Pregnancy Diets Health

Why during pregnancy swelling on the legs. Edema during pregnancy, diagnosis

Late edema during pregnancy is a common occurrence. The last months of gestation are considered the most difficult for a woman: body weight increases, a growing baby requires space in the abdomen, so compression of some nerves and blood vessels, as well as the intestines, can be observed.

In itself, the pastiness of the limbs does not carry a threat, but then why are doctors so afraid of its appearance and carefully monitor the condition of the pregnant woman? The fact is that edema can be one of the signs - toxicosis in the late term, which poses a threat to the life of both the mother and the child.

Swelling on the face

The less time remains before the baby is born, the more often women experience facial swelling, especially in the morning. Initially, a swelling of the eyelids appears, in more severe cases, the contour of the face changes.

Often, expectant mothers complain for no apparent reason. This is due to the fact that the fluid is retained in the tissues, the vessels of the nasal concha dilate, which makes it difficult to pass air.

For the mother, this condition is practically harmless, but it is better to seek medical advice from a doctor, as this can cause a violation of the oxygen supply to the child, which negatively affects his development.

Swelling of the legs

First of all, swelling of the legs occurs during pregnancy. Particularly pronounced pastiness occurs in the evening, as the liquid accumulates in the body and, under the influence of gravity, falls into the lower extremities.

When in a horizontal position, the water is again evenly distributed over the body, so in the morning a woman wakes up without strong signs of pastiness. If this happens, then there is no reason for concern - this is a normal condition for the future mother.

When edema of the legs is present during pregnancy in the late stages constantly, this may indicate violations in the functioning of the whole organism. In this case, a mandatory consultation with a therapist is required.

With an intense increase in swelling, if the legs, arms, back, abdomen and face swell during pregnancy in the later stages, the woman needs urgent hospitalization, as this is one of the first symptoms of gestosis.

Swelling of the fingers

Especially often worried about women are swelling of the hands and fingers during pregnancy in the later stages . There is a slight tingling and numbness, it becomes difficult to tightly squeeze the palm of your hand, and the rings cannot be removed - they bite into the fingers.

If only the hands are swollen, while the pastiness is nowhere else to be determined, then this can be an individual feature or the imprint of a profession. During monotonous work at the computer, while embroidering or knitting, the brushes are in an inactive state, which causes their swelling.

If the legs swell first, then the arms, and the woman notices that the swelling rises higher during pregnancy in the later stages, it is necessary to immediately inform the gynecologist about this.

Hidden swelling

During the bearing of a child, the doctor constantly monitors weight gain not only to track how many extra kilograms a pregnant woman has gained. A sharp jump in body weight may indicate an accumulation of water in the internal organs.

The greatest danger is precisely hidden edema during pregnancy, appearing in the later stages: a woman may not even suspect that she has accumulated excess fluid.

It is possible to reveal latent puffiness independently. To do this, you need to compare the amount of fluid consumed and emitted. If less than 75% of the drunk water is excreted, this indicates that it accumulates in the tissues.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

If there is a swelling on the legs, it is necessary to inform your gynecologist about this at a routine examination. If you notice that the swelling intensifies and builds up, you should immediately visit a doctor. During pregnancy, excessive vigilance only benefits both the mother and the baby.

Which doctor should I go to?

If fluid accumulates in the tissues of pregnant women, a physician examination is required. If he cannot independently determine the cause of this condition, then the doctor appoints consultations with specialists of a narrow profile (phlebologist, endocrinologist, urologist).


External edema of the extremities in late pregnancy is quite simple to determine, in addition, they are less dangerous than hidden. Soft tissue pastosity is determined by pressure on the skin - if a dent remains, which remains for some time, this indicates accumulation of fluid.

If there is a suspicion of latent edema, an analysis of the protein content in the urine is mandatory, as well as monitoring of blood pressure, daily diuresis is controlled.


Before you try to independently remove edema in late pregnancy, you must consult a doctor to determine the cause of this condition.


Drug therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor according to indications.

To reduce swelling of the extremities, the following drugs are usually recommended:

  • Kanefron. A medicine consisting of phytocomponents - rosemary extract and lovage. It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antiseptic effects.
  • Eufillin. It has a diuretic effect. It is unacceptable to use for heart disease and low blood pressure.
  • Phytolysin. Herbal medicine that allows you to cope with mild edema.
  • Lipoic acid and vitamin E. This complex improves the condition of a pregnant woman, restores placental blood flow disorders, prevents the occurrence of latent edema.


To eliminate edema that occurs during pregnancy in the later stages, you can not only adhere to a salt-free diet, but also make relaxing foot baths, after which it should be positioned so that the legs are elevated. To ease the condition will help foot massage using ice cubes. Effective diuretic decoctions (bearberry, field horsetail, kidney collection), cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks.


To reduce the likelihood of edema during pregnancy in the later stages, you need to follow simple rules:

  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • eat right and limit your salt intake;
  • drink enough water;
  • alternate periods of activity and rest;
  • avoid overheating.

Swelling of the arms and legs during the period of bearing the child cause considerable discomfort. During the occurrence of edema during pregnancy in the later stages, one should not postpone the visit to the doctor, since their timely treatment will prevent the development of gestosis.

Useful video about edema during pregnancy

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Most women experience leg swelling during pregnancy, especially in the late stages by the end of the third trimester. In most cases, leg swelling is normal and there is no reason for concern. In other cases, when edema is associated with any disease, be sure to consult your doctor without delay.

Why legs swell during pregnancy

Edema during pregnancy affects almost all pregnant women, starting from about 22 or 27 weeks. More severe swelling of the legs, as well as hands and face, may appear by the 35th week of pregnancy.

Swelling of the legs may vary depending on the time of day and time of year. As a rule, more severe edema occurs in the evening and in the summer. Edema also depends on weather conditions: on hotter days it is more, on cooler days - less pronounced.

In most women, edema disappears after childbirth during the first two weeks.

Many pregnant women wonder, “Why swollen legs during pregnancy?” There is nothing criminal in this. Swelling is due to an increase in the amount of fluid. About 25 percent of the weight gained during pregnancy is the result of fluid retention. This, of course, causes anxiety and discomfort in women, but it is necessary. This accumulated fluid plays an important role during childbirth.

Firstly, the liquid softens the body, which allows it to expand as the child grows.

Secondly, it helps prepare the pelvic bones and tissues for childbirth.

Usually only legs swell: legs and feet. In some cases, the face and hands may swell. Normal puffiness during pregnancy should be "typed" slowly, and not abruptly. Sudden edema, especially on the face and hands, can be a sign of preeclampsia - a dangerous disease, when blood pressure rises sharply and blood supply is disturbed. Typically, this condition can occur after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

In addition, the growing uterus puts pressure on the veins of the pelvis, causing stagnation of blood in the large vein on the right side of the body, which carries blood from the lower extremities back to the heart. The pressure of the growing uterus slows down this process, as a result of which edema appears in the legs and feet. The appearance of such edema of the legs most often occurs in late pregnancy in the third trimester.

Other causes of swelling of the legs, ankles, and feet may be a lack of potassium, eating salty foods, canned and smoked foods, and high levels of caffeine.

As mentioned above, high temperature and humidity can also cause swelling of the legs.

What is the danger of leg swelling during pregnancy?

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is not dangerous and this is normal in most cases, especially in late pregnancy.

However, if the legs, arms, face become puffy, the swelling does not subside at night, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Severe edema, as mentioned above, can be a symptom of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia affects kidney function, as well as the central nervous system. Symptoms of preeclampsia are a sharp increase in pressure, swelling of the legs, arms, face, excessive weight gain (more than 450-500 grams per week), the presence of protein in the urine.

More severe cases of preeclampsia can cause visual impairment, headaches, irritability, and abdominal pain.

Swelling in only one leg or pain in any part of the leg may be a sign of a blood clot.

The presence of red stripes and spots on the legs can be a sign of infection.

Swollen red legs may be a sign of poor blood circulation or diabetes.

Other symptoms may indicate heart or kidney failure. In any case, with the appearance of sudden severe edema, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to relieve swelling of the legs during pregnancy

It is not possible to completely remove swelling during pregnancy. As you already understood, this is a normal occurrence for every pregnant woman. Of course, if the swelling is not associated with more serious diseases.

It is possible to alleviate the condition caused by swelling of the legs. Here are some tips to help improve swelling and relieve the discomfort caused by swelling.

If you have to spend a lot of time standing or sitting, take five-minute breaks every hour to rest. With sedentary work, walk. With standing work, sit down and it is advisable to put your feet on a certain elevation in order to improve blood circulation.

Many women are interested in the question: "What to do with leg swelling during pregnancy?" and what measures should be taken? The main thing is not to allow yourself to worry, because nervous disorders will not benefit, but will only aggravate the situation. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy, as well as other problems with the legs (varicose veins, spider veins, etc.) for all nine months are faithful companions of expectant mothers. If you are lucky enough to get pregnant, then be prepared for such temporary "inconveniences." According to statistics, only about 18% of all pregnant women in the world do not experience such symptoms.

External and internal signs

In modern medicine, leg edema is considered as excessive accumulation of fluid in the cellular structure of soft tissues. In practice, this happens as follows: cells, blood vessels and the intercellular region are filled with a large volume of fluid, which eventually leads to swelling of the extremities (edema). In combination with varicose veins, this exerts a rather high load on the legs and the body as a whole, as a result of which a woman is more often susceptible to the so-called fatigue syndrome. In addition to external signs, especially during late pregnancy, other symptoms are also observed:

  • Unpleasant heaviness in the legs.
  • Pronounced pain.
  • Convulsive attacks.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy develops against the background of natural processes in the body, but you need to visit a doctor.

Fluid accumulation is often a sign of various kidney diseases and metabolic disorders, so it will not be superfluous to undergo a couple of tests to confirm or refute suspicions of possible risks. It is important to find out what caused swelling during pregnancy, and eliminate this factor. Severe swelling of the lower extremities, which does not apply to vascular or renal pathologies, most often develops in late pregnancy.

Both both and one leg (right or left foot) can swell, as well as in pregnant women there is often a slight or severe swelling of the arm and characteristic bursts in the face. Severe swelling of the legs during pregnancy occurs against the background of hydrostatic effects on the walls of blood vessels. When legs swell during pregnancy, what to do in this situation, only the doctor should say. Self-treatment of leg edema during pregnancy, especially with strong diuretics, can lead to quite serious complications and even emergency hospitalization.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is a natural process, but it is worthwhile to see a doctor.

Influence factors

If your legs swell during pregnancy, you should reconsider your lifestyle and diet. In the vast majority of cases, this is a sign of a violation of the water-salt balance in the body. Usually a similar situation occurs in the first half of pregnancy. While in the last trimester, the legs of a pregnant woman often swell for completely different reasons - an increase in the fetus leads to uterine pressure on the vessels and veins of the small pelvis, which provokes venous stasis of blood and even attacks of varicose veins. Especially often observed varicose veins at 38 weeks of gestation.

The main reason why legs swell during pregnancy are mainly internal processes in the body, but this problem can be aggravated by external factors. If a pregnant woman does not move much and does not eat properly (consumes a large amount of pickles, preserves and smoked meats), minor or severe edema on the legs can occur and varicose veins are often observed. In this case, swelling of the hands may also develop. Many women in the situation have to deal with similar phenomena at the 39th week of pregnancy.

Among the common causes of swelling of the legs or hands during pregnancy, the following risk factors are distinguished:

  • Hormonal changes.
  • Diseases of the internal organs.
  • Exacerbation of toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • Reaction to some viruses;
  • Overuse of salty foods;
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • Pathology of the osteoarticular system;
  • Stagnation of the lymph in the lower extremities.

Swelling of the legs may occur due to the abuse of salty foods.

If the legs swell during pregnancy, sometimes this is due to certain problems in the work of the heart (you need to be alert for frequent shortness of breath), various disorders in the work of the kidneys and systemic pathologies of the venous system. It should be noted that varicose veins may not be the primary cause of swelling, but the presence of this pathology significantly aggravates the situation. If the right leg is severely swollen, this may cause the development of adrenal hyperfunction.

Variations of elimination of "dots"

To answer the question “Why do pregnant women swell their legs?”, Just a few words are enough, since the reasons lie on the surface. But when it comes to effective treatment regimens, doctors differ. About how to remove swelling of the legs in pregnant women, on the Internet you can find a lot of useful information. Some methods are really effective, others only alleviate the symptoms. There are both traditional (medical) and folk treatment methods. Both options are good, but only a qualified doctor knows how to get rid of edema quickly and safely, because pregnancy is a rather difficult period for the body, so you need to consider any "little things."

If the legs are excessively swollen in the early stages of pregnancy, this does not always indicate the development of pathological processes. To understand what exactly caused the problem, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests as prescribed by the attending physician. When the left leg swells during pregnancy, there is no reason for serious concern. Sometimes it’s enough to relax a bit, to exclude salty “goodies” from the diet, and more often to walk in the fresh air so that the leg becomes attractive again. If such "changes" in life did not bring the desired result, then it is urgent to take radical measures. Only no self-medication, especially if you are 38 weeks pregnant. First of all, you must necessarily seek the advice of a phlebologist or make an appointment with a family doctor who will send you to the right “address”.

To find out the exact cause of leg edema, you need to go through a series of tests prescribed by your doctor.

Health care

Pregnancy imposes some restrictions on the use of specific groups of drugs. Minor swelling of the legs must be removed with accessible gentle methods. You can use a special ointment for edema and varicose veins based on natural components:

  • Almond oil.
  • Horse chestnut extract.
  • Medical leech extract.
  • Hazelnut extract.

The cooling gel helps against menthol edema. The choice of a specific remedy must be entrusted to the attending physician. It is important to remember that not every cream for leg edema is suitable for a pregnant woman - when choosing the most optimal treatment option, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the body in order to prevent the development of allergic reactions.

You must also understand that only a cream or gel against edema will not help to cope with the problem. Modern medicine practices an integrated approach that demonstrates good results. If only the foot or the entire limb is strongly swollen, and the skin on the leg turns red, this indicates vein thrombosis. It is necessary not only to relieve external symptoms, but also to deal with the cause of edema. In this case, special drug therapy is indicated, aimed at improving blood circulation and preventing the development of varicose veins.

If the clinical picture includes different cardiac and renal risk factors, then the doctor should prescribe thiazide or loop diuretics. In some cases, when edema during pregnancy is especially pronounced, injections of diuretic drugs are indicated. The duration of therapy depends on the state of the cardiovascular system. As auxiliary agents, potassium preparations are used. However, it is not recommended to prescribe them to a pregnant woman in the presence of renal failure. When varicose veins are used:

  • Phlebotonics.
  • Blood thinners.
  • Ointments against varicose veins.

Acceptance of certain funds from edema is contraindicated in pregnant women.

For compression of the ankle region often use medical elastic bandages or special jerseys - compression underwear.

Folk methods

You can fight leg swelling at home, but it is more advisable to do this after a preliminary consultation with a doctor. Traditional medicine knows well how to remove swelling of the legs. To “stretch” excess fluid, apply slightly chilled fresh leaves of white cabbage to the edema site. It is recommended to drink herbal teas, decoctions of dried apricots or cranberry fruit drinks more often. However, they must be used extremely carefully with gestosis.

Massage of the feet and legs helps to relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs - it must be done from the bottom up, trying not to excessively press on the problem area. Doctors recommend diversifying drug therapy with special gymnastics for the feet and baths based on sea salt.

  1. Refusal of pickles and smoked meats. Be sure to exclude salt in any form from the diet. Sodium, which is part of salt, as well as other foods (herring, sauerkraut, sausage, canned food) retains fluid in the body, which can cause swelling.
  2. Observe drinking regimen. During the day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid. It can be still water, soups, compotes and juicy fruits (if there is no allergy). Limiting fluid intake is not beneficial, as it contributes to the deterioration of the state of the venous walls, and also creates the prerequisites for the development of thrombosis and varicose veins.
  3. It is imperative to move more. Every day it is advisable to set aside for hiking about 2-3 hours. Staying in the fresh air in combination with active physical activity (dancing, yoga, aerobics and swimming in the pool) will help to prevent many diseases, and will also increase the level of tone and strengthen the immune system.

Pregnancy should take place in a calm atmosphere for the body, because the health of the unborn baby depends on it. In order to timely prevent various troubles, you need to learn to listen to what your body says. Swelling of the legs is not a sentence, and this disease can be effectively combated. Health to you and your baby!

According to statistics, 7 out of 10 women complain of edema during pregnancy. Puffiness is often accompanied by heaviness and redness caused by eclampsia or preeclampsia. This is called a sharp increase in pressure with late toxicosis due to excess fluid retained in the body. If such puffiness occurs, it is indicated to consult a doctor immediately.

More often, severe edema of the feet is observed at the end of the day and after physical exertion. Edema of the legs during pregnancy is formed in the calf muscle, thighs and lower leg. Edema mainly appears in the heat for no particular reason. When pressed, dents appear that do not disappear for 3-5 seconds.

Be careful when edema occurs in later pregnancy. The main reason for the appearance is a dangerous increase in pressure, as a result, the fetus stops receiving nutrients due to a slowdown in blood flow to the placenta. See your doctor for treatment.

Such a condition causes temporary oxygen starvation, can lead to fetal death, monitor the condition of the female body, especially in late pregnancy.

The main causes of leg swelling

The main causes of swelling of the legs are:

  1. High blood pressure is a dangerous cause of edema experienced by pregnant women.
  2. Reducing the lumen of the veins of the pelvis of the future mother due to the constant growth of the fetus.

In addition to the listed causes dangerous to the fetus, edema appears due to:

  • Hypertension that appeared long before pregnancy;
  • Excess weight before pregnancy;
  • Chronic kidney disease, bladder.

Removal of edema at home

If swelling occurs during pregnancy, follow the simple recommendations:

Edema Prevention

To prevent the effects of leg swelling (pain and hypersensitivity), prophylaxis is indicated.

The main measure to prevent puffiness is proper nutrition, the habit of drinking plenty of water. Overweight causes serious difficulties during pregnancy. Limit your intake of salt, smoked meats, spices, sweets, and fat. A similar diet helps the kidney system. Do not forget about enough mineral water. Excess fluid will begin to be eliminated from the body. Include more foods in your diet that help eliminate fluid - citrus fruits, herbs and garlic.

Forget about fast food and processed foods with an excess of harmful substances. Replace the snack with citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes, melons, strawberries and types of cabbage. Eat nuts, vegetable oil with vitamin E.

Serious complications threaten smoking. The habit negatively affects the health of the unborn child, provokes serious swelling of the legs.

Alternative medicine against edema

Alternative medicine helps with edema. On the advice or consent of a doctor, try decoctions of herbs, compresses of cabbage leaves.

External and internal edema

Sometimes it’s hard to understand if puffiness is present or not. If in doubt:

  1. Look at the engagement ring or another ring. If the decoration is difficult to remove or the ring is tight, swelling is evident.
  2. Pay attention to weight. With normal indicators, a woman gains no more than 300 g during each week.

The presence of these signs in the first place signals a violation in the withdrawal of fluid from the body. Latent puffiness is also known - it appears in the late afternoon, mainly on the feet, happens on the hands, stomach, face and lips.

Diagnosis of leg edema

To detect puffiness in the body, use several methods:

  1. Celebrate weight gain. If more than 300 g is added per week, weight becomes an occasion for examination.
  2. Calculate the amount of fluid you drink per day, compare with the amount of urine for the same period. With normal functioning of the body, the water output is ¾ of the total amount drunk. If the amount is much less - the fluid is retained in the soft tissues.
  3. Try taking measurements of the right and left legs in several places for a number of days. If the indicators of the legs are very different - the measurement indicates the presence of swelling.

The most dangerous swelling in late pregnancy.

What is dangerous leg swelling

Many people see no reason for concern when edema occurs over time, if there is no protein in the urine, blood pressure is normal. In this case, there is no need for emergency treatment or prevention.

For edema of the feet or other parts of the legs in the last weeks of pregnancy, pass an analysis to identify the cause. Edema of the placenta and fetal tissues becomes dangerous for the life of the child and mother.

Comfort and relaxation are important for prevention

Theraline pillow is considered an ideal helper in the prevention of puffiness. It helps to keep the legs slightly raised. With the help of a pillow, a pregnant woman will always be in a comfortable comfortable position, thanks to a filler made of hypoallergenic material, she is absolutely safe. Application is necessary for swelling of the legs in late pregnancy!

Category: All About Pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy, almost all women may develop swelling. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, pressure and load on the veins of the feet, legs and hips increase. If the edema is transient in nature and is located on the lower extremities, it is most likely physiological edema associated with weight gain by a woman and an enlarged uterus. But often swelling during pregnancy  - This is a symptom of various diseases that require observation and treatment, especially during pregnancy.

The most common causes of edema during pregnancy

  • Varicose veins. In this condition, slight swelling or pastiness may appear on the legs.
  • Varicose veins are often accompanied by swelling in the legs. If a woman had this diagnosis before pregnancy, she may notice that the swelling during pregnancy became larger. During this period, many diseases worsen, and many manifest themselves for the first time.

    Swelling during pregnancy is intensified due to the fact that the growing uterus squeezes large vessels through which blood flows from the lower extremities. This leads to stagnation in them and increases the likelihood of varicose veins. In the case of severe manifestations of the disease, a vascular surgeon may need to be consulted.

  • Some heart conditions can cause swelling.
  • Kidney diseases often cause swelling on the face, especially pronounced after sleep.
  • However, the most common cause of edema during pregnancy is gestosis in pregnant women. With the progression of pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood in a woman’s body increases, which is associated with an increase in fetal needs. Gestosis of the second half of pregnancy is often accompanied by edema, which is associated with the fact that the "extra" fluid from the vessels leaves the tissue.

The degree of edema during pregnancy

The degree of edema during pregnancy is distinguished depending on their prevalence and location:

I degree - pastility or swelling of the legs and feet.

II degree - edema of the abdomen and pubic region join edema of the legs and feet.

III degree - swelling of the legs, swelling of the face and fingers.

Swelling can also be. That is, fluid in the tissues accumulates, but externally it is weakly manifested. The pregnant woman herself may not even notice anything, but the weight gain is more than 500 grams. a week already allows you to think about the fact that fluid retention occurs in the body.

Women who are most prone to swelling during pregnancy

The risk of edema increases in women in the following groups:

2. A woman over 32 years old.

3. In the presence of a chronic disease (diabetes, infections, obesity, pyelonephritis).

4. In pregnant women who violate the regime of the day and nutrition.

First of all, these groups of women should pay attention to the development of edema after 32 weeks of pregnancy. These pregnant women are usually prescribed preventative courses of treatment and are advised to strictly observe the daily regimen. If a woman suspected of swelling during pregnancy, she must pay attention to her doctor.

Why is treatment of edema during pregnancy necessary?

The fluid is retained not only in the legs or face, but in all body tissues, including the placenta. The placenta is an organ that provides breathing and nutrition to the baby in the prenatal state. With placental edema, the fetus will receive little nutrition and oxygen. This can lead to malnutrition (stunted growth and fetal development) and hypoxia (oxygen starvation). If this condition persists for a long time, the child may die.

With edema, fluid comes out of the blood into the tissue, which leads to a thickening of the blood. Such thick blood is much harder to pump to the heart. The kidneys also hardly filter thick blood and excrete decay products. All vital internal organs suffer.

Against the background of edema, blood pressure often rises. After part of the volume of circulating blood goes into the tissue, the vessels narrow sharply, which leads to hypertension (high blood pressure). The heart has to pump thick blood through narrow vessels.

Due to impaired renal function, a woman loses a large amount of protein in the urine. This can lead to protein starvation.

Edema can be the first “bell” of such a serious pregnancy complication as eclampsia. This condition is manifested by insufficiency of all internal organs and convulsions. The disease manifests itself very quickly and can lead to coma and death, both of the woman and the unborn child.

What should be done to avoid edema during pregnancy?

To begin with, every woman should plan a future pregnancy. Before the conception of a future life occurs, it is desirable that both parents undergo screening for possible diseases and infections. Even before pregnancy, the illness of the expectant mother must be, if not cured, then transferred to a compensated state.

During pregnancy, edema can be avoided by observing the following rules:

1. During the day, a woman should find time to relax and lie down for 15 minutes. with raised legs. Feet can be laid on a small pillow or folded blanket. This will reduce the load and allow the blood to not stagnate in the lower extremities.

2. If possible, the pregnant woman should move within reasonable limits. In the morning, you can do light exercises if there are no contraindications from pregnancy.

3. It is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of liquid and not to limit yourself. However, sugary sodas that promote fluid retention should be avoided.

4. Every pregnant woman must follow a diet. The diet should exclude fatty, salty, spicy and fried foods.

5. Weekly weight control will reveal hidden edema and begin to fight them in time.

6. With quick weight gain you need to make fasting days - apple, kefir, curd.

7. In no case should you take diuretics uncontrollably or on your own. This can aggravate the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

8. It is imperative to consult a doctor if strips remain from the socks on the legs or the ring is not removed from the finger.

The principles of treatment of edema during pregnancy

A pregnant woman should be careful about her condition and the health of her unborn baby. If edema during pregnancy is detected in time and does not hesitate with prevention and treatment, the outcome of pregnancy will be most favorable. Treatment of edema should begin with the establishment of the cause of their appearance.

If swelling of the legs and feet is caused by varicose veins, the treatment is usually prescribed by a vascular surgeon. Usually this:

General and local medicines.

Kidney or heart diseases are diagnosed either before pregnancy, or when registered in the early stages up to 12 weeks. Women with such diseases should be observed together with specialized specialists (urologist or cardiologist) throughout pregnancy. Given that during pregnancy, the load on all internal organs increases, this can lead to an exacerbation of existing diseases. If the disease was in a "sleeping" state and never manifested itself, then during pregnancy there is a high probability that the symptoms will manifest with renewed vigor.

Gestosis  - the most common reason swelling during pregnancy. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a list of studies:

1. General blood test. With gestosis, a change in the number of red blood cells and platelets is possible.

3. Biochemical blood test with determination of protein, creatinine, urea, bilirubin and liver enzymes.

4. Urine tests: general, daily diuresis, according to Nichiporenko.

5. Blood pressure monitoring every 3 hours on both hands.

6. Control weighing at the same time of day.

7. Ultrasound examination and dopplerography of the fetus.

Treatment of edema with gestosis depends on the severity of the disease. With mild edema or pasticity of the legs, treatment is limited to diet correction:

  • Food should be rich in protein.
  • The diet includes fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Salty, fatty and fried foods are excluded.
  • Fasting days (rice, curd, apple) have a beneficial effect on the treatment of edema.
  • The fluid is limited to 2 liters. per day.

With all other degrees of edema, in addition to diet therapy, medication is prescribed in a hospital. In a specialized hospital, usually prescribed:

1. Therapy aimed at thinning the blood - aspirin, heparin preparations.

2. In order to improve blood circulation between the fetus and the mother - pentoxifylline, actovegin.

3. Drugs that normalize blood pressure.

4. In some cases, “soft” diuretics.

5. Treatment of concomitant diseases.

In the event that the disease is not amenable to treatment, the pregnant woman and the child are prepared for careful delivery.

Gestosis during pregnancy can have very serious consequences for the fetus and for the expectant mother. Therefore, do not self-medicate.

The course of pregnancy is the initial stage of life of an unborn person. Even such, at first glance, an insignificant manifestation, such as edema, can be a sign of a serious complication of pregnancy that can delay the imprint on the health and possibly life of a small person.

Therefore, be careful and do not miss the onset of edema during pregnancy, and now you know what to do when they appear.

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  • 5 Edema of pregnant women, what to do? Video

Causes of leg edema during pregnancy

With a condition such as leg edema, a significant proportion of pregnant women are found. But the reasons that cause swelling are different.

There are many reasons for the appearance of edema, therefore it is impossible to immediately conclude whether they are in each case a variant of the norm or require a more serious examination.

Diagnosis of edema in pregnant women

Since a large number of expectant mothers are faced with this condition, the doctors at each appointment pay attention to the presence of edema in the pregnant woman, in which case, during which time, take measures.

But a woman should know what she herself can notice in herself in order to suspect edema:

  • weight increases by more than 300 g. in Week;
  • rings are hardly removed from the finger;
  • shoes that fit perfectly earlier began to crush.

The doctor will also pay attention to the weight of the pregnant woman, because a sharp increase in weight is a sign of edema. To exclude preeclampsia, the doctor draws attention to the pressure and results of a urinalysis. High blood pressure as well as the presence of protein in the urine are symptoms of gestosis.

Also, for the diagnosis of edema, the doctor can give a referral for ultrasound and additional tests.

Treatment of edema caused by gestosis in expectant mothers

If the expectant mother is diagnosed with preeclampsia, the doctor immediately prescribe her special therapy, and in more serious cases, treatment may be necessary in the hospital.

Important! If, with such a diagnosis, the doctor issues a referral for treatment in a hospital setting, then you should not refuse! Gestosis can cause eclampsia, which can lead to death of the mother and baby. Therefore, the observation of qualified medical personnel plays a key role for a favorable pregnancy outcome!

The doctor will prescribe drugs to reduce blood pressure and seizures, to improve blood circulation. Thanks to such therapy, pregnancy is extended to the time when the baby will be ready for birth. Most often, women with such a diagnosis are advised to give birth by caesarean section.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy

There are several methods that will help to avoid puffiness or reduce its manifestations.

In the class for pregnant women, the instructor must include in the program exercises aimed at preventing edema. It is useful in the evening to lie on the floor, lift your legs up, push them against the wall and spend about 10 minutes in this position. Also, foot massage does not hurt.

Nutrition correction is the basis for the prevention of edema. Expectant mothers should remember the following recommendations:

  • it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt added to food;
  • do not eat foods that increase thirst (pickled, smoked, fried, spicy, too sweet);
  • it is best to eat boiled, stewed or steamed dishes;
  • it is good to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

3. Compliance with the drinking regime:

  • refuse sugary and carbonated drinks, try to drink less tea;
  • it is useful to consume fresh juices, milk, water with a slice of lemon;
  • sometimes you can satisfy thirst with a slice of apple, cucumber, tomato;
  • you can limit fluid intake in the evening.

The doctor may prescribe vitamins to help strengthen blood vessels.

5. The use of diuretics.

Sometimes doctors prescribe diuretics or herbal treatments. You can take them only after consulting a gynecologist! Such funds are prescribed only with severe swelling for a limited period.

  • wear special stockings or tights;
  • while sleeping, you need to put a pillow under your feet;
  • wear flat shoes;
  • avoid hot places;
  • foot baths with cold water help.

In any case, when swelling occurs, it is best to consult a doctor. Edema is not always a sign of pathology, and there will be a fairly small correction of your lifestyle. But in some cases it is better to play it safe in order to avoid complications and safely endure and give birth to a baby.

Important! If edema appeared in the first half of pregnancy, then this is an occasion for immediate consultation with specialists.

Edema of pregnant women, what to do? Video

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Swelling of the hands during pregnancy

Often during pregnancy, hands and fingers begin to swell. This is an excessive amount of fluid in areas such as wrists and fingers. When the mass of fluid becomes large - it blocks the nerves, which naturally form in the hands, which deprives them of sensitivity, and the expectant mother feels great discomfort from this.

When the time comes for the third semester - doctors do not recommend wearing rings on your hands. For many, puffiness occurs in the second trimester - then the jewelry is removed earlier. If you do not remove them on time, they will yell into the skin. And when the stage of constant puffiness sets in, they cannot be removed.

The appearance of such puffiness occurs for certain reasons:

    Change in hormonal levels. When the time comes for pregnancy, the male hormone progesterone begins to be produced in the body of the expectant mother, due to which severe changes occur. In addition to a causeless change in mood, water begins to linger in large quantities in the body.

    The body becomes open to infection. Edema is often a natural reaction to some viral diseases.

    Often this is an allergic reaction to food or household chemicals; Bad quality.

    Wrong life mode, overwork. During a condition such as pregnancy, even a perfectly healthy body begins to suffer from changes, among which - deterioration of the skin condition, and the usual state of fatigue becomes the cause of poor skin condition and swelling.

It is not always possible to independently understand why edema occurred during pregnancy. Operational delivery of laboratory tests is necessary, constant monitoring by a doctor, and then it will be possible to minimize the harm of this phenomenon.

How dangerous is swelling of the hands during pregnancy?

Swelling of the hands and fingers is a standard condition for the gestation period.

    The constant feeling that something is tingling in the fingers.

Usually swelling of the hands occurs under certain conditions - for example, in women engaged in knitting or modeling. In addition, the symptom manifests itself in those working at the computer when the same actions are constantly performed. So, these include working with knitting needles, pressing the keyboard. In addition to the listed manifestations, many begin to suffer from the so-called "tunnel syndrome." This is a constant pain in the wrists.

These troubles are easy to avoid if you do gymnastics and warm up for the hands. There are times when the sacrum, abdomen, and back join the edema in the hands. Then it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist.

Swelling of the face during pregnancy

Face swelling during pregnancy is a phenomenon that is caused by certain reasons:

    Less salt and protein remain in the blood cells than in other tissues, and the blood becomes dehydrated as the water leaves it.

    When the last weeks of pregnancy come, the uterus literally compresses the veins and the lymphatic system from the legs.

To understand why edema appeared, you need to learn to understand the stages of a phenomenon such as pregnancy.

    On the first - the areas of feet and legs swell.

    In the second case, edema captures the lower extremities, the part of the abdomen closest to them, and the lumbosacral region.

    At the third - hands swell, there is a sensation of puffiness of the face.

    The fourth is the stage of general edema.

According to external signs, the swollen face is easily distinguished: it begins to seem rounded, and when pressed with fingers, a hole remains in the place of pressure. When these symptoms are established - you need to see a doctor, and then take measures aimed at preventing serious complications. Most often, they recommend a diet and a medical course.

Swelling of the face during pregnancy is associated with certain mechanisms. First of all, there is a connection with a change in water-salt metabolism. Due to a violation in the outflow of lymph and blood through the veins, the arms, face and legs swell. This should not be ignored.

On this topic:Why does the face swell and how to remove the swelling from the face?

How to distinguish facial edema?

Facial edema is not difficult to distinguish visually. He has unpleasant roundness. In addition, we have already mentioned such a method as pressure. There is no need to press hard - even if these are just fingers, bruising may remain during crushing, and the condition will worsen.

A woman, having ascertained the presence of such symptoms, seeks to visit a doctor as soon as possible. He can more accurately establish why such a condition has occurred. Accordingly, treatment follows.

This condition is quite common, and because of this, a number of signs have even appeared. So, there is a belief that you can’t touch your face - if you do this often, then the child will be born with birthmarks on his face. We can say that the connection with reality is quite unstable. If you touch your face with your hands, the pores of the skin become dirty, and taking into account changes in the body, the fetus can get the pollution and cause similar consequences. Such cases are rare, and, as a rule, frequent touching is harmful to the mother.

Edema during pregnancy - what to do?

Each reception is accompanied by an examination of a pregnant woman. This is especially true for the face and legs, since this allows you to identify pastiness. Constantly need to carry out procedures such as weighing. This is the best way to detect excess weight gain. Edema during pregnancy is a certain phenomenon associated with an increase in human weight. On the legs, they may be weakly expressed. If they are completely not expressed - then this signals about hidden, internal, edema.

Before each examination, a gynecologist requires a urinalysis. Using its results, kidney function is established and the “normal” edema is differentiated. They should not be confused with a phenomenon such as gestosis or kidney problems.

The causes of edema can be quite difficult to establish. The gynecologist will need the result of an additional examination (ultrasound of the kidneys, blood test). The patient must be considered diuresis (for this, the volume of fluid consumed and the mass of urine excreted are revealed). If the mass of urine is not enough, then it makes sense to start therapy.

If edema occurs during pregnancy, you need to take a series of actions. Many are trying to reduce the amount of fluid consumed. Now doctors do not advise resorting to this method. But the dangers posed by insufficient drinking are too great for the health of the mother and the fetus. And if the reduction was sharp, the so-called inverse effect begins. The body begins to store water for the future. We advise you to drink as normal. It is at least one and a half liters of pure water, excluding the use of soups and fruits.

First measures

The best way out is to drink clean water. It is allowed to add lemon. And you will have to refuse a drink like coffee.

Prevention measures are based on the exclusion of all provoking factors:

    The maximum reduction in the use of salt is better to start with sauerkraut - it is excluded first. Following are eliminated pickles, herring, black bread, salted nuts, olives. Then cut the food with spices, carbonated drinks, fried, smoked.

    At least once a week, a fasting day is shown when only apples and juices are consumed.

    Prolonged stay in one position is contraindicated.

All these measures are allowed if there are no contraindications. You need to take time for full walks, outdoor recreation. When the time of sleep comes, it is better to put your feet on a certain hill.

Swelling on the legs will help relieve:

In the latter case, you will need to pour boiled water with dried apricots and leave it overnight, and in the morning they will drink compote 30-40 minutes before eating. You can cite as an example many other so-called recipes of alternative medicine against puffiness. It is dangerous to independently begin treatment of such formations with medications such as diuretic tablets. Such decisions need to be discussed with your doctor.

We have listed physiological edema above. In such cases, there is enough diet for pregnant women, as well as control of fluid intake. In the first situation, refuse harmful food - not only salty, but also fatty, fried, smoked. But salt is the reason why fluid cannot leave the body. All food needs a little under-salt. Statistics say: the salt norm during pregnancy is 8 g, and in the normal state - 14 g.

When there is a strong physiological edema, you can adhere to a salt-free diet for some time. There are cases when diuretics are prescribed, but they begin to such an extent only after consulting a specialist.

There are types of edema that cannot be treated with a diet. Then they resort to a medical treatment technique with strict medical supervision. Of particular importance is the exclusion of the root cause.

Despite the swelling, expectant mothers almost completely suffer from dehydration. That is, to exclude water from the menu, there can be no question. In this case, they resort to the help of a diet. She is quite strict. But it is not an absolute solution to the problem, but a little relief is guaranteed. The doctor also gives recommendations that must be followed, and in good faith to undergo a course of medical treatment.

Traditional medicine - against edema

Much attention is paid to folk recipes. Many people believe in herbal teas as a panacea. Indeed, doctors often recommend this remedy. But this does not mean that women, having noticed the swelling of the eyelids, must themselves begin treatment.

Firstly, even experts can not always establish the cause of edema, and the purpose of the medicine depends on it. Secondly, often in pharmacies and stores they sell harmless, but useless products, and sometimes even fakes. Having decided to start treatment, you should always consult a doctor. Remember: harm can be caused not only to you, but also to the fetus.

    Common recipes include tincture of bear ears and bearberry foliage. Remedies such as kidney tea or horsetail are popular. Take funds in 1 / 3-1 / 4 cups not more often 3-4 times a day. The course is prescribed by a doctor. But in the standard version, its duration is 3-4 weeks.

    Many believe that the help of lingonberries will be one hundred percent. Long practice has proved: this berry is full of vitamins, and with it often reduce the harm of edema. But you need to consider that each organism is individual. That is, you still need a consultation with a doctor. Scientists have determined: lingonberries are a means to tone the body. Imagine that an already tense uterus will get this tone. Such negligence leads to the threat of interruption.

The course of pregnancy is a factor affecting the further health of the fetus. And, of course, health care will affect a woman’s condition after childbirth. It will depend on this whether she will preserve her beauty, whether she will still be healthy and cheerful. Nine months is a long time for people to recover from illnesses. If you do not resort to extremes, do not lead a strict lifestyle and take care of your condition competently, you can not only improve your well-being, but also guarantee this to the future fetus.