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"forward planning for a week of winter games and fun." Seminar "week of winter games and fun" Week of fun games and fun in summer goal

Any game is a need of a child's organism. With the help of games, the child learns to interact with the outside world, realizes his inner needs and develops comprehensively. Also, the game helps the child to find himself, because it is not for nothing that children often imagine themselves as pilots, astronauts, teachers and doctors. Trying on different professions, the child intuitively tries to find what he likes, arouses interest and succeeds best. Thus, with the help of the game, the road to the future of the child is gradually built.

In addition, the game is another of the most important aspects of education. You should not interfere with your child's fantasy in their story games, but you can help him develop both mentally and physically by additionally selecting games for him, and even better, playing with him.



provide children with a full-fledged outdoor activity for a walk, provide them with the opportunity to participate in a variety of games and recreational activities;

To assist teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents in organizing a variety of gaming activities, sports entertainment during a walk in the summer;

Enrich the work experience of educators through mutual visits to various practical events organized in a preschool educational institution;

Expand the list of sports games, fun and entertainment, the use of which will enrich the content of the walk in the summer;

To identify the most rational methods of organizing entertainment and motor activities for children during a walk in the summer, to summarize the best experience of teachers and preschool institutions;

Involve parents in creating conditions for holding summer events on the site.

Monday "Ball Day"

Opening of the week "Funny games and fun"

Conversation with children on the topic: “What outdoor games do you know?” What is your favorite game and why?

Walking ball games:

- "Score a goal!" Kicking a stationary ball into the goal with the toe of the foot.

Children push the ball with their feet

He will roll forward!

We will help them

Let's give them the ball!

- "Jugglers" Throwing the ball to each other.

Once! Two! Three! - Grab the ball!

4-5-6 - Here it is! Here he is!

7-8-9 - Who can throw?

The outdoor game "Catcher with the ball" The leader catches up with the children and stains them with the ball. Whom they tarnished, he himself becomes the leader and takes the ball for himself.

Yoke with the ball "Cat and Mouse" Children stand in a circle. Two children on opposite sides are given a ball each: Cat and Mouse! The task is to pass the ball from child to child so that the cat does not catch up with the mouse!

Tuesday "Bubble Day"

Blowing soap bubbles is one of the most unpretentious, but at the same time the most fun children's fun! Best of all, this venture is suitable for outdoor walks! The breeze helps to send colorful soap balls on a long journey!

Once! Two! Three! - I'm blowing bubbles!

Soapy, airy, obedient to the breeze!

Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!

Bubbles fly again!

Over houses, over forests, over green gardens!

Games: “Who will inflate the biggest bubble?”, “Catch up with the bubble and burst!” and others.

Breathing exercise: "The breeze is blowing"

How beautiful - look!


Flying in the wind

And they sparkle in the sun!

Mobile game "Bubble"

Sand Fantasy Wednesday

Playing with sand, children feel like real creators and artists! Children build their own world! The world is full of wonders! One of the kids favorite fun!

Sand building competition for all groups. A flight of fantasy and creativity for everyone! Let outlandish animals and birds, marine life, palaces and castles appear on the plots! Buildings can be played with toys and any other material! Photo - report and involvement of parents is welcome

Thursday "Draw on asphalt!"

Drawing on the pavement is not only a fun activity while walking. This is both creativity and knowledge of the world around the child. After all, drawing with asphalt crayons is not at all the same as drawing on paper with a pencil or brush. It's a completely different feeling here. But for preschoolers, creativity is not so much a result as a process.

Children draw SUMMER on the pavement.

Who will answer me? Who will tell me?

What color will summer say?!

Drawing a summer landscape, sand, water, butterflies and everything that a child's imagination is capable of!

Drawing (collective) Sunshine! The teacher draws a big circle, and the children draw rays to it!

Rainbow drawing! Introduce children to the rhyme for memorizing the colors of the rainbow. Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting!

Child Development Center

Kindergarten No. 2662


Sidelnikova A.V.

Moscow - 2011

Days of the week



Winter fairy tale»

"Winter's Tale"


    Creating an emotionally positive mood;

    Development of interest in fairy tales, fairy tale characters;

    The development of the imagination.

Mobile game:"The snowman is gone"


    to develop in the child a sense of rhythm, interest in what is happening, coordination of movements, speech, memory, attention.

Workshop Zimushki - winters



    develop creativity, imagination, modeling skills, enjoy joint creative activities

Didactic game:"Pick a Pair"


Journey game:

"In the winter fairy forest"


    develop imagination, pantomime, onomatopoeia, consolidate knowledge about forest animals.

Round dance:“A blizzard is sweeping in the yard ...”


Mobile game:"Don't Freeze Your Hands" Target:

    to consolidate the ability to correlate the action with the word.

Finger gymnastics:

"Warm your fingers"

Target: development of motor skills

Role-playing game: "The Snow Maiden is away"


    To develop the ability to take on a role, act in accordance with it, interact with an adult as an equal player.

Didactic game: "Lotto"(winter sports).


    strengthening children's knowledge about winter sports.


An outdoor game with elements of sports: " Hockey »


Riding on the ice from the hill.

Snow house decoration.


    develop creativity, imagination, activate vocabulary.

"Visiting Santa Claus"

"Visiting Santa Claus"


    develop artistic and creative abilities in children with the help of non-traditional methods of art activities;

    formation of game activity.

"Workshop of Santa Claus"

"Pattern on the winter window"


    composition, the ability to compose one part with another

Mobile game:“A blizzard is sweeping in the yard ...”

Didactic game: "Collect a snowman"


    to consolidate the ability to perform actions with objects of different sizes, fine motor skills training.


snow games


    consolidation of children's knowledge about the color of snow, its qualities, properties, develop motor skills, accuracy

    Drawing with sticks in the snow.

2. Drawing up a pattern from multi-colored ice floes.

Collective didactic game: "Fix the blanket"


    consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes

Storytelling:"Zayushkina hut".


Mobile game:"Hares" (low mobility)


    to consolidate the ability to correlate the action with the word;

    continue to teach to transmit the habits of wild animals.

Board-printed games: « Wild animals »


    fix the names of wild animals and cubs.

Watching the puppet show:"The wolf and the seven Young goats"


Mobile game:"Run to me"


    creating a cheerful mood;

    consolidate the actions associated with the word.

    Improving running skills on slippery snow.

Round dance:"Erga".


    increase motor activity, a sense of joy from joint actions.

Mobile game: "Labyrinth"

    orientation in the playing space, continue to develop in children to find the shortest path from their place to the specified one.

"Winter Fun"

"Winter Fun"


    creation of a positive-emotional mood from joint activities, health promotion, activation of knowledge and skills.

Building material games.

"Let's build a house for a bunny"


verbal a game:"Breakfast".

"One is many"


    to consolidate the ability to run easily, without bumping into each other;

    act quickly on the signal of the educator;

    reinforce the names of trees in children.

Movable a game: "Hares and wolf"


    teach to listen carefully to the teacher;

    continue to teach to perform jumps on two legs;

    continue to learn to navigate in space.


Icicle watching.

    Target: enrich children's knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature, note the diversity of volume and size.

Mobile game:"Snowflakes and Wind"


    continue to teach to quickly perform actions at the signal of the educator.

Sport game:


    continue to consolidate in children dexterity, speed, attentiveness.

Didactic game: "Mittens"


    generalization of knowledge about winter and winter phenomena, education of interest in nature.

Mobile game:"Two Frosts"


    learn to follow the rules of the game.

Memorizing a poem: "Icicle"

Mobile game:"Snowflakes"


    continue to develop coordination of movements.


Mobile game: Two Frosts ».


    to teach to run one after another, without bumping into objects, between snowy buildings, to be able to act quickly on the signal of the teacher.

Role-playing game:"Let's prepare a treat for the dolls Sasha and Masha", "Puppet sledding"


    continue to arouse interest in a toy - a doll, a desire to play with it. The development of fine motor skills.

Didactic game:



    fixing the names of fruits, vegetables, products, furniture, toys starting with the sound [c]

"Visiting the Snow Queen"

"Visiting the Snow Queen"


    consolidate children's knowledge of winter natural phenomena;

    development of curiosity.

Riddles about winter, winter phenomena»

Board game: "Puzzles" "Teremok"


    continue to develop logical thinking, train attention, visual memory.

"Zayushkina hut", "Three little pigs"


    instilling an interest in storytelling


Search game:

"Footprints in the snow"


    develop observation, curiosity, mindfulness

Mobile game:"Cat and Mice"


Mobile game:"Catch the snowflake"


    learning to follow the rules of the game.

Consideration of illustrations for the fairy tale: "The Snow Queen"

Iso-Activity: "Rose Bush"


    consolidate the ability to work carefully;

    keep learning to draw in unconventional ways.

Reading a fairy tale: "The Snow Queen"

Standalone games with table theater:"The wolf and the seven Young goats"


Little mobile game: "Hot-cold"


    continue to develop attention, hearing.

Decoration of snow buildings with colored ice

"Art Day"

"Art Day"


    to form interest in different types of art, to teach to see, notice, understand and emotionally respond to works of art.

Journey through the cities of the country of Arts.

(city of Music, city of Masters, city of Artists)

Musical leisure:

"Winter Birthdays"


    creation of conditions for children's creativity;

    bonding between children and parents.


"Field of Athletes"

Fun Starts:"Winter Fun"


    strengthening children's health;

    creating a cheerful mood;

    strengthening children's cooperation skills, mutual assistance

City of Theaters:

Fairy tale staging: "Zayushkina's hut"


    Development of speech, the ability to speak

    Development of creative possibilities;

    Development of communication skills

Didactic game: "Find a pair"


    continue to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, color, develop speech.


Round dance: "Hare"


    Development of speech, the ability to speak

    Development of creative possibilities

Development of communication skills

Sport game:"Football" (with simplified rules) "Hit the ice in the gate"


    continue to consolidate in children dexterity, speed, attentiveness.

Mobile game:“Like snow on a hill, snow…”


    continue to teach the rules of turn in the game, correlate the word with the action, run fast without bumping into the players.

Independent outdoor games: "Labyrinth"

Sculpture from snow.

Northwestern District Department of Education

State educational institution

Child Development Center

Kindergarten No. 2662


teacher of the senior group "Thumbelina"

Sidelnikova A.V.

Moscow - 2011

Report on the "Week of Winter Games and Fun"

Purpose of the Week of Winter Games and Fun- provide children with a full-fledged active rest during a winter walk, expand the list of sports games, fun and entertainment, the use of which will enrich the content of a walk in the winter.

Games were held taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children. Each day was dedicated to a different theme:

    Monday- "Hello, winter-winter!";

Target: consolidation of the material covered: the ability to listen to music and understand it; consolidation of movement skills (basic and dance); consolidation of knowledge about seasonal phenomena and about winter.

    Tuesday- "Workshop of the Snow Queen"; (sculpting snowmen from salt dough)

Target: to consolidate the ability to roll balls, create a composition, the ability to make one part with another.

    Wednesday- "Journey to the winter forest";

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the life of plants and animals in winter.

    Thursday- "Folk Games";

Target: on the basis of ethnic culture to form a value attitude to life. And instilling interest in Russian folk art.

    Friday Holiday "Winter Birthdays"

Target: to create conditions for the creativity of children and the rallying of the children's team.

Throughout the day, games were held: didactic and desktop-printed (in which the previously studied material was consolidated and entertainment was entertaining).

The goal was to teach and play, and the children learned by playing. Basically, didactic games were used to get acquainted with the environment:

    "Collect a snowman";

    "Lotto" (winter sports);

    "Domino" and "Lotto" (winter clothes);

    "Wonderful bag";

    "Name the animal and the bird"

Word games. Target: exercise the auditory analyzer, educate attention, activate speech, memory, teach to perform creative tasks, develop creative imagination, fantasies, friendly relations with their peers, desire to play together, correlating words with action, enriching children's vocabulary:

“Like snow on a hill, snow…”

Outdoor games: in holding the "Week of Winter Games and Fun", a special place was given to outdoor games. Where all the players were involved in active motor actions.

These actions are determined by the plot and rules of the game, special attention was paid to the rules (they were short and supplemented during the game). The game "Drive the ice into the gate", based on the sports game "football", with simplified rules, this game was mainly used in the afternoon, for a walk.

At the end of the "Week of Winter Games and Fun", I held a "Day of Winter Birthdays", dedicated to the celebration of winter birthdays for children. Elements of folklore were used, where the children, together with the teacher, remembered nursery rhymes, songs, as well as outdoor games of the Russian people.

In conducting the "Week of Winter Games and Fun" in my work, I widely used a variety of games: role-playing, didactic, construction, outdoor, games with singing, etc., but I also wanted to note that games with design elements were successful, children enjoyed collaborated with the teacher and took an active part in the creation of compositions.

Plan for a week of winter games, fun and entertainment. Middle group.

Days of the week




Sports day.

Motto: "Don't be shy in winter - go in for sports!"

Ip/d In the group: looking at illustrations of winter sports. Guessing riddles about sports, sportswear and shoes.

On a walk: conducting outdoor games and exercises (Snow carousel, We are funny guys, Snowball traps, The train goes into the tunnel, Snipers, Who is next); skiing from an ice slide; independent play activities of children.

IIp/d In a group: a conversation with children about how to dress in winter, how to improve your health, play sports.

Speech by a nurse on how to take care of your health in winter, showing acupressure self-massage.

On a walk: skiing from an ice slide; independent play activities of children.

Day of folk festivals.

Motto: "He who has fun is not afraid of frost!"

Ip/d In the group: Organization of an exhibition of attributes of Russian folk clothes (bast shoes, felt boots, woolen socks, a scarf) and household utensils (chugonok, tuyasok, towel, spindle), musical instruments (wooden spoons, balalaika, harmonica, clay whistles); a short story about the life of our ancestors in Rus' in winter. On a walk: Folk games and outdoor fun: Frost red nose, Brook, Cat and mice, Geese-geese, Hello grandfather Mazay, Dodgeballs, snowballs, ice slides, role-playing games with dolls (we ride dolls on a sled, from the hill), independent play activities of children for a walk.

IIp/d In the group: looking at pictures, illustrations (books, calendars) about winter; listening to audio recordings of songs about winter, classical works (P.I. Tchaikovsky At the fireside).

On a walk: joint games of children with parents "We meet winter, we play fun." Sledding, train, snowball fights, chasing.

Leisure day.

"Winter is a storyteller."

Ip/d Musical leisure: "Winter's Tale". Showing the children of the younger group of the New Year's fairy tale; conducting joint outdoor games and entertainment.

On a walk: we hold round dance games (Our sledges are going, the beauty tree is visible to everyone around, Good Santa Claus), we recall the New Year holiday; slides, independent play activities for children.

IIp/d In the group: quiz "Crystal Winter". Riddles about winter, winter phenomena.

On a walk: independent play activities of children, outdoor games at the request of children.

Construction day of snow and ice buildings.

Motto: "Let's turn the site into a fairy tale!"

Ip/d In the group: Communication.

On a walk: “Collecting ice treasures”, examining pre-prepared multi-colored ice forms, laying out patterns; construction of a snow house; castle; snowmen; snow pies, Easter cakes.

IIp/d In the group: Drawing. "Magic Skis" We develop imagination; we cultivate cooperation, the ability to work in subgroups, together.

On a walk: we continue the construction of snow buildings, strengthen, decorate, involve parents; joint games of children with parents, independent game activity.

Travel day.

Motto: "Don't miss the kids, it's time to travel!"

Ip/d In a group: viewing on a globe (world map), parts of the world, oceans; creating an emotional mood for the journey.

On a walk: sports leisure "Around the world trip".

IIp/d Traveling around the territory of the kindergarten, examining snow buildings in areas of other age groups, holding joint outdoor games.


MONDAY.Outdoor games for children in the winter. 1P/d.Who's next? The players line up. They have a snowball in each hand. As directed by an adult: “Throw with your right (left)!” - everyone simultaneously tries to throw a snowball as far as possible towards the fence, Christmas tree or other landmark. Whose snowball flies the farthest, he is considered the winner. The train is going totunnel. The players, putting one hand on each other's belt, depict a train. The one standing first depicts a steam locomotive, the other children represent wagons. The locomotive is buzzing: “Tu-u-u!”. At this signal, the train moves off and goes towards the snow tunnel. Approaching him, the locomotive hums again, the child representing him leans down and goes into the tunnel, the whole train passes behind him. Then the locomotive pretends to be another one playing, and the train sets off again. Snipers. A bright cube, skittle and other object is placed on the upper edge of the snow wall or shaft. Children try to knock him down with a snowball. You can put several identical or different objects for knocking down. In this case, more children will participate in the game at the same time - according to the number of target items. Snow carousel. Holding hands, the children form a circle around the snowman and depict snowflakes. At the signal of an adult, they walk slowly at first, then faster and faster, in the end they run. After the players run around the circle several times, the adult invites them to change the direction of movement, saying: “The wind has changed, snowflakes flew in the other direction.” The players slow down, stop and start moving in the opposite direction. At first they move slowly, and then faster and faster, until the adult says: “The wind has completely died down, snowflakes calmly fall to the ground.” The movement of the snow carousel slows down, the children stop and release their hands. After a short rest, the game resumes. We are funny guys. Children stand on one side of the playground behind an imaginary line. On the opposite side of the site there is a snowdrift or a snow bank. A little aside, on the side of the players, there is a trap (it is appointed by an adult or chosen by children). The choir players say: “We are funny guys, we love to run and jump, well, try to catch up with us! One, two, three, catch!” After that, everyone runs to the other side of the site and hides behind a snowdrift. The trap catches up with the fugitives, those who are touched by it move to the side. The trap cannot catch those players who manage to run away behind a snowdrift. He counts the catches after each run. After 3-4 runs, they count how many players the trap managed to catch in total and choose a new one. Trapswith snow. A low snow roller marks a circle with a diameter of 4-5 m. A group of players gathers in it. The driver stands at a distance of 2-3 m from the circle, at this distance he can move along the circle. In his hands is a basket of snowballs. At a signal from an adult, the trap tries to hit one of the children dodging in the circle with a snowball. An adult keeps track of which snowball will be well-aimed and the trap will stain one of the players with it. The game is repeated 2-3 times, after which a new trap is selected. Sleigh train. Adults or older children drive a sledge train - three or four sledges connected one after another, on which kids sit. Then they change places. A white bunny is sitting. The players, imitating the bunnies, run around, have fun on the playground, and then squat down. An adult, together with the children, pronounces the following words: A little white hare sits and moves his ears. Like this, like this, he moves his ears. Children raise their hands to their heads and move their hands like hares with their ears. The adult continues: The bunny is cold to sit, it is necessary to warm the paws. Clap-clap, clap-clap, you need to warm up your paws. Children get up and clap their hands, and then, with a cross movement of their hands, slap themselves on the shoulders, pretend that they are warming themselves. It is cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump. Hop-hop, jump-hop, the bunny needs to jump. At these words, the children jump on two legs in place. Finally, the adult says: The bear scared the bunny. Bunny jumped ... and galloped away. He scares the children, portraying a bear, they scatter around the site in all directions. Swim and spin. The guys are divided into pairs and hold hands, standing facing each other. At the signal of an adult: "Let's dance" - they squat and dance. After a while, the adult says: "Now let's go around!" - and the guys are spinning in pairs. When he says: “Stop!”, The children should stop and freeze. Jump - jump. Everyone stands in a circle around the snowman, sideways to him. Putting their hands on their belts, they jump up, slightly moving forward. Then they turn around and move forward in jumps in the other direction. At a signal from an adult, the children quickly scatter around the playground, then gather again around the snowman. Russian game "Dodgeball" Participants are divided into two teams: leading and playing. A rectangle is outlined - the "city". Leaders are on opposite sides. They have a ball. In the middle of the "city" are the players. The leaders alternately throw the ball at the players, trying to hit them. Whoever gets hit by the ball is out of the game. Which of the children caught the ball is counted as a "candle", i.e. he can stay in the game if he hits him. You can also give your “candle” to one of those who have already been knocked out. The hosts alternately throw the ball until they knock out all the players without crossing the line of the "city". Then the teams (leading and playing) can change places and continue the game.

In the yard in the morning the game played out, the kids. Shouts: “puck!”, “By!”, “Beat!” -So there's a game (Hockey) There are two even lines on the white space, And commas and dots run nearby. (ski track) I have two horses, they carry me on the water. And the water is hard, Like stone! (Skates) I rush like a bullet forward, Only the ice creaks, Yes, the lights flicker. Who is carrying me? … (Skates) We are with ram's horns, We rush down the hill ourselves, And how to climb the mountain, We begin to rest (Sled) I drag the horse up the hill by the rope. Well, I quickly fly down the hill on a horse! (Sled)

Hit with this stick more boldly, So that the blow is like from a cannon, This stick is for hockey And it is called ... (Hockey stick) Two strips in the snow are left on the run. I fly from them with an arrow, and they again follow me. (Skis) There is a stadium in the yard, Only it is very slippery. To rush there like the wind, Learn to skate. (Ice rink) A skater is dancing on the ice, Spinning like an autumn leaf. Not in a fur coat, he is lightly dressed. And now a duet is on the ice. Oh, they skate well! The hall held its breath. The sport is called ... (Figure skating)

They slapped me with a shovel, They made me humpbacked, They beat me, beat me, They poured ice water over me. And then they all rolled down, From my hump in a herd. (Ice Hill)

TUESDAY. The teacher's story about winter entertainment in Rus'. 1 p / d. Since time immemorial, winter has been celebrated in Rus' with joyful fun. Songs, dances, round dances, sleigh rides were common for Russian people. At the same time, buffoons, puppeteers, jugglers, harpists and other "entertainers" appeared in the cities. They played the harp, pity, snot, sang, tumbled, showed tricks. Immediately among the combatants, "horse races", fights with spears and swords were arranged. They competed in club throwing and archery. They ran running (in pursuit), jumped over fires, climbed oil-drenched poles, walked on stilts. Competed in the cutting of "snow monsters" at a gallop, in javelin throwing, fencing and wrestling. Often an experienced wrestler was placed on top of a snowy mountain, calling him "king". And the young warriors, who wanted to prove their prowess, tried to overthrow him. The “king” fought off the attackers, sometimes with his bare hands, sometimes with a wooden staff. Those, in turn, used ropes and whips. “There is no crown without a fighter,” the princes used to say, rewarding the worthy. And they gave someone new boots, someone a caftan and mittens, and someone was given swords and daggers decorated with expensive stones. Ordinary people did not lag behind noblemen. In the forests and on frozen rivers, fisticuffs "fights without rules" were organized. Of course, there were rules - in wall-to-wall fights, it was impossible to beat a lying person, put trips, put a stash in a mitten, kick and hit on the back of the head. Adults could not fight with young men. At the same time, anyone could leave the battlefield at any time, go to catch their breath.


Riddles about winter. Crystal winter. 2 p / d. I. Hello guys! Boys and girls! A white blizzard sweeps - this winter is coming: She led her sleeve - she covered all the roads. Hello, Zimushka - winter, long-awaited winter! Don't feel sorry for the snow, have fun! Now pay attention, friends. (Guessing riddles on the topic "Winter") 1) Without hands, without eyes, but he knows how to draw. (Frost) 2) White carrot grows in winter. (Icicle) 3) White bees sat on the ground, fire came - they were gone. (Snow) 4) The old man at the gate, warmly dragged away. He does not run and does not order to stand. (Frost) 5) A strange star fell from the sky, fell on my palm and disappeared. (Snowflake) 6) Grabbed by the cheeks, the tip of the nose, painted the windows all without asking. But who is it? Here is the question! All this makes ... (frost) 7. We stood all summer, waiting for winter. We waited for the time, rushed down the mountain. (Sled) 8. We are glad to overtake each other. You look, my friend, do not fall! Good then, fast-moving ones are easy ... (skates) 9. I can’t feel my legs for joy, I’m flying down the snowy hill. The sport has become dearer and closer to me, what helped me in this? ... (skiing) 10. Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers, a blizzard walks ... When does it happen? (in winter) II. Name the main winter holiday. (New Year). Game: “What is the Christmas tree decorated with?” What the Christmas tree is decorated with, I will name the guys. Listen carefully and be sure to answer. If I tell you right, say "Yes!" in reply. Well, if suddenly it’s wrong, answer boldly “No!”

Multi-colored crackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Marmalades, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Colored beads?

And the garlands are light?

Snow from white cotton wool?

Backpacks and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Are the confetti shiny?

Are tigers real?

Are the stars shining?

Children listen to the song "Three White Horses", dance.

What three white horses are sung about in this song? (DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY)

Do you know proverbs or sayings about these months? December is the end of the year, the beginning of winter. January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter. February is a fierce month, asks how shod.

Well done guys, you did a good job, and now it's time to go out and play different games.

FRIDAY.Sports leisure "Around the world trip". 1 p / d.

Leisure plan (move).

1. Construction. “We don’t miss the kids, it’s time to travel!” Is everyone ready to fly around the world? Attention! Wear gloves! (we check if everyone is wearing mittens) Fasten your seat belts! (Have everyone tied scarves, belts) We start the engine! (rotate with arms bent at the elbows) Let's fly! (hands to the sides, we move along the perimeter of the site by running)

2. Arrived in America. Remember, we saw the wide Mississippi River in this country. We need to cross to the other side, we will sail in boats in pairs. Join hands, we will go with a side step (running), racing, from one edge of the site to the other. Whose boat reaches the opposite shore first will not sink (participants will not fall). All moved, well done! Let's fly further! (similar)

3. Arrived in Australia. Remember what a wonderful animal lives here? Kangaroo. I will be a kangaroo, now I will play with you. I take a hoop (basket), I hold it in front of me. You take snowballs. Your task is to hit the kangaroo bag with a snowball. We play 2-3 times. Well done, let's move on!

4. Arrived in Antarctica! What amazing birds live here? They do not fly, but they run and swim beautifully in the cold sea. That's right, penguins. Come on, I'll teach you how to roll down the hill like penguins. We ride downhill on our stomachs. Time to go!

5. We flew to the Arctic, to the North Pole and met a polar ... bear! He was angry that we woke him up with the noise of engines and wants to teach us a lesson. We will hide from him on the ice floes. We choose a bear and while he is sleeping we perform jumps from hoop to hoop (from circle to circle, drawn in the snow), and when the bear wakes up, you need to hide in a hoop (3-4 children each). It's time to go, let's fly!

6. We flew to the hottest country where elephants, giraffes, lions, crocodiles live. Where? To Africa! All the animals were scared away, the Papuans meet us, and we will dance with them. While I play the tambourine, the children dance. At the end, they freeze in the pose of a given African animal (lion, giraffe, hippopotamus ..). It's time to go home.

7. Here we are at home. What is the name of our country? Russia. Here we are met by grandfather Mazai. We play the mobile game "Hello, grandfather Mazay." This is where our journey ended. What countries and parts of the world have we visited? America, Australia, Antarctica, the Arctic, Africa and flew to Russia. Well done, you are the most real, brave, dexterous and friendly travelers! Keep it up!

Winter games and fun in the middle group of the preschool educational institution

Description of work. I offer you a plan for organizing the Week of Winter Games and Fun in the middle group of kindergarten. This material can be useful to methodologists, educators, as well as all specialists working in a preschool institution. In the note you can get acquainted with the literature used in the work, as well as a presentation on winter games and fun. Great season, winter. As a rule, every winter a week of Winter games and fun takes place in the preschool. I want to share with you information specially selected on this topic for the middle group of kindergarten.

Work plan:
Familiarization of preschoolers with the lexical topic "Winter. Winter fun". Coloring and filling out workbooks on the topic.
On a walk. Role-playing game "Builders". We make simple buildings from snow with children, labyrinths to overcome obstacles. If possible, paint the resulting buildings with colored water (We take out buckets of water into which we add gouache, of different colors.)
In the afternoon - we read poems, fairy tales, make riddles on the topic. We teach children to compose stories from pictures, explain what games children play.
On educational activities - Music, get acquainted with the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Sleeping Beauty", we listen to a fragment from this work "Santa Claus's Game with Snowballs".
On a walk. We set up experiments and conduct experiments with snow. "Why does the snow crunch?", "How does ice form?".
We also organize various outdoor games and fun games during the walk. "Freezing"-exercise children in running, at the signal of the teacher, take and maintain the given poses. "Hunters and hares" - strengthening the skills of throwing and catching the ball; development of dexterity, speed, coordination of movement, accuracy.
Educational activities, artistic and aesthetic development, modeling. Theme "Skier"- goal: to learn to sculpt complex objects. Exercise in the ability to connect parts by pressing them together. To consolidate children's ideas about clothes, the names of the athlete's items.
On a walk. We introduce the elements of sports exercises: skiing. Creative workshop "Color game with snow" - together with the children we make colored ice cream.
In the afternoon, in the book corner, we look at illustrations, books on the topic of winter fun. We organize independent drawings of children for the design of the group. We invite children to play didactic games, "Continue the pattern", "When does this happen?".
Working with parents. Consultation "Winter games-fun with children on weekends".
On a walk. We maintain order in the area. We sweep and clean the paths from snow, finish building the buildings.
We hold outdoor games "Don't stay on the ground", "Frost", "Hunters and hares".
We organize games with snow - "Who throws a snowball higher", "Walk wider", "Who gets more snowballs", "Hit the target".
Summarizing. Consolidation of the material covered. Drawings of children.
On a walk. We repeat the games and fun learned during the week.
In the afternoon we watch slides, filmstrips on the topic "Winter Fun".

Presentation on the topic: Winter fun

A sports holiday is a special, joyful event in the life of a child. The holiday contributes to the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, positively affects the development of motor skills and mental qualities.

A physical culture and sports holiday is a form of active recreation for children and adults, including various types of physical exercises (gymnastics, outdoor and sports games, exercises).

A holiday is always joy, fun, good mood and a lot of interesting things.



A sports holiday is a special, joyful event in the life of a child. The holiday contributes to the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, positively affects the development of motor skills and mental qualities.

A physical culture and sports holiday is a form of active recreation for children and adults, including various types of physical exercises (gymnastics, outdoor and sports games, exercises).

A holiday is always joy, fun, good mood and a lot of interesting things.

A week of winter games and fun in kindergarten.


Organize interesting, varied activities for children on a walk;

Improve children's health.


Develop physical qualities and enrich the motor experience of children;

To form pupils' needs for motor activity and physical improvement;

To develop free communication of children in various forms and types of activities and familiarization with elementary norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults;

Teach kids different sports.



« Capture of the snow fort»


- to develop motor activity of children;

To develop the expressiveness of speech and facial expressions of children;

Cultivate a sense of camaraderie.

1st half of the day

1. Morning exercises.

2. Conversation with children on the topic: "How we play in winter."

3 . Creative activity:

Production of snow buildings "Fortress", "Barricades".

4. Game activity:

Mobile game "Taking the Snow Fortress"

Mobile game "Hares and the wolf"


Teach children to listen carefully;

Perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text;

Learn to navigate in space, find your place.

2nd half of the day

  1. Reading fiction. (S. Marshak "Eskimo dog").
  2. Creative activity:

Drawing with sticks in the snow.


3. Game activity:

Snowball fights with children of the middle group;


Teach the rules of turn in the game, requiring the same actions with one common object;

Practice throwing at a distance.


"Winter Fun Day"


Create a positive emotional mood from joint activities;

Activate existing knowledge and skills of children;

To consolidate knowledge about the properties of snow;

Exercise in orientation on the ground;

Cultivate a desire to decorate the world around.

1st half of the day.

1. Morning exercises.

2. Conversation on the topic "Safety on Ice"

3. Creative activity:

Game with snow "Let's build a house for a bunny."

4.Play activity:

The mobile game "Sparrows and the car", the mobile game "Snowballs and wind",

Puppet sledding.


Teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place;

Develop children's imagination, mindfulness, the ability to play in a team;

Exercise in running, turning around yourself, squatting.

2nd half of the day.

  1. Reading fiction ("Forest Bear and the naughty Mouse" edited by J. Vanag, translated from Latvian by L. Voronkova).
  2. Creative activity:painting in the snow with gouache.
  3. Game activity:

- mobile game "Santa Claus Red Nose".


Develop skills to perform characteristic movements;

Exercise children in running;

Mobile game "Snow carousel".

Purpose: to exercise in orientation on the ground.


"Colorful ice cubes"


To develop aesthetic feelings and artistic and creative abilities of children;

Consolidate previously acquired knowledge in various activities;

Teach children to act together and follow the rules in a collective


Cultivate courage and determination;

Exercise in jumping on two legs moving forward;

Practice speech breathing.

1st half of the day

  1. Morning gymnastics.
  2. Conversation with children on the topic "In winter on a hill."

3 .Creative activity:

Creation of snow buildings and ice sculptures, their decoration;

Filling molds for colored ice.

4. Game activity:

The mobile game "The little white hare is sitting."


Teach children to act on the signal of the teacher;

Learn to follow the simple rules of the game.

Mobile game "Beware - I'll freeze."

Purpose: to exercise in action on a signal.

2nd half of the day.

  1. Reading fiction (J. Capek "Hard Day".
  2. Creative activity:

- drawing up a pattern of multi-colored ice cubes.

  1. Game activity:snowflake game.

Purpose: to develop speech, thinking, memory.

- mobile game "Fast teams".

Purpose: to teach running in the snow, to strengthen the musculoskeletal system.


"Fabulous Kaleidoscope"


Develop imagination, interest in fairy tales, fairy tale characters;

To teach to conduct a game dialogue in accordance with the role and plot, to interact in the game with other participants, to follow the game rules.

To consolidate the ability to sculpt and create a shape from snow.

1st half of the day.

  1. Morning gymnastics.
  2. Conversation with children on the topic "Winter Forest" (viewing the album).

Purpose: to educate children in love for the nature of their native land, to see the beauty of the winter forest, the desire to protect trees, take care of the animals of our forests.

  1. Game activity:

Game in the yard "Frost and wind".


Create conditions for joint activities of a game nature with teachers and peers;

To teach to accompany the poetic speech of an adult with actions of an illustrative nature;

Form the correct posture, develop a sense of balance.

The plot is a role-playing game.

2nd half of the day.

  1. Reading fiction (Russian folk tale "Geese - Swans".
  2. Creative activity:

Exhibition of joint works of children and parents "Winter's Tale";

Making a birthday cake out of snow.

Purpose: to learn to sculpt and create a shape from snow.

  1. Game activity.

Game "Go to the snowflake";

Purpose: to exercise children in walking in a given direction (on the street).

Mobile game "On the sled".

Purpose: to exercise in running in different directions, the ability to navigate

in space.


"Family Health Day"


Create a positive emotional mood in children;

Develop play skills in children;

Learn to move on a smooth ice surface;

Develop dexterity and coordination of movements.

1st half of the day.

  1. Morning gymnastics.
  2. Conversation with children on the topic: "What clothes do people wear in winter?".
  3. Visit to the mini-museum "Health".
  4. Game activity:

Physical culture leisure with parents "Funny bunnies";

Snowflake game.

2nd half of the day.

  1. Reading fiction (V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad?").
  2. Creative activity :

Creation of a creative collective work "Winter games and fun for boys and girls of our group" (photos and drawings).

3. Game activity:

Mobile game "Do not fall on the ice!"

Introduction to folk traditions broadens the horizons of children, brings up patriotic feelings, and develops cognitive interest. One of the brightest, original Russian holidays is the Maslenitsa festivities that take place on the eve of Lent. Joint leisure unites the family, gives warmth of communication. Ritual games and competitions on Maslenitsa arouse interest in physical exercises, bring up purposefulness, perseverance, endurance, responsibility, and dexterity.

We present you the sporting event "Maslenitsa!"

“Together we strengthen health and celebrate Maslenitsa!”

(family sports event for preschool group).


Introduce children and parents to a healthy lifestyle.

Expand knowledge of Russian folk culture.


Expand children's knowledge aboutfolk traditions of seeing off the Russian winter and welcoming spring;

To improve the ability to play games that accompanied the Maslenitsa festivities;

To cultivate a sense of respect for the traditions and rituals of the Russian people;

Improve children's motor skills and abilities

Raise interest in games - relay races;

Develop the ability to interact with each other in joint games;

Enrich the dictionary of preschoolers with old native Russian words:

Call, buffoons, Maslenitsa, we meet,perekanshchitsa, guest, three-yard, two-foot, bast shoes, footcloths, etc.

Develop and love interest in folk music;

Build singing skills.

Preparatory Job:

Familiarize yourself with the traditions