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A huge house made of paper. Fairytale New Year's houses made of paper: templates, master class

Sometimes for children's games you need to do something additional with your own hands. If your child needs a paper house to create a city or village, you can use this master class, where we show the process of making such a craft.

Here are several options - how to make a paper house with your own hands with step-by-step unique photographs. This paper house is easy and simple to make with your children, and it will be a pleasant and useful way to spend time. The child will receive a good portion of parental attention, new knowledge, development of finger motor skills and new toy. And parents often benefit from such a distracting activity. How to make a symbol of the new year 2020 - see here.

How to make a 3D paper house

We will make such a bright and cute house for a doll in this lesson.

To create such a house we prepared:

  • red, yellow and orange paper;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • transparent tape;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • black felt-tip pen.

We will make the house itself from red paper. To do this, we need to cut the A4 sheet in half.

Now we fold this blank in half lengthwise.

We bend the left edge at an angle.

The right side also needs to be bent at an angle.

Cut off the lower protruding part with scissors.

We bend the upper corner of the resulting triangle down. This will be part of the roof of the future house.

The side corners also need to be folded. Bend the left corner to the right.

And we bend the right corner to the left.

So we outlined all the necessary folds on the blank of the future house.

Now you need to cut off the excess, these will be small rectangles on the sides of the workpiece (in its upper part).

We do the same with the second blank for the house.

We bend the upper corners towards the middle and secure them with tape. On one of the blanks we will cut a door with scissors.

We glue a couple of windows to the back side of the same blank and cut them out of yellow paper.

Use a black felt-tip pen to decorate the windows and door, tracing them around the perimeter.

We should have these 2 blanks.

Then we attach the second half of the house.

We connect the elements on the other side in the same way.

For the roof, cut out a piece of orange paper measuring 10x5 cm.

Fold it in half and glue it. Our 3D paper house is ready.

Origami paper house master class

How to make a house out of paper tubes

Does your child ask you to play with him? Do you feel remorse that the baby is left to his own devices? Eat good idea What an interesting and useful way to spend a couple of hours of time. Try making crafts with your children. In this master class we will make a house from paper straws with your own hands.

In order to build a house from paper tubes, you need to take:

  • paper - ordinary sheets A 4;
  • glue stick (PVA);
  • scissors and pencil;
  • paints (gouache);
  • tassels;
  • cardboard for the roof.

To get a house with a height of 12 “beams” I took 36 sheets.

We fold 24 sheets and cut them in half, the remaining 12 sheets are also cut in half, and their resulting halves are cut again.

We twist all the leaves one by one onto a pencil, grease the edge of the resulting tube with glue, and fix it.

We will get 48 long “bars” and 48 short ones.

Let’s start making paper crafts for children “House”. On any plane, preferably rigid, we fix the first four tubes in the form of a square, so that between two long tubes there are two short ones.

Next, we continue to “build”, alternating long and short tubes on each “wall”. Apply glue to each tube on one side. The first row can also be glued to the base for better fixation. The walls are ready.

We construct doors and steps from a sheet of paper of any size, here you can use your imagination; I stiffened the steps using the same tubes. We draw and glue the windows.

Now we take a sheet of cardboard, bend it in the middle, make cuts along the edges, as indicated in the photo, bend the edges, and glue the “gables” to them.

We install the roof on the walls, it will fit onto the upper tubes and will hold tightly. You can create any kind of yard around the house, you can build wells, a vegetable garden, a river - let your child show his imagination.

The paper house is ready! Isn’t it true that DIY crafts for children are not only useful, but also interesting?

How to make a house using origami technique from colored paper step by step

Origami is a very exciting hobby that anyone can master. And paper is a simple, inexpensive and accessible material for interesting crafts. In this master class we will make an origami house from colored paper. Such a house can stand on its own without supports. An origami house is not difficult to make, so you can make it together with your children.

To make an origami house we will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • colored pencils (felt-tip pens, markers, gel pens).

The paper for such a craft should be colored on one side and white on the other. This MK uses Blue colour, but it can be whatever you like best. Cut out an even square from a sheet of paper. And then we bend it in half. Iron the fold well.

We marked the middle line. This is the main line on the workpiece.

Unfold and take the upper right corner, bend it to the resulting fold. It turns out a blue triangle.

Take the right side of the paper and bend it towards the center, towards the middle fold.

We also bend the left side of the paper towards the fold line, towards the middle.

Now let's bend the bottom part up to the corner of the triangle as shown in the photo. Now we have the white part of the paper completely covered and the necessary lines have been drawn in order to fold the house along them.

Now let’s unfold the entire sheet of paper, except for the triangle. Below is a horizontal fold line.

Now we bend it in the other direction along the horizontal fold line that we have at the bottom. That is, you need to bend the colored side towards each other.

And we also bend the right side along the fold to the middle line, like a book. Here we have made the right side of the house. Now half the roof and half the wall are ready.

We also bend the left side of the workpiece towards the middle.

We bend the left corner so that we get a triangular roof, that is, also towards the middle. The roof is ready, but we also need to make a pipe for it.

Then we bend the newly formed corner slightly upward. This is how we form a pipe on the roof of the house.

From the front side the house will look like this. It has a colored roof and chimney, and its wall is white.

Now all that remains is to draw a window with curtains and flowers on the windowsill with colored pencils. You can also use felt-tip pens or markers instead of pencils. You can decorate the house the way you want. For example, instead of a window, you can draw a door or all together.

The origami paper house is ready!

Big house made from Minecraft paper

How to make a cardboard house with lighting

- see how to do it here.

Today our master class is devoted to how to make a paper house with your own hands. So original paper toy perfect not only for children's games, but also as decoration for New Year or Christmas, and the provided templates and step by step description will make your work as easy as possible.

Tools and materials Time: 1-2 hours Difficulty: 4/10

  • pink, blue and turquoise cardboard;
  • house templates (provided below);
  • stationery knife;
  • cutting support;
  • transparent stationery glue;
  • ruler;
  • small decorative Christmas trees (can be bought at New Year's sales);
  • metal beads.


  • kraft paper;
  • green double-sided paper;
  • floral tape;
  • gold spray paint;
  • Christmas decor (small garlands, rain, etc.)

Make a stunning paper house with your own hands and decorate your interior for the New Year and Christmas! You can easily involve children in this exciting activity, because the house diagram we have prepared makes the process of making it completely uncomplicated.

Among other things, such a paper house can be placed under the Christmas tree and small souvenirs or candies can be placed in it. Your little ones will no doubt be very happy to find them!

Print, cut and fold these cute 19th century design paper manor houses and glue Christmas decorations on them! We decorated our houses with evergreen palm trees, but if you don't like that, you can make a paper tree and place it next to the house!

Here's what you'll need:

Step-by-step description with photos

So let's get straight to creative process and create our first paper house in a “retro” style.

Step 1: Print the Template

Download the templates below.

Paper house - templates

Step 2: Cut out the pieces

Print your templates onto different colored cardstock. Using a utility knife on a cutting mat, carefully cut out the pieces.

Step 3: Assemble the house

Fold the pieces in half along the dotted lines with the pattern facing inward.

If any printed lines remain on the paper, fold them so that they are inside the house.

Apply a little glue to one of the sides of the workpiece and glue it into a rectangle. The walls are ready!

Apply some glue to the bottom of the walls. Place the walls on the base. Hold the walls on the base with your hand until the glue dries.

Take a small decorative Christmas tree and glue some metal beads onto it. If necessary, trim the base of the tree to fit inside the house. Glue your Christmas tree onto the paper backing inside the house, opposite the front window.

Add glue to the top of the walls and place the roof on them.

Glue metal beads evenly onto the bottom of the roof. Leave the craft for a while to let the glue dry.

Step 4: Add Decorations

Make some palm trees in your yard!

Cut out several blanks from green paper in the shape of a leaf with a tail. Add jagged edges to the sheets and fold them in the middle.

Cut out a triangle from kraft paper. Apply some glue to the floral wire. Place the green leaves at the top of the wire in a circle, the larger ones on the bottom and the smaller ones on top.

Fix the craft and wrap it with craft paper in a circle. Secure the end of the paper with glue.

If desired, wrap the palm tree with additional metal blue wire and place it on the base of the house.

If you want to turn a paper house into an educational toy for your baby, add more decorations to your yard: tiny cacti, thorny bushes.

Cut out some steps from kraft paper and glue them to the front yard. Tie small bows using gold thread and place them on the front of the house.

These little paper houses, along with trees and other decorative elements, will create an amazing New Year's decoration for you! You can also tie ribbons to the roofs and turn them into hanging decorations! In general, how to use a paper house made by yourself depends only on your imagination!

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial and our paper house.

You will find another option on how to make a paper house that imitates a log hut in the video with a detailed master class.

Despite the fact that the majority computer programs, which are performed in 3D modeling, allow you to imagine quite realistically appearance your future home, designing paper houses is still relevant. After all, not everyone knows these programs. And ordering such a computer model from an experienced engineer or designer is expensive. In this case, mastering simple techniques for modeling houses made of paper and cardboard is much faster.

And if you have children from 2 to 10 years old, then this work for them can turn into a most exciting activity. Moreover, the training and developmental effect of this type of activity is difficult to overestimate. This includes accuracy, motor skills, skills in working with tools and, of course, the development of spatial thinking.

Simple layouts of paper houses and patterns for gluing

Making a house model with your own hands is not difficult. The simplest layouts of paper houses are easiest to make from the so-called. developments, when all their elements are connected to each other by fold lines and represent a solid element in the form of a diagram.

Also, the development, in addition to the walls, floor and roof, has additional bends for gluing. You can find links to such scans on the Internet. It is enough to print them on a printer or, by measuring the aspect ratio, draw them on sheets of paper or cardboard and obtain a scan diagram for modeling.

You can transfer the resulting scan to colored paper.

Using a needle or awl, you can transfer key points of various elements onto it: windows, doors, places for attaching additional architectural elements, etc. You need to cut them out immediately using a stationery knife, placing a piece of thick cardboard or plywood under the sheet with the scan.

Separately, overlay elements are made: window frames, shutters, doors, etc., which you glue onto the finished layout last.

The easiest way to make an even bend along the lines is to apply a ruler with a sharp edge to it. By repeating this procedure at all bend points, you will get a development ready for gluing.

You can also make a development by making each structural element separately and connecting them together at the bend points from the inside with tape. This method is especially interesting when you are making a house model from thick, hard cardboard.

You can glue the layout using quick-setting adhesives such as PVA, stationery silicate, glue stick, etc. You can also make it using double-sided tape, sold in hardware stores.

We offer a video to help:

Making a layout for a house model with your own hands

Process self-made development is no less exciting than working with ready-made samples. To do this, you will need almost any program for working with graphic images installed on your computer. CorelDraw or something similar that processes vector images is best. In it, with an increase or decrease in the image size, both the thickness of the lines and the loaded textures change in the same ratio. This allows you to obtain more realistic images. And the library of textures built into its shell is impressive. At the same time, by filling the sweep element with texture, you can get the finished appearance of the main layout elements.

The entire process, including filling parts of the scan with the selected texture, applying visual effects and architectural elements, and inserting images from the symbol library, takes from 10 minutes to half an hour if the house is not very complex. Print the scan on a color printer and start prototyping.

For testing, you can also use this one we made by copying the image to your computer and enlarging it to the required size.

Making complex designs from paper

The process of manufacturing complex multi-component house models is not much different from that described above. It’s just that similar sweeps are performed for individual elements of composite layouts. A group photo of the assembly of such a layout shows its individual elements and assembly order.

Having mastered the simple technique of paper layout simple houses, you can create entire paper towns with elements landscape design, plants, car models and small architectural forms.

Paper building models round shape The easiest way to do this is to apply the formula for determining the circumference of a circle (2πr) to their calculation, adding to it a strip for gluing.

You can also add realism to your layout by simply lighting the house from the inside.

To do this, you can mark the connection points for the LEDs and the battery on the scanner, and then install them during the process of gluing the layout.

Such a house can also serve as a night lamp, but in this case it is better to use a switching power supply connected to the mains.

The charger is suitable for mobile phone. You can also use inexpensive Christmas tree garland:

Simple house layouts without development

These are, first of all, houses assembled with your own hands from paper cylinders. The same layouts are great for various small architectural forms on prefabricated layouts with landscapes.

But also, using a similar technique, you can create a realistic model that imitates a log house so dear to the heart of any Russian.

To do this, you need to take longer pieces of paper to make the tubes, so that after folding, its turns resemble the annual rings of a tree cut.

And the junctions of the crowns can be modeled by pressing the ends of the tubes with a solid round object of suitable diameter.

It is easy to assemble a paper frame from such elements. And display the intermediate crowns along the facades, and for a sample you can take a photograph of any real log house.

It is better to make roof coverings for model houses separately, in the form of paper slate sheets, tile flakes or honeycombs of bitumen shingles.

Dear readers, if you have any questions, please ask them using the form below. We will be glad to communicate with you;)

It’s very easy to make New Year’s houses out of paper using templates. Thanks to bright colors and festive decorations, the houses look bright and positive, lifting the mood on the holidays.

Children will be delighted with the activity itself and the result of their labors.

Materials for work:

  • Colored cardboard;
  • Glue stick, scissors, simple pencil;
  • Figured composter;
  • Any New Year's decor (beads, sequins, stickers).

DIY fairy-tale New Year's houses made of paper

A simple and cute classic house. To create it, use the template. The photo shows a template of the house and roof.

Print the template and cut out the blank from colored cardboard. Make neat window slits. This step is probably the most difficult, especially if the house small size. It is convenient to cut out small windows with nail scissors.

Make the necessary folds: on the side to glue the house and on top, where the roof will be attached. You also need transverse folds after each square part of the house.

Apply glue to the side and glue the house together.

Cut out a rectangle from colored cardboard and fold it in half, this will be the roof.

Glue the roof in the designated areas at the top of the house.

The winter house made of paper is almost ready, all that remains is to cut out the doors from cardboard, draw tiles on the roof, and paste them with any winter decor. I liked the snowflakes, they look interesting and wintery. I made them using a shaped composter, but for a larger house you can cut out a variety of beautiful snowflakes, there are plenty of templates on the Internet.

This option is the simplest, despite the apparent complexity of the roof. But making such a house is very easy and quick.

Print out the house template and cut out the blank from colored cardboard.

In the photo of the template, the fold lines are marked with dotted lines.

Bend them to one side. That is, folds are needed after each square, on the side and in the roof area. On the roof you need to do this carefully and carefully so that even triangles are formed when folded. To do this, you can use a ruler, a protractor, or a plastic card.

Glue the side of the house.

And then a long, pointed roof.

Then everything is simple, because you don’t need to cut out the windows. Cut rectangles out of yellow colored paper, draw cross lines on them and glue the resulting windows. Cut out the doors, paint the roof. Decorate the house with any decor - snowflakes, beads, sequins.

You don't even need a template for this house, it's so simple.

Cut a strip of colored cardboard and glue the edges together to make a tube. Width and height do not play a special role, everything is at your own discretion.

Cut a circle out of cardboard so that it is a couple of centimeters larger than the circumference of the tube and cut it in half.

Glue it into a cone, which will be the roof of the house.

The roof can be decorated with tiles. To do this you will need circles of colored cardboard. Their size is not so significant, but you need to remember that with small circles there is a little more work.

Glue the circles onto the roof, starting from the bottom.

The roof can be plain, striped, like mine, or even variegated, if you alternate the colors of the circles in each tier.

Apply glue (it’s better to use PVA for this) on the rounded edge of the tube and glue the roof. Cut out paper and glue a round window and doors, decorate with decorations and your fairy-tale paper house is ready.

This is how the New Year's houses made of paper turned out, bright, childish, fabulously Christmas-like.

Irina Fomicheva

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention house from"birch logs" which you can tinker together with children in their free time.

Making homemade products is not only a pleasant, but also a useful activity. While studying manual labor, children develop fine motor skills, attention, imaginative thinking, imagination and artistic taste. They also learn to plan their activities and bring the work they start to completion.

For the manufacture of house will be required:

white A-4 size paper,

black felt-tip pen,


colored cardboard,

glue stick or PVA.

Take a sheet A-4 size paper, place it vertically in front of you and twist it paper to pencil.

Tip paper -1 cm. Apply glue and glue the tube, take out the pencil. It turned out to be a log.

On our house took 24 logs. it all depends on your height house.

Let's start collecting house. Principle log house: two logs lengthwise, two across, etc. Spread the logs on both sides with glue from the edge 1-1.5 cm.

Now we glue the roof to the house. Take a sheet of colored cardboard (you can trim the edges with curly scissors) and glue it to the last two logs. We cut out a door from colored cardboard and glue it to one side of the house. Using this principle, we cut out the windows and glue them on the other side.

Can be applied black to logs felt-tip pen touches and our logs paper will look like birch.

Like this we got a house.

This house Can be used by children in games.

Thank you for your attention. Creative success you in working with children.