spring’s signal, they take turns rolling the hoops, pushing them with their hands, to the end of the track. When children learn to run by rolling a hoop with their hand, they can perform a more difficult task: pushing the hoop with a stick while running, preventing it from falling. You can roll a hoop along a long path, supporting it with a hook.

3. "Taxi"

Children hold on to a large diameter hoop: one at the front of the rim, the other at the back. The first child is a taxi driver, the second is a passenger. They run around the playground or along the track. After a while they change roles.

4. According to Vesna’s instructions, children in the middle group should raise each hoop with both hands up, lower it to shoulder level, then lower it along the body, climb out of the hoop without letting go of it. The one who completes the task raises the hoop above his head.

Fun games

1. "Hide and Seek"

Spring invites several children to hide (behind a gazebo, behind bushes), and she closes her eyes so as not to see where they are going. After a while she asks, “Are you ready?” The children answer: “Done!” Spring comes to look for them. She looks into (different places, pretending that she will never find the children. At the same time, she can utter the following words: “Where are the children hiding? Where are our children?” Sometimes the kids cannot stand it and, happy that Spring cannot find, they run out of hiding. In this case, Spring affectionately attracts them to her and says: “Here they are, our children!”

After several repetitions of the game, you can invite one of the children to search. First, Spring helps, and then the child fulfills his role independently.

2. "Blind Man's Bluff"

Vesna invites the children to disperse around the playground, blindfolds herself with a scarf and says that now she will catch them blindfolded. She walks around the entire area or veranda, spreading her arms wide, pretending that she cannot catch the guys. This brings them a lot of joy. Vesna asks: “Where are our children?” and carefully moves around the site so as not to scare them, but to amuse them. After a while, she takes off the bandage, approaches the children and says: “Here they are, our children!”

After several repetitions, you can invite one of the children in the middle group to be a “blind man’s buff.” But in this case, you should limit the place where the game is played and the number of players.

3. “Blind Man’s Bluff with a Bell”(option)

One of the children is given a bell; the other two are “blind man’s buff”, they are blindfolded. The child runs away with the bell, and the “blind man’s buff” catches up with him. The one who catches the child with the bell changes roles with him. For this game you also need to limit the space, since in a large space it is difficult for kids to catch their comrades, especially when blindfolded.

4. “Soap Bubbles”

To play, you need to prepare straws of ripe rye or wheat according to the number of children, and also dilute soapy water in a small saucer or bowl. First you need to show how to make a soap bubble: dip one end of the straw into soapy water, then, taking it out of the water, carefully blow into the straw from its other end. All the guys get straws and try to blow a soap bubble. If this is successful, the children enthusiastically blow bubbles, watch their flight, and see whose bubble flew longer.

5. "Drum"

Spring invites the children to stand in a circle and gives someone a new beautiful drum with the words:

Gave it to Vova (Sasha, Olya...)

New drum.

How beautiful

New drum!

- Oh, what a drum! - they said.

This is the drum they gave you!

Vova (Sasha, Olya...) beats the drum loudly. The children, at the direction of Vesna, move back with her. After this, the child quietly hits the drum, and everyone comes closer to him.

The drum is then passed to another child. Actions to distinguish dynamics are repeated.

6. “The children went to kindergarten”

Spring chooses children to play the roles of the animals mentioned in the song (Geese, Horse and Cow). Spring sings alone at first, then includes children who are assigned one or another role. The rest dance as best they can while the song is being performed.

The children went out into the green garden

Dance, dance.

The geese became surprised

Cackle, cackle.

- Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha! - echo the Geese children. Everyone else is dancing.

The gray horse neighed in the stable:

“E-go-go, e-go-go!

Why do you need to spin?

For what, for what?

- E-go-go, e-go-go! - the child imitates the horse.

And the cow was surprised:

“Moo-moo-moo, mu-moo-moo!

Why are you so happy?

I don’t understand, I don’t understand?”

- Mu-mu-mu, mu-mu-mu! - echoes the child - the performer of the role.

Movements that imitate the behavior of geese, horses and cows can be suggested by the Leader or invented by the children themselves.

7. "Corydalis"

Vesna pre-assigns a child from the middle group to the role of Corydalis; children from the younger group portray Chickens. Spring gives one of them a whistle. All actions are performed according to the lyrics of the song. At the end of the game, Corydalis helps Chicken get off the tree stump, takes the whistle from him and gives it to another Chicken.

The game repeats itself. The song is sung by Spring itself:

Here the corydalis brought out the chickens into the garden...

These words can be repeated several times so that Corydalis and the Chicks can walk around the garden. A child with a whistle climbs onto a stump, onto a hummock.

A chicken climbed onto a stump,

And he whistles on his whistle

For an hour straight.

The mother keeps calling her son from afar:

- Where, where! Where-where!

Where-where! Where-where!

(These words are spoken by the Corydalis child.)

He whistles the same thing

That he can't get down

From this stump.

The chicken whistles on the whistle, the Corydalis with the Chicks heads towards him. The Chicken continues to whistle, everyone dances around, after which Corydalis helps the Chicken get off the stump.

The game repeats itself.

Leading: So our holiday ends. Now you know that spring is a fun and happy time of year. Every month of spring is famous for something of its own. The harvest is judged in spring.

Come on, spring!

Come on, spring!

Bring me a spike of rye.

Oat sheaf.

All participants perform a round dance with Spring. She gives the children gifts (small toys, sweets, balls, flags). Children say goodbye to Spring and go to groups for tea.