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Facial peeling with fruit acids. Fruit peels - types of acids

Fruit peeling is a procedure for treating the skin of the face with solutions of alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) found in fruits or fermented milk products.

At the same time, the epidermis gets rid of dead cells, contributing to the formation of new ones. Otherwise, this procedure is called exfoliation.

What is useful

AHA acids delicately affect the upper layer of the skin, exfoliating only dead cells, enriching living cells with oxygen by activating blood circulation.

The effect after the session is visible immediately. The skin immediately becomes cleaner, younger and fresher.

For exfoliation sessions, the following exfoliating fruit acids are used:

The maximum rejuvenation effect can be achieved using multi fruit peeling, that is, a mixture of glycolic, tartaric, lactic and malic acids. Lemon, as a rule, is used only separately.

Exfoliating acidic ingredients can be purchased separately at specialty stores, or you can use natural products.

Benefits and properties of chemical peeling with fruit acids:

Varieties of exfoliants

The procedure for exfoliating the upper layer of the epidermis can be carried out in the salon or at home using the following types of peelings:

Cream mask with fruit acids from Russian manufacturer"Bark" designed for bold and combined types.

It contains tartaric, citric, lactic and glycolic acids, as well as:

  • D-panthenol;
  • allantoin;
  • grape seed oil.

The manufacturer, after regular use twice every seven days, promises:

  • complete cleansing of the epidermis from dead cells;
  • sustained hydration and restoration of the skin;
  • smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • resorption of keloid scars after acne;
  • alignment of microrelief and increase in skin tone;
  • whitening and aging prevention.

The volume of the tube is 100 ml. You can use the cream mask only in the evening, two to three hours before bedtime. Apply it to cleaned of cosmetics and impurities dry face for 20-30 minutes, then removing the excess with a napkin. Read about the entire line of peels from this manufacturer.

German manufacturer MERCK has developed Exfoliac Acnomega 200 peeling at a branch in France prolonged action with antibacterial components.

The product also contains glycolic acid. Designed for problem skin any type other than dry and sensitive.

The manufacturer claims that after a month:

Jar volume - 50 ml... Content color - cream, transparent. Apply at night after cleansing, steaming, on a dry surface of the epidermis.

The course of treatment is 1.5 months, twice every seven days.

The Russian manufacturer Libriderm has launched on the market "", which contains lactic acid.

The product is intended for dry and sensitive skin, gently cleansing it, giving it freshness, elasticity and smoothness.

Exfoliant is a white, delicate substance that is spread over a clean, moist surface of the epidermis. In 10 minutes. they begin to massage the face, rolling white pellets from the face. The procedure is continued until the formation of lumps stops.

How is the procedure carried out in the salon

Professional cosmetologists use concentrated acid solutions - from 20 to 40%. This allows you to achieve a deep degree of impact.

The first procedure is carried out at the lowest concentration to determine the response of the epidermis to the stimulus.

Preparing for a salon session is similar to preparing for a home peeling procedure.

Professional exfoliation runs according to the following algorithm:

  • cleansing the skin from makeup, sebum and impurities;
  • treatment with special solutions for loosening the epidermis;
  • application of a gel with fruit acids in a thin layer over the entire surface of the facial skin, with the exception of the area around the eyes;
  • waiting for 2-10 minutes;
  • application of agents that neutralize the acidic reaction of the gel to a neutral pH (about 7);
  • rinsing with thermal water;
  • applying a mask to soothe the skin.

The average price of such a procedure ranges on average from 2 to 3 thousand rubles., rising in expensive salons up to 6 thousand rubles.

This is how the face looks in the photo before and after fruit peeling:

Contraindications and precautions

Peeling with fruit acids prohibited from:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • dermatitis during an exacerbation;
  • damage to the skin;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • elevated temperature and blood pressure.

Particular care should be taken with rosacea, moles and warts. Also, do not forget that after home exfoliation, you cannot go out into the sun for three hours, and after the salon - 7-10 days.

Fruit peeling is one of the most gentle exfoliating procedures. leading to rejuvenation. It can be done at home and in the salon depending on the desired result.

You can start home sessions during puberty, and salon sessions - after 30 years.

To prolong the youthfulness and beauty of the skin, it requires constant care, which consists of daily cleansing, nourishment and regular cleansing.

For home beauty treatments fruit acids with a concentration of not more than 10% are used, and for salon higher concentration allowed.

With superficial cleansing - 20%, middle - up to 50%, - up to 70%.

Popular types

The following cleansing procedures are in demand in beauty salons:

Cost - 4000 rubles.

Contraindications, precautions

To avoid undesirable effects, it is imperative to take into account all contraindications before the cleansing procedure itself.

  • there is mechanical damage, open wounds (abrasions, scratches, purulent formations);
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • dermatological diseases (eczema, psoriasis);
  • rash of unknown origin;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • a fresh tan was obtained on the day of the procedure;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation.

Regular high-quality facial skin care will preserve and prolong natural youth and beauty.

The main thing is to choose the right peeling composition. and apply this type of cleansing constantly.

Peeling with fruit acids is recognized as one of the most common cosmetic procedures... Such a safe manipulation helps to effectively cleanse the skin of the face and provide it with the necessary hydration. You can do the procedure both in the salon and at home.

Features of fruit peeling

The procedure using fruit acids has been used for a long time. So, even in the days of Ancient Egypt, women used lemon and grape juice as a mask. If we talk about modernity, then about 20 years ago AHA acids were discovered, popularly known as fruit. Peeling using such substances was first used for treatment. Subsequently, it became known that he has a beneficial effect on the condition skin... At the same time, tone improves, wrinkles are reduced, and pigmentation is lightened.

Acid peeling allows you to loosen the bonds between keratinized particles, making them easily exfoliate. This treatment is ideal for really dry skin. After applying a special composition, new cells are regenerated, the skin of the face is saturated with moisture and elasticity is increased. The acids cleanse the sebaceous glands, which helps reduce the likelihood of blackheads and comedones. In addition, the normalization of the fat balance is noted. If you regularly peel with fruit acids, the effect of any creams and lotions will significantly improve.

Indications and contraindications

Have a fruit peel there are several main indications:

To similar procedure did not lead to negative consequences, it is important make sure there are no contraindications... It is customary to refer to them:

  • recent hair removal by any means;
  • the use of exfoliating scrubs and retinol-based products;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • herpetic eruptions;
  • warts;
  • an allergic reaction to acids;
  • various damage to the skin;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • recent sunburn;
  • burns.

If you want to try fruit peels, be sure to take into account the peculiarities of the skin... This is the only way to select the components that are optimal for you.

If you want to achieve an excellent result, then be sure to combine several varieties... Naturally, it is better to entrust their choice to an experienced cosmetologist.

Features of the procedure

As a rule, the course of peeling with fruit acids includes at least 5-7 procedures, between which there is a break for one week. The result depends on the concentration of the substance. If it is high, then the exfoliation will be really noticeable, however, during the procedure, minor discomfort may occur. In the first sessions, the minimum ratio of components is usually used. Over time, it is gradually increased, achieving the desired effect.

Facial peeling performed in several stages.

  1. First, the specialist prepares a container for mixing the components, as well as cotton pads, a special brush and a towel.
  2. Further, there is a thorough cleansing of the face. For these purposes, a tonic or gel is used.
  3. Then the master prepares the mixture. It must be done immediately before application, since substances can quickly lose their properties.
  4. During the procedure, the composition is applied to the face, avoiding the areas around the eyes.
  5. Only cool water is used to rinse off the substance.
  6. After the end of the procedure, gently wipe the face with a towel. You can also apply a soothing mask or wipe the skin with a decoction based on oak bark or sage.

Within 3 weeks after the procedure, it is noted likelihood of development age spots ... To avoid this, you must regularly use sunscreen with SPF-30. The rest of the creams and tonics are selected individually. To do this, the beautician must take into account the acids used, as well as the type and condition of the skin. The client is obliged to follow all the recommendations in order to consolidate the result and avoid complications.

If you want to do the procedure yourself, consult a beautician anyway. A specialist will help determine the type of skin, take into account all individual characteristics, on the basis of which he will recommend the composition.

In any case, first of all, you need to do a test. This will require minimum drug concentration that is applied to the skin. Naturally, if you are allergic to any component, you will have to give up peeling.

If there was no negative reaction during the test, you can start preparing for the procedure. It is about the preparation of the composition. For the first sessions, a concentration of no more than 5% is required. Subsequently, it can be increased to 10%. It is important to take into account the fact that fruit peels provide a gradual effect, that is, the final result will be noticeable after 2-3 days.

Today, in any pharmacy, you can find special preparations designed for self-performing acid peeling. The advantage of such products is the optimal concentration of substances. If you wish, you can make the mixture yourself using simple products. The result is quite effective and more gentle remedy.

  • For the pomegranate peel, you need pomegranate seeds, lemon juice and honey in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. The ingredients are ground with a blender and then rubbed into the steamed skin of the face. After 10 minutes, the mixture is removed with a special cosmetic napkin.
  • Sugar-lemon composition provides exfoliating and whitening effect. To complete the procedure, it is enough to dip a cotton pad in lemon juice and then sprinkle some sugar on it. After that, you need to rub your face for 3-5 minutes. Further, it is recommended to apply a soothing mask.
  • To prepare an orange peel, you will need 2 tbsp. l. zest and 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal. The components are crushed and poured in a small amount of warm milk. The mixture is gently rubbed into the face and left for 5-7 minutes.
  • For pineapple peeling, you will need 150 g of pineapple pulp, 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. oat flour. The components are mixed and applied to the face. After 10 minutes, this product is washed off.
  • Grape peels can be prepared using 3 tbsp. l. mature grapes and 1 tsp. oatmeal. The crushed components are kept on the skin for 7-10 minutes.

Fruit peeling helps improve the condition of the facial skin, restore smoothness to it, as well as remove acne and blackheads. This procedure is recommended to be performed in the salon, but if you wish, you can do the peeling yourself.

Peeling with fruit acids

Since the times of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra, skin beauty care has not been complete without this procedure. Peeling recipes were different, but thanks to cosmetologists, this method of affecting the skin with the help of fruit acids reached a safe level. The correct procedure will remove unnecessary things to make your face look well-groomed and attractive.

What are the benefits of fruit acids for the face

If earlier fruit peels for the face were used only in medicine, then for the last three decades this procedure has been a service of beauty salons and offices. The type of fruit acid can affect the price of exfoliation of the stratum corneum, while ready-made formulations can be bought at a pharmacy or store. The most popular exfoliating and cleansing products are as follows:

  • Wine. During the procedure, this acid helps to remove dead cells, replenish the water balance, and even out the relief.
  • Glycolic acid for the face. Cleansing the surface layer, getting rid of age spots, leveling the tone - this is the action of the main source of the "beauty molecule".
  • Lemon. It can be found in citrus fruits, and the purpose of the acid is whitening and antioxidant action.
  • Dairy. It is found in sour milk, yogurt, apples, blueberries, and is used to cleanse the skin, rejuvenating or whitening effect.
  • Apple. This acid has a good exfoliating effect, but the most valuable property is skin regeneration.

How does an acid face peel work?

Uniqueness cosmetic procedure lies in the ability to exfoliate the stratum corneum. Acids promote regeneration, accelerate the process of cell renewal, which provides an excellent anti-aging effect. Another valuable property is an increase in collagen production, with a lack of which the skin begins to age. Penetrating deeply, peels help improve complexion and prepare cells for application to others. cosmetics.

How to peel with fruit acids at home

If there are no contraindications, then making a fruit peeling for the body or face will turn out with no less result than that of a beautician. Compliance with the proportions, duration of the procedure and regularity is a guarantee that fruit face masks at home will delight you with the result. General rules peeling at home are as follows:

  1. Prepare a clean towel, container, application brush, cotton pads.
  2. Cleanse your face with a special product or wash yourself with water.
  3. Prepare the composition just before application, because many acids, for example, multifruit peels, quickly lose their valuable properties.
  4. The frequency of the procedure depends on the type of skin, on average, once every 7-10 days.

Orange mask with fruit acids

  1. Grind orange, honey and ground coffee beans until smooth, 1 tbsp each. spoon.
  2. Before starting the procedure, make a light facial massage.
  3. Take the prepared mixture, apply in an even layer.
  4. Keep it for 7 minutes, during which the acid of the citrus fruit will accelerate cell renewal, and the rest of the ingredients will make the skin soft, velvety, smooth.
  5. Rinse off the orange mask with warm water, gently blot your face with a clean towel.

Lemon face peeling with fruit acids

  1. Take rosehip oil, lemon, olive oil... Fruit peeling at home for the face is prepared in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Make freshly squeezed lemon juice, mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Heat the mass until warm and apply immediately with a brush or cotton pad.
  4. Hold the mask for no more than 7 minutes, then rinse your face with water.

Tropical peeling with fruit acids

  1. You will need a blender to make this mask.
  2. Fruits: kiwi, banana, pineapple - taken in equal proportions. If desired, pineapple can be substituted with another tropical fruit such as papaya.
  3. Fresh fruits are peeled and crushed to a puree state.
  4. Apply the mass with a brush, evenly distributing it over the entire surface of the face, hold for 10 minutes and rinse with water.

Price for fruit peeling for the face

The cost of the procedure in beauty salons is influenced by the brand of the manufacturer, the composition of the product, the number of procedures required. The price of ready-made peels with fruit acids in a pharmacy or a store will vary from 500 to 3225 rubles, while the most profitable option is to buy inexpensively or at a discount in an online store. The online catalog offers a convenient search system - from a low price to choosing a manufacturer and skin type, which greatly simplifies the selection and purchase process.


Price (rubles)

Soft cream, New Line

Chemical peeling with glycolic acid, Beauty Med

Fruit mask Le Prestige for the face, Eldan

Almost every woman who respects herself and her principles, despite her age and social status, strives to ensure that the skin of her face is always smooth, clean and radiant with health. Fortunately, today this is no longer a serious problem. Any beauty salon offers professional facials. But not everyone can pamper themselves and allow themselves to visit the same beauty salons at least once a week, at least for reasons of employment. However, do not despair, peeling with fruit acids at home will help you.

A little about peeling

Peeling (exfoliation) means the effective removal or partial exfoliation of the top layer of the skin, usually keratinous, followed by its improvement appearance... There are several types of peels, and they all perform the following functions:

  • thinning and softening of the stratum corneum;
  • removal of small comedones (cysts formed when the hair follicles are blocked by horny masses);
  • facilitating access to deep layers of tissue and skin;
  • expansion of pores;
  • softening and cleansing the skin;
  • increased division of subcutaneous cells, due to which the skin acquires a light and healthy appearance.

What is Fruit Peel?

If you look at it, then fruit peeling is usually attributed to one of the types of chemical peels. Its main principle of action is to rejuvenate the skin and reduce its oily content.

Fruit acids also have another name for AHA acids. At the very beginning, they were mined from natural fruits, but now the possibilities are dictated by the improvement of technology and technological processes, allow you to synthesize these acids from unnatural substances. There are a sufficient amount of such acids, among which the most popular and frequently used are: tartaric, citric, malic, glycolic and lactic.

Given the woman's age, the type and condition of her skin, one or another acid is used. For example, lactic acid is used to moisturize the skin, glycolic acid has exfoliating properties, citric and tartaric acid helps to lighten and eliminate age spots on the face, malic acid can speed up metabolic processes.

How to carry out a fruit peel?

Fruit peeling at home today is no longer something special and impossible. If recently it was necessary to visit a beauty salon for this, now any woman can allow herself this luxury, even without leaving home. In general, fruit peels using various acids can be summarized as follows. Before the procedure itself, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed with special means, and then fruit acids are applied to it. After a certain time, the acids are removed or washed off, and a moisturizer is applied to the skin. As a rule, a course of fruit peeling consists of three to five procedures, carried out within a month and a half. At the same time, each new procedure requires an increase in the concentration of acids with a corresponding decrease in the time of exposure to the skin.

However, the fruit acid peeling procedure consists of the following mandatory steps and steps.

  1. All necessary items should be prepared in advance. These are: a bowl for mixing ingredients (glass or enamel), a brush to apply the mask, and a clean towel.
  2. Before the procedure, gently and completely cleanse the face to remove the remnants of makeup or grease.
  3. Since the ingredients used are completely natural, they must be mixed before direct use, otherwise the oxidation process may begin.
  4. Do not cover the area around the eyes with the resulting mixture.
  5. After fruit peels, the skin is treated with a soft towel soaked in water and wiped with a decoction of chamomile or sage.
  6. The final touch is to apply a regular nourishing cream to the skin.

Experts recommend after the procedure, in the first days, to refrain from using alcohol-containing tonics and lotions, as well as essential oils... Moreover, do not get carried away often fruit peels... In the case of dry skin, it is recommended to carry out the procedure every 10-12 days, with normal and oily skin- once a week will be enough.
Let's watch a short explanatory video:

Fruit peel results

Chemical peeling with fruit acids can please any woman with its result. After the procedure, the skin regains firmness and elasticity, takes on a fresh look. Fruit peeling helps to get rid of the first signs of old age and skin aging. This effect is obtained due to the fact that the sebaceous glands are normalized, the pores are cleansed, the appearance of new blackheads is prevented, the traces of age spots are brightened and partially eliminated.

To verify the effectiveness of the procedure, look at the photos attached below.

Numerous user reviews prove once again that peeling with fruit acids at home has a number of advantages over a similar procedure provided by specialists from various beauty salons. One such advantage is price.

Contraindications to the procedure

There are contraindications, in the presence of which the procedure should be abandoned. Fruit peeling for the face is not recommended in the following cases:

  • too dry and thin skin;
  • the presence of scratches and damage on the skin;
  • individual intolerance to one of the peeling components.

If there is one or more contraindications, peeling based on fruit acids is prohibited.

Thus, if you strive to ensure that your skin is always radiant and has impeccable look, from time to time indulge yourself with various procedures, among which the main place should be taken by fruit peeling.

Love yourself so that those around you will love you!