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The development of memory and intelligence in children. How to help your child develop intelligence

Do you want your child to be smarter than everyone else in school? Do you prophesy a “bright” future for him and expect the first successes? Then you need to think about the development of his intellect, because without it all dreams will remain just dreams. Today we will talk about the formation of intellectual abilities and share ways to develop them - join us!

What is intelligence?

The definition has many interpretations, and the very concept of "intelligence" is quite vague and broad. Intelligence is a generalization of a person's abilities, which are revealed in learning, understanding, the ability to understand situations and solve problems that have arisen. Intelligence is manifested in the ability to analyze sensations and compare facts, imagine and predict results, perceive and reproduce information, think and even dream. In other words, intelligence is the ability and ability of a person to control their own behavior, achieve goals and be a person.

The essential qualities of the human intellect are the inquisitiveness and depth of the mind, its flexibility and mobility, as well as the logical and evidence-based thinking, curiosity, criticality and breadth.

The development of intelligence is one of the key factors in the formation of personality, the key to successful growing up for a child and a guarantee of productive activity for an adult. The development of the intellect continues throughout human life, but its most active phases occur during childhood and adolescence.

Types of intelligence.

There are several of them and they affect a variety of areas of activity:

  • Verbal intelligence: the ability to write, read, speak and communicate.
  • Logical intelligence: the ability to count, solve mathematical problems, analyze, reason and think logically.
  • Spatial intelligence: the ability to visualize, engage in fine arts, manipulate the imagination.
  • Physical intelligence: agility, coordination, fine and gross motor skills, flexibility and endurance.
  • Musical intelligence: "musical" hearing, sense of rhythm, the presence of a "musical" voice.
  • Social intelligence: the ability to perceive and analyze the actions of other people, adapt to social situations and circumstances, build relationships and create a family.
  • Emotional intelligence: connection with the feelings and impressions of a person, analysis of one's own feelings and conclusions.
  • Spiritual intelligence: self-development, self-knowledge and motivation, setting goals and thinking about yourself.
  • Creative intelligence: talent, creativity, creativity and the creation of a new one.

For the correct formation of all types of intelligence, it is necessary to pay attention to versatile activities, including both physical and mental activity.

What influences the intellectual development of children?

Intelligence begins to form in a child even in utero, but the main "stages" of development of intellectual abilities fall on the preschool and school years of life. There are several factors that affect the ability of the child:

Genetics and heredity - someone "by nature" quickly thinks, someone loves mathematics literally from birth, and someone starts to sing before he speaks;

  • The regularity of classes that develop communication and cognitive skills.
  • Lifestyle of the child and his parents;
  • Social status of the family, access to education and income level;
  • Temperament and character: for example, it is harder for a restless child to learn material;
  • Relations with parents and emotional atmosphere in the family.

Some of this list does not have a significant impact on what the child will eventually become, and some is a key factor in the process of formation and development of personality. However, the main "tool" is in the hands of the parents.

Ways to develop intelligence.

We recommend that parents start learning from the first 6-8 months of a child's life. For two or three years, fairy tales, educational games, music, drawing and modeling broaden the horizons of the child, and movement and physical activity contribute to continuous knowledge of the world. Then logical puzzles and easy tasks come into play - they form analytical thinking, teach you to reason and draw conclusions. Do not neglect the ability to communicate, the development of curiosity and the improvement of speech - these skills are especially important in school.
We advise parents of preschoolers to talk more with their children, involve them in the learning process and develop emotional intelligence. Future first-graders should be able to accept themselves, respect others, make up their own characteristics and indicate the strengths and weaknesses of the character.

Games and exercises for the development of intelligence in preschoolers.

  • Mosaic or stick pattern: Invite your child to lay out a number, pattern, or pattern from a mosaic or stick pattern.
  • "Labyrinth": invite the child to find a way out of the maze and choose the right path, for example, like this:
  • “Name the object”: prepare pictures that will show objects with masked parts (for example, a teapot without a spout or a bag without a handle), and invite the child to guess what is shown in the picture.
  • “Cross out”: prepare a table with different images (for example, trees of different species), and invite the child to cross out objects of the same type (for example, all birch trees) or count the number of representatives of each species. Here is an example of such a table with sweets:

  • "Scout": prepare a story picture of medium complexity with a lot of details. Invite the child to study it carefully, and then remove the drawing and ask questions about its content.
  • "Rhythm": tap a light melody on a hard surface, and invite the child to play it.
  • "Edible-inedible": pick up the ball and throw it to the child, while naming an edible or inedible object. The child must determine which category he belongs to: if the object is inedible, the child hits the ball, if it is edible, he catches it.
  • "Ear-nose": the child listens to the command "Ear" and touches the ear. "Nose" - touches the nose. Do the task with him, and then deliberately make mistakes: the child must be attentive and make decisions on his own, without looking at you and not repeating mistakes.
  • “Make a sentence”: the exercise consists in drawing up a series of definitions for a noun. Make a simple sentence and ask the child to repeat it, while adding his own definition. For example: “It was a cheerful girl…”; “It was a cheerful girl in a blue dress…”; “It was a cheerful girl in a blue dress and red shoes…”. Exercise trains memory and attentiveness.
  • “What has changed?”: Lay out some toys on the table. Invite the child to carefully consider them and memorize them. Then ask him to turn away and either add one toy, or remove another, or swap places. Ask the child to answer what has changed.

We looked at several games and exercises that contribute to the development of intelligence in preschoolers. Now let's talk about the tasks for those children who are already in school.

Exercises for the development of intelligence in primary school students.

  • "Applique": prepare a few figures and details cut out of paper, and invite the child to assemble some kind of figure or unusual picture from them.
  • "Associations": invite the child to make one coherent sentence from three different words. Words can be completely different - the less they are connected, the more interesting the game. For example: rain, TV, girl; car, pedestrian crossing, music; phone, dad, school director.
  • “Come up with a new fairy tale”: invite the child to change the end of familiar fairy tales and compose their own version. For example, "Kolobok did not sit on the fox's tongue, but rolled on and met ...".
  • "Find all the items": show the child some pictures with an outline image of objects superimposed on each other. He must correctly identify all items. See what it looks like:

  • Spot the Difference: Match two object pictures that are similar to each other. They should have a few small differences. Have your child look at the pictures and find them. Here is an example

  • "Invisible": invite the child to find another in one word by rearranging the letters, for example:
    1. Find invisible animals by swapping the letters in the words: Strength, salt, jar, peony. (Correct answers: fox, elk, wild boar, pony).
    2. Find an invisible tree in the word:
    Pump. (The correct answer is pine).
    3. Find invisible clothing in the word:
    Bast shoes. (The correct answer is a coat).
  • "Confusion": come up with a sentence and replace one word in it so that it does not fit at all. Invite the child to find the "lost" word. For example: “Vitya basked in the sun, lying on the pavement (in fact, on the sand)”; "It was hot outside, so Tanya put on a coat (actually a dress)."
  • "Pairs of words": pick up 8-10 pairs of words that are related in meaning. The child needs to read these pairs of words and memorize them. Then you read the first word from each bundle, and the child names the second from memory.
    For example: tree - forest; cat - kitten; music - piano; car is petrol.

Today we have analyzed several types of exercises and games for children of different ages. These tasks will help in the development of all kinds of intellectual abilities. If you want even more, come to Umnasia and train your intellect with us! We have more than three thousand author's tasks that stimulate the development of five basic skills: attention, memory, logic, erudition and learning. Don't leave your intellect for tomorrow and practice at Umnaziah!

By intelligence, as a rule, is understood what is usually called "mind". A smart person, an intellectual, has developed analytical thinking, easily masters new activities, demonstrates a good memory and developed imagination, knows how to control his attention and find effective solutions to difficulties of a very different nature. In order for your child to be successful, easily make new acquaintances, confidently set priorities and persevere in achieving his goal, pay attention to the development of his intellectual abilities already in early childhood.

Simple but effective ways to develop the intelligence of a preschooler

Method 1: Create together

  • sculpt;
  • draw;
  • take up origami;
  • weave ornaments from beads;
  • create simple and complex applications;
  • sing a duet or organize a family ensemble;
  • make original figures from balloons.

You can choose any variant of joint leisure that is pleasant for you, but at the same time ensure the development of the child's creative intelligence. Through creativity, the baby receives a powerful charge for the development of imagination, imaginative thinking, and the emotional sphere.

It is important that creativity be joint in fact, and not formally. Find opportunities to enjoy the process. It is not necessary to do classes daily, but 2-3 hours a week for such a deep dive into joint creation can be allocated even with a busy schedule.

Method 2: Read aloud

Reading aloud, when an adult reads, and the child, sitting comfortably nearby, listens carefully, makes a huge contribution to the intellectual development of the child:

  • foster empathy;
  • vocabulary enrichment;
  • increasing the level of general erudition;
  • encouraging healthy curiosity;
  • stimulation of the thought process.

If your child has already entered the senior preschool age (that is, he is already 5 years old), you can select works for reading that are interesting for an adult reader as well. Do not limit yourself to exclusively simple and exciting stories for the child. Expand the child's horizons, discuss what they read with him, fantasize on the topics "What would happen if the hero acted differently" and "Why the hero found himself in such a situation."

You will be surprised how quickly your little one will demonstrate an analytical mind and the ability to think critically with this approach. Your child will become a worthy conversationalist if you allow his intellect to open up.

Method 3: Board Games

  • puzzles;
  • dominoes;
  • tags;
  • Rubik's Cube;
  • constructor;
  • labyrinths;
  • chess;
  • checkers.

The list of board games aimed at developing intellectual abilities and logical thinking goes on and on. Modern parents have plenty to choose from! Children's stores are full of colorful packaging and eye-catching names.

Ideally, if you choose educational board games, focusing on the individual and age characteristics of the child.

Method 4: Monitor your child's emotional well-being

In order for your efforts to give exactly the results you expect, pay attention to how the child feels. What emotions dominate in him, forming a general emotional mood:

  • calmness, comfort;
  • Confidence in your strength;
  • interest in classes;
  • feeling loved and desired.

In older preschool age, it is especially important for a child to receive samples of healthy social relationships. He must see in his own family what mutual respect and support means. Feel free to say sweet words, praise for successes and cheer when something does not work out the first time. Avoid judgmental, negative language. Do not allow a child at the age of 5-6 to doubt his intellectual abilities.

Every child is a potential genius. Unleashing this potential is the task of attentive, loving adults. However, it is not necessary to set the goal of raising a genius in order to understand how important it is to develop the intellect in a child before school. Developed intelligence is the basis for the success of the baby in any of his endeavors.

Develop your child's intelligence by enjoying the process and being proud of the results. May your parenthood be filled with happiness!

Are you interested in the full and effective development of your child? Do you constantly think about what activities will be interesting and useful for him? Pay attention to the most progressive method of intellectual development of children - mental arithmetic. It is based on the technique of oral counting using abacus abacus. But this is not just learning fast calculations, classes also include exciting educational games, dance, music and sports exercises. Such lessons, which comprehensively develop a child according to a unique method, are held at the Smartum Academy of Mental Arithmetic, whose centers are located in 11 countries of the world.

What is intelligence?

Intelligence is sanity, the ability to independently resolve situations, the ability to learn new things based on one's own experience, to adapt, to correctly determine the main contexts and relationships (including social ones), through which everyday problems are solved. Intelligence is a mental development, a thinking ability characteristic of humans and animals.

How does intelligence affect life?

The debate around intelligence quotient (IQ) is often very heated. Everyone wants to have an IQ of 120 (by the way, the maximum among the recorded results is 250-300). But for most people of adult (and even elderly) age, it is about 100. People who have a lower level of intelligence are considered stupid. The public often misunderstands IQ. Did you know that one unnamed but world-famous director with a reputation as a genius in his field achieved an average result on an IQ test? The explanation is simple. In his work, the director uses completely different skills that the test does not take into account. For example, creativity and communication.

Albert Einstein, the greatest genius of mankind, had a mediocre knowledge of the French language. Therefore, a high IQ does not guarantee success or happiness in life. In fact, people with any IQ can be equally successful, so the level of intelligence affects the quality of life less than we tend to think.

Types of intelligence in children

  • language - the ability to use language to convince other people, the ability to use speech to memorize, explain information, the ability to control one's activities, think about oneself;
  • musical - the ability to perceive melodies, rhythms, tones;
  • logical-mathematical - the area of ​​logic and scientific - research - thinking (from objects to statements, from activity to relationships, from abstraction to concrete images);
  • spatial - the ability to transform and change initial perceptions, to form new ideas from one's own visual experience (creativity);
  • bodily-motor - the ability of mobility, the ability to move smoothly with minimal interruption after processing incoming stimuli (sports, dancing, acting, manual skills);

Stages of development of intelligence

The development of intelligence in children goes through several stages.

The first stage is the development of a child of three years of age and younger:

  • It is necessary to know that at this young age the child is completely dependent and subject to his senses. This affects how he perceives the world and understands it from an early age.
  • For this reason, a baby at this age is regularly recommended to give various objects of various textures into his hands. This develops his sense of touch and helps him learn that everything in the world is different to the touch.
  • It will be good training to distinguish all sorts of tastes and aromas, which will favorably affect the mind of the baby.
  • Fairy tales are of great importance for children of three years of age, it is through them that the baby is able to develop all types of his intellect, as well as improve his psyche

The second stage is the development of a child from three to four years of age:

  • Every parent needs to know that at this age the child is already partially aware of himself as a full-fledged personality.
  • The child has a desire to do independent actions and make decisions on his own, so you should not interfere with this at all, and vice versa, you need to try not to limit him in any way
  • It should be encouraged in every way that the initiative of the baby, which occasionally arises, so that it becomes frequent.
  • Entrust your child with “important” and responsible tasks: feed the cat, carry the bag, put napkins on the steel, etc.
  • Treating your child with all seriousness and responsibility will allow him to acquire important life skills.
  • Instill in your child a love of creativity
  • Show how much you respect the baby and how you understand his problems
  • Do not put pressure on the child, do not force him to do his unwanted work, agree in words, without raising your hand to him and not letting him know that you have superiority
  • Try to communicate with the baby "on an equal footing", this will allow him not to be afraid to communicate with other people and become a sociable person
  • Instill in your child a love of nature, watch birds and animals together, grow flowers, fruits and vegetables

The third stage is the development of the intellect of a six-year-old child (first grader)

  • At the age of five or six, the child is already beginning to actively prepare for school, which means that parents should already acquaint him with what letters and numbers are.
  • However, it is important to understand that forcing a child to read or even write is not worth it.
  • It is much more important at this age to teach a child to communicate with people and not be afraid of them, as well as to be independent in their actions.
  • The development of communication skills at this age will allow the child to quickly make friends, take part in creative tasks and competitions with pleasure, create something with their own hands and perform deliberate adult actions.
  • You should not punish your child for doing something wrong or not wanting to do something at all, he should be encouraged and praised in every way, even for the smallest and most insignificant achievements.
  • This age very often imprints memories for life, so it is important for every parent to leave only pleasant impressions and emotions in the child's head and soul.

How to develop intelligence in a child?

It is necessary to remember about the peculiarities of the development of the intellect of children. Smartum specialists talked about how to productively deal with the issues of additional education for children, and gave recommendations on the development of the child's mental abilities. What nuances need to be taken into account and how to choose the right activity for children, taking into account its capabilities and prospects for the future?

To help you choose the best activity for your child, ask yourself a few questions:

  • What is your goal by sending your child to an additional education school or a circle? Versatile intellectual development, sports achievements or development of creativity? Do your interests match those of your child?
  • What results do you expect from the classes and after how long?
  • How ready is the child for heavy physical or psychological stress?

It is extremely difficult to predict in which area a child will be able to express himself best and succeed. Parents enroll their children in several classes and expect great results from each. But for starters, it is better to give the child the opportunity to prepare - to develop the skill of concentration, perseverance, and improve memory. Mental arithmetic will help with this.

The teachers of the mental academy "Smartum" work with children aged 5 to 16, and they see a potential genius in each of them. Why is mental arithmetic the best way to develop a child's IQ? There are several reasons for this:

  • Classes in mental arithmetic are aimed at the uniform development of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. A high level of development of both hemispheres, for example, like Einstein, is considered a sign of genius and the key to success. Interesting various lessons in mental arithmetic can captivate any child, thereby strengthening his interest in knowledge and creativity.
  • The results of mental arithmetic classes are photographic memory, increased concentration of attention and the ability to calculate mentally.
  • After 2-3 months of regular attendance, children show an increase in school performance. The child completes the lessons faster, has time to attend additional circles and courses that are interesting to him.

The Academy of Mental Arithmetic "Smartum" hopes that the recommendations on the development of the child's mental abilities were useful to you.

Smartum specialists are sure that every student has great potential and are ready to help him become self-confident and successful in the future. Sign up for your first free lesson!

Games and exercises to increase intelligence

Parents should know how to develop intelligence in a child. special games and exercises can help with this. The classic list is:

  • games for development (puzzles, logic, board games, etc.);
  • mathematical sciences (they teach the organization of thinking, develop the habit of order);
  • reading fiction (books are the basis for reflection);
  • training courses (the benefits of classes with a qualified teacher are undeniable);
  • learning foreign languages ​​(develops memory and activates thinking)
  • cognitive process (encyclopedias, reference books, educational programs, educational sites).

The main goal of all methods is to create conditions for the child to discover something new every day. This contributes to the expansion of horizons and the development of erudition. At this age, the child will also need the professional help of a teacher who can correctly assess the intellectual potential of the student and guide him.

Of paramount importance should be given to the intellectual development of preschool children, since with its help the skill of successful learning is formed. In the preschool period, knowledge is accumulated by children at an amazing pace, their speech is formed, cognitive processes are improved.

The role of the development of intellectual abilities in the life of a child

Preschoolers with a more developed intellect memorize and master new material faster, feel confident in their abilities, and practice also shows that they want to learn more. Children learn to think, perceive, speak, learn various options for manipulating objects, learn to control themselves in accordance with systems of rules. All this requires the work of memory, the role of which in the development of the child cannot be overestimated. The work of memory is associated with the assimilation of knowledge about oneself and the world around, the accumulation of habits, skills and abilities. But school education is especially demanding on the work of memory, which is why the intellectual development of preschoolers is so important.
Modern psychology is based on the idea that children's intellectual potential is determined genetically, so that the majority of the population can only develop their intelligence to an average level. Of course, the possibilities of human development are not unlimited. But, as practice shows, even if you use the available capabilities of average intelligence a little more efficiently, the result will be impressive.
With the help of intellectual games, the child's memory develops, it is easier for him to switch from one activity to another, he learns to listen to others, to perceive and understand a different point of view. To successfully cope with the school curriculum, the child must not only know a lot, it is equally important for him to learn to think conclusively and consistently, to guess, to be capable of logical thinking and mental stress.
The intellectual development of children in kindergartens should include:

  • development of speech and oral communication;
  • development of logical thinking (ratio, classification);
  • development of imagination and spatial thinking;
  • improvement of hand motility and sensory coordination (hatching, graphic symbols);
  • formation of the ability to observe, speculate, describe;
  • mastering the rules of conduct relating to the relationship to the civilized environment and the natural world;
  • fostering self-respect and respect for other members of society, maintaining ethnic ways of communication.

Games for the development of intelligence

The memory of the child is associated with his interest and is a complex of processes through which he can remember, perceive, reproduce and store information. If any of these levels fail, learning can be difficult. Below are games aimed at developing children's memory, teaching a child to memorize and logical tricks.
Attention is influenced by the inclinations, interests, hobbies of a person, and it itself determines such a quality as observation, that is, the ability to notice significant, but subtle signs in phenomena and objects. Attention is an important condition that allows a child to successfully master a large amount of skills and knowledge and establish contacts with adults. The development of memory and attention are closely intertwined, and games help to develop them.


This educational game is aimed at improving motor memory. There are two options for it:

  1. An adult acting as a puppeteer blindfolds the child and silently leads him along a simple route, like a puppet, holding him by the shoulders. The child takes 5-6 steps forward, stops, turns left, stops again, takes a couple of steps back, turns right, etc. After that, the “doll” is untied and asked to find the starting point of the route by going through it in reverse order, remembering each step.
  2. In the second option, another child can take on the role of the puppeteer.

"Fold the Pattern"

It is necessary to add a pattern or path from the figures, starting with 3-4 elements, and when the child gets used to the game, their number can be increased. Give the child the opportunity to look at the pattern for a while, after which he should turn away. At this time, you need to change the position of one figure (and then 2-3), and then ask the baby to restore the original location of the track elements. You can complicate the task by completely removing the track, which the child will have to restore from memory himself. An even more difficult option is to restore the pattern to the touch with your eyes closed.

Didactic games for preschoolers

Didactic games are called games that take place in the form of training sessions. They have a rating system...


The game develops attention and memory. In the first option, the child sees a card with an image for a couple of seconds, and then he must describe it in as much detail as possible. In the second option, a picture with a plot is shown for 30 seconds, and after that, almost the same picture is presented, but with some changes. The child must find all the differences in the pictures.

"Under the table! To the table! Knock!"

This game trains the child's auditory attention. The kid in the game will have to follow the commands of an adult, and he will try to confuse him. At first, the adult, pronouncing the command, simultaneously executes it himself, and the child repeats after him. For example, simultaneously with the command “Under the table!” the adult puts his hands under the table, and the child should do the same. Then the adult commands "Knock!" and knocks on the table with his palms, the child echoes after him. And further in the same spirit. When the baby gets used to repeating commands enough, the adult suddenly begins to confuse him, pronouncing one command, but performing another action. The child should follow the verbal commands, and not repeat the movements of an adult.


This game is best played with two people.. Players stand or sit one opposite the other. The first makes certain movements (raises his hands, waves them to the sides, pinches his ear, etc.). The other player must be a "mirror" of the first. As the game progresses, the movements can become more and more complicated, but it should be fleeting - no more than 1-2 minutes. If the second player lasts this time, then he receives one point and the participants in the game change roles.


The game will be more intense, more difficult and more interesting, the more pictures it has. Players will need two, preferably peers, but in the absence of a second child, an adult can also play his role, who will play along with the baby. On the table you need to lay out 10-20 pictures of different objects in two rows. Children should carefully consider all the pictures, ask the names of objects unfamiliar to them. It is necessary to explain to them that in the game they must point their index finger at the picture that the adult will name. The one who first puts his index finger on the picture, he will become its owner. After that, the players should be seated facing each other, and they should put the index fingers of their right hands on the edge of the table and keep them there until they find the right picture with their eyes.
To stimulate mental activity, it is necessary that the search for a picture is carried out with the eyes, and a pointing gesture is required only at the end of the solution of the problem. The rule that forces you to keep your finger on the edge of the table saves the child from moving his hands. Then the adult asks the children to indicate where the flower is (a teapot, an airplane, a fox, etc.) and keeps track of who first points to the desired card with their finger.

Search for items by given criteria

The purpose of this game is to develop the ability to quickly search for analogies between objects that are dissimilar to each other, evaluate objects by the fact of the absence or presence of certain signs in them, and learn to quickly switch attention from one object to another. The teacher names 2-3 items and invites the children to name as many other items as possible that have common given characteristics with them. For example, name such objects that do opposite actions (the door closes and opens, the switch turns on the light and turns it off).

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Imagination Games

With the help of such games, children gradually understand the principle of conditionality and the replacement of objects with other objects, they develop their imagination. In these games, a variety of objects can be animated by children. They are quite fleeting and allow you to use any items you want, and you can organize them at almost any time.


It is advisable to play this game with the baby. Both players draw any squiggles on their pieces of paper, after which they exchange sheets. The one who finishes the squiggle to a meaningful drawing will win.

"Non-Existent Animal"

Almost everyone knows that there is a needlefish and a hammerfish, so why not a thimblefish? It is necessary to give the child to fantasize about what a scissor fish would look like, a pan fish would be great, and where a magnet fish could be used.

"Reviving Items"

You can invite the child to imagine himself as a lost hat, a wet mitten, frozen in the cold, a new fur coat, a shirt neatly folded or thrown on the floor, etc.

"Draw a picture"

You need to draw some object, but not completely, and invite the baby to come up with a name for it. If the baby does not immediately succeed in identifying the object, then he can be helped by leading questions or appropriate riddles. When the child recognizes the object and forms its image in memory, he can finish the picture and color it. At the same time, unfinished pictures can have a variety of designs: in the form of a diagram of an object, a bitmap, a partial image. The image can be any object, certainly familiar to the child. You can also combine images of objects into semantic groups, for example, groups of flowers, vegetables, clothes, then this exercise will come in handy when studying a particular group.

"Imitation of Action"

You can, for example, simulate the preparation of soup. Have your child show you how to wash and dry your hands before starting cooking. After that, he will pour water into the pan, turn on the stove and put the pan on it. Then he should show how he will cut vegetables and other ingredients, send them to the pan, stir with a spoon, salt and pour the cooked soup with a ladle. Let the child show how he carefully carries a cup of hot water, picks up a hot frying pan, passes a baked potato around.

Games for the development of thinking

The highest form of human activity is thinking, which is a socially determined mental process closely related to speech. With the help of the games below, children can learn to generalize, compare, reason, make simple conclusions, which in general is independent thinking.

"It happens - it doesn't happen"

You need to name an event and at the same time throw the ball to the child. If this situation is realistic, then the kid should catch the ball, and if it is a fantasy, then he should hit the ball. Examples of situations: the cat went to work, dad wants to eat, the plane is sailing on the sea, a salted pear, a walking house.

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"Guess the description"

Having given a description of some object (toy, animal, fruit), the adult invites the child to guess what was discussed. For example, about a tomato, you can say that it is round, red, juicy, fragrant. If the baby finds it difficult to answer, then in front of him you can lay out images of different vegetables, from which he can choose the right one.

"What happens if…"

The adult asks questions, and the child answers them. “What happens if I jump into a puddle?”, “What happens if you throw a stick (ball, stone, napkin, etc.) into a bathtub full of water.” After that, you can switch roles.

Ambiguous responses

You need to come up with phrases in advance, the continuation of which may be ambiguous. Hearing options for children's sequels, an adult may be very surprised, because it does not always come to his mind. Variants of questions: “our dog’s hair is very ...”, “people have hands in order to ...”, “on the street at night it is very ...”, “grandmother is sick because ...”.

Exercises to help develop intelligence in children

Any intellectual games should be carried out against the backdrop of a good mood in children, who should receive positive emotions from new knowledge.

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A few simple tips will help improve the functioning of the child's brain and achieve greater academic success.

“There is no doubt that a balanced diet is important for the health of children and adults,” says Edward F. Group III, M.D. and chiropractor, practicing naturopath. - It's simple: for full-fledged work, the body needs all kinds of useful substances, the brain is no exception, e he also needs "fuel", and he gets it from food.

Numerous scientific studies show that a proper diet and healthy eating habits are "very important to use the full potential of the brain during adolescence, promote mental development and maintain good health."

Food plays a significant role in ensuring an adequate supply of blood to the brain. Most actively involved in its work are vitamins A, E, C, D and group B, as well as some minerals - magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium. Vitamin B12 ensures the activity of healthy cells (neurons) of the brain, and other B vitamins - niacin, riboflavin, thiamine and B6 - are important for the production of neurotransmitters, that is, they ensure the coordinated work of cells.

An essential role in the development of the brain and the functioning of its normal processes is played by docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is located in our "gray cells". Scientifically proven: DHA improves the ability to absorb new information. Scientists have found that multivitamin and mineral supplements "are able to significantly improve the brain function of healthy children." However, scientists are not focusing on the positive effects of fortifiers, but on how an unbalanced diet affects the brain. This technique is not accidental - the nutrition of modern man is rather poor. Most of the people are missing vitamin B12, and the level of copper in the body is too low, which "can negatively affect mental activity." Vitamin D, which is also important for the normal functioning of the brain, does not come from food in sufficient quantities. Deficiencies in this vitamin are "common in both adults and children" and have been linked to cognitive impairment, dementia, muscle weakness, depression and Alzheimer's disease.

Other Nutrients Needed by the Brain - magnesium, iodine, Omega 3, vitamin E, folic acid, proteins and iron. And while scientists focus on the critical role of nutrients in the work of the "gray cells" of the brain, the content of vitamins and minerals in food is rapidly decreasing.

Many people are deficient in vitamin B12 and their copper levels are too low, which "can seriously affect brain function."

2 Prepare breakfast according to the rules

Before sending the child to school, parents usually give their student breakfast. And rightly so: observations show that "a missed morning meal impairs thinking and learning ability." In countries where breakfast is provided in schools, students not only improve memory, attention, creativity, mathematical and verbal abilities - the morning meal also has a positive effect on academic achievement and cognitive function. Breakfast is especially important for children aged 4 to 10: as shown by tomography, glucose (the main fuel of the brain) at this age is processed twice as fast as in adolescents.

However, the refusal of the morning meal is a common habit of 40% of adolescents in developed countries. But even for those who do not skip breakfast, the menu leaves much to be desired. For example, American teenagers prefer cold dry cereal and fruit juice in the morning. Carbohydrates, which are found in fruits and grain products (bread, cereals), are quickly converted into glucose, which nourishes the brain. What's more, carbohydrates help release the neurotransmitter serotonin, which can help you calm down ahead of an important test. But most dry cereal has no value- they are thoroughly processed, contain genetically modified flour and corn, as well as a lot of sugar. One serving of cereal per day for a year adds 4.5 kg of sugar to a child's diet. And it's not just cereal. For the sake of profit, manufacturers give up quality and nutrients in many products. The same composition of fruit juices also cannot be called useful. Apple juice, created for the consumer market, contains about the same amount of sugar as a can of sweet soda: a cola contains 10 tablespoons. tablespoons of sugar, and in juice - 8. In general, juices daily replenish the diet of American teenagers up to 22 tables. tablespoons of sugar (British teenagers - up to 18.5), and children aged 4 to 10 years, up to 15 table. spoons of sugar.

Such a diet causes a sharp rise in blood sugar levels and causes the pancreas to release a lot of insulin. It quickly utilizes the simple carbohydrates absorbed from the eaten bar or drunk glass of soda, and since there is no further intake of sugar, it lowers the blood glucose level below the acceptable limit. The result is weakness, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, anxiety and fatigue 20-30 minutes after the child has eaten a sweet. In addition, persistently high sugar levels reduce the brain's ability to feel full, which can lead to overeating and obesity.

A lot of sugar is not the only enemy for IQ. Also under suspicion are grains, from which cereals, crackers and muffins are made. Neurologist David Perlmutter, MD, bestselling author of Grain Brain, who won the Linus Pauling Prize for his work in nutrition science, has found that even if a person eats seemingly valuable grain products (even organic ones) all his life, inflammatory processes can appear in the body. , which can cause attention deficit disorder, Alzheimer's disease, depression and other health problems.

What is better to eat in the morning?

The best breakfast consists of... eggs. He prepares various dishes from them: vegetarian omelet, Italian frittata topped with salted salmon, etc. For a long time, eggs were considered unhealthy (as are all cholesterol-raising foods), but they are actually a great source of protein. In addition, eggs contain amino acids necessary for the body, vitamins A, D, B12, iron, choline, unsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol- not for nothing that 25% of the human brain consists of it.

To avoid monotony, the neurologist advises not to forget about snacks made from raw nuts, coconut flakes, fresh berries (preferably strawberries and blueberries) and milk.

7 Foods That Stimulate Your Baby's Brain

American nutrition scientist Gil Castle recommends foods that enhance cognitive performance.

Avocado. Rich in beneficial Omega 3 fatty acids that increase blood flow to the brain. Its pulp can be spread on bread or, cut into two parts, lightly sprinkled with Himalayan salt.

Blueberry. This berry is an excellent source of flavonoids, therefore it improves memory, attention, logical thinking. Mix a handful of blueberries with natural Greek yogurt, pour the mixture into a bottle and give your child to school. And if you pour blueberries with milk, you can get a great dessert!

Dark chocolate. Flavonols, which contain cocoa beans, increase blood flow to the brain, therefore, activate mental activity and improve mood.

Eggs. One yolk contains approximately 200 mg of choline, and it is very important for children under 8 years old. Eggs also contain iron, folate (folic acid), and vitamin A.

Oily fish. Omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids found in seafood (salmon, mackerel, sardines) increase the ability to solve problems and concentrate on a complex task, as well as improve memory.

Nuts. They are an excellent source of monounsaturated fatty acids, they are also rich in vitamin E, which protects the brain from degenerative diseases.

Olives. The monounsaturated fatty acids that olives contain provide oxygen to the brain. Moreover, the oil from these fruits is an excellent source of valuable antioxidants.

3 Make sure your child is getting good sleep

“Many factors affect the efficiency of the brain, including physical activity, good sleep and a balanced diet says Jill Castle, Ph.D., a certified and licensed nutritionist in Connecticut. Enough sleep is so important to academic success that in 2014, the US Academy of Pediatrics issued guidelines for elementary and middle grades (6th through 12th) strongly advising school leaders to start classes no earlier than 8:30 a.m.

“There is evidence that adolescents who sleep well have a lower risk of obesity and depression than their peers who suffer from insomnia. What's more, they score better on screening tests and generally live more active lives,” explains Judith Ovens, MD, Fellow of the US Academy of Pediatrics and author of the above statement.

Make sure that your student does not spend all his time studying - in the schedule of children's life there should be time for outdoor games.

4 Do not forget about physical activity

Make sure that your student does not spend all the time on the lessons - in the schedule of children's life there should be time for walks, games, extracurricular hobbies. At the same time, the child should not rest at the tablet, checking the pages on social networks and liking the posts they like, but in the active mode in the fresh air. From children who did not have time for walks, workaholics or lazy people do not get out of the offices, who grow up to the sofa, but never go out into the street. This way of life shortens it and fills it with diseases.

, improves the intellectual development of the child and helps him quickly adapt to new circumstances. It's just that you need to choose your classes wisely. For example, children who find it difficult to read are better suited for tasks that develop coordination and a sense of time.

Very important spontaneous games especially for elementary school students. They help to cope with difficulties faster, promote self-regulation, improve verbal skills and understanding of cause and effect. Therefore, in Japanese schools, after every 50 minutes of a lesson, there is a 10-minute break (in our country, breaks are also required). In 2013, the US Academy of Pediatrics stated, "Safe and controlled change improves cognitive, social, emotional, and physical abilities, is a necessary component in a child's development, and reduces the stress that the learning process creates." And in the warm season, it is better to spend breaks on the street.