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Paraffin. What is paraffin therapy used for hands, feet, face

A paraffin therapy session in a spa can be compared to something relaxing and renewing. And all this is not only thanks to the work of the cosmetologist, but also to the material that is used in such a procedure. The quality of cosmetic paraffin must be adequate for the session to be successful and meet expectations. The availability of this product allows you to enjoy pleasant spa treatments even while at home.

What is cosmetic paraffin?

It will not be possible to perform paraffin therapy using a melted paraffin candle. After all, such a substance is made from petroleum products, and they cannot benefit human skin.

Cosmetic paraffin is a purified version of this substance. Additionally, it may contain various oils, vitamin complexes, and natural ingredients. It melts at a temperature of about 53 degrees.

On sale cosmetic product can be found in the form of solid pieces of paraffin of different weights and types. Suitable for use at home and beauty salon.

Salons offer the use of paraffin containing natural bee products. Since they can cause allergic reactions in humans, using such a product for the first time is unsafe.

The use of cosmetic paraffin is possible for the following thermal procedures:

  • applications for face and body;
  • masks and baths for hands and feet;
  • wraps.

By correctly using a cosmetic product, you can solve many skin problems: from hydration to rejuvenation.

Composition and beneficial properties

Cosmetic product under simple name"paraffin" is not so simple. In its composition you can find the following elements:

  • complex carbohydrates are the “basis of the foundations” of the product, they are the ones that are able to transform solid material into a liquid mass;
  • cocoa butter – makes paraffin plastic and pliable, gives it a barely noticeable aroma;
  • vitamins, namely A and E – skin regeneration, rejuvenation, skin renewal on any part of the body;
  • herbal extracts – necessary for better penetration into the skin and its hydration;
  • minerals – responsible for saturating the skin with oxygen.

Such a rich composition can be supplemented with various oils (essential, butter, cold-pressed, etc.), plant particles, flavors, and dyes. But synthetic additives will not bring much benefit; it is better to avoid them altogether when choosing a product.

Carrying out paraffin therapy sessions has the following positive effects:

  1. skin nutrition. Even after the end of the session, the paraffin that has penetrated into the pores continues to nourish it, thanks to the elusive film created on the surface of the skin;
  2. smoothing The effect is achieved after the paraffin hardens. Then it shrinks slightly, while tightening the skin, giving it a slight lifting effect;
  3. stimulation of blood circulation. Under the influence of the heat that paraffin gives off, blood circulation improves. Cells begin to renew themselves thanks to lymph circulation, which is caused by the smooth cooling of the cosmetic product;
  4. hydration. Paraffin warms the skin, opens the pores and cleanses them. Under the paraffin film, a greenhouse effect is created (under the influence of the temperature of the material), moisture from which penetrates into these pores, thoroughly moisturizing them;
  5. relaxation. In cosmetology it is also used for relaxing purposes. When the warm mass comes into contact with the surface of the skin, a person feels how fatigue leaves and the body relaxes.

In addition to these properties that the product has in cosmetology, there are also the following: giving the skin elasticity, tenderness, velvety, improving color, accelerating the healing of microtraumas.

How to use cosmetic paraffin?

Knowledgeable cosmetologists will not overheat the paraffin and will not cause discomfort to their client. But in home use You can make a lot of mistakes: make it too high or low, melt the paraffin in insufficient or too much quantity, etc.

The most common uses of cosmetic paraffin are baths, hand and face masks. The technique for applying them is different, but the final result depends on it. Paraffin can also be applied to any part of the body: knees, heels, décolleté, hips, buttocks, elbows.

For hands

To tidy up your hand skin, you can use the “hot bath” method or make a mask from special cold paraffin. The result will be almost the same, but the procedure is radically different.

Hot baths.

To conduct a session you need the following set of tools:

  • a special bath for heating paraffin (paraffin heater) or a home equivalent - two pans of different diameters so that you can make a water bath;
  • 150-200g paraffin for cosmetic purposes;
  • cream with a moisturizing effect;
  • disposable polyethylene gloves (an alternative is bags);
  • mittens or warm towel.

Before use, paraffin must be melted. This is done in a special bath, or alternatively in a water bath. It is important not to overheat. When it becomes transparent without cloudy impurities, it can already be used. It is advisable to use a water thermometer, just immerse it in paraffin before starting the procedure. The mark should be between 50 and 55 degrees.

  1. Clean your hands well. To do this, just wash them well with soap and dry with a towel. If possible, instead of washing, hands can be treated with disinfectant liquid.
  2. Moisturize your hand skin with the prepared moisturizer. Rub it with massage movements, paying special attention to the cuticle area and nails.
  3. Dip your hands into a saucepan (special bath) with melted (liquid) paraffin so that the liquid completely envelops your hands up to the wrist.
  4. Remove your hands from the saucepan (bath).
  5. After the paraffin on the skin begins to become slightly cloudy, put polyethylene on your hands, and then mittens.
  6. You need to keep this mask for at least 20 minutes, but do not exceed 60 minutes.
  7. Hold for the required time, remove mittens, polyethylene, and paraffin from your hands. The product itself can be easily exfoliated from the skin by simply rubbing your hands together.
  8. Moisten your hands with cream after the procedure is completed.

You can also apply several layers of paraffin on your hands. To do this, you need to dry each layer and dip it again into the melted product, which is in a liquid state.

Paraffin remaining unused in the saucepan can be poured into a bowl with a lid and cooled. It can be reused as many times as indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

It is used in cases where hot baths cause discomfort or there are certain health problems (for example, heart failure). The cold product looks familiar nourishing cream, does not require any action before application. If used in a beauty salon, the product is more hygienic than its “hot” counterpart, since it is used only once.

To use this paraffin, you should prepare your hands for the procedure in the same way as for hot baths. The following process is slightly different:

  1. After cleansing the skin of your hands, you can apply moisturizing cream. This is not necessary, since the cold product contains all the necessary beneficial components and moisturizing substances.
  2. Next, apply the product to your hands with a clean brush (a brush for applying face masks can be used) or just with your fingers so that you get a thin layer of product on the skin.
  3. Wrap your hands in plastic (gloves or bags), then put on warm mittens.
  4. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes to 1 hour. Over time, it will practically be absorbed into the skin of your hands and leave a thin film on it.
  5. Remove any remaining paraffin with gauze or paper napkin. There is no need to rinse off the product with water to prolong the beneficial effects on the skin.
  6. To make the result more lasting, it is better to use a moisturizing hand cream after the procedure.

It is better to make such hand masks with unpainted nails, but after a basic manicure has been done.

For face

Using paraffin on the face is useful to restore water balance, and it is also effective remedy to improve skin condition at any age.

Paraffin therapy procedures using different materials– for melting or cold means. The stages of a cosmetic session are the same. The only difference is that the solid one needs to be melted before starting.

It is also worth preparing additional accessories - cut out a mask from gauze so that its size is sufficient to cover the skin of the face, cut out holes for the eyes and mouth, make cuts to follow the contour of the nose. Next, paraffin therapy for the face should be carried out as follows:

  1. cleanse the skin of impurities (sebum, cosmetics, dust) with any in a convenient way and means;
  2. then, using a brush, apply a moderate layer of liquid paraffin over the entire area of ​​the face, avoiding the delicate area around the eyes and lips;
  3. lay down the previously prepared gauze mask onto a layer of hot paraffin for her to immerse in;
  4. on gauze pad a couple more layers of the product are applied on top, after lightly drying the previous one;
  5. wait 15-20 minutes and remove the mask (just lift the gauze and remove it from the skin);
  6. Remove the remaining mask with a dry cloth and use a moisturizer.

Using cold paraffin, the application technique is slightly different: it is spread on a gauze mask, and after removal, simply remove the remaining substance from the skin with a napkin. Additional use of moisturizers is not required.


Although paraffin has many benefits, it should not be applied to the skin of any part of the body in the following cases:

If cold paraffin is used, it will become a harmless alternative to hot paraffin for vascular and heart diseases.

Which paraffin is better to choose?

Choosing a quality cosmetic product is easy if you know what to look for when purchasing:

Having chosen the desired product, you can begin paraffin therapy and enjoy the results.

Paraffin therapy is a physiotherapeutic treatment method that is widely used for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, skin diseases, injuries, pathologies internal organs etc. This method is also used in cosmetology, for which special highly purified cosmetic paraffin is used, the melting point of which is about 50-60 °C.

Indications for the use of cosmetic paraffin and its properties

Cosmetic paraffin, procedures with which are offered today in many beauty salons, does not contain any harmful substances or dyes. On the contrary, it is often enriched with various vegetable oils, extracts, vitamins, as well as other nutritional, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory components. Cosmetic paraffin is used for the face, hands, feet, and the whole body. It is recommended to be used for:

  • dryness and age-related changes in the skin;
  • post-acne;
  • cellulite.

As a result of using cosmetic paraffin, the following effect is observed:

  • softening the top layer of skin;
  • acceleration of blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • opening pores and removing toxins and impurities from them;
  • stimulation of regenerative processes;
  • normalization of water balance;
  • smoothing and tightening of the skin.

Cosmetic paraffin at home

Paraffin therapy can also be carried out independently by purchasing cosmetic paraffin at a pharmacy or specialty store. However, it is still advisable to have an assistant during the procedure, because You need to apply paraffin very quickly.

Before the procedure, paraffin should be melted in a water bath. One procedure for the face or hands will require about 50-100 g of product.

Directions for use on the face:

How to use for hands:

  1. Dip cleaned hands several times into a container with melted paraffin.
  2. Cover the skin of your hands with polyethylene and warm mittens.
  3. After half an hour, remove the paraffin and use hand cream.
  4. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week.

Using hand and foot baths

After preparing the necessary equipment, you need to proceed directly to therapy. The miniature bathtub is laid out on a flat surface (on a table or floor, depending on the part of the body being treated). Then you need to take 2-4 bars of paraffin for baths, cut it into pieces and place it in a container. After this, you need to turn on the device and melt the substance, setting the appropriate mode for this. Usually this procedure takes 1-2 hours, it depends on the amount of cosmetic product.

While the wax is heating up, you should prepare your legs or arms for manipulation. To do this, it is recommended to treat the selected area of ​​the body with a scrub. If your nails are painted, be sure to remove the polish. After which you need to smear your hands or feet with a nourishing cream, it is better if it is oil-based. But this information will help you understand how liquid paraffin is used in cosmetics and how effective this procedure is.

Next you can carry out paraffin baths, which are very easy to do. To do this, you need to dip your arms up to your hands in the melted wax, leave for 60-120 seconds, and then remove the limbs. The legs are dipped according to the same principle, but only to the bones.

But how paraffin therapy for hands is carried out and how the procedure occurs is described here.

The substance tends to quickly harden on the hands, enveloping them in the form of gloves. This procedure should be repeated up to 6 times, but you can do it a little less or more. This depends on the desired thickness of the paraffin layer.

The optimal option is 1-2 cm. Upon completion of such manipulations, the limbs should be wrapped in cling film and put on mittens or socks. This will help keep you warm for as long as possible. It is necessary to keep the melted paraffin for 15-20 minutes, after which the remaining substance should be carefully removed from the body and washed off with warm water. It is recommended to perform such cosmetic manipulations no more than once every 7 days. The paraffin remaining in the bath can be reused, but the product that was on the hands or feet should be thrown away. The used material has already absorbed toxic substances and contaminants, so it cannot be reused. It is also worth paying attention to this. How to make paraffin hand masks at home.

In the video - paraffin therapy at home:

Paraffin at home is often used in the form of baths, since they warm up the epidermis and its deep tissues well. Under the influence of high temperatures, the skin is cleansed and eliminated, as well as actively moisturized. Paraffin hand masks have a good effect on nails and cuticles, and also restore elasticity and radiance to the epidermis. Also, this remedy allows you to get rid of cracks on your hands or feet. You can also use a paraffin face mask and how the procedure is carried out can be seen here.

Paraffin face masks are very popular because they moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. Before use, it is necessary to warm the substance to 50˚C (it is better to do this in a water bath). After this, it is recommended to cleanse the face with a scrub (this is necessary to remove dead skin particles). It is strictly forbidden to use alcohol-based products. Otherwise, it may cause burns.

After the preparatory manipulations, you need to carefully apply paraffin to the entire surface of the face. It is recommended to cover your eyes with a cotton pad so that the substance does not get into your visual organs. Since in this position it will be inconvenient to apply the drug yourself, you should ask a friend or sister to help with this process. After 1 layer of paraffin has been applied, you need to lay a gauze cloth with cut holes for the eyes on it. Apply another 2-3 balls of molten substance on top of the bandage.

Paraffin therapy for the face should last for 15-20 minutes (until the product hardens). If the mask is applied correctly, it can be easily removed with a gauze pad. At the end of the procedure, you need to lubricate your face with nourishing cream. The results of the manipulations will be noticeable immediately after the first exposure to paraffin. The skin will become fresh, smooth and toned.

But how paraffin therapy of the feet is carried out and how effective this procedure is and how the procedure is done will help you understand the information in the link.

Paraffin therapy for the face is often practiced with the addition of essential oils (sea buckthorn or fir). Such additional components help soften the epidermis, improve blood microcirculation and help the substance penetrate deep into the skin. Due to its natural composition, paraffin does not cause allergic reactions or irritation of the dermis, so it is suitable for any skin type.

And this product does not contain any impurities or flavorings. In order for facial paraffin therapy at home to give positive results, it is necessary to conduct 20-25 sessions, taking intervals of 2-3 days.

In the video - using paraffin for the face:

It is allowed to re-use the substance only after a year. Otherwise there may be side effects. Cosmetologists believe that a paraffin face mask at home is most suitable for use in winter, since during this period the skin becomes dry and susceptible to frost and wind. This procedure can solve this problem very easily and painlessly. But how paraffin treatment occurs and what contraindications exist are detailed here.

Application in disease therapy

Quite often paraffin treatment is performed at home. This procedure helps to cope with various diseases of the musculoskeletal nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the joints. Positive results can be achieved through prolonged heat exposure on the diseased area or organ. Paraffin manipulations relax muscles and relieve spasms. Treatment with such a substance can be carried out in different ways, it depends on the location of the affected organ or joint. The most commonly used methods are:

  1. Applications. First you need to melt the paraffin so that it reaches a temperature of 50˚C. Then you need to take a paint brush or other improvised means and apply a cosmetic substance to the diseased area so that its thickness is 1-2 cm. Place oilcloth or wax paper on top and wrap the diseased area with cling film.
  2. Baths. Used to warm up the extremities. This procedure is often used for arthritis of the fingers. You need to sit comfortably on a room chair, and then put your hands in a container with paraffin and hold for 15 minutes, periodically removing and lowering your limbs into the pelvis. After the manipulations, the treated area should be wrapped in a warm cloth.

  3. Warmer. Before melting the paraffin, you need to prepare an oilcloth bag, fill it with a container and apply it to the sore area. This treatment can be carried out many times. To do this, you just need to place the bag in hot water and hold for 10-12 minutes.
  4. Paraffin masks at home. To do this, you need to apply 2-3 layers of this substance to the skin. Then it is recommended to apply a gauze pad soaked in this product. You need to secure the cling film on top and wrap it with a scarf or handkerchief.
  5. Paraffin boots. This type of treatment is used to treat hypertension, influenza and ARVI. To do this, apply the substance to your legs from the foot to the knee. You should get several layers of product.

Here are the types of mittens for paraffin therapy and how to use them correctly. detailed here.

On video - paraffin therapy treatment:

Before making paraffin useful and using it for medicinal purposes, you must consult a specialist.

Contraindications to the procedure

Paraffin therapy at home has a number of contraindications. It cannot be performed for infectious-inflammatory and pustular diseases that are localized in the area of ​​future treatment. Also, such exposure is prohibited when:

  • damage to the epidermis;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • endocrine and cardiovascular pathologies;
  • allergic reactions to cosmetic substances.

It will also be interesting to learn more about how cold paraffin is used and how effective this product is.

Therefore, before using the procedure, you must consult a specialist.

If you know how to do paraffin therapy at home, you can rejuvenate your skin and make it healthier.

Properties of paraffin

Cosmetic paraffin is a special paraffin. It is thoroughly cleaned of all harmful impurities. It is obtained like regular paraffin - from oil. Cosmetic paraffin is completely safe for the skin if used according to the instructions.

Firstly, it needs to be heated at a temperature no higher than +60C° in baths specially designed for this. Secondly, you need to carefully ensure that not a drop of moisture gets on your skin or in the dishes with paraffin. Such carelessness can lead to burns. That is why the skin must be wiped with alcohol before applying paraffin.

Thirdly, when buying paraffin for use at home, make sure that it does not contain artificial colors and flavors.

Fourth, always use cosmetic paraffin for only one procedure. Repeated use of paraffin is unacceptable, because When reheated, it loses its properties.

Home paraffin therapy

Home paraffin therapy has a very beneficial effect on the skin. Paraffin application masks perfectly soften the skin, intensively moisturize, nourish and tighten the skin.

Heat the paraffin in a bath to a temperature of +50-60C°, apply a drop of heated paraffin to back side hands - if it burns, then cool it a little. Everything is individual, we focus exclusively on our own comfortable feelings.

On cleansed skin, using a special brush or spatula, apply paraffin to the desired area of ​​skin in several layers. After applying one layer, wait until it dries, then apply the next layer of paraffin. Typically, enough layers are applied so that the thickness of the mask is approximately 5 mm. After this, wait 15-20 minutes and remove the paraffin.

There is no need to keep paraffin on the skin for longer than the specified time. Otherwise, you will cause harm to the skin, not benefit.

After removing the paraffin mask, lubricate the skin with nourishing cream.

After home paraffin therapy, you will not recognize your skin - it will become soft and tender, like a child’s after the first procedure.

To consolidate the result, you need to conduct a course of paraffin masks - a total of 10-15 procedures at intervals:
— for dry skin 2-3 masks per week;
- For oily skin 1 mask per week;
- For normal skin 2 masks per week

A course of paraffin therapy at home is carried out 2-4 times a year, depending on the condition of the skin.

Contraindications to home paraffin therapy

Pregnancy, breastfeeding, hypertension, menstruation, oncology, skin inflammation, colds.

You will learn detailed instructions on how to use paraffin at home from the articles:

Paraffin for feet
Paraffin for hands
Paraffin for face



In other cases, the procedure can be done safely if certain safety rules are followed.

Stages of paraffin therapy

Carrying out paraffin therapy at home differs from taking it in a salon in that you need to independently prepare the product and skin for the main procedure, which consists of several stages.



Paraffin is applied to the entire face, with the exception of sensitive areas around the eyes.


Finally, apply a non-greasy face cream.

Safety regulations

The positive effect of paraffin masks on the skin will be enhanced if you add natural beneficial ingredients to the main component, such as oils, honey, beeswax, aloe juice and others.

For acne

The mask helps fight expression wrinkles and small folds, prevents the appearance of a “double chin” and sagging cheeks, and in combination with an anti-aging cream promotes deep penetration of nutrients.


Paraffin enhances the effect of anti-inflammatory ingredients, restores tissue structure, a positive result is noticeable after the first use.

For dry skin

Nourishing oil will moisturize the skin, useful microelements under the paraffin mass will penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.

For fatty

The mask helps normalize sebum production, even out facial tone, and deeply cleanse clogged pores.


Nourishing oils penetrate deep into cells, activate metabolic processes and improve lymphatic drainage. Babassu oil also kills harmful microorganisms, prevents rashes and even the herpes virus.


Freshly squeezed aloe juice in combination with a vacuum has a strengthening effect, restores oxygen respiration, and normalizes energy exchange.


Paraffin in combination with active natural ingredients accelerates tissue renewal processes, honey removes dead cells and tones the epidermis.


A strong wax mask to prevent signs of aging, fight wrinkles and age spots, giving elasticity to the epidermis.


Paraffin therapy at home

To use cosmetic paraffin at home, you will need the paraffin itself, which can be bought in specialized cosmetics stores, pharmacies (or ordered online), and preferably an assistant, since applying a paraffin mask on your face yourself does not seem very convenient.
For even greater convenience, you can purchase a special bath for melting paraffin, but you can do without it and heat the product in a regular saucepan using a water bath.

Before starting the session, be sure to wash your face, or better yet, clean it with a scrub so that no impurities remain on the skin. Then it would be good to apply a vitamin, moisturizing, nourishing or other cream, which will also be the basis of the mask, because paraffin applied on top will ensure maximum absorption.

Now it’s time to prepare the most basic remedy for home paraffin therapy. Solid paraffin should be placed in an enamel pan, and this pan should be placed in another larger container with boiling water. You need to heat it until the paraffin is completely melted, and then apply it in liquid and warm form to your face. Again, we repeat, but it wouldn’t hurt to have someone help you in this process.

First you need to make a small dab of paraffin, for example on the forehead, in order to check its temperature. If it does not burn and is quite tolerable, you can begin to apply a paraffin mask to the entire area of ​​facial skin.
After applying the first layer (it is recommended to use some kind of flat and medium-sized brush or spatula for this), cover your face with a pre-prepared gauze napkin with cutouts for the mouth, nose and eyes (do not forget to apply cotton pads to the eyes at the very beginning; now you Do you understand that having an assistant is simply necessary?), and immediately apply another 4-5 even layers of liquid paraffin on top of the napkin. That is, cosmetic paraffin should not be removed from the water bath at the time of its application to avoid cooling.
All that remains is to wait in a calm, relaxed state for 15-20 minutes (during this time, the paraffin on the face should have time to harden and perform all its necessary functions). Then very carefully remove the gauze from your face, moving from the chin to the forehead; the paraffin should also come off along with the gauze. Rinse off any remaining residue with water, and at the end, be sure to apply moisturizer or your other daily cream to the skin.

That's all the wisdom of using paraffin therapy at home.
You can also make masks from paraffin with the addition of various other ingredients, such as beeswax, vegetable oils, lanolin, honey, etc. - softening paraffin masks for facial skin.

In the end, I would like to draw your attention to some existing contraindications to the use of cosmetic paraffin for the face. These are, first of all, dilated or close to the skin vessels, increased facial hair, warts, a large number of moles, the presence of any skin diseases, as well as, in particular, diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, and poor blood clotting.

What is cosmetic paraffin?

It will not be possible to perform paraffin therapy using a melted paraffin candle. After all, such a substance is made from petroleum products, and they cannot benefit human skin.

Cosmetic paraffin is a purified version of this substance. Additionally, it may contain various oils, vitamin complexes, and natural ingredients. It melts at a temperature of about 53 degrees.

On sale, the cosmetic product can be found in the form of solid pieces of paraffin of different weights and types. Suitable for use at home and beauty salon.

Salons offer the use of paraffin containing natural bee products. Since they can cause allergic reactions in humans, using such a product for the first time is unsafe.

The use of cosmetic paraffin is possible for the following thermal procedures:

  • applications for face and body;
  • masks and baths for hands and feet;
  • wraps.

By correctly using a cosmetic product, you can solve many skin problems: from hydration to rejuvenation.

Composition and beneficial properties

The cosmetic product simply called “paraffin” is not so simple. In its composition you can find the following elements:

  • complex carbohydrates are the “basis of the foundations” of the product, they are the ones that are able to transform solid material into a liquid mass;
  • cocoa butter – makes paraffin plastic and pliable, gives it a barely noticeable aroma;
  • vitamins, namely A and E – skin regeneration, rejuvenation, skin renewal on any part of the body;
  • herbal extracts – necessary for better penetration into the skin and its hydration;
  • minerals - responsible for saturating the skin with oxygen.

Such a rich composition can be supplemented with various oils (essential, butter, cold-pressed, etc.), plant particles, flavors, and dyes. But synthetic additives will not bring much benefit; it is better to avoid them altogether when choosing a product.

Carrying out paraffin therapy sessions has the following positive effects:

  1. skin nutrition. Even after the end of the session, the paraffin that has penetrated into the pores continues to nourish it, thanks to the elusive film created on the surface of the skin;
  2. smoothing The effect is achieved after the paraffin hardens. Then it shrinks slightly, while tightening the skin, giving it a slight lifting effect;
  3. stimulation of blood circulation. Under the influence of the heat that paraffin gives off, blood circulation improves. Cells begin to renew themselves thanks to lymph circulation, which is caused by the smooth cooling of the cosmetic product;
  4. hydration. Paraffin warms the skin, opens the pores and cleanses them. Under the paraffin film, a greenhouse effect is created (under the influence of the temperature of the material), moisture from which penetrates into these pores, thoroughly moisturizing them;
  5. relaxation. In cosmetology it is also used for relaxing purposes. When the warm mass comes into contact with the surface of the skin, a person feels how fatigue leaves and the body relaxes.

In addition to these properties that the product has in cosmetology, there are also the following: giving the skin elasticity, tenderness, velvety, improving color, accelerating the healing of microtraumas.

How to use cosmetic paraffin?

Knowledgeable cosmetologists will not overheat the paraffin and will not cause discomfort to their client. But in home use you can make a lot of mistakes: making it too high or low, melting paraffin in insufficient or too much quantity, etc.

The most common uses of cosmetic paraffin are baths, hand and face masks. The technique for applying them is different, but the final result depends on it. Paraffin can also be applied to any part of the body: knees, heels, décolleté, hips, buttocks, elbows.

For hands

To tidy up your hand skin, you can use the “hot bath” method or make a mask from special cold paraffin. The result will be almost the same, but the procedure is radically different.

Hot baths.

To conduct a session you need the following set of tools:

  • a special bath for heating paraffin (paraffin heater) or a home equivalent - two pans of different diameters so that you can make a water bath;
  • 150-200g paraffin for cosmetic purposes;
  • cream with a moisturizing effect;
  • disposable polyethylene gloves (an alternative is bags);
  • mittens or warm towel.

Before use, paraffin must be melted. This is done in a special bath, or alternatively in a water bath. It is important not to overheat. When it becomes transparent without cloudy impurities, it can already be used. It is advisable to use a water thermometer, just immerse it in paraffin before starting the procedure. The mark should be between 50 and 55 degrees.

  1. Clean your hands well. To do this, just wash them well with soap and dry with a towel. If possible, instead of washing, hands can be treated with disinfectant liquid.
  2. Moisturize your hand skin with the prepared moisturizer. Rub it with massage movements, paying special attention to the cuticle area and nails.
  3. Dip your hands into a saucepan (special bath) with melted (liquid) paraffin so that the liquid completely envelops your hands up to the wrist.
  4. Remove your hands from the saucepan (bath).
  5. After the paraffin on the skin begins to become slightly cloudy, put polyethylene on your hands, and then mittens.
  6. You need to keep this mask for at least 20 minutes, but do not exceed 60 minutes.
  7. Hold for the required time, remove mittens, polyethylene, and paraffin from your hands. The product itself can be easily exfoliated from the skin by simply rubbing your hands together.
  8. Moisten your hands with cream after the procedure is completed.

You can also apply several layers of paraffin on your hands. To do this, you need to dry each layer and dip it again into the melted product, which is in a liquid state.

Paraffin remaining unused in the saucepan can be poured into a bowl with a lid and cooled. It can be reused as many times as indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

It is used in cases where hot baths cause discomfort or there are certain health problems (for example, heart failure). The cold product looks like a familiar nourishing cream and does not require any action before application. If used in a beauty salon, the product is more hygienic than its “hot” counterpart, since it is used only once.

To use this paraffin, you should prepare your hands for the procedure in the same way as for hot baths. The following process is slightly different:

  1. After cleansing the skin of your hands, you can apply moisturizing cream. This is not necessary, since the cold product contains all the necessary beneficial components and moisturizing substances.
  2. Next, apply the product to your hands with a clean brush (a brush for applying face masks can be used) or just with your fingers so that you get a thin layer of product on the skin.
  3. Wrap your hands in plastic (gloves or bags), then put on warm mittens.
  4. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes to 1 hour. Over time, it will practically be absorbed into the skin of your hands and leave a thin film on it.
  5. Remove any remaining paraffin with gauze or paper towel. There is no need to rinse off the product with water to prolong the beneficial effects on the skin.
  6. To make the result more lasting, it is better to use a moisturizing hand cream after the procedure.

It is better to make such hand masks with unpainted nails, but after a basic manicure has been done.

For face

Using paraffin on the face is useful to restore water balance, and it is also an effective remedy for improving skin condition at any age.

Paraffin therapy procedures using different materials are effective - melting or cold. The stages of a cosmetic session are the same. The only difference is that the solid one needs to be melted before starting.

It is also worth preparing additional accessories - cut out a mask from gauze so that its size is sufficient to cover the skin of the face, cut out holes for the eyes and mouth, make cuts to follow the contour of the nose. Next, paraffin therapy for the face should be carried out as follows:

  1. cleanse the skin of impurities (sebum, cosmetics, dust) in any convenient way and means;
  2. then, using a brush, apply a moderate layer of liquid paraffin over the entire area of ​​the face, avoiding the delicate area around the eyes and lips;
  3. place the previously prepared gauze mask on a layer of hot paraffin so that it is immersed in it;
  4. apply a couple more layers of product on top of a gauze napkin, after lightly drying the previous one;
  5. wait 15-20 minutes and remove the mask (just lift the gauze and remove it from the skin);
  6. Remove the remaining mask with a dry cloth and use a moisturizer.

Using cold paraffin, the application technique is slightly different: it is spread on a gauze mask, and after removal, simply remove the remaining substance from the skin with a napkin. Additional use of moisturizers is not required.


Although paraffin has many benefits, it should not be applied to the skin of any part of the body in the following cases:

If cold paraffin is used, it will become a harmless alternative to hot paraffin for vascular and heart diseases.

Which paraffin is better to choose?

Choosing a quality cosmetic product is easy if you know what to look for when purchasing:

Having chosen the desired product, you can begin paraffin therapy and enjoy the results.

Publication date: 2018-02-26 | Cosmetics

How is paraffin useful?

It is important to note that the product being used on the face is a cosmetic type. It is cleaned of harmful impurities and toxins. Regular type cannot be used for masks. The composition of this product cannot be called unique, but the properties it provides have a beneficial effect on the skin.

After application, it hardens, so all the nutrients underneath are absorbed better and faster. When hardened, it tightens pores and tones, so after use the skin looks more toned and fresh.

These are not all useful properties:

  • It cleanses pores, removes blackheads;
  • Improves blood circulation, resulting in a healthy glow and natural color returning;
  • Increases muscle tone, fights wrinkles;
  • Increases the effectiveness of oils and oil components;
  • Warms and improves well-being.

Indications and contraindications

Using cosmetic paraffin at home is especially useful for those women who want to look younger without injections and salon procedures. It returns dull and tired skin to a healthy, radiant look. If you use it regularly, you can get rid of a sagging chin.

When excessive dryness and flaking are present, a moisturizer, such as cream or oil, should be applied under the mask.

The procedure cannot be performed if the following factors are present:

  • Vascular "stars", dermatological diseases;
  • A large number of warts, moles;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Oncology.

During use, precautions must be taken. Before applying to your face, place a little of the mixture on your wrist. This is necessary in order to check its temperature and not burn your face.

How to carry out the procedure at home?

It is very important to prepare well so as not to harm yourself. You also need to purchase everything you need. You will need cosmetic paraffin used for the face, vitamins E and A, a spatula for application, a bandage or gauze, and a plastic bag.

To melt the product, place it in a plastic bag and keep it in a water bath. Then add a few drops of vitamins A and E, mix thoroughly.

Remove from heat and check the temperature - it should be comfortable for the body, but not cool. Apply the composition for half an hour.

Before applying the mask, you can moisturize your face with serum and spread paraffin over the entire surface with a spatula. Soak the pieces of bandage in the hot mixture and place on your face. Lie down for 30 minutes, and then carefully remove the frozen film so as not to injure the cover. Rinse off any remaining residue with warm water.

Homemade mask recipes

To enhance the effect of paraffin, other components are added to the formulations depending on the skin type.

  • Recipe No. 1 for oily skin

Melt the product and add a few drops of lemon, orange or grapefruit essential oil. After removing the film, apply to face light low-fat whey. You will notice that the greasy shine will disappear, the pores will narrow;

  • Recipe No. 2 for dry skin

If dryness and flaking are present, then the cover needs to be additionally nourished and moisturized. The following components will cope with this task: avocado oil, peach oil, olive oil, rosehip oil. You can add a teaspoon of your chosen oil to the paraffin. To slow down the cooling process, the oil must be preheated. Apply the mixture and leave for half an hour. Afterwards, rinse and moisten the cover;

  • Recipe No. 3 for acne

Aloe juice and oil tea tree effectively fight acne and relieve inflammation. Add 10 ml of aloe juice or a few drops of tea tree to the melted product. After the procedure, the skin will be cleansed of all pathogenic bacteria, irritation and inflammation will disappear;

  • Recipe No. 4 for rejuvenation

Beeswax smoothes wrinkles, improves facial contours, and restores a fresh look. For 100 grams of paraffin you need to take 15 grams of wax.

This paraffin face mask, prepared at home, can be used for all skin types. In addition, it has an antiseptic effect.

Cold wrap

It is much more convenient to use a cold product than a hot one. There is no need to waste time and effort on heating, or purchase a special spatula.

And the application process is very simple:

  • Cleanse your skin with a scrub;
  • Apply paraffin cream to your face, distribute evenly with massage movements;
  • To enhance the effect, you can wrap your face in polyethylene, leaving slits for the eyes and nose;
  • After half an hour, remove the residue with a napkin and rinse.

After the procedure, moisturize your face. If you use cold paraffin for your hands and face regularly, the aging process will slow down, regeneration will accelerate, the skin will be moisturized, soft and smooth. You will forget about flaking, dryness, sagging and "crow's feet". Cold paraffin can be applied to your hands. Your skin will be healthy and your nails will be strong and shiny.


The temperature of paraffin for baths should be approximately 43 degrees. Baths can be made for feet or hands - you just need to dip them in molten paraffin. You can add essential oils to make the mask more nourishing. Then moisturize with silicone-based cream. After half an hour, cleanse your face and apply moisturizer.

The thickness of the first layer of paraffin should be minimal, and then gradually increase the temperature the next time you wet the gauze.

The thickness of all layers is approximately 8 mm. Cover your face with a towel to enhance the effect. If desired, various components can be added to paraffin facial baths prepared at home.

Paraffin therapy gives amazing results. After a course of procedures, the skin is smoothed, wrinkles disappear, the color becomes uniform, and its general condition improves.

The effect of the procedure lasts for several days until the next one. The product can be used repeatedly - its cooling and reheating do not affect the structure.

Paraffin therapy is a natural and effective procedure that helps not only eliminate external defects and imperfections, but also has a therapeutic effect. The technique is based on the use of a special paraffin film, which creates a greenhouse effect. Initially, liquid paraffin was used as a massage agent in post-traumatic rehabilitation, for injuries and muscle strains. However, practical research into its action has led to the fact that this technique is now successfully used in cosmetology. Many people perform paraffin therapy at home.

What is the effect of paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy is used mainly for hands during a special manicure. However, the procedure is also used for the skin of the face, legs and other parts of the body, for example, paraffin wraps for.

Result of manipulations:

  • Skin whitening;
  • Rejuvenation and cleansing of the skin;
  • Powerful hydration;
  • Protection against cracks and dryness;
  • Elimination of gravitational ptosis and double chin;
  • Correction of facial wrinkles;
  • Lymphatic drainage effect.

Indications for use of the technique

Indications for paraffin therapy are divided into cosmetic and medical. Medical indications include the following diseases:

  • Dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, radiculitis, fractures, sprains and ligament tears);
  • Skin diseases;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Frostbite and burns;
  • Gynecological diseases in women;
  • Severe diseases of internal organs;
  • Polio.

Cosmetic procedures are performed for the following problems:

  • Severe dry skin;
  • Tendency to swelling;
  • Age-related changes (ptosis of the oval face, double chin);
  • Premature aging;
  • Expression wrinkles;
  • Deep creases and folds;
  • Aging of the hands;
  • Cellulite;
  • Cicatricial changes in the skin.

About cosmetic paraffin

What is cosmetic paraffin?

Cosmetic paraffin is distinguished by powerful pre-cleaning from harmful impurities and dyes. It belongs to premium class products. Often, complexes of vitamins, minerals and trace elements are added to it. There is cosmetic paraffin based on honey, fruit, oil and vegetable. Cosmetic paraffin is aimed at eliminating signs of withering and aging of the skin, its deep nutrition, hydration and healing.

How much paraffin is needed for paraffin therapy and how often is it replaced and the bathtub cleaned?

The amount of cosmetic paraffin is calculated per procedure, taking into account the area of ​​application. To carry out the procedure on the hands, on average you will need 150-200 g of product. For the face you will need approximately the same amount, given its mandatory application in several layers.

Changing paraffin should be accompanied by thorough cleaning of the bath. The material should be changed according to the instructions, but this should not be done too often - some companies recommend replacing every 25-30 uses, some 2-3 times a year.

The bath for procedures is cleaned when replacing paraffin, or if sediment has formed at the bottom. To do this, turn off the device and wait until the paraffin hardens well. Then run the bath for a few minutes to allow the edges of the paraffin to melt. Now carefully pry up the paraffin monolith and remove it. All that remains is to remove the remaining product with a napkin, wash the container, disinfect and dry. If you want to reuse the removed cosmetic wax, first scrape off the sediment from the bottom.

Which paraffin to choose for home paraffin therapy?

Paraffin should be selected depending on the purpose of use. For allergy sufferers and people suffering from inflammatory processes, paraffin based peach oil. Paraffin with the addition of tocopherol and tea rose extract is excellent for SPA treatments aimed at treating the skin of the hands and feet. Paraffin with citrus additives has an additional nourishing effect and is suitable for the treatment of hands, feet and body. The chocolate product ensures skin regeneration and renewal at the cellular level.

How to reheat?

A special bath is usually used to heat the paraffin. An alternative is a regular water bath. The container with paraffin is placed on a colander, which is located above the steam of boiling water. This may take a little longer, but if a special device is not available, steam heating is also suitable. With this type of heating, care must be taken to ensure that no water gets into the paraffin.

Preparing for paraffin therapy at home

How to do paraffin therapy at home and what is required for this?

  • Cosmetic purified paraffin;
  • Special bath, heater or items for a steam bath;
  • Gauze face mask;
  • Protective cellophane bags;
  • Thermal gloves and thermal socks (for hand and foot therapy);
  • Moisturizing nourishing cream or serum;
  • Scrub;
  • Brush.

Step-by-step self-execution of paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy for hands at home:

  1. Melt the paraffin until liquid;
  2. Massage your hands with a special rough mitten, scrub or other abrasive particles; if desired, you can apply a care product;
  3. Dip the brushes into the liquid and immediately remove them. Repeat the action at intervals of 5-10 seconds to form thick paraffin gloves on your hands. If your skin is too sensitive, you can first apply the product with a brush and then dip it into the bath. True, for this manipulation you need an assistant.
  4. Put cellophane gloves on your hands or wrap them in several layers of cling film;
  5. Next, put on thermal gloves;
  6. Wait at least 20 minutes, remove gloves and film, remove paraffin. Dispose of it, since reuse is not intended;
  7. Apply cream to skin.

Paraffin therapy for feet at home:

  1. Melt the paraffin, at this time preparing the legs for the procedure;
  2. Thoroughly clean your feet with a scrub and disinfect with lotion. It is advisable that a professional pedicure be performed before paraffin therapy. However, this is not necessary, since the procedure softens the skin and eliminates the need to trim the rough skin of the feet;
  3. Adjust the temperature of the heated liquid. Paraffin must correspond to the maximum tolerable temperature, otherwise you may get burned;
  4. Place your feet in the bath and quickly remove them. At this time, a thin film should be visible on the feet. Repeat the manipulations at intervals of several seconds;
  5. Wrap the legs in plastic or cling film, creating an additional greenhouse effect;
  6. Put warm wool socks on your feet and wait half an hour;
  7. Remove paraffin from feet after this time;
  8. Apply moisturizing cream to your feet.

Paraffin therapy for feet is best done in the evening, just before bed. After the procedure, the legs should rest and be in a relaxed state.

If you have problems with the skin of your feet, you should consult a specialist before paraffin therapy. Perhaps the podiatrist will identify contraindications to the procedure.

Carrying out paraffin therapy for the face:

  1. Melt the paraffin to a temperature of 50-55 degrees;
  2. Pre-cleanse your face with a light peeling or scrub. Apply nourishing cream to it. The more the cream is enriched with useful substances, the better the effect of paraffin therapy;
  3. Apply a viscous mass of molten paraffin to the face using a coarse brush in a thin and even layer;
  4. Place a gauze mask or napkin on your face;
  5. Wait a few seconds, apply a second layer. Repeat 5-7 times. The mask and napkin are used exclusively for the first layer;
  6. After waiting for 30-40 minutes, remove the paraffin mass from the face from bottom to top;
  7. Apply skin care product according to your skin type.

Paraffin therapy on the body is carried out using applications applied to problem areas (stomach, thighs).

Frequency and dosage of sessions

For medicinal purposes: a course of 15-20 procedures is prescribed with a time interval of one day, or on a daily basis, depending on the purpose of application and treatment. Repeated sessions can be carried out after 1.5-2 months.

IN for cosmetic purposes: The main course for manicure is 10 sessions. The procedure can be repeated once every two to three weeks to maintain the achieved result. During the cold season, more paraffin therapy sessions may be required. The foot treatment is performed once a week. To rejuvenate the face, it is recommended to perform manipulations 1-2 times a week until the desired result appears. Maintenance procedures are performed once every few weeks.


Despite the wide range of healing and rejuvenating properties, the paraffin therapy procedure, both at home and when performed professionally, has its contraindications:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Ischemic disease and myocardial infarction;
  • Liver dysfunction;
  • Cirrhosis;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs in the acute stage;
  • Chronic glomerulonephritis;
  • Angina;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Open wounds and fistulas;
  • Purulent inflammations and other skin diseases;
  • Telangiectasia;
  • Hypertrichosis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Allergic reactions and individual intolerance to components.

The thermal paraffin therapy procedure has many beneficial functions for the skin of the face and body. It is considered the easiest and most pleasant, and can be done either by a specialist or at home. Paraffin therapy is especially relevant in winter time year when skin are especially susceptible to thinning and weathering. The therapeutic and cosmetological effect is observed after the first session.

Any woman, regardless of age, always wants to look young, have a radiant and healthy skin. One of the ways to take care of yourself is paraffin therapy. This service is in demand in beauty salons. But this procedure is easy to carry out at home, because the material is cheap.

How is paraffin useful?

Paraffin is a substance that is produced from petroleum. It has a wax-like consistency. For cosmetic procedures We use the highest quality product, without harmful impurities. It melts at a temperature of 53 degrees. It is sold in the form of solid pieces. Sometimes vitamin complexes, oils, honey, herbal extracts and cocoa can be added to the main substance. A wax-like product in combination with these components has a positive effect on the skin, namely:

  • nourishes the epidermis because it creates a film on the surface of action that does not allow beneficial substances to evaporate;
  • smoothes wrinkles - when hardened, the product contracts and tightens the skin, providing a lifting effect;
  • stimulates blood circulation as it gives off heat;
  • moisturizes - due to the thermal effect, the pores open, the skin warms up and moisture easily penetrates into it;
  • relaxes - that's why it is often used for spa treatments.


Like any product, the product has a number of disadvantages. It cannot be used if:

  • you are pregnant (the period can be any);
  • suffer from vascular and heart diseases;
  • you have been diagnosed with diabetes;
  • there are rashes with ulcers on your skin, for example, severe acne;
  • you are menstruating - it is worth moving the wraps to other days of the cycle;
  • there are wounds and cuts.
treatments nourish and moisturize the skin

Rules for applying masks

Cosmetic paraffin is most often used as part of masks. It is necessary to follow some important recommendations for their application:

  • Always check the temperature of the product before use. You can test it on the forearm area. If the procedure does not cause discomfort and does not burn, you can use the mask on other areas;
  • Apply the substance using a cosmetic brush or cotton pad. It is permissible to use gauze or bandage;
  • When applying, always use upward movements, starting from the chin and ending with the forehead;
  • recommended layer of active substance - no more than 7 mm;
  • to increase the action time, cover the area where the mask is applied with cling film, and then place a towel moistened with warm water on top;
  • do not keep the product on your face for more than 20 minutes;
  • After the procedure, always use a moisturizer, it will enhance the effect of the substance.

Effective cosmetic procedures

For hands

Almost every nail salon offers paraffin therapy to its clients. This service is popular because due to high temperature The mask improves blood circulation and its flow to tissues. Paraffin therapy is a real salvation from swelling and age-related changes. In this part of the article we will tell you how to save money and carry out this procedure at home. It rejuvenates and softens the skin of the hands.

Nourishing bath

Remove all jewelry. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap, use a scrub if desired - this way the bath will have a greater effect. You will need:

  • liquid vitamin E - 2 capsules.

Melt the paraffin in a water bath. To do this, cut it into small cubes and place in a glass jar. Pour water into a saucepan and place the jar in it so that the liquid covers 1/3 of the glass container. Turn on low heat and wait until the paraffin becomes molten. Carefully pour the product into a convenient enamel bowl and combine with vitamin E. Immerse your hands up to your wrists in the composition for 10 seconds, then remove. Repeat 3-5 times. Wear cellophane gloves and cover your hands terry towel. Wait 15 minutes, then remove the insulation and remove the composition using a towel soaked in warm water. Apply cream. This procedure opens the pores on the skin of the hands and helps eliminate dryness.

Rejuvenating bath


  • cosmetic paraffin - 500 g;
  • potato tubers - 3 pcs.;
  • milk 3.5% fat - 20 ml;
  • almond oil - 20 ml.

Boil the potatoes and mash them with milk and butter. Melt the paraffin. Spread the puree over the skin of your hands, leave for 20 minutes, then wash your hands without using soap. Dip your hands in paraffin, hold for 10 seconds, repeat 5 times. Put on plastic gloves and wrap a towel, sit for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mixture and lubricate your hands with cream. Carry out the procedure once a week, it will make your skin more youthful, soft and velvety.

Anti-dryness bath

You need:

  • cosmetic paraffin - 500 g;
  • shea butter - 20 g;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 20 ml.

Melt paraffin and shea butter, mix with sea buckthorn oil. Dip your hands into the mixture for 8 seconds 5 times, then put on cellophane gloves and warm mittens. Sit quietly for half an hour and carefully remove the product. Complete the procedure by applying cream. Repeat sessions regularly to eliminate excessive dry skin.

procedures smooth the skin and improve blood circulation

For legs

Before carrying out the following procedures, thoroughly wash your feet and scrub them, then apply a softening cream.

Anti-fatigue composition


  • lavender oil - 3 drops.

Melt the paraffin and pour into a convenient container, combine with essential oil. Immerse your feet up to your ankles in the mixture for 5 seconds, 5 times. Then wrap them in a plastic bag and cover them with a blanket. After 40 minutes, remove the paraffin and apply cream to your feet again. This bath is good to do after a busy day at work.

Anti-edema agent

You will need:

  • cosmetic paraffin - 400 g;
  • white clay - 2 tbsp. l.

Dilute the clay with water and melt the paraffin, combine the components. Lower your feet into the composition for a few seconds, repeat 5 times. After the last dive, wait for excess paraffin to drain and wrap your feet plastic bags, wrap it in a blanket. Sit quietly for 1 hour, during which time the white clay will relax your feet and draw out excess moisture. Remove the mixture and lubricate your feet with moisturizer.

For face

Before applying the mask, wash your face thoroughly, wipe your skin with lotion, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream and collect your hair so that it does not get in the way.

Complex mask


  • melted cosmetic paraffin - 1 tbsp. l;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • cocoa butter - 1 tsp.

Combine all ingredients and apply a thin layer to your face with a cosmetic brush, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. Leave the mask to act for 30 minutes. The nutritional composition will open the pores and healing components penetrate the skin, and then, after cooling and forming a film, the pores will close and retain the necessary substances.

Nourishing mask

You will need:

  • cosmetic paraffin - 1 tbsp. l;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • shea butter - 1 tsp.

Mix pre-melted paraffin with the remaining ingredients and apply the active composition to the skin. Leave for 20 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can cover your face with a towel soaked in hot water. Carefully remove the mixture and lubricate your face with cream. This procedure will nourish the skin with important elements that preserve youth.

Paraffin dressing


  • cosmetic paraffin - 5 tbsp. l;
  • herbal solution - 500 ml.

Dip a bandage or gauze into melted paraffin and apply it to your face. Repeat several times. After the composition has hardened, keep it on your face for 20 minutes, then wash with an herbal infusion (chamomile works well). This mask improves skin turgor and tightens the oval of the face.

Refreshing mask

Required components:

  • cosmetic paraffin - 2 tbsp. l;
  • aloe juice - 1 tsp;
  • cucumber juice - 1 tsp.

Grate the vegetable pulp on a fine grater and squeeze. Add the resulting juice along with aloe to the melted paraffin. Apply the mask to your face, lie with it for 20 minutes, then remove the composition. This product improves complexion, gives it a fresh, radiant look, brightens dark spots. Use 2 times a week.

Anti-acne mask


  • melted cosmetic paraffin - 2 tbsp. l;
  • propolis tincture - 2 drops.

Mix the indicated ingredients and spread the mixture over your face. After half an hour, carefully remove the product, wipe the skin with lotion and apply cream. Propolis has anti-inflammatory properties, eliminates the causes of acne and promotes skin regeneration.

For body

If you enrich the product with essential complexes, you can conduct a relaxing or anti-cellulite wrap session at home. It is better to use the following oils:

  • lavender - fights depression, promotes healthy sleep;
  • rosemary - helps relieve fatigue, stimulates mental activity;
  • ylang-ylang - relieves tension and relieves restless feelings;
  • mint - calms and relieves stress, restores strength;
  • vanilla - relaxes and puts you in a romantic mood.

Relaxing wrap


  • mint essential oil - 2 drops;
  • vanilla essential oil - 2 drops.

Using a water bath, melt the paraffin and add essential oils to it. Distribute the mixture evenly over your body (it’s better to ask someone to help), wrap yourself in cling film, cover yourself with a fleece blanket and relax. Lie down with eyes closed, think about something pleasant. Action time is from 40 minutes to 1 hour. This procedure not only has a beneficial effect on the skin and reduces body volume, but also relieves stress and fatigue.


This interesting name implies a mixture of paraffin and healing mud. The procedure is carried out to get rid of cellulite and excess fat deposits. You will need:

  • cosmetic paraffin - 1000 g;
  • white clay - 100 g;
  • coffee grounds - 3 tbsp. l.

Dissolve dry clay in enough water to the consistency of rich sour cream. Add melted paraffin and coffee cake, mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to problem areas of the body. For this it is better to use cosmetic brush. Wrap the application areas with cling film and lie down under a blanket for 1 hour. After the required time has passed, rinse off the composition with warm water. Coffee particles, due to their scrubbing effect, will renew epidermal cells, and white clay will make the skin smooth and elastic. It is recommended to carry out this procedure once every 3 days, in a course of 15 sessions.

Renewing wrap

To achieve good cleansing of the skin and increase its tone, use the following mixture:

  • cosmetic paraffin - 800 g;
  • sea ​​salt - 50 g;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • sea ​​mud - 10 gr.

Melt the paraffin in a water bath. Combine all ingredients and mix the composition thoroughly. Distribute it over your thighs and stomach, wrap in cling film and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. The product will sting the skin, so the duration of action will depend on your stamina. Rinse off with cool water and apply anti-cellulite cream. This wrap tones the skin and effectively fights cellulite and makes the thighs firm.

From this article you learned how to effectively use paraffin to care for the skin of your face and body. This affordable product will help you maintain youth and beauty.

A paraffin therapy session in a spa can be compared to something relaxing and renewing. And all this is not only thanks to the work of the cosmetologist, but also to the material that is used in such a procedure. The quality of cosmetic paraffin must be adequate for the session to be successful and meet expectations. The availability of this product allows you to enjoy pleasant spa treatments even while at home.

What is cosmetic paraffin?

It will not be possible to perform paraffin therapy using a melted paraffin candle. After all, such a substance is made from petroleum products, and they cannot benefit human skin.

Cosmetic paraffin is a purified version of this substance. Additionally, it may contain various oils, vitamin complexes, and natural ingredients. It melts at a temperature of about 53 degrees.

On sale, the cosmetic product can be found in the form of solid pieces of paraffin of different weights and types. Suitable for use at home and beauty salon.

Salons offer the use of paraffin containing natural bee products. Since they can cause allergic reactions in humans, using such a product for the first time is unsafe.

The use of cosmetic paraffin is possible for the following thermal procedures:

  • applications for face and body;
  • masks and baths for hands and feet;
  • wraps.

By correctly using a cosmetic product, you can solve many skin problems: from hydration to rejuvenation.

Composition and beneficial properties

The cosmetic product simply called “paraffin” is not so simple. In its composition you can find the following elements:

  • complex carbohydrates are the “basis of the foundations” of the product, they are the ones that are able to transform solid material into a liquid mass;
  • cocoa butter – makes paraffin plastic and pliable, gives it a barely noticeable aroma;
  • vitamins, namely A and E – skin regeneration, rejuvenation, skin renewal on any part of the body;
  • herbal extracts – necessary for better penetration into the skin and its hydration;
  • minerals – responsible for saturating the skin with oxygen.

Such a rich composition can be supplemented with various oils (essential, butter, cold-pressed, etc.), plant particles, flavors, and dyes. But synthetic additives will not bring much benefit; it is better to avoid them altogether when choosing a product.

Carrying out paraffin therapy sessions has the following positive effects:

  1. skin nutrition. Even after the end of the session, the paraffin that has penetrated into the pores continues to nourish it, thanks to the elusive film created on the surface of the skin;
  2. smoothing The effect is achieved after the paraffin hardens. Then it shrinks slightly, while tightening the skin, giving it a slight lifting effect;
  3. stimulation of blood circulation. Under the influence of the heat that paraffin gives off, blood circulation improves. Cells begin to renew themselves thanks to lymph circulation, which is caused by the smooth cooling of the cosmetic product;
  4. hydration. Paraffin warms the skin, opens the pores and cleanses them. Under the paraffin film, a greenhouse effect is created (under the influence of the temperature of the material), moisture from which penetrates into these pores, thoroughly moisturizing them;
  5. relaxation. In cosmetology it is also used for relaxing purposes. When the warm mass comes into contact with the surface of the skin, a person feels how fatigue leaves and the body relaxes.

In addition to these properties that the product has in cosmetology, there are also the following: giving the skin elasticity, tenderness, velvety, improving color, accelerating the healing of microtraumas.

How to use cosmetic paraffin?

Knowledgeable cosmetologists will not overheat the paraffin and will not cause discomfort to their client. But in home use you can make a lot of mistakes: making it too high or low, melting paraffin in insufficient or too much quantity, etc.

The most common uses of cosmetic paraffin are baths, hand and face masks. The technique for applying them is different, but the final result depends on it. Paraffin can also be applied to any part of the body: knees, heels, décolleté, hips, buttocks, elbows.

For hands

To tidy up your hand skin, you can use the “hot bath” method or make a mask from special cold paraffin. The result will be almost the same, but the procedure is radically different.

Hot baths.

To conduct a session you need the following set of tools:

  • a special bath for heating paraffin (paraffin heater) or a home equivalent - two pans of different diameters so that you can make a water bath;
  • 150-200g paraffin for cosmetic purposes;
  • cream with a moisturizing effect;
  • disposable polyethylene gloves (an alternative is bags);
  • mittens or warm towel.

Before use, paraffin must be melted. This is done in a special bath, or alternatively in a water bath. It is important not to overheat. When it becomes transparent without cloudy impurities, it can already be used. It is advisable to use a water thermometer, just immerse it in paraffin before starting the procedure. The mark should be between 50 and 55 degrees.

  1. Clean your hands well. To do this, just wash them well with soap and dry with a towel. If possible, instead of washing, hands can be treated with disinfectant liquid.
  2. Moisturize your hand skin with the prepared moisturizer. Rub it with massage movements, paying special attention to the cuticle area and nails.
  3. Dip your hands into a saucepan (special bath) with melted (liquid) paraffin so that the liquid completely envelops your hands up to the wrist.
  4. Remove your hands from the saucepan (bath).
  5. After the paraffin on the skin begins to become slightly cloudy, put polyethylene on your hands, and then mittens.
  6. You need to keep this mask for at least 20 minutes, but do not exceed 60 minutes.
  7. Hold for the required time, remove mittens, polyethylene, and paraffin from your hands. The product itself can be easily exfoliated from the skin by simply rubbing your hands together.
  8. Moisten your hands with cream after the procedure is completed.

You can also apply several layers of paraffin on your hands. To do this, you need to dry each layer and dip it again into the melted product, which is in a liquid state.

Paraffin remaining unused in the saucepan can be poured into a bowl with a lid and cooled. It can be reused as many times as indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

It is used in cases where hot baths cause discomfort or there are certain health problems (for example, heart failure). The cold product looks like a familiar nourishing cream and does not require any action before application. If used in a beauty salon, the product is more hygienic than its “hot” counterpart, since it is used only once.

To use this paraffin, you should prepare your hands for the procedure in the same way as for hot baths. The following process is slightly different:

  1. After cleansing the skin of your hands, you can apply moisturizing cream. This is not necessary, since the cold product contains all the necessary beneficial components and moisturizing substances.
  2. Next, apply the product to your hands with a clean brush (a brush for applying face masks can be used) or just with your fingers so that you get a thin layer of product on the skin.
  3. Wrap your hands in plastic (gloves or bags), then put on warm mittens.
  4. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes to 1 hour. Over time, it will practically be absorbed into the skin of your hands and leave a thin film on it.
  5. Remove any remaining paraffin with gauze or paper towel. There is no need to rinse off the product with water to prolong the beneficial effects on the skin.
  6. To make the result more lasting, it is better to use a moisturizing hand cream after the procedure.

It is better to make such hand masks with unpainted nails, but after a basic manicure has been done.

For face

Using paraffin on the face is useful to restore water balance, and it is also an effective remedy for improving skin condition at any age.

Paraffin therapy procedures using different materials are effective - melting or cold. The stages of a cosmetic session are the same. The only difference is that the solid one needs to be melted before starting.

It is also worth preparing additional accessories - cut out a mask from gauze so that its size is sufficient to cover the skin of the face, cut out holes for the eyes and mouth, make cuts to follow the contour of the nose. Next, paraffin therapy for the face should be carried out as follows:

  1. cleanse the skin of impurities (sebum, cosmetics, dust) in any convenient way and means;
  2. then, using a brush, apply a moderate layer of liquid paraffin over the entire area of ​​the face, avoiding the delicate area around the eyes and lips;
  3. place the previously prepared gauze mask on a layer of hot paraffin so that it is immersed in it;
  4. apply a couple more layers of product on top of a gauze napkin, after lightly drying the previous one;
  5. wait 15-20 minutes and remove the mask (just lift the gauze and remove it from the skin);
  6. Remove the remaining mask with a dry cloth and use a moisturizer.

Using cold paraffin, the application technique is slightly different: it is spread on a gauze mask, and after removal, simply remove the remaining substance from the skin with a napkin. Additional use of moisturizers is not required.


Although paraffin has many benefits, it should not be applied to the skin of any part of the body in the following cases:

If cold paraffin is used, it will become a harmless alternative to hot paraffin for vascular and heart diseases.

Which paraffin is better to choose?

Choosing a quality cosmetic product is easy if you know what to look for when purchasing:

Having chosen the desired product, you can begin paraffin therapy and enjoy the results.