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Every year on March 1, Russians celebrate World Civil Defense Day. Quite often you can hear another name for this holiday - World Civil Protection Day.

Why is World Civil Defense Day celebrated on March 1? This celebration date coincides with the creation of the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO) on March 1, 1972. Although, to be more precise, then this organization only received intergovernmental status, but it existed long before that. At the same time, the ICDO charter came into force, which was approved by 18 states.

History of ICDO

The history of the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO) began in Paris in 1931. Then the French General of the Medical Service Georges Saint-Paul, on the initiative of several countries, founded the “Association of Geneva Zones” - “security zones”. The main goal of establishing this organization was to create local security zones in all countries. This had to be done through agreements.

After some time, it was decided to transform this organization into the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO). Nowadays, 50 countries are members of the ICDO, and about 20 more states now have observer status.

The process of restructuring this organization began in the 60s. There has been a change in the composition of the states playing the main roles in the organization. From European states, the leading roles moved to the East.

In 1966, an international conference on radiological protection was held. Its implementation contributed to the preparation of the legal framework for the further development of the organization. At the same time, the scope of ICDO activities has expanded significantly.

In 1990, the 9th session of the ICDO General Assembly was held. As part of this event, it was decided to celebrate this new year on March 1st every year. holiday - World Civil Defense Day.

Russia and ICDO

As for our country, it joined this organization in 1993. And the celebration of the holiday - World Civil Defense Day in Russia began on March 1, 1994.

It should be noted that until 1993 in our country it was not noted at all, despite the fact that since 1961 the government on the territory of the USSR officially adopted a provision regarding the creation in the USSR of a system for ensuring the protection of the population and national economy of the state from nuclear missiles, bacteriological and chemical weapons.

Responsibilities for the general management of the country's civil defense were assigned to the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In addition, the position of Head of Civil Defense of the USSR was also introduced at the same time.

Goals of the holiday

Holiday - World Civil Defense Day is celebrated on March 1 in all countries that are members of the ICDO. The main purpose of this holiday can be called the promotion of knowledge modern people about civil defense. In addition, the World Civil Defense Day holiday also contributes to the growing popularity of national rescue services in society.


One of the main activities of ICDO can be considered the dissemination of experience and knowledge on issues of civil defense (CD) and management during emergency situations (ES). This organization also trains national personnel in these areas, provides technical assistance in creating and improving emergency prevention systems and protecting the population. Specialists are trained in civil defense training centers located in Switzerland.

In order to disseminate world experience in civil defense, the ICDO Documentation Center publishes the journal "Civil Defense". This publication is published in 4 languages, including Russian. The ICDO Documentation Center and Library contain a huge number of documents, books, journals, as well as audio and video materials.

In the near future, Russia plans to join the governing bodies of the ICDO. This will give our country the opportunity to more effectively participate in the activities of the organization.

Celebration March 1st "World Civil Defense Day" allows you to attract the attention of modern society to the important tasks that are performed by national civil protection and defense services. The main ones are saving lives and the environment.

ICDO can be called practically the only organization in the world that deals with civil protection issues at the international level.

It should be noted that the cooperation agreement that was concluded with the UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs plays a fairly large role in this. This document opened up new opportunities for the organization in many areas.

During the existence of the ICDO training centers opened in Wangen, Schwarzenburg and Golion, hundreds of specialists from different countries peace.

The ICDO organization is open to all states that share its constitution and charter. Its highest body is the Assembly, which consists of delegates. These delegates represent member states. The Assembly holds regular sessions, the interval between which does not exceed two years. If necessary, special sessions are also held.

Every year, the holiday on March 1, World Civil Defense Day, is celebrated under different mottos that touch on the most important issues. For example, the motto of 2009 concerned the issues of warning the population and means of communication.

It is necessary to note the great importance of informing the population about notification methods in case of any emergency. Informing the population is the responsibility of every state.

The organization and conduct of civil defense can be called one of the main functions of any state. Civil defense makes a great contribution to ensuring state security.

History of civil defense in Russia

In our country, the history of the civil defense system began in the USSR on October 4, 1932. It was on this day that local air defense (LAD) was created, which was an integral part of the country's air defense system. On February 22, 1993, the government of our country issued a decree that in this international organization Russian Federation must represent the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

This Russian Ministry not only exercises general leadership in matters of civil defense and emergency situations, but also operates together with other rescue services of our country.

Holiday traditions

As we said just above, World Civil Defense Day is held every year under a certain motto. On this day, March 1, public organizations of all countries organize actions in support of peace on earth. Of course, civil defense services conduct exercises, tell the public about measures to protect against possible dangers and ways to prevent and eliminate them. Representatives of environmental foundations make presentations on modern threats to the environment. Conferences, educational seminars and lectures are held.

Also, on World Civil Defense Day, people who have made an invaluable contribution to the security of the Russian state are honored throughout Russia. Films and documentary programs about dangerous industrial facilities in Russia, methods of preserving life and health, stories of liquidation of man-made accidents and disasters are broadcast on television and radio.

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World Kindness Day is celebrated annually. The date that has been established for several years falls on the thirteenth of November. The purpose of this holiday is to unite people of all nations, regardless of differences in cultural heritage, religion, and language. The date is intended to emphasize the importance of good deeds and good deeds. Only this will allow the whole world to successfully resist wars, violence, terrorism and other troubles, helping each nation preserve its own uniqueness, identity, and individuality.

history of the holiday

In our vast world, with each passing day, more and more holidays. Historical and memorable events are gradually receding into the background, and their place is taken by more and more modern celebrations. Thus, relevance requires special attention to certain life moments. In this regard, the example of Kindness Day is indicative. This unique date allows each of us on this holiday to become a little more cordial, warmer and more soulful, to show care and increased attention to every person around us.

World Kindness Day is celebrated on the thirteenth of November. The date for World Kindness Day was chosen in 1998. The question of establishing such a holiday was raised at the first conference in Tokyo, organized by the International Kindness Movement. A unique feature of this event is that it took place with the participation of representatives from many countries: Singapore, Japan, USA, Canada, Great Britain, Thailand, Australia. Somewhat later, the ranks of the World Kindness Movement were replenished with volunteers from other countries.

It is impossible not to mention that the organization, with light hand which sanctioned this wonderful holiday, was created a year earlier in Japan. Under her leadership, volunteers from many countries began their active work for the benefit of all humanity. Every year, with their sincere good deeds, they prove that evil can be reduced. Their noble deeds become a model and role model for people all over the planet.

Holiday traditions - how they are celebrated

Until recently, the world had no idea that it was possible to celebrate Kindness Day. But since the establishment of the special date, large-scale celebrations began to be held. On November 13th every year, performances dedicated to issues of humanity are staged on various theater stages. Interesting concert programs are organized by artists and musicians. Their performances are full of sincerity and kindness.

At concert and theater venues they perform performances and show interesting performances that are dedicated to significant event. But until recently, the world had no idea that it was possible to celebrate this wonderful holiday together. Back in 1998, at a conference in Tokyo, it was decided that once a year China must celebrate an event dedicated to such an exalted spiritual quality. Why was it decided to include this day in the list? holiday dates? This is because Tokyo charities have finally realized that the world is too bogged down in depravity, lies, evil and hypocrisy. Later this idea Other countries have also picked it up.

Various events organized by charitable foundations from various cities in all corners of the planet are timed to coincide with this date. Anyone can join their worthy activities, learn to help and empathize. Modern charity events are very diverse. They are focused on supporting veterans, orphans, homeless animals, and single mothers. Help is offered to everyone in need. No one puts pressure on participants in such actions. All decisions are made according to the will of the heart, and not under duress.

For as long as human history has existed, there has been a fierce struggle for rich fertile lands with mineral deposits. There is violence and war everywhere. An example of this were the events last year: continuous skirmishes, military conflicts, numerous civil wars, reluctance to negotiate peacefully, struggle for power. All this clearly emphasizes the great importance of such a holiday as World Peace Day.

There are many different words, some gentle, beautiful, sometimes unkind and evil. But the most important ones are happiness and peace!

World Peace Day September 21

Peace everywhere in the world - what could be more important? People crave it so much. How wonderful it is to live as one friendly family, send your children to school every day, enjoy the new day that has come and breathe clean air. Peace has always been and is a necessity for all humanity.

All people of our planet celebrate World Peace Day on September 21 as a renunciation of violence and fratricidal wars. This decision was made in 2001. All countries, without exception, received a proposal on this day to stop all military operations, without shedding blood for at least 24 hours, and to carry out actions related to the problems of the world. Only through peaceful means can the goal of compromise solutions be achieved, benefiting all humanity.

The main goal of the holiday is to attract great attention of humanity to achieving world stability without any threats and violence, guaranteeing the future of our beautiful planet - Earth. In this regard, events are being held to show people how many absurd deaths there are in our society, how much hatred and evil there are. A bright smiling sun drawn by the children and a song about friendship sung by them call on everyone who “plays” with weapons to give it up in the name of peace and well-being.

International Day of Peace is an important holiday. It is on this day that the call for peace takes place. After all, aggression and war will not help solve problems; they only complicate life even more, bringing with them death, misfortune and grief. "Peace to the world!" - they shout in all languages. He must live always and everywhere on the planet!

World Peace Day: history of the holiday

What all nations strive for is peace. The real embodiment of this desire was created at the end of the most inhumane war in the entire history of 1939-1945. The main thing in the work of this organization was the establishment of good neighborly relations between states and the preservation of peace.

World Peace Day was approved by the UN General Assembly in 1981. Only twenty years later they decided to celebrate Complete Ceasefire Day every year on September 21.

This holiday was conceived by the General Assembly. It is a symbol of the complete renunciation of violent manifestations and the complete cessation of any military action. On Peace Day, every person should awaken the desire to think about the actions they have taken and what investment they have made to preserve peace.

A lot of time has passed since then. But history world day the world is not forgotten. This holiday covers more and more countries, where, with the help of various organizations, events are held that make people think that peace on earth is not yet strong and something needs to be done to preserve it.

Ceremony to celebrate the International Day of Peace

Every year, the holiday ceremony begins at exactly ten o'clock near the Peace Bell, which Japan presented to the UN in 1954. It was installed in New York in the most beautiful place in the garden. This unique bell was cast using coins collected by children from sixty countries around the world, as well as various awards from people: medals, orders.

The ceremony lasts about 15 minutes. First, he strikes the bell and makes a speech in which he addresses the peoples of the entire planet and calls on them to think at least for a moment about the invaluable importance of peace. Then there is a minute of silence, after which the Chairman of the Security Council speaks.

A minute of silence has become the most common way of marking International Day peace. To commemorate this, schools and civic associations hold their own ceremonies and events, the meaning of which is the joint reflection of all people about the meaning of peace on Earth. Maybe someone will make the right decision and thereby help bring universal peace to the entire planet.

A world without threats and violence

World Peace Day calls on people to unite and take responsibility for good neighborly relations, overcome their own needs for violence, and awaken a consciousness that will help abandon violent methods.

Every person is obliged to have a sound mind and realize the meaning of his life. How nice it is to call and hear a voice loved one, see the mischievous lights in the eyes of a child, respond to the misfortune of a homeless person, or simply sit by the fire, breathing in the pure coolness, and allow your soul to soar into beautiful world, free from cruelty and lust for power.

It is especially necessary to awaken in people an understanding of how much peace and complete disarmament are needed. The future human community of the Earth should not have any forms of violence: religious, racial, economic, physical, psychological.
Every person on the globe has every right to be free and live in peace.

Peace on Earth is a guarantee of the future

Peace is impossible without great human friendship, mutual understanding and respect for each other between people with different political views, social statuses, different nationalities and races.

The complete preservation of well-being on Earth is the only true task that can unite all world communities.

As we celebrate World Peace Day, we must unite as one human family, setting ourselves the goal of ensuring international, interregional and local peace, so that no shots can disturb the peace and quiet of our homes, and preserve the planet for all future generations.

Extremely topical issue among Russians is the one associated with holidays. In particular, citizens want to understand what holiday it is today. After all, as you know, every new day brings with it some kind of memorable event, or professional holiday.

In this regard, today is no exception. The fact is that June 5, 2017 marks several holidays at once. Thus, today is World Environment Day, reports Ros-Register. Orthodox holiday is the Day of the Holy Spirit. But in the folk calendar the day is designated as follows: Levon Borage, Levon Konoplyanik.

June 5 is World Environment Day. It was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972 and since then has been celebrated annually by the entire world community.

The reason for this worldwide action was the famous “Cop Appeal” received on May 11, 1971 by the UN Secretary General, which was signed by 2,200 scientists and cultural figures from 23 countries. They warned humanity about the unprecedented danger threatening it due to environmental pollution. “Either we end pollution or it ends us,” was the question posed in this appeal. A year later, a world conference on environmental protection took place in Stockholm, which was attended by authorized representatives of 113 countries of the world, including Soviet Union. The conference participants decided to hold World Environment Day annually on June 5th.

Environmental Protection Day is by no means a professional holiday for ecologists, but a reason to think about environmental problems. It’s probably no secret to anyone that the ecology on the planet is only getting worse every year. Today, in every civilized country there are many organizations responsible for environmental protection. These structures constantly carry out various environmental protection actions. In addition, within the framework of the UN, several times a year it is customary to celebrate days for the protection of water, air, and so on. Such days for the protection of various ecological environments serve as an occasion for environmental protection measures. On this World Environment Day, various events are taking place around the world to show that environmental issues are taken to heart.

Today it becomes obvious that the future of humanity largely depends on our ability to solve pressing environmental problems: environmental pollution, natural or man-made disasters, depletion of biological diversity, destruction of natural or cultural landscapes.

June 5, 2018 is celebrated folk holiday Levon Borechnik. On this day the church celebrates the discovery of the relics of St. Leontius, Bishop of Rostov.

The day was nicknamed “Borage” and “Hemp” because it is considered the most suitable for planting these crops.

May 23, 1164 (old style) while digging ditches in the church Holy Mother of God In Rostov, the holy remains of Bishop Leonty of Rostov were discovered.

The exact date of birth of the saint is unknown, but it has been established that it occurred no later than 1051. The country in which he was born also remains in question. According to some sources, this is Greece, according to others - Rus'.

Saint Leonty took monastic vows at the Pechersk monastery and studied under the spiritual guidance of Saints Anthony and Theodosius. In the first half of the 11th century he was ordained a bishop. He left the temple in the Kyiv caves and headed the Rostov department. Soon after his death, the saint began to be revered so much that in memory of him the Rostov See was renamed the See of St. Leontius the Wonderworker.

The cause and time of his death are also unknown.

Leonty's body was in one of the Rostov churches until 1160. Afterwards there was a fire, in which the holy relics were lost. By God's great mercy, 4 years later, during excavation work, a coffin with holy remains was found in that place.

According to signs, if the turtle doves coo, it means it’s time to sow hemp.

A lot of midges and mosquitoes mean dry, warm weather, and if there are a lot of gadflies, the harvest will be rich.

On June 5, our country celebrates a memorable date for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - the Day of Education of the Russian Police. 2018 marks the 300th anniversary of this event.

In 1715, the Office of the Chief of Police was established in St. Petersburg, consisting of officers and soldiers of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments. Based on scientific research conducted by expert historians, it was established that (May 25) June 5, 1718, by Decree of Peter I, the post of St. Petersburg Chief of Police General was established - the head of the main police chief office. A guiding document for the position was also published - “Points given to the St. Petersburg Police Chief General”, in which a program of police activity was formulated and its role and place in the Russian state was defined.

This event formed the basis of today's memorable date, which was originally planned to be established at the state level - in 2016, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs developed a draft decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On establishing the Day of Education of the Russian Police.” But the Decree was not signed. Then, by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 121 of March 5, 2018, June 5 was declared the Day of Education of the Russian Police.

On the occasion of the anniversary, by orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, a commemorative anniversary badge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “300 years of Russian police” and a commemorative anniversary medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of the same name were established. The Central Bank of Russia announced the release of commemorative commemoratives on March 15, 2018 silver coins with a face value of 3 rubles, 25 rubles and a gold coin with a face value of 50 rubles of the “300 years of Russian Police” series.

On June 3, 2018, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', funeral services were held in all churches throughout the country for Russian law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty. Representatives of the territorial divisions of the internal affairs bodies were invited to the service.

On June 5, 1931, a unified State Quarantine Service was created under the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR. This date is considered the day of the creation of the State Plant Quarantine Service in Russia. Plant quarantine is a system of government measures aimed at protecting the country's plant wealth from the importation and invasion of quarantine and other particularly dangerous pests, pathogens and weeds from other countries, and in the event of penetration of quarantine objects - at localizing and eliminating their foci.

Although trade in plants and seeds between countries has a centuries-old history, nevertheless, until the end of the 19th century, there were no concerted actions aimed at preventing the spread of dangerous pests. Then some states trading in these goods began to make attempts to protect their plant resources from pests and diseases by forming organizations whose responsibilities included plant quarantine.

Since 2005, the quarantine service has been part of Rosselkhoznadzor, and plant quarantine functions have been assigned to this structure and its territorial departments. The State Plant Quarantine Service protects the territory of Russia from the penetration of quarantine and other dangerous pests, plant diseases and weed seeds from foreign countries, which can cause significant damage to the national economy of our country. All quarantine measures are organized on a strictly scientific basis of knowledge of the biology and ecology of pests, which makes them more effective.

Adrian, Alexander, Alexey, Andrey, Afanasy, Boris, Vasily, Gennady, Daniil, Dmitry, Evdokia, Ivan, Ignatius, Konstantin, Leonty, Maria, Mikhail, Nikita, Peter, novel, Sevastyan, Fedor.

  • 1706 – a military hospital was opened in Moscow.
  • 1783 - French inventors the Montgolfier brothers launched a hot air balloon into the air for the first time in history.
  • 1851 - Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin began publication in the United States.
  • 1880 – the first Pushkin celebration took place in Moscow.
  • 1909 – a monument to Alexander III was consecrated and inaugurated in St. Petersburg.
  • 1967 - The Six Day War began between Israel and Egypt, Syria and Jordan.
  • 1981 - The American Center for Disease Control registered a new disease - AIDS.
  • 1988 – The Russian Orthodox Church celebrated the millennium of the baptism of Rus'.
  • Nicolas Poussin 1594 – French painter.
  • Joseph Tournefort 1656 – French botanist.
  • Thomas Chippedale 1718 - English furniture maker.
  • Ivan Hannibal 1737 - Russian military leader.
  • Pyotr Klodt 1805 – Russian sculptor.
  • Federico García Lorca 1898 - Spanish poet and playwright.
  • Dennis Gabor 1900 – Hungarian physicist.
  • Barbara Brylska 1941 – Polish theater and film actress.
  • Yuri Vyazemsky 1951 – Russian writer, philosopher.

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Every year since 1986, Writer's Day is celebrated around the world on March 3. The history of this holiday is connected with the activities of the International PEN Club.

How did the tradition of celebrating Writer's Day come about?

The idea of ​​​​creating the PEN club belongs to English writers Katherine Amy Dawson-Scott And John Galsworthy, who became the first president of this writing organization, which began its activities in 1921.

The name of the organization uses an abbreviation that was formed by the first letters of English words: poets - P oets, essayists - E ssayists, novelists - N ovelists. In addition, the abbreviation itself forms another English word pen(pen), which is also directly related to writing.

The first international congress of PEN took place in 1923 in London. Representatives from 11 countries took part in it. Today, club centers exist in 130 countries around the world. However, World Writers Day began to be celebrated only in 1986. It was this year that the 48th international congress of the PEN Club took place, at which it was decided to celebrate World Writers Day on March 3.

Better late than never!

These are the words I would like to characterize the late appearance of this holiday. Judge for yourself, writers appeared even before writing was invented. The names of the ancient representatives of this creative profession simply have not been preserved, since their works were passed on from mouth to mouth.

For a long time, writing was generally considered a kind of hobby that did not cost any money and could not be sold at all, since it was something higher, coming from God. Selling a work of art is real blasphemy!

Nevertheless, the spiritual always has to face a harsh reality, which usually wins. A writer must be fed by his works, otherwise humanity will be left completely without literature. This was understood by everyone who once and for all decided to become a writer.

After all, only those who have never written a line can think, like Pushkin’s bookseller, that

Poems are just fun for you,

You should sit down a little,

Glory has already divulged

The most pleasant news is everywhere:

The poem, they say, is ready,

The fruit of a new mental invention.

And to this day, discussions still appear, the participants of which are trying to answer the question: is writing a profession or some other occupation? Nevertheless, it is good that at the end of the 20th century World Writer's Day appeared, which is celebrated precisely as a professional holiday, and not any other.

How is Writer's Day celebrated in Russia?

Modern writers appreciate and celebrate World Writer's Day. On this day or the day before, meetings of writers are organized in regional branches of the Union of Writers of Russia, various exhibitions, competitions and lounges are held in literary museums and public libraries, public opinion on the role of the writer in the modern world is studied.

Of course, for many this holiday remains unnoticed. For example, in schools it is not customary to even mention this day, because it falls during the period when Defender of the Fatherland Day was just celebrated and we need to prepare to celebrate International Women’s Day.

Only one thing is clear: it is difficult to imagine our life without writers. This means that World Writer’s Day is an important holiday that needs to be remembered on time.