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Beer competitions. How to organize a beer party at home or outdoors

With the active introduction of the Internet into our lives, everything has become closer - people living on other continents, books stored in libraries of other countries, products, recipes, cultures and traditions. Closer, clearer and more accessible. Do you want delicious pancakes from Canada? We buy maple syrup and make it! Dreaming of Halloween horror stories? Let's bake a cake and celebrate! Have you ever thought about throwing an Oktoberfest party at home? No problem, read the article, make a plan, invite guests and have a lot of fun!

So, let's stop at Oktoberfest? The annual festival held in Munich is perhaps the most popular folk holiday this kind, of course, will not move towards you, but it will definitely become a little closer. If you have desire, enthusiasm and a little imagination, you will be able to organize a party that will fill you with a lot of positivity, give you a lot of wonderful moments, and leave a bunch of pleasant memories. Well, for everything to go perfectly, we advise you to prepare properly. Of course, with the help of advice from Magic Food.

A little history

It is believed that the birthday of Oktoberfest dates back to October 12, 1810 - it was on this day that Crown Prince Ludwig married Princess Theresa of Saxony-Hildburghaus, on the occasion of which he threw a grand celebration. Long - celebrated widely and for almost a week, with abundant treats, meat, beer, wine, festivities, races and games. Those invited and participating liked the event so much that a decision was immediately made: from now on, Oktoberfest will be held annually!

Since then, the festival has actually been held every year (with rare exceptions related to objective reasons - for example, Germany’s participation in wars). Over time, the scale of Oktoberfest grew and increased, and today it is the most ambitious festivities, which are ever held anywhere. By the way, beer is essentially not the main component of the holiday, although the stereotypical opinion has taken root among us so much that in our minds this German festival is associated primarily with this drink.


2-3 medium sized potatoes;
1/2 onion;
1 tsp. salt;
1 egg;
ground black pepper, nutmeg;
vegetable oil for frying.

Wash the potatoes, peel them and grate them. Place the resulting mass in a clean cloth, squeeze out the juice properly - into a bowl, not into the sink. Place the potatoes in a convenient salad bowl. We wait a couple of minutes until the starch settles, and carefully pour the juice without starch into the grated potatoes. Three onions, add salt, pepper and nutmeg, break the egg. Mix.

Fry round pancakes - on both sides in a well-heated frying pan on vegetable oil until golden brown.
Place the finished pancakes on disposable paper towels and serve with hot apple sauce or, if desired, sprinkled with... cinnamon!
Tip: When you want some experimentation and variety, try adding some finely chopped rosemary to your potato dough. Incredibly delicious!

Wash the meat, chop it into small pieces of a convenient size, rub them with a mixture of salt, pepper, cumin, marjoram and chopped garlic. Leave to marinate for at least 1 hour (or better yet, overnight in the refrigerator).

Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place pieces of meat skin side down on top. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for 1 hour. After this, take out a baking sheet, turn the pieces of meat over to the other side up, lay out onions, carrots, celery, a head of garlic, and parsley root. Put it back in the oven, increase the temperature to 170 degrees and every 5-7 minutes we look inside and pour beer over the meat. We play like this for half an hour, then take out the baking sheet, carefully remove the bones, transfer the vegetables to a dish, increase the temperature to 230 degrees and bake the meat for another 15 minutes, after which we turn off the oven and leave the pork inside for another half hour.

Slice, pour over the resulting juice, serve with sauerkraut, potato salad and beer.

Advice: when baking root vegetables, try not to peel them first - this is exactly what real German housewives do, who believe that onion skins and peels of celery and carrots give the sauce in which the meat is baked a unique rich flavor.

Desserts for Oktoberfest

Dessert lovers can be advised to make glazed almonds in sugar, donuts or the famous Black Forest cake. At least these sweets can be found on the Munich Festival grounds, so let them be the starting point for your confectionery delights for the Oktoberfest menu.

10 Creative Tips to Celebrate Oktoberfest at Home

  1. Buy the simplest, glass, cheap beer glasses at the nearest store, where everything is “three kopecks”. And a package of glass paints. Half the evening - and you can easily brand all the dishes, which you can then give to your guests as souvenirs.
  2. Invitations are not necessary, of course. But how great it would be! However, is it really so difficult to download a suitable template from the Internet, print it out and enter the necessary names?
  3. Oktoberfest is an open-air celebration, so don’t cram it into the confines of your apartment. A forest, a lake, a park - everything is suitable if everything is thought out and planned correctly in advance.
  4. Of course, adults can easily entertain themselves, no one argues. However, if you want the holiday to be remembered for a long time, so that later it will be remembered as something completely unimaginable and bright, be sure to spend a little time thinking through games and entertainment; a holiday program in this case is an absolute necessity.
  5. Demanding from your guests, busy and serious people, a special dress code on the occasion of the mini-Oktoberfest you are organizing is an unreliable and thankless task. Well, let! But you can completely think over your image - well, at least, braid your hair and style it with characteristic Bavarian “baskets”, decorating it with flowers and ribbons.
  6. In addition to the proposed menu, think about traditional Oktoberfest treats - stewed sauerkraut and grilled spicy chicken wings will look very authentic on the table.
  7. You can cook traditional ones, especially if you love real home cooking - “secret” for housewives with creative ambitions.
  8. Take the time to prepare special props for fun and funny photos - wigs with pigtails, paper mustaches on a stick, characteristic Bavarian hats and garlands from beer cans will look fun and colorful and will help you remember the holiday for a long time.
  9. In general, decor is a very important component of the holiday: blue and white napkins (the official colors of Oktoberfest), flags, Balloons will cost you little, but will create a unique atmosphere.
  10. Traditions are everything to us! Make your own Oktoberfest an annual event, and who knows where tourists will be flocking in ten years?

Juicy Bavarian sausages, fiery music, gorgeous girls in revealing outfits and it is cold, foamy, thick barley gold! Sounds fun? Then an Oktoberfest-themed beer party is your thing!

The format is ideal for a birthday or other noisy holiday without a hint of officialdom. The best place– in the fresh air in a large tent or in the open air among a heap of themed decorations. Not a season? Then a spacious cafe hall, free from interior frills.

The October festival in Munich is a riot, a rage, a real madness of millions of beer lovers! To recreate the Oktoberfest atmosphere, it is advisable to have a lot of people at the party.


The most popular colors are white and blue, the flag of Bavaria. Another option is the black, red and yellow flag of Germany. But in theory, you can choose any colors for the party, because there are dozens of tents at Oktoberfest, and each has its own atmosphere.

  • hang ribbons, garlands and flags in selected shades. Collect paper national dresses and hats, glasses, labels, and drawings of peddlers into garlands. The topic is popular, everything is available online (print or order sets). There should be a lot of garlands and ribbons, especially on the ceiling - imitation of a tent.

Triangle garlands can be easily made from white and blue wallpaper (the cheapest paper wallpaper). Cut into diamond shapes and fold in half in advance. It is better to cut wallpaper with a stationery knife on thick cardboard - much faster than with scissors. And then, already on the attached thread, smear it with a glue pencil and you’re done.

  • decorate the walls with “beads” of pretzels, views of Munich at night or Teresa’s meadow, photos of festively decorated carts, thematic pictures and quotes - sayings, jokes about beer (the choice is huge);

  • large Oktoberfest-style paraphernalia will hide unnecessary details of the decor and will be useful for photos - large beer mugs, huge gingerbread cookies, barrels, hawkers and Bavarians in national costumes. Cardboard + printout or drawing on double tape;
  • To enhance the atmosphere of a themed party, hang a banner with the word Oktoberfest at the entrance, and signs around the hall with the names of beer brands in German. Labels can be glued to balls of suitable shades. It’s easy to make glasses and bottles from long balls (or buy foil ones to match the theme);

  • place several barrels or large boxes covered with tablecloths. Make paper canopies/umbrellas over each “table”. Light snacks, a certain brand of drink (print and re-stick labels). It will turn out to be atmospheric, almost like tents at a real festival!
  • Since Oktoberfest takes place in the fall, vegetables, fruits, seasonal flowers, and bouquets of cereals are used to decorate the tents. You can find something at any time of the year, cut out red leaves from paper, print out drawings of barley, buy artificial hops or also drawings;

  • add some flair to your party decor. For example, flowers in beer glasses or jars, instead of water, pour weak tea. You can put electric lights in bottles without labels. There are blue and white miniature candles in mugs filled with the same tea.
  • For funny photos to remember the party, Oktoberfest-style paraphernalia will be useful: mustaches, hats, flags, etc.. Skewer + printed picture. For the background – a view of Teresa’s meadow at night, Neuschwanstein, a press wall with the names of brands.

Don't forget about the invitations - a postcard in the shape of a beer mug, a pretzel, a gingerbread, a fake ticket to Munich. Thematic flyer with humor: “Beer fest in the company of hot chickens and the coolest Bavarian pretzels!”, “Drinks and toilet are free!”, “Drinking a lot is harmful. But too little is boring!”


At this party, an Oktoberfest-style dress code is desirable - the outfits are very atmospheric! For women, of course, a peddler costume. It can be rented or partially assembled, partially sewn. Image elements:

  • blouse with a revealing neckline, frilly, flounced sleeves or lanterns. The color is often white;

  • bright lace-up bodice, preferably with patterned braid(national element). Possibly fake;
  • a fluffy skirt of any length, usually just below the knee or a playful short one. The color does not necessarily repeat, but it certainly matches the bodice. Instead of a blouse and skirt, a sundress of a similar style is suitable;
  • a miniature apron in a contrasting shade so as not to blend in with the skirt;

  • white stockings/knee socks, closed low-heeled shoes(it’s uncomfortable to dance in heels). You can tie a scarf on your head or wear a hat.

Jewelry and accessories on Oktoberfest girls are either completely absent or modest - they do not distract from the main thing. By the way, you can cover up the main thing if a revealing suit bothers you (it’s even more reliable this way).

The traditional hairstyle is two braids or ponytails, tied with ribbons in the color of the skirt or bodice lacing. The makeup of the Bavarian peddler is rather modest, emphasizing the image of an innocent rural girl.

Men just need to wear a shirt, shorts/cropped pants with suspenders and a hat. Shorts can be made from cheap trousers by sewing suspenders from the cut off hem. Or you don’t have to torment the stronger sex with such delights, limiting yourself to suspenders and a hat + regular trousers, a white or checkered shirt.

If there is little time for preparation, let guests come in any comfortable clothes. After all, the dress code is a tiny part of the party. And most people attend Oktoberfest not in suits, but in casual T-shirts and jeans. By the way, the white top and denim bottom are just in style with the color scheme.

To emphasize the theme, prepare accessories - hats, beer helmets, blue and white checkered neck scarves, badges in the form of thematic paraphernalia (glue the cardboard onto the badge).

Menu, serving

You can save time on table decoration - the main decoration should be the food. A blue and white tablecloth, simple “country” dishes, liter Maßkrug or disposable cups if there is not enough glass containers for everyone.

Place fruits in upside-down hats, place bouquets of sunflowers, chrysanthemums or cereals in mugs. Hang a few garlands, pretzel beads and painted gingerbread cookies in a recognizable style (you can paint them, just for decoration).

The table is preferably shared, long - several arranged, as before at weddings. Dishes can be placed on a common table or, for authenticity, on a separate one - guests fill their plates with goodies and sit down at the common table.

The food at an Oktoberfest party is predominantly fatty and very filling. Harmful, but it helps you not lose your head after a couple of liters of the main drink of the holiday. For those who don't like beer, young wines are sold at the festival.

The menu is the same from year to year. This is a tradition, in a sense even an attraction of the October festival. Of course, you can add to the list at your discretion.

  • pork, chicken and white Munich sausages;
  • Hendl chickens, served in halves (carcass cut lengthwise). This is the most beloved and most sought after dish of the festival;
  • Bavarian pork knuckle;
  • meat stew with stewed vegetables;
  • whole fried or boiled potatoes, Kartoffelsalat (traditional salad, very popular);
  • Steckerlfisch – fish on a stick baked in coals;
  • sauerkraut, fresh cabbage salads, tomatoes, greens, bunches of radishes.

The recipes are quite simple and can be found online. Pretzel credels are also easy to make. Also buy salted crackers (there are similar shapes), nuts, felted fish and other snacks.

Those with a sweet tooth will be delighted by cupcakes in the shape of beer mugs: cut off the lid of the sponge cake, make a hole, fill with cream, decorate with fondant and pour in cream before serving.


According to tradition, the festival begins after the exclamation “O’zapft is!” – uncorked! The honor of driving the tap into the first barrel is given to the burgomaster. You can also start the Oktoberfest party scenario by solemnly presenting the birthday boy with a wooden hammer.

A plot scenario at such a party would be superfluous. The goal is to simply relax and have fun in an informal, relaxing environment. And to avoid getting bored, prepare competitions. For winning, give a bottle of good German beer or, based on the results, choose the king and queen of Oktoberfest.

For the search “Oktoberfest music”, there are entire collections of suitable songs and melodies on the Internet - national, orchestral, modern. Download several songs to immerse your guests in the festive atmosphere of Bavaria.

Any alcohol games will fit into the party scenario. For example, the same beer pong and Flip Cup will be entirely on topic (the rules are on the Internet). Competitions where you need to drink more/quickly are best held in the middle of the party, when the guests have already eaten, but have not yet gotten too excited. We offer ideas for Oktoberfest-style competitions.

Kill it and drink it

Similar to the opening ceremony of the festival, but we will be driving in nails rather than a tap. Every year, spectators count shots and keep statistics. The goal of the burgomaster is to drive in the tap in as few strokes as possible. Then the minister-president drinks the first portion and that’s it – people can go out for a walk!

Thick long block, nails, hammer. Take turns if there is only one hammer. Guys compete with guys, girls with girls. The winner is the one who drives the nail in the fewest number of hits.

Let this be the first competition, while guests can still hold the instrument firmly in their hands and hit the cap. For the ambiance, after the nail is driven in, the guest must say a toast in honor of the hero of the occasion and drink. It will turn out to be a very colorful opening of the party.

This is power!

Traditionally, the competition is for peddler girls, but you can do it all together, only once again dividing into chicks and pretzels. By analogy with carrying wild weight - several liter Maßkrug.

Guests take the chair by the legs, pressing their elbows to their sides, and stand like that for 20 seconds. Then the presenter puts them on chairs plastic bottle with water (safer than glass) and pause. Then another bottle, and another, and another.

One by one, the guests drop their bottles, eliminating them from the competition. If at the end there are a couple of super-hardy “peddlers” left, the presenter asks them to stand on one leg, stretch their arms forward, and jump.

Best Beer Belly

And this is a competition for guys, but also - what's the difference? Oversized T-shirt, balloons. How many T-shirts, so many participants at a time. In a minute you need to stuff the balls into a T-shirt so that you get a big belly. The winner is determined by the presenter by measuring the “waist”.

Another option is to mark the circle with ribbon and tie large pillows to the bellies. The goal is to push the opponent out of the improvised arena with his belly.


Beer cans and a children's ball are popular entertainment at the festival. Where are the banks from? And cunning locals bring drinks with them, knowing about the exorbitantly inflated prices.

"Mini golf"

Use a mop to push a ping pong ball into a cup lying on the ground. Elimination, three attempts, the distance getting larger each time.

Entertainment and competitions for command script parties:

  • In five minutes. come up with a name and slogan for the beer. These will be the names and motto of the teams.
  • Drink your beer through straws before your rivals. Large “command” capacity of about 300 ml per person.
  • Transfer the “beer” (it’s better to have weak tea) from the common full basin to the team container. Full basin in the center, command containers at some distance. Transfer paper cups(the glass may break when they all scoop from a common basin). Time is limited. Whose bowl contains more drink?

  • Build a tower higher than your opponents. Traditionally from mugs, but this is dangerous - it is better to use empty disposable glasses or lotto barrels (similar to barrels).
  • Oktoberfest in numbers - a quiz to help guests relax a little. You need to give an approximate number. Give points to the team whose answer is closest to the truth. Questions:
    • the maximum number of hits on the tap is (19), and the minimum is (1)
    • how long does the festival last? (average 16)
    • number of visitors (about 6 million)
    • entrance fee to the territory (free)
    • and a liter of beer? (10 euros), and half a chicken? (10 euros)
    • how many companies are allowed to sell beer at this festival? (total 6)
    • How many chickens are eaten each year? (about 500.000)
    • and drink beer? (about 7 million liters)
    • How many toilets are there on site? (about 850).

The list is easy to continue; there is a lot of information on the Internet. And every year, doctors pump out about 700 “beer corpses.” You can arrange a competition for the most “dead” guest - lie absolutely still while the others tickle you and make you laugh. Who will last longer?

In addition to competitions, be sure to dance to fiery Bavarian music! It will be great if the presenter shows simple movements of national dances or plays a video on the big screen. Happy festival!

Present: mugs and/or T-shirts with a commemorative inscription, themed keychains, openers with the flag of Germany/Bavaria, coasters for mugs and other beer accessories.


Gatherings with beer, salted fish and crackers are soulful, but ordinary. Foreigners hold entire festivals in honor of the foamy beer, but we bought a bottle of beer, sat in the garage with a fish... Where is the holiday? It's time to take everything into our own hands, otherwise we'll just sit on the bench with seeds, washing the seeds for our friends.

Organizing a party: the basics of a successful beer party

Each holiday has its own scenario. There is alcohol and a special snack for everyone, but the fun doesn’t stop there. Everything has its own little tricks that will add variety to home gatherings with beer. let's consider general rules, and at the same time we will find answers to standard questions.

The meeting place cannot be changed: where to hold the party

If the season and weather permit, it is best to hold the event at the dacha, in a country house or on a picnic. It’s not for nothing that open-air beer festivals are held in Europe. You can also book a table or even rent a room in a restaurant or bar, but such a party can also be held at home - this way you will save a lot of money. In fun, it is not the territory that is important, but the general atmosphere and mood.

How to organize a party

First you need to prepare an event plan. It’s not a fact that everything will go like clockwork, so it’s worth thinking about backup options that will amuse your guests. To do this, several conditions must be met:

  • a lot of beer, and no other alcoholic drinks;
  • beer attributes in the design of the table and room;
  • properly selected menu;
  • themed (beer) games and entertainment.

If you follow these rules, your beer party will be successful and fun.

Decorating the room: following the style of the party

The external attributes of a beer festival are the decoration, table setting, and clothing of those gathered. Each of these points needs to be given due attention. After all, it is much more interesting to walk with a group in a place where you can relax than in a boring restaurant.

How to decorate a room for a beer party?

You can use balloons in the shape of beer mugs or bottles as decorations. You can make garlands from multi-colored beer cans, which are best hung along the walls and under the ceiling. Interesting slogans about beer, from which you can make banners similar to advertising banners, will not be out of place.

How to set a table for a beer party?

It is better to choose a tablecloth and napkins in the Bavarian style (blue and white checkered patterns or diamonds), and use only special mugs or glasses for beer as the main attributes. Coasters are required - stands for mugs. Place a beer keg or a large dish with appetizers: crayfish and shrimp in the center of the table.

What to wear to a party?

The clothing of the event participants assumes a loose, youth-sports style. No suits, ties, evening dresses and diamonds.

Setting the table: stocking up on snacks

At a beer party they drink only beer, and in addition to the usual (already boring) crackers and chips, the menu can include:

  • hot dishes: fried sausages, chicken wings, sausages, braised cabbage with pork knuckle, fried potatoes;
  • snacks: crayfish, shrimp, cheese, croutons, sandwiches, vegetables and fish in batter, meat rolls;
  • salads: vinaigrettes with fish and herring, salads with seafood;
  • dough products: salted biscuits, strudel with meat, cheese straws.

Paying tribute to tradition, add nuts, chips, croutons. For a change, try making your own beer croutons. Cut the rye bread into small cubes and fry in hot vegetable oil. For piquancy, add pepper, garlic or dry spices.

There are a lot of different recipes for cooking dishes that go well with beer. You can find and choose what you like best. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

Beer entertainment: how to excite guests

The entertainment depends on the type of company that gathers at the beer party. You can hold intellectual quizzes, funny games, fun competitions. Here are some of them:

Quiz “Beer polymath”

Guests are invited to answer questions related to geography, the history of beer, and beer traditions. Here is a sample list of questions: “What is a beer bottle?”, “Where was the world’s largest beer mug made?”, “What is the name of the top label of a beer bottle?”, “How much does a beer cap weigh?”

Competition for two: “Literball”

The first contestant takes one sip of beer, the next – two. Then the first - three, the second - four. This continues until one of them refuses the next portion of beer. It is better to use light drinks, as they contain less alcohol. Otherwise, the party may not go as planned.

Ice Beer Competition

Beer is frozen in advance. The size of the ice cube should be such that it fits in your mouth without the risk of choking. There is a coin inside each piece. The task of the competition participants is to dissolve the ice to free the coin. The fastest one wins.

Beer Tasting Competition

Beer of different varieties and brands is poured into several mugs. Participants must taste what kind of beer it is and in which mug it is in. The winner is the one who guessed the most. As a prize, you can give a T-shirt with the inscription “Best Beer Connoisseur.”

You can also compare beer bellies and compete in the number of compliments you can come up with for beer. A competition to quickly empty a beer glass will also come in handy. You can have an accuracy competition by throwing coins into mugs or throwing light rings on bottles. And no one has canceled the well-known game of spin the bottle. At a beer party you can play anything, the main thing is to have the main attribute: a foamy drink.

Please note: when planning your event, remember that not all guests will want to participate in competitions. So come up with something special that your bored friends can do. You can put a large TV in the room (borrow from friends if you don’t have one), scatter pillows on the floor, and turn on a movie. A beer party can be timed to coincide with a football match. Then you won’t need to prepare a script – everyone will have fun anyway.

The finale of such a holiday should be the coronation. Choose a beer king and queen by secret or open vote. But no matter who is chosen, the real queen will be the hostess who managed to organize such an interesting, fun and tasty beer party!

In anticipation of the beer festival that is celebrated every year in Germany, we decided to give you some ideas so that you can organize your Oktoberfest and make it unforgettable. In addition to beer and meat snacks, to organize a fabulous party you will need entertainment. If you want to be sure that your guests will enjoy your Oktoberfest, here are some entertainment options for a drunken group...

Competition "Who drinks the fastest"

Source: Yandex pictures

Did you know that the experience of participating in countless student parties and just get-togethers will be useful to you? So, when it comes to , this classic competition is a must, because it is as simple as its name. Just fill your mugs with beer and see who can drain them the fastest. Of course, fun competition, but do not forget that excessive consumption of alcohol, including beer, is fraught with consequences for your health, so keep it in moderation.

Beer race

IN classic version play at every Oktoberfest. The point of the game is that you need to carry as many glasses of beer as possible over a given distance. But the mugs are not simple - they are liter, so not everything is so simple. The winner is the one who covers the distance the fastest and brings the largest amount of beer in mugs to the finish line. Do you think it's that simple? Try going for a run yourself with at least one pair of full glasses of beer in each hand. And then look at how ordinary Oktoberfest waitresses deal with it.

Beer workout

Who said beer lovers can't drink and exercise at the same time? And you try to hold a full liter mug of beer on outstretched arms for as long as possible, without bending your elbows and without spilling a drop of the precious drink. For reference: a liter mug of beer weighs at least two kilograms. The average beer drinker can hold such a mug for about four minutes, and the record is 20 minutes 13 seconds.

Tasting competition

In this game you will need all your knowledge about beer. Each participant in the game must guess the type of beer he is trying without looking. You can diversify the game by increasing the options for the drink you drink.

Beer cosplay

No Oktoberfest is complete without costumes, which makes the holiday even more authentic. Organize it Oktoberfest style and let your guests have a blast dressing up and getting well-deserved awards for their costumes.

And we will offer you several options for unusual costumes for Oktoberfest:

Options men's suits also available

Thank you to the online store for providing the costumes.

Sausage eater competition

As you know, in the fall, the “Night of Ad Eaters” takes place around the world, but on beer festival love to eat sausages. To participate in such a competition, guests must have a very good appetite, because the winner is the one who can eat as many fatty, fried sausages as possible in 2 minutes to the enthusiastic screams of the audience.

A beer party is an excellent and democratic replacement for boring home gatherings and pretentious restaurant feasts. This is a great opportunity to have a fun and relaxed time in a friendly company. Organizing such an event is not difficult. All it takes is friends, good mood and a wish for a holiday. You can do this yourself or leave everything to professionals. But having chosen the first, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail.

Meeting point

This is the most important question. Further organization depends on the choice of location. Of course best place for such an occasion there will be a country house. It’s not for nothing that Oktoberfest is celebrated in the open air in Europe. If the weather or time of year does not allow it, then the fun will be just as good indoors. It’s not the place that makes the holiday, but the other way around.

The most common beer evenings are:

  1. in a beer restaurant or pub,
  2. in sauna,
  3. in the country,
  4. Outdoors.

The first option is simple and convenient. It is suitable for those who do not want to deal with styling the event and selecting attributes. Everything has already been done as it should be. All that remains is to stock up on a good mood.

In other cases, you will have to work hard. It will take a lot of ingenuity, imagination, and time, but with maximum effort, you will be able to surprise even a picky guest.


Any theme party needs to be given the right color – in this case, Bavarian. Anything that adds national spirit and flavor will do.

Space decoration

Be sure to use beer-related items:

  • beer cans,
  • themed posters,
  • balloons in the shape of mugs,
  • homemade garlands,
  • strong wooden furniture.

The map of Germany and state symbols - the coat of arms and flag - will become an excellent photo zone. Photos taken against this background for a long time will remind you of the holiday.

Table setting

Blue and white checkered or diamond-patterned tablecloths are a Bavarian tradition. They are supplemented with napkins of appropriate colors. Keep everything simple:

  • clay dishes,
  • large mugs made of glass or ceramics,
  • old style dishes.

Suitable decorations include vases with straw bouquets, candles in the shape of beer bottles or glasses, coasters - stands for beer mugs.

A wooden beer barrel decorated with flowers will be the highlight of the program.

Dress code

Part of every styled party is having a dress code. Compliance with it by every guest is mandatory. Bavarian National costumes will undoubtedly add a special charm to the holiday.

Men's suit includes:

  • knee-length or 3/4 pants,
  • gaiters,
  • frock coat,
  • hat with feathers,
  • shirt,
  • vest,
  • suspender.


  • blouse,
  • fluffy skirt,
  • apron,
  • a vest resembling a corset.

The color scheme can be any. But recently, the white and blue color combination has been especially popular.
It’s not easy to create such outfits yourself, so it’s worth renting.

If you can’t find suits, then ordinary everyday clothes will be an alternative:

  • jeans, T-shirt and sneakers.

Even lovers of glamorous stilettos or prim classics should abandon their usual wardrobe. Things should be comfortable and not restrict movement.


The venue and dress code have been decided. It's time to get started on the invitations. They will tell guests about the theme.

A coaster is suitable for this - a cardboard stand for a beer glass.

If it already has a logo, then simply write the date, time and place on the back. If the coaster is clean, then you have the opportunity to use your imagination to design it to your taste.

Another option would be a beer bottle or mug. Order blank labels from the nearest printing house, write information about the upcoming party on them, and stick them up. Such an invitation will become an exclusive souvenir. It will remind you of a great time for a long time.

If the above options seem too extravagant, then you can get by with postcards. But don’t make things too easy for yourself. Postcards should also have a twist and speak to the theme. If these are not available for sale, then making them to order will not be difficult.


Since the main thing at a Bavarian party was, is and will be beer, everything needs to be adjusted to it. A huge selection of all kinds of crackers, chips and nuts will be provided by a specialized store. We just purchase the required quantity.

  • hot dishes - sausages, fried or smoked wings, pork sausages, French fries.
  • snacks - sandwiches, grilled vegetables, cheese slices, shrimp, pita rolls with various fillings.
  • Pretzels are traditional German pretzels made from salted dough.
  • salads - suitable with seafood,
  • fish is something you can’t do without. Squid rings, slices, caviar and even the simplest roach.

There are many delicious recipes preparing dishes suitable for beer. Among them, everyone will find something to surprise guests with. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

Beer and nothing else

The Bavarian party is a celebration of beer. And of course, it is precisely this that should reign this evening. You should not buy other alcoholic drinks, especially strong ones. Adding them to a lot of foam will turn the holiday into a drinking party. The variety of types allows you to limit yourself to just this drink.

Beer happens:

  1. light,
  2. dark,
  3. filtered,
  4. unfiltered,
  5. with flavoring additives,
  6. varying degrees of strength.

Among all the diversity, everyone will find something to their liking. But among the guests there will definitely be someone who doesn’t like beer. They should be offered a beer cocktail. For example, mixing Sprite and beer in a 1:1 ratio. Garnish the glass with a slice of lemon or a sprig of mint.

Entertainment with beer

When preparing a beer party, you need to remember that this is a holiday, not a gathering in front of the TV. Depending on what kind of company is going, you need to select competitions and entertainment.

It makes sense to focus on those fun activities that are associated with the theme of the evening. However, you should not fanatically get carried away with high-speed drinking of alcohol and similar pleasures. This will put some guests out of action prematurely. What scenario should you prepare and how to attract guests?

Intellectual competitions

  1. You can conduct intellectual quizzes on knowledge of the history of beer and Bavarian traditions.
  2. Spending a little time, pick up a lot of thematic riddles on the Internet.
  3. Having created a selection of beer-themed songs, play “Guess the Melody.”

Active entertainment

Testing your knowledge about beer is certainly fun. But it’s better to focus on active games. Here are some ideas:

"Throwing Rings"
It's easy to prepare for this competition. Cut out rings from colored cardboard. Place empty beer bottles at a distance. Participants are asked to put as many rings on them as possible. Whoever scored the most points won. The rules can be adjusted and changed during the game, depending on the wishes of the players.

The mugs are filled with beer of different varieties and brands. Contestants need to taste what is poured and where. The one who guesses the most wins. A T-shirt with the inscription “I know a lot about beer” is perfect as a prize.

"The most sober"
By the middle of the evening, when the guests are a little drunk, a competition of accuracy is appropriate. The participants' task is to get the bottle cap into the glass. Not everyone will succeed, but that's where the fun lies. This game will test those present not only for accuracy, but also for sobriety.


It's hard to imagine a party without music. The beer festival is no exception. You can, of course, invite artists to perform live traditional national tunes. But this is for those whose budget allows.

  1. It’s easier to pick up perky Bavarian melodies on the Internet and organize a flash mob for them.
  2. Guests will also enjoy the competition for the best dance.
  3. Ethnic music will be a wonderful background throughout the evening and will add additional color to the atmosphere.

When thinking through the scenario, it is worth considering that not all guests will want to participate in quizzes. For such people it is worth creating a television zone. Set up a large screen and surround it with a ton of comfortable cushions. A competent selection of films or programs will not let you get bored.

This party format is suitable for any occasion. This is how you can celebrate a birthday, corporate event, New Year or promotion. Even a Bavarian-style wedding will look luxurious. But this is only suitable for those who are especially brave, those who are not afraid to step out of the standard framework.