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Original ideas for creating New Year's toys with your own hands. Do-it-yourself New Year's tree toy from scrap materials (cotton wool, felt, paper, light bulbs, fabric, papier-mâché) for school and kindergarten How to make a large New Year's toy for a competition

With soft steps, the enchantress winter inevitably approaches our homes, bringing into our hearts the expectation of real miracles. Its white colors can transform even the most dull landscape into an amazing painting painted by the best artist in the world. The beautiful winter will pass everywhere: across wide fields, dense forests, river surfaces, overgrown plains and ravines. She will give a piece of herself to each of these places, each will become a part of an unforgettable winter extravaganza.

Not only nature feels the magic of winter - pink-cheeked children are also well aware of it. After all, every year they immerse themselves in it, indulging in winter fun. Someone is making a snowman, someone is sledding down a hill, making snowballs. Children believe in winter wizard Santa Claus, they are waiting for their wishes to come true, they want to receive gifts. And it is during this fabulous time that one truly believes in magic. When everything around us shines, sparkles, shimmers, it seems to us that some miracle is about to happen.

Unfortunately, few adults retain within themselves that unforgettable childhood joy that arises new year holidays. Premonitions of miracles, gifts and magic are replaced by pre-holiday worries and bustle. But in order to create a festive mood and return to childhood, albeit for a short time, you just need to put in a little effort and a bit of imagination.

Winter patterns with snowflakes, snow-covered landscapes, Christmas trees and Christmas tree decorations, funny Santa Clauses and snowmen, holiday cards, candles and wreaths, houses, garlands and other holiday attributes made with your own hands together with your beloved children - all this will bring joy to the creators and to others. After all, when creating a winter festive mood, it is so important to awaken in yourself that feeling of expectation of a miracle that is familiar to all of us from childhood.

For the purpose of development creativity children, exchange of ideas and experiences among teachers and parents
The online magazine “Planet of Childhood” together with the Center for Personal Development “New Generation” organizes

II International Competition of Christmas Tree Toys “Gifts for the Christmas Tree”

Competition period

From 01.12.15 to 31.12.15.

We accept works from 12/01/15

We summarize the results after 12/31/15.

Participation options:

  • collective - a group of children kindergarten, or the whole class primary school(children's age from 4 to 11 years);
  • individual- one child;
  • group- two children.

For one competitive entry, we send one electronic certificate to the curator of the entry (free of charge).

How to pay the registration fee?

If participation is individual: registration fee is 220 rubles.

If two children participate: registration fee is 440 rubles (we will send two individual certificates by email).

If a team is participating - a group of kindergarten children or an entire elementary school class: registration fee is 220 rubles (a certificate of participation is sent by email indicating the name of the group (class) and institution).

The curator also receives a certificate (free of charge), which confirms the placement of materials in the online magazine “Planet of Childhood”.

If there are two curators (for example, team work), in order to receive a certificate, the second curator must pay another registration fee (220 rubles).

Payment method 1

Through Robokassa (by clicking the “Pay” button).

You can do this right now by clicking the button and following the instructions. You will be asked to choose any method convenient for you (withdrawing money from your phone, any bank card or electronic money).

If you paid using this method, you will receive a payment receipt to the address specified during payment. This receipt must be sent along with the competition materials.

To pay using this method, click on the button and follow the instructions:

Pay registration fee 220 rubles

Pay registration fee 440 rubles

Note: Please pay attention to the correctness of the data you specified when paying through the “Pay” button, namely: last name, first name and MANDATORY email address. The email address specified must match the email address from which you plan to send the material.

Payment method 2

You can pay by replenishing your electronic wallet in the WebMoney system.

To do this, you can look in Yandex, where you can top up your e-wallet in your city. For this purpose, enter in Yandex the search phrase “Where to top up your WebMoney electronic wallet in ... (indicate your city).”

Also, the electronic wallet is replenished in many post offices, mobile phone stores and many banks (needs to be clarified). You can also top up through the terminal (in the same place where you top up your account on your phone). Most often they top up through the terminal.

Details for replenishment:

Wallet number: R176963765215

If you paid using the second method, please send a scanner (or photo) of the payment receipt along with the material.

For residents of Ukraine

Payment for one certificate is 55 UAH. transfer of funds to a Privat Bank card.

Card number: 5168 7572 8277 1387

Registration fee for one child or group (class) (we send one certificate) - 55 UAH.

Registration fee for two children (we send two certificates) - 110 UAH.

If there are two curators, to receive a certificate the second curator must pay another registration fee (55 UAH).

What do you need to send to participate?

  • Material for participation
  • Information about the participant(s) and curator
  • Information on registration fee

1. Material for participation.

Christmas New Year's toys, performed in various techniques. It can be:

1. Paper crafts.

2. Crafts made from natural materials.

3. Works from waste material.

4. Crafts made from threads and fabrics.

5. Volumetric mandalas.

6. Crafts using combined techniques.

7. New Year’s Christmas decorations made of clay, salt dough, etc.

Requirements for the design of materials

1. It is necessary to make a Christmas tree decoration from any available material, take 5 photos (if necessary, up to 8 pieces), which show the step-by-step implementation of this work. Pay attention to the quality of the photos.

2. Write a description for the photo (in any form). The description must indicate the material needed to complete the work, and step-by-step instruction(short story) about each stage of the work.

For example, a photo might look like this:

2. Information about the participant

If participation is individual: surname, first name of the child, name of the group (class), name of the kindergarten (school), city, region (region), country, full name (full) of the curator and his position, place of work.

If two children are participating: last name of each person, name of the group (class), name of the kindergarten (school), city, region (region), country, full name (full) of the curator and his position, place of work.

If a group is participating preschool(primary school class): name of the group (class), name of the preschool institution (school), city, region (region), country, full name (full) of the curator and his position, place of work.

3. Information on registration fee

The letter should contain information on the registration fee:

  • If you paid through Robokassa, a check will be sent to you at the email address you specified during payment. This check (receipt) must be sent along with the materials.
  • If you paid via replenishment of your WebMoney wallet, then send a receipt confirming this fact (photo or scanner).

Who wins?

Best works determines the jury, which will include Experts "". These works will take 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.

Work evaluation criteria:

1. Compliance of the content of the work with the theme of the competition.

2. Originality of the idea.

3. Clarity and accuracy of execution.

4. Availability of work to be performed in pedagogical activity.

5. The ability to solve complex problems in the process of working with children. Possibility of integration.

The work with the most recommendations on Google will receive the title " Readers' Choice" When counting votes, the number of recommendations in the Google + network is taken into account (on the site under your article, the visitor must recommend your article by clicking the “g +” button).

Invite your colleagues, relatives and friends to comment on your work!

We summarize the results after 12/31/15.

The winners will be awarded with winner diplomas.


Please send all materials and questions to:


We wish you victory!!!

New Year and the beautiful green Christmas tree are inseparable concepts. It's time to review and update your toy inventory. We suggest not running to the store, but engaging in the exciting process of creating Christmas tree decorations and decorations with your own hands. The material can be found in every home - these are old glossy magazines, newspapers, gift packaging, unclaimed strings of beads, scraps of fabric, fur and felt. You can also use what you can collect on a walk - acorns, pine cones, beautiful twigs and even bird feathers. Armed with glue, scissors and your own imagination, you can make unique things in the style hand made, please your family, surprise your relatives and friends.

New life for old Christmas balls

In the box where Christmas tree decorations are stored, there will probably be balls that have lost their former attractiveness or are simply tired of them. Spend a few evenings doing some nice crafts and decorate them in a new way. Suggested ideas – not strict New Year's master class, where you need to strictly perform certain actions, but only hints for generating your own creative abilities.

Take old tatty balls, foam blanks, any round objects, burnt out light bulbs and get started. Possible options:

  • wrap with scraps of fabric,
  • cover with beads or shiny cord,
  • paint with acrylic paints,
  • draw abstract patterns with a gold or silver marker,
  • fill transparent balls with buttons or other small objects,
  • wrap with multi-colored threads.

Using bright yarn, you can make funny pompoms, New Year's star or a small Christmas tree.

Just fill small nails along the desired contour, soak the thread in starch or glue, wind it and let it dry - the decoration is ready.

Christmas trees, garlands, pine cones and New Year's cookies

Christmas trees can be made from cardboard, felt, buttons different sizes or from colored paper rolled into a tube. An ordinary garland will take the form of Chinese lanterns if you place each element in a box, which is assembled according to the instructions given.

Any child can glue paper garlands. Cover this simple piece with shiny spray paint and the results will amaze you.

In the same way, decorate pine cones, acorns, bird feathers, cardboard stars and other crafts.

Delicious toys in the form of gingerbread can not only be hung on the Christmas tree, but also used to create a picture of the night sky on a window or a piece of whatman paper. .

A selection of photos will indicate the main direction, and new ideas will appear on their own. Just don’t put everything off until the last minute, but let it in New Year's tale into life right now.

The New Year is very close, it's time to make festive toys for the New Year tree. What could be better than handmade toys? After all, you put a piece of your soul into them! If you have a rich imagination and a great desire to decorate your home in an original way for the holiday, then these ideas are just for you!

Fill the clear balls with decorative sprinkles or beads.

You can make hearts like this. These particular ones are made from polymer clay with the addition of cinnamon and apple flavors. So you can’t eat them, but they smell – that’s what you need!

And these are already quite edible ginger cookies

You can decorate transparent balls with fragments from an old disk. You will get a kind of Christmas tree disco ball.

A shiny mustache is the hit of the season.

You can draw reindeer with just one thumbprint.

Yarn toys look very warm and cozy.

You can also make such cute decorations using yarn and pine cones.

Tangerines can decorate not only festive table, but also a beautiful Christmas tree.

Tree branches can be turned into original and cozy New Year's tree decorations that look quite simple, but at the same time stylish.

A very original decoration in the form of an eco-friendly terrarium ball.

Toys can also be made from paper - just look for suitable origami instructions.

And if, instead of simple paper, you take, say, an old map, you will get more “global” toys.

You can make cute New Year's toys from small beads.

Make a New Year's cucumber for the Christmas tree! Looks very "refreshing".

Copper buttons and foam balls can be used to make unusual toys to the Christmas tree.

We consider painted acorn caps, inside which you can put a ball of bright fabric or a ball of felted wool, one of the cutest ideas for DIY Christmas tree toys.

Ball using decoupage technique

Christmas decorations made of wire and rope

You will need just a little skill and a little imagination to turn ordinary wire and twine into elements holiday decor or an original New Year's toy.

Make great decorations using salt dough and stamps.

Balls can even be made from old rugs.

From polymer clay you can make these cute plates with bright stamped patterns.

Melt colored pencils inside transparent balls to achieve this streaky effect.

Does your child have a lot of plastic toys he no longer needs? Paint them and give them a second life as Christmas decorations.

Well, if this tiny sweater doesn't convince you that it's time to learn to knit, then nothing will.

Mini mittens to go with the sweater.

You can make names out of wire and tie them with beautiful threads.

There is a special paint that, when dry, allows you to write on it with chalk, like on a blackboard. An excellent option for Christmas tree decorations, because you can write anything you want.

Do you love Harry Potter? Make yourself a golden snitch!

Or a LEGO Death Star toy if you're a Star Wars fan.

You can also make prints like this on polymer clay using a napkin. The results will be very soft and airy toys.

Birds love New Year too. Make them a cute feeder.

And from felt you can make cute flat balls with a variety of patterns.

Today it is not difficult to buy a Christmas tree decoration for every taste and style. But when you want to get it yourself or give someone something original and sincere, it’s time to think about how to make New Year’s decorations with your own hands. It turns out it's not so difficult! After all, there are many simple options toys that can be created literally in one evening.

Paper toys

The most convenient material for making Christmas tree decorations is paper, because even a child can handle it. You can make a lot of interesting and interesting things out of paper. beautiful jewelry for a Christmas tree, but we will look at the most spectacular and simple ones.

Christmas trees

The main symbol of the New Year can be created from colored cardboard circles strung on a toothpick or stick. To leave a small distance between the layers, insert a bead between them. The embossed edge of the circles can be obtained using special scissors, which are sold at a craft and scrapbooking store. There you can also get paper and cardboard with beautiful designs.

You can make a simpler Christmas tree by folding a triangle of thick paper like an accordion and securing it to a toothpick, or by gluing four identical Christmas trees together. To decorate such a toy, a voluminous acrylic outline, glitter (gel with sparkles), ribbons, cords, beads, sequins, pearl appliqués and much more are suitable.


Who didn’t cut out snowflakes from folded paper as a child? It would be nice to remember this long-forgotten activity. You can experiment with shape and complicate the pattern. For needlewomen familiar with quilling, it will be interesting to try making snowflakes using this technique.


Surprisingly, you can make quite voluminous balls from flat paper. To do this, you need to cut the paper into circles of the same diameter - old postcards or magazines will do. The blanks need to be folded in half and glued to each other. By varying the gluing options, you can get different-looking balls.

You can make more complex balls from the same paper circles. To do this, you need to draw an equilateral triangle in each element, bend it along these lines and glue it together.

They look completely different paper balls made using the quilling technique. You can create a ball shape by wrapping paper of different widths layer by layer, or use twisted parts just for decoration.

Fabric toys

Not fewer options for toys the use of fabrics gives us.


You can use a wide variety of subjects for crafts - Christmas trees, snowmen, animals, stars, and hearts.

Figures made from felt look impressive bright colors. Most often they turn out flat, because this fabric is quite thick and has volume in itself. You can use a wide variety of subjects for crafts - Christmas trees, snowmen, animals, stars, and hearts. A distinctive feature of felt products is hand-sewn parts, stitching, and multi-layer appliqué. To decorate such toys, you can use beads, buttons, braid and other decorative elements.

Thin cloth

If you have accumulated a lot of small colorful scraps, it's time to use them to make cute Christmas tree decorations. These can be three-dimensional balls, Christmas trees, snowmen, people or animals. Typically, such toys are filled with holofiber or padding polyester, and ribbons, buttons and other small details are used for decoration.


In addition to pieces of fabric, you can also use old clothes, for example, socks. If you choose them well in color and texture, you can create cute characters. The technique for working with this material is the same as with fabrics.

Thread jewelry

Volumetric balls

Thread balls always make an impression. But making them is not so difficult! To do this, you need to inflate a small ball, soak the thread with PVA glue and randomly wind it around the ball. It is important not to forget to leave a place to remove the ball - preferably in the area of ​​its tail. After the glue has dried thoroughly, the ball must be burst and carefully removed. The finished decoration can be decorated or painted.

Balloon decorations

It is not at all necessary to build Christmas tree decorations completely from scratch. You can use simple plastic one-color or transparent balls as a base.


You can decorate the balls with anything. You can glue multi-colored beads, small beads or buttons over the entire surface. The ball will turn out shiny and sparkling if you cut an old CD into small fragments and secure them with a glue gun or superglue.

You can decorate the balls with anything.

You will get original balls covered with cord in a spiral. Instead of a cord, you can use strips of thin colorful fabric twisted into a rope. It is important to secure each turn properly and not skimp on glue.


Unique balls can be created using painting. To do this, it is convenient to use markers, glass paints, acrylics, volumetric contours, and glitters. The painting can cover the entire surface of the ball or only a part. While working, do not forget that a ball hanging on a branch can rotate, so it is better to apply a design from all sides.

Inner world

You can create a whole world inside the transparent balls. They can be filled with sparkling rain, dried rose petals, large light feathers, and even make a real terrarium by placing some soil, moss, twigs and plants in it.

Toys from scrap materials

To create Christmas tree decorations with your own hands, any materials that you have at hand are suitable - you just have to break away from stereotypes and awaken your imagination.


The most obvious object is the pine cones. They can be painted golden, white, attached directly to spruce branches or hang it on strings. But original solution You can decorate large cones with small balls of thread or fabric. This way they will look like small Christmas trees.

Plastic bottles

What they didn’t do from plastic bottles, but they will come in handy here too. For example, you can make light, almost transparent balls from cut and decorated plastic rings, and adorable little penguins from the bottoms of bottles.

Light bulbs

Have you ever thought that ordinary incandescent light bulbs are very similar to Christmas tree balls? If you approach them creatively, paint them with paints or decorate them beautifully, you can get a very original decoration for the New Year tree.

Don’t forget to make your Christmas tree decorations comfortable and attach ribbons and loops to them, which will make it easy to hang them on a branch. Try to ensure that your decorations match both each other and the interior of the room. Make them as safe as possible if you have small children and pets. Enjoy creative process and the approaching holiday!

Good afternoon. Today I have prepared an article filled with children's crafts in the New Year theme. This magical holiday is coming soon - they will announce it at school and kindergarten about do-it-yourself New Year's craft competitions. This circumstance will force you to go online in search of a suitable idea for your future school masterpiece - and this is where my article will give you Family Bunch of New Year's ideas for 2019.

And we will have a lot of crafts - enough for kindergarten, school, and as a gift for mom, dad, grandparents . To make it convenient for you, I divided all the crafts into groups- according to the materials from which they are made. That is, I introduce the material and technique - and then show how this technique looks on real New Year's children's crafts in bright photo ideas.

In our article you will find…

  • Crafts-characters from cardboard cone
  • crafts from paper strips in the New Year theme
  • crafts for New Yearfrom disposable plates
  • Christmas toys made from cardboard egg cassettes,
  • toys from rolls from toilet paper
  • voluminous New Year's applications from paper fans

And also on our website there are crafts and drawings for a competition for school or kindergarten
– in the article

So let's start our New Year Boom 2019 with your own hands.

Package of ideas No. 1

New Year's crafts from CONES.

Here is a simple paper craft for children for the New Year - Santa Claus from a cardboard cone. It’s very easy to do it yourself if an adult helps you twist and staple a cardboard bag.

Paper cone rolls up from a regular SEMI CIRCLE made of cardboard- or not even from half the circle, but from its third ( the smaller part of the circle we take under our cone bag, the thinner and more elongated the silhouette of the cone turns out).

Glued onto the finished red cardboard cone white paper overlay in the shape of a beard(triangular shape - right photo, or oval with long fringe - left photo). After gluing the beard, glue it on top face oval(add a mustache appliqué on top of the face if necessary) – draw eyes, nose, cheeks. You can glue the legs of Santa Claus to the cone.

Such New Year's crafts are convenient to do with children in kindergarten - if you prepare red cones held together with a stapler in advance. Give children decorative options, details, glue scissors and let them turn red cardboard cone to Santa Claus.

Here are some more design options for the same paper crafts for the new year. In the first case, the beard is one semicircular piece of paper. And in the second case, the beard is several oval layers of paper ( and each oval is shorter than the previous one) and the edges of each oval are cut into fringe strips. Come up with your own design - with your mind and imagination - and bring it to life with your own hands.

And here is a DIY version of Santa Claus, which can be folded right away of three cones.

FIRST lower red cone(this is Santa Claus’s coat) – we glue appliques of Santa Claus’s hands onto the sides of this lower red cone.

SECOND medium white cone(this is the beard of Santa Claus) – we glue a face and mustache onto it.

THIRD upper red cone(this is Santa Claus's hat)

From the same THREE cones of different sizes you can make a Christmas tree for children.

And here is Santa Claus, made of two cones - the lower COAT and the upper FACE WITH HAT.

Craft template You can copy directly from your monitor screen if you place a piece of paper directly on the screen and trace the translucent image with a pencil. To enlarge the image screen - you need to press the Ctrl button on your keyboard, and with your other hand roll the mouse wheel forward.

And if the theme of Santa Claus and his Reindeer is to your liking, then on our website there are just such heart-warming article-lessons with master classes and templates

Well, we will continue, about the topic of cone crafts. In such crafts the cone can only be the BODY of the future character- and his FACE can be inserted into the slot on the top of the cone - as was done on the New Year's snowman craft in the photo below. A good and simple craft for kindergarten classes (for secondary and senior group- children 4-6 years old).

And here original craft where a New Year's holiday couple is made from cones - Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Our mothers made this craft with their own hands on the forum. Very talented and skillful.

Package of ideas No. 3

New Year's crafts made from cardboard

You can use regular school cardboard. Cut out details of New Year's characters from different colors cardboard and glue them together. Make a SUPPORT at the back so that the figures stand vertically. Or instead of a support You can glue a box (of tea or cookies) to the back wall, cover it with colored paper, and fill it with sweets if you wish.

The craft in the photo below has a bag of sweets glued to the back of the snowman. Due to this, the figure does not fall.

You can use patterned paper in the craft - the kind that gifts are wrapped in. This way your craft will be even more elegant - with polka dots or flower patterns, like the New Year's penguin in the photo below.

Here is a compact Santa Claus made of red cardboard. You can use formiam or hard thick felt instead of cardboard.

Here's an interesting way to make Santa Claus out of cardboard - an easy-to-make children's craft

You will find many more ideas with applique in the form of Santa Claus in a special article

You can make a three-dimensional cardboard pendant for the Christmas tree using other techniques. We form a New Year's character from cardboard and colored paper. And then we glue a belly to it, which in turn we decorate with rhinestones. A semicircular tummy can be made by cutting a foam ball in half, or make from salt dough, then bake or dry.

You will find a template for such silhouette crafts in our special article

And here is a beautiful craft for the New Year for the kindergarten - a Christmas tree made of coated white cardboard. We glue two sheets of glossy coated cardboard together. IMPORTANT!!! — glue sheets of cardboard using dry glue (glue stick, double-sided tape), without wet PVA glue, otherwise the cardboard will rise and go in waves.
You can glue two sheets, or even three.

As a result, we will get a solid plate white . We transfer the Christmas tree template onto it. Trace the template with a pencil and cut it out. We sew a fluffy green garland along the edge of the Christmas tree with thread or glue it on. We attach Christmas trees to the paws christmas balls, we hang glass beads and satin ribbons, you can decorate them in different ways, at your discretion. We fix the Christmas tree in a stand. To ensure that the Christmas tree stands well, we weigh down the stand with plasticine, a wooden board, or a book.

Package of ideas No. 4

New Year's crafts FROM Ribbons.

And here are crafts made from textile ribbons. You can use stiff ribbons of coarse, dense material and force the craft to hold its shape (as is done with the flower craft in the left photo below). There, solid red beads also act as a rigid frame and hold the ribbon petals in a clear shape.

You can use a soft ribbon and string it onto a thin wooden skewer to create the silhouette of a Christmas tree. A very simple and quick DIY craft for the New Year.

The same idea of ​​a Christmas tree made from ribbons can be developed and transferred to other New Year’s characters - as was done in the children’s crafts in the photo below. You yourself, with your own mind and your own hands, can create new versions of this idea - and use any creative idea from this site only as a STARTING POINT for your own AUTHOR'S IDEA.

Package of ideas No. 5

New Year's crafts


And here are ideas for New Year's crafts, where the basis for creative thought is a base in the form of a ball folded from strips of paper of the same length. The balls are glued to each other - we get a base in the form of a HEAD and BODY. And then the work goes on - gluing the face, hands and other elements of personalization of the craft.

In the example below, we see that two balls make Santa Claus if you glue an applique of a beard with a face and a mustache to the front ball, glue hands in mittens and fur cuffs to the sides of the body, and crown the top of the craft with a white cotton wool pompom.

And here is an example of a children's DIY craft made from strips of paper where two balls turn into a snowman due to the eyes and nose of a carrot. Two round hands and an applique of a broom and shovel.

And a cheerful New Year's deer can be made from ONE ball. Please note that next to the deer there are flat stars - they are made according to the same principle - the strips are folded into a ball - and then flattened along the equator line of the ball.

And here is the master class itself, showing how to make such a three-dimensional New Year's ball from strips of paper. Strips are cut. On each of them we find the MIDDLE POINT. We thread the thread into a needle - attach a bead to the end of the threaded thread and use a needle to pierce the MIDDLE POINTS of each strip.

We move the pierced strips apart with rays in different directions - and then we pierce the ends of each strip again with a needle at a height - at the top of the ball. We secure all this with a bead on the top and then all that remains is to decorate the ball for the character or craft toy we need.

Using a similar principle, we can create such a children’s craft-toy for the Christmas tree from strips of paper (as in the photo below).

And here are alternative designs of strip technology. You see penguins that are made of stripes but are connected into a ball according to a different principle.

And in the example of the polar bear from the photo below, we see that the head part of the craft can be a ping-pong ball or a foam ball. And in the middle, beads can be strung on a thread (this will make the craft look more elegant). Think with your head, dream with your soul - and do it with your own hands.

Beautiful New Year's team for a competition in a kindergarten or school.

Package of ideas No. 6

New Year's crafts


You can make a lot of beautiful New Year's crafts from toilet paper rolls. You can make elegant Santa Clauses like in the left photo below. Please note that the beard on this craft is made of white lace. And the cap on the head is sewn from fabric (you can use colored crumpled crepe paper).

But the snowmen (in the right photo below) - you can make headphones from fluffy wire brushes. Scarves are made from pieces of fabric, and real buttons are glued on.

But the craft is an angel. Very delicate and easy to make. We cover the roll with paint of two colors - pink gouache at the top, white at the bottom. For the wing we take lace paper napkin(in the absence of one, you can simply cut openwork snowflake made of paper) fold it in half and glue it to the back of the angel.

The most interesting thing is the angel's hairstyle - it only looks complicated, but in fact - the upper part of the hairstyle is ordinary yellow paper circle, which are around the circumference fringed– these fringes fall to the side of the roll in the form of a circular bang. And then On the sides we add strips of paper, first we twist the lower part of each strip onto a pencil (or run the blade of scissors along them so that they twist themselves into a tight curl). You will find a lot of ideas for paper angels in our article.

You can also make elegant Christmas trees and crafts from toilet rolls.

Here interesting idea round Christmas tree cut from a roll. We take the roll, flatten it into a plane, draw the legs of the Christmas tree on the sides of this plane, cut them out, and then flatten the roll back into a circle. Glue on rhinestones and a star.

Or the roll can only be used as a stand for a flat cardboard Christmas tree.

Rollo also makes excellent penguins. – the rolls must be covered with thick black gouache before making the craft. And so that during application the children’s hands do not get dirty with black paint and do not contaminate other parts of the craft, we must COVER our BLACK ROLLS with HAIR SPRAY - this will make the paint shine and stop staining your hands with black soot.

You can draw familiar features of your favorite cartoon character on rolls (as was done with the snowmen from the cartoon Frozen).

Or you can decorate the craft with additional cutting elements - as was done in the example of the deer in the right photo below. Here we cut out the crotch between the deer's legs (so that these legs, in fact, appeared). And we also cut off the upper part of the roll - leaving a tail-neck - on this bent tail we will glue the silhouette of the head.

We can come up with our own designs of familiar New Year's characters. It's so interesting to pick up a gray, unremarkable external roll-sleeve and turn it into a piece of the New Year's holiday.

But here is a children's craft made from rolls, but already cut into pieces. This can be made from ordinary flat cardboard, if you roll it into a tube using a stapler and cut it into the lengths we need. Simple and interesting volumetric craft for children for the New Year.

And also from rolls - you can fold it like this such a beauty - big christmas tree . It will look good in the office and in a kindergarten group. True, the rolls need to be assembled in advance and then painted for quite some time. There won't be enough gouache - it's better to buy a liter jar of white facade paint and a bottle of green color. Pour the color into white acrylic, stir and paint with a wide brush or sponge.

Package of ideas No. 7

New Year's crafts


But here are New Year's crafts, which are made from a cheap and very convenient texture material - ROUGH BARP.

Dense burlap starches well and takes on a rigid shape. It can be painted any color and folded into the rigid shape of craft parts.

You can cut out petals from starched, dyed burlap and fold the flower. You can glue the burlap onto cardboard and cut out the silhouette of an owl - add appliques of wings and eyes with a beak.

From inconspicuous-looking burlap you can make very delicate beautiful crafts for the new year. For example, this mitten has acquired a New Year's chic thanks to lace, beads, bells and pine branches.

A simple piece of gray fabric can sparkle in your imagination. And turn into a deer with twig antlers or a cute New Year's bird.

You can cut out stars from rough canvas by simply gluing them onto cardboard (as in the left photo below).

Or by folding diamond-shaped rays into modules from burlap and making a star out of them (as in the right photo below).

You can cover an ordinary toilet paper roll with a piece of burlap and decorate it with a red cardboard edging and an applique of colored paper. And we will get a cute craft-basket for the New Year tree. A simple and interesting work for a competition in kindergarten.

You can stretch burlap like a canvas onto a picture frame and draw on it New Year's picture. You can safely take such a New Year’s children’s craft to a competition at school or kindergarten. It will decorate any exhibition of New Year's children's works.

And an even better idea for New Year's paintings, painted on canvas or paper sheet I collected it in a special article

Package of ideas No. 8

New Year's crafts


And here are crafts made from ordinary boxes. SMALL boxes of tea, cookies, toothpaste, cream, medicine are suitable. For large crafts, LARGE juice boxes, shoe boxes or office paper boxes are suitable.

A nose, a shaggy Christmas tree, ears made of colored paper, horns made of thick tree branches - and here in front of us New Year's craft deer. Or stick a nose, eyes, buttons on a box covered with white paper, tie it with a scarf and put on a hat - you get a simple snowman craft.

Using the same principle, any rectangular surface of the box can be decorated as Santa Claus, a penguin, or any New Year's character.

You can turn the box into a toy snowy house.

Package of ideas No. 9

New Year's crafts HATS.

And here's the most simple ideas New Year-themed masks and hats. Deer, snowman, Santa Claus - any holiday character can be embodied from ordinary colored paper.

Package of ideas No. 10

New Year's crafts APPLICATIONS.

And here are applique crafts for the New Year. You can make small shaped appliques on rolled cardboard - as pendant toys for the New Year tree.

The most simple applications for school or kindergarten - this is a snowman. But it doesn’t have to be done using traditional techniques. You can show your imagination and make a snowman from non-standard materials - gypsum plaster diluted in water, or from finely chopped crumpled paper.

Children's New Year's applique craft can be multi-layered. And it doesn’t have to be done on a rectangular sheet of paper. On the contrary, a children's craft will look more elegant if done on a round sheet of cardboard. And cover the edges of the sheet with paper lace cut from a large paper snowflake.

And here are more examples of volumetric convex applique crafts. Any character that has a muzzle or face can be made in the form of a voluminous applique if a triangular DOT is provided on the silhouette of the face. You can see these darts on the templates in the picture below.

We simply cut them with scissors (we make a cut on only one side of the dart) - and then we glue the side of the dart under the cut (hiding the dart in the gluing).

Package of ideas No. 11

New Year's crafts NAPKIN HOLES.

But here are New Year's crafts that can decorate your holiday table. The fact is that the Santa Clauses we see below are attachments for table napkins.

In the first case (in the left photo below), we make a bag out of spare paper, glue a beige face, a white mustache, and a white edging on the hat onto it (but do not make a beard). Next, we take a white napkin, fold it like a beard and put it inside the bag - part of the white napkin sticks out of the bag, reminiscent of the beard of Santa Claus.

In the second case (in the right photo below) we cut out a white circle from thick white paper (or cardboard). On the upper side of the circle we draw a face, a nose, and glue on a mustache. AND MAKE A SLIT over the straight line of the face. We fold a large red table napkin into a sharp triangle and insert the sharp end of the triangle into the slot - pull it through and get... at the top (above the slot) part of the napkin looks like a red cap... at the bottom under the beard, part of the red napkin looks like Santa Claus's fur coat.

A simple craft that your children will really like, especially since you can make several of these crafts for all the guests invited to the festive New Year's table.

And here are the napkin holders, which are made from cardboard rolls from toilet paper. Also a simple solution and a fun children's craft - for a garden or school on New Year's Eve.

Package of ideas No. 12


And here are ideas for simple children's crafts, where a cardboard silhouette is wrapped with colored threads or thin ribbons of bright colors. So you can wrap a triangle with threads, sew a couple of rhinestones or beads on it and we will get an elegant Christmas tree craft.

You can pull the threads through the holes (punctures with a hole punch) - like in the snowflake craft from the left photo.

Or thread the threads through the slits - like on the round Christmas tree decoration crafts from the right photo below.

Any New Year's idea connect to the receiving thread winding. And get original and simple crafts for children. For example, this is implemented on crafts with a NEW YEAR'S DEER from the photo below.

The brighter and richer the color of the threads, the brighter and more festive your children's craft will be. Bright ribbons, adhesive rhinestones and stars cut out of thick foil will only add completeness to the thread craft.

And if the mother or grandmother in your family loves to crochet, then you can make crocheted New Year’s crafts - small or even large.


Package of ideas No. 13

New Year's crafts PENDANTS.

For a competition in a garden or school, you can make a larger-scale craft. For example, a beautiful New Year's pendant.

The general meaning of such a craft is that there should be a large part-holder at the top and more strings should come from it. small elements general ornamental design.

You can hang a variety of pendant crafts on a lamp or on a window ledge. Make them from openwork paper napkin for confectionery (as in the photo below) - very simple and fast.

Even from pages of scrap paper you can make bright New Year crafts and pendants. If only I had the desire and a little time. It's really not difficult. And even from the photo it’s clear how these are made paper modules and how they are assembled onto one central round piece - just with glue.

Craft package No. 14


And here is one of my favorite themes for children's New Year's crafts. Children simply jump with pleasure when you offer them such a serious craft. They like the donut format and like the fact that their work can be used as a real thing. Christmas decoration, which is hung on the door in their family year after year.

In this article I will give just a few ideas to get you started. But in the future I plan to make a separate article on children’s crafts-wreaths for the New Year, and then the link will work here.

In the meantime, let's look at the basic ideas for creating the basis for New Year's wreaths. We will make the base in the form of a bagel. A standard A4 cardboard sheet will be too small in circumference. Therefore, the base for such a wreath can be cut from a large sheet of corrugated cardboard packaging - a pizza box is ideal.

If there are no large cardboard sheets (especially if you are preparing such a craft for a whole kindergarten group), then you can cut out SEMI CIRCLES separately from cardboard, and then use tape to connect them into one solid ring. So that in the place where the half rings are glued and joined the flimsy fold didn't work out we must strengthen the gluing area by slipping pieces of hard cardboard under it.

And we give this ready-made, wrapped blank to the child and let him figure out how to decorate his wreath. You can offer him templates or ready-made cut out figures and decoration options.

Or you can make pretty wreaths out of double-sided green cardstock—like these—with a bright red paper bow.

You don't have to wrap the donut base if it is completely covered with a finishing applique, as was done on the Christmas children's wreath in the photo below.

Or you can not glue the wreath ring, not wrap it, but paint it over with gouache. Dry and paste over with appliques - for example, these snowmen-snowflakes.

Also, a regular paper or plastic plate can serve as the basis for the Christmas wreath ring. We cut out the bottom from it and then decorate it according to our design plan.

Wrapping a wreath can be done quickly using thick woolen threads. Or knitted threads (from knitted fabric cut into strips. You can decorate such a wreath natural material, figures made of thick felt, cardboard appliqués.

Pack of ideas No. 15

New Year's crafts made from felt.

(nice and fast).

You can make quick ones from thick felt bright crafts. Here is a snowflake candlestick, it is created from a flat sheet of felt. I adjusted the diagram below to fit the size of a felt sheet of 30 by 30 cm. But you can reduce the picture to a size convenient for you by copying it onto a sheet of Word and pulling the corners of the image.

If you buy green felt in two or three shades of green, you can quickly make something like this with your own hands Christmas tree- a craft consisting of flat pancakes, which are slightly pulled together with a needle in the center (to form a wavy surface of the disk).

That is, in the center of the round felt, we draw a small circle with chalk, follow it with stitches of thread - and then we tighten these circular stitches (so that we get a bulge in the center (like a hat with large fields). We make discs with a screed in the center - of different sizes, alternating shades of green. And we assemble our Christmas tree like a pyramid.

Package of ideas No. 16

New Year's crafts from PLATES.

From plastic plates You can make not only the bases for Christmas wreaths, but also any New Year’s characters. The round shape of the plate easily turns into the face of a snowman, deer, Santa Claus, or penguin.

You can cut the plate as you wish - to suit any of your plans. If a round shape doesn't conjure up a Christmas craft in your mind, change the shape. Make a semicircle - and now the face of Father Frost with a sculpted beard appears.

Cut the circle of plates into quarters - and here they are unobtrusively folded into a Christmas tree. All that remains is to take green paint and colored beads.

You can cut a truncated trapezoid from the circle of the plate and turn it into the head of a Christmas reindeer.

Package of ideas No. 17

New Year's crafts

from a CASE from eggs.

And here are the ideas for the most inexpensive crafts for the New Year. Ordinary paper egg cassettes. Their convex rows of cells will help give birth to many New Year's crafts. Your imagination will breathe life into these cardboard honeycombs - and bright colors will give new life old packaging.

If you work as a kindergarten teacher, then you can find this material on the first floor of the kindergarten; several large egg cassettes are thrown out in the kitchen every day. Chefs will be happy to become your regular suppliers of this creative material.

You can cut out several rows of cells at once from a cassette maker and turn them into a bright Christmas tree or a convex snowman.

You can cut out individual cell bottoms and use them to form a snowman pyramid.

You can not cut the cassette at all and make a harness out of a whole one New Year's deer with a sleigh for Santa Claus.

Even one small cell can become a cute little New Year's craft - a tiny mingguin or a little deer.

And to make the little ones look like solid children’s work, they can be surrounded by decorations - winter surroundings. Christmas trees or ice floes, as is the case with penguins. Pieces of ice floes can be cut out of foam plastic - such liners are available in your winter boots, or they are used as spacers when transporting fragile goods or technical devices. Or you can just go to a hardware store (or to the construction department of the market
a) and buy a meter of thick insulation for the walls there - it also has the same structure.

Package of ideas No. 18

New Year's crafts


We can also make crafts from an easy-to-design material - round fans folded from paper. The most simple design- This christmas tree. Here we stack the fans on top of each other in a festive pyramid - we get a Christmas tree with our own hands.

Here is a visual master class showing the general principle of creating all-round fans. The main thing is to take a VERY LONG strip - so that its length when folded like an accordion is enough to round it.

If you don’t have such a long strip, you can fold 2 separate strips and then glue them into one common long accordion-snake.

And by the way, if you make a pattern on such an accordion on its edges - and on its tips - then when you turn the fan into a round shape, we will get an openwork snowflake. You can also make an independent New Year's craft with your own hands.

Paper fans can be used as decorative elements in the construction of multi-layer Christmas tree applique toys made of paper.

And you can also turn on your imagination and invent original New Year's voluminous applications from such paper fans.

The simplest thing that you can quickly and easily do with your own hands is a Christmas wreath craft. Just a base ring made of cardboard and a bunch of decorative fans to decorate the donut base of the wreath.

These are the ideas you found for yourself and your children today. Now the matter remains small. Evaluate the materials available at home. And get to work.

Make your own piece magical holiday- this is already a small miracle. And the New Year's spirit of happiness consists of small miracles.

Let your hands create happiness. Happiness for the next New Year.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.