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Why does everyone get tattoos? Tattoo as a feature of a psychological state

Psychologists and psychiatrists have learned to read information about a person from his tattoos, even the most bizarre ones. Body “painting” will tell a specialist about a person’s fears, character traits, state of mind, illnesses and addiction to alcohol and drugs.


“A tattoo is a classic replacement for something that a person lacks,” says a family psychologist Natalia Panfilova. - Very often men who are too soft and unsure of themselves get aggressive tattoos: knife, warrior, tiger. Girls who feel that they lack attractiveness for the opposite sex decorate themselves with flowers, cats, and petals.

However, the effect is often the opposite.

- I had a client who was pretty, but not confident. “She got herself a tattoo of a bouquet on her arm, a lot of roses,” she said Natalya Panfilova. “But the tattoo didn’t suit her at all.” She and her husband started having scandals because in his picture of the world it was something incredible.

The fears of the mentally ill are also expressed in their tattoos.

Scientists from the Jerusalem Center for Evidence-Based Medicine in their scientific work (magazine "Bulletin of Psychiatry and Psychology of Chuvashia", 2010) examined 1,576 tattoos that were inked on 412 patients with mental disorders.

As stated in the study, some patients asked tattoo artists to give them mystical tattoos - they served as a talisman-amulet against the “evil eye.”

“Thus, the image of a “joker mask” on the outer surface of the elbow was interpreted by patients as a protective sign,” the scientists write.

The desire to hurt yourself

“Sometimes I notice that clients get tattoos on parts of the body where it is very painful,” says Natalya Panfilova. -For example, on the foot. Most likely, they deliberately want to hurt themselves. That is, the tattoo itself does not have any meaning, what makes sense is the action of applying it.

Scientists from Novosibirsk State Medical University (they published their research in the journal “Medicine and Education in Siberia” in 2013). Among 60 people with tattoos who took part in the study, scientists diagnosed 78% borderline personality disorder.

As they say in the work, 2-3% of people have this disorder . They are characterized by impulsiveness, low self-control, emotional instability, unstable connections with reality, high anxiety and a strong level of desocialization.

“It is of interest that people with borderline personality disorder in 90% of cases do not feel satisfied with the final result - the drawing,” says the study. “They are attracted by the process itself, associated with the need to endure pain in the process of drawing ("Will I be able to Can I stand it?")".

The need to endure pain is a socially acceptable way of “self-harmful behavior” (other unacceptable ways are to provoke an accident or commit suicide).

At the same time, "from Of all the tattoo options proposed by the tattoo parlor artist, people with borderline personality disorder prefer inscriptions or drawings related to the theme of death (skulls, dead people, grave crosses, etc.).”

The 13 people who did not have borderline personality disorder had much more optimistic tattoos - mostly images of animals or ornaments.

Researchers cite different reasons for self-destructive behavior.For example, in psychoanalysis, the founder of which is Sigmund Freud, it is believed that aggression was initially directed at another person, for example at a parent in childhood. But the well-being of the child depended on the parent, and he “decided” to redirect the aggression towards himself.

Thirst for attention

“Bright, catchy, large tattoos can be found in individuals of the hysterical type,” says psychiatrist, head of the department of intensive psychiatric care Artyom Gilev.

The main feature of this type isegocentrism, thirst for constant attention to one’s own person.

- For example, in a person bright flower all over your back or a tiger on your face,” says Artyom Gilev. - Also, such a tattoo cansay that a person has bipolar disorder. He did it during a period of exacerbation, and then came out of this state and was shocked by himself.

Like Life, bipolar disorder affects 2-4% of the world's population. In the patient's life, periods of mania (feeling of one's own greatness, a flow of ideas, rapid speech, decreased need for sleep) are followed by periods of depression.

Psychopathic desire for order

As Artyom Gilev said, psychopaths of the epileptoid type (one of the main features is a morbid love of order in everything) tend to get tattoos where the smallest details are visible.

“For example, one patient pricked himself with a picture from a window,” said the psychiatrist. - I chopped out all the trees, there were leaves on each one. A window in the house opposite, in the window there is a person and a cat.

Schizophrenics also have very elaborate tattoos.

"Thus, one of the patients we observed, before getting a tattoo of a dragon, looked through several tens of thousands (!) of images of this fairy-tale character on the Internet and in the literature until he found a drawing that was as close as possible to his idea,” says the report. a study by scientists from the Jerusalem Center for Evidence-Based Medicine.

Stories suggested by voices

According to Artyom Gilev, people with mental illnesses often get tattoos that are incomprehensible to others. Sometimes their meaning cannot be explained even by the owner himself.

It happens that a patient asks a tattoo artist to ink a plot that the “voices” tell him.

Sometimes the images on tattoos are quite adequate, and only when the patient explains what they mean does it become clear that he is sick.

In one of the patients, scientists from Jerusalem Center for Evidence-Based Medicine, on the shin was “a giant Egyptian sign - an ankh (T-shaped cross connected to an oval on the top crossbar).” The patient explained that his tattoo meant: “I will never allow myself to be operated on again.”

He was given painful intravenous infusions, and then a transparent bandage was applied, which fixed the needle and resembled the sign of the ankh.

“Having gone on a short-term vacation, the patient immediately went to a tattoo parlor and got the said tattoo, claiming that, having seen it, “the doctors will understand and will not torment him anymore,” the study says. “When asked why he got it, tattoo on his leg, the patient stated that “the doctors are undressing him anyway.”

“Another patient, diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic, decorated his body with a chaotically tattooed alphabet to show that he was “good at school,” the scientists continue.

It happens that there is no logic at all in the tattoos of patients.

For example, a patient with schizotypal personality disorder applied to his buttock ( intimate area) for the purpose of decorating a primitive symbolic tattoo depicting a graphic silhouette of a lawnmower,” the study says.

Scientists believe that “voluntarily applied tattoos, along with other non-verbal signs, can play a significant role in the diagnosis of mental and behavioral disorders, especially in cases where the subject deliberately seeks to mislead the doctor.”

Tattoos of drug addicts and alcoholics

The same scientists examined 609 tattoos that were inflicted on themselves by patients with drug and alcohol addiction (the study was published in the journal Narcology in 2010).

These tattoos have many typical themes. They "are a kind of identification mark for initiates, allowing them to make contacts to purchase drugs."

“The category of general symbols of drug use may include images of a skull pierced with a dagger or syringe, as well as any medical paraphernalia (tablets, capsules, ampoules, syringes and needles),” the scientists write.

Those who use opiates often tattoo images of a poppy flower or pod.

“Among them, the following scenes are not uncommon: a poppy flower entwined with a snake, a poppy whose stem is represented by an injection needle, a poppy flower entwined with barbed wire, a poppy head with a flowing drop of juice (“tear”),” the study says. “This also includes images "a gnome or an old woman holding flowers or poppy heads in their hands. The image of an elderly man can be interpreted as an image of a person who grows opium poppies for sale."

People who use hashish often get tattoos with the image of a crescent moon combined with three stars (the “trademark” of factory-made Pakistani hashish). There can also be multi-figure compositions on oriental themes (a man smoking a hookah surrounded by dancers, a gin flying out of a jug).

The image of spiders and cobwebs on the fingers means dexterity and resourcefulness, the ability to get out of difficult situations.

Sometimes the numbers stick out. For example, 5 is ecstasy, 8 is heroin, 12 is marijuana (take the first letter in the name of the drug and put its serial number in the English alphabet).

"Reflection of the desired state during drug intoxication are scenes associated with images of a syringe with butterfly wings (lightness, euphoria), gin leaving a jug ("soul breaking free"), a skull pierced by a syringe or dagger indicates the severity and totality of the experiences that arose while taking drugs,” the study says.

Tattoos are often inked on the elbows: this way you can hide the traces of injections.

Alcoholics have their own typical stories. Often they pin an image of three component elements. The central one is one of the typical alcoholic attributes (bottle, glass, glass), the two edge ones are cards, female figures and faces. Under the picture, as a rule, there is an inscription: “This is what is destroying us!”

As a reflection of the peculiar alcoholic humor, there are inscriptions: “Why is there no vodka on the Moon?”, “For the health of the dead man!”, “For the ladies!”, “For you!”

"Knowledge about the deeper psychosocial meaning of tattoos can help doctors clinical practice", the scientists conclude.

Previously Life, what tattoos do Olympic athletes decorate themselves with. They often cover their bodies with symbols that signify their desire for victory.

The fashion for tattoos is by no means new; it is one of the ancient methods of decorating one’s body, judging by the fact that they are done by people in tribes very remote from civilization. Like any fashion, this one is also subject to ebbs and flows. Currently, society is experiencing a boom in tattoo fashion; sometimes it seems that most of the townspeople wear them - this impression is especially strong in the summer.

Tattoo from a psychological point of view

Why do people get tattoos? This question has several answers. Firstly, a tattoo is information, a kind of mark, which in some cases plays the role of an identification document, for example, among prisoners, the Japanese yakuza or in other communities that have preserved echoes of primitive customs. Why a tattoo? Because this is something that cannot be taken away, lost, changed - and washed away too. That is, it is assumed that a certain characteristic remains unchanged throughout a person’s life. People whose lives are subject to spontaneous events, unstable and often dependent on the will of other people (or gods, as in primitive tribes), need something permanent, something that belongs to them by right and cannot be taken away.

A decorative tattoo, if you think about it, fulfills partly the same role, especially among young people. They need to express themselves, to attract attention, to show that they have rights, at least the right to own body.

There is a certain part of people who, without any particular need, not belonging to closed communities and not putting an informational component into the tattoo, cover their bodies with copious tattoos. Psychotherapists tend to believe that most such people suffer from one of the forms mental disorder, feeling the need to inflict damage on your body over and over again. Self-harm without suicide attempts becomes an obsessive state for such people, and tattoos meet their needs perfectly, as they are painful and leave marks reminiscent of the pain they suffered.

Are tattoos safe?

From a medical point of view, not a single tattoo can be considered completely safe, no matter what objections are raised by tattoo parlor artists. Another thing is that the immune system of most people is capable of coping with this danger, but it cannot be known in advance how strong it is. this moment protection of the body in a particular person, and whether this will come back to haunt him later.

The adverse effects of tattoos relate mainly to two aspects: the introduction of infection into the body and the release of toxic substances into the blood that cause allergic reactions. As for the first, everything is more or less clear: you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a tattoo parlor and artist, making sure that the instrument used to apply the tattoo is thoroughly sterilized. It is important that there are no inflammatory elements on the skin at the time of tattooing, such as acne, pustules, unhealed wounds, etc. The skin should also be thoroughly cleansed before the procedure.

With allergies, everything is much more complicated. Allergic reactions are divided into two types: immediate and delayed. Immediate ones appear immediately after exposure to the allergen, and delayed ones appear as the immune response to constant toxic exposure accumulates. This can happen in a week, in a year, and even years later. Tattoo ink is a very strong allergic and toxic agent. The results of studies by Canadian scientists have been published, claiming that the fashion for tattoos is responsible for the increase in the number of liver lesions. It is not surprising, since it is the liver that has the function of purifying the blood from toxins contained in it. Published data suggests that inadequately sterilized tattoo needles cause thousands of people to become infected each year with viral hepatitis, which is known as the “silent killer” because it is often detected only when the liver is deteriorating. The liver also bears the burden of removing toxic substances contained in paint, which, as is known, remains in the body forever.

If you're still willing to take the risk and think it's worth it, consider this fact: black tattoo ink is the most poisonous, but it's a little easier to destroy than the others, in case you ever want to get rid of it.

How to remove a tattoo

When applying a tattoo, needles pierce the skin at a distance of approximately 3mm from the surface. Thus, the paint is located outside the layer of skin cells that, when damaged, regenerate completely without the formation of scar tissue. For this reason, it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to remove a tattoo without causing a cosmetic defect.

Tattoo removal is carried out using the following methods:

  • Mechanical. This is the simplest, most crude and most effective way. This is scarification, dermabrasion, surgical removal of an area of ​​skin containing dyes. The bad thing about this method is that it is guaranteed to leave scars. What is better – a scar or a tattoo that is no longer relevant, everyone decides for himself;
  • A combination of mechanical and chemical methods. The idea is simple - after the surface layer of skin, which is capable of regeneration, is sanded off from the tattoo area, tampons soaked in saline solution, which, penetrating deeper into the tissue, discolors the dye. The procedure is quite effective, but to achieve an acceptable result it will have to be done more than once. Agree, even reading about this is painful. The disadvantages are traumatic, painful and the possibility that a weak drawing will still remain if the ink penetrates deep enough;
  • Laser method. Today it is one of the most effective and safe. Briefly, the essence can be described as follows: the skin at the tattoo site is exposed to an intense light flux (laser). Dark tissues absorb photons of light, and since there is an excess amount of them, the tissue containing the dark pigment is destroyed and subsequently eliminated from the body. Laser treatment is less painful than other methods and does not leave behind skin defects. However, even to remove a small tattoo, you will need not one procedure, but several; if the tattoo is large, you will have to be patient and undergo a fairly long course of laser therapy. The disadvantages of the method include the fact that not all dyes respond well to this effect, and therefore colored tattoos cannot always be removed using this method. Black and black light absorb best Blue colour A.

According to statistics, 50% of people who decorate themselves with a tattoo take measures to remove it within 10 years. How many of those who regret getting a tattoo do not make these attempts due to their rather high cost, by the way, much higher than getting a tattoo even in a good salon, unfortunately, is unknown.

A little history.

A tattoo often seems to us something ultra-modern and youthful. But in fact, tattooing is one of the oldest trends in fine art. It is in art, contrary to the popular belief that a tattoo is an asocial mark, which is a distinctive feature of people who have been in prison.

In ancient times, tattoos reflected people's membership in a special group, such as warriors, or their position in the family, as among Japanese peoples.

But due to a church ban, tattoos practically did not develop in medieval Europe. The revival of this art occurred only in modern times.

An important date in the history of tattooing is 1891, when electric tattoo machine. However, during the first half of the 20th century, tattoo art practically did not develop. The turning point occurred in the 60s with the development of countercultural youth movements, which returned tattooing to its well-deserved position as one of the types visual arts. From this period, modern styles began to form on the basis of ancient Eastern and European styles.

Today tattoo industry is developing at an unprecedented pace, tattoo parlors and art studios are opening everywhere.

The widespread distribution of tattoos has led to the penetration of tattoo technologies into cosmetology. Tattoo - application permanent makeup , is precisely the cosmetological direction of tattooing. A number of advantages over conventional makeup, and new possibilities in combination with it, have made tattooing popular among women all over the world.

The art of tattooing, which dates back several thousand years of history, is now in its prime. We can say with a high degree of confidence that more than one direction will be created within its framework....

Psychological aspects of tattooing

The art of decorating yourself can be considered one of the most ancient. With the help of clothes, accessories, makeup, and hairstyle, a person strives to stand out from his environment, express himself, and attract attention. Tattooing is one of the ways to express the inner self.

According to statistics, people with great ambitions most often get tattoos. Maybe that's why there are so many tattoo owners creative people- singers, actors, musicians.

Any art affects psychological condition a person, and such an unconventional type of painting as painting on one’s own body, especially.

And first of all, this effect is important for those who decide to decorate themselves with any plot. After all, a person must cross a certain “barrier” in order to decide to do this. Of course, the motivation for such a step is different for everyone, but it exists, and everyone must realize for themselves the real reason that prompted them to decorate their body.

On the other hand, man is a social being. And each to his own appearance has a certain impact on others. This is the other side psychological aspect body tattoo art.

You need to be guided not only by a fleeting passion for tattooing, its aesthetic side, but approach it with knowledge of all its aspects.

The psychological aspect of tattooing the body is closely related to the motivation of imitation or false aesthetic motives. In some cases, a tattoo can provoke a phenomenon reflected by it. Well, if it is done consciously, with a full understanding of the essence and purpose, then the tattoo becomes unique business card, one way or another assigning a certain image to a person.

In other words, a tattoo is not a passive image - it is an active symbol, a kind of indicator of a person’s character (unless he is forced by force and the tattoo is not applied fraudulently).

American psychologist K. Machover analyzed the personal characteristics and level of development of the painter and the nature of the images applied. As a result, the following trends and patterns were identified. Here are some of them:

running Man
- the desire to run away, take cover, evade; measuredly walking - balanced.

- vitality. Large body - a keenly realized need, dissatisfaction; small - symptoms of humiliation.

- carefully drawn - preoccupation with relationships with others, with one’s appearance.

- closed or hidden hats are evidence of a strong desire to avoid unpleasant visual influences. Large, dilated eyes - anxiety, restlessness, need for protection.

- a symbol of aggressiveness. A special sign of aggression is clearly drawn teeth. The mouth is like a clown's - forced affability. A character without a mouth at all or with a “dash” mouth does not have the ability to verbally influence other people.

- interpreted as a sexual symbol, but this is controversial.

- arms, legs - a function of influencing the world. Hands muscular - perhaps a need for physical strength, agility. Legs- support in activity: legs widely spaced - dictate, self-confidence.

Thus, in a number of cases, it is possible to characterize a person’s personality by the type of drawings depicted on his body. For example, a person who at first glance is very modest and calm, has a number of aggressive tattoos. What does it mean? As an option - hidden strong aggression against society, or directed against the female sex (depending on the nature of the tattoo). But most likely, this is a person who seeks to compensate for his insecurity and weakness with aggressive images. Therefore, tattoos should be considered in a general context, taking into account all the details and features. Applying a tattoo on the body, the meaning of which has a certain meaning, indicates the loss of one’s own personality and its replacement with a pseudo-personality.

Another example: the body and arms are painted with dragons. Most likely this is a personality type that craves something special. Since his dragons are nothing more than a desire to stand out, to be personified in this way. Ready to accept any idea in return for the promise of an exciting life or exciting events. Constantly strives for new sensations, is optimistic about the future, is burdened by loneliness, and strives for power. But if on the body dragons are adjacent, for example, to Raphael’s “Sistine Madonna” on the thigh or with some other design that falls out of the logical series, then you may have a real hysterical type. He makes utopian plans, is condescending towards his friends, strives for self-affirmation, but in a slightly different, “exotic” form. He cannot be a leader, if only for a short time, until the first difficulties.

When drawing this or that image, it should be borne in mind that in addition to the first, superficial explanation of this or that drawing, the meaning, there is a second, deep one, explaining it on a spiritual and religious level. The connection of tattoo symbols with these interpretations will provide an opportunity to look into the soul of the design and clarify its true meaning.

In this regard, let's take a look at "Dictionary of Symbols" by X. E. Kerlot and provide descriptions of some images.

- in all cultures, from Chinese to Mediterranean - an allegory of justice and longevity, as well as a righteous and merciful soul.

- a symbol of height of spirit, like the sun. In the Egyptian hieroglyphic system, the letter A is represented by the figure of an eagle, meaning the warmth of life, the beginning, the day. The eagle belongs to the elements of air and fire. It is characterized by fearless flight, speed, association with thunder and fire and means "the rhythm of heroic nobility." An eagle in the air is equal to a lion on the ground, which is why it is sometimes depicted with a lion's head. In Sarmatian art, the eagle is an emblem of lightning and warlike aspirations.

- the opposite of the eagle - the bird of darkness and death.

- light shining in darkness, symbol of spirit. True, a star rarely has a single meaning. She is prone to ambiguity. But in any case, it supports the forces of spirit that oppose the forces of darkness. It is not for nothing that this meaning is included in the art of emblems throughout the world. The "Blazing Star" is a symbol of the mystical center - the energy of the expanding universe. The most common is the five-pointed star. In the days of Egyptian hieroglyphs, it meant “ascent to the beginning” and formed part of such words as “educate”, “enlighten”, “teacher” and others.

- a symbol of valor among the Romans and Egyptians. Scandinavian mythology tells of the monstrous wolf Fenrir, who broke iron chains and shackles and was ultimately locked in the bowels of the earth. It was also said that during the twilight of the gods - the end of the world - this monster would break free from captivity and devour the sun. Here the wolf acts as a symbol of evil.

- a symbol of ferocity and valor. Like the tiger and panther, it expresses the qualities of aggressiveness and power of the lion without its solar meaning.

- a symbol that is an inversion of the sword symbol. It is associated with revenge and death, as well as sacrifice. The short edge of the knife represents the primacy of instinctive forces in the one who wields it, while the long edge of the sword represents the spiritual power of its owner.

Tattoo "Butterfly" often associated with the "night butterfly". Although a prostitute can be distinguished by a dot on right cheek. And so a pinned butterfly means a memory of love or fragility.

- a symbol of hard work, but a spider in a web is a drug addict.

Knowledge of the deep meaning of this or that symbolism makes it possible, on the one hand, to competently evaluate and characterize its owner, and on the other hand, to “knowledgeably” approach the issue of applying drawings to your own body (if you are already mature for this). Although, before deciding to decorate yourself in this way, you should keep in mind the experience of other “comrades in (mis)fortune” who subsequently regretted what they had done.

How to choose a tattoo?

Since a tattoo can tell a lot about you and the characteristics of your character, psychologists have compiled an interesting test to determine the most suitable tattoo for you.

The composition of the tattoo is schematically composed of one or another geometric figure. Lily gravitates towards the triangle; a snake biting its tail is a circle, and the raven of the Indian tribe consists entirely of rectangles. A Polish proverb says: “A good opinion of yourself is half of happiness.” In turn, we add that a representation adequate to reality is the second half.

Choose from the five proposed shapes - square, rectangle, triangle, circle, zigzag - one shape that you like best. Below are the characteristics of people who chose this or that figure:

It corresponds to such qualities as hard work, diligence, the need to bring the job started to the end, perseverance that allows you to achieve completion of the work - this is what true Squares are famous for.
Square loves established order once and for all: everything should be in its place and happen in its own time. The ideal of the Square is a planned, predictable life; he does not like “surprises” and changes in the usual course of events.

It is a temporary form of personality that can be worn by other stable figures during certain periods of life. These are people who are not satisfied with the lifestyle that they lead now, and therefore are busy looking for a better position. The leading qualities of a rectangle are curiosity, inquisitiveness, keen interest in everything that happens and courage.

This shape symbolizes leadership. The most characteristic feature true Triangle - the ability to concentrate on the main goal. Triangles are energetic, unstoppable, strong personalities who set clear goals and usually achieve them, avoiding conflicts whenever possible.

Drawings depicting suns, moons, wheels, clocks... The most benevolent of the five figures. This type has high sensitivity - the ability to empathize, sympathize, and respond emotionally to the experiences of another person. The circle feels other people's joy and feels other people's pain as if it were its own.
The circle encourages one to strive for integrity, a comprehensive experience of life. The circle is characterized by a symbolic and sometimes mystical experience of existence.

Drawings depicting lightning, pike or shark teeth, tribal motifs. A figure symbolizing creativity. Combining different, dissimilar ideas and creating something new and original on this basis is what Zigzags like. And therefore Zigzag is the most enthusiastic, most excitable of all five figures.

The influence of tattoo color on a person

A tattoo is not chosen for one day, and therefore it is important to know that color affects our well-being. According to chromotherapy (chromotherapy is a color treatment method), color affects breathing rate, heart rate, blood pressure, reaction speed, and muscle tension. Studies show that the right color improves memory and attention by 55 - 78%! Colors have a physiological effect on a person, and it is objective. And the attitude towards colors is subjective. “By preferring or rejecting certain colors, he appears as he really is, and not as he tries to appear. We can say that color choice cannot lie...” says the researcher, creator psychological test, defining emotional condition human, Swiss psychologist Max Luscher.

Statistics for the use of color in tattoos: Black - 78%, Green - 4%, Red - 5%, Purple - 2%, White - 3%, Pink - 1%, Blue - 4%, Brown - 3%.

Red- the most emotional color, helps to recharge your batteries and lift your spirits. The color red signals that you are confident and strong in spirit. It also increases nervous tension. Use red carefully and in places that are hard to see. In addition, this color is associated with blood, which nourishes us and at the same time is visible in not the calmest situations. Negative emotions in men are caused by cold shades of red: burgundy, raspberry and baby pink. At the same time, men love peach, orange and terracotta. What colors can you combine red with? Red resonates well with white, black, brown, yellow.
If in life you strive not to highlight contrasts, but to choose a complement, then choose warm colors of the spectrum.

Yellow- playful and catchy color. It stimulates thinking and creativity, helps relieve tension, attracts and disposes, but in moderation. Excess yellow color awakens anxiety and aggression. On the body it is appropriate in addition, in nuances. Yellow is the color of the sun, dandelions, clowns. This is light, play and lightness.

Blue- the color of the sea, sky. It calms, creates a feeling of relaxation and comfort. This is the color of stability, satisfaction with life. Blue symbolizes enduring, eternal values. In nature, everything blue is inedible, so blue color suppresses appetite. Men are especially irritated turquoise showing excessive persistence. Blue looks very impressive with black. Visually imagine the architecture of the trees against the darkening sky. Isn't it a magnificent picture? A classic is the combination of blue and white. Also no less original is the combination of brown and beige with blue.

Green- this is the color of green, summer. It creates a business atmosphere and a feeling of security. Goes well with brown. Green evokes associations of reliability, support, and fertility. Green color goes well with red. In these combinations, oriental moments will look non-trivial.

Violet- the color of wisdom, nobility, sophistication. Also, this is the color of introverts - people who are well oriented in the inner space of their soul. Violet promotes trust, relieves excitement, and normalizes hormone levels. This is a symbol of mysticism, fairy tales and magic. Combines with pink, lilac and white; with orange in contrast. Remember the sunset sky. Solid, reliable, purple creates an atmosphere of naturalness and prudence. It looks very harmonious on the skin, since the skin is a cover and the earth is a cover.

Classic colors like black, absorb and reflect. Sometimes they are not even considered flowers. Black is the most common tattoo color. It creates a clear line, is very graphic, and is used in most works as an outline, shadows and main color. We love both men and women, although the latter often abuse it, undeservedly forgetting about brown, which resonates with their feminine essence.

Harm to health

Think carefully before getting a tattoo.
It should be taken into account that tattoos can be harmful to health. When you get a tattoo, you injure the skin and inject a dye underneath it. Although the needle does not penetrate deeply, each time you pierce the skin, you risk introducing germs or a viral infection to yourself. A tattoo is always associated with risk. When dye gets under the skin, even if no infection has occurred, there is always a risk of contact allergies, dermatitis and some other allergic reaction that can cause redness, swelling or itching. Inflammatory processes can lead to the formation of scars. The paints themselves are also fraught with danger, since they can cause allergies or contain heavy metals. A good tattoo artist must know the composition of the inks used.

The choice of a tattoo artist is all the more important. It should ensure complete avoidance of infection and scarring caused by inflammation at the puncture sites. To do this, all instruments must be disposable, absolute hygiene must be observed, a closed sterilization system and really sharp needles must be used.

Recently in Russia, tattooing and piercing have been equated to mini-operations.
A qualified specialist must have a diploma, which will guarantee the quality of work. Secondary and higher medical education is not only desirable, but also mandatory

The question often arises: is it possible to get AIDS through tattooing?
If the tips and needles are properly sterilized and the artist is reasonably careful, tattooing is almost 100% safe for both the client and the artist. The risk is minimal. But some risk still remains. By being aware of it and taking appropriate precautions, we can easily avoid infection problems.

A recent study identified 22 diseases that were transmitted through acupuncture. Among them are syphilis, malaria, tuberculosis and many other diseases, including AIDS. The disease most often transmitted through this route is hepatitis B.
It is not recommended for people with epilepsy to get tattoos. diabetes mellitus, cancer and HIV-infected. It is not recommended to get a tattoo before the age of 18: the skin tends to change and move. The outcome can be predicted...

Attitudes towards tattoos of others.

You should seriously think about how others will feel about your tattoo. Many people won't like it. British psychologist Theodore Dalrymple says that in the perception of many people, “a tattoo is a sign ... of a person’s belonging to a criminal group or to a subculture characterized by violence, cruelty and rejection of social norms.”

Also noted in American Demographics: “It is clear that most Americans consider it risky to embellish themselves with tattoos on visible areas of the body. 85% of young people agree that “people who have a visible tattoo... should understand that this form of self-expression is likely to create difficulties in their career or personal life.”

Some people get tattoos in places where they are not visible to others. Even their parents may not know about such secret tattoos. But don't flatter yourself! If in an emergency you have to see a doctor or if you go for a swim in the pool, your secret may become known to many.

Like any fashion, tattoos may lose their popularity over time. In fact, can you expect to wear your favorite jeans, shirt, dress or boots for the rest of your life? Of course not! Styles, cuts and colors vary. But you can’t change a tattoo like you can change clothes. Besides, what you consider “cool” at 16 years old may no longer seem so to you at 30 years old.

Many began to regret doing something that is difficult to correct. What does this mean? Think carefully before getting a tattoo. Don't make decisions that you might regret later.

Over time, many people regret getting a tattoo.

Let's summarize.

Tattoos have known times of unprecedented popularity and times of complete oblivion. Interest in her was constant regardless of fashion, regime and time of year. Tattoos have been done, done and will always do.

Tattooed people are one big family. And the sage was right three times when he said: “A tattooed person will never ask a person without a tattoo, “Why don’t you have a tattoo?”

So why do people still get a tattoo, going through pain, a long search for a theme and artist, and spending a lot of money?

Getting a tattoo on the body indicates any of these motivations:

The first - the most common - is a way of self-expression caused by the desire to be more original and even more fashionable than others. Such tattoos are most often done in youth and, as a rule, their owner gets tired of them after a few years.
Psychologists are silent about how self-asserted young people then live with their boring tattoos.

The second most common motive is beliefs. People apply religious signs, emblems of clubs and organizations they belong to, the name of the team they play for, the flag of their homeland, or other similar symbol. The reason for this step lies in the desire to show others who you are, as well as to convince yourself that you are truly committed to your idea.

The third motivation is caused an inferiority complex and a feeling of insecurity, one’s own weakness. People with this complex get tattoos in the form of frightening animals or mythological heroes. But don't be so quick to judge if you see a man with a demon on his shoulder or a roaring tiger on his chest. It is quite possible that the tiger is a symbol of a sports team, and the demon is just a tribute to fashion.

Cosmetic motivation- correct the mistakes of the past, disguise scars and dark spots, and even body problems such as asymmetry.

Status motivation refers exclusively to the criminal world - there tattoos really serve as a document, rank and status.
A real author's tattoo is a work of art, made with soul, of high quality - it is always beautiful, and a person has always strived for beauty and self-improvement.

Tattoo is not fashion. This is what is always there. It’s just that now the level and quality of tattooing has increased. The West went through this a long time ago. In Russia, tattooing has always been something like indicator of one’s own importance, a kind of challenge to social standards, since in our country body graphics were associated mainly with the criminally marginal environment. Previously, what was important was the drawing, the very fact of having a tattoo (after all, it was a shock, an individual blow to moral principles!). Now the beauty of graphic design, the quality of the tattoo and the professionalism of the artist come first.

There was a desire for something truly “individual”, “unlike” anything else. Nowadays preference is given to high-quality original work, where the main emphasis is on individual graphic design. In another case, tattoo ideas are taken from illustrated magazines. Sometimes the works of an artist or photographs are used as the basis for a tattoo (for example, “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci, portraits of historical and political figures (Lenin, Stalin, Che Guevara, V.V. Putin (“the latest squeak” of fashion) ), infernal works by Giger - the founder of "biomechanics" or fantasy paintings by Boris Valeggio and Julia Bell).

Most of the information about fashion trends Tattoo culture is drawn from specialized Western magazines and the Internet. For example, recently the Japanese theme has become popular: fish, dragons, symbols (“Yin/Yang”, signs and symbols drawn from the samurai past). At one time, black and white tribal designs - tribals - were in fashion. After some time, Celtic “braids”, Mayan and Aztec motifs became popular. Now the fashion for them has passed, giving way to “biomechanics” (flesh and mechanics).
Small designs are popular among women, giving them a special “sexiness” - fish, butterfly, dragon, etc.

What is the reason for the popularity of tattoos?

Tattoos are often perceived as a symbol of protest.
For some, a tattoo is a way to express your romantic feelings.“My brother got the name of the girl he was dating on his ankle.” So what's the problem? "They're not dating anymore." According to Teen magazine, "Doctors say that more than 30 percent of tattoos are removed for teenage girls who want to get rid of their ex-boyfriend's name."

For some, a tattoo is a work of art, for others it is a symbol of independence. For some young people, a tattoo gives them the opportunity to try something new - to feel that they have power over their appearance. Tattoos can also be a symbol of protest or an unconventional lifestyle. This explains why some of them contain offensive words and pictures, as well as offensive phrases.

However, for most young people, a tattoo is just a tribute to fashion.
But if everyone around you “decorates” themselves with a tattoo, then should you do it too?

They happen to professors and students, intellectuals and athletes, teenagers and adults. David and Victoria Beckham, Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Scarlett Johansson, Charlize Theron, Gisele Bundchen and other celebrities proudly display designs on different parts of the body. Our experts and fellow journalists have tattoos...

I have a tattoo too. She showed up before graduation. Now I understand: this was my way of declaring that I had become an adult and could manage my own life. Stories from other people who decided to decorate their skin with an indelible design prove that a tattoo for its owner is much more than just fashion.

Encrypted message

On back side the palms of 35-year-old Daria, a successful lawyer, are the initials of her ex-boyfriend. “They are slightly faded, but I’m glad that they are visible: let them remind me of what I almost lost - myself! I was like crazy. She lived only for him, thought about him all the time. And when he left, I grieved for six months and couldn’t calm down... I didn’t even realize how lucky I was that we broke up!”

Daria lifts her hair and shows a pair of wings on her neck: “I did it last year, just for myself. This is my freedom."

Skin is the border that separates us from others. She tells the outside world about our inner life. “Everything with which we cover or decorate the skin serves as a kind of language of communication,” says psychoanalyst Didier Anzieu in the book “I am the skin” (Ergo, 2012). “With the help of tattoos we can express the unspoken - emotions, feelings and desires.” What do the drawings on the body say?

Step to freedom

“My parents were getting divorced, quarreling and acting as if I didn’t exist,” 26-year-old Galina explains the origin of the tattoo, made in her last year of school. “I wanted a flower on my ankle, so that something would make me happy and so that my loved ones would pay attention to me.” And 25-year-old Dina shows with a smile a tattoo on her arm - a memory of the day she entered university.

In the collective unconscious, a tattoo is an act of disobedience, a violation of taboos. “But young people use it not only for provocations. In this way they declare: “I am here,” says psychologist Alessandra Markazan. - Tattoos made in adolescence, refer us to the initiation rite in primitive tribes. They symbolized the transformation of a child who was the property of his parents into an adult who can do whatever he wants with himself and his body.”

Teenagers with tattoos actually behave more freely. Pediatrician Timothy Roberts from the University of Rochester Clinic (USA) surveyed six hundred 16-year-old boys and girls and found that 83% of those who had a tattoo had sexual relations, and only 36% of those who did not have a tattoo.

Today, a tattoo is a way to achieve bodily uniqueness, a kind of identity card that can be read on the body

But not only young people assert their “I” with the help of tattoos. Increasingly, successful, accomplished people use it as a means of self-expression. “I don’t look like an informal person at all, but after watching David Fincher’s film “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” I realized that at heart I am just like that, and I went to the tattoo parlor,” says 37-year-old Yana, an economist. “I follow the dress code, but I like to know that under the formal clothes I have my own dragon on my back.”

The desire to get a tattoo may be due to for various reasons. “If previously it served as evidence of physical endurance, an expression of protest or belonging to a certain group, today it is rather a way to achieve bodily uniqueness, a kind of identity card that can be read on the body,” says Silke Wohlrab, an anthropologist from the University of Göttingen (Germany), who explored the motives of those who decided to take this step.

Notch for memory

On the wrist of 29-year-old manager Vitaly is an exact copy of the drawing of his little son, with all the errors and irregularities. “I miss my son,” he admits, “because I spend a lot of time on business trips and see him less often than I would like.” But thanks to the drawing, Vitaly feels as if they are still nearby.

“Before we went to different cities to study, my boyfriend and I got tattoos,” recalls 30-year-old Tatyana. - I chose an abstract design; many people take it for a Celtic sign. To the question: “What does it mean?” - I answer: “Eternal fidelity.” And to me that's exactly what it means. After five years apart, we moved in together and have been living together for eight years.” Tattoos can be symbolic signs that keep a history of feelings and events.

“I have met more than once Jews who categorically do not accept tattoos - because of the concentration camps. And I respect their choice,” says Parisian tattoo artist Tin-tin, whose clients include many celebrities. “But I have also been approached more than once with a request to have a number stamped on my skin that one of my ancestors had in Auschwitz.” Such signs take us back to important points, which are easy to forget about in the daily bustle.

The fashion for tattoos is a consequence of accelerating social changes. Are we sure that our place of residence, occupation and marital status will not change in five years, in a year? Tattoos appeared as a cure for transience, as a way to make at least something for the rest of your life. You can only remove a small tattoo, and it will still leave a mark on the skin. Therefore, in our fickle world, a tattoo is more reassuring than alarming. What does it give? A tart, almost forgotten by us, taste of irreversibility.

There are many phobias and addictions in the world of psychology. Some may seem harmless, but the person needs professional help. These include " blue disease" This term is used by both tattoo artists and those who like to “decorate” their body.

What is blue sickness called?

Blue disease is an addiction that develops after getting your first tattoo. This could be a small drawing. After a certain time, a person develops an irresistible passion for applying new tattoo, which will complement the first. People with tattoo addiction cannot stop and cover more and more areas of their body with them. This leads to the fact that there is no free space left on it.

Why do people get tattoos - psychology

Psychologists identify several factors that will help answer the question of why people get tattoos. The most common include:

  • desire to express oneself;
  • thirst to experience new sensations;
  • an attempt to hide or overcome one’s complexes;
  • It’s trivial to stand out among the general mass of people.

There is another reason why blue disease may develop - an unsuccessful first tattoo. This can happen due to the fault of the client, when he did not fully think through the drawing, or the inexperience of the master, which led to a distortion of the image. After this, a series of experiments begins to correct the error to obtain the expected result. Instead of covering a failed fragment with a professional one, some try to complete it or modify it.

Why do girls get tattoos?

The psychology of tattoos for women has its own characteristics. Among the common female reasons for decorating the body, psychologists identify the following:

  1. Love impulse. Many girls, being in a state of euphoria, want to get a tattoo. Sometimes they are driven by the desire to prove to their loved one that for his sake she is ready to “embellish” her body.
  2. Manifestation of beliefs. As a rule, these are teenage girls who are sure that others do not understand them. The reason may be radical views on life and belief in something.
  3. Concealing scars. All girls want to have a perfect body, but many have scars that spoil the overall impression. With the help of tattoos, they want to disguise them, but it is worth considering that the scars can stretch, and the designs will need to be adjusted.
  4. A tribute to fashion. Many are sure that it is stylish and beautiful.

Why do teenagers get tattoos?

The psychology of tattoos in teenagers has its own peculiarities. Some people think that they are already adults and are capable of making their own decisions about how to live, others want to stand out among their friends. After the first completed drawing, they feel a certain superiority over those around them. Over time, this feeling fades and they want to experience it again. This can develop tattoo addiction, which psychologists can help you cope with.

What kind of people get tattoos - psychology

The history of tattoos goes back several hundred years. From the drawings on the body one could recognize one’s belonging to a certain tribe, and later one’s position in society. In the Middle Ages in Europe, tattoos were not allowed. Today they are considered a special art. From a psychological point of view, a tattoo is a kind of indicator of personality, by which one can determine his hobbies or spiritual and religious affiliation.

The most tattooed man in the world

Many people, in their desire to be better than someone else, know no boundaries. This applies not only to achievements in the world of sports and inventions, but also to covering your body with drawings. The most tattooed person in the world - received this title. He broke the record of former "champion" Tom Leppard, who had 99.9% leopard print on his body. Lucky Diamond Rich was able to “decorate” 100% of the skin.

Lucky Diamond Rich and Tom Leppard

When Lucky was a teenager, he didn't know what blue sickness was and had no idea that his passion for tattooing would make him world famous. During the entire time he spent under the typewriter, which is more than 1000 hours, several liters of ink were wasted. As a result, Lucky got paint in his ears, eyelids, gums and under nail plates. After giving him the “champion title,” he said that this was not the limit and new tattoos would fall on top of the previous ones. Several other tattoo art lovers left not far from Lucky:

The most tattooed woman in the world

Not only men are capable of crazy things. Some women keep up with the strong half of humanity and cover their bodies with tattoos. The most tattooed woman in the world is from New York. She applied her first drawings to her skin in an attempt to hide a rare disease in which skin covered with keratinized particles and scars. Later, having “tasted all the charm,” she could not stop and covered herself 95% with tattoos.

There are several more women on whom it is difficult to find an unpainted area of ​​skin: