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Preparing for childbirth: breathing exercises. Breathing exercises

It has long been proven that fear is one of the main causes of pain that a mother experiences during the birth of a child. The same fear makes a woman lose control over her behavior and forget about proper pushing and breathing. The result is numerous tears and stitches. The expectant mother needs to know well how to prepare for childbirth without pain and tearing , so that childbirth is easy and painless.

Causes of pain and ruptures during labor

Medical science has already proven that natural childbirth is always accompanied by the rapid production of hormones such as endorphin, which gives a feeling of happiness, and enkephalin, which acts as a pain reliever. In addition, 2-3 weeks before the birth of the baby, the sensitivity of the uterus is weakened, due to the selective destruction of the nerve endings responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. It’s surprising why most women, seemingly healthy, experience real agony on the eve of such a joyful event as the birth of a long-awaited child?

Pain is believed to be caused by psychosomatic feelings. The expectation of the unknown, especially if a woman is giving birth for the first time, sets her up for a wave of fear and prejudice, which partially affects the intensity of pain.

Labor contractions, which is nothing more than the opening of the uterus, can last up to 12 hours, and all this time the woman, in most cases, feels severe pain. Is there really nothing that can be done? How to properly prepare for childbirth without pain and perineal tears?

This issue should be sorted out in order. First you need to find out why the gaps occur.

There are reasons for this phenomenon, but also aggravating factors:

  1. Too much big child or uncomfortable presentation of the fetus;
  2. Induction of labor using pharmacological drugs;
  3. Fast, stormy labor;
  4. Previously suffered ruptures and remaining scars from sutures;
  5. Abnormal behavior of the mother, panic, fear;
  6. Chronic infectious diseases of women in labor.

The perineal tissue can rupture due to reduced elasticity - usually this happens in women who give birth for the first time over the age of 35-40 years;

There are gaps different types and severity. If the first degree involves ruptures of the vagina, adhesions of the posterior wall of the uterus, but the muscle tissue of the perineum remains intact, then in the second degree the perineum is also torn. The most severe is the third degree, when the ruptures cover the sphincter of the rectum.

It should be noted that if surgical incisions were not made to facilitate the passage of the child, and the woman tore herself, such sutures will take a long time to heal and may even become inflamed. Often during ruptures the cervix is ​​also damaged, in some cases all the way to the vagina.

In general, with a normal pregnancy, when the mother’s weight and her health are in order, and, moreover, she is aware of how to push and breathe correctly, there should be no ruptures. Nature has arranged it in such a way that before childbirth, the muscles of the perineum acquire maximum elasticity so that the child can overcome this birth canal without any obstacles.

However, every second woman in labor continues to vomit, and this is often a consequence of the fact that the woman does not listen to the doctor’s advice, makes incorrect attempts and forgets to breathe, succumbing to a panicked mood. The psycho-emotional state at this moment causes muscle spasms, and the resulting tension complicates the opening of the uterus. This only intensifies the pain and increases the risk of rupture.

Facilitating childbirth with surgical dissection

For women, when ruptures are inevitable, and the unpleasant process has already begun, so that it does not take on pathological proportions, the doctor makes an incision in the perineum. This is necessary for the following reasons:

  • This prevents further damage;
  • Prevents infection, since a lacerated wound is much more susceptible to inflammation;
  • Ensures the integrity of the walls of the rectum and the muscles of the anus.
  • The incision heals faster.

In addition, it does not interfere with the passage of the baby's head. Dissection is justified when it comes to early labor and lack of air in the baby. This method is also used when a woman in labor suffers from hypertension, visual impairment, or other ailments and strong pushing is contraindicated for her.

The dissection is made either towards the anus or in a lateral manner, depending on the situation. In many maternity hospitals, incisions are still made without the use of anesthetics and pain relief is carried out only when sutures are placed, but in Lately It is believed that local anesthesia should also be administered during the incision. Typically, surgical sutures heal within 30 days if all the doctor’s instructions are followed.

Of course, this is an “emergency” solution in case of unforeseen situations at the time of childbirth, but it is still better to prepare your body in advance to avoid such consequences. We will tell you further how to prepare for childbirth without pain and perineal tears.

We told you how to push correctly and when it is necessary in. But to reduce the threat of ruptures, you will need to prepare properly. Precisely to reduce it, because no one will give a firm guarantee in such a matter. To do this, you need to start preparing during pregnancy. It includes:

  1. Diet with restriction of certain foods that affect the size of the baby;
  2. Special exercises aimed at stretching the perineum;
  3. Understanding the basics of proper breathing;
  4. Psychological preparation that supports a woman’s positive attitude before an important event.

First of all, the expectant mother should only eat healthy foods, capable of enhancing the production of elastin in the tissues of the perineum. But that is not all. To prevent the child from being too large, a woman should beware of using meat, especially fatty meat, flour and confectionery products, large amounts of salt and sugar, and various sweets. Vitamins and micronutrient complexes can only be taken as directed by a doctor.

If the bread contains yeast, then there is a danger of developing candidiasis, known as thrush. This unpleasant disease significantly reduces elasticity, so if you really eat bread, then only whole grain bread. Some doctors also recommend adding primrose oil, flaxseed oil, fish fat or salmon fish, which contain essential polyunsaturated acids. In addition to increasing the level of elastin, they have a beneficial effect on the cervix, which will subsequently contribute to its faster and easier opening.

A pregnant woman can also benefit from leisurely walks - from 2 to 3 hours per day. different time of the year. Slow walking prevents blood from stagnating in the pelvic organs.

Regular exercise is important, as it improves blood circulation, which causes increased metabolism and, accordingly, the production of elastin. To do this, you can do simple physical exercises - bending, swinging, turning, the main thing is that the blood supply to all tissues of the body is not disrupted. You can use special Kegel exercises. But intimate massage should begin no later than 7-8 months.

Exercises to prepare for childbirth

The exercises are simple, but must be performed regularly:

  • The main technique is tensing the muscles of the vagina and rectum. You can lie down, stand or sit. You can also move your legs to the sides one by one,
  • back and forth. After squeezing (tension) for 5-6 seconds, the muscles should be relaxed.
  • While kneeling with your hands on the floor, you must try to lift them off the floor, still in the same position. Each time you need to raise your hands higher and higher, lingering for a few moments at the highest point. For convenience, you can mentally imagine that you need to lift a heavy bag and pull it up by the handles.
  • An exercise to train the muscles of the vagina consists of straining its walls, starting from its upper point, gradually descending to the entrance.

A massage to help you prepare for childbirth

Perineal massage – effective way stretch the perineum and make it more elastic. This procedure begins to be done in the third trimester. It is desirable that the massaging be regular, but deviations are also allowed.

  • Until the fifth month, sessions can be performed once every seven days;
  • Starting from the seventh month - twice a week;
  • Until the ninth month - once every two days;
  • In the remaining time before birth - every day.

For the procedure you will need pre-boiled vegetable oil, rubber or polymer, sterile gloves. Before the massage, gloved fingers should be moistened with oil. The session is conducted as follows:

  • The procedure begins with a circular massage of the labia;
  • Gradually insert one finger into the vagina and make the same movements in a circle, trying to lightly press the wall of the vagina that separates it from the rectum;
  • Gradually insert two fingers using the same technique;
  • Thus, they pass through the entire cavity of the organ until a slight burning sensation is felt.

The massage lasts about 10 minutes, sometimes less, depending on the discomfort.

How to push properly during childbirth to avoid ruptures

Often ruptures occur due to the fact that a woman pushes incorrectly. But, listening to an experienced obstetrician, not even knows the rules a woman can give birth safely if she does not panic. But still, how should this be done correctly?

  • Firstly, you should start pushing only when the doctor says;
  • During one contraction, three attempts are usually made;
  • It is better to rise a little, pulling your knees towards you;
  • Attempts should be directed towards the abdominals and uterus, and not towards the rectum;
  • You cannot push on the head - this causes damage to the eye vessels;
  • In between, you need to be able to relax in order to rest.

Much depends on psychological state women - if she is committed to a successful delivery and can control herself, most likely this will be the case. For this purpose, you can enroll in special courses for pregnant women, and in severe cases, consult a psychologist.

So it turns out that preparation is no less important than the birth itself if a woman in labor wants to quickly recover after the birth of a child. Of course, it is extremely important to know how to behave during labor and labor, but it is also necessary to listen to your body and follow the recommendations of doctors. And careful preparation for childbirth and a positive mood will help the mother in labor and minimize unpleasant episodes during childbirth.

How to prepare for childbirth: video

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Breathing is a natural physiological process that is carried out by our body at the reflex level. We don't even think about how we breathe. But in some cases, being able to breathe correctly is simply necessary: ​​for example, to achieve the greatest effect during sports training, swimming. Correct breathing becomes especially important for a woman during the birth of a child.

The importance of proper breathing during childbirth and labor

Learn to breathe correctly the expectant mother has to even before the onset of childbirth. Over time, the enlarging uterus begins to put pressure on the diaphragm, which entails a decrease in the space in the body intended for the lungs.

The less space remains for the main respiratory organ, the more difficult it becomes for the expectant mother to breathe: inhalations and exhalations become more frequent, but not as deep as in a normal person.

Childbirth itself is an extremely painful and unpleasant process. But not all expectant mothers know that, knowing how to breathe correctly during childbirth and contractions, they can significantly reduce pain levels, concentrating on breathing and not on pain. And it will be easier for the baby to be born. Proper breathing during contractions will help a woman relax as much as possible when pushing, and also provides invaluable assistance during contractions.

When giving birth, a woman must remember everything that she was taught in the now popular Schools for expectant mothers: not only the level of pain during childbirth, but also health of the unborn baby. During contractions in the uterus, the blood vessels, the main suppliers of oxygen for the baby, contract. With a lack of oxygen, it gradually occurs - the baby simply suffocates. Provided the mother breathes correctly during childbirth and contractions, the risk of this problem is significantly reduced. But if a woman in labor does not breathe correctly, the risk of suffocation for the baby increases significantly.

If the expectant mother performed all the necessary exercises and learned to breathe correctly, then during delivery, when there is a break between contractions, there will be enough oxygen entering the body of the mother and child to make it as comfortable as possible for the baby to make his way through the birth canal without suffocating.

Fetal hypoxia is very dangerous for the baby’s health, it can affect his future development: babies who have suffered severe hypoxia may lag behind mentally and physical development, the child will develop neurological disorders, which obviously will not make his mother happy.

Breathing techniques during labor and childbirth

How to breathe correctly during contractions and what is the process of proper breathing during childbirth? It directly depends on the period of birth.

The first contractions, which signal the mother that it is time to go to the hospital, are usually not that painful. During this period, a woman can even go about her own business or calmly pack her bag to go to give birth. During this period, we use the technique of slow deep breathing.

Slow deep breathing technique:

We inhale air through our nose, counting “1-2-3-4”, and exhale it through our mouth at “1-2-3-4-5-6” (we fold our lips into a tube), therefore, we exhale longer than we inhale, which allows oxygen in the required volume reaches the baby through the mother’s body systems, and gives the mother the opportunity to escape from the pain and relax a little.

How to breathe correctly during intense contractions

During this period, the woman in labor experiences more severe pain. The main mistake of mothers, especially for first-time mothers, is an attempt to “squeeze”, to suppress the pain in oneself. Remember, this only aggravates the situation and negatively affects not only your well-being, but also the birth process! There are often cases when labor activity is suppressed, the cervix cannot fully open, and then doctors will have to intervene in the affairs of nature in order to activate it again. labor. Remember also about the lack of oxygen for the fetus, which we wrote about above!

During intense contractions, you should try to relax all your muscles as much as possible and remember that there is pain-relieving breathing, which is the right time to use! This technique is called "doggy breathing."

Dog breathing technique:

At the peak of the contraction, we open our mouth a little, as dogs do when they are hot. We breathe often and not deeply. Typically, this type of breathing is used at the turning point, when contractions become very strong. The stronger the contractions, the faster the breathing.

The stronger the contractions become and the more the cervix dilates, the more difficult it becomes to breathe slowly. Therefore, during this period of labor we combine slow and deep breathing with frequent and shallow breathing. This technique is called a “locomotive”.

Train breathing technique:

This is a combination of dog breathing with calm and slow breathing. As soon as the contraction begins, we breathe very quickly, like a dog, inhaling air through the nose and exhaling quickly through the mouth. For convenience, the lips can be folded into a tube. At the moment when the contraction subsides, we return to deep and slow breathing.

Think that with each contraction the baby is getting closer to being born, do not focus on the pain. To reduce pain, it is best to take some A pose that will make it easier to bear pain:

  • lean on your hands and lean forward a little - this position will allow you to relax your abdominal muscles;
  • get on all fours and sway a little to the rhythm of your breathing;
  • squat down and spread your knees to the side;
  • realize circular movements pelvis.

At this stage of labor, to relieve pain, ask your spouse or midwife to massage your lower back, back, or abdomen. Take a break from conversations, listen to music, try reading a book.

The most important period of childbirth is pushing. Here, obstetricians “run the show,” and the mother in labor will have to completely trust their competence and experience. It is these “priests of the maternity hospital” who will tell you how to breathe correctly, when you should push as hard as you can, and when you can take a breath.

Breathing during pushing is carried out as follows: mommy inhales deeply through her nose and begins to push hard while exhaling through her mouth, directing all the air pressure to the uterus and exhaling the air completely. This is called “breathing on a candle.” At the moment of such breathing, as you exhale, you can sing the vowels out loud.

At the moment of birth of the baby's head We move on to the “doggy style” breathing technique. With proper breathing and without any complications, the birth of a child takes place quickly: a baby can be born in just three or four attempts.

What else you need to know about breathing during childbirth and preparation for it

Eat some simple rules , which will help the expectant mother more easily control the breathing process during childbirth:

  • the stronger the contraction, the more frequent and intense the breathing should be;
  • to reduce pain, do not lose your breathing rhythm;
  • you should control your breathing completely, do not breathe arbitrarily or haphazardly;
  • when the contraction begins, relax as much as possible;
  • get rid of panic;
  • There is no need to wait for a fight - it’s better to just rest.

Ideally, before giving birth, the woman in labor would train to breathe correctly and attend classes for expectant mothers: they usually teach all breathing techniques. You shouldn’t rely on “maybe” and avoid training that will help you learn to breathe. Those mothers who trained hard usually do not have breathing problems during childbirth, unlike those who “shirked” from training.

Sometimes during training it may occur hyperventilation– excess oxygen. In this case, the expectant mother may feel dizzy and her vision may darken. To get rid of hyperventilation, you need to inhale and then not breathe for 30 seconds.

When breathing with an open mouth during labor, women in labor often experience dry mouth. You can avoid this by placing the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth just behind your teeth or by breathing through open palms.

Video about proper breathing during childbirth and labor

Look next video, which presents master classes on proper breathing techniques, and also given general recommendations on how to breathe correctly during pregnancy and childbirth.

With proper preparation and a responsible attitude to training, you will definitely be able to master all breathing techniques during childbirth. How did you learn to breathe, what breathing techniques did you use, did you manage to reduce the pain? correct breathing? Leave your stories and recommendations in the comments..

The success of any important event depends to a large extent on how thoroughly the preparation for it was carried out.

Childbirth, as a process that requires an unprecedented mobilization from a woman of all the resources of her body, both physical and psycho-emotional, is no exception.

The main character in the delivery room is the woman in labor, and in order to adequately fulfill her task, helping the little man to be born, the expectant mother must properly prepare for childbirth.

During pregnancy, a woman should at least get an idea of ​​what awaits her on the day of delivery and the early postpartum period, and, ideally, before Day X, learn to control her body, breathing and control her emotions.

During the long nine months of waiting for a baby, a woman can do a lot to help her body safely survive childbirth, recover from childbirth, and prepare for lactation.

Physical preparation for childbirth

Often women, having learned about their pregnancy, sharply limit even household activities. physical activity, and they refuse to go to the gym altogether.

So, active sports should be abandoned only in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy - a period of increased risk of spontaneous abortion of the fetus. And for more later Even strength training is not prohibited, of course, in agreement with the supervising doctor.

The optimal choice for expectant mothers is special classes in groups for pregnant women, which exist on the basis of many institutions providing medical care. pregnancy support, as well as at some fitness centers.

As a rule, classes in such groups include a range of sports activities specifically for expectant mothers:

  • Gymnastics for pregnant women, based on exercises from Pilates, yoga, including the use of sports equipment: light dumbbells, fitballs, shock absorbers, etc.

Regular performance of special exercises has a beneficial effect on the condition internal organs for a pregnant woman, help strengthen the muscle corset, work out the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, and improve blood circulation in the lower part of the body. The expectant mother learns to “hear” her body and control it. In addition, some exercises help the fetus to take the correct presentation in the uterus.

  • Activities in the pool: swimming, diving, water aerobics for pregnant women.

In addition to the fact that water has healing properties relieve the bather’s mental stress, “ease” thoughts, which is important for a pregnant woman; the body in the water becomes as if weightless. This allows you to even visit the pool.

Exercises in water for expectant mothers, as a rule, include stretching exercises, breathing exercises, and toning exercises. Pregnant women can exercise in water almost until childbirth, of course, choosing exercises according to their gestational age.

  • Breathing exercises for pregnant women, which is popular in last years increases exponentially, since it has been proven that the use of special breathing techniques during childbirth significantly facilitates their course and increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Performing breathing exercises improves the quality of blood flow, both for the woman herself and for her unborn baby. Mastering breathing techniques and using them during childbirth eases the pain of contractions, increases the productivity of pushing, minimizes fetal suffering from hypoxia during the birth canal, etc.

In addition to periodic training, the expectant mother should in no case neglect daily walks in the fresh air at a leisurely pace and performing her daily household routine. Of course, any physical activity must be approved by the doctor leading the pregnancy.

Preparing the birth canal for childbirth

During the process of the fetus crossing the birth canal at birth, the muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum of the mother experience enormous stress from the pressure of the fetus, often cannot withstand it and are injured - torn. Or there is a need for surgical intervention- dissection of the perineum.

In this case, childbirth seems even more painful, and mechanical damage to organs complicates the postpartum recovery of the woman in labor. In addition, difficulty moving the baby through the birth canal entails a risk birth injuries and for a newborn.

  • Perineal massage with vegetable oils, which has a beneficial effect on tissue elasticity, which can be performed as early as the 20th week of pregnancy, if the pregnancy is uncomplicated. It is advisable to devote about 1 to 3 minutes to the procedure every day or at least three days a week.

The technique of performing the massage is simple; the expectant mother can easily do it herself, or involve a partner or specially trained personnel in performing it. Oil for the procedure can be purchased fortified, offered by different manufacturers, but regular vegetable oil will do.

  • Special exercises that train the pelvic floor muscles.

The exercises proposed by obstetrician Arnold Kegel are aimed at strengthening the vaginal muscles and can significantly reduce the risk of ruptures during childbirth. They also contribute to the speedy postpartum recovery of organs directly involved in the birth process.

Regular (ideally, even at the stage of pregnancy planning) performance of Kegel exercises allows you to avoid troubles typical for expectant mothers associated with a decrease in smooth muscle tone, for example, urinary incontinence, problems with stool, etc.

And also, since the anus is also involved during exercise, reduce the risk of developing postpartum hemorrhoids.

Both perineal massage and Kegel exercises are possible and beneficial for the expectant mother only if these procedures are approved for her by the observing obstetrician.

Preparing the breast before childbirth

The World Health Organization insists that the ideal nutrition for a baby from the moment he is born and for at least six months is breast milk his mother.

However, young mothers often refuse breastfeeding (BF) due to the appearance of painful cracks in the nipples, discomfort in the chest during milk flow, etc.

To ensure that the lactation period is not overshadowed by such troubles, it will be useful for the expectant mother to bring her breasts into “working condition” before childbirth, that is, to “harden” the nipples.

The following procedures will help with this:

Most often, young mothers experience pain during breastfeeding due to improper attachment of their newborn baby to the breast. Therefore, it is advisable to study the attachment technique and options for positions of mother and baby during feedings in advance. It won’t hurt to take a quick-healing ointment compatible with breastfeeding with you to the maternity hospital.

In addition, some women's nipples seem to be retracted and this can make it difficult for the baby to attach to the breast. Special breast pads will help the expectant mother solve this problem after childbirth. And during pregnancy, you can develop your nipples with a special massage - pulling them out manually, as well as by prenatal “testing” a breast pump on yourself.

If possible, after childbirth a woman can use the services of specialists breastfeeding, which will help overcome any problems that impede the establishment of a wonderful “milk” connection between mother and child.

To ensure that the breasts do not lose their attractiveness after pregnancy and lactation, a woman can turn to special exercises, the implementation of which allows her to keep her breast muscles in good shape.

It should be borne in mind that you can begin to actively prepare for breastfeeding no earlier than the 38th week of pregnancy, since breast stimulation can also stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus.

Psychological preparation for childbirth

Psychological prenatal preparation will help to overcome the fears and anxieties that occur to expectant mothers during pregnancy, especially shortly before the expected date of birth.

Its integral components are:

  • Informing the future parent about the stages of the birth process. Each stage of childbirth requires certain behavior from the woman in labor.

Understanding what physical sensations she will consistently experience from the onset of the first contractions to the birth of the placenta and how to act during this process will help the laboring woman correctly perceive the commands of the medical personnel during labor.

In this case, the consciousness of the woman in labor is focused on cooperation with the medical staff for the benefit of the newborn baby, which significantly dulls the perception of pain.

  • Professional psychological support.

As a rule, during courses for future parents, psychologists work on the psycho-emotional state of a pregnant woman. They will teach you how to direct your thoughts in the right direction and not panic during childbirth.

For example, as often as possible, mentally visualize the birth process with your participation in all the details, while the pain during contractions will be tolerable, the pushing will be productive, and the newborn baby will immediately fall to the mother’s breast. The expectant mother should remember the feeling of happiness, warmth and love that will certainly await her after a successful birth.

  • Set yourself up for a painless birth.

There are methods developed by honored obstetricians, following whose recommendations the expectant mother will be able to prepare for childbirth as a natural process.

Prenatal preparation methodological materials will help a woman in childbirth to “breathe out” painful sensations, refrain from premature attempts and, by controlling her consciousness, not fall into panic, but maintain a positive attitude.

  • “Rehearsal” of the birth process.

Or, more precisely, breathing techniques at different stages of the birth process. It will develop into a habit in advance and the woman in labor will be able to easily reproduce the desired type of breathing during childbirth at the command of her assistant or focusing on her own sensations. In addition, many times the rehearsed action loses its “creepy” coloring.

  • Measures to organize a comfortable environment in the delivery room.

For example, the presence of an assistant from among close people who will be present at the birth (the so-called partner birth), if the expectant mother considers it necessary. As well as the use of still non-standard technical methods of delivery: water birth; vertical birth, squatting birth, etc.

A significant condition for the expectant mother’s peace of mind is trust in the doctor, who will monitor the progress of the birth process. Therefore, before going to give birth, it is advisable for the expectant mother to choose the institution where her baby is destined to be born.

Choosing a maternity hospital and obstetrician for childbirth

Since 2006, with the introduction of a birth certificate, a pregnant woman has been given the state-guaranteed right to choose a maternity hospital and an obstetrician who will conduct her birth. Provided that there are places available in the selected maternity hospital, and the desired obstetrician will be on duty on the day of birth.

A birth certificate is issued to a pregnant woman at the municipal antenatal clinic at the place of registration for a period of 30 weeks. From now on, the expectant mother should have the certificate, along with her passport, exchange card, compulsory medical insurance policy and SNILS, with her until the birth.

Of course, in the event of an emergency admission to a maternity hospital without a birth certificate, even if the woman has not issued one, if she has other required documents, a tear-off slip of the certificate will be filled out for her in the maternity hospital and the problem will be solved.

If the expectant mother was observed during pregnancy in a specialized institution on a commercial basis and also enters into a contract for the management of childbirth, then the maternity hospital will not require a birth certificate from her.

Commercial childbirth services are currently provided by almost all maternity institutions in our country. The terms of the contract in each maternity hospital may vary, but, as a rule, a “paid” mother in labor can count on the guaranteed presence at the birth of her chosen obstetrician, whose name is included in the contract, a separate maternity ward, the use of anesthesia during childbirth, conditions for increased comfort of stay in the postpartum period, etc.

In this case, the new mother may only need the third coupon of the birth certificate for reimbursement from the Social Insurance Fund for medical services in a children's clinic when observing a child in infancy.

If a woman in labor does not have an exchange card where the results of mandatory tests are entered, then she can only be admitted to the birth in the infectious diseases department of the maternity hospital or in an observation room. In this case, there can be no question of the right to choose, even for a separate fee.

In addition, the choice of a maternity hospital for an expectant mother can greatly limit her medical history, on the basis of which the doctor observing the pregnancy will recommend tuning into a maternity hospital that accepts women in labor with certain problems.

As well as unpredictable developments of events, for example, rapid labor, when the only reasonable option may be to go to the nearest maternity ward. Or an ambulance called during contractions may refuse to travel around the city to get to the desired institution, but will simply take the laboring woman to the territorial maternity hospital.

But even if everything did not go according to plan, the most important thing for the expectant mother at this moment is not to waste energy on conflicts and worries, but to focus on the upcoming joint work with the honey. staff who will definitely do everything possible to ensure that the most long-awaited and most beloved baby in the world is born.

Any woman, having learned that she has become a temple for a new soul, that she will soon give birth to a child, begins to prepare for this most important event.

Preparing for childbirth should be a top priority. This woman is looking for information everywhere, from friends with experience, from parents, on the Internet.

What do you need to know?

In our modern world an incredible amount of information about childbirth and everything related to this event.

It is easy for women, especially those who are pregnant for the first time, to get lost among endless information.

It's impossible to isolate effective advice from a ton of assumptions and recommendations for pregnant women.

For example, there are a whole bunch of breathing techniques during childbirth, but in fact, during the birth process they are not useful, are not remembered, and are not needed.

They are confusing and sometimes even unnerving; in fact, only two types are necessary.

It is worth learning to breathe correctly before childbirth, so that panic does not take over your consciousness during it.

During their first pregnancy, women often don’t know where to start, what information to trust, they try to act intuitively and it’s very cool if they succeed.

Interesting! Personally, having gone through the first birth and having “worked on my mistakes,” I prepared much more carefully for the second birth. Everything random is not accidental, so I found the most important information for myself, which I used in my second birth.

My dears, beautiful women, we were stuffed with artificially staged images of women in labor for so long that it was encoded in everyone’s minds that childbirth is painful, scary, painful, dangerous, that this is a clinical case, etc.

But a new, wonderful time is coming, we are waking up from imposed dogmas and associations.

Women intuitively feel that it shouldn’t be this way and I want to remind you, having experienced two completely different births, that this event can be beautiful, festive, powerful and amazing! Childbirth is NOT painful!

Childbirth is powerful, transformative, like riding a roller coaster!

All you need is proper preparation for childbirth, and the woman will discover all the beauty of this process.

Nowadays there is a lot of paid information, often in exchange for childbirth preparation courses. They do not always say what is needed.

And a woman goes into childbirth like a first-grader, not knowing where at what moment she should breathe and how, how the pain of dilation of the cervix can be transformed into the force of dilation and help her.

Important! She also doesn’t know what positions during childbirth speed up the process of the baby passing through the birth canal, the pros and cons of epidural anesthesia and synthetic oxytocin. No one knows which choice is right.

For every mother who is expecting her child, it is necessary to remember that the body is designed to bear and give birth to the next generation! Believe him, believe your body!

It can do anything, it will do anything, the main thing is not to interfere with it and help it just a little!

What prevents the body from giving birth well?

Fear! Fear of everything: that the child will suffocate. Why? After all, he continues to receive oxygen through the umbilical cord, even if it is twisted around his neck, because he breathes not through his neck, but through the blood in the umbilical cord. Fear of pain.

If you breathe correctly, it really doesn't hurt! That there will be no support (you need to take care of this in advance or accidentally find it in your midwife).

Many other fears that are common to all pregnant women must be overcome and faith in one’s own strength and the wisdom of the body strengthened! That's it! And don’t dare think differently!

There are women in labor who, because of their fears and inability to transform pain, dream of and even insist on surgery or epidural anesthesia. Because there is no person nearby who would remind her, sober her up, explain the process and possibilities, and this is very important!

How should you prepare for childbirth?

1. Having learned about pregnancy, register with antenatal clinic and look at the world from a different angle! It is important to understand that all processes are wonderful and necessary (almost all)!

Remember that there are many doctors, and even more opinions. So you also need to think about the doctor in advance. There is always a choice! Dot!

2. Find a program that will help you prepare for childbirth. We need to join a team of like-minded people! It is very important.

In a team of pregnant women preparing for childbirth, a competent supervisor will certainly reassure, answer all questions, teach the main points, and communication with pregnant women will unite and provide powerful support. Because they, like no one else, can understand.

They are the ones who will tell you “I understand you” instead of “pull yourself together.” And this also gives strength against the backdrop of all the changes that happen to you.

Before making decisions, you need to familiarize yourself with all training program options. It is advisable that the courses focus on natural childbirth; they provide an excellent preparatory basis.

Names such as “natural birth”, “hypnobirthing”, “lotus birth”, “home birth”, “vertical birth” should not be scary.

Although some of them involve preparation for natural childbirth at home, this does not mean that you should also give birth at home. The main task is to get as much information as possible about how childbirth can take place not only in hospitals and how to properly help yourself.

Not a single midwife can replace a woman’s own skills, even if the birth is negotiable, it’s up to the woman to give birth!

Don’t take sides, just watch and absorb all the information, because you can’t know for sure how everything will turn out in the end!

Simulate your birth, but not fanatically!

Leave room to chance, the experience you have to have, and no disappointments! Just gratitude for the experience! Although sometimes it is easier said than done.

My dear future mothers, by contributing to this training, you are contributing to a successful, happy birth! Memories of childbirth remain a sediment inside, and we must do everything to ensure that it remains positive.

This is many times more important than a dress for pregnant women. Personally, I understand this by comparing the two births that I was given the opportunity to experience.

In childbirth preparation courses you can learn the following:

  • have a clear understanding of the mechanism of childbirth,
  • how to get rid of fears,
  • how to breathe during contractions and pushing,
  • what positions speed up labor,
  • what positions to use during childbirth for comfort,
  • exercises necessary to prepare the muscles of the perineum,
  • how to understand that labor has begun,
  • when to go to the maternity hospital.

Rather than going to the other side of town for dubious classes (if they are not verified), it is much more convenient to buy online courses known to the general public, with a lot of reviews, and study at a convenient time, especially if you have older children who have no one to leave with them.

Remember, even in the “worst” maternity hospital, at the right time there can be wonderful people who will support, surround you with care and help during childbirth, ideally a doctor, a bedmate, but most often this is a partner-husband, a Doula, a hired midwife!

And even in the very good maternity hospital with modern equipment, the Institute of Obstetrics (as was the case in my case), they can provide dismal assistance instead of a subtle approach, especially if you yourself are a complete layman in this matter.

Plus, each of us interacts with people differently, hence the results of this interaction may be different: one will lash out with indignation, while the other will recommend and admire it to everyone.

Before choosing a maternity hospital, collect positive reviews, find out what you need to take with you to the birth, because there are big differences: somewhere you need to take everything that’s yours, but somewhere they won’t let it all go, leaving only water, recharge and slippers!

In the maternity hospital, it is worth clarifying in advance where the baby will be after birth.

In many maternity hospitals, children are kept separately from their mothers, and they are only brought in to feed them, as was the case with me at the obstetrics institute in our capital.

Some women want just this so they can rest after childbirth and know that the baby is being looked after. They even ask not to bring it at 6 am!

4. Should I give birth alone or with support? Preparing for childbirth is not only preparing the body for childbirth, but also the partner. But first, think, understand, feel the need for “your” person nearby or the absence of one.

In other words, determine your attitude towards partner childbirth and, if it is positive, then find this partner.

Let me remind you that every woman has her own story, experience, each has nuances and needs, we do not judge anyone, we do not take anyone’s side, the main thing for us is to determine and feel what is best for ourselves specifically.

If you feel better without your friends and family, great! No, we are looking for a partner.

The partner you choose (husband, mother, mother-in-law, girlfriend, midwife doula friend in the end) should be prepared to be present at the birth, having mastered the positions, movements, massage that they can offer during childbirth.

An unprepared person will be a hindrance, an unnecessary concern, and even an irritant.

The partner should help, there should not be much of him, he should understand according to the situation what to offer the woman in labor as help and carry psychological relief for her. So that with him the process becomes easier in every sense.

Childbirth is very stressful. physical labor, and the partner must learn to share this labor, and this is possible!

5. Things to take to the maternity hospital are a topic for another day.. But I can say that the list of necessary things for a maternity hospital is approximately the same, with the exception of some points that depend on the requirements of the particular maternity hospital chosen.

Half of what you need can be found at home. If you need a new shirt or something else, don’t deny yourself, but don’t overdo it either, stick to the golden mean. We bought some things of higher quality at a higher price, but on some things we can save money.

6. Rest time. Make time for the pool or yoga. Pregnancy is a physiological condition for the body; if you have a real threat and are endlessly on the safe side, you should consult a doctor.

If no threats are identified, then you should not cancel your planned vacation, do what brings you joy and brings it to your baby in your tummy. But within reasonable limits!

See you in the next publication!

Other information on the topic

  • Caesarean section for breech fetus: what is important to know?

  • Childbirth. Managing pain with breathing


The anxiety of pregnant women is a natural and understandable phenomenon. In order for the birth of a baby to be as trouble-free and without complications as possible, early, thorough and thought-out preparation for childbirth is very important, which should begin almost from the moment of conception. The sooner the expectant mother thinks about this, the calmer and more comfortable she will feel immediately before the sacrament of birth itself. So, what do those who are waiting with bated breath for a child need to know so that the delivery goes smoothly?

Throughout pregnancy, physical preparation for childbirth is necessary, which helps the body cope with the load that falls to its share. He is rebuilding himself, as evidenced by the serious looks of the expectant mother. But a woman must also take a number of measures to minimize the stressful situation for individual organs and systems.

This can be done with the help of special exercises. The best option is to enroll in courses for pregnant women, where regular classes are held with a professional trainer. He will select individual exercises to prepare for childbirth, which together will contribute to a successful and safe delivery. Although every woman is able to perform them independently at home.

General strengthening exercises

  1. Walk in place for one minute.
  2. Starting position: place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your feet parallel to each other and your arms extended forward.
  3. Half squats with a straight back. Your arms should rise and fall in rhythm with your squats. Do it slowly. Breathe evenly. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Initial position. Hands to the side. Bend your torso forward, touch your hands first to the left, then to the right toes. Keep your breathing even, pace - average. Repeat 12 times.
  5. Initial position. Bend your torso slightly, arms at your sides, tilt your head forward, relax the muscles of your arms and upper body. After 5 seconds, straighten up, move your shoulders back, bend over. Keep your breathing even, the pace slow. Repeat 8 times.
  6. Starting position: position your feet wider than your shoulders, arms out to the sides. Lean forward, turn your body first to the right, then to the left, while touching your left toe with your right hand, and your right toe with your left hand. After 10 exercises, straighten up, relax the muscles of the shoulders and forearms. Repeat 4 times.
  7. Initial position. Tilt your body to the right, holding left hand above your head, right - behind your back. When the torso is tilted to the left, right hand should be above your head, the left one behind your back. Repeat 12 times, maintaining an average pace.
  8. Initial position. Stand straight, feet together, arms along the body. Tilt the torso to the right and left with sliding of the hands: when tilting to the right, the right - down, the left - up; when tilting to the left, with your left hand - down, with your right - up. Perform 12 times, trying not to hold your breath.
  9. Take 10 deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

This preparation of muscles for childbirth will preserve their elasticity and will be equally useful for mother and baby. Exercise stimulates blood circulation and prevents you from gaining weight. excess weight(see norm), facilitate the process of childbirth in the future. Regular exercise helps maintain excellent prenatal shape. However, there are not only general strengthening exercises, but also complexes designed specifically for a specific organ or muscle group that play an important role at the time of birth of a child.

Exercises for the muscles of the perineum

  1. Stand sideways to the back of the chair. Place your hands on it. Move your leg to the side as high as possible. Repeat for each leg 10 times.
  2. Starting position, as in the previous exercise. Raise your leg bent at the knee towards your stomach.
  3. Spread your legs wide apart. Sit down slowly. Hold this position for several seconds. Spring up. Rise as slowly as possible. Relax. Repeat 5 times.
  4. To squat. Straighten one leg and put it to the side. Shift your weight to the other leg. Maintain balance with arms extended forward. Do it 5 times.
  5. Get on your knees and bring them together. Smoothly roll back and sit on your heels.

In addition to the above exercises, preparing the perineum for childbirth includes certain poses that a pregnant woman needs to take daily. They train the muscles, do not allow them to relax, so that there are no tears at the time of the birth of the child. These include:

  • tailor's pose: sitting, cross your legs in front of you;
  • butterfly: sitting, connect your heels, pull them towards the perineum;
  • frog: sitting on your heels, spread your knees, sit between your heels;
  • try to do housework while squatting (washing floors, peeling potatoes, etc.);
  • walk from room to room in single file.

High-quality preparation for childbirth without gaps includes regular performance of these exercises and daily use of special poses.

Kegel exercise

To avoid tearing, preparing your vagina for childbirth should include the famous Kegel exercise. It increases muscle tone, which is so important for the successful birth of a baby. You need to do it every day, there is no limit on the number of times. The lesson plan could be as follows:

  1. Lying down, tense and relax the intimate muscle several times.
  2. Increase the number of repetitions daily.
  3. You can move on to the next stage of training when, without much effort, you can perform the Kegel exercise 50 times.
  4. Make the exercise more difficult. Contract the muscle as hard as possible and hold it there a certain amount of time. Then begin to relax, but with stops.
  5. A week after such daily exercise, contract and relax the muscle at a fast pace.

Regular performance of the above-described exercises is the basis for high-quality preparation of the birth canal for childbirth, which is best started not a month before significant event, and already from the first days of pregnancy. In addition, throughout the entire 9 months you need to pay special attention to your breasts.

Chest exercises

To avoid problems with lactation, stretch marks on the mammary glands, cracked nipples, etc., breast preparation for childbirth is required, which also includes special exercises.

  1. Take a small ball. Raise your arms to chest level. Toss the ball up from this position with your hands one at a time.
  2. Get on all fours, bend your arms, then straighten all limbs at the same time.
  3. Stand facing the wall, rest your palms against it at shoulder level, and do 15 push-ups.
  4. Extend your arms to the sides at shoulder level. Perform swing movements, crossing your arms in front of you.
  5. Spread your arms to the sides. Perform backward swing movements while keeping your arms straight.

It is recommended to do each exercise 5 times. Such preparation of the mammary glands for the birth of a child will preserve the shape of the breast, prepare its muscles for the upcoming loads, and prevent, as far as possible, its sagging in the future and the appearance of stretch marks.

However, physical, general strengthening preparation of the body for childbirth is not limited to exercises alone. It involves toning muscles and improving blood circulation through massage, as well as maintaining strength with proper nutrition.


To strengthen the muscles of the perineum and chest, it is necessary to do a massage in preparation for childbirth, which stimulates blood circulation, improves tissue metabolism, prepares the muscles for proper relaxation, and reduces the likelihood of tears and cracks. You can start doing it about a month before the baby's expected date of birth. The scheme could be as follows:

  • from the 34th week once every 3 days;
  • from the 36th week, massage every other day;
  • from the 38th week, procedures can be performed daily.

For this massage you need to purchase natural oil, excluding synthetic, mineral, alcohol-containing products.

Perineal massage

To avoid ruptures, you need comprehensive preparation for childbirth of the perineal muscles: not only exercises, but also massage, which can be easily done at home. The technique is simple:

  1. Take a comfortable position. For example, place your foot on a chair or the edge of a bathtub.
  2. Lubricate the labia and perineum with the massage product.
  3. Insert your fingers (1 or 2) into the vagina, but not deeply (1-2 cm).
  4. Relax.
  5. Move your finger inside the vagina towards the anus downwards. Movements should be performed with different rhythms: acceleration should alternate with deceleration.
  6. Press with rocking movements on the back wall of the perineum. Hold your finger in this position for a minute, release and start over.
  7. Massage the skin of the perineum from the outside for a minute.
  8. Do it all over again.

This massage is especially relevant for preparing the vagina for childbirth for those whose first child was born with ruptures. In order not to repeat the situation, it is imperative to follow all the above recommendations.

Be careful! Pregnant women who suffer from fungal infections should not massage the perineum before childbirth.

Breast massage

A special breast massage before childbirth, which is a mandatory step in preparing the body for childbirth, will help you avoid stretch marks after childbirth. The technique for doing it is as simple as possible:

  1. Using circular stroking movements, without touching the nipples, simultaneously massage both breasts from top to bottom towards the nipple.
  2. Then from the sides.
  3. After this, stroke the breasts from bottom to top to the nipples.
  4. With your right hand, lift and support your chest, apply pressure from above with your left hand.

During this massage, oxytocin is released, which last days pregnancy will help initiate labor and improve cervical dilatation.

Please note that...

Breast massage before childbirth can easily be entrusted to a man: it will bring the couple closer and will bring pleasure to both.

Physical preparation of the body for childbirth is very important, because the body without support will not be able to cope with the load that has fallen on it. In addition to special exercises and massage, a woman needs to eat right throughout pregnancy.

Nutrition before childbirth

Without rational healthy nutrition proper preparation for childbirth is impossible. Throughout pregnancy, a woman must competently plan her menu for every day in order to support the body from the inside. If neither he nor the baby lacks nutrients, they will be as prepared as possible for such an important event. You need to stock up on reserves to combat stress, blood loss and restore energy. At the same time, 2 months before the cherished date, the diet should be lightened, not compacted.

  1. Avoid fried, fatty foods, sausage, and offal.
  2. You need to consume vegetable oil in sufficient quantities every day. It makes the tissues of the birth canal more elastic and contains many vitamins.
  3. Mandatory products a month before giving birth should be fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, hot soups, boiled or stewed sea fish, dried fruits, kefir.
  4. During this period, split meals are recommended, but 4 times a day.

Attention! Despite the fact that vegetable oil is so beneficial for pregnant women, about a month before giving birth you should stop eating sesame oil, which does not have the most beneficial effect on a woman’s body during this period.

Regular exercise, physical activity, proper massage and proper nutrition- here is a set of measures that guarantee a successful, safe birth of a healthy baby without any complications. Moreover, this should be the case both in preparation for and in the event that a woman is being prepared for a caesarean section. Doctors may recommend going to the hospital a few days or weeks in advance to be on the safe side. You also need to prepare for this moment in advance.

Preparing for the maternity hospital

Young parents should keep in mind what preparation for childbirth in the maternity hospital includes, which should begin 3 weeks before the cherished date. Firstly, this is the collection of all the necessary documents, which then in a hurry there will simply be no time to collect. Secondly, a bag with things that the woman will need in the hospital.

Preparation of documents

  • passport;
  • a card with the results of tests and examinations;
  • an agreement with a personal doctor or a referral to a maternity hospital;
  • insurance policy.

Collecting things for childbirth

  1. Nightgown.
  2. Warm socks.
  3. Slippers.
  4. Mineral still water.
  5. Notes taken at a school for young mothers.
  6. Wet wipes.
  7. A small terry towel.
  8. Shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb.
  9. Toilet paper.
  10. Cosmetic bag.
  11. Mobile phone with charger.
  12. Player with your favorite music.
  13. Money.

Set of things needed after childbirth

  1. A robe or shirt that buttons in the front.
  2. Gaskets.
  3. Nipple cream.
  4. Nursing bras with front closure.
  5. Sterile gauze wipes.
  6. Laxative suppositories, enema.
  7. Plastic bag for dirty laundry.

Preparing things for the baby

  • diapers;
  • cream or powder;
  • wet wipes;
  • baby cleansing oil;
  • bodysuit;
  • hats;
  • socks;
  • sliders;
  • blouses;
  • diapers.

This list helps you decide what you need to buy before going to the maternity hospital in order to relieve anxiety and not worry about anything. When all things are already collected, the young mother feels much more confident and calm. When the cherished day arrives, she will be able to focus only on the process itself, without being distracted by trifles. If something goes wrong, doctors will always be able to make the right decision and ensure that the body is timely prepared for the upcoming birth.

Medical preparation of the birth canal

There are special modern methods preparation of the birth canal for childbirth, which doctors use in case of cervical immaturity, antepartum amniotic fluid or post-term pregnancy.


Prostaglandins- physiologically active substances that play an important role in the reproductive system of the female body. They are administered to the woman in labor to prepare the birth canal for the passage of the fetus through it in several ways:

  • in the vagina;
  • into the cervical canal;
  • using an obstetric pessary.

Disadvantages of prostaglandins in the process of preparing for childbirth: powerful effect on the body, allergic reactions, “prostaglandin pain” and hyperstimulation in some cases. These drugs do not affect the fetus in any way. Advantages: the risk of protracted labor is reduced, the likelihood of natural labor increases.

Foley catheter

The use of a Foley catheter is an effective alternative to prostaglandins for preparing the birth canal. This mechanical method effects on the cervix when a woman is diagnosed with a flat amniotic sac. The instrument is inserted into the cervical canal for a day. There are special contraindications for this method: vaginitis or cervitis.


In preparation for childbirth, kelp is introduced into the cervical canal. As it expands, it opens the neck from the inside. They have a slight effect on the release of prostaglandins. The main effect is mechanical stretching of muscle fibers, which provokes contraction of uterine myocytes. Do not lead to hyperstimulation and pain. One of the disadvantages is the unpleasant sensation when the sticks with algae are just introduced.

During delivery, doctors assess the condition of the cervix (more about its preparation) and decide to use one or another method of preparing the birth canal for the baby to pass through it. Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages. Cases are different, purely individual, so the methods will also not be the same. And in some situations, preparation for childbirth must be especially thorough.

Special births

If this is the first birth or the couple is expecting twins, the preparation must be special so that no complications arise.

First birth

As a rule, preparing for the first birth is no different from all others. All of the above tips and recommendations can be fully used by those women who are expecting their first child. The only caveat- more serious moral is required. Expectant mother she is overwhelmed by fears and doubts, because she still does not know what awaits her. Therefore, all relatives and friends must surround the woman in labor with care and attention. She needs to rest more and calm down as much as possible, to be sure that everything will end well.


But preparation for the birth of twins should be more thorough. This extraordinary case involves much greater stress on the female body and on the children themselves. The risk of toxicosis increases several times, which can occur both in the early and late stages of pregnancy in the form of bleeding, placental abruption, and gestosis. Here the young mother needs more personal responsibility and medical supervision. You need to go to the hospital more often to undergo an ultrasound and tests. You will need to go on maternity leave earlier.

Preparation for any childbirth - simple and complex, natural and by cesarean, first and second - must be comprehensive and include all aspects: physical, psychological, material. The sooner a couple begins to prepare for such an important event, the more successful and prosperous it will end, the calmer and more confident the woman will feel at the most crucial moment.