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DIY gifts for March 8th. Fur keychain is a cute and pleasant thing

First spring holiday- this is a great reason to please all the women around you. Even if your mood is not very spring, and your financial situation does not allow large-scale expenses, you should not be upset and give up the idea of ​​pleasing your loved ones. Handmade products have long gained popularity, since their production does not cause significant damage to the budget and at the same time allows you to show all your warm feelings and efforts. DIY gifts for March 8 will be a wonderful alternative to the main gift or an addition to it.

15 DIY gifts for March 8

Giving a holiday mood to a loved one is a pleasant, but labor-intensive process. Especially if this person is a mother. A gift for her must be the best, beautiful, bringing joy. He must express all the love and tenderness that is in the child’s heart. And the gift should be amazing and unique! And how to find such a gift so that it certainly combines everything necessary qualities? Indeed, on the eve of March 8th, the search for a suitable gift is reminiscent of the adventure game “Treasure Hunt”.

Interesting craft:

  • Absorbs the positive emotions of the creator and carefully preserves them for mom;
  • Will surprise and delight with its originality;
  • It’s simple and fun to create and doesn’t require a lot of money. All you need is time, material and a positive attitude.

Necessary materials:

  • Thin wooden sticks;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Corrugated paper;
  • Wrapping paper for bouquets;
  • Candies;
  • Ribbon.

Execution steps:

  1. The main and most labor-intensive process to be performed is cutting out petals and leaves for our flowers from corrugated paper. To make the bouquet look more voluminous, try to make a lot of blanks of any color you wish.
  2. Then we wrap the candies in corrugated paper petals to create beautiful buds.
  3. Now we need to attach them to wooden sticks, which will replace the stems.
  4. Cover the flowers with green leaves.
  5. Form a lush bouquet by wrapping it in wrapping paper and decorating it with a ribbon.

Tips during the presentation:

  • Warn that such a bouquet cannot be placed in water - as it may fall apart.
  • The shelf life of such a gift is quite long, so you don’t have to rush to disassemble your product, but admire it longer.

Necessary materials:

  • Remains of candles or one whole candle;
  • Wax crayons red or pink;
  • Container for melting wax;
  • Spatula or spoon;
  • Baking paper;
  • Wick.

Execution steps:

  1. First, we need to melt all the wax in one container, adding a few colored crayons to it.
  2. Then the colored wax, melted to the desired consistency, must be placed on the parchment using a spoon in as even circles or ovals as possible.
  3. Give the wax some time to harden but still be pliable.
  4. We take each piece and carefully wrap it around the wick, adding new petals on top to make a bud.
  5. When the rose has reached the desired size, we cut off the remaining wick and, if necessary, straighten it a little from below so that the surface becomes more stable.

Tips during the presentation:

  • You can make not one, but several of these beautiful candles so that they create a harmonious picture.
  • If desired, add a couple of drops of aromatic oils to the wax with your favorite scent to the one to whom you present this gift.
  • Make the gift complete by adding beautiful bouquet from roses of the same color.

Necessary materials:

  • Favorite photos;
  • Large frame;
  • Paper with a beautiful print;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Stickers, ribbons, artificial flowers.

Execution steps:

  1. Print in a small format the brightest photographs that capture happy smiles and joy.
  2. Arrange them on a heart-shaped frame and see where they fit best.
  3. Then, in the same order, glue everything onto a piece of paper with a beautiful print in the shape of the frame, so that it creates an elegant background for the photos.
  4. Now we place our collage inside the frame, and we can even stop there, everything looks quite beautiful.
  5. If you want to make the gift even more festive, then show your imagination, stick cute stickers on the frame, attach a ribbon bow, and decorate with flowers to create a spring mood.

Giving Tips:

  • Under the photos you can leave a few sincere words of congratulations, and if you want to be able to change your wishes, just write them on the glass of the frame with a regular felt-tip pen, then they will be erased with a damp cloth.
  • Don’t be afraid to choose funny and more lively, non-staged shots, they will instantly lift the mood of the recipient.

Ladybugs made from eggshells

Necessary materials:

  • 1 raw chicken egg;
  • Red and black markers;
  • Paints (acrylic is best);
  • A small knife with a thin blade;
  • Large needle;
  • Plate;
  • Postcard.

Execution steps:

  1. Rinse the egg under the tap in water at room temperature.
  2. Dry the egg.
  3. Use a large needle to make one hole at the top and bottom of the egg. Carefully remove the contents.
  4. Rinse the egg and dry well.
  5. Place the dry egg on a plate and use a knife to make a small mark on it along which the cut will be made.
  6. Very carefully cut the egg in half. You should not squeeze it too hard with your fingers or apply any pressure at all.
  7. Rinse the resulting halves again and dry.
  8. You can fry yourself some eggs and have a little refreshment.
  9. Cover the top of the dry egg halves with red color (paint or marker).
  10. Use a black marker to paint over the narrow part (1/4 of the egg), and draw a black stripe from it in the middle. We draw black circles on the sides. Ladybug is almost ready.
  11. We paint the eyes in the form of two white droplets, give them a colored iris of any color and dark pupils.
  12. Ladybugs are ready!

Giving Tips:

  • Ladybugs can be placed on beautiful handkerchief or a napkin;
  • You can leave them lying in some prominent place or present them in person;
  • Next to the ladybugs you should leave a postcard with good wishes and mention in it that these ladybugs symbolize kindness and serenity, and are designed to protect peace and tranquility in your family.

Congratulatory panel “March 8” made from matches

Necessary materials:

  • 3 box of regular matches (or matches with green heads);
  • Simple PVA glue;
  • Loop or piece of ribbon;
  • 2-3 postcards with images of flowers.

Execution steps:

  1. Place matches on a hard surface (table, cutting board).
  2. Check the integrity and condition of the matches. Broken or defective items should be removed.
  3. Select 16 matches, strictly equal in length. Glue them into a square, but in such a way that the heads of the matches are not next to each other, but opposite each other.
  4. After gluing the first square, let it dry and estimate how many more you will need to fill the cardboard sheet. Usually you still need from 8 to 15 such squares.
  5. When all the squares are ready, you can start gluing them onto the cardboard sheet. You can arrange them evenly or in a checkerboard pattern.
  6. Place the finished panel under a press and let it dry thoroughly.
  7. Cut flowers from cards.
  8. Come up with a composition from the cut out elements and start gluing them onto the panel in accordance with the idea.
  9. Glue a loop in the corner of the panel at the back. If you don’t have one ready-made, make one from ribbon.
  10. The festive panel is ready!

Giving Tips:

  • You can cut out and paste congratulatory words onto the panel;
  • You can hang it on the door to your mother’s room early in the morning on the day of the holiday or hand it over personally.

Magic wishing apple made from salt dough

Necessary materials:

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 cup fine salt;
  • 400 ml. PVA glue;
  • 300 ml. water;
  • Apple tail;
  • Nail file;
  • Rolling pin;
  • Baking dish;
  • Paints (acrylic is best) and brushes,
  • Small, beautiful saucer;

Execution steps:

  1. Let's make the dough. Mix flour, salt, glue, slowly add water and knead the dough. It should be elastic and not stick to your hands.
  2. We form the dough into a ball, gradually giving it the shape of an apple. Insert a tail made from a real apple into the dough apple.
  3. Take a little bit of the remaining dough and roll it out, form a leaf and use a nail file to make slits on it.
  4. Attach the leaf to the apple.
  5. Store the resulting apples for 3 days in a dry place at room temperature.
  6. After 3 days, burn the apple in the oven at 120 degrees for 50 minutes.
  7. Do not immediately remove the product from the oven, but let it brew for 5-7 minutes.
  8. Cool the baked apple and begin decorating. You can choose any colors.
  9. When the paint is dry, paint on the apple. beautiful inscription: "Apple of Wishes"
  10. Cover the apple with varnish and let dry.
  11. Place the apple on a plate.
  12. The wishing apple is ready!

Giving Tips:

  • The apple is not edible! It performs a decorative function;
  • The apple symbolizes the fulfillment of cherished desires and your congratulations can be built around this unusual gift;
  • The gift must be given in person.

Cup for pens and pencils “Rainbow mood”

Execution steps:

  1. In a bowl, beat eggs with sugar with a fork and add margarine. Beat with a mixer.
  2. Grind the banana in a blender or grind. Add to bowl. Mix.
  3. Add flour and baking powder and beat with a mixer at medium speed for about 1 minute.
  4. Pour the resulting dough into a baking dish (greased with sunflower oil), filling ¾ of its volume.
  5. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees (3).
  6. Sprinkle the cake with coconut flakes and place in the oven.
  7. Bake at 120 degrees for 25-30 minutes.
  8. Do not open the oven until the end.
  9. The cupcake “For my beloved mother” is ready.

Giving Tips:

  • What could be more pleasant than waking up and feeling sweet aroma cupcake?
  • A simple and delicious gift from the heart, best given in the morning with aromatic tea.
  • The main thing is not to forget to wash the dishes and put the kitchen in order before donating!

The greatest advantage of a gift made with your own hands is a joyful smile on the face of your beloved mother. Well, if the craft seems too insignificant to you, then you can always supplement it with a handmade postcard or a photo collage made by yourself.

DIY candlestick

To create this souvenir you will need the following items:

  • Large and small transparent buttons (they can be multi-colored);
  • Glue (universal will do);
  • Glass goblet or any other container of a similar shape.


  1. First you need to prepare a glass. To do this, clean it thoroughly using glass cleaner.
  2. Then we glue our buttons to the outer side of the glass using universal glue in the order you want.
  3. Now all that remains is to place the candle in the decorated container - our candlestick is ready.

Preparing delicious cookies

Lovely women have such a sweet tooth! Why not please them on holiday with delicious and very appetizing cookies prepared by your own hands.

For this we will need the following products:

  • 1 pack of cereal (not cornflakes);
  • 100 grams of cream;
  • 3 chocolates (only slabs will do)


  1. First you need to place the cereal in any convenient bowl.
  2. Melt 3 chocolate bars in a water bath. Add cream there and mix everything until smooth.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl of cereal and also mix.
  4. Cover a baking sheet with foil or parchment paper. Then very carefully spoon the mixture out of the bowl.
  5. If desired, you can decorate the cookies with special edible decorations. Now you need to put the baking sheet in the refrigerator or take it out to the balcony (provided it’s cold there). We wait until it hardens completely. In about an hour, your gift cookies will be ready!


March 8 is a holiday that, according to a tradition that has developed for many years, has come to symbolize for us the final and irrevocable victory of spring over winter and the awakening of nature. And since it is marked on the calendar as “International Women’s Day,” it is on this day that men from almost all over the world congratulate their close women, showing them signs of attention and giving them all kinds of pleasant gifts. What could be more touching and pleasant than a gift made with your own hands? By investing our strength in this matter, we thus express our exclusive attention and convey love. Such gifts are often given only to truly close people, so it is impossible to approach this issue superficially, because you want the person not only to appreciate the gift giver’s ability to do needlework, but also for such a gift to be as relevant and useful as possible. All this turns choosing a gift into a difficult task, which we will be happy to help you solve! So, let's look at what you can stop at.

  1. Poem. There are few things that can touch the heart of a girl or woman like a poem written from the heart! Both the beloved, the mother and the daughter will be happy with such a gift.
  2. Knitted crafts. You can knit a cute, useful thing like a bright scarf; although it takes some effort, the effect will be many times greater!
  3. If you love gadgets, then a very cool option would be a photo frame with a story loaded into it, which concerns some bright moments of the woman or girl you are gifting.
  4. Photo collage. There is simply a huge field for creativity here! Choose a subject, find the necessary photos for it - and go ahead! With patience and ingenuity, you can create something touching and beautiful.
  5. To bake a cake. This task is not for the weak! If you decide to do this for the first time, be prepared to go through a long process of trial and error. But you want the Giftee to enjoy the taste? Then go for it!
  6. A flower pot. This is a fairly easy to make and cool gift option.
  7. DIY postcard. By showing enough ingenuity and putting love into your creation, you can make an excellent, memorable gift.
  8. Dinner for two. This is a very romantic option, just for couples in love. Few girls can remain indifferent to the efforts of their man in the culinary field!
  9. DIY baking. IN last years means have become available that can make anyone a wonderful exclusive cake or cookie. Any woman will definitely like this.
  10. Candles. Great idea! It’s easy to implement and carries some pleasant overtones. You can play with color and shape - as much as your imagination allows.
  11. Fruit basket. By approaching the issue with love and creativity, you can make such a delicious beauty out of a fruit basket that any girl will simply melt!
  12. Spa holiday. Having stocked up with all the necessary supplies, you can turn your girlfriend’s evening into a real spa relaxation. Important point: an appropriate environment and atmosphere of relationship is required.
  13. A bottle of wine. By showing your imagination, you can decorate it so beautifully that your woman will keep it as a souvenir!
  14. Mug with application. Very simple, easy to make and nice. Mothers and grandmothers will be especially happy.
  15. Paper bouquet. Believe me, if you decide to do it yourself, get ready for the fact that you will have to work hard! But rest assured, your lady will definitely appreciate these works!
  16. Bead painting. Lesson for at least a month if you decide to do it for the first time. But it’s not that difficult to master; perseverance is important.
  17. Knitted toy. Another option if you are not looking for easy ways. But the option is so valuable that it will definitely make a proportionately different impression!
  18. Breakfast in bed. This is probably just a necessary attribute on March 8th. So make it original!
  19. Bracelet. You can weave a bracelet for your beloved, taking into account her tastes and preferences.
  20. Music mix. Knowing the musical preferences of your loved one, you can make a selection of current music just for her that she will listen to while driving her car.
  21. Theatrical performance. If you are artistic and know that she will like this, then go ahead and write a script! This can be an unforgettable gift.
  22. Home routines. You can take over all her worries for one day, freeing up time for her to take care of herself. But remember - this cannot be the main gift, but only as an appendage to something else!
  23. Letter. In our age, a letter on paper is unusual in itself, but properly presented and with some touching content, it is already a ready-made gift!
  24. Traveling together. You don’t have to buy a tour to the Maldives, you can organize everything yourself!
  25. Quest. If your girl is playful and adventurous, she will definitely like it. By the way, if you want to propose, now is the time! This sentence will remain in your memory for the rest of your life.
  26. Bookmark for a book. If your lady loves to read, then a touching bookmark made with her own hand will definitely please her.
  27. Massage. You can take lessons and, as an addition to the main gifts, give her a nice massage!
  28. Topiary. A very cool craft in the form of an artificial tree that can be decorated for this holiday.
  29. Pillow. Any girl or woman will love this original handmade pillow!
  30. Notebook. You can decorate a beautiful notebook in an unusual way - and it will turn into a cute gift.
  31. Photo album. If you make a selection of some important moments and photos for the recipient, you can arrange it in a beautiful photo album.
  32. Flower garland. If you decorate your home with a garland of flowers made by yourself, your girlfriend will be in a festive mood!
  33. Wall newspaper. If you want to congratulate your mother or grandmother, the entire male part of the family, you can give everyone the task of making some kind of craft or card, and then put them together and turn them into a wall of congratulations!
  34. Candy in a bottle. You can fill a decorative bottle with your partner's favorite candies.
  35. Table setting. Another good addition to other gifts for March 8th.
  36. Chocolate. Showing imagination and curiosity, you can make chocolate with your own hands. Needless to say, this would be a great gift?
  37. Wrappers for sweets. Any delicious sweet can be presented as exclusive in this way. Don't thank me for the idea.
  38. Painting. You can try yourself as an artist and depict something symbolic for your recipient.
  39. T-shirt image. Knowing your girlfriend, you can come up with an exclusive gift for her without making any extra efforts. Implementing such an idea now is as easy as shelling pears.
  40. Soap. You can cook it yourself - there are more than enough recipes on the Internet, and there is a lot of room for imagination.
  41. Quilling. With this technique, you are sure to make the best card possible.
  42. Paper cake. You can make a paper cake with a surprise hidden inside each piece! Thus, the gift itself can be turned into an interesting game.
  43. Board game. You can come up with and make a board game yourself, which will be fun for the two of you!
  44. Smartphone case. You can make an exclusive case with your own hands; it will be a pleasant and necessary accessory!
  45. Photoshoot. You can organize this action yourself or involve a professional in it. In both cases, a sea of ​​positivity is guaranteed.
  46. Felt crafts. You can make a wonderful composition from multi-colored felt.
  47. Vase. With your own hands you can make a wonderful vase for the recipient in which she will place your bouquet.
  48. Package. Any gift can be wrapped beautifully and meaningfully - this in itself is significant.
  49. Cards. You can make a wonderful little book and fill it with bonus cards to make shopping more enjoyable for your girlfriend.
  50. Candies with candy wrappers. You can insert some forfeits into your girlfriend’s favorite candies. Contents – we think for ourselves! You can see for yourself what she likes more: a game of wishes or riddles!
  51. Brooch. By demonstrating simple skills, you can easily make a beautiful brooch for your girlfriend.
  52. Suspension. You can make an interesting pendant with your own hands, even with a surprise if you try!
  53. Apron for the kitchen. It's not difficult to do in principle. And also - it allows you to fully express your creative potential.
  54. Keyboard stand. You can make the cutest craft in the form of a cat or other animal.
  55. Mittens. This accessory is simply necessary in our latitudes, and if it is also lovingly sewn with your own hands, then this makes them just a wonderful gift.
  56. Solid perfume. You can also try yourself as a perfumer. All necessary materials It’s not difficult to find, the effect of the gift will be incomparable!
  57. Laptop case. If your woman is a modern, active lady, then a cool laptop case will be very useful for her.
  58. Portrait frame. Here everything is limited only by your imagination. One thing is clear - you will definitely like such a gift.
  59. Slippers. A very cute, homemade gift. Upon learning that they were made by your hands, the girl will experience pure delight.
  60. Belt. If you have the makings of a fashion designer, try making her an original belt.

Summarizing the above, I would like to say that choosing a gift is always a pleasant task. And if you decide not only to choose but also to make it with your own hands, you are guaranteed a double dose of positivity. Bright gifts for all women, Happy March 8th!

International Women's Day is an annual holiday on which every representative of the fairer sex is pleased to receive a gift. Gifts can be either symbolic or especially valuable. The main thing on this day is to show your attention to the lady.


If a girl decides to make it for her sister or friend, then it’s quite possible to make it with her own hands. To do this you need to show a little imagination. Unusual gifts for mother on March 8 can, of course, be purchased ready-made, but it will be much nicer if the gift is carefully made with your own hands. First of all, you should consider interesting options interior items, home textiles, or bathroom. Soap will also be a useful and pleasant gift. self made or Similar unusual ones created, suitable for both a sister and a friend. Symbolic gifts can also be presented to work colleagues or those with whom you study together.

So, what unusual gifts can you make for March 8 with your own hands? Now let's look at some interesting ideas.

Candles of various shapes

There are many design options. For example, candles in large shells. Everything you need to make this useful gift- this is wax and wick, the forms are already available. You will also need to install a steam bath. The wax should be melted in it. It is better to use soy, as it does not produce soot when burning. Content natural oil makes it environmentally friendly. The melted wax needs to be poured over clean and dry shells, fixing the wick. Then the candles need to be cooled so that the contents harden. Such a gift can be packed in plastic gift bag and tie a bow from

Accessories made of genuine leather

This could be a belt, a flower brooch, a hair clip, a wrist bracelet or a keychain. Such unusual gifts for March 8 will decorate the already beautiful half of humanity. You will need a piece of tanned leather or suede, a glue gun, a needle and thread, and scissors. You may also need accessories if you decide to make a hairpin, brooch or keychain. First you need to cut out fragments of the future product. You can come up with a sketch yourself. You can assemble all parts of the accessory using a glue gun or stitch it with thread. It is better to sew fasteners, so the fastening will be more durable. The thread for working with leather should be thick.


For example, a brooch in the shape of a flower is very easy to make. You need to cut out petals of different diameters from largest to smallest. Use a lighter to burn the edges. Then you should collect the petals in the desired sequence and fix them with a glue gun. Attach a pin or clip under the flower, thanks to which the brooch will be fixed to the clothing. Such unusual gift on March 8, you can give it without packaging or place it in a cardboard box tied with ribbon.

Notebook or notepad

You need to stock up on fabric or textured paper and thick cardboard for the cover, sheets for the inside pages, as well as a hole punch, needle and thread, pencil and scissors. This unusual gift for March 8 will not only be a pleasant surprise, but also quite a useful thing.

Having decided on the size of the notebook, you should first cut out the cover. If thick cardboard is used as a basis, then it can be covered with textured paper, a sheet with the image of the person to whom the congratulation is addressed, or decorative fabric.

Stepping back half a centimeter from each edge, you should note the size of the inner pages. Their number doesn't matter. As much as you decide to put in, that’s how much it will be. You can use designer paper for the internal filling. It has interesting colors or textured structure. Its density should be medium or low. Next, you should assemble the entire structure according to the book principle. The sheets can be secured with stitching or glue. You can also use a hole punch and stretch a satin ribbon into the holes formed.

This option will look more elegant. You can give such an unusual gift on March 8 by wrapping it corrugated paper with seal fixation. Then it will look like a letter from the Middle Ages.

Stylish kitchen apron

This gift will delight housewives who like to devote time to cooking. For the product you can use any fabric that will have stylish look. The trend now is natural material similar to burlap. A staple with a pattern in the Provence style will suit delicate natures. Taking into account the size of the person to whom you are going to give the apron, you need to cut the fabric.

The calculation is roughly done like this. You need to take the hip volume value and divide by two. The resulting value is the width of the apron fabric.

The second element of the apron is the upper part, located above the belt. It is roughly cut along the chest mark.

The belt should be measured according to your waist and add two 50 cm sections to the ties. The width can be varied, but the optimal value is 5-6 cm. The belt should be folded in two with the front side along its entire length, stitched and turned inside out. Close the holes with a seam. Next, you should measure the center of the apron from the middle of the belt, secure it with pins and stitch it. Also stitch the top part. If the edges of the fabric diverge, it is necessary to pre-process all the elements using an overlocker or by hemming. Delicate thin lace will help add sophistication to the apron. It can be placed along the edge of the apron and the top.

Such an unusual gift for March 8th would be suitable for a friend who loves to cook, because such a gift can inspire her to create new culinary masterpieces.

Exotic massage

Now there are many massage parlors offering their services. But women themselves, as a rule, do not find time for themselves. Therefore, an unusual gift for March 8 will delight not only the body, but also the soul. You can purchase a gift certificate that a friend, mother or sister can use at any appropriate time.

Such an unusual gift for March 8th to your beloved will emphasize that the guy cares about emotional state his chosen one. After all, massage for a woman is the best remedy relaxation. Made with your own hands, using aromatic oil, it can deliver a lot of positive emotions. Such a gift will leave unforgettable impressions for a lifetime.


Interesting handmade collages will also please a friend or sister. Most likely, during your friendship, you have collected material for unusual gifts for March 8 - photos of a cheerful nature, taken during a joint vacation, travel or study. All the joyful moments that were captured on paper will do the best way. You can use a wooden panel or canvas as a basis. If the photos are from vacation, then it is better to arrange it in nautical style, pasting shells from the coast, decorative ropes or small pebbles between the pictures. You can also apply sequins, beads or cut-out colored patterns. A photo collage can be made in the form of a painting or a wall newspaper. Such a gift will remind you of happy moments in life and leave pleasant memories of the time spent together.


You can make unusual gifts for March 8th with your own hands when you cannot spend a large amount, but still want to show attention. Of course, you should not give away something that is not useful in everyday life as a gift.

Of course, unusual gifts for March 8, made by yourself, should be thought through to the smallest detail. It is also worth calculating your own strengths properly. If you don’t have enough skills, you don’t need to get down to business at all. It’s better to practice and make a gift next year.

The first spring holiday is approaching, and with it the pleasant chores of choosing a gift for March 8th. You don’t have to choose an expensive gift; you can do it on your own and on a modest budget and make an unexpected and pleasant gift with your own hands.

Hand-main is gaining momentum, there are a lot of manufacturing manuals on the Internet, and if you have a natural talent for creativity, then there will be no problems with either the idea or its implementation.

If you don't have enough ideas, I'll give you some various options– from easy to more advanced:

  • Write a poem yourself or with the help of a hired poet (for money), do it yourself beautiful postcard and write your poems

  • Bake a cake, decorate it with flowers and a figure eight, brew some fragrant tea and serve on a beautiful tray. If the cake is too complicated, make cupcakes or cookies. It's much simpler, but no worse in taste and appearance

  • Knit a warm and unusual mug cover
  • Paint the mug with paints or decorate it using decoupage technique
  • Tie coasters for mugs so they don’t stain the table
  • Weave flowers or trees from beads

  • Embroider a picture of voluminous flowers with satin ribbons. That's very beautiful
  • Sew soft toy, for example, a bear or a bunny, and place a tulip or mimosa sprig in your hands
  • Surprise your woman with a letter written by you in your own hand. Put it in a box (you can make or decorate it yourself). Can you imagine how surprised your wife or girlfriend will be at such an unusual gift?
  • Sew a pillow in the shape of a heart or a regular square shape. Decorate with ribbons and flowers
  • Take on all the household chores on this day - prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner, set the table, wash the dishes, take a walk with the children, put them to bed. On this day, do everything that is usually within the scope of your wife’s activities. She will be very grateful to you

  • Many girls and even older girls love beautiful notebooks, and if you use scrapbooking when decorating, the gift is guaranteed the highest score
  • Make soap. It is not difficult. Soap molds can also be found at home. As a last resort, buy silicone baking molds and use them. Play with color, cover with glitter for manicure

Remember that in addition to the gift, its presentation is important. beautiful and unusual design will intrigue and delight.

Corporate gifts for March 8 from newspaper sticks to colleagues

There are newspapers in every home. With the help of simple manipulations, you can prepare an economical gift option for your colleagues - an organizer for writing instruments.


  • Newspapers
  • PVA glue
  • Corrugated cardboard
  • Unfold the newspaper and fold it lengthwise, cut it
  • Fold the half lengthwise again and cut with a knife.

  • Take a wooden skewer and, starting from the corner, wrap the newspaper onto the skewer. At the very end, glue the corner so that the tube does not unfold
  • Let us thus prepare the required number of tubes
  • After the glue has dried, take out the skewer and roll the tube into a snail shape.

  • We take the next one and apply glue inside, and then push the end of the snail into the cavity of the tube and wrap it further, forming an organizer part
  • As you wind it, lubricate the sides with glue. You should get two parts with a diameter of 12 cm and one 9 cm

  • We grease them with PVA glue, and until they dry, we form them, bending them in the right direction

  • We cut out parts with sides of 6 and 25 cm from corrugated cardboard, wet the surface with a brush and water and separate the upper part

  • We paint the part (9 cm) and corrugated cardboard with brown acrylic paint
  • We paint the details as needed color scheme

  • We cover the edges of the finished parts with tape
  • We secure the short corrugated cardboard ribs with self-adhesive film

  • We assemble the structure - we attach the part to one part with glue, then on the other side, we fix the bottom with glue
  • We apply glue to all surfaces, including internal ones. We send it to dry.

How to make paper flowers for mom and grandma in the senior group of kindergarten

In kindergartens, preparations are underway for Mother's Day - children learn poems and songs, prepare dances and skits. And, of course, they don’t forget about gifts for their mothers and grandmothers.

Let's prepare for work:

  • Scissors
  • Toothpick
  • Green paper
  • Yellow and white crepe paper
  • Ruler
  • Narrow tape
  • Yellow threads

Let's make daisies. The process is not complicated and entertaining.

  • Cut a sheet of green paper in half lengthwise, and then cut one piece in half again. We twist the stem onto the corner of a toothpick for the future chamomile. After twisting the stem, take out the toothpick and glue the thicker end of the stem with tape so that it does not fall apart

  • Collapse white paper into a roll, measure 10 cm and cut with scissors
    The parts should be made from white with sides 25 cm by 10 cm and yellow 4 cm by 20 cm

  • Fold the yellow sheet in half and cut it, then fold it again and cut both edges in 5mm increments

  • Fold the white paper in half and cut it. Now we put a yellow strip in the middle and fold it from one edge, then turn it over to the other side and fold it like an accordion. And so, step by step, we make an accordion out of paper

  • We tie the middle with a thread and cut off the edges roundly.

  • Attach the stem with tape

  • We straighten the petals and get a fluffy beautiful chamomile. Make several pieces and arrange them in a bouquet. And if you also make a vase, then the delight will be several times greater.

Video - how to make a bouquet of sweets for International Women's Day for a girl

What girl doesn’t love sweets, and if it’s interesting to arrange them in the form of a bouquet, then it will be two in one - both the bouquet and the sweets.

How to make felt flowers for your sister

Fresh flowers are good, but they don’t last long. But a felt bouquet will delight you for many years. Just blow away the dust.

Let's prepare:

  • Green and pink felt
  • Basket
  • Template for flowers
  • Floral wire
  • Scissors
  • Twine
  • Pencils
  • Pliers
  • Kraft paper
  • Plastic mat

Don't worry about looking at the amount of materials needed. Some can be replaced (if you don't have them), some can be simplified along the way. And in general, never be afraid to try something new. You never know what you can do till you try.

  • Cut out templates from paper. You can easily draw them yourself in the size you need, and then cut them along the contour

  • Using a large template, mark out the details on pink felt and cut them out.

  • Cut the strip more light shade felt measuring 1 by 5 cm and make cuts on it at a distance of 3-4 mm

  • Apply glue to the middle and connect the two parts. A small detail will serve as a bud for a flower. Roll it into a bud and apply glue to secure it

  • We trace the second part on green felt and cut it out. This is a sepal for a rose

  • We cut the wire to the required size, string a sepal on it and secure it with glue, and strengthen the rosette on top
  • Thus, we will prepare the required number of roses. If you are tired, you can end here. Just combine the flowers into a bouquet, tie it with a ribbon and the gift is ready.

  • If you want to continue, then we’ll make a vase. You can buy a basket in stores. Cut a circle from a plastic mat the size of the bottom of a basket. You can also use thick cardboard or other suitable materials.

  • We put moss inside, stick roses into it, and shorten the stem to the desired size. Instead of moss, you can cut out polystyrene foam or a thick piece of foam rubber

  • Wrap it in craft paper and tie it to a bow with twine. Paper can be replaced with wrapping paper.

We create a beautiful bouquet of tulips from fabric for March 8th for a teacher

The flowers turn out to be very beautiful, almost real, and are wonderfully suitable for a women’s holiday.

Let's prepare:

  • Cotton fabrics of different colors for patchwork
  • Green cloth
  • Cocktail straws
  • Threads
  • Lighter
  • Needle
  • Soft filler (holofiber, cotton wool, etc.)
  • Scissors
  • Paper and pencil
  • Ruler
  • Double-sided tape


  • We cut out three blanks from paper with dimensions of 3 * 21 cm, 7 * 12 cm and 7 * 14 cm

  • We fold the 7*14 piece in half lengthwise and draw a leaf on it and cut it out. We will cut the leaves using this template

  • We mark the details on the fabric according to the templates. For one tulip you will need one 3*21 piece for the stem, 7*12 for the flower and 2 pieces for the leaves.
  • If you are going to create a bouquet, then prepare all the details at once, carry out the work in stages

  • For the stem, seal one edge using a lighter flame to make the seam look neat

  • Place double-sided tape on the opposite edge

  • Wrap the tube in fabric. We pin the remaining edges with needles and hem the seam with a needle so that it is not visible

  • Let's take care of the leaves. We turn the bottom edge of the part and sew it, then we put the parts together right sides and sew along the edges, turn them inside out, and iron them. It is better to perform this operation on sewing machine, but if it is not there, then manually

  • Fold the edge of the fabric for the flower half a centimeter to the wrong side and smooth it with an iron

  • We fold the fabric with the right side inward and sew the edge and turn it inside out. The result is a cylinder

  • We go along the edge with a needle and collect the fabric, insert the stem inside and tighten the thread. We try to match the seams on the stem and bud and tie the stem and flower together with a thread

  • Fill the bud with filler and tie it crosswise with thread. First from one edge to the other, then opposite. Press the corners with your fingers to give shape.

  • We apply the leaf to the stem so as to close the seam and hem it with invisible stitches

  • We prepare the rest of the flowers in the same way and decorate the bouquet with a ribbon or place it in a vase.

We make a box decorated with famiaran flowers for a gift to a friend

Does your friend like candy? Well, who doesn’t like it, you tell me. And if you present it not in a banal box, but in a box made with your own hands and decorated beautiful flowers from fomiaran? I hope she likes it.

You will need:

  • Fomiyaran
  • Skewer
  • Pastel

We produce:

  • On the sheet we measure intervals of 2.5 cm on all sides. Using a wooden skewer, draw all the squares along a ruler.

  • Take a pastel of a contrasting color and sketch half of the square, then cut it out

  • We round two corners of squares - we get petals

  • Curl the petals with a curling iron

  • We leave two petals for the bud. We coat it with glue and twist the first petal into the bud, then put it into the other petal and twist it again. Don't forget to lubricate before twisting

  • Now we glue the petals in a circle one by one and form a rose. We make several pieces

  • For the box we take thick cardboard and colored cardboard. We cut out the bottom, glue the cardboard in a circle - we get the bottom part of the box. For the lid, we trace the top part, cut it out and also paste it in a circle - we get a lid for the box

  • Cover the bottom and top of the lid with green cardboard

  • We glue a polystyrene foam hemisphere onto the lid, paint it with paint to match the box and stick on the roses. Now we fill it with delicious candies, cover it with a lid, tie it with a ribbon and the gift is ready.

I have given several simple master classes on how to make a gift with your own hands for lovely and beloved women. Such gifts will last a long time and will be useful as an idea not only for a women’s holiday, but also for any other occasion.

DIY gifts for March 8th are a great option to please your mother on a beautiful spring day. A postcard, bouquet or craft created by yourself gives special emotions and unique warmth. If you want to distinguish yourself, you can try to make an unusual flavored sachet, painting or bracelet. Children's gift on March 8, your own hands should not be perfect - loving mother will definitely appreciate the efforts of his child. The advantage of such a surprise is that it will be truly unique. So, what kind of gifts you can create for your mother on March 8th with your own hands, read our article.

Anyone can make a gift for March 8 with their own hands. The main thing is to think through the idea in advance and prepare the necessary materials. So, what can you do to surprise and please your mother and grandmother?

How to give a gift to your mother or grandmother on March 8

BRACELET with satin ribbon

Bracelet from satin ribbon and beads are very easy to make. To do this, you will need a ribbon 2 times longer than your arm circumference. Beads can be chosen either the same size or different. As for color, preference is often given to one color scheme. But if you are ready to experiment, then collect beads with a transition of tones in the ombre style. Using a thread and a needle that matches the color of the ribbon, you can create a spectacular and beautiful bracelet.

Shoe sachet

Mothers treat with special trepidation the establishment of order and comfort in the family nest. Therefore, it is worth trying to make some kind of home accessory. Unusual idea there will be a sachet in the shape of a shoe made of cardboard. It is better to choose colored cardboard with a spring print, but you can also get by with an ordinary snow-white thick sheet, which will later be painted. So, you need to trace the stencil of the shoe on the sheet and glue it according to the strokes. Place soap shavings, created using a regular kitchen grater, in a transparent organza bag. Tie the bag with a silk ribbon. This sachet will retain the aroma for a very long time.

Beautiful wreath

You can create an unusual spring wreath using a ready-made twig base. If you don’t have one, you can simply cut out a ring from thick cardboard. Paper roses are quite easy to make. To do this you need to cut circles different sizes and draw spirals in them. Make cuts along this line and roll them into beautiful buds. Secure the bases of the flowers with hot glue. With its help we attach the flowers to the base of the wreath.

Small bag

Every housewife will definitely find something to put in such a handbag. This could be threads, buttons, jewelry and other little things. As with the sachet shoe, for an impressive result it is recommended to use colored paper with print. We cut out the handbag according to the stencil and fasten it with glue. You can decorate this unusual gift with bright beads and buttons.

We also bring to your attention do-it-yourself gift ideas for March 8th with photos