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Easter eggs made of beads: DIY decoration ideas. Easter egg: master class on how to make crafts from sequins How to decorate an egg with Gzhel-style sequins

It is impossible to remain indifferent to the Easter tradition of painting eggs. However, fashion trends make their own adjustments to such an ancient art form as “painting”. To the traditional techniques are added some that are not entirely familiar, but no less beautiful and original. And in our review - 15 unusual methods that can be adopted.

1. Black and white classics

The use of black, a non-traditional color for Easter eggs, gives them special attractiveness and originality. Painting with slate paint will create the effect of a blackboard on which you can draw, write wishes with chalk or a white pencil.

2. Colorful stains

This technique can be called "lazy", or not requiring outstanding talents in the field visual arts. It is enough just to dip the brush, press it to the shell and allow the watercolor paint to flow chaotically. Such patterns dry out very quickly. You can also use several colors that will gradually fade into each other.

3. Tattooed Easter eggs

This original idea decor based on stickers that are “translated” onto the skin and imitate tattoos. This method will attract and delight the child. Funny images can serve as an idea for a game. The principle of transfer is very simple, just press the sticker well, moisten it with water and make sure that the design is completely transferred to the shell.

4. Marble patterns

This unusual method is suitable not only for manicure but also as Easter decor. A good opportunity to give a “second life” to nail polishes, since you can use already dried ones. In order to use this method, you need to pour varnishes into a cup of water one by one and lower the empty shell into it, after securing it on a stick. This way you can pull it out without damage. ready product and don't get your hands dirty.

5. Embroidered shirt

You can embroider not only on fabric. This technique also uses only eggshells, so you need to prepare them first: remove the contents of the egg and let it dry from the inside. After this, the holes are carefully pierced with special tools. You can use any thread, preferably bright colors, but it’s better to choose thinner ribbons. It is worth noting that this is a very painstaking work with a fragile object, and therefore requires perseverance and concentration from the person who will perform it.

6. Golden chic

Decorating Easter eggs with gold elements will add sophistication and satisfy the taste of any esthete. Gold leaf looks impressive both as a main design and as an addition to other decorations. Instead of gold plates, you can take foil, which is used in manicure.

7. “Shell on shell”

To decorate eggs using this technique, you need to prepare an empty white shell, pre-painted. Glue pieces of colored shell onto the white egg, leaving small spaces between them. The resulting mosaic will look great, both monochromatic and multi-colored.

8. A series of colorful characters

From a huge number of drawn characters, you can choose your favorite ones and create colorful Easter eggs. Acrylic paints or gouache are used to paint them. You can create a 3D effect by adding paper elements. Undoubtedly, it is worth involving children in the production, allowing them to show their imagination and the opportunity to create their own character.

9. Decoupage technique

Fast and easy way decoration. It is perfect for those who have little time and cannot spend a long time fiddling with decorating eggs. The principle is simple: pieces of napkin with a pattern you like are carefully glued to the shell, all wrinkles and irregularities are straightened out. And to consolidate the result, the “pattern” is covered with glue or varnish.

10. "Quilling"

First you need to familiarize yourself with the features of this technology. Strips of paper are twisted and formed into certain patterns, then all the elements are glued together. This way you can decorate natural eggs, gluing the shell or creating decorative masterpieces.

11. Dinosaur eggs

An original idea for creating dinosaur eggs or mythical dragons.
First option: dip the overcooked egg into the dye. Through cracks in the shell, paint will seep inside, creating a kind of mesh.

Another option: paste sequins or other available materials over the shell, creating a semblance of scales. Lovers of huge reptiles and Jurassic Park fans will love these Easter eggs.

12. Winding threads

This unusual technique involves using floss, iris and other silk or cotton threads for sewing or knitting. You can wind different colors (by gluing the threads in a chaotic order or laying the turns evenly and tightly), first by securing the end on top with a pin or tape. At the end, the “ball” should be greased with glue and allowed to dry. You can complement the result by sprinkling with beads or glitter.

13. The beauty of cereals

Since ancient times, cereals have been used to decorate Easter eggs, representing symbols of fertility and prosperity. The combination of different seeds always creates an interesting composition. And an additional decorative element can be pasta of various shapes, painted with gold or silver paints.

14. Space decor

It is worth highlighting the unusual way of coloring “space” eggs. This technique attracts attention and takes away from the canons of traditional painting. Creating them is very simple, just take a few dyes and soak a napkin with them, wrap them and leave them for four hours. Adding fluorescent paints will enhance the futuristic effect, allowing the pysanka to glow in the dark.

15. Silk tenderness

Since silk conveys its color perfectly, it is impossible not to use this to create an interesting coloring. You can use old ties as the main material, neckerchiefs or just individual pieces of fabric. Eggs wrapped in silk and topped with a piece of white cloth are immersed in boiling water with vinegar. Thus, a design will be imprinted on the shell, which can be supplemented, for example, by gluing beads, beads, lace, or paper butterflies. It is better to choose a brighter fabric, since the finished pattern will turn out somewhat dull.

Easter is a bright holiday that is usually celebrated with family, and preparation for it unites entire generations. The format of the meeting may change, but the Easter cake and Easter eggs on the holiday table remain unchanged. The art of coloring eggs is rooted deep in ancient centuries, but even today it does not lose relevance, new ones are emerging, modern methods. Long-forgotten techniques are being revived, and new ones are being improved. The artist under the pseudonym Eggdoodler surprises with his filigree carving works.

Wooden and foam eggs are most often used to make decorative Easter eggs. Wooden eggs they are painted with paints, and foam plastic ones are decorated with fabric, satin ribbons, beads and sequins. All elements are attached to the plastic egg with pins, which are fixed with white glue. The result is bright, elegant, sparkling Easter eggs. They are used for interior decoration, festive table, as a souvenir. To make a decorative egg, prepare: a foam egg 7-8 cm, a light blue satin ribbon 5-10 mm wide, silver or blue sequins and beads, pins with beautiful silver heads and nail pins, glitter glue , adhesive decorative tape with blue flowers, PVA glue, decorative elements for decorating eggs, scissors.

Using regular pins, attach the ribbon to the egg as shown in the video tutorial, dividing the egg into four equal parts vertically and then in half horizontally. Attach songs along the ribbons using pins and beads. Dip the pins into glue and secure all the elements with them. Continue filling the egg with decorative elements in the suggested order or create your own pattern.

And more works by the author Alyx Mazerov











On the Internet you can find a lot of options for decorating handmade Easter eggs. But you won’t find anything like this, decorated with ordinary clubs and sequins, which I suggest you make in this master class. And manufacturing is not difficult and manufacturing does not require a lot of materials.

So, are you ready to start making this DIY sequined Easter egg?

Then go ahead, let's get to work!

To make and decorate an Easter egg you will need:

polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam; scissors; universal glue; sew-on flower palettes light pink color; pins with colored heads (white, purple); pliers

For the Easter egg stand you will also need:

  • sew-on sequins
  • green flowers

For such an egg, 6 cm high, it will take about 120 pins. Before you start, prepare your pins. These pins have long needles, so you need to use pliers to bite off these needles by 1/3 of their total size.

After all the pins are ready, thread a sew-on sequin flower onto each pin.

Take a piece of foam plastic (expanded polystyrene) 6 cm long and with a diameter. Cut it so that you get an egg. Trim with scissors, feel free to chop it at the beginning. It is at the end that you will correct it, cutting it off a little and a little.

And now, begin to pierce the foam egg with prepared needles and sequins. It will probably be easier to start from the middle of the top of the egg.

When threading pins with white and purple heads, alternate so that they are mixed.

If you are planning to make an egg on a stand, then you should not cover the bottom of the egg with pins and sequins.

And the same plastic box of pins can ideally serve as a stand. The only thing is that it needs to be decorated a little.

And for this, the same sew-on sequins with flowers only in green will help. Apply universal glue along the outermost rim and lay the pajekti. Leave the stand for a while, and when the glue has completely dried, you can move on to the final stage.

The final stage is the most enjoyable, because in a few minutes you will see the result of your work. And he won't disappoint you.

Apply universal glue to the part of the Easter egg that was left and not covered with palette pins. And place it exactly in the middle of the stand. Press and hold for a while.

And here is the result - an Easter egg in all its glory!

It's time to look at a few original options,how to decorate easter eggs, this time we have selected the 10 most interesting and unusual options decorations that will allow you to prepare for Christian holiday gifts for your loved ones. Perhaps it was in 2016 that you decided to vaccinate new tradition in your family - giving each other gifts for Easter. We will consider some of the proposed decoration options in more detail.

How to decorate Easter eggs

1. “Artichoke” is an original idea of ​​​​using wide satin ribbons as a decoration material. The foam base is decorated triangular modules, which are attached using sewing pins.

2. Thin ribbons - they are used to wrap the base, so you can create a plain or striped pattern.

3. Decoration with sequins - multi-colored shiny plastic elements are simple material for creativity. The sequins are attached to sewing pins with a flat tip, so a foam base is used for the craft.

4. The options proposed above can be combined with each other, for example, first the entire workpiece is covered with thin ribbon strips or sequins, and then the bottom is decorated with triangles, as shown in detail in the master class.

5. “Patchwork” - the foam base can be easily decorated with pieces cotton fabric different color, for this, the workpiece is divided into several sectors, and then deep slits are made along the division lines.

6. If you like the idea, how to decorate an Easter egg with beads, because thanks to simple weaving you can create a truly royal gift. The workpiece is braided with straight weaving or mosaic.

7. Knitting is another one interesting option, how to decorate Easter eggs with beads, diagrams Here you need to prepare in advance and buy high-quality beads. For weaving, a thin “Jeans” thread is used, on which beads are strung in the order specified in the pattern. When all the beads are strung, you can start knitting in a spiral with a single crochet.

8. “Decoupage” is a technique that is used to decorate decorative bases: plastic, foam, wood, as well as to decorate boiled eggs for an Easter basket.

9. “Quilling” - twisted elements from paper strips are pasted over the workpiece, creating a bright pattern.

10. The egg-shaped blank can be wrapped in yarn or floss to create a craft that will fit perfectly into a warm home interior. You can use double-sided tape to secure the threads.

Other ideas and detailed instructions by their embodiment you can find.

How to decorate Easter eggs with satin ribbons

If you have already purchased Styrofoam Easter eggs, how to decorate we will tell you them, in addition, we have several interesting and unusual ideas, which will definitely appeal to needlewomen. As you know, craftswomen love to try new techniques, so we will add one more to our collection of in an original way, which is called "artichoke".

We will get a craft that will look like an artichoke fruit, and for decoration we will use satin ribbons and origami techniques. Remember on New Year we tried to create New Year's crafts, including Christmas decorations, using model origami, when a figure was folded from individual modules. This time, individual “models” will be used for decoration, and the end result will be a bright and beautiful decoration.

The main material will be satin ribbons, although they can be replaced with cotton material, but it is less dense and durable, so the fabric may tear during operation. We will use a foam plastic blank as a base; it can be purchased at a store that sells various craft supplies. You can buy ribbons at a store selling sewing supplies, fabrics and accessories. In the process of completing the craft, we will also need sewing pins with a flat head.

Now that we have all the materials prepared, we can begin the process, how to decorate easter eggs satin ribbons , but first they need to be cut into squares or rectangles. To determine the size of one piece of tape, you need to understand what size one module of our craft will be. The “triangle” is made like this: a piece of tape is folded in half, then both corners are bent towards the center. We get the size of the finished triangle, according to this we need to cut the tape into pieces. In most cases, the ribbon should be cut into squares, with a side equal to the diameter of the workpiece. The usual foam blank, which is most often sold in the store, has a size of 6 by 10 cm, so the squares needed are 6 by 6 cm. First we need to buy tape, its width should be 6 cm.

How to decorate an Easter egg with your own hands

If you want to learn the artichoke method, how to decorate an Easter egg, photo the master class will definitely give you tips on all stages of implementation. Decoration begins from the top (narrowed side) of the workpiece. First, it should be drawn with a marker into eight identical sectors

You can use ribbons of the same color or different ones, laying them in layers. First of all, you need to attach a square to the tip, then we fix the next one with a pin in the middle so that it fits in the center of the intersection of the lines. We will attach the first square with the front side up, the second - with the front side inward. This matters if you are working with the material; satin ribbons have both sides the same. The second square must be folded in half, the corners bent and secured with pins, sticking them into the foam until it stops. This way we will make four more triangles that will cover the top. The center of the triangle and both edges of the corners should be located along the axes, this will help us carefully decorate the foam base.

Let's move on to the next stage, how to decorate an Easter egg with your own hands, carefully following the master class. In the photo you can notice that the next row will be in a checkerboard pattern, i.e. Now the center of the triangle module should be located between the corners of two adjacent modules of the previous row. There are two options here: you can fasten the center of each square with a pin, or you can not fasten them, but only fix the corners, which will give the craft volume.

The “triangles” of the next row must cover the heads of the sewing pins; relative to each other, they must be slightly offset so that only the upper corners “stick out.” When you get closer to the bottom, you can use smaller squares - with a side of 5 cm, then 4 cm. And to hide the lower part, you can prepare a sepal for our artichoke.

Styrofoam Easter eggs: how to decorate?

“Artichoke” is just one way to perform it, but ribbons can be used for other techniques, including the simplest ones, which do not require any special skills from you. You can see, how to decorate an Easter egg with your own hands, photo master classes or video lessons.

The most simple option can be called simply wrapping the workpiece with a thin ribbon. For this we will need an egg-shaped blank - a wooden, foam plastic or hollow natural shell, three meters of thin ribbon, 0.5 cm wide. For work we will use thin double-sided tape, which allows you to securely fix the ribbons and does not leave marks on the materials, unlike from glue.

This method is so simple that if you have already mastered it, how to decorate Easter eggs, teach Children and schoolchildren will be happy to take on this as well. And you can give the finished craft to your grandmother, congratulating her on her birthday. spring holiday Easter.

You need to glue thin strips of double-sided tape to the workpiece - bottom and top, and then start wrapping it with ribbon. Carefully apply the ribbon at both ends so that the layers overlap each other. With each subsequent winding, the tape must be shifted slightly.

You can also use two ribbons at once to get a striped egg, but then when wrapping each ribbon must be shifted relative to each other.

If you decorate the foam base with thin ribbons, then the lower part can be decorated with triangle modules that will form a sepal for the testicle. Original performance Easter crafts- a combination of several types of decor. If you decorate half using the “artichoke” method, then the second part - the sharp one - can be decorated with sequins, which are also attached to sewing nails.

How to decorate Easter eggs with napkins

There's probably no other way how to decorate Easter eggs with your own hands with napkins, which would allow us to obtain truly bright and original elements decor and souvenirs for friends. The main material for decoration will be napkins, and the technique in which we will decorate the workpiece is well known to us - this is decoupage.

By the way, decoupage is interesting for handicrafts not only because it makes it easy to solve how to decorate wooden Easter eggs, but also how to “paint” the boiled ones, which will then take their place next to the Easter cake on the festive table.

Since Easter is a bright spring holiday, we will choose gentle, spring motifs for decorating eggs, for example, you can find many various options napkins with floral patterns. You can choose napkins with large flowers or small ones. Large motifs are easy to cut out and use as separate elements for decoration, and napkins with small flowers will completely cover the surface.

To prevent the napkin elements from standing out on the base, they should not be cut out, but carefully “torn out”; such uneven edges can be easily hidden on the base and you will get an even finish. beautiful pattern on wooden blank. The shell does not need to be pre-painted, but the wooden base must be covered with several layers acrylic paint. The napkin is glued with PVA glue: the motif must be carefully straightened so that no wrinkles remain. And at the final stage, how to decorate Easter eggs with napkins, the craft is varnished.

Making such a beautiful Easter egg with your own hands couldn’t be easier. How to do it? Elementary. I bring to your attention a master class accessible to everyone. Materials can be bought everywhere, the complexity of the work is minimal, and so is the time.

A appearance It is in no way inferior to a “Faberge egg” woven with beads, only the costs (including and especially time ones!) are several times less. And this is an important factor in our time.

Master class Easter eggs made from sequins

Where do I get materials, in which store? It is possible in a specialized one for all sorts of crafts, and sequins can also be sold where they decorate clothes, where sequins are also used.

I have often seen a foam, or as they say here, styrofoam egg on sale, it costs a penny. In the photo below you can see everything you need, what it looks like, and in what form you can buy it.

For the Easter decoration you will need multi-colored sequins, a lot of pins and an egg base for our Easter product. We sell them in small transparent plastic boxes.

I will show you the most basic things - the technique and sequence of actions. First, use a pencil to mark the outline of the design, if you have one, directly on the base.

In the primitive example below, the main color is green; against this background, small white flowers will occasionally appear. We take pins and use them to secure the sequins to the foam.

Apart from the picture, I think no further explanation is required, everything is already extremely clear without unnecessary words. We pin one piece at a time until the entire surface is covered. If you do it with an overlap, the white part will not be visible at all.

Both solid-colored eggs with glitter and variegated eggs look good. This way you can use different sizes of leftover embroidery on clothes; almost any color combination will work here.

The most important thing is like this easter decor submit. Look, the egg is lying quite well in an improvised nest of twigs, grass and leaves. Just like the real thing. If you use natural materials, then it is better to make the egg itself not too bright and colorful, let it look like a real bird's egg.

Another option is in a green felt basket. In this case, crafts can be colorful, shiny, and conspicuous.

Sequins can be laid out in some kind of pattern, stripes, waves - whatever you want! Please note that if you leave the base egg as it is, it will be white (it will show through a little in the gaps), and if you paint it, it will be of any desired color, for example, in the photo below on the left it is blue-blue. Please note that the decor in this case is glued with glue.

DIY Easter egg with beads

A small bonus is slightly modified technology. The principle is the same, only the craft itself becomes more decorative. What has changed? But here's the thing - in addition to the sequins on top, beads or beads are also pinned on top of the sequins with the same needle-pin, one at a time.

The egg looks great. It is better to take pins of the same color to match the gold beads golden hue, not silver as shown above.

If desired, you can leave only beads everywhere or in some places. Come up with a simple, eye-catching pattern and make it on polystyrene foam. Make one or several Easter decorations at once - I assure you, it won’t take much time!

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A very similar technique, and the base is the same - foam plastic, which nowadays can be purchased at any craft store. You will also need shaped hole punches; with their help you can stamp a lot of figures in a matter of minutes. Stock up on pins, as well as small beads or beads, you will only need a little of them.

Another festive interior decoration for happy holiday. Soft, warm, very elegant. Beads or seed beads are also used here, only in much smaller quantities. Such crafts are very good for decoration in baskets made of colored felt. Keep in mind that several pieces will look more interesting than one.

Another simple way to decorate chicken eggs is to paint them with paints using a brush with any design you like. It doesn’t have to be a religious motive; any other motive will do - even a child’s one, even an ethnic one. Here you will find more than one example of empty decor eggshells for the holidays.

These knitted covers will keep your breakfast warm while you wash your face and brush your teeth. You can use it not only on holidays, but also on weekdays.