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GCD for cognition in the first junior group “Shape, color, size. GCD on cognition in the first junior group “Shape, color, size Summary of a lesson on Cognitive development

Natalia Reshetnikova
Lesson on the implementation of the OO "Cognition" in 1 younger group"Pets"


Pin titles pets(cat, dog, their babies.

Form the idea that they live next to a person, people care about them, animals help people too.

Teach children to pronounce words clearly. Strengthen the ability to answer the teacher’s questions, understand and use concepts in speech "small", "big". Contribute to the formation positive emotions in motor activity, the ability to follow the rules in an outdoor game.

Develop auditory attention, consolidate and distinguish onomatopoeia by ear pets.

Cultivate attention and desire to take care of pets.


Toys: cat, kitten, dog, puppy



Window layout

Tape recorder, phonogram

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Children, they came to visit us today animals. They want to say hello to you. But first guess who came (riddle about a dog)

He caresses his own people,

Swears at strangers.

At my little house

Sits on a chain.

(Children guess the riddle, the teacher takes a toy dog ​​out of the basket).

Look how beautiful she is. Her fur is smooth, her ears hang, her eyes are smart, and her tail is small. How will a big dog greet us?

Educator: Where does the dog live?

Children: in a kennel, in an apartment

Educator: (on behalf of the dog) I live close to people. People about me care: fed, treated. They made a special kennel house for me. It's warm and cozy. This is why I tell people I help: I guard their house, I don’t let strangers in.

Children, our dog has a baby. Guess who This:

Who's rushing to us?

And squeals with joy,

And then lies at your feet

It's small (puppy)

That's right, puppy (the teacher takes the puppy out of the basket). The dog is big, and the puppy...

Children: small.

Educator: The puppy's name is Bobik. How will he greet us?

Educator: Let's sing a song to Bobik

Children sing along to a soundtrack:

Here is our Bobik, a nice dog.

White forehead, black nose.

Bobik, Bobik, give me your paw.

Sit on the mat and don't bark!

Well done, Bobik really liked the way you sing. He is cheerful and mischievous. He loves to play. Loves to chase birds and bark loudly. Now we will turn into birds and play with Bobik.

A game "Bobby and the Birds"

Birds, birds - children - "birds" running around the hall in all directions, waving

Sparrows, titmouses, hands - "wings". Teacher with Bobik in hands

Songs are sung, stands aside

Fly high

They're spinning in the air, they're spinning

They sit on the ground. squats and "drink water"

They drink water from a puddle.

And I’m Bobik, white forehead, the teacher and Bobik are walking around "birds"

I'll go for a walk in the yard

And I’ll catch up with all the birds.

I'll bark loudly

I'll scare away the birds.

Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! "Bobik" catches up "birds", they fly away to "nests"(on chairs)

Educator: Bobik really enjoyed playing with you. But, quietly, someone else is scratching (riddle about a cat)

Drives two little mice into a hole

And he will walk along the fence.

And then to my window

The mischievous one will jump...

Children: cat!

Educator: (takes out a cat toy from the basket) How will the cat greet us?


Kitty, cat, cute cat,

Velvet cat tummy.

Soft paws,

Scratchy claws.

Do you want cat milk?

What about sour cream and cottage cheese?


Unsalted lard?

Where does the cat live?

Who is looking after her?

How do people care for a cat?

What does a cat eat?

The cat also helps people. What is she doing? (catches mice)

That's right, if there are mice in the house, the cat will catch them all. Let's play and show how a cat catches mice.

A game "Kitty and the Mice"

There are children in the kitty's house - "mice" running around the hall in all directions. "Kisa"

The mice are having fun. "sleeping" aside.

They jump and play

They don’t know the bitterness.

Only kitty on the threshold, "Kisa" "wakes up" and catches up "mice".

Walk around the minks and be silent! "Mice" run away and hide behind chairs (in "minks")

Educator: children, our cat also has a cub. Listen to the riddle and guess who This:

This is who meets mom

With a sonorous song "Meow meow"?

This is a small...

Children: kitty

Educator: (takes kitten out of basket) The kitten is small, and the cat...

Children: large

The teacher talks with the children "meow" low and high voice, setting the pitch of the voice with a metallophone)

Musical and didactic game for the development of pitch hearing "Cat and Kitten":

The teacher places a model of the window on the window-window. appears on it

Mother cat sat down. cat

Sat down, sat down,

Sang a song: The teacher uses the metallophone to set the pitch of the voice.

Meow! Children sing in a low register

And the kitten heard, a kitten appears near the window

He quickly ran to his mother.

Meow! Children sing in a high register

Educator: Well done, you showed very well how a cat and a kitten sing. Children, who came to visit us today? Where do they live? Who cares about them? Do they care about people? How? That's right, guys. These animals live next to people, people take care of them. Who knows how such animals are called? Right, Pets.

Animals it's time to go back home: guard the house, catch mice. Let's say goodbye to them!

For the purpose of mutual visit directly educational activities in the 1st junior group "Kindergarten "Ryabinushka" - a structural unit of the "Krasnoyarsk Secondary School named after G. N. Koshkarova" - a branch of the MAOU "Uvatskaya Secondary School" of the Uvat municipal district open lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Education: “Cockerel and his family.”

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Olive head,

Silk beard,

Don't you let the kids sleep?

Subject:"The content of work with children of the first junior group preschool age By educational field"Cognition" (subject and social development children)

Program content:
Expand children's understanding of poultry: hen, rooster, chickens; continue to learn to distinguish between them.

Continue to introduce children to folklore works that tell about the cockerel, hen, and chickens. Form cognitive activity.

Enrich children's vocabulary with words: hen, cockerel, chickens, chicken, pecks, strengthen the ability to imitate the voices of birds.

Develop fine motor skills hands, finger coordination through exercises and hand massage with objects.

Cultivate a kind attitude towards “our smaller brothers”, encourage children’s initiative

The chickens came running

(Sand for fingers)

The chicken went out for a walk,

Pinch some fresh grass.

And behind her the boys -

Yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!

Don't go far.

Row your paws,

Look for the grains!

Let's feed them, sprinkle some grains

(Children pour grain)

Ryabushechka Hen, where did she go?

To the river.

Ryabushechka Hen, why did you go?

For some water.

Ryabushka Hen, why do you need some water?

Water the chickens.

Ryabushechka Hen, how do the chicks ask for a drink?


Let's help the chicken get to its mother. Let's build a bridge for him. Massage with a hexagonal pencil (children roll out the pencil between their palms with their hands - roll out logs). We built a bridge out of pencils. Helped the chicken get to its mother.

The cockerel heard the chickens squeaking loudly and went to look for the chicken.

It’s dark in the forest, you can’t see the cockerel and hen. Let's make a sun for the cockerel.

Children pin clothespins to the mug to create a sun. The cockerel saw the hen and shouted: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” .The hen heard the cockerel and went home. She brought a whole bucket of water and gave the chickens something to drink.

The chicken also had a basket of eggs, but while she was crossing the river, she dropped all the eggs into the river.

The chicken cries: “Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, help me get the egg.” Children use spoons to take out eggs (Kinder Surprise) from a container of water.

And at the end of the lesson, the cockerel flew in and brought a basket of gifts from the chicken.

From the editors of the online publication “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region”
All authors of reports in the “Preschool News” section, which are published under an editorial agreement with a preschool educational institution, can order a “Certificate of Publication in the Media” at any time. Sample:

Dear Colleagues! Tell us about interesting events in your kindergartens. How to become an author

Your material will participate in the regional competition “Kindergarten: Day by Day” for the best coverage of the activities of a preschool educational organization in the Internet space in 2017/2018 academic year. Awards on Teacher and Worker Day preschool education at the regional holiday Pedagogical Forum in the Department of Education and Science.

Program content:

Strengthen the ability to say hello and goodbye, thank you for food;

Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name the size of an object;

Develop the ability to imitate the words of a poem;

Arouse creativity and imagination;

Strengthen the ability to recognize and name vegetables.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher invites the children to the group.

Educator: Guys, look, we have guests today, let’s greet them, say “Hello”

Children greet guests. The teacher's phone rings.

Educator: Hello, yes, hello Bunny! Are you inviting us to your place? Of course we'll come. Good Bye! See you later!

Guys, just now Bunny called me and invited us to visit him. Do you want to go visit Bunny?

Children: Yes!


Let's play, have fun and sing a song!

Mishka comes out from behind the tree.

Educator: Guys, who is this?

Children: Bear.

Bear: Hello guys!

Children: Hello

Bear: What are you doing in the forest?

Educator: Hello, Mishka! Bunny called us and invited us to visit him.

bear: The bunny lives in that house over there. But I won’t let you see him until you play with me.

Educator: And we will be happy to play with you. Yes guys?

Children: Yes!

Game with movements “Teddy Bear”

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest.

He collects the cones and puts them in his pocket.

Suddenly a cone fell right on the bear’s forehead!

The bear got angry and stomped his foot.

We will stomp like a bear, stomp, stomp, stomp.

We clap like a bear clap-clap-clap.

Educator: How did you like playing with us, little bear?

Bear: Oh, what a great game we had, well done guys! It's time for me to go to winter quarters. Goodbye!

Children: Goodbye!

Educator: My friends and I are walking along the path having fun!

And we came to visit the bunny at home.

The children and the teacher approach the Bunny's house. Bunny jumps out.

Bunny: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Bunny: Come on guys, sit on the bench. I'm so glad you came.

Educator: We heard you have a good harvest this year. Will you show me your vegetables?

Bunny: Yes, here they are.

The teacher pulls out large and small cabbage.

Educator: Guys, what is this?

Children: Cabbage

Educator: And this?

Children: Cabbage

Educator: What kind of cabbage is this? (large)

Educator: What kind of cabbage is this? (small)

Individual and choral responses of children.

Educator: Bunny, let us help you salt the cabbage for the winter, and then you can play with us.

Game with movements “Salt the cabbage”.

We chop and chop cabbage (straight brushes up and down)

We three, three cabbage (three right fists on the left palm)

We salt the cabbage, salt it (pretend to pinch)

We press cabbage, we press (clench both hands into a fist).

And we put it in a bucket.

Educator: Here, bunny, we helped you salt the cabbage.

Guys, let's play with the Bunny. Bunny, repeat after us.

Games with movements "Bees"

A small house on a Christmas tree is a house for bees, but where are the bees?

You have to knock on the house once, twice, three, four, five.

I knock, I knock on the tree, where, where are these bees

Suddenly they began to fly out once, twice, three, four, five times.

Bunny: Oh, how interesting, let's play with our fingers again, please!

Educator: We can sing for you about fish, right guys?

Children: Yes "Fish"

Five little fish played in the river

A large log lay on the sand

And the fish said it's easy to dive here

The second one said, it’s not deep here

And the third one said, I want to sleep

the fourth began to freeze a little

And the fifth one shouted a crocodile here

Swim away from here so you don't swallow it.

Bunny: Thanks guys. We played well, I prepared a treat for you. Here it is (gives it to the guys).

Educator: Guys, let's say Thank you to Bunny!

Children: Thank you!

Bunny: Goodbye children! Thank you for coming to see me.

Children: Goodbye!

Educator: And it's time for us to return.

My friends and I are walking along the path having fun!

We played enough and frolicked with the Bunny!

Educator: Children, today we went to visit the Bunny, on the way we met the Bear and played a game with him, helped the Bunny pickle the cabbage, and showed the Bunny our games. Well done to all of you! Let's say goodbye to our guests.

teacher of the GBDOU of the city of Moscow

child development center – kindergarten №1888.

You can read and discuss more interesting information on the forum

Abstract of OOD in the educational field “Cognition”

in the first junior group


Compiled by:


Osipova N.G.



Program content:

Educational objectives:

    Build skillrecognize and name vegetables.

    Develop skilldistinguish them by color and taste.

    Reinforce the importance of vegetables for human health.

Developmental tasks:

1) Develop cognitive interest, sensory sensations.

Educational tasks:

1) Foster a desire to empathize and help the character.

2) Cultivate a positive attitude towards healthy image life.

Preliminary work:

Getting to know vegetables, looking at pictures, sensory examination. Didactic games“Find the same vegetable”, “Test the taste”, etc.Readingckazki "Turnip".

Equipment and materials:

Hedgehog toy

Basket with vegetables: tomato, cucumber, onion, cabbage.

Table with tablecloth.

Fresh vegetables on a plate with skewers.

Methods and techniques:

visual: showing and examining vegetables;

verbal: teacher’s story, dialogue,questions, explanations from the teacher;

gaming: surprise moment: the arrival of the Hedgehog,game "Garden round dance"game with movements “Salt the cabbage”, game "Define on taste».

practical: examination and tasting of vegetables.


Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

There is a knock on the door and the Hedgehog comes with a basket of vegetables.

Hello guys!

Hello Hedgehog! What a beautiful basket you have! What's in it?

Something very beautiful and smells delicious. Bunny gave it to me, but I don’t know what it is. Maybe you can help me? Do you know what this is?

Of course, Hedgehog. Our guys know what it is. What is this, guys?

These are vegetables.

Yes, Hedgehog, these are vegetables, they are very tasty and healthy. What are they for? You need to eat them, they contain a lot of vitamins. Let's see what vegetables Bunny gave.

What is this? This is a cucumber.It's oval and greenthere are small pimples on it, touch the cucumber. Hedgehog, let the kids touch the little pimples on the cucumber.Cucumber – helps our tummies work, improves appetite.

And what's that? This is cabbage. What is she like?It is round and green, it has many leaves. Here's one, here's another. Cabbage strengthens our teeth. Let's make a salad out of cabbage.

We chop and chop the cabbage (straight brushes up and down)

We three, three cabbages (three right fists on the left palm)

We salt the cabbage, salt it (pretend to be a pinch)

We press and press the cabbage (we clench both hands into a fist).

And put it in a plate.

What kind of vegetable is this, guys?This is a tomato. What color is he? Red. It is also round and looks like a ball.Tomato is good for our body, we need it to make our cheeks rosy.

And this is an onion.The onion is yellow and round.When we peel onions, what happens to our eyes? They cry, our tears flow. But he is very usefulHelps our body fight disease.

We learned a lot about vegetables today, and we’re probably a little tired. The guys and I know the game about you Hedgehog and about your friend the bunny.

Physical education minute:

The hedgehog stomped along the pathHe carried the tomato on his back.The hedgehog stomped slowlyQuiet leaves rustling.And the Bunny is jumping towards youLong-eared jumperHe was jumping in the garden

And I picked up the cabbage.

Well done guys! Sit down.

Guys, you know how to taste vegetables.

Of course we can, Hedgehog!

Game "Define the taste."

Marina close your eyes and open your mouth (puts a piece of vegetable in your mouth). What vegetable did you eat? That's right, it's a tomato. What will Mark eat? Close your eyes.

Did you guess right? Well done and our guys know the taste of vegetables well.

Oh, really, what great guys they are!

- Hedgehog, Bunny did a lot for you good gift. Now you know what it is and what to do with it. Eat for your health and gain vitamins for the winter.

I really enjoyed your stay, but it's time to go home. Goodbye, guys! Thanks for the help.

Goodbye Hedgehog!

Guys, who came to visit us?

What did he bring with him?

What are vegetables for?

Vegetables help us grow well and be healthy.

Novokreshchenova Tatyana Alekseevna

MBDOU No. 3 "Korablik" Belovo, Kemerovo region

Lesson notes on Cognitive development

"What are pets?» - 1st junior group

Target: - Enrich children’s understanding of pets, how to care for them, teach them to recognize animals in pictures and among toys, and distinguish the sounds they make.

Activate vocabulary (pets). Develop interest in living nature, emotional responsiveness.

Material: Toy bear. Pictures of a horse, cow, dog, cat, pig, sheep. Animal figurines. Models of a village house and forest.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Today we have a guest. You will find out who it is if you guess the riddle.

Who's wearing a fur coat?

Sleeping in the cold winter?

It's big, but here's the problem -

He always puts his paw in his mouth. (Bear)

That's right, it's a bear. And here he is! (exhibits a model of a forest and a teddy bear)

Teddy bear:-Hello children! I'm not an adult bear, I'm a bear cub. Do you know where I came to you from, where I live? (in the forest) That's right. A magpie lives in my forest. She told me that there are animals that live next to humans. He takes care of them, builds houses for them. Do you know what kind of animals these are and why people care so much about them?

Educator: Shall we answer the little bear's questions? (Yes)

The teacher asks riddles and, as they guess, displays pictures of pets.


- Who is in the heat and in the cold

Carrying kids around

And at his house

Neighs quietly;

"E-go-go"? (horse)

Who's walking on the lawn

Without a panama hat and without a T-shirt,

Driving away harmful flies,

And he moans protractedly; "MU-mu-mu" (cow)

Who always knows perfectly well

What do I cook for breakfast?

And he runs up to the tub,

Grunting loudly; "Oink-oink"? (pig)

Who greets us at the door

I slept in the booth all day,

And it starts out of happiness

Bark loudly: “Woof-woof-woof”? (dog)

Who expects sour cream for breakfast?

And doesn't want to drink cocoa

Likes to run on the sofa

And meow “Meow-meow”? (cat)

Well done, you solved all the riddles! Where do these animals live?

Children:- They do not live in the forest, but next to humans. They live with their grandmother in the village. Some of them live in the house.

Educator:-That’s right, all these animals live near a person’s house or in a person’s house, and that’s why they are called “pets.”

Children, together with the teacher, in chorus and individually, name and repeat the phrase “pets.”

The game “Settle the Animal” is being played..

Children place figurines of domestic animals near a model of a village house.

Educator: Little bear, now do you understand what pets are?

Teddy bear: Yes it is clear.

Warm-up is in progress. Children imitate the sounds that pets make and their movements (jumping like a horse: lapping up milk like a cat). At the end of the warm-up, they sit down in their seats.

Teddy bear: How do people take care of their pets? (children's answers)

Educator: That’s right, a person feeds, waters, cares for these animals, builds homes for them: a cow barn, a pig barn, a horse stable, a dog kennel.

Domestic animals cannot build a hole for themselves or find a den; they are not adapted to life in the forest.

A person takes care of domestic animals, and they also help him.

Held game "Who helps a person how" The teacher shows animal figures and how each of them helps a person.

Educator:- Little bear, so we told you everything we knew about animals that people take care of. Let's say again what they are called.

Children pronounce the phrase “pets” in unison.

Teddy bear: - Thank you, children. Now I know what pets are and why people care about them. I’ll go into the forest and tell my forest neighbors about this. Goodbye!

Children: Goodbye, little bear!

The teacher removes the toy.

Educator: Today you did a very good job: you helped the little bear learn a lot of new things. Well done!