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Tattoo care after a week. Caring for a new tattoo

Use cling film to protect

Not every tattoo needs to be wrapped with a film, it all depends on its size and place of application. According to Hayes, large color tattoos are best covered. Small drawings in which only the outline can be left as is. If the tattoo is under clothing, it is also worth protecting it with a film.

Keep your tattoo clean

A new tattoo is essentially an open wound. Take care of her to avoid infections. Hayes advises cleaning her regularly, especially the first 24–48 hours. To do this, just wash the tattoo under warm water and soap. It is better to refuse baths, swimming and baths during this period.

Avoid the sun

While the tattoo is healing, spend as little time in the sun as possible, especially if it is colored. Then you can use the usual one. To keep the color vibrant, choose a product with a high SPF.

Remember that color tattoos heal longer.

From them, the skin is more damaged, therefore, care for them needs to be more thorough. In no case do not pick the place of the tattoo and do not rip off flaky skin. So you damage the paint. You may even have scars left, because of this it will then be more difficult to correct the picture.

Moisturize the tattoo area regularly

Apply a moisturizer 1-2 times a day or when you feel that your skin has become dry and tight. The frequency depends on yours, as well as the size and location of the tattoo. Better choose a fragrance-free cream.

Care products

We have selected several products that will take care of your skin. Also, do not forget to eat fully and drink more water. Everything that is good for the skin will benefit your tattoo.

1. Panthenol-based cream or ointment

Panthenol is a universal remedy that moisturizes and heals damaged skin. Apply it twice daily. For example, cream with panthenol Librederm or ointment “Bepanten”, which can be found in pharmacies, is suitable.

2. La Roche-Posay Anthelios Body Lotion SPF50 + Sunscreen

It is ideal when you need to quickly mask a small tattoo. For example, if you are going for an interview or do not want to scare your grandmother. The stick has a very high coating density and an additional bonus in the form of SPF25.

Already become the proud owner of an amazing drawing on your body. However, it is now very important to ensure proper tattoo care.

Surely you have learned a lot about tattoos and opted for a solid salon where professionals work, because this is the key to a successful and safe conduct of this difficult procedure. Now a lot depends on you and on how responsibly you approach the implementation of all recommendations. A good master will instruct and advise you what to avoid in the next two weeks, it will take so much time for the tattoo to heal.

Care for the tattoo began already when the specialist put the first bandage on the drawing. This is necessary so that germs and dust do not get on injured skin. Now your task is not later than after 8 hours to carefully remove the bandage and wash the place of your new picture with warm water and soap. It is better if you use it and then carefully dry the tattoo with a clean, dry towel. In no case do you need to rub the place where the needle of the master just recently went, better just blot it with a soft cloth.

Remember that your tattoo should "breathe", so you should not create a "greenhouse effect" for it and stick it with a band-aid, from this it will only sing and heal for a long time.

Make it a rule to wash the body pattern twice a day (morning and evening). Naturally, this should not be done using a washcloth, but simply with warm water and soap, gently rubbing this place with your fingers. Such care of the tattoo will avoid the formation of a hard crust, as well as discomfort and pain during washing.

I must say that the healing process takes about two weeks. Therefore, forget about hot baths and pool visits during this period. Agree, this is not such a long time, so it’s quite possible to be patient. “Fresh” tattoos must not be steamed, or exposed to ultraviolet radiation, respectively, it is not recommended to sunbathe in the sun and in a solarium.

When you exercise, sweat is released that irritates the damaged surface of the skin, so you have to take a short break in sports.

However, caring for a tattoo is not only about the proper treatment of the area of \u200b\u200bskin on which it is applied; It is very important not to comb and not to touch this place once again. Clothing is best worn spacious, preferably made from natural materials.

There are a number of tools that it is advisable to use during the healing period of damaged skin. First of all, ask your master the question: "How to smear a tattoo?". It should not be a spray or gel, use only ointments and apply them with a thin layer with neat circular movements. Among the most common remedies can be advised ointments "Bepanten", "Solcoseryl", "Miramistin." All these agents have antiseptic, healing effects, and also contribute to tissue regeneration.

I would like to note that, choosing a place for applying the coveted drawing, it must be remembered that over the years, the skin tends to stretch and also sag, so this fact should be taken into account. Also note what can be done if over time it has lost clarity and brightness. Long exposure to the sun can negatively affect the quality and brightness of the picture, so it is recommended to use with a high SPF factor.

Remember that by providing proper care for the tattoo in the period after it is applied by the master, you can avoid many negative consequences that can lead to deformation and a change in the quality of the pattern applied to the skin.

How to care for a tattoo? In order for the tattoo to heal quickly and look great, it is necessary to carefully care and disinfect it. Any fresh tattoo is an open wound, which with an irresponsible approach can lead to infection and leave scars on the skin.

Any, even the smallest tattoo should be processed, and strictly follow the recommendations of the master care. Your tattoo master (), like no one else, is interested in making the tattoo heal well and keep the pattern even without defects.

What should be done on the first day after applying the tattoo?

A fresh tattoo is an abrasion, to put it quite simply. This comparison is the best. At first there will be discomfort, but after the healing preparations, the discomfort will go away.To heal the tattoo went the most correctly - follow the advice of the wizard.

How to bandage a tattoo

All tattoo artists have different attitudes to polyethylene as a bandage for fresh tattoos. Someone is categorically against it, since the skin under the film does not breathe, and this interferes with healing. Polyethylene creates a greenhouse effect and a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.Others believe that if there is a disinfecting healing ointment, no bacteria will multiply under the film. But the tattoo is reliably closed from bacteria from the outside.

“I made tattoos from different masters and the recovery patterns were different. One master categorically forbade the use of polyethylene, explaining that this is an outdated product that prevents the tattoo from healing normally. We covered the tattoo with a piece of bandage, which can be bought at any pharmacy and secured with a band-aid. The second master covered the tattoo with a film, said more often to wash and change the layer of ointment. And one and the second tattoo healed without problems. "

Some types of dressings remain on the tattoo right up to up to 24 hours. These are mainly breathable cotton bandages. Polyethylene or another synthetic dressing is removed from the tattoo earlier. But they recommend changing the film more often.

For some tattoos, for example, a large tattoo on the back, no other option for a bandage other than plastic wrap will do!

How to remove a bandage from a tattoo

  1. Wash your hands with soap can be treated with a chlorhexidine solution, but this is not necessary.
  2. Neatly remove the bandage or film with a tattoo. At first, the skin undergoes active regeneration processes and a large amount of lymph is released, a little paint comes out.
  3. Rinse the tattoo with water Your temperature is optimal, it should not be hot or icy. Carefully (with soap and water) remove the layer of ointment that the master applied to you from the surface of the tattoo. Blot with a paper towel or a clean cotton towel without a lot of lint. Some masters recommend rinsing the tattoo with chlorhexidine after being washed with water. This step will definitely not harm the picture, but will help to disinfect the surface of the tattoo.
  4. Apply a thin layer of a healing ointment on it.advised by the tattoo artist. Most often it is panthenol, bepantene, bepanthen plus . Be careful if you have been advised to levomekol, there are not a few cases when levomekol pushed the tattoo ink and the color of the tattoo after healing remained uneven.
  5. Reapply the dressing which your master recommended to you. It can be polyethylene, a bandage, a special patch (suitable for small tattoos).

Such procedures will need to be done several times. Soon, a crust begins to form on the tattoo (as in abrasion), which in no case will it be impossible to rip off. The number of days in the dressing, as well as the frequency of washing, is always regulated by the master. He worked closely with your skin and knows what kind of tattoo care will be better.

"Do not engage in amateur performances, do not rinse the tattoo more often or less than the master advised."

What should i avoid while healing a tattoo?

Refuse alcoholic beverages.Alcohol thins the blood and interferes with the healing process.

Do not scratch and touch the tattoo. When a crust begins to form on the tattoo, itching sensations may appear. In this case, use the healing ointment, which was advised by the master, it moisturizes the skin and reduces itching.

Avoid uncomfortable clothing. Too tight synthetic clothing can injure a tattoo. Wear comfortable loose items.

You can not sunbathe with a fresh tattoo. Ink may fade. Even fully healed tattoos need a layer of protective cream during tanning.

Give up physical activity.The gym and pool should be postponed until the tattoo is completely restored (2-3 weeks at least).

“My trainer is a tattoo lover himself and strictly forbade me to train until everything heals. Although then I had to catch up. But if you hurry, you can only make it worse. ”

Do not take a bath.Even if the tattoo site does not immerse in water, a warm bath can cause an increase in pressure, which will increase the release of blood and lymph and interfere with healing.

In no case should you peel off the crust that forms on the tattoo.She will leave naturally without damaging the paint.

“I paid for trying to speed up the process. She took off the crust and tore it to blood in one place, naturally, the crust appeared there again. This slowed down the healing process and created an ugly gap in the line. I had to finish this place in a second session. "

Tattooing is a great way of expressing oneself, attracting universal attention and adorning your own body. But, one should not forget that stuffing tattoos is an analogue of surgical intervention, in which a significant amount of ink is introduced under the skin. Initially, we note that it is possible to make a tattoo only in salons that have permission for such activities. This gives a certain guarantee that sterile instruments and certified inks will be used in the work. Just like after surgery, caring for a tattoo is very important, especially the first time after visiting a salon. You are invited to read the recommendations on how to care for the tattoo at different stages after its application.

First two days

After finishing work, the real master closes the tattoo with a gauze bandage. This is a necessity, since the tattoo is actually an open wound.

Caring for a tattoo in the early days is especially important because at this time the healing process is ongoing.

Here are tips on how to properly care for a tattoo in the first days after application:

  1. After returning home, you must inspect the bandage. If it is saturated with blood, then it must be removed. In those cases when the bandage has dried, then it should be slightly moistened with boiled water at room temperature. A clean and high-quality dressing may be left for 10-12 hours.
  2. Caring for a tattoo after application requires periodic water procedures. Wash your hands and remove the bandage. Then wash the skin with a slightly warm soapy solution. You need to do this with your fingers, avoiding strong pressure. If blood clots remain, then they need to be soaked until they separate from the skin. After rinsing, the skin should be dampened with a waffle towel or a dense towel.
  3. Allow the body to stay in the air for 10-15 minutes. After that, treat the tattoo site with a healing solution or ointment. No need to use alcohol solutions.
  4. If there is no need to leave the house, then the bandage can not be imposed. All you need is to process the skin every 4-6 hours.

Caring for a fresh tattoo involves refusing a long stay in the water, hard physical work and drinking alcohol. This can lead to vasodilation and destruction.

First Month Tattoo Care

During this period, if the initial healing was successful, the tattoo must be washed twice a day. This is best done in the mornings and evenings. This should be done as delicately as possible so as not to damage the skin inflamed after injections. The cream should be applied more often - every 4-6 hours. The dressing is optional. It may be required only if there is a chance that sweat will get on the tattoo or pressure will be applied.

The basic rules for caring for a tattoo during this period are as follows:

  • wear loose clothing;
  • avoid drinking alcohol;
  • protect the tattoo from sunlight;
  • do not swim in water or take a bath, limiting yourself to a shower;
  • avoid scratching the skin with severe itching.

During healing, the skin will be covered with a crust. So that it does not crack, you need to lubricate it with cream.

Permanent Tattoo Care

Even if caring for a tattoo in the first month has yielded positive results, do not forget about the need for this process in the future. The consequences of improper tattoo care can be very sad. Image may fade or become cloudy. Untimely skin treatment can cause inflammation and suppuration.

Here's how to care for a tattoo after a recovery period:

  • use sunscreen if the rays of the sun get on the tattoo;
  • avoid visiting the solarium - the spectrum of its rays is harmful to the skin and ink;
  • wear clothing that absorbs sweat that corrodes the skin;
  • regularly treat the skin with antiseptic drugs.

If you follow these rules for the care of a tattoo, then for many years it will maintain clarity and brightness.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a gem: the simpler it is, the more precious!


From the tattoo artist you come out with a bright, beautiful pattern on the body. If you want to keep it as long as possible and at the same time prevent inflammation during healing, you must properly care for the tattoo. Only in this way will you be satisfied with the result both in a year and in 10 years.

Need for care

A tattoo without proper attention during healing can not only deteriorate, but also increase the risk of infection. Only by avoiding contact with possible sources of infection, regularly using a cleansing soap and a healing ointment, can this be avoided.

Healing process

With proper care, the tattoo heals in about 1-2 weeks. If the pattern often rubs on clothes or is in a moving place, recovery can be delayed for a long time. After the tattoo has been filled, the anemone will still stand out on the skin, which must be washed off after removing the bandage.

Inflamed areas are treated with healing ointments.

After, until the end of recovery, peeling of the skin will continue.

Care Rules

Each master may have different techniques for restoring a tattoo, but the general principles are as follows:

  1. Hold the film on a fresh tattoo exactly as much as the master says.
  2. Rinse the area of \u200b\u200bthe pattern thoroughly when you remove the bandage. Dry your tattoo without fabric and terry towels.
  3. Use moisturizers for the first few days. Dense products like petroleum jelly are not suitable, they prevent the skin from breathing.
  4. Wash your skin regularly with no flavors or fragrances.
  5. Do not touch flaky skin.
  6. Do not expose yourself to the sun without a tattoo and apply a protective agent to your skin.
  7. Avoid swimming in public waters while healing.
  8. Continue to look after your tattoo for a lifetime.

The first hours after the procedure

The first care actions are performed by the master in the salon. He should wipe the tattoo, apply an antibacterial healing ointment and wrap the area with a picture of a film or fabric dressing.

After removing the bandage

Remove it gently without smearing the tattoo. If you feel that the dressing is stuck and can peel off scabs with paint when removed, soak well with warm water. On top of the tattoo can be blood, ink, plasma. All this needs to be cleaned well:

  1. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap.
  2. Gently use your fingers to pour the tattoo with warm water (hot will not work, since steam opens the pores of the skin, releasing ink).
  3. Rub the wet area with a soft, fragrance-free, antibacterial soap. Make sure it does not contain flavors or alcohol that can burn sore skin.
  4. Do not be alarmed if the ink comes off the tattoo - this is normal, it has more paint than required.
  5. If ink crusts cannot be removed on your own, leave them. Later they come off themselves.
  6. Dry the tattoo in air or blot (do not rub) with a paper towel.
  7. Apply a healing ointment to moisturize the skin with a thin layer.

First week

The first 2-3 days, the tattoo remains inflamed, so it will hurt to touch it. At this time, it is advised to wear loose. Bed linen is better for the first week to change to old or cheap, because paint and blood can stand out from the picture.

Treat the tattoo every 3-4 hours with ointment. Best for wounds and bruises. They heal the skin well, but do not spoil the picture.

If desired, you can additionally apply moisturizers, but without flavoring.

Second week

This time is considered the most difficult, because by the 6th day scabs appear and the skin begins to itch. Ignore itching because nails can peel off the paint. The hardest thing to control yourself in a dream, so some even use soft gloves. To reduce itching:

  • apply moisturizers;
  • cool the tattoo with cold water or ice;
  • instead of scratching, touch the pattern with your fingertips in point movements;
  • take a shower while nourishing your skin with water.

After complete healing

  • use sunscreen to protect the tattoo from fading;
  • continue to moisturize the skin if you feel dryness and tightness in the area of \u200b\u200bthe picture;
  • do not forget to drink water, it helps to remove toxins from the body;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle - this will provide good blood flow.

Prohibited Actions

Proper tattoo care also implies the fact that some things cannot be done.