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Dresses with polka dots, leopard print, with a gradient. Black and white pictures for newborns

The child is constantly exploring the world around him. At first, he listens with interest to all the sounds surrounding him. And later he begins to study his body: fingers, hands, legs, face. The baby, being in the mother's belly, can already experience feelings, sadness with his mother, or smiling when he sleeps.

Once, during a consultation with a nursing mother about lactostasis, I happened to see black and white pictures for newborns, according to which the mother was engaged in the development of the baby. The situation was a bit paradoxical: my mother has a temperature of about 40, and she tells me that you cannot skip classes with a month-old baby, because this helps him to develop faster.

It became interesting to me what kind of technique it is, and today I will tell you about it.

Why are black and white pictures useful?

The study black and white pictures helps to form:

  • color perception;
  • line of sight;
  • visual acuity;
  • contrast sensitivity.

The period from birth to six months is an active stage for the formation of the newborn's vision system. Therefore, visual stimulation has a beneficial effect on the overall development of the newborn.

Which pictures should you choose?

In fact, the conditions of this technique allow you to use your imagination, the only condition when creating your own types of black and white blanks, take into account the rules of use. It is not at all difficult to find black and white pictures for printing, or redraw them. When choosing pictures, you can focus on the age of the newborn:

  1. The first month of life (about how the baby develops during this period, learn from the article: What should a baby be able to do at 1 month? >>>):
  1. Up to 3 months inclusive (about what a 3-month-old baby can do, read the article: What should a 3-month-old baby be able to do? >>>):
  1. Period from 3 to 4 months (what changes at this age can be found in the article: What should a child be able to do at 4 months? >>>):
  • complicated forms;
  • drawn emotions;
  1. From 4 months to 6 (a child at six months already changes a lot, unlike a newborn. Read more about development in the article What should a child be able to at 6 months? >>>):
  • simple ornaments;
  • carpet patterns;
  • Khokhloma painting.

The border of using only black and white version is 4 months, after 4 months you can add other colors.

Important! You should not get hung up on the development of only visual perception. To fully improve your baby, you need to pay attention to the development of all senses.

Where to hang pictures and how to deal with them correctly?

Not everyone succeeds in developing a child from the first days of life. To me, as a consultant on breastfeeding and caring for a newborn, it seems that in the first months of life it is worth focusing on getting used to a new role. After all, you have so many changes in your life in connection with the birth of a child.

You need to be a little ahead, knowing the needs of the child and be ready for a new stage in his development. In general, by actively including the child in your life, you create an immense field for his development.

Interesting! The zone of proximal development is an area of ​​additional development by a child of new knowledge with the help of an adult, which is not able to unfold itself during individual activity without the participation of an adult.

Imagine that the child is in your arms, and you are doing some chores around the house with him: bending, squatting, stories, confidently holding the child in your arms and at every moment the child is included in this life: somewhere he will group his legs, where something will strain your back more strongly, somewhere it will blossom from your story and a kind word addressed to him.

On the other hand, with an adequate approach, when pictures and black-and-white patterns are simply present in a child's life, but without distortions, you can use them as well.

If you do not systematically conduct classes with pictures, the result will not be visible. It remains to include active exercises with black and white visual aids in the daily schedule and choose the right places where to attach these pictures.

Here are some ideas for where to hang black and white pictures:

  1. Baby's crib:
  • mobile;
  • crib walls.
  1. Game option:
  • Homemade cubes with matched pictures;
  • DIY book or print cards;
  • The floor mat has a black and white pattern.
  1. Active movement area:
  • Doors;
  • Window;
  • Walls;
  • Fridge;
  1. Mirror.

These are just a few ideas I have proposed, but do not forget - there are no clear boundaries and rules, so turn on your imagination and help your newborn develop in a fun way.

If you have a desire to help your baby in his development, you need to take into account several rules on how best to use developing black and white pictures for newborns:

  1. Start simple: introduce your newborn to the simplest black and white elements (lines, circles);
  2. Many and often this is bad. Do not bring pictures in front of the baby's eyes too often, the eyes of the newborn will quickly get tired and he will start to get nervous. Do not hang too many pictures around the apartment, so they will cease to attract his attention, becoming an element of the interior;
  3. Use your baby's active time. Develop the attention of your baby during the period of active wakefulness: when he lies on his tummy, or looks at the moving elements of the mobile, or walk past pictures with him in his arms;
  4. Don't forget to change pictures. The recommended period for active perception of the picture is 3 days. Try to change them at a given time, while if you catch the child's interest in certain patterns - do not rush to change the picture, let the baby study it for his own pleasure;
  5. We complicate the task. When the newborn gets used to constant visual stress, you can add a new exercise - the baby fixes his gaze on a black and white drawing, and the mother slowly moves the picture left and right, as well as up and down.

Development should be like a game. No overvoltage, watch the behavior of the newborn and do not let him get tired of the pictures. Otherwise, your baby will begin to react negatively to the appearance of black and white patterns.

The formation of the human brain takes place in the mother's belly. And the development of the brain after birth is facilitated by the emergence of new neural connections. And visual perception in this important process is of great importance.

More than 80% of information from the world around a person receives through sight. Therefore, for full and harmonious development little child you need to stimulate his visual perception. How younger child, the more intensively he learns. From birth, children need new experiences, food for brain development. If the brain processes only sound stimuli, it does not work at full capacity, then it is very important to provide the child with the opportunity to see different objects as soon as possible. The child's vision develops gradually. Up to two to three months, he does not distinguish colors. For this age, clear, contrasting black-and-white pictures are best suited, which are installed at a distance of 20-30 cm from the child's eyes. You can use them for as long as they like the child and arouse his interest. Sarah Brewer's book Super Baby describes the role of black and white images in the development of babies between 0 and 3 months of age.

Excerpts from Sarah Brewer's Super Baby

Vision plays a decisive role in the development of a child. Seeing various objects in front of him, the child wants to know what it is. The desire to reach for objects, crawl, roll over comes from natural curiosity and the desire to explore everything that the child sees around him. In the first two months of his life, he sees best at close range. The field of vision of a newborn baby is more limited than that of an adult. Presumably, objects that are no further than 30 degrees to the left and right of him, 10 degrees above and below and at a distance not exceeding 90 cm from his eyes fall into the child's field of vision. When he sucks, then naturally focuses vision on objects at a distance of 15 - 20 cm. Usually, by two weeks, the baby begins to recognize the faces of the mother and father. His visual acuity is 10 to 30 percent less than that of an adult, so it is more difficult for him to recognize fine lines that he sees as a smeared gray mass. The retina of the human eye contains photoreceptors such as rods and cones. Rods are cells that are sensitive to weak light and movement and only distinguish shades of black and white. Cones are cells that are responsible for daytime vision and allow you to see different colors and shades. Newborn babies like contrasting black and white designs more than color ones because at this age their rods perform better than cones. All other colors are seen by them as shades of gray. Since black and White color and it is most easily recognized by children, the use of black and white pictures stimulates the formation of connections between neurons in the cerebral cortex, develops attention, spurs children's natural curiosity and soothes during periods of overexcitation. Also, newborns prefer straight or broken lines rather than curved or wavy lines. In addition, they are attracted by simple, schematic representations of human faces. By the sixth week, the child can clearly focus on various objects at a distance of about 30 cm from him. He is especially attracted to simple images of faces and concentric circles in different options... The child studies the outer edges of the drawings more closely than their middle. The human brain is fully formed during intrauterine development. The number of neurons does not increase after birth, the brain develops due to the formation of new connections between neurons. The number of contacts between neurons in the area of ​​the cerebral cortex responsible for visual information begins to gradually increase in the first 2 months after birth. Between 2 and 4 months, the number of connections between neurons begins to grow sharply and increases by no less than 10 times. At this time, the child's eyesight improves dramatically, he can follow objects with his eyes and turn in the direction from which the sound comes. He starts to like it more complex drawings, rounded lines and shapes, rather than straight and broken lines. From the behavior of the child, you can see that he remembers what he saw. Many babies begin to distinguish colors by two months, because cones begin to work in the retina. But until three months, they presumably don't see blue color as good as yellow or red. By the age of four months, the child can distinguish all colors and can focus his vision on both near and distant objects. He enjoys watching parents and other people, especially children. He still prefers curved lines to straight lines and pays attention to more complex designs. At 4 - 5 months, the child begins to reach for objects that he sees, at 7 - 8 months he can grab objects and try to put them in his mouth. A child whose visual perception is constantly stimulated is usually more calm and alert while awake than a child without such stimulation. The number of contacts between neurons in the visual cortex peaks at 8 months of age, remains at its maximum until four years of age, and gradually decreases by half over the next five years. Consequently, binocular vision develops during the first four years of life and is fully developed by the age of four. Visual acuity is practically established by the age of five and is finally formed by the age of ten.

What pictures for newborns like the smallest - the use of pictures for the development of babies

Children are incorrigible explorers who begin to explore the world, having barely learned how to hold their heads and grab their mother's finger. The vision of a newborn is more modest than that of an adult -objects the baby is able to clearly see only at close range ... Further, visual abilities change in accordance with age. And already with them - and interest in certain pictures.

  • In 2 weeks The "old" baby is already able to recognize the face of mom (dad), but it is still difficult for him to see fine lines, as well as to distinguish colors. Therefore, at this age the best way- pictures with broken and straight lines, simplified images of faces, cells, simple geometry.
  • 1.5 month the crumb is attracted by concentric circles (moreover, more - the circle itself than its center).
  • 2-4 months. The baby's vision changes dramatically - he already turns to where the sound is coming from, and follows the subject. For this age, pictures with 4 circles, curved lines and more complex shapes, animals (in a simple image) are suitable.
  • 4 months. The kid is able to focus his gaze on an object of any distance, distinguishes colors and observes the world around him. Curved lines of drawings at this age are more preferable, but complex drawings can already be used.

How to use black and white pictures for newborns - the first picture games for babies under one year old

  • Start with the simplest lines. Watch for crisp black / white contrast.
  • Change images every 3 days.
  • When the baby shows interest in the picture leave her for more long time - let the baby study it.
  • Pictures can be drawn by hand on paper and hang directly in the crib, stick on walls, fridge or on large cubes. As an option - cards that can be shown to the baby one by one, a contrasting soft ball with black and white drawings, a developing rug, a book, a carousel with pictures, collages, etc.
  • Show the crumbs pictures, while you are walking around the apartment with him, feed him or lay him on his tummy... The visually rich space (and the constant stimulation of vision) has a direct connection with the restful sleep of the baby.
  • Do not show too many pictures at once to the little one and watch the reaction. If he does not focus his gaze on the drawing and does not show interest in him at all - do not be discouraged (everything has its time).
  • Distance from the child's eyes to the image at the age of 10 days - 1.5 months - about 30 cm. The size of the pictures - A4 format or even a quarter of it.
  • From 4 months, images can be replace with colored, complex and "hygienically clean"- the baby will start dragging them into his mouth. Here you can already use high-quality toys with black and white drawings and cartoons for the little ones (the movement of black and white lines and shapes to the right music).
  • And, of course, do not forget about such nuances of the development of visual perception as communication with the baby at a distance of 30 cm, contact with the help of smiles and "faces", exercises with rattles(from side to side, so that the baby follows her with a gaze), new impressions (excursions around the apartment with a demonstration of all interesting objects).

Practical implementation of black and white ideas

You can independently draw pictures on a white sheet of paper with a black bold marker, black gouache or ink, or print ready-made templates. Themes of the drawings:

  • geometric shapes (familiarity with shapes),
  • emoticons (learning emotions),
  • vegetables fruits,
  • silhouettes of animals and insects (wildlife),
  • just broken lines, punctuation marks, etc.

The sizes of the pictures can be different, from ¼ A4 to A4 (whole sheet), since the real objects that surround the child are also not the same in size. It will soon become clear which of them are more interesting for the child. Pictures can be placed on cardboard boxes, on boxes of perfume, light bulbs, discs and cassettes, so that they can be conveniently placed in front of the child.

Pictures can be both flat (drawn on a sheet of paper) and voluminous (drawn on cylinders, cubes, etc.) Cubes can be useful later when the child grows up and will not just look at them, but play with them, study by them letters and numbers. Pictures can be static (drawn) or moving, when cut black figures (stripes, circles, hearts, butterflies, etc.) are attached to the bar in front of a white background and move slightly from any light breath. Also, pictures can be placed in the form of an overlay on the side of a crib.

There are no specific recommendations when to move from the simplest pictures (squares, triangles, straight lines) to more complex ones. The child himself will make it clear what is interesting to him, carefully examining some pictures and quickly skimming over others. It is not necessary to glue the pictures with tape, since they are intended for an age when children will not pull them into their mouths.

You can make a mobile (carousel), which is hung over the bed, from black and white pictures pasted on cardboard boxes. Some firms produce ready-made black and white toys (mobiles) and educational rugs. From four months you can replace black and white pictures on your mobile with color ones.

There are also black and white cartoons for Wee See babies, in which geometric shapes smoothly move across the screen and flow into each other with beautiful melodic music.

Materials used from sites:

Good day everyone!
As you know, we have a replenishment in the family and now I will more often please you with games and benefits for the little ones.
Today, I want to tell you about

Why do babies need black and white images?
Indeed, for what?
Visual perception is of great importance in the development of the human brain, the bulk of information comes to a person precisely through vision. Seeing objects, the baby tends to reach for him with his hands, take him, crawl and go to him, because curiosity and a desire to explore everything that he sees around him appears.

A little bit about age characteristics vision in children.

The child sees the world that surrounds him from the first days, but only over time he begins to understand what he sees.

Newborns are characterized by natural hyperopia(they distinguish objects at close distance), since their eyeball size is small and the rays of light from objects located far, converge behind the retina. Optimally, he sees at a distance of 20 - 30 centimeters, his field of view is limited (left and right up to 30 degrees, and up and down no more than 10 degrees).

Up to two years, the eyeball increases by 40% of the initial volume, by the age of five, 70%, by the age of 12 it reaches the size of an adult's eyeball.

One of the visual reactions of a newborn is an orientation reflex to light stimulation, a flickering object to which the baby reacts by turning his head.

In the first days of a child's life, the eyes move independently of each other - there is no coordination of eye movements. From 3-6 weeks, the baby is already able to fix his gaze, but the duration of this reaction is not more than 1-2 minutes. With age, the duration of fixation is longer.

The newborn sees, but does not distinguish or differentiate colors. This feature of the human body is due to the fact that the retina contains cells called "cones" and "rods". "Cones" allow you to see colors and their shades, and "sticks" allow you to see only black and white drawings. In the first months of life, his “rods” work more actively, and “cones” begin to develop vigorously by 5-6 months, so the newborn sees only black and white pictures.

This suggests that you should not overload the child's visual and nervous systems in the first months of life with a large number of bright toys around. For now, black and white pictures are perfect for him.

Up to 2 months of age, he distinguishes only high-contrast, clear images.
Black and white pictures are recommended for developing good vision in babies.

The perception of space in children is formed from the age of three months.

The perception of the shape of an object begins to form from the age of five months.

By the age of 7-8 months, he begins to perceive the remoteness of objects.

Toddlers of the first months are best at distinguishing high-contrast images - black and white. The use of just such pictures stimulates the formation of connections between neurons in the cerebral cortex, spurs children's natural curiosity, develops attention, and soothes during a period of overexcitation.

You can make pictures yourself - draw with a black felt-tip pen, pencil, paints, gouache, on a clean sheet of paper. Pictures can be varied: geometric shapes and patterns, animals and vehicles, birds and trees.
The size can also be any: in A4 format or 10 * 10 centimeters. They can be hung, glued on cardboard in the form of a collage, on boxes, cubes, on disks. On the crib, you can stick them with tape if you moved with the child to the kitchen (the mother, besides the baby, is still engaged homework), then they can be bent in half and hung on the side or door handle, in any place where it will be convenient for you and your child to fix your gaze on it. You need to arrange the drawings so that they are in the baby's field of vision and no further than 20-30 centimeters from him.

In order to develop visual perception in a newborn, speech therapists and psychologists recommend that from an early age engage with the child using black and white pictures and photographs for newborns.

From birth to six months, their rods - cells in the retina, especially sensitive to weak light and distinguishing only black and white colors, function better than cones - cells sensitive to bright light. Active kids prefer to look at straight or broken lines, concentric circles, simple images of faces. Newborns look more closely at the outer edges of the pictures. black and white than the center.

Vision is very important for the normal development of a child, therefore exercises for its development are very important. Contemplation of objects encourages the child to reach for them, touch them, subsequently, to find out how they are called and used. Up to three months, the child does not distinguish between colors, so black and white pictures are perfect for the development of children. To help the baby develop vision, moms can use black and white pictures as early as the seventh or tenth day after birth. These should preferably be abstract images. After two or three days, the baby will lose interest in these pictures, then you need to change them to new images.

How to study developing pictures for newborns?

Let's consider how to properly deal with a child using developmental pictures for newborns: at a distance of thirty centimeters from the child's eyes, show the card to the baby. After making sure that the child has fixed his gaze on it, move the black and white picture to the right, then to the left to develop horizontal tracking. The activity in which the picture moves in and out of the toddler develops vertical tracking. The older the child becomes, the more complex the trajectory of the objects to be traced: the drawing can be moved along two diagonals, in a circle, in an arc, in a wave-like movement.

Pictures can be shown, or you can attach sheets of paper with black and white contrasting drawings to the wall of the crib. They need to be changed according to the increasing complexity of the image - this will help the baby to focus his gaze. You can also use black and white photographs of parents and family members, toys as educational pictures for newborns.

You can make black and white for a child from pictures: hang cards on a hanger, crossed pencils or a stretched ribbon on threads. You can also replace hanging toys on a finished mobile with black and white pictures. Game material It can also be hung on walls around the house, when the baby can visually focus while sitting in the arms of an adult, so walking around the house will be more interesting for the newborn.

Educational pictures for newborns

Educational black and white pictures can be bought ready-made in the store or printed independently, for example, such as those presented in our gallery.

A one-year-old child can complicate the task - in the pictures you can depict numbers, letters, household items, fruits, vegetables. The next stage of development is designed for early learning to read.

Black and white pictures are not only useful for early development child, but they will also give mommy valuable minutes while the baby is busy with contemplation, doing himself or household chores.

The main purpose of the composition rules is to attract the viewer's attention and highlight the semantic element in the photo. The human eye instinctively looks for the brightest and sharpest element in the picture.

Contrast- this is, first of all, the difference between the areas of the image in all kinds of their characteristics. It can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent and gives the photo an emotional sound. There are several types of contrast in photography:


It represents the difference from lightest to darkest. Tone contrast characteristic of achromatic colors. Achromatic colors are shades of gray ranging from white to black. The brightest (lightest) color is white, and the darkest is black.

The emotional expressiveness of an achromatic composition depends on the scale of the tones used. The composition, built in light gray tones, will look light, airy, peaceful.

The color of the composition, done in dark gray tones, looks gloomy, harsh, even tragic. The strongest, most dynamic and harsh contrast is the contrast of black and white. Black and white is a classic that does not require additions. White with gray, gray with gray, gray with black - the perfect background for bright color accents.

Tonal contrast also means the intentional darkening of the foreground and highlighting, highlighting the background. Or vice versa. Thus, the light and dark areas of the image in the photograph are compared with each other so that the picture begins to convey the depth of space, its volume. The so-called tonal perspective... Tonal perspective is the change in color and contrast of objects as they move deeper into the photographic space. The illusion of space is further enhanced when objects in the foreground are rendered in natural color, and those in the background of the photograph are rendered in shades of blue.

With the help of tonal contrast, it is customary to depict the silhouettes of people who are located in the foreground of the picture. The main subject in the frame appears dark against a bright, well-lit background. The viewer's attention is always attracted by an object whose illumination is noticeably different from the illumination of the background, or other objects in the frame. Moreover, both in one and the other direction (lighter or darker). A silhouette in a photograph is obtained if there is a large enough difference in the illumination of the background and the subject. For example, shooting a portrait against the backdrop of a brightly lit window or against bright light sources (shooting in backlight).

In his photographs, Carlos Gotei from Puerto Rico organically combines both an interesting background and a "silhouette-subject" line.


It implies the presence of opposite (competing) colors in the photo. This kind of contrast is slightly more difficult to use than the one we described above. But if it is applied competently and correctly, then the picture immediately catches the eye of the viewer. Our brain is so arranged that a person immediately distinguishes an image with a contrasting color from many other images.

Competing colors are easy to identify using the color wheel. If the linear spectrum of a ray of light, consisting of 7 basic (red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet) and 5 transition colors, is arranged in a circle, we get a color wheel. Isaac Newton did this for the first time.

The first combination is diametrically distant pair.

For example, yellow and blue, red and green. These matching colors are found at the ends of the color wheel diameter. But this combination is fraught with many pitfalls. When these colors are used side by side and in equal amounts, they will merge into a gray spot even at a short distance. To soften the contrast, you need to use one of them as separate blotches against the background of the other, since color contrast works better with smaller and larger color masses.

Classical triad- colors that are located at the vertices of a triangle with equal sides inscribed in the color wheel. The combination of three basic tones (yellow, red, blue) is considered very harsh. Three complementary colors (orange, lilac, green) are considered more balanced, and the effect of third order colors is even less pronounced.

TIP: Paints that come in the three primary colors should not be used in equal quantities. Their saturation should also be different. Then you get a harmonious picture that is pleasing to the eye and not annoying.

A similar triad. Colors that are placed next to each other in color wheel within one quarter, form a similar triad. They look great together because they have a common main color in their composition (for example, yellow), but do not create any contrast.

If you want your work to make the person feel comfortable and peaceful, use colors that are next to each other. Nature itself has created such harmony. Eye-pleasing gradients create an overall iridescent picture.

Warm and cool colors. There is one more feature worth remembering. All colors are divided into warm and cold. Warm includes shades of red, yellow, green, and cold - shades of purple, blue, blue.

The work of the participant Ivan777 (Ivan Sedlovsky), which won a prize in the competition on our website.

As a photographer, it remains for you to look at the situation and determine which of the types of contrast in this particular composition is more appropriate. And make sure that the contrasting elements of the image resonate with its plot component.

Take more photos and experiment.