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Unusual congratulations on March 8 to women. Original, beautiful and funny congratulations to a woman on her anniversary

Holding an original and fun corporate party at work in honor of March 8 is as easy as shelling pears. To do this you just need to create good script with different numbers and scenes. For example, men can read out wishes in poetry or prose. Female colleagues will definitely like congratulations written in their own words. Representatives of the fair sex can express their admiration and gratitude by reciting the words of great people. In our article, we told you how to congratulate women on March 8 in a team in a creative and fun way. Using the proposed ideas, you can make the holiday in the office exciting and unforgettable.

How to congratulate women on March 8th at work in an original way - examples of funny scenes

Funny and cool scenes can become the basis of any scenario. With their help, men will be able to beautifully congratulate all their female colleagues on March 8 and express their warm feelings to them. Amazing performances will help please the fair sex. To learn more about how you can congratulate women in the office on March 8 in an original way, the examples of sketches we have selected will help you.

Original Oscars Scene

Men prepare congratulatory certificates in advance in the form of an Oscar and present them to all women in the team. These could be thanks for the most better job, the best performance of work tasks. But men can also simply highlight the positive qualities of each employee: the ability to listen and give useful tips, the ability to hold any conversation. Such a scene should be played out as at a real film festival. Therefore, to carry it out you need to select the appropriate musical accompaniment and install the scenery.

Examples of original sketches for congratulating women at work on March 8

You can conduct a beautiful congratulation of women, if there are more of them than men, with a common scene. This could be a play on episodes of famous films and TV series. You can also take as a basis a sketch from “Ural Dumplings” about the appearance of the holiday on March 8th. You can study examples of such productions in next videos:

How to congratulate women on March 8 at work - scenarios with example numbers

The original script for the holiday of March 8 can be composed with a variety of numbers. For example, include many sketches, congratulations in poetry and prose. You can also supplement your corporate event at work with karaoke performances or set aside time for dancing. Our following ideas and examples will help the reader learn more about how you can unusually congratulate women at work on March 8 and create a good script.

How to write a script to congratulate work colleagues on March 8?

To compile interesting scenario Initially you need to choose a suitable topic. It could be a play on a good chick flick. Colleagues can also hold a real masquerade in the style of a Western, mafia world. Particular attention should be paid to staging skits and performing poetry. For example, a holiday can be held according to the following scenario:

  1. Congratulations to female colleagues in verse.
  2. Skits, performances of men with songs.
  3. Holding a feast.
  4. Presentation of gifts, reading of congratulatory prose.
  5. Conducting dance or song battles.

Example script for March 8

You can create a scenario for celebrating the March 8 holiday at work using video examples of celebrations. For our readers we have selected interesting option corporate party for the office. It will help you easily choose suitable rooms for an original event.

Beautiful congratulations to women on March 8 in verse

Congratulations in verse will be appropriate at any corporate event in honor of March 8th. They can be read personally for each female colleague, or you can choose one nice wish for all employees of the team. You can choose original and funny congratulations in verse for women at work for a corporate party in honor of March 8 from our following examples.

A selection of beautiful poems with congratulations

For fans of beautiful and touching poems, we have selected original congratulations for the holiday of March 8. Such works will definitely appeal to all female colleagues working in the team. If desired, the poems can be supplemented with wishes in your own words.

The eighth of March is not in vain

We celebrate it in the spring.

After all, women are always beautiful,

Like the sun and a forest flower.

Let the roses give their scent,

Let there be a lot of warmth,

And there will only be tears of happiness,

And everyone's dreams will come true!

We wish you to bloom, to flourish,

Make your dreams come true

Always live like a king

And be loved, love!

May spring bring you

Fun, joy and income.

Health, tenderness, kindness,

To be happier than yesterday!

May this bright spring

The world will be bright and colorful,

So that every moment and every hour

Good luck awaits you all around!

Girls colleagues, I congratulate you,

And I wish you joy from the bottom of my heart.

May this merry holiday bring you happiness.

Let success go with you in life.

Love and always enjoy life,

Dance, sing and smile at everyone.

And let success come at work,

And in the house there is only joyful laughter.

After all, March brings us spring and warmth.

I wish you always be lucky in life.

May your whole family be healthy,

Let the children please, giving smiles.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart once again,

I wish you smiles and holidays.

And may March bring you good luck,

And let life bloom like a spring mimosa.

With the spring March coolness

And with the subtle scent of mimosa

I congratulate you, colleagues.

Let everything come true in earnest.

Let there be only happiness in life,

In the family - comfort, love, warmth.

And in the wallet - bills crunch,

So that there is enough for a coat.

For diamonds, for delights -

For everything you want to have.

And smile, blossom,

So that the soul wants to sing!

To the beautiful half of the team

With all my heart and with a bit of positivity,

Because they are better than Clara and Rose,

We should present mimosas now.

You definitely deserve pleasant speeches,

And most importantly, always be calm,

After all, we men adore you,

We care about you and we will protect you.

Colleagues, congratulations on the spring holiday!

A smile for everyone, and a cake with tea!

Original congratulations to women colleagues on March 8 in the words of great people

On March 8th, every woman will be pleased to hear both personal congratulations from colleagues and amazing sayings of great people. This can be poetry or prose telling about female beauty and wisdom. The examples we have selected will help you choose congratulations for women colleagues on March 8 with the words of great people. They include original sayings of poets, philosophers and writers.

Examples of congratulations in the words of great people

Using the congratulations we have selected from the words of great people, you can win the heart of any woman. We recommend reading them out during the break between numbers at the corporate party on March 8th. At the same time, beautiful texts can not only be recited, but also used to fill greeting cards.

“Women are created to be loved, not to be understood” (Oscar Wilde).

“In order to be beautiful, a woman only needs to have a black sweater, a black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves” (Yves Saint Laurent).

Women are smarter than men. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has Beautiful legs? (Faina Ranevskaya)

The robbers demand your purse or your life, the women demand both. (Samuel Butler)

“A woman hides an amazing, great secret, a great riddle of life, the source of all joys and all worries” (Arne Garborg).

How to congratulate female colleagues on March 8 if there are many of them in the office

In teams where many women work, the right decision for holding a corporate party would be to choose general congratulations. Men can also take care of unusual gift giving. Using the ideas and examples we have selected, you can find out how to congratulate women at work on March 8 in an original way, if there are many of them.

It is unusual to congratulate your female colleagues on March 8 not only with skits or song performances. To do this, you can include a prize draw or lottery in the holiday scenario. For a corporate event, you definitely need to select entertaining competitions and games. General competitions are perfect for an unforgettable March 8th in a team where many women work.

How to touchingly congratulate women on March 8 in your own words in prose

Write beautiful prose Congratulations in your own words are completely easy. But for this it is better to familiarize yourself with ready-made examples wishes. They will help you choose the most accurate and beautiful words for congratulations. At the same time, ready-made texts can be reworked, changed and supplemented with other wishes. Selected examples of prose written in your own words will help our readers to congratulate their female colleagues on March 8th.

Examples of touching prose for a congratulatory speech by colleagues on March 8

Among the prose examples we have selected, you can find many original texts with wishes. They are suitable for use as a basis for composing personal greetings to all female colleagues.

My dear, charming colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on March 8th. I wish you to always remain amazing and wonderful women. I wish to inspire men to do beautiful things and keep their homes warm and cozy. I wish you constant harmony in your soul, and true love in your hearts. Let the work go smoothly, let the activity bring pleasure, prosperity and peace.

Dear and wonderful colleagues, on March 8th from pure heart I wish you subtle feminine intuition, irresistible splendor and wonderful beauty of the inner world. May spring bring inspiration and happiness, may every day be filled with bright emotions, kind gifts and strong hugs from loved ones.

Colleagues! I congratulate you on Women's Day! Let carefree happiness, love and kindness languish in your hearts. Let everything work out well, both at work and in your personal life, and bring impressive success. I wish you positive days, romantic evenings and a great holiday with your loved ones.

Congratulations on the snowy spring holiday to our charming, wonderful, wonderful colleagues. Let the sun shine through your windows every day, let the flowers please you, the nightingales sing, and your dreams come true. Health and good luck, prosperity and happiness, smiles and endless love to you, dear women!

On March 8, I would like to congratulate my colleagues with all my heart on this charming holiday! They say spring is the awakening of everything, the renewal of soul and body. So let prosperity, happiness, prosperity and health walk with you by the hand. At work, I wish you a successful day and a great mood.

Conducting an exciting and have an interesting holiday On March 8, the office will delight all female colleagues. For the fair sex, you can create a script based on the theme of a modern film or choose a neutral direction. Skits and performances by men with poetry and congratulatory prose will be mandatory for any corporate event in the office. You can write beautiful and funny congratulations in your own words. Or you can read the words of great people to wish goodness and happiness to all women in the organization. Using the ideas and examples we have selected, you can find out how to congratulate women on March 8 in a truly beautiful and unusual way.

On a spring day when the drops
The ringing outside the window is getting louder and louder,
I want this to be a congratulation
Warmth filled your gaze.

Let the evil blizzards fly away
And all sorrows will be taken away.
May the skies be brighter
Snowdrops are blooming in my heart!

Let young March will warm you up
Let the house be filled with love.
I wish you happiness and fun!
Happy International Women's Day!

Happy International Women's Day!
Let your eyes glow with fire,
Let the sun shine through the window
And intoxicating like wine.
Let your waist be slim
Spring always reigns in my soul,
Let gentle words sound,
Let your head spin
From happiness, compliments,
From joyful moments!

Our dear ladies,
Happy Women's Spring Day!
Be bright and desirable
Let everyone give you flowers.

Be forever young
And beautiful like spring.
Be close loved
And completely happy.

Only bright sensations
Admirers, friends.
Be admired
And live more fun!

Congratulations on March 8th
And with all my heart I wish
Strong nerves for work,
Strong will for the family,
So that whatever you start,
Started out of love!
You dream and be beautiful.
Like Spring in every May!
And on wings like a bird,
Fly away from bad things!

On the tender holiday of all girls
We want to wish you
Happiness, joy, blooming,
Love and adore us.

After all, without you we will all wither away,
We'll get bored and disappear.
We are only happy with you,
Let's experience the joy of life.

Be cheerful, happy,
Carefree, good.
We appreciate you, we adore you,
Happy March 8th from the bottom of my heart.

There is a beautiful day of the year
He brings beauty with him.
Happy March 8, dears,
Dear ladies, dear ones!

We sincerely wish you
Live happily and carefree.
Many beautiful joys
Twinkles in playful eyes.

Love, bouquets and confessions,
Lots of sweet wishes.
Let all your dreams come closer
And flowers grow at your feet.

Freshness, sun and coolness,
Women's Day - what a joy!
Congratulations on the eighth of March,
And I wish you to be glad
Be happy, healthy,
Always ready for anything!
Seas of affection, positivity,
Time doesn't pass by.
Every day is like a fairy tale
Let life turn out great!

Congratulations to dear women today!
Light, joy, love, spring flowers.
So that all your dreams come true,
And you yourself should smile more often.

Congratulations on spring day,
Happy International Women's Day!
We love you, we appreciate you.
Let everything be nothing to you.

Let your face bloom with a smile,
And there will be only love in the heart.
Let there be a minimum of mistakes,
More happiness and flowers!

Happy International Women's Day,
Congratulations to you, dear ladies!
Let a ray of happiness shine in everything,
We wish you love, luck and warmth.

So that they always bloom from love,
And it was just a good mood.
You walked proudly through life with a smile,
And they aroused the admiration of all men!

March 8, How International Women's Day They began to celebrate relatively recently, only from the mid-nineteenth century. It was started by Clara Zetkin, who was one of the participants in the March manifestation of 1857 in New York. These demonstrations were carried out in defense of women, who at that time did not have equal conditions along with men. They had a much more difficult time and their work was less paid. Initially, by the way, March 8 was a day of struggle for women's rights around the world. But there is an assumption that Clara Zetkin chose this date for a completely different reason.
There is reason to believe that being a Jew by birth, she decided to coincide this holiday with one of the holidays of her people - Purim. This holiday goes back even deeper, there is a legend that says that Queen Esther seduced King Xerxes and forced him to make his unbreakable promise. After which the Jewish people defeated the Persians, thanks to the beauty and intelligence of their queen. This is where the celebration of Purim, the day of Jewish women, began. But March 8th is international holiday , therefore the year of his birth is considered to be 1911. But these days, all this is no longer of particular importance, the main thing is that on this wonderful day absolutely all men congratulate and idolize their wives, daughters, girlfriends and mothers.

Spring warms the earth with its first rays, and the gentle and affectionate holiday of International Women's Day is approaching. On the eve of it, many men are thinking about how to congratulate women on March 8th. Difficulties when choosing a gift almost always arise, even if you need to congratulate your beloved girlfriend or wife. And what can we say about female work colleagues, of whom there are many in a team, more than men. In some offices, entire scenarios are created for March 8, 2018. In some offices, congratulations are made using original collages with poems or words of great people, while others simply utter pleasant wishes in their own words in prose on behalf of the entire team. We have selected the most interesting ideas to organize a holiday at work.

How to congratulate female colleagues on March 8, 2018 in an original way

March 8 is a long-awaited day off, spring holiday, filled with the aroma of the first flowers, the warmth of the sun and women's smiles. On the eve of the holiday, most male office employees are thinking about how to congratulate their female colleagues on March 8, 2018 in an original way. Most get by with simple classic version presentation of flowers and souvenirs. However, there are groups in which it is customary to celebrate holidays in an unusual way, so March 8th is unusual every time. There are several of the most original congratulations for women from male colleagues.

Ideas for original congratulations on March 8 for the female part of the team

  • A trip out of town. Ladies will be especially pleased to visit a spa or beauty salon in a hotel in nature
  • Presenting tickets to a performance, for example, to a theater. It would be good if the performance suited the tastes of women.
  • Certificate. Any woman, regardless of age, will be pleased to pick up cosmetics or jewelry in a store.
  • Photo session right in the office. To do this, you need to invite a cosmetologist, makeup artist and photographer. I assure you that any employee will like such a gift. And if you accompany the event with the presentation of flowers, memorable souvenirs and a banquet, they will remember this March 8th for a very long time.
  • Song with guitar. The words are altered to suit the work theme, the poems are distributed among the singers, several lines per person. Such a congratulation is original and unexpected, it can be made funny.
  • "Dance of the White Swans" performed by men. You can have fun here, the main thing is to have the appropriate attitude.
  • Collage of photographs. Here they give free rein to their imagination, replace faces in paintings or insert photographs of employees into frames depicting goddesses or fairy-tale characters. You can make a caricature of the whole team and send it out.
  • On the evening of March 7, ask the system administrator to make a congratulatory screensaver on the desktops of the employees.
  • Bowling, karting, billiards. Women also love this kind of activity, but they don’t always manage to have so much fun.
  • Restaurant with live music. Here ladies can not only have fun, but also show off evening dresses. The main thing is to notify about the event in advance.

How to congratulate women on March 8 at work in 2018 - scenarios for the office

Working days in the office are monotonous, so on holidays you can have a blast, turning the gray business space into a bright and colorful world. You can decorate your office at work for March 8 with your imagination, and for the theme congratulatory script Any unexpected idea will do, from women traveling to Paris or to a desert island to time travel. Competitions and gifts should also fit the theme. For example, if you have chosen the theme of traveling to Paris, the office is decorated with photographs of landmarks, the ladies are greeted by mimes and jugglers, the men organize a corridor of flowers, and French songs are played. The gift could be a certificate to a perfume or good cosmetics store.

Ideas on how to congratulate women on March 8 at work and scenarios for the office can be read below.

Scenarios for March 8 for original congratulations to women at work

  • The office is decorated with balloons and rose petals. When it's time to celebrate, the employees are seated at the table. Then men appear in disguise, claiming gifts and congratulations. The presenter offers to check newcomers for belonging to the weaker sex. A team of volunteers is recruited from the female half and competitions are held. For example, you can suggest doing evening make-up disguised men. The second competition is to milk a cow. The gloves are filled with water, which must be squeezed into a container through a small hole. The third competition is to guess the cereal by touch. All competitions are accompanied by funny poems and jokes.
  • From the very morning, ladies are greeted by men with flowers and champagne. Then they are asked to draw tickets with numbers. From men's team A volunteer is selected to play the role of a doctor. By lot, the girls are called to a separate room. The doctor gives the ladies massages, hair removal, and makes-believe dental treatments. All this is accompanied by pre-recorded sounds that come from the doctor’s office and shock the rest of the employees.
  • Master class on making sweets. During the lesson, ladies can show off their culinary talents and enjoy the taste. You can continue the feast by organizing a cocktail party. The names for the cocktails are also come up with humor.
  • Disneyland in the office. The ladies are greeted by life-size figures of cartoon characters, and the treats include fast food.
  • Men dress up in magician costumes and organize a soap bubble show and invite clowns.

Congratulations for women at work on March 8 in verse

As you know, women love to hear beautiful words to your address. It is especially pleasant to accept compliments that highlight personal qualities. You can easily say successful congratulations for women at work in poetry or prose if you make them targeted. Take a closer look at the merits of your female colleagues: some of them are very beautiful, some have an excellent sense of humor, and some have prudence. Suitable congratulations on March 8 in 2018 in poetic form for female colleagues are given below.

Options for cool congratulations in verse for women in organizations for March 8

Joy to you, our dear ones,
Women beloved to the heart!
You should drown in bouquets today,
And in the most tender compliments!

You work tirelessly
Forgetting about fatigue, and suddenly -
On a single spring day
Your eyes will light up with fire!
And we write verses
And we give bouquets at the same time!
Because there is nothing more beautiful in life
Why are you our beloved women?

Thanks for your work,
Our dear women!
For your great concern,
Because nowhere are you more beautiful!
We congratulate you in the spring
We give you flowers and bouquets,
And we dedicate it to you from the bottom of our hearts
Our best verses!

At our production
There are very few women
And we will respect them all,
But don't judge strictly -
From a pure heart
We wish you happiness
And a radiant mood
Hugs, love and passion!

We would like to congratulate the fair sex
And wish them a lot of compliments!
It’s wonderful to celebrate March 8th,
In perfumes, flowers and sentiments!

Original congratulations for women on March 8 in the words of great people

If you want to be original on March 8, do it for women unusual congratulations in the words of great people. At all times, inspired feminine beauty poets and writers, architects and artists created their best works. Famous creators were true experts on the female heart and mind, translating their knowledge into works of art. Original congratulations for women on March 8 with the words of great people are perfect for a toast during a feast.

Words of great people about women on March 8 for original congratulations

A beautiful woman pleases the eyes, and kind hearted; one is a beautiful thing, and the other a treasure. -Napoleon I

If God had appointed a woman to be the mistress of a man, he would have created her from the head; if he had appointed her to be a slave, he would have created her from the foot; but since he intended her to be a friend and equal to a man, he created it from a rib. - Saint Augustine

The kingdom of a woman is the kingdom of tenderness, subtlety and tolerance. - J. Rousseau

Respecting women is a duty that every honest man must obey from birth. - Lope de Vega

In some cases, one woman is much more insightful than a hundred men. - G. Lessing

The true beauty of a woman lies in health, in the ability to be energetic. - Jane Fonda

There is nothing sadder than the life of women who only knew how to be beautiful. - B. Fontenelle

How to congratulate women at work on March 8, if there are many women

If you are in a situation where there are many more women in the team, and congratulations are not yet ready for March 8, do not despair. It can still be fixed. After all, women value not the cost of a gift, but the attention given, so a couple of original ideas and your artistic abilities will be enough to make the holiday memorable. You can get ideas from us on how to congratulate women at work on March 8, if there are a lot of women. On the eve of March 8, the office should be beautifully decorated with balloons, flowers, and rose petals.

Options for organizing the March 8 holiday at work for teams in which there are more women than men

  • Dressing up jokes. Suitable costumes for any heroes or fairy-tale characters. You can dress up as cleaners and go around wiping dust around the office, while presenting gifts.
  • Lesson on making sweet rolls. Bring rugs and organize a lesson in making sweets during the feast.
  • Pancake treat. Find a pancake maker, bring it to the office and prepare pancakes and coffee for the ladies during the working day.
  • On the morning of March 8, meet the ladies at the entrance dressed as a knight and pay compliments.
  • Before the start of the working day, place flowers and cakes with cards on the tables.

How fun it is to congratulate women on March 8th in your own words in prose

As is known, the most nice congratulations for a woman on March 8th - a cool toast said in her own words. This option remains a win-win if there are fewer women in the organization. If there are more than men, you can always emphasize the virtues of the fair sex and give photo frames, scarves, personalized cups, and others pleasant trifles. Read below for a fun way to congratulate women on March 8th in your own words in prose.

Ideas for funny congratulations for March 8th in prose

Dear colleagues, I would like to call you the weaker sex, but alas! You smash all the “blockages” at work with the strength and power of shot throwers, overcome “burning” deadlines with the speed of track and field athletes, and hit the bull’s eye with your decisions with the accuracy of biathletes. Keep it up, girls! I wish you new records and well-deserved medals. Happy March 8th!

Our dear young ladies, the entire male half of the team has been preparing for this day for a whole year. We practiced tight hugs, rehearsed heartfelt words, practiced gallantry and trained the nervous system so as not to be upset by your beauty. We wish you to continue to be a powerful incentive for us to improve ourselves. Happy March 8th!

Charming and attractive, talented and smart, hardworking like bees and bright like stars, our beautiful ladies-colleagues, on March 8th we wish that your energy will be in full swing and charge us with positivity, so that beauty will turn heads and inspire victories, so that flowers, compliments, bonuses and a shower of happy moments will fall on you!

Happy March 8th - the day of tenderness, rebirth and femininity, my dear colleagues! And let today you, our dear, charming, wonderful women, be turned by enormous attention, incredible respect and enchanting love, and not by the sparkling champagne that we open in your honor!

Dear beautiful colleagues, happy magical day of March, which turns us men into one hundred percent gentlemen! Thank you for this metamorphosis - we like to change. Let this holiday be as full as a month, so that you can have a wonderful rest from work, enjoying the increased and well-deserved attention of the entire male population.

With the arrival of spring, a large number of men begin to wonder how to congratulate women on March 8, 2018. It is not always possible to make an original wish, because very often the corporate culture does not support it. But you can always congratulate women with the words of great people or make a toast in prose. Of course, not all employees write a holiday script; in many companies they limit themselves only to congratulations in verse or in their own words and presenting flowers, especially if there are a lot of women at work.

A person always has a choice. Even in the most difficult and confusing situations, we have a choice and there are options from which we can choose. At the same time, you have to make a choice in almost every life situation. So now, you have two ways to further develop the situation. You either take original congratulations on March 8 and achieve your goal, or you limit yourself to banal, albeit true congratulatory words. It's up to you to decide, but we would recommend that you give preference to the first option. In the end, to get original words, you won't have to overwork yourself.

This time you will not be left without help. Our site will help you equip your greeting arsenal with the most original and most unusual ones you could ever hope for. This way, you can easily congratulate everyone and everyone you were going to. Moreover, each individual congratulation will be filled with the spirit of individualism, exclusivity and pure beauty.

Check out the options we offer and make right choice. Please the girls and women close to you!

March 8 – awakens spring
And the world around is transformed.
The holiday makes us happy and refreshes,
Frees you from winter fatigue!

He gives hope on warm days,
Light dresses, smiles, flowers!
And every woman seems to wake up
and clean the feathers - the work will begin!

Let's flip through fashion magazines and
We update the wardrobe a little,
Cream and lipstick, smile, blush,
Exercise, walking - a little is all you need!

And we’re unrecognizable, we’re getting younger before our eyes
And even, oh happiness, we’re not getting fat at all!
Let's return the mood, brighten up our faces,
If we want, we can do this too.

March 8 is a holiday for lovely ladies.
Let it be light and clear.
And we want to wish you
More beautiful days in life!

We wish you a full house of happiness,
Smiles, joy, fun.
To always be lucky in everything,
The inspiration never left!

So that your friends appreciate you.
Loved ones gave affection.
Never knew grief
And let life be a good fairy tale!

You are a woman, you are eternity, you are a moment!
You are a flash of stars in the sky on the chest,
You have no death and no birth,
Only the rise of the Milky Way.

You will walk the path, burning without a trace,
And you will silver my eyes with ashes,
Eternity has a cheerful habit:
Be flexible and green, like a vine.

And replace blooming with blooming,
And appear and melt in the clouds,
And love him like that, your moment,
That you will forever die in his hands!

Let me congratulate you on the eighth of March,
When spring opened a new path,
To bring revival to souls,
Take a break from the cold and blizzard!

And from the bottom of my heart I wish you attention,
More flowers, delicate aroma
Whom adoration will give you,
Love and happiness bright waterfall!

Don't bend under the eternal burden
Fate is not very kind.
Be happy, good one,
Be happy, beautiful!

Don't frown in alarm:
Life is a wonderful wonder.
Be happy, good one,
Be happy, beautiful!

Don’t believe that everything is gone,
Everything has been passed and known.
Be happy, good one,
Under the sun and stars!

How wonderful it is today
On this warm bright day
I can congratulate you
And the shadow of despondency will go away!

Let the snows of melancholy melt,
Your soul will blossom
And so that people in this life
You shone like a candle!

March Eighth Day is
A bright holiday for wives and mothers.
My dear, dear!
You are the answer to my dreams!

On a spring day when the drops
The ringing outside the window is getting louder and louder,
I want this to be a congratulation
Warmth filled your gaze.

Let the evil blizzards fly away
And all sorrows will be taken away.
May the skies be brighter
Snowdrops are blooming in my heart!

Let young March warm you,
Let the house be filled with love.
I wish you happiness and fun!
Happy International Women's Day!