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Olive oil dries out your facial skin. How to use olive oil for skin care - effective recipes

It is no coincidence that the oil from the fruit of the olive tree was given the name “liquid gold”. This product has unique nutritional properties, remarkable antioxidant and moisturizing characteristics, which is why cosmetic manufacturers often include it in exclusive formulas of masks, creams and serums for facial skin.

How do you get it?

High-grade olive oil is produced using a time-consuming and labor-intensive technology that uses manual labor and verified over the centuries. Olive trees grow in specially treated soil without the use of chemical fertilizers or chemicals. Harvest dates are determined based on the fruit's maximum ripeness, when the production liquid obtained from the olive becomes most fragrant and oily. Before harvesting, cover the soil near the olive tree to prevent the skin of fallen fruit from being damaged.

The fruits of the olive tree are most often collected by hand, trying not to damage the surface and to prevent the fruit from souring, into small containers in which the harvest is promptly transported for further grinding. The most important condition for maintaining maximum benefits of the oil is processing the fruit on the day of collection. Before grinding, the olives enter the ventilation zone, where aeration occurs and wood residues are separated. Before washing, the olives are sorted according to quality indicators, then driven through stone millstones, obtaining an oil pulp necessary for cold pressing.

Olive oil separation is typically done in one of two ways. The traditional method involves placing the pulp in special mesh containers, which are placed in tiers and subjected to compression. The first cold-pressed product is separated from the water due to the difference in density. Modern method involves the separation of oil and water phases by centrifugation.

After settling, the final product is carefully checked to determine its categorization. Oil that does not meet the requirements of the highest category is subjected to refining, during which the final removal of impurity compounds occurs. Olive pomace subjected to heat treatment with special chemicals, are used to produce a cheaper refined product.


IN natural oil contains a whole range of nutrients important for the human body. The product is characterized by a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic acid. Olive oil also contains flavonoids, vitamin E and provitamin A.

Oil, as a nutraceutical supplement, has a positive effect on all systems of the human body and individual organs. After using olive oil, for example, tissue regeneration is noticeably activated, and active synthesis of amino acids begins: arginine and lysine, which contribute to the body’s production of the necessary energy.

Beneficial properties for the skin

Unrefined olive oil has enormous potential for nourishing, moisturizing and protective properties necessary for skin of any type. The ancient peoples of Mediterranean and European countries, where the year-round hot sun actively dries out the skin and hair, well understood the benefits of olive tree oil juice and used it after gymnastics and bath procedures to give the face and body a smooth, sleek look. Later, based on olive fruits, they began to produce rubs designed to soften, moisturize and smooth the skin of the face and décolleté, massage products, as well as aromatic compositions.

IN modern world This precious product is readily used by perfumery and cosmetics concerns to produce nourishing masks and moisturizing creams that have a beneficial effect on the skin. Products containing a storehouse of natural vitamins and fatty acids rejuvenate, tone and protect the epidermis from the harmful effects of the environment.

You can learn even more about the benefits of using olive oil for the face in the following video.


Surprisingly, olive oil, being an active natural product for maintaining youth and beauty, in some cases can be harmful to health. Before using the oil in pure form or a cosmetic product with an oil formula, people prone to allergies need to check the body's reaction. To do this, apply a small amount to an area with thin, sensitive skin, such as behind the ear. If no allergic reaction occurs, the product can be safely used.

Before using oil preparations on skin that has very enlarged pores, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face and try to narrow the pores with special products. Otherwise, the oil film can further lead to clogging of pores, already contaminated with sebum and dust, and the occurrence of an inflammatory process on the skin.

The oil should be used with caution on very oily, shiny facial skin that is prone to inflammation and rashes. In any case, it is necessary to first test the effect of an oil-containing product.

Application in cosmetology

Olive oil, which has universal properties, in pure form or as a component of caring formulations cosmetic preparations performs the following functions:

  • promotes effective cleaning and maintaining the integrity of the structure of the epidermis;
  • restores a beautiful appearance to problematic oily skin;
  • maintains fat balance and helps moisturize very dry skin prone to flaking;
  • heals and rejuvenates the epidermis when signs of aging occur;
  • regenerates skin that suffers from production factors, household and seasonal changes in temperature and humidity;
  • softens the negative effects of solar beach insolation and artificial tanning in a solarium on the skin.
  • Helps achieve good tissue elasticity and tone skin in the process of therapeutic and preventive massage.

Recipes for effective masks

The simplest and effective methods For facial skin care at home, cosmetologists consider proper cleansing and using masks. To achieve the greatest effect, it is better to use slightly warmed olive oil.

It is advisable to wipe your face daily with a cotton pad with warm oil in the morning an hour before going outside and in the evening before bed. You can remove excess product from dry skin with a damp towel. Excess oil from oily facial skin is easy to blot away paper napkin. The procedure promotes better opening and cleaning of pores and refreshes the skin. To enhance the effect, care can be completed by applying a moisturizer.

Regular use of oil on the delicate skin around the eyes instead of cream allows you to eliminate a network of fine wrinkles and get rid of deep facial “crow’s feet”. The product is applied in a thin layer without effort and left for about half an hour, then lightly blot off the excess with a napkin.

Having set the goal of obtaining unusually elastic and smooth skin of the face and body, you must constantly use a mixture of pureed avocado and olive oil at a ratio of one to one. Apply the mask to clean skin and leave for a quarter of an hour. Remove the remainder with a damp towel.

The health of a normal skin type will be supported by a paste of one tablespoon of rice, oatmeal or wheat flour with a spoon of olive oil. The mask must be carefully applied to the face, neck and upper chest. After holding for about 20 minutes, remove the remaining mixture with warm water, then with water at room temperature.

A paste of equal parts olive oil and any fruit puree, applied to previously cleansed skin of the face and décolleté, will help to improve the health of a face with acne-prone skin. Keep the product for a quarter of an hour, then wash with warm water.

Sensitive dermis can be delicately nourished with a mask consisting of one chopped fresh cucumber mixed with half a banana and two tablespoons of olive oil. The nourishing substance is applied for 25 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

No cream can compare with olive oil - an ideal cosmetic product for both the body and delicate facial skin!

Olive oil is unique in that it contains large amounts of squapene (a humectant). For cosmetic procedures use virgin oil“Εξαιρετικό Παρθένο”, which retains beneficial nutrients.

Effectively prevents skin aging
Olive oil contains vitamin E, which neutralizes the effects of free radicals, which cause skin to fade faster and wrinkles to appear.

Strengthens and protects skin
Contained in oil vitamins A and D are involved in the renewal of the epidermis, reduce the number of keratinized skin particles, and carotene protects the skin from exposure to UV rays.

Basic stages of proper skin care

Skin cleansing with oil
There is a traditional way to cleanse the skin with oil: apply a little olive oil to a damp (wrung out after hot water) cotton pad and wipe the skin along the massage lines. Of course, this method is good and effective both for removing makeup and for regular skin cleansing.

There is an alternative, more effective method cleansing the skin using olive oil. When cleansing your skin with oils, remember that oil dissolves fat. Don't be afraid to apply oil to your face. The oil itself will not cause acne or irritation. Pimples, blackheads, comedones, acne are formed as a result of many other different factors: hormones, bacteria, dead skin cells, and a combination of these factors.

Your skin produces the oil it needs on its own. This is inherent in nature. Oil lubricates, protects, and moisturizes the skin so that it can look beautiful, clean, and radiant.

Speaking about the benefits of external use of oils, I always want to remind you how important it is also moisturizing the skin from the inside. WATER! Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Water removes toxins, and your skin glows with beauty and its tone improves.

Peelingfor skin
Mix 2 tbsp. l. wheat bran with 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Massage the resulting mixture onto your skin for 1-2 minutes.

Olive oil based masks

For silk leather: In order for the skin for a long time remained soft and elastic, rub it with olive oil, and then take a bath with the addition of 3 tbsp. spoons of tincture.

Tincture recipe: Mix 400 g of rose petals with ½ liter of olive oil, leave for 1 week, strain. The tincture is ready for use!

For fresh skin: Mix 1 tsp. mint, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. olive oil in a mixer. Apply to clean skin except the eye area. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

For oily skin: Mix 50 grams of chopped cabbage leaves with two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

To soften the skin winter period : Prepare a creamy mixture of olive oil and avocado pulp. Apply to skin for 15 minutes. Blot off any remaining residue with a soft cloth.

Soothing mask For sensitive skin : Mix half a banana with half a finely chopped cucumber, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and apply the mask on your face for 30 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Softening and moisturizing mask for youth and beauty: Mix part cosmetic clay with a few spoons of olive oil until you get a thick paste. Apply to skin for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Thanks to this mask, your complexion will not fade for many years. We advise you to make a mask no more than 1-2 times a week.

Whitening mask: Mix in equal proportions low-fat cottage cheese, olive oil, milk and carrot juice. Rub the resulting mass into your palms and apply a thick layer to your face. Rinse off the mask with warm water and then wipe your face and neck with a piece of ice. The mask not only whitens the skin, but also nourishes and moisturizes it.

Relaxation. Moisturizing and nutrition -Three in one: Mix finely grated fresh cucumber with grated ripe banana, adding olive oil to obtain the desired consistency. Apply the paste to your face and neck and leave for 30 minutes. The mask soothes, moisturizes and nourishes sensitive skin.

Spring neck mask: It is recommended to do the spring mask in a course - three times a week for a month. Heat a small amount of olive oil in a water bath. Apply with a cotton swab to previously cleansed neck skin from bottom to top. Wrap your neck cotton fabric. After half an hour, remove any remaining oil with a napkin. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening before bedtime.

Anti-wrinkle: Mix olive oil and fresh lemon juice in a one-to-one ratio. Wipe your skin with this mixture 2 times a week.


To tone the skin, mix 1 tbsp. spoon apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil. Massage this mixture onto dry skin.

Additional uses of olive oil in cosmetology

For the skin of expectant mothers and babies: To prevent stretch marks, rub pure olive oil onto your stomach, chest, and other risk areas. As an alternative to powder, use olive oil to moisturize babies' skin.

For chapped lips: If your lips are chapped or chapped, apply a few drops of olive oil to them.

To strengthen nails: Use five-minute baths of heated olive oil to strengthen your nails and soften your hand skin.

For arms and legs: Rub a mixture of olive oil and coarse salt into the skin and rinse with water. Soak your hands in hot olive oil for at least 30 minutes, once a week. This will relieve the skin of your hands from dryness. After such a bath it is very easy to do a manicure. We recommend repeating the procedure periodically to achieve an ideal and long-lasting result.

Daily skin care program at home

1. Apply a small amount of a mixture of olive and suitable for you essential oils on the face and neck along massage lines. Make the oil work for your own benefit - sit down, relax, massage your face. Try not to expose your skin to risks or stress that harm it.

2. Moisten a terry towel with hot water, wring it out, tilt your head back and place it on your face. This simple process warms up and opens the pores, which helps you cleanse your face deeper and more effectively.

3. As soon as your “hot compress” begins to cool, gently wipe your face and neck with it. The keratinized skin cells will remain securely “stuck” with fatty secretions on the towel.

4. Rinse the towel in hot water to remove any remaining oil and dirt from your face. Repeat several times until completely cleansed. Additional cleansing is no longer required; after this procedure, it will certainly shine with health.

5. Rub your face with an ice cube or spray cold water to tighten pores. If you feel severe tightness, rub a drop of the oil mixture in your palms and gently pat it into the skin with your fingers until the oil film completely disappears.

For athletes

1. An ointment based on an infusion of 100 grams of jasmine flowers and 250 grams of olive oil (aged for two weeks) is an excellent remedy. to relieve muscle pain.

2. A compress made from olive oil is an effective remedy. for leg cramps.

A massage with olive oil can work wonders. It not only helps keep the skin toned, but also improves the secretion of glands, which accelerates the removal of harmful substances from the body. Olive oil serves as an excellent base for dissolving essential oils in it, which allows you to create various tonic, relaxing or stimulating aromatic compositions.

People who have natural ingredients in their daily diet enjoy good health and do not age for a long time. Scientists made this conclusion after analyzing the incidence of the disease in Europeans. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors praised God’s gift, which is the main ingredient in the elixir of eternal youth. How to use this product in cosmetology, how it is useful and who it can harm - we will talk about all this later in the article.

If you want to have firm and elastic skin, do not buy ready-made cosmetic products that contain olive oil.

Manufacturers often add low-quality, low-grade oils to their products, which best case scenario designed for lubricating machines. Of course, such an ingredient will not bring any benefit.

Did you know? Today, the largest olive producers on the world market are Spain, Italy and Greece.

In order for the body to be velvety and healthy, you need to mix a few drops of olive oil into creams, lotions and shampoos yourself. This will protect the skin from the effects of negative environmental factors, as well as saturate it with useful substances and help retain moisture.

The secret of this unique product lies in its rich composition, which is 70% easily digestible monounsaturated. In addition, among the nutrients in olive oil, tocopherol () occupies a significant proportion.

It is a powerful antioxidant that has an amazing range of beneficial qualities. Not a single biochemical process in the body occurs without the participation of this substance.
Other components of vitamins also play a significant role: as well as the moisturizing substance squapene, and. Together, all these components retain water, which prevents the skin from fading, and cleanse it of free radicals, which contribute to the rapid appearance of wrinkles.

Did you know? Medicinal properties Olive oil was highly valued by Hippocrates. The remedy was also held in high esteem by athletes of the Hellenistic world, who rubbed themselves with it before every important performance.

Scientists from different periods have studied the phenomenal qualities of olive oil. Recent scientific experiments have shown that half a millionth of one gram of this liquid is enough to increase the lifespan of cells in the human body by 20%.

Many devotees of natural, eco-friendly body care products call quality olive oil “liquid gold.” And all because it:

  • has a softening effect;
  • tones;
  • moisturizes;
  • is an excellent antiseptic;
  • stimulates cell regeneration;
  • cleanses the skin and protects it from external pollution;
  • protects from exposure sun rays and pigmentation.

Cosmetologists recommend lubricating your face, neck and décolleté with a small amount of olive oil in the morning and evening. For the procedure, you need to moisten a cotton swab in warm water and drop olive “gold” onto it. But you should only take a cold-pressed natural product.

Important! Always look for the English word cold on the label, which means cold processing of the berries. If during the extraction process they are heated to a temperature above 27 °C, the composition and, accordingly, the quality of the oil will deteriorate.

This simple method is an excellent prevention of expression lines and crow's feet. It is important to wipe the skin in the direction massage lines. Experts say that the procedure allows you to carefully cleanse and at the same time nourish your face with important microelements. In addition, it does not destroy the natural water-lipid layer. Evening procedure does not require consistent washing, especially when it comes to aging and dry skin.

Until the age of thirty, oil can be used instead of cream. It should also be applied to the skin around the eyes. But for older women, this product will not be enough to maintain skin tone. You will already need lifting and nutritional products. Therefore, in an anti-aging program, olive oil plays only a supporting role.
To maintain facial contours, many experts recommend oil massages, which increase blood flow and have a smoothing and firming effect. As a rule, the first procedure should be done by a professional, and in the future it won’t hurt to master a few basic self-massage techniques yourself.

Important! When purchasing, choose an extra virgin product with a recent production date. It is also important that the production assets listed on the label match the location of the spill.

Sometimes on forums girls ask questions about the causes of peeling skin. In the comments, they often associate this unpleasant phenomenon with the use of various vegetable oils, including olive: “at first everything was fine, and then scales appeared on the forehead.”

Experts believe that high-quality oils are in no way involved in the detachment of epidermal particles. The main reasons for this are:

  • lack of moisture;
  • poor nutrition, which entails a deficiency of one or another vitamin in the body;
  • washing with soap;
  • incorrectly selected facial skin care creams;
  • roughly wiping the face after washing;
  • hereditary dry skin, which requires special care;
  • allergic reaction.

On the contrary, cosmetologists advise using olive oil to eliminate flaking on the face and body. To do this you need to use it correctly.

Important! Olive oil should be stored in a place protected from light. It is advisable that it be in a tinted glass bottle. It is recommended to use the liquid for 9 months. Therefore, give preference to small containers.

Ideally, skin care should be as follows:

  1. To prevent the body, drink the required amount of water daily. It is calculated by dividing your weight by 30. The resulting number will be the required liters. To evenly saturate the body with fluid, divide this value into five doses.
  2. Make sure that your daily diet includes a lot of vegetables, fruits, and seafood. Eat a minimum of flour products and sweets.
  3. Consider the ability of the food you eat to alkalize and oxidize the body. For healthy skin The acid-base balance is of particular importance. On the menu healthy person 80% should be alkaline foods rich in vitamins and minerals and 20% oxidizing.
  4. Give up the habit of washing your face with soap. Use to remove makeup special means, and also wipe your face with soft lotions, gel, and milk.
  5. Never rub your skin with a towel. To avoid a feeling of dryness, you need to carefully blot the washed body with a soft napkin;
  6. After washing, always lubricate your skin with olive oil in its pure form (dropping a few drops on a damp cotton wool) or with a toner with added oil.
  7. Then you need to immediately apply moisturizer. When choosing it, consider your skin type. Please note that products containing alcohol and lanolin are strictly contraindicated for dry epidermis.
  8. If you use seasonal protective creams, always apply them half an hour before going outside.

Important! To prevent the liquid from oxidizing after opening, the bottle must be screwed all the way.

Along with these care rules, experts advise deep cleansing your face of external pollution at least once a week. This can be done using scrubs, to which it is also recommended to add a few drops of olive oil to moisturize the skin.

Recipes for use

For self-care to be as effective as possible, you don’t have to use luxury cosmetics. We have selected exclusive recipes for all occasions for you.

This procedure helps relieve fatigue and stress. In addition, it promotes wide opening of pores. At this moment, all the nutrients from the olive oil penetrate into the skin through them. It also tightens and tones the epidermis.
For a bath, it is enough to use 3-5 tablespoons of oil. If desired, you can add juice from several or. As a bonus, such a cocktail will lift your spirits and cleanse the epidermis of toxins.

As a rule, olive oil is the base component. If desired, other ingredients are added to it. It is characteristic that such a liquid is very versatile - it can be safely used to massage any part of the body.

Intense movements on the skin warm up, provoking the absorption and rapid absorption of the contained antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It is important to place the bottle of massage oil in a water bath for a few minutes before the session.

If the procedure is done for the purpose of relieving stress and relaxation, experts advise mixing olive and lavender oils in a ratio of 20 ml per 3 drops, respectively.
To stimulate intellectual activity, it is recommended to replace pepper lavender. But to increase sexual activity, you will need a tandem of olives, patchouli, ylang-ylang and.

But if you don’t have a wide selection of oils in your home arsenal, then you can easily get by with one base. It’s not for nothing that most massage therapists use pure olive oil.

Did you know? A fact went down in history when, in 1981, more than 700 residents of Spain died as a result of technical intoxication, which scammers sold under the guise of olive oil. According to police, about 40 percent of all high-quality products are counterfeit.

In order to nail plates did not peel off and were strong, you need to generously grease your hands with olives overnight and put on cotton gloves. In the morning, wash off the product with warm water, after which the skin is treated with a moisturizer. It is advisable to do the procedure at least once a week.
If your nails become very brittle, prepare a mask of one tablespoon of olive oil and two or three drops of iodine. After stirring, the mixture should be placed in a water bath for a few minutes. After this, it is rubbed into the nails. Usually the mask is applied at night, which ensures maximum effect. You just need to hide your hands in cotton gloves.

For dry and chapped hands

Ugly flaky hands will be saved by the same mask as we did for nails. Oil wraps, which are done before bedtime, will also come to the rescue.

Most effective means Many consider a mixture of olive oil and honey in a 3:1 ratio. Before the procedure, the mixture is slightly heated by steam and only then the gauze is soaked in it. Then the bandage is wrapped around the hands, after which it is secured with wax paper and gloves. If your hands are not very chapped, a one-time procedure will be enough to correct the situation. And in more advanced cases twice a week is recommended.

Did you know?Olive trees can live up to 600 years.

For the décolleté area

A nourishing olive oil mask will provide you with a wrinkle-free swan neck. It must be done for a month at least three times a week.

To prepare the product, you need to steam two tablespoons of liquid. It's better to pour it into a glass. After cleansing the skin, apply this mask to the body and cover with a napkin or terry towel. After 30 minutes, rinse off the residue with warm water.

You can soften the skin on your feet and get rid of corns by mixing tablespoons of “golden liquid” with one teaspoon of honey and the juice of one large aloe leaf. The product has a wound-healing effect, so it is also recommended for heel spurs.
After preparation, apply the product overnight to clean and steamed feet and put on cotton socks. For best results, the medicine should be slightly warmed in a water bath.

As an alternative, a recipe of equal parts olive oil and powdered flowers works very well. This ointment requires seven days of infusion in a dark and warm place after mixing the ingredients. It can also be applied before bed, after which socks are put on.

Did you know? In Greece, to this day, a person's social status is determined by the number of olive trees in his yard. And it’s not surprising, because even in the Holy Scriptures this plant was mentioned many times as a symbol of grace and mercy. And subsequently, for centuries, people extolled its fruits above gold.

Despite the fact that this product has long been considered one of the most valuable fruits in the world, scientists are warning consumers about its potential harm. First of all, excessive consumption of oil can lead to undesirable results.

Also, people who have been diagnosed with gallbladder disease should treat it with special caution. Inflammatory processes in this organ and developing cholecystitis will worsen when olive oil enters the body.
Strict adherence to dosages is also important in dietary therapy, as well as when losing weight. It is very important to consult with a qualified professional and carry out full examination of your body.

Classic treatment in dietetics requires no more than two tablespoons of liquid per day. Please note that this serving contains 300 kilocalories (100 grams of product - 900 kcal).

Doctors say that any oil after heat treatment loses its beneficial qualities and has a destructive effect on digestive tract person. Therefore, for maximum benefit from olives, make salads from their oil. After all, only in its raw form does this fat have a whole range of unique healing properties.
Besides, you can harm yourself fake product. Therefore, when purchasing oil, carefully study the label, the reputation of the manufacturer, and beware of counterfeit products.

In order for olive oil to bring you as much benefit as possible, we have selected for you a selection of tips on choosing a natural, high-quality product.

Good olive oil:

  • must be produced by cold pressing;
  • does not contain preservatives or other impurities;
  • is marked with the inscription virgin, which in translation means natural (in addition to this variety, the words refined or pomace can be found on the label);
  • never marked with the word mix, since it denotes the mixing of different varieties of olives and is considered low-grade;
  • cannot be stored long time. It must be consumed at least 5-6 months after opening (when purchasing, pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date);
  • has low pH values ​​(within 0.8);
  • produced and bottled in one place (on the packaging this is evidenced by the inscriptions IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta), DOP (Denominazione d'Origine Protetta);
  • May be different color(this factor depends on the plant variety and the degree of fruit ripening);
  • sold in glass containers.

If the oil is not natural, then, of course, you should not hope for recovery and rapid rejuvenation. This product is harmful to your health and budget. Follow our advice and don't be disappointed in your purchases.

Using olive oil as cosmetic product dates back several centuries.

The miraculous properties of this product allow it to remain one of the main components in the cosmetic industry.

Today we’ll talk about the currently popular topic of using olive oil for skin in its PURE FORM.

What are the benefits of olive oil for the face? One spoon contains a large amount of essential vitamins, monounsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients for the body. Their combined impact

  • has a unique moisturizing effect,
  • has a softening and calming effect,
  • promotes active regeneration of epidermal cells,
  • protects the skin from the effects of aggressive external factors ( ultraviolet rays, dry air, etc.).

French scientists have found that the fats in olive oil are identical to those that form sebum. This is why olive oil helps so well with inflammatory skin redness, irritation, and prevents peeling and aging. The oil quickly penetrates the capillaries, which allows it to be used as a conductor for other active components - essential compositions.

Olive oil for nourishing and moisturizing facial skin

Olive oil is not an allergenic substance, so it can even be used for sensitive skin. This product will be no less useful and for aging and dry skin. Its ability to moisturize the skin and significantly slow down the aging process is sure to provide positive results. In middle-aged women, the body's production of collagen and elastin constantly decreases, so olive oil, thanks to its natural elastins, can easily restore its deficiency in the skin. In addition, the oil accelerates the process of cell regeneration, which causes its rejuvenation.

Dry skin After using olive oil, the face becomes moisturized and radiant. Peeling, inflammation and itching disappear.

Many women have appreciated the beneficial effects of olive oil for aging skin with the first signs of aging, because in mature age it requires intensive hydration and nutrition. The main effect of olive oil on the skin: moisturizing, stimulating metabolism.

It is useful to wipe your face, neck and décolleté with it in the morning and evening, moistening a cotton swab in a small amount.
Remove excess with a napkin.

The moisturizing effect of the oil is formed due to its ability to retain the required amount of liquid in the skin cells without closing the pores, which is important. The use of olive oil can not only prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but also smooth out those small wrinkles that have already appeared.
To moisturize your skin, you can simply lubricate your face with slightly warmed olive oil and leave for 20-30 minutes. For very dry and flaky skin, this will help soften it and eliminate flaking.
If you have combination skin, but some areas are constantly peeling, it is recommended to apply olive oil to them several times a day. Normal skin should be lubricated with olive oil for 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week.

Effect of olive oil for oily skin. In this case, it should not be used in its pure form, since the drug does not reduce the excessive production of sebaceous secretions, but, on the contrary, can lead to clogging of pores and greasy shine faces.
For the same reason, olive oil For problem skin , prone to acne, should only be used in combination with other ingredients.

Olive oil for skin cleansing

Oil dissolves fat and dirt, so there is no need to be afraid that it will clog pores or cause the formation of pimples, blackheads and comedones. All these skin problems arise due to exposure to pathogenic bacteria, hormonal imbalances, the buildup of dead cells and many other negative factors, and cleansing with olive oil reduces these effects.

To do this, apply a few drops of oil to a cotton swab pre-soaked in warm water and squeezed out and walk over the skin in the direction of the main massage lines, carefully removing impurities. This method allows you to not only effectively cleanse your face, but also do it as carefully as possible, without destroying the natural water-lipid layer.
Next, it is recommended to rinse your face with warm water 5-10 minutes after the procedure.
If the procedure is carried out in the evening, then the oil does not even need to be washed off (especially if the skin is dry or aging), its remnants will be absorbed overnight and the next morning your face will glow.

The second option is to heat the container with oil by placing it in hot water. Then moisten a cotton swab in hot water, dip it in warm oil and wipe the swab over the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. After 2-3 minutes, blot off the remaining oil with a napkin or rinse with warm water.

You can remove makeup in the same way: warm olive oil also perfectly removes makeup from the face. decorative cosmetics, and it can even be used instead of milk to remove eye makeup.

However, if after using it the skin becomes dry and tight, or, conversely, begins to become oily, you should start combining it with your usual creams, or use it as one of the components of homemade masks, and then olive oil will bring the desired result.

Olive oil for skin care around the eyes and lips

Olive oil is no less widely used in caring for the skin around the eyes. It allows you to well moisturize the thin skin under the eyes and smooth out the small wrinkles on it.
Simply lubricate the skin area around the eyes with lukewarm olive oil, gently pressing it into the skin with your fingertips, and leave it either overnight or for 30-40 minutes, then remove excess oil with a paper napkin.

Olive oil can also be used to care for the skin of the lips, because this is one of the most sensitive areas on our face and it needs special attention. To soften, moisturize and nourish your lips, apply a small amount of oil and let absorb.

The topic of using oils instead of cream is still relevant. Experts with many years of experience helped us understand this issue.

So, the undeniable beneficial properties of olive oil as opposed to the effectiveness of your cream. Expert opinions on this matter.

  • Irina Melnik, cosmetologist and esthetician at Bella Potemkina Beauty salon

Olive oil can replace cream only if you do not have the necessary usual and suitable care at hand. In this case, after you have applied it to your face, you should remove the excess with a paper napkin.
It is best to use olive oil as a body treatment: Apply it after a shower, paying special attention to drier areas - elbows, heels. Olive oil is contraindicated for those with oily skin. Even just one time can provoke the appearance of inflammatory elements. For example, if you apply it to the area around the eyes, swelling may occur.

  • Kristina Kakhktsyan, cosmetologist, Anne Semonin brand expert

Oil is great for facial skin care, but the formulation “oil instead of cream” is not entirely correct. I don’t recommend replacing cream with oil, but this tandem for working with skin is very compatible. Each product has its own mission, and in this case it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​what the oil does and what the cream does.
Olive oil restores well, nourishes and saturates with vitamins, but it is better to use it at night and on damp skin. Before using the oil, you need to understand what type of skin you have and whether this oil can be used specifically for you in order to avoid clogging of pores and the appearance of inflammatory elements.
The oil is preferably used for dry, aging and damaged skin. Do not forget that constant use of olive oil alone can cause the opposite reaction of the skin - dryness.

But cream is a more familiar and convenient product for care, especially in the morning. The cream is also necessary during the day, as it not only moisturizes the skin, but also protects it from the negative effects of the environment and dehydration. It is rich in more active ingredients and has a more powerful effect compared to oil.

  • Alexey Savostin, beauty director of Buro 24/7

I have nothing against oils, including olive oil. Especially when the oil is rich in saturated fatty acids, it is generally wonderful. But long-term use of only oils in your beauty diet instead of cream can lead to disastrous consequences. The skin will simply lose its natural protective barrier and become susceptible to negative environmental factors. Lipids in the upper layer of the epidermis will suffer, and the skin may become even drier. I would also remind those who like to drench themselves in oil from head to toe that oils create a film on the surface of the skin. It prevents the release of toxins, sebum and promotes the formation of comedones. That is, metabolic processes are disrupted, which can also lead to dehydration.

For complete care, I would still recommend using a cream that contains both an aqueous and an oil phase. The “oil in cream” category will perfectly nourish the skin, saturate it with fat-soluble vitamins, and the water phase will moisturize, saturate it with water-soluble vitamins and other useful ingredients that are introduced into this “part” of the cream. If you cannot live without oil on your body, then at least do not forget to exfoliate regularly (2 times a week).
Based on materials from

PS. Cosmetologists have not reached a consensus on whether olive oil can be used instead of face cream. For young women who have not crossed the 30-year mark - it is permissible, especially in the eye contour area.
For older ladies, moisturizing alone is not enough; their skin requires proper nutrition and lifting, so in this case it can be considered exclusively as an additional component of an anti-aging beauty program.
But when olive oil really demonstrates a pronounced effect, it is as part of various masks: nourishing, moisturizing, anti-wrinkle.

Well, on the eve of the beach season, the following information will be useful: according to recent research, thanks to the high content of active ingredients, nutrition and deep hydration, olive oil perfectly restores and protects the body’s skin from aging, and reduces the risk of melanoma.
That's why doctors recommend applying olive oil before and after tanning to remove the negative effects of harmful UV rays.

Olive oil is suitable for caring for any skin, but there are many nuances and useful tricks in its use. It is important to choose the right recipe with oil so that it matches your skin type and solves specific problems - fights wrinkles, eliminates pigments, destroys acne or blackheads.

Cosmetics companies make virgin olive oil for skin care, but you don't have to use it exclusively. Here are the main requirements for a quality product, which you can buy in the store:

  • the oil must be produced by cold pressing - Extra Virgin;
  • you can test the product - put it in the freezer for 15 minutes, after which a quality product will become slightly cloudy;
  • stored quality oil 1 year;
  • a good product is sold in dark bottles;
  • ideally, the place of production and bottling should coincide;
  • refined oil is not suitable for cosmetic purposes; it is used exclusively for food when cooked at high temperatures;
  • oil is sold only in glass, plastic is a sign that the manufacturer is saving, and not necessarily only on the quality of the container.

Cosmetic olive oil meets all these requirements, but can be sold in small bottles packed in cardboard.

Benefits of olive oil for the face

Rich natural composition vegetable oil- These are healthy fatty acids that not only make the skin more beautiful, but help maintain its health. They are supplemented with vitamins and minerals, as well as some important enzymes, which is why such invaluable benefits are obtained:

  1. After using the product, a thin protective film appears on the skin, but without grease or shine. It protects against fluid loss, wind, strong sun and other adverse factors.
  2. The oil gently moisturizes the skin, stimulating the production of water molecules, preventing them from evaporating.
  3. Youth vitamins included in the vegetable fat recipe restore, nourish, rejuvenate and normalize skin tone. They also help fight the signs of aging.
  4. The oil can heal even damaged skin due to its powerful regenerating properties.
  5. Contains antioxidants that can remove harmful substances and prevent cell destruction.
  6. Olive oil takes care of disinfection and elimination of pathogenic microorganisms from the epidermis.
  7. Its formula includes vitamin D, which helps cleanse the skin. Olive oil has excellent cleansing properties that other vegetable fats cannot compete with.
  8. The composition includes a large amount of iron, it improves blood circulation, promoting high-quality nutrition of every cell of the epidermis. Due to it, active breathing of each pore occurs.
  9. The herbal product is often called “liquid gold”, as its properties are complemented by almost complete hypoallergenicity. It is extremely rare that there are adverse reactions to the product, even in hypersensitive skin.

The unfiltered, cold-pressed product is perfect for those who do not want to use store-bought creams.

Indications for use

Having looked at the beneficial properties of olive for facial skin, you should not rush to buy oil and start using it. After all, there are nuances that make it most effective in certain cases:

  • oil is necessary for those who have dry skin and suffer from flaking;
  • those with an oily type of epidermis can use the product with special care, without focusing their attention on it. Be sure to mix the oil with other ingredients, and always remove excess with tonic;
  • Olive will be especially useful for mature and aging skin due to its unique composition;
  • residents of large cities can also verify the effectiveness of olive oil in combating harmful conditions;
  • men and women with skin prone to allergic reactions can confidently use this product;
  • pregnant and lactating women can use it instead of cream, as well as to prevent stretch marks and stretch marks on the chest or abdomen;
  • women aged 27-28 can use the oil to combat the first signs of aging;
  • it is also indispensable for those who are often exposed to cold and wind;
  • Apply olive oil after sunbathing or relaxing at the seaside, and your skin will never peel or dry out.

But there are a number of factors that may be a contraindication to the use of olive oil.

Possible harm from oil

Oil must be used carefully in some cases. A number of situations require additional steps before using the product. So, women or men with enlarged pores should narrow them before using the product. But only after complete cleansing.

If oily skin suffers from redness or pustules, then apply the oil as follows: apply a drop to a cotton pad and wipe a small area. If the inflammation has passed, then you can use the product on other areas of the face.

If a person is allergic to other natural products, use the oil in a small amount behind the ear. If no reaction occurs, use the products on your face.

Olive oil has no serious contraindications when used externally. However, when used internally to improve the health of the whole body, keep in mind that there are diseases for which you cannot drink fat even in small quantities.

Use at home

At home, olive oil can be applied in its pure form, but when used in lotions, scrubs, creams and masks with other natural ingredients, its effectiveness will only increase. Remember a few tricks:

  • do not heat the oil above 40 degrees, otherwise the beneficial substances in it will begin to be destroyed;
  • when used on oily skin, add appropriate low-fat fermented milk products or citrus juice;
  • do not use oil for longer than 30 minutes on the skin, only very dry epidermis needs masks lasting several hours;
  • It is easier to wash off the oil with water lemon juice(1 tbsp per 1 l);
  • Use olive oil products for 30 days 2-3 times a week, and then take a break for the same period.

After removing the oil from the skin, do not use other types of cosmetics, as they will destroy the protective film formed by the natural component.

Secrets of using olive oil in cosmetology: the “right” product, small tips for use, preparation for use.

Oil instead of cream

You can apply olive oil in its pure form instead of cream for dry skin. This option is ideal for lovers of natural recipes or for those for whom even expensive cosmetics are not suitable (the cream is not absorbed, rolls off or causes discomfort or allergies). Here's how to apply the product to your skin in its pure form:

  • first clean the epidermis well, and then apply the heated product with patting movements to the skin of the neck and face;
  • You can first add esters to the oil that correspond to your type of epidermis;
  • after applying the oil, place a hot wet towel on your face for 3-5 minutes, it will open the pores and help the skin cleanse;
  • after a while, wipe the skin with a towel to remove oily traces and clean cells;
  • Wash your face with cool water and rub an ice cube on your face, which will help seal the skin.

After the procedure, you can apply a small amount of oil to the skin so that it closes the pores and leaves a pleasant moisturizing effect. A high-quality product will be completely absorbed.

The best face masks with olive oil

There are a lot of recipes for masks in which olive is the main one. But we can highlight a list of those that provide maximum efficiency and receive mostly positive reviews. Products for their preparation are available in pharmacies and stores.

Masks for dry skin

Use the recipe with the pulp of fresh fruits: bananas, mangoes, carrots, persimmons, currants, apricots, cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes, zucchini or sweet peppers. Mix the puree with a small amount of oil and keep it on your face for 20 minutes. It is advisable to use only seasonal products.

Simple recipe! A healthy and very simple version of the mask is prepared from yolk, 9% cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons of butter. The components are mixed and the composition is applied for 20 minutes.

For aging dry skin, prepare another recipe: chop half a lemon in a blender and mix with beaten yolk, pour in 2 tablespoons of oil. Add as much to the recipe oatmeal so that the paste becomes convenient for application.

Another healthy recipe for skin prone to dryness, mix cucumber with 50 g of oil, 50 g of avocado and the same amount of sugar.

Anti-wrinkle products

You can use a nourishing lotion for wrinkles; prepare it from 2 tbsp. l. cucumber juice and the same amount of mineral water. Add a handful sea ​​salt and let it dissolve. Pour in 3 tablespoons of oil and 1 drop of rose essential oil. You need to apply it 2 times a day and store the product in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

There are masks based on olive oil for wrinkles, as well as useful compresses:

  • mix some of the oil with a peach or banana, apply for 20 minutes;
  • use a mask of 2 tablespoons of oil, banana pulp and half a cucumber, apply for 20 minutes.

Very effective mask from the yolk of honey and olive oil: mix 1 tbsp. l. honey with the same amount of olive oil, add the yolk, apply for 20 minutes.

You can use the oil in its pure form only if you have dry skin.

For oily skin

Best for oily skin best recipe– based on tomatoes. Prepare it from 20 ml of oil, 50 ml of tomato juice and 1 dessert spoon of starch. First you need to mix the starch and juice, then add the oil. The well-mixed mixture is applied to the face for 25 minutes.

You can mix 2 tablespoons of oil with low-fat cottage cheese (1 spoon), add whipped egg white and apply for 10-15 minutes. But only after you make sure that your skin is “not against” olive oil.

Acne treatment with oil

To eliminate acne, you can use simple technology. To implement it, you only need oil, a washcloth and a clean towel with hot water:

  1. Pour 2 tablespoons of oil into an enamel container and dip your fingertips into it.
  2. Rub the pimples with them for 3 minutes.
  3. Wet a towel with hot water and place it on your face for 5 minutes.
  4. Take a clean, non-rough washcloth and gently massage the acne-prone areas.
  5. Now dry your face with paper towels.
  6. Rub olive oil in again for 1 minute and remove with a clean cloth.

A mixture of olive oil with esters: rosemary, tea tree, fir. Scrubs based on olive oil have great benefits for acne.

The simplest scrub can be prepared from 1 tsp. brown sugar and 1 tsp. oils Rub in with light movements for 2 minutes, then rinse with water.

But remember that you can scrub your face no more than once a week, so as not to disturb the sensitive top layer of skin.
A cleansing scrub for oily skin against acne with the addition of 1 tablespoon of sea salt to 0.5 cups of oil is also suitable.

Olive oil is a source of beneficial substances for the skin of the face and around the eyes. Its use does not require complex recipes or hard-to-find accompanying ingredients. Regular use will give noticeable results within 2-3 weeks.