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The newborn is frightened by sharp sounds. What to do if a child is afraid of sounds

What should parents do?

  • we read the child is afraid of the vacuum cleaner - what to do?), let him hold the ringing phone, look out the window at the honking car;

Watch a video on the topic:

READ ALSO: Why is a child afraid to walk?

» Baby 4 months

Girls, SOS Around the age of 2 months, my daughter began to be afraid loud sounds, but not all, namely coughs, sneezes and blenders. The first time it was the blender that scared me, I screamed SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD, AND THEN I started screaming at night if someone coughed, and then during the day too, the neurologist diagnoses increased excitability, prescribed glycine, but she She doesn’t have all the sounds. Even in my sling he is afraid if I try to make minced meat in a blender. Has anyone had this? Will this pass or will it last forever?

It’s gone for us, though we weren’t afraid of coughing, but the neighbor’s drill still makes us shrink into a little ball, and we’re already 4.5. In general, the sound of a blender is not much different from the sound of a drill, it doesn’t please my ears either, so I think crying is normal reaction in children. Another thing is that I had to close the door to the room and the door to the kitchen, and leave my daughter alone for 5 minutes, which was obviously stressful for me)))

And my son is afraid of drills and blenders, etc. (he’s not afraid of coughing). And it started when he was still in his stomach. I don’t attach much importance, it seems quite logical to me

My daughter, when she was 3 months old, began to flinch and/or cry from loud noises. It all started with my husband coughing, then there was a sneeze. And right down to the carelessly placed cup. My mother began to sound the alarm, like it shouldn’t be this way. You pampered her by the fact that she is always in silence. Accustom her to noise. Even then I somehow intuitively felt that this was all nonsense, that everything was okay with the child. And so it turned out. We were seen by a wonderful neurologist with 35 years of experience. This granny said that it is at this age (2-3 months) that children begin to react to the environment, that is, they flinch from sudden sounds and movements. And before that, remember, girls, children lie like toy baby dolls - you put them down, they lie, rock them, they sleep. And they practically don’t react to anything. She also said that if there is no increased excitability, hyperactivity, tearfulness, etc., then this is the limit of the norm and will pass in a couple of months. It’s already passed for us. So don’t worry, it’s all natural.

My child is also afraid of everything. There was an interesting case: a pediatrician came to our house, we were a little sick, I went to the kitchen to get a spoon to look at my throat, and the doctor’s phone started playing in his pocket while he was listening to the child. what happened here, op. scream. crying with tears
The doctor was so calm, like a boa constrictor, he said that it’s normal that your child is not deaf

And it started when he was still in his stomach

That's it, I also had a turmoil in my stomach when I was squeezing the juice.

» Added later

it's normal that your child is not deaf

Mine is the same too. Doesn't like musical toys with sharp sounds (toy mobile phones, etc.). Sneeze only recently stopped being afraid, after I started playing sneeze game with him, he even says petit-petit himself now.

I am also very shy. Afraid of sneezes, loud screams, especially loud rattles. I think this is temporary and will go away on its own.

Girls, this happened to us when we were 4-5 months old. We went to a neurologist, he prescribed an ultrasound, it turned out that intracranial pressure was increased.

It's right that you went to the doctor. It is unnatural when a child reacts so strongly, he is either in pain, or is simply very bothered by sounds without pain. But they themselves, as such, should not be so frightening.

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What to do if your child is afraid of loud noises

A child in the first month of life sleeps quite soundly both at night and during the day: his sleep is not disturbed by loud sounds, speech, or background noise. However, from the second month of the baby’s life the situation can change dramatically. Some kids begin to be afraid of the phone ringing, flinch from the buzzing of the coffee grinder, or cry when they hear the singing of a wind-up toy. Parents, realizing that their child is afraid of loud sounds, cannot find out the reason for this and do not know what to do.

When and why does a baby's fear arise?

Fear of loud sounds manifests itself in almost all children at an early stage of their development (development from birth to one year). A mother may notice that a two- to three-month-old baby is frightened by laughter, the hum of a working vacuum cleaner, loud conversation and other sharp sounds. The child may flinch at annoying noises or cry and become hysterical.

Why is a child still afraid (or just starting to be afraid) of loud noise and sounds? Almost all infants' fears are inherent in nature itself. The exception is the fear of a specific event the baby has experienced, for example, the fear of water after an unsuccessful bath. The reason for the fear of loud sounds is not due to improper upbringing of the child or due to parental oversight. This is a reaction of the baby’s naturally developing nervous system. Similar fears of a child include the fear of being left without a mother, fear of strangers.

Fear of noise and sharp sounds is most often observed in children for a short time. This fear can persist for up to a year or two years. If a child continues to be afraid after this age, perhaps his nervous system has problems that require consultation with a specialist. How strongly and for how long a baby experiences a feeling of fear when making noise depends on the behavior of his parents.

What should parents do?

Mom and dad often cannot understand what to do if the baby is afraid. Some parents are capable of yelling at their child or even spanking him. However, with a baby under one year old, such behavior is not acceptable; it can only worsen the situation and turn it into a real problem for the child in the future.

To calm the baby and gradually rid him of the fear of loud sounds, parents should:

  • Talk to your child more often calmly and affectionately, using constant intonation and strength of voice. It’s good if the baby can hear men’s voices: this way he will quickly learn to perceive the baritone that is unusual for him;
  • upon hearing a sharp or loud sound or noise, behave as usual, do not jump up or scream, otherwise the child will consider that there is really a danger;
  • sometimes play beautiful melodic music for the baby;
  • Show the baby the source of the sound that frightened him. For example, consider together a humming vacuum cleaner ( we read the child is afraid of the vacuum cleaner - what to do?), let him hold the ringing phone, look out the window at the honking car;
  • teach your child to make different sounds: quiet and loud. Once carried away by a new activity, the baby will begin to react more calmly to external noise;
  • calm and relax the baby by singing quiet songs to him;
  • Do not remain absolutely silent while your child is sleeping. It is better if he falls asleep in an environment of quiet sounds: with the TV on or a calm conversation. In this case, a sudden break in the silence, for example, a doorbell, will not scare or even wake up the baby;
  • When a child is constantly afraid of loud sounds, throws a tantrum every time there is a sudden noise, and has trouble calming down, he needs to be shown to a neurologist. A timely visit to this pediatric specialist will help identify disturbances in the functioning of the baby’s nervous system and find a way to calm him down. Along with a doctor's prescription, you can use daily baths with a soothing mixture.

Watch a video on the topic:

For a baby who is afraid of loud and sudden noise, the most important thing is calm parents and a favorable atmosphere in the family. Adults should understand that such a problem in children under 12 months is not uncommon; it does not indicate a deviation or disorder in the child’s development. In order for the baby to quickly get used to the noisy world, it is important to surround him with smiles, affectionate glances, quiet songs and calm speech.

Children are afraid of sounds. Funny children are scared by sounds

The child is afraid of loud noises

What to do when a child is afraid of loud noises? Why does this happen to the baby?

A newborn baby sleeps quite soundly both day and night, he is not disturbed by sounds, voices, or background noise, but after the second month of life the situation can change dramatically. The child is afraid of loud sounds: he wakes up from the ringing of a cell phone, is frightened by sneezing, the roar of a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, coffee grinder, or the buzzing of wind-up toys. Parents are horrified by the child’s behavior; they try to understand what causes such fear and how to get rid of it.

Why is a child afraid of loud noises?

Most fears in babies under one year of age are instinctive, that is, they are inherent in nature and are not a consequence of an incident the child has experienced. There are exceptions, of course, and these include, for example, a fear of water caused by an unsuccessful bath. When a 7-month-old child is afraid of loud sounds, the reason is not due to improper upbringing or oversight on the part of the parents, but to the normal developing nervous system of the baby. In addition to sounds, a child of the first year may be afraid when his mother is not around, and of strangers. Phobias gradually pass: some disappear without a trace by the end of the first year, others remain up to three years. Rarely, fear of strangers and loud noises persists until 5-6 years of age; in such cases, parents consult doctors.

When a child is afraid of loud noises

After the baby is 2-3 months old, some mothers begin to notice that the child flinches at sharp, loud sounds. He is frightened not only by screams and the noise of a vacuum cleaner, but even by wind-up toys, coughing, and the sound of a flying airplane. Often the fear is not limited to shuddering, the baby becomes hysterical and cries.

Adults can correct the situation with a calm voice and gentle movements. The mother presses the crying baby to her chest, strokes his back and talks to him tenderly, explaining the nature of what frightened him. Older children who are afraid of, for example, a vacuum cleaner can be warned in advance, then the noise will not come as a surprise and will not frighten the child so much.

When a child on a walk gets scared of something unknown that he sees for the first time, he needs to be shown the reason for the fear. Take the child out of the elite silver cross balmoral stroller or any other, hold him close, calm him down and together examine the reason for the tears. Whenever possible, it is advisable to protect children who are afraid of loud noises from sources of fear.

Overly excitable children who throw a tantrum at any sudden sounds and are difficult to calm down need to consult a neurologist. Parents should not consider a referral to this doctor as a challenge and a hint that their child is mentally “abnormal.” Contacting him will help you better understand the structure of the baby’s nervous system, the doctor will tell you how to smooth out the excited state of the little one. Perhaps it will be enough correct mode day, baths with a soothing mixture and mother's lullaby at night, so that the little one perceives surrounding sounds more calmly.

If a child is afraid of loud sounds, parents should not panic; such a phobia is not uncommon in babies under one year old. Calm, sweet Nothing, a mother’s smile, a conversation will help the little one survive a difficult period and get used to the noisy world of adults.

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Children's fears are an important component of a child's development precisely because by overcoming them, the child grows up and his nervous system becomes stronger. However, for parents, the appearance of certain phobias in a baby, in particular if the baby is afraid of loud sounds, raises a lot of questions, the essence of which boils down to the following: is everything normal with the baby? Let's look at the reasons and methods of dealing with the fear of loud noises in children of different ages.

Why is a baby afraid of loud, sharp sounds?

Healthy, normally developing newborn children calmly tolerate any noise, do not get nervous and do not even wake up if those around them make noise without limiting themselves. But from 2–4 months, babies may develop a fear of sharp sounds, such as:

  • phone calls;
  • loud laughter or coughing, snoring of the father;
  • the buzzing of a coffee grinder, drill;
  • singing of a wind-up toy;
  • dog's bark;
  • playing guitar;
  • the sound of a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, etc.

These manifestations should not cause concern to parents: up to 1–2 years of age, almost all fears are inherent in children by nature. proper development nervous system of the baby. This reaction is checked by the Moro reflex - it is also called the startle reflex. In response to an external stimulus, the baby throws up his arms and seems to be trying to grab onto something. The Moro reflex appears immediately after birth and is an important indicator of the development of the child’s nervous system; it fades away by 4–5 months of life.

The newborn moves his arms to the sides and opens his fists - phase I of the Moro reflex

This is interesting. Natural fears also include the fear of being left without a mother, the fear of strangers, and the dark. But they should be distinguished from acquired phobias, which arose as a reaction to a specific situation: for example, fear of water after an unsuccessful dive while swimming.

If by the age of 3 the fear of loud and sudden sounds has not passed, then this may indicate that your child’s nervous system is too sensitive. And in this case, you need to consult a pediatrician or neurologist. Or the fear has become acquired due to the fact that parents do not help correct the situation, but, on the contrary, only aggravate it with reprimands, ridicule, shouting and excessive emotionality. Yes, the cry “Don’t go there - you’ll fall!” will be effective at that second, but it’s not a fact that the child won’t climb there again - this is the case, and the second is such a reaction loved one will definitely cause stress, inhibiting any fight against fears. Often, the described fear develops on the basis of negative memories: the baby heard his parents talking in a raised voice, and now any change in voice towards shouting is perceived as a threat to calm and safety.

Sometimes even speaking in a raised voice can make fear worsen

This is interesting. The fear of loud, sharp sounds and devices that make them is called ligyrophobia.

What to do if your baby is scared

If a little coward flinches at the slightest rustle, mom and dad should understand that at this stage of development the baby perceives the world around him this way, and this will pass. It is much more dangerous if parents punish or respond sharply to the manifestation of such a reaction in the baby: the baby may begin to hide his fear, but this will not go away; on the contrary, it will only intensify.

This is interesting. Too much noise around causes the child’s hearing system to lose sensitivity, the heart begins to malfunction, and the brain cells become overstrained. As a result, anxiety arises, children smile less and less, cannot completely relax, get tired quickly and sleep poorly.

Tactile contact with mother is very important to calm the child

Take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem. To do this you need:

  • Talk to your child as much as possible using one calm intonation. It is very useful if, from infancy, the baby hears male voices, which will help him get used to the unusual tone of sound.
  • Periodically play beautiful and melodic music for your child (preferably classics, for example, Mozart, Beethoven, etc.). By the way, such support will help cope with other types of fear, for example, fear of water at an early stage of development.
  • Calming, quietly hum songs.
  • Do not under any circumstances create ideal conditions for sleep, that is, turn off all devices and “walk on air” yourself. This way you will protect your baby from waking up in the event of a sharp sound, for example, the creaking of a door opening or a doorbell ringing. So say yes to having the TV on at a low volume or having a quiet conversation.

How to help a child from 1 to 3 years old: accustoming him to music and household appliances

In addition to the techniques described above, there are several more ways to correct the situation:

  • If you hear a loud sound, there is no need to jump up or scream - try to control yourself. Not only do you save your nervous system, but also don’t set the wrong example for your baby. After all, at 2–3 years old, toddlers begin to imitate adults.
  • If possible, show your child the source of the noise, such as a humming vacuum cleaner or a honking car. Even better - let him hold a vibrating and “singing” phone or a working hair dryer.

    Children should understand that household appliances make noise, but there is nothing to worry about

  • Teach your child to make noise. In the sense of screaming, howling like a wolf, growling like a bear, purring like a cat, etc. Let him do the favorite pastime of all children - rattle pots. These sounds are pronounced at different pitches, that is, having become carried away by the game, the baby will react more calmly to noises of different strengths.

    All children love to make noise, and rightly so.

  • Make up a fairy tale. If the little one is afraid of a specific noise, for example, a working hair dryer, come up with him a fairy tale about an enchanted sound that is forced to hide in the device from an evil witch and only when the hair dryer is on can it go out for a quiet walk. That is, this noise is not terrible, on the contrary, it should be pitied. You can also draw an illustration for a fictional story.
  • Take care of your child's peace of mind. Perhaps the baby is often overexcited and hyperactive. In this case, baths with a soothing mixture will be useful. Although this seemingly harmless measure should be agreed upon with the doctor.

Parents should treat their little cowards with understanding and patience: not shout, but calm and encourage

This is interesting. If a child is constantly afraid of strong noises, reacts too emotionally to them, even to the point of hysteria, has difficulty calming down, and is choked by fear, then the baby must be shown to a neurologist to identify disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and choose adequate treatment.

What to do if a child is afraid of sudden sounds: advice from a psychologist - video

Komarovsky's opinion: show me household appliance- source of noise

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, an experienced pediatrician, author of books on raising children, believes that the most The best way get rid of ok developing baby for fear of loud noise - show the source of this noise. This is the only way to restore the child’s sense of security, which he, in his opinion, may lose as a result of such strong noises.

To dispel children's fear, be sure to show them the source of the noise so that it is clear that it is “an everyday matter.”

In fact, the reason for such fears is the lack of a sense of security. That uncle - oh, horror! - will take the child, and the parents - Oh, horror, horror! - they will give it to this uncle. You’ll have to make the joke true: go to your neighbors’ house and see who’s knocking there. That this is an uncle, that he really works, that he knocks with this thing. And the main thing is that he doesn’t need your child, and you won’t let anyone offend your baby.

Fear of loud noise in children with organic brain lesions

Organic brain lesions are a group of diseases in which structural pathological changes occur in brain tissue. Neurologists prove that such a diagnosis can be made in 9 out of 10 patients of different ages. But if changes in tissues affect more than 20–50% of the brain, then symptoms of a particular disease or tumor begin to appear. In children, organic lesions are associated with perinatal brain damage. These include maternal diseases, including various infections, genetic pathology, hypoxia or ischemia during childbirth, radiation exposure, etc. With complications, these disorders can develop into cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, mental retardation and epilepsy. In children with such diagnoses, fear of loud sounds is one of the characteristic symptoms.

Fear of loud sounds - characteristic feature autism

To provide assistance, it is necessary to strictly follow the specialist’s recommendations regarding therapy, including physiotherapy, and also use the techniques recommended by psychologists to help the child overcome ligyrophobia. However, remember that in children with developmental disabilities, the use of any behavior correction methods must be agreed upon with the doctor observing the child.

Fear of loud noises is a natural manifestation of the development of the nervous system healthy child up to 3 years. The task of parents is to find the right approach to calm the baby, to return him to a sense of confidence in safety, which only mom and dad can fully guarantee. So don't panic if your little coward is startled by a vibrating phone or the hum of a vacuum cleaner. Just patiently help your little one through this stage of growing up.

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Higher philological education, 11 years of experience teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective view of modernity are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improvement.

Children's fears are an important component of a child's development precisely because by overcoming them, the child grows up and his nervous system becomes stronger. However, for parents, the appearance of certain phobias in a baby, in particular if the baby is afraid of loud sounds, raises a lot of questions, the essence of which boils down to the following: is everything normal with the baby? Let's look at the reasons and methods of dealing with the fear of loud noises in children of different ages.

Healthy, normally developing newborn children calmly tolerate any noise, do not get nervous and do not even wake up if those around them make noise without limiting themselves. But from 2–4 months, babies may develop a fear of sharp sounds, such as:

  • phone calls;
  • loud laughter or coughing, snoring of the father;
  • the buzzing of a coffee grinder, drill;
  • singing of a wind-up toy;
  • dog's bark;
  • playing guitar;
  • the sound of a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, etc.

These manifestations should not cause concern to parents: up to 1–2 years of age, almost all fears are inherent in children by nature for the proper development of the baby’s nervous system. This reaction is checked by the Moro reflex - it is also called the startle reflex. In response to an external stimulus, the baby throws up his arms and seems to be trying to grab onto something. The Moro reflex appears immediately after birth and is an important indicator of the development of the child’s nervous system; it fades away by 4–5 months of life.

The newborn moves his arms to the sides and opens his fists - phase I of the Moro reflex

This is interesting. Natural fears also include the fear of being left without a mother, the fear of strangers, and the dark. But they should be distinguished from acquired phobias, which arose as a reaction to a specific situation: for example, fear of water after an unsuccessful dive while swimming.

If by the age of 3 the fear of loud and sudden sounds has not passed, then this may indicate that your child’s nervous system is too sensitive. And in this case, you need to consult a pediatrician or neurologist. Or the fear has become acquired due to the fact that parents do not help correct the situation, but, on the contrary, only aggravate it with reprimands, ridicule, shouting and excessive emotionality. Yes, the cry “Don’t go there - you’ll fall!” will be effective at that second, but it is not a fact that the child will not climb there again - this is one thing, and secondly, such a reaction from a loved one will definitely cause stress, inhibiting any fight against fears. Often, the described fear develops on the basis of negative memories: the baby heard his parents talking in a raised voice, and now any change in voice towards shouting is perceived as a threat to calm and safety.

Sometimes even speaking in a raised voice can make fear worsen

This is interesting. The fear of loud, sharp sounds and devices that make them is called ligyrophobia.

What to do if your baby is scared

If a little coward flinches at the slightest rustle, mom and dad should understand that at this stage of development the baby perceives the world around him this way, and this will pass. It is much more dangerous if parents punish or respond sharply to the manifestation of such a reaction in the baby: the baby may begin to hide his fear, but this will not go away; on the contrary, it will only intensify.

This is interesting. Too much noise around causes the child’s hearing system to lose sensitivity, the heart begins to malfunction, and the brain cells become overstrained. As a result, anxiety arises, children smile less and less, cannot completely relax, get tired quickly and sleep poorly.

Tactile contact with mother is very important to calm the child

How to help a baby under one year old: using voice and tape recorder

Take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem. To do this you need:

  • Talk to your child as much as possible using one calm intonation. It is very useful if, from infancy, the baby hears male voices, which will help him get used to the unusual tone of sound.
  • Periodically play beautiful and melodic music for your child (preferably classics, for example, Mozart, Beethoven, etc.). By the way, such support will help cope with other types of fear, for example, fear of water at an early stage of development.
  • Calming, quietly hum songs.
  • Under no circumstances should you create ideal conditions for sleep, that is, turn off all devices and “walk on air” yourself. This way you will protect your baby from waking up in the event of a sharp sound, for example, the creaking of a door opening or a doorbell ringing. So say yes to having the TV on at a low volume or having a quiet conversation.

How to help a child from 1 to 3 years old: accustoming him to music and household appliances

In addition to the techniques described above, there are several more ways to correct the situation:

Parents should treat their little cowards with understanding and patience: not shout, but calm and encourage

This is interesting. If a child is constantly afraid of strong noises, reacts too emotionally to them, even to the point of hysteria, has difficulty calming down, and is choked by fear, then the baby must be shown to a neurologist to identify disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and choose adequate treatment.

Komarovsky's opinion: show the household appliance - the source of noise

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, an experienced pediatrician, author of books on raising children, believes that the best way to rid a normally developing baby of the fear of loud noise is to show the source of this noise. This is the only way to restore the child’s sense of security, which he, in his opinion, may lose as a result of such strong noises.

To dispel children's fear, be sure to show them the source of the noise so that it is clear that it is “an everyday matter.”

In fact, the reason for such fears is the lack of a sense of security. That uncle - oh, horror! - will take the child, and the parents - Oh, horror, horror! - they will give it to this uncle. You’ll have to make the joke true: go to your neighbors’ house and see who’s knocking there. That this is an uncle, that he really works, that he knocks with this thing. And the main thing is that he doesn’t need your child, and you won’t let anyone offend your baby.

Encyclopedia of practical psychology "Psychologos"

Fear of loud noise in children with organic brain lesions

Organic brain lesions are a group of diseases in which structural pathological changes occur in brain tissue. Neurologists prove that such a diagnosis can be made in 9 out of 10 patients of different ages. But if changes in tissues affect more than 20–50% of the brain, then symptoms of a particular disease or tumor begin to appear. In children, organic lesions are associated with perinatal brain damage. These include maternal diseases, including various infections, genetic pathology, hypoxia or ischemia during childbirth, radiation exposure, etc. With complications, these disorders can develop into cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, mental retardation and epilepsy. In children with such diagnoses, fear of loud sounds is one of the characteristic symptoms.

Fear of loud noises is a hallmark of autism

To provide assistance, it is necessary to strictly follow the specialist’s recommendations regarding therapy, including physiotherapy, and also use the techniques recommended by psychologists to help the child overcome ligyrophobia. However, remember that in children with developmental disabilities, the use of any behavior correction methods must be agreed upon with the doctor observing the child.

Fear of loud sounds is a natural manifestation of the development of the nervous system of a healthy child under 3 years of age. The task of parents is to find the right approach to calm the baby, to return him to a sense of confidence in safety, which only mom and dad can fully guarantee. So don't panic if your little coward is startled by a vibrating phone or the hum of a vacuum cleaner. Just patiently help your little one through this stage of growing up.

Tell us how we can improve this information?

Doctors believe that fright in an infant, the signs of which manifest themselves in different ways, for example, a newborn gets scared and flinches, does not require treatment or warning. On the contrary, some experts agree that preventing all sorts of fears for a child in such a early age completely impractical, since the baby will not develop the instinct of self-preservation. Another thing is the consequences of emotional shock: it is important to know the symptoms and measures to eliminate them.

Typically, young parents, faced with a nervous state in their infant, often attribute such behavior to fear, but you should know several important signs that will help determine the consequence of negative emotions in the child. If the baby was born full-term, symptoms will appear periodically:

  • the baby’s general condition worsens: he becomes capricious, too anxious, sometimes nervous;
  • sharp, causeless crying occurs, the baby often shudders and gets scared and constantly asks to be held (afraid to be left alone);
  • sleep and appetite are disturbed: this is why many mothers are interested in the question;
  • Enuresis or stuttering may occur in an infant.

All these symptoms necessarily require intervention to exclude possible complications in mental and emotional state.

Important! If you determine the cause of fear in time and seek help from a neurologist or child psychiatrist, attacks of fear can be stopped with short time. Most often, the cause of frequent fears in infants is considered to be excessive parental care and control.

A few words about fright in a baby from E. Komarovsky. Possible reasons

Frequent manifestations of fear, as pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky finds out, appear in children under one year of age who are surrounded by constant parental attention or, conversely, suffer from its deficiency. Against this background, infants develop a fear of water, narrow or wide spaces, the dark, and some pets.

Children's humor! - Grandma, what are you making pies with?
- With potato.
- And mom makes it with cottage cheese and pakusta.

The following factors usually provoke fear in a child under one year of age:

  • large and scary animals can frighten a baby;
  • sudden screams or loud noises;
  • parental laughter;
  • the child’s stress due to what he saw or heard;
  • strictness in upbringing (sometimes this factor is accompanied by symptoms of regular spasms and shudders).

Fear in an infant, caused by various reasons, requires a special examination for the presence of nervous abnormalities. At the same time, parents must provide the child with complete peace and a sense of security.

Treatment or self-control against anxiety attacks in infants?

Most parents, due to stress inflicted on their infant, immediately turn to traditional healers, who supposedly help eliminate both the cause and its consequences. But doctors are confident that without a full examination of the child by a neurologist ethnoscience will not help. Fear in an infant must be stopped, as there is a risk of it becoming chronic, in which case the baby may experience causeless panic attacks.

Watch a video about how to cure fear in a baby.

After diagnosing and confirming symptoms of fright, consultation is recommended. child psychologist and a psychiatrist who will explain to parents how to behave with the baby in the future so as not to provoke emotional shock. Specialists must take psychological measures themselves to eliminate the child’s fear and give recommendations at home.

Children say! I ask my son (4 years old):
- Alyoshenka, have you seen the TV remote control?
“I was looking for him myself, like a dog looking for bandits.”

In most cases, everything depends on the mother; she should now communicate with the baby as often as possible, play with him, talk, and show toys. Regular walks in the fresh air, light stroking massage and unobtrusive gymnastics also have a healing and calming effect.

If you wish, you can use folk conspiracies and remedies.

Valerian herb tincture

It is better to purchase a specially prepared solution at the pharmacy, which you can then use to feed the baby when frightened for ten days. Thanks to the use of the drug, the symptoms of fear should disappear by the end of the course of treatment.

Using Holy Water

Every day before each bedtime, wash your baby when he is scared and read the prayer (“Our Father”). Thanks to this procedure, not only the child, but also the parents will calm down.

Feeding a baby with milk

Give your baby milk and honey every evening. If the baby still cannot drink on his own, add the mixture to the pacifier, you can also add lemon balm tincture to the milk. This remedy is very calming and allows the child to fall asleep without whims.

Note! Before using various remedies to treat fright in an infant, consult your pediatrician and check for any allergic reactions. It is not recommended to give milk with honey to a child under 7 months of age, as cow's protein and honey often cause.

Possible consequences of fright in a child under one year old

Children's fears should be treated carefully and supported in case of negative consequences. Complications manifest themselves as:

Curing chronic attacks of fear in a child under one year old is much more difficult than overcoming the first symptoms of emotional shock.

A twitch is a sudden, involuntary movement that occurs at any time, including when a child is deeply asleep.

Why does a newborn shake in his sleep?

1. REM sleep phase

What happens if a newborn baby starts in his sleep? Babies dream just like adults, which means they also experience REM, or rapid eye movement, sleep during their dream cycle. During REM sleep, the newborn's face will tremble. He will also likely breathe irregularly, snort, whimper, and flail his arms and legs. Don't worry, REM sleep gets shorter as babies get older.

According to research, the order will change in about 2 to 3 months. As your baby gets older, he will go through other stages of sleep before entering REM sleep. As the child gets older, the amount of REM sleep decreases and sleep becomes restful. By age 3, children spend a third of the night in slow-wave sleep.

The reason for consultation with a specialist is a situation when the baby wakes up more than 10 times and looks scared.

The Moro reflex is another reason why newborns startle in their sleep. Babies are born with a set of reflexes, but this is the most alarming manifestation for new parents. When a baby starts in his sleep or feels like he is falling, he will throw his arms out to the side with a sudden jerk and perhaps scream.

Like many other reflexes, the Moro reflex is a built-in survival mechanism designed to protect a vulnerable newborn. And this is a primitive attempt to restore a noticeable loss of balance. Again, don't worry if you see your baby suddenly startling and throwing up his arms while sleeping.

3. Pain

With colic or teething, the child twitches in his sleep due to periodic pain.

4. Noise

This is another factor why a newborn twitches in his sleep. A loud sound can scare and wake up a baby.

But you don’t need to maintain absolute silence for your baby to sleep. There are sounds that are familiar to a baby - rustling, humming washing machine, the quiet voice of mom or dad, the sound of water and others.

Sometimes there is a sharp sound of a siren or the sound of a falling object coming from the street. Such a noise is unusual and new for the baby, because of this the baby shudders sharply. Even after some time, when the fear seems to be forgotten, the child shudders in his sleep due to excitement of the nervous system.

5. Temperature

During sleep, the baby twitches and tosses and turns when he feels stuffy. Stuffy or musty air in the bedroom is irritating to the baby and causes discomfort.

6. Uncomfortable posture

It is likely that the baby is not comfortable sleeping in the position in which his parents put him. The baby shudders and begins to spin around in search of a comfortable position.

7. Feeling insecure

Some pediatric doctors have given the name “4th trimester of pregnancy” to the first three-month stage of a baby’s life and advise recreating conditions for the baby that maximally imitate those in the womb. This will give the baby a feeling of protection and deep sleep.

The sleep jerking described above is normal and does not require treatment.

However, there are times when a child shudders in his sleep due to various diseases.

Why does the child flinch? Pathological causes

Convulsive rhythmic movements of the baby that continue throughout sleep, combined with screaming and crying, are signs of health problems. Parents who discover these manifestations should take their baby to the doctor as soon as possible.

  1. Metabolic disorder. The baby's central nervous system is gradually stabilizing, so it is still difficult for his body to carry out certain metabolic processes.

    Remember that a possible discrepancy between the amount of food and the child’s physical activity leads to metabolic disorders, which causes a shortage or, conversely, an excess of certain elements. All this leads to diseases, the symptoms of which are muscle spasms. It could be anemia.

  2. Lack of calcium. When a baby does not eat properly and the body lacks calcium and vitamin D, rickets develops, a disease that causes changes in skeletal structures. Externally, the body seems to be distorted. Problems with the functioning of the nervous system may occur.
  3. High intracranial pressure. Sleep disorder is one of the symptoms of increased sleep. This pathology can occur as a result of trauma at birth. Brain cancer may also be the cause.
  4. Syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability (ESNRV)- the result of a disruption of the central nervous system. For this reason infant often shudders. This diagnosis is most often made to children with birth trauma.

If the disease is not detected in a timely manner, this will lead to inattention, restlessness, and sloppiness in the child in the future. Memory lapses are also possible.

Recommendations for arranging restful sleep for a newborn

  • Ventilate the bedroom every day before putting your baby to bed;
  • even in severe frost in the nursery, open the window for 5 - 10 minutes;
  • Install a thermometer in the bedroom and monitor the temperature. It should not exceed 18-21° C;
  • do not wrap the baby up. Dress your child in high-quality, warm pajamas made from natural fabric, rather than covering him with several blankets;
  • the crib must be placed as far as possible from the radiator and heaters;
  • experiment by placing the baby on its side or back to choose the most comfortable position;
  • Change the baby's sleeping position every three hours if he has not done this himself. For example, turn your head in the other direction;
  • remove everything unnecessary from the bed;
  • dose activity while awake. 1.5 - 2 hours before going to bed, proceed to quiet activities;
  • Give your baby a relaxing bath before bed;
  • give a soft massage. This will help the child relax;
  • In the children's bedroom, when going to bed, eliminate extraneous movements and loud conversations. A quiet environment will help the baby fall asleep faster;
  • swaddling your baby at night will recreate his intrauterine sensations;
  • You can use a special zippered cover. In it, the baby will not twitch his arms and will not frighten himself.

Weak and short-term twitching at night is not dangerous; this is considered normal behavior for infants. Experts argue that the baby’s brain structures are still immature and excitation mechanisms predominate over inhibitory reactions. Therefore, parents should not panic. They need to provide the most comfortable conditions for the baby to sleep soundly.

If the baby’s sleep anxiety persists even after providing comfortable conditions - the child sleeps poorly and constantly wakes up, you should consult a doctor. If there is a disease, the necessary measures will be prescribed.

Thus, infants may have prolonged dreams and exhibit bizarre reflexes during sleep. Babies make a lot of noise strange sounds while they sleep. They will gurgle, pant rapidly, stop breathing for as long as 10 seconds, whimper, scream, whistle, and make rattling noises if their nose is blocked. This is completely normal.