Health Pregnancy beauty

Genitals at 11 weeks. Its size and achievements

The placenta is completing its formation and will soon be able to become reliable protection fetus What happens: all organs work, genitals begin to form, the iris of the eye begins to form. The fetus can already excrete urine amniotic fluid, the first movements are made by the intestines.

The weight is already 7-8 g, the length is about 5 cm. At the 11th week of pregnancy, the sense of smell begins to form, the baby is already trying to hold his head.

The main dangers for a child at this “age” are infectious diseases that the mother can catch (especially rubella). You should not overuse anesthesia, for example, at a dentist appointment.

The woman’s figure is becoming more and more rounded, although the belly is still not so noticeable against the general background. The sensations of toxicosis gradually dull. The condition of the hair changes (for better or worse). Pain may occur if you sleep on your stomach. The uterus not only increases in size, but also gradually rises, easing the pressure on bladder.

The risk of miscarriage is much lower than in previous weeks, but you must continue to monitor your discharge. Due to the production of progesterone, they may become a little thicker.

The ultrasound photo does not provide new details. During these periods, the study is done only to monitor the correct attachment and development of the baby.

The 1st trimester of pregnancy is gradually coming to an end. The manifestations of toxicosis are mitigated. The expectant mother increasingly feels an enlarged uterus. For most women, external changes are not yet noticeable, but some expectant mothers have a visible tummy. At the same time, the female body has already internally adapted to the new state. The first fears of the first weeks of pregnancy pass. The woman becomes more emotionally stable.

The child develops and grows very quickly. Now you can feel the uterus, since it occupies almost the entire pelvic area. Some women experience problems with bowel movements and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. The placenta continues to strengthen. The fetus receives more nutrition because the number of blood vessels increases.

The internal organs of the fetus increase, and the body strengthens. Enlarged organs include the brain and the conductivity of the nervous system. The intestines are temporarily united with the umbilical cord. Metabolism in the female body increases by 20%. This helps burn calories, increase body temperature and sweat. Blood circulation also accelerates.

Woman's feelings

Many expectant mothers are experiencing painful toxicosis this week. But don't worry if this doesn't happen. Toxicosis can continue until 16 weeks. But in any case, its manifestations are reduced. In women, increased sensitivity to odors decreases. Often toxicosis is replaced by constipation and heartburn. Bloating also appears. The frequency of urination increases. Blood volume continues to increase.

The reason is the work of hormones. The fact is that under the influence of the hormone progesterone, intestinal motility decreases. But some women do not have any negative feelings during this period. Women may experience a bumpy tummy this week. Low-waisted clothing becomes less comfortable and jeans become too tight. And although the uterus does not yet extend beyond the pelvis, sensations of a growing belly are already appearing.

Vaginal discharge may increase. Don't be afraid of this, as they will last until the end of pregnancy. Normally, the discharge should be white. During this time, a small number of women produce colostrum. Do not touch your breasts or try to squeeze out colostrum. And although it appears in some women, in most cases there is no colostrum yet.

Fetus and belly size

At this time, most women do not yet have a tummy. But for some expectant mothers it appears. The child has already grown up. Its height is 6 cm and its weight is 7-8 grams. The size of the fruit can be compared to a large plum. The fruit develops quickly. He already raises his head, he has a grasping reaction. The genital organs are formed and digestive tract. His movements are becoming more and more distinct. The child can already react to stimuli appearing from the outside.

Tactile receptors on the palms of the fetus become more and more pronounced. As a result, they begin to feel amniotic fluid and the touch of the umbilical cord. Taste and olfactory receptors are formed. Joints, muscles and bones continue to grow. The rudiments of teeth and small joints appear. The fetus is actively developing reflexes, including sucking and grasping. The vocal cords also develop during this period.

The child continues to grow actively. He still has a large head and a small body, short legs and Long hands. In response to external stimuli, it moves. Such irritants include sudden movements of the expectant mother and loud sounds. He changes his body position quickly enough, helping himself with the movements of his legs.

Mom's nutrition

The guarantee of your health is proper nutrition. In addition, it affects the harmonious development of the fetus. It should not only be high in calories, but also high in protein. The body must be completely saturated with iron, calcium and iodine. Make sure your menu has variety. It should include the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Eat more cottage cheese, beef, grains, greens and nuts, as well as vegetables and fruits. Don't forget about vegetable oil.

Don't overeat. In this case, you can cause heartburn or constipation. It is better to eat more often, but in small portions. It is optimal to eat 5-6 times a day. Try to eat healthy and light foods. Avoid eating fried, spicy and fatty foods. Try to drink more fluids. It is better to drink clean water, fruit drinks and juices. An insufficient amount of fluid, as well as an excess of it, can lead to edema.

Proper nutrition is especially important now when the child begins to actively grow. It is also important that the child takes all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Proper nutrition will help you maintain your own health good condition. Try to develop your own diet. Try to eat regularly around the same time.


Bleeding at any stage is dangerous. If it appears, go to the hospital immediately. The doctor will not only determine the cause of the bleeding, but also stop it. But bleeding is not always associated with danger to the fetus. This can be either small discharge after sexual intercourse or manifestations of cervical erosion.

Pathological discharge may appear. You should be alerted by bubbling and cheesy discharge, accompanied by a feeling of itching and burning. They may be signs of candidiasis or trichomoniasis. White discharge is quite acceptable if it does not have a distinct odor and does not cause discomfort. They will become thinner after a few weeks.

The norm is considered to be an increase in temperature to 37.2 degrees. Gradually it begins to decrease to normal levels. Temperatures reaching 38 degrees are considered dangerous. It must be reduced with warm drinks. If the fever persists, consult your doctor for a prescription. Now even a common cold is undesirable. In case of illness, do inhalations and rinses. Try to make do with folk remedies. Drink milk with butter or figs. Eat cranberries, citrus fruits and rose hips.

The appearance of abdominal pain

If pulling and aching pain appears in the lower abdomen, consult a doctor. This is especially true if they are accompanied by lower back pain. The specialist will perform an ultrasound. If the pain is accompanied by bleeding, call an ambulance immediately, as a miscarriage is possible. In this case, the doctor will assess the condition of the fetus and determine the heart rate. He then refutes or confirms his suspicions.

Suspicious pain should not be ignored, as it should not exist. Today rare woman can avoid pain. Don't be alarmed if you experience slight pain in your sides. It is due to the fact that the ligaments are stretched to support the uterus, which increases in size. If bleeding appears along with pain, do not leave this situation uncontrolled.

Thus, when pain appears, you should not immediately panic. If the pain is not severe, try not to worry and monitor your condition. If the pain gets worse, consult a doctor as soon as possible. If you experience anxiety even with minor pain, go for an ultrasound to make sure the fetus is developing normally.

What do we have to do?

Mood swings may continue, but you should not worry about this. Instead, try to be more patient and reasonable. Take control of your emotions. Try not to get overtired. Avoid heavy loads. This stress is of no use to you. Learn to relax. This will be useful not only in the long term, but also during labor.

Eat right. This will improve bowel function and reduce or eliminate the destruction of nails and teeth. Besides, proper nutrition will make you feel good. And after pregnancy, it will be easier for you to regain your pre-pregnancy weight.

By this time the feeling severe weakness and fatigue should pass. If this does not happen, you should contact a specialist. Your doctor will send you for a test to check your hemoglobin levels. If hemoglobin is low, you will have to change your diet. You should also beware of colds and other infectious diseases. First of all, this is due to the fact that during this period it is better not to take medications and antivirals.

What does the belly look like?

At the eleventh week of pregnancy, the belly looks quite large. This is clearly visible in the photo.

Belly photo

With the onset of the 11th week of pregnancy, the placenta becomes significantly stronger, and the baby receives from the mother more nutrients it needs for development, due to an increase in the number of blood vessels.

The umbilical cord connects to the baby’s intestines to remove waste products, but don’t worry - they will separate a little later. The development of the baby continues rapidly - they become bigger internal organs, the brain is growing rapidly.

Due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, increased emotional instability and sudden mood swings appear. Metabolism is significantly accelerated, which results in excessive sweating, body temperature rises, because blood circulation also increases.

Pregnancy 11 weeks

By this date future mom Usually she already feels completely pregnant. The uterus is growing, and, despite the fact that the belly at the 11th week of pregnancy is not yet noticeable to others, sleeping on it is already quite uncomfortable. Every woman is interested in what happens to the mother at 11 weeks of pregnancy. As a rule, the uterus at the 11th week of pregnancy is still located between the pelvic bones, occupying all the free space.

By this time, toxicosis is significantly reduced, but if it has not yet begun, then it is quite possible for toxicosis to appear at the 11th week of pregnancy. Its signs include:

  • nausea in the morning, sometimes turning into vomiting;
  • lack of appetite or preference for one product;

It is necessary to control your weight, because with severe toxicosis, a sharp decrease is possible.

By the 11th week of pregnancy, the following signs appear:

  1. Due to hormonal surges, instant mood changes often occur, leading to depression. In this condition, you should seek help from a psychologist;
  2. Due to the acceleration of metabolism, calories are burned faster, and a feeling of heat often accompanies pregnancy. It is necessary to drink enough liquid, preferably fruit drinks and compotes.

Baby development at 11 weeks

The main organs of the fetus are already formed. The child's height reaches 41mm, and his weight is within 7g. What happens to the baby at 11 weeks of pregnancy:

  • the heart is already functioning fully, supplying blood to the organs;
  • The baby’s vocal cords are almost fully developed, although the need for them will not appear soon;
  • The fetus does not yet have bones, they are replaced by cartilage tissue;
  • the fingers of the fetus are already fully formed.

At week 11, not all organs are still fully developed, but most of them are actively developing during this period. These include:

  1. organs of the respiratory system;
  2. liver, which already occupies up to 10% of the fetus;
  3. a unique pattern appears on the fingers;
  4. the rudiments of baby teeth continue to form;
  5. a grasping reflex appears;
  6. blood vessels and irises of the eyes develop;
  7. The gender of the fetus is formed; when a boy is born, his body has already begun to produce the male hormone - testosterone.

By the 11th week of pregnancy, the development of the fetus reaches the stage when it is already able to open its mouth and tries to put its fingers in it, and at this stage the child begins to raise its head, due to the strengthening of the neck muscles. The baby already has enough strength to push off from the wall of the amniotic sac with its legs.

As a rule, by this week the baby can already smell the foods that the mother eats. He develops a sense of smell. The grown fetus at the 11th week of pregnancy begins to react to irritants, such as the mother’s cough or sudden movements.

Well-being of the expectant mother

At 11 weeks, most of the baby’s organs are formed, so the likelihood of developing serious pathologies is significantly reduced. Of course, this has a positive effect on the future mother’s mood and gives confidence. The possibility of premature termination of pregnancy is also reduced, due to this the woman feels calmer.

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the uterus has already occupied all the space in the pelvis. Some pregnant women experience a little visible belly, especially if the woman is quite slim. But he still doesn’t reveal anything about the new situation to those around him. The expectant mother may be bothered by the following sensations during this period:

  • increased breast sensitivity, especially sore nipples;
  • as a rule, breasts increase in size at 11 weeks of pregnancy;
  • Frequent headaches and migraines may occur. It is necessary to rest more and often be in the fresh air;
  • Many women experience forgetfulness and absent-mindedness; this is normal for pregnancy.

If gestation is favorable, the expectant mother should not feel pain at 11 weeks of pregnancy. However, the presence of some discomfort is quite possible. The most common complaint to doctors is abdominal pain at 11 weeks of pregnancy. Of course, if any pain occurs, you need to consult a doctor; the pain may be as follows:

  1. Pain in the upper abdomen. Most likely, this is due to stomach problems, which often occur during pregnancy. The doctor will prescribe a diet if necessary;
  2. Pain near the navel. Due to the growing uterus and hormonal changes, intestinal peristalsis is often disrupted. For this reason, constipation and bloating occur, which make themselves felt by pain in the navel;
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen or pulling in the abdomen during pregnancy. If such pain occurs, you must urgently visit a doctor; if the pain is cramping and sharp, call immediately ambulance to prevent miscarriage. Also read the article: During pregnancy, the lower abdomen pulls >>>

The appearance of clear discharge at the 11th week of pregnancy is considered normal; their quantity can be quite considerable and leave marks on the underwear; you should use panty liners to get rid of the discomfort.

In addition to clear discharge, others may also occur:

  • white cheesy discharge, usually accompanied by itching. Such discharge is a sign of thrush during pregnancy. , which often appears in pregnant women. To get rid of it, you need to consult a doctor to select medications that can be used in this position;
  • bloody or brown discharge at the 11th week of pregnancy are symptoms of an incipient miscarriage and require urgent medical attention to save the baby. Be sure to read the article: Brown discharge during pregnancy >>>

Feelings at 11 weeks

By the end of the first trimester, a woman already feels pregnant. The sensations at the 11th week of pregnancy differ from earlier periods in that the enlarged uterus can already be felt well, sleeping on the stomach is not entirely comfortable. Toxicosis gradually recedes and allows a woman to look at many foods without disgust, and an appetite appears. As a rule, from this period the weight of the expectant mother is already growing steadily.

At 11 weeks of pregnancy, heartburn may occur. It usually appears in the late afternoon and interferes with sleep. You can relieve your condition by drinking milk or sucking lollipops. If there is severe discomfort, you need to inform your doctor about this, he will select an approved medicine.

You need to know that it is dangerous if all symptoms of pregnancy suddenly disappear simultaneously, such as:

  1. toxicosis;
  2. breast tenderness;
  3. return of breast size to pre-pregnancy state;
  4. disappearance of drowsiness.

If all pregnancy symptoms disappear immediately, this may be a sign of a missed abortion. In this case, the fetus remains in the uterine cavity, but stops developing. It is urgent to immediately go to the hospital and have an ultrasound done at the 11th week of pregnancy to be sure that the pregnancy is normal.

Important questions that arise during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman especially closely monitors changes in her body, because any mother wants to be sure of the normal development of the baby. It is unlikely that at least one pregnant woman has avoided the emergence of questions regarding the course of pregnancy.

One of these issues that often arises is an increase in temperature at the 11th week of pregnancy. If the temperature rises to 37 - 37.2 in the absence of other symptoms colds– this is considered the norm.

After all, the amount of blood in the body increases, blood circulation accelerates, and this is what causes frequent elevated temperatures. No action needs to be taken; drinking plenty of fluids is enough to prevent fluid loss.

It’s another matter when, along with an increase in temperature, the following signs of a cold appear:

  • runny nose, frequent sneezing;
  • sore throat and cough;
  • general malaise and fatigue.

A woman’s immunity at 11 weeks has not yet completely adjusted to pregnancy and periodically tries to fight a foreign body in the body, which is why a pregnant woman is susceptible to frequent colds.

If symptoms of the disease occur, you must consult a physician to prescribe treatment. Colds during pregnancy are aggravated by the fact that in this situation taking almost all medications is contraindicated.

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. It will be especially important to drink fruit drinks rich in vitamin C, such as cranberry juice or fruit juice with the addition of rose hips. Ingesting vitamin C in large quantities will help avoid intoxication and cope with the feeling of illness and headaches;
  2. Being in the fresh air, of course, in the absence high temperature. In the air, the immune system recovers faster and is able to as soon as possible overcome the disease;
  3. If you have nasal congestion or a runny nose, you should rinse your nose with a special solution, such as saline or aquamaris.

Most expectant mothers are concerned about the issue of sexual activity during pregnancy. Is sex allowed at 11 weeks of pregnancy? As a rule, there are no contraindications at this time. Sex is prohibited in the following cases:

  • threat of miscarriage;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios detected on ultrasound;
  • unsatisfactory health of a woman.

You should definitely discuss your condition, discomfort and pain with your sexual partner in order to choose the most comfortable position that will not cause discomfort to the woman and will not harm the baby.

Now the baby’s nervous system is developing very quickly, so alcohol at 11 weeks of pregnancy is strictly contraindicated. Even a glass of low-alcohol drink can cause enormous harm to the health of the fetus, which may not be able to be corrected in the future. It’s worth considering that the baby’s health is much more important than drinking alcohol, even in small quantities. It is much better to drink a glass of fresh juice instead of alcohol.

Examination at 11 weeks of pregnancy

In most cases, initial tests have already been completed upon registration. Read the article to find out what tests are done during pregnancy >>>. If for some reason a woman is just about to register, she will need to pass the following tests in addition to general tests:

  1. Blood for group, as well as for Rh factor. The baby’s father also needs to undergo the same test to avoid Rh conflict if the mother has a negative Rh;
  2. Blood for determination of blood sugar. This is necessary to assess the risk of gestational diabetes, which is a common companion to pregnancy;
  3. If you have increased weakness, you should take a test to determine your hemoglobin level.

Most likely, at this time the doctor will give a referral for screening. Screening is carried out by passing a series of tests and ultrasound examination to identify fetal pathologies. early. It will be held in a couple of weeks.

An ultrasound is usually performed at 12 weeks of pregnancy, but if you wish or suspect any pathology in the development of the child, you can do an ultrasound now. Perhaps, during an ultrasound, the doctor will give a photo of the fetus at 11 weeks of pregnancy, in which the arms and legs and movements of the baby can already be clearly seen. The head is still very large, but the proportions of the body will change soon. In the photo you can see the baby putting his fingers in his mouth or waving his arms.

If there is any doubt about the development of the fetus, the doctor sends you for an hCG test at 11 weeks of pregnancy. This analysis will help assess the child’s development over time, because the hormone constantly increases in the first half of pregnancy.

Lifestyle at 11 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy, although not a disease, still requires lifestyle adjustments. Particular attention should be paid to your diet during pregnancy. The diet must certainly include the following products:

  • Vegetables and fruits. Vitamins during this period are extremely necessary for a woman, because from her the baby receives all the necessary microelements. Also, natural vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber, which the body needs to facilitate intestinal function and relieve constipation, which is often found in expectant mothers. Read more about constipation during pregnancy >>>;
  • Meat and fish. These products contain a lot of protein, which is necessary for the growth of the baby, as well as for the normal health of the mother;
  • Fermented milk products. Milk, cottage cheese, cheese, yoghurts - these products contain calcium, which is necessary for the child for the development of the skeleton, and is also very necessary for the mother to avoid problems with teeth and hair, which happens extremely often in pregnant women;
  • Drinking a lot is absolutely necessary during pregnancy. A lack of fluid in the body very quickly leads to edema, which is completely undesirable during pregnancy.

You need to eat in small portions, but often. Choose a diet with a lot of calories, because a woman needs them to maintain good health. It is advisable to remove from the diet or minimize the consumption of harmful foods:

  1. Fatty foods. It can lead to heaviness in the stomach and heartburn, which often makes itself felt anyway;
  2. Smoked and salty foods. These foods retain fluid in the body and can lead to swelling. Read more about edema during pregnancy >>>;
  3. Spicy foods irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. Due to the close location of the intestines to the uterus, consumption of spicy foods can cause contractions of the uterus, which will negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

When consumed healthy products and providing the body with all useful substances, the expectant mother will feel much better than when eating junk food.

If you follow all the doctor's recommendations, careful attention to your body, proper nutrition and caring loved ones, pregnancy at 11 weeks is quite easy. If toxicosis does not subside, you should remember that there is very little left until the second trimester, which is considered the easiest and usually does not cause any problems to the woman.

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the baby continues to grow rapidly. He has a large head, a small body, long arms and short legs pressed to his tummy.

The size of the baby is 4-6.8 cm (about the size of a fetus figs), weight - 11-15 g.

This week the baby begins to move in response to external stimuli - loud noise, sudden movements of the mother. He is able to quickly change the position of his body in the uterine cavity, helping himself with the movements of his legs. If the baby stretches, then his arms and legs can maintain a fixed position for several seconds. Tactile receptors appear on the baby’s palms, and he begins to feel the touch of amniotic fluid, umbilical cord, etc.

Taste and olfactory receptors are formed. The umbilical cord develops, the number of blood vessels increases, so the baby needs more nutrients than before. The growth of muscles, bones and joints continues, and small joints begin to form. The beginnings of teeth appear. The pancreas and kidneys are fully formed and functioning.

Reflexes are actively developing: sucking(manifested by lip movements) and prehensile(marked by the movements of tiny fingers).

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the vocal cords are formed and begin to develop. Ends eye formation, the iris is formed. It determines the child's eye color.

The likelihood of developing any pathology in a baby after the 11th week is significantly reduced. The baby's brain is formed by this week; two hemispheres and the cerebellum are clearly distinguished in it (it is responsible for the coordination of movements). The genitals are still developing, so it is impossible to find out the sex of the baby at the 11th week of pregnancy.

Development of twins

Twins at the 11th week of pregnancy develop at the same rate as a baby with a singleton pregnancy. The twins are slightly inferior only in height and weight: 3.9 cm and 12 g each. The placenta (or placentas, if the twins are dichorionic) of both babies has formed by this time. During the 11th week of pregnancy with twins, a woman can gain 0.5-0.7 kg.

From the 11th week of pregnancy with twins already It is not recommended to sleep on your back(preferably on the left side) to avoid compression of large blood vessels in the abdominal cavity and ensure normal blood circulation in the body.

What's happening to mom: sensations

At the 11th week of pregnancy, natural changes associated with bearing a baby continue to occur in a woman’s body.

Changes in the uterus. The 11th week of pregnancy is considered the beginning of the growth of the uterus: it increases in size along with the baby. The internal space of the pelvis is almost completely occupied by the uterus. A gynecologist can feel it through the abdominal cavity: where the pubic joint is located, a protruding tubercle is felt. As a rule, an enlargement of the abdomen is not yet observed, but the 11th week of pregnancy is the starting point for the beginning of its growth as a result of an enlarged uterus, because from this period the child actively begins to grow and gain weight.

Frequent urination. The growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which causes more frequent urge to go to the toilet. An increase in the volume of circulating blood in a woman’s body, changing hormonal levels, and a growing need for fluid also increase the frequency of urination.

Pain and cramps in the lower abdomen. If you experience aching pain in the lower abdomen, you should urgently contact your gynecologist, who will refer you for an ultrasound, where they will assess the child’s condition. During the normal development of pregnancy, there should not be severe pain. You may experience mild pain due to stretching of the ligaments that attach the uterus. But if you notice bloody discharge or experience severe nagging pain, call an ambulance.

Headache. This malaise is caused by various reasons: hormonal changes, overwork, increased anxiety typical of expectant mothers, as well as stress, ARVI and other factors. Consult your doctor regarding this matter.

Lower back pain. Moderate nagging pain in the back is caused by the load on the spine, which increases with each week of pregnancy. If the pain is severe, accompanied by bloody, purulent vaginal discharge, and elevated body temperature, an urgent visit to the doctor is needed to eliminate the risk of miscarriage and other pathologies. Also, the cause of back pain can be scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spinal column, so it is advisable to consult a neurologist and/or orthopedist.

Breast changes. Breasts at the 11th week of pregnancy continue to increase in volume and maintain increased sensitivity, there may be a feeling of heaviness and tingling. These are signs of the mammary glands preparing for breastfeeding.

Swelling. Many expectant mothers are faced with... Swelling is provoked by hormonal changes, an increasing load on a woman’s kidneys, and an increase in the need of her body and the child’s body for fluid. An increase in the volume of amniotic fluid also occurs weekly.

Sweating. Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is a common symptom during pregnancy. It is caused by the restructuring of hormonal levels, the growing fluid consumption of the expectant mother, as well as an increase in the volume of circulating blood in her body by 35-40% (blood rushing to skin, provokes sweating). Sweating is especially severe at night. It should be dealt with using simple hygiene measures - shower without cosmetics, rubdowns, but taking medications against hyperhidrosis during pregnancy is not recommended.

Vaginal discharge. At the 11th week of pregnancy, discharge without color or strong odor is considered normal and does not cause discomfort to the woman. Discharge of a transparent white color, like chicken protein, is allowed, its thickness depends on the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood. Discharges of green, yellow or gray shades, curdled and bubbling discharge should alert you, because they can be caused by diseases such as candidiasis (thrush), trichomoniasis, etc. They bring discomfort to the expectant mother, as they are accompanied by burning, itching, redness and irritation of the skin of the genitals lips The presence of infections and inflammatory processes in the mother’s genitourinary tract is also undesirable for the unborn child, therefore treatment under the supervision of a doctor is mandatory.

Minor bleeding. Some expectant mothers, especially when multiple pregnancy, nosebleeds may occur. It is caused by an increase in blood flow: due to increased stress, weak vessels burst. Light vaginal bleeding is likely after sexual intercourse or even an examination by a gynecologist: the uterus may be irritated as its muscular walls become softer under the influence of the hormone progesterone. Spotting may occur if a pregnant woman has uterine erosion, fibroids or polyps, or sexually transmitted diseases. In any case, this symptom should be reported to your doctor. Most dangerous reasons Bleeding in the 11th week of pregnancy is a miscarriage and a non-developing pregnancy. If the bleeding is severe, call an ambulance immediately.

Increased body temperature. Traditionally, gynecologists consider body temperature, which rises to 37-37.5 degrees, to be normal in the 11th week of pregnancy, provided that there are no respiratory diseases or foci of inflammation in the body of the expectant mother. This condition is caused by the changing hormonal levels of the pregnant woman. Concerning basal temperature, then starting from the 11th week it should not exceed 37-37.3 degrees. To find out the reason elevated temperature, you should consult your doctor.

Increased fatigue. Weakness, a constant feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, and mood swings in the expectant mother are caused by physiological, including hormonal, changes in the body. Try to rest more, get enough sleep.

Changes in food and smell preferences. Under the influence of hormones, expectant mothers change their attitude towards certain smells and foods. A craving for certain foods may indicate a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals in the diet of a woman expecting a child. However, at the 11th week of pregnancy, heightened sensitivity to odors, as a rule, decreases.

Increased appetite. At the 11th week of pregnancy, the manifestations of toxicosis in most expectant mothers soften or disappear, so appetite increases. Try to control it, because excess weight complicates the course of pregnancy.

Metabolism. Starting from the 11th week of pregnancy, the metabolism in the body of the expectant mother proceeds 20-25% faster.

Changes in the condition of skin and hair. Hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother affect the condition of her skin and hair, either better side, either for the worse, making them more oily or, on the contrary, dry. Natural changes in the endocrine system provoke increased (less often decreased) secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands. If skin problems become severe (acne, enlarged pores, etc.), it is better to consult a dermatologist. Dark appearance on the stomach vertical stripe no cause for concern. This is pigmentation, again caused by the action of hormones - melanotropin, progesterone, estrogen. Some time after birth it will disappear.

Weight gain. Weight gain in the 11th week of pregnancy (when compared with weight before pregnancy) averages 1-3 kg, and during pregnancy with twins - 5-7 kg. The tummy is not yet noticeable, and if it is enlarged, then most likely the reason for this is bloating or the woman’s excess weight.

The 11th week of pregnancy has begun, which means that the first trimester is ending, the constant nausea associated with the “interesting position” is passing, and the woman is already beginning to feel the expanding uterus. The belly at 11 weeks is still practically invisible, but almost all women by this time already have a clear understanding, awareness of what is happening and adaptation to their new status - mother. The fear of spontaneous termination of pregnancy or simple miscarriage is gradually receding, and now the expectant mother feels emotionally more stable.

Although the main risks and dangers are behind us, at 11 weeks there may still be a threat in the form of bleeding or sharp pain in the lower abdomen. The likelihood of this is extremely low, but it still exists. To avoid this, pregnant women should protect themselves from stress, emotional turmoil, and under no circumstances lift anything heavier than 3 kg.

The 11th obstetric week is the 3rd month of pregnancy, the first trimester.

Feelings of a woman at 11 weeks of pregnancy

Most often, women at this stage are already beginning to emerge from a state of painful toxicosis. But if this is not the case in someone's specific case, then there is no reason to worry. Yes, morning sickness may last up to 14 weeks or even longer, but it will likely be milder and go away over time.

A new symptom of pregnancy is heartburn, which is complemented by other troubles and digestive problems. Most often it is constipation and bloating. The reason for this is the work of hormones. However, many women do not complain of heartburn or constipation, so it is still not necessary to prepare for such a development of events. Each organism is individual.

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the belly becomes more and more rounded, and the expectant mother can look at it in the mirror with pleasure. It looks like a small roundness in the lower abdomen, just above the pubic bone. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that your favorite jeans are difficult to fasten, and wearing low-rise trousers has become not very comfortable. And although the uterus is still within the pelvis, the woman can feel its growth. This is manifested by strange sensations in the pregnant woman’s abdomen, reminiscent of slight tingling or stretching.

At this time there is still a small degree of danger to the pregnancy condition. Therefore, if your lower back hurts or your stomach feels tight, it is best to play it safe and immediately consult a doctor who is monitoring and advising the pregnant woman.

What's happening to the baby?

Fetal development at 11 weeks of pregnancy occurs rapidly:

  • he is already raising his head;
  • the “grab” reaction has developed;
  • organs of the gastrointestinal tract develop;
  • the formation of the genital organs begins;
  • the child responds to stimuli from outside;
  • The baby's movements are more expressive.

What does a baby look like at 11 weeks?

The 11th obstetric week corresponds to the 9th week from conception. Active growth began. Behind last week the embryo has grown by as much as 1.5-2 cm. Now the baby is the size of a kiwi. Its height is 45-65 mm, and its weight is 8 grams.

What's happening to mom?

The start of the 11th week of pregnancy brings some peace to the emotional condition future mother. Firstly, the risks and threats gradually disappear, secondly, the woman gets used to her new and magical position, thirdly, the body gets used to the increased amount of hormones, and sudden emotional changes occur less and less often.

If your mood swings are still severe, there is no need to worry. Hormones are doing their job, so a carousel of emotions is not unrealistic at this stage of pregnancy.

But you shouldn’t blame everything on hormones; you need to keep your emotions under control, be tolerant and cautious. There is no need to work too hard and exhaust yourself, because this is a special stress for the body. We must learn to relax, to relax; this ability can also be useful in subsequent stages of pregnancy and childbirth.

Light melodic instrumental music will help you relax. It can be classical, folk, soul, jazz, country, etc. Drawing mandalas and coloring books with fine details are also very helpful in relieving stress. If you like to sew, knit, embroider, it's time to do it. Handicrafts always have a beneficial effect on your emotional state.

External changes

At 11-12 weeks, women may experience brittle nails and increased hair loss. It is impossible to stop this; after childbirth, everything always and necessarily returns to normal.

And sometimes everything happens quite the opposite: the hair thickens, gains shine, the hairstyle becomes voluminous, like something out of a shampoo advertisement, and hair growth increases. This is the same example when a woman blossoms during pregnancy.

If the expectant mother has not yet taken care of purchasing oils against stretch marks (for example, olive) and has not started using them, then she should hurry up. After another 2-3 weeks, the belly will begin to grow rapidly, and lack of proper skin care will lead to the formation of unsightly stretch marks, which are then very difficult to get rid of.


At 10-11 weeks there is an increase in vaginal discharge. There is no need to be afraid of this: such discharge will be a woman’s companion throughout pregnancy. Normal discharge is white in color with a slightly sour odor. Barely noticeable discharge from the breast - colostrum - is also a common occurrence, but there is no need to try to squeeze anything out of there.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

V.: I feel movement at 11 weeks. This is my second pregnancy, I also felt the first one quite early at 16 weeks, as if there were fish in my stomach. It's the same feeling now. When can you feel the first movements?

A: In general, the first movements are usually felt no earlier than 17-19 weeks in the first pregnancy and 15-18 weeks in the second pregnancy. Feelings in the abdomen can be caused by intestinal dysfunction. However, it is accepted that in very rare cases, a woman can actually feel fetal movements so early. It depends on sensitivity and a huge number of other factors, because each organism is individual.

V.: My breasts stopped hurting at 11 weeks and the toxicity disappeared. Is it really a frozen pregnancy? I'm very afraid.

A: At week 11, all the signs of pregnancy that were so clearly felt earlier may disappear. This is normal, since by this time the body gets used to its new position. However, there is still a risk of a frozen pregnancy, and if you have doubts, it is better to consult a doctor.

Q: Can I find out the gender of the baby at 11 weeks?

A: Yes, on an ultrasound, the doctor can already tell what the sex of the child is expected to be, but this is not yet certain. The genitals have not yet formed and one can only give a preliminary assessment of whether it is a boy or a girl. Experienced specialists, however, do not make mistakes very often.

Tests at 11 weeks of pregnancy

11-13 obstetric weeks - time of the first screening. If the pregnancy proceeded normally and without complications, then this is the time of the first meeting with the baby.

Screening is an ultrasound and biochemical blood test. This analysis can reveal abnormalities in the baby's development, so this analysis is mandatory. The screening procedure is nothing serious and does not affect the development of the child or the mother's health.

If during the examination some alarming factors were discovered, the doctor refers the pregnant woman to a geneticist. But the screening results are not the end, but only a signal to begin more detailed and in-depth studies.

Screening done at the end of the first trimester is the ideal time to establish the exact embryonic stage of pregnancy. The purpose of an ultrasound at 11 weeks is to assess the general course of pregnancy, detect twins or triplets, measure the baby’s growth and other important parameters (for example, the thickness of the collar space), and predict the sex of the child. Of course, this forecast has a low probability of coming true, because The baby's genitals have not yet formed.

Blood is given for biochemistry to determine the level of the most important hormones, by which doctors judge how the fetus is developing. The hCG hormone value during this period should be 35,000-185,000 mIU/ml. Now hCG is at its maximum value, you can still expect a slight increase over the next week, after which it will begin to decline.

The main thing is nutrition

A complete, balanced and harmonious menu - we follow this rule in the 11th week. The diet should be filled with cereals, nuts, a variety of fermented milk products, cheese, herbs, fruits and vegetables, veal and vegetable oils.

You should not eat too much, otherwise heartburn and constipation will become inevitable “friends”. It is better to eat in small portions at intervals of 3-4 hours. Spicy, fried, fatty or smoked foods are taboo for a pregnant woman. The preferred drinks are plain water, fresh juices and unsweetened compotes.

The first trimester of pregnancy is about to end. What can you say about the feelings of the expectant mother now? The 11th obstetric week of pregnancy is approximately 12-13 embryonic weeks.

The female body is almost accustomed to its new state. Many pregnant women are already feeling significantly better. Toxicosis gradually goes away as horrible dream. Nausea and dizziness in the morning practically no longer occur. Sleep returns to normal, and you no longer feel tired. Some even feel a surge of strength and performance. There is no sharp change in mood that was observed earlier. An appetite appears, sometimes even simply brutal. The female body begins to quickly replenish those reserves of useful substances that it did not receive during toxicosis, when nausea and vomiting did not even want to look at food.

However, even if you are now feeling sleepy, notice your absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, then there is no need to panic. Perhaps the process of adaptation and restructuring of your body is a little slower. Think that soon all the negative symptoms will go away and you can calmly enjoy your new sensations and wait for the arrival of your long-awaited baby.

What other sensations does a pregnant woman experience now?

  • Breasts continue to grow and enlarge in preparation for breastfeeding. The mammary glands are still very sensitive. There may be slight discharge from the nipples.
  • There may be increased vaginal discharge - almost colorless or slightly whitish, without unpleasant odor and blood impurities.
  • Some unpleasant moments associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract: heartburn and constipation.

Fetal development at 11 weeks of gestation

The eleventh obstetric week of pregnancy is a time of active growth and development of the embryo.

Often, for greater clarity, the fruit is now compared to a lime. The weight of the embryo at the current stage is approximately 8 grams. The length of the future baby has already grown from 44 to 60 mm.

Now the future baby:

  • It moves more and more actively. With his small legs he is already able to push off from the walls of the amniotic sac.
  • Senses smells. But, of course, he doesn’t smell, but feels it from the amniotic fluid, which enters the fetus’s nasal passages.
  • He has acquired fingers on his legs and arms, and can even make grasping movements.
  • Straightened my spine. His neck became visible. Able to raise and lower his head.
  • Swallows amniotic fluid and is able to distinguish taste. The embryo has formed a rectum.
  • Looks like transparent. Blood vessels are visible through the thin skin.
  • The heart beats at a normal rate of 140-160 beats per second. The heart consists of 4 chambers, but they are not yet separated, so arterial and venous blood are still mixed.
  • It is still unclear whether it is a boy or a girl. The formation of the genital organs continues, but it is still impossible to visually distinguish male and female genital organs even with a super-modern ultrasound machine.

It is interesting to know that now an organ such as the liver plays an important role in the fetus. Now it makes up almost 10% of the total weight of the fetus. At 11 weeks of pregnancy, the liver performs several important functions:

  • Filters blood from harmful substances;
  • Produces blood plasma proteins;
  • The substance glycogen accumulates, as if it were an energy reserve;
  • Involved in the formation of bile acids responsible for the processing of fats;
  • Provides blood flow to the proembryo, performing the function of the portal heart.

What factors influence fetal development

There is no need to relax just yet. Although the fetus already has protection - the placenta - and the organs are already laid, any harm can negatively affect the further development of the embryo.

For the entire duration of pregnancy, forget about bad habits, if this existed previously.

Alcohol can destroy fetal cells at any stage of pregnancy. Women who drink alcohol give birth to children, who then experience real withdrawal due to a “hangover.” After all, alcohol stops flowing after birth.

Smoking provokes oxygen starvation of the embryo. In the future, cigarettes can result in chronic lung diseases.

Medicines contraindicated during pregnancy can sometimes cause irreversible consequences for the unborn baby. No self-medication.

Refrain from repairs, as paints and other chemical substances have an extremely harmful effect. This also applies to aggressive detergents and cleaning products.

The influence of ionizing radiation is negative, so pregnant women do not undergo fluorography.

We must try to avoid all the “delights” of the metropolis - polluted air, urban smog, strong noise and vibration.

A place of work with harmful conditions or a risk of stress should be changed to a calmer one.

What complications may arise at 11 weeks of pregnancy?

Complications at the 11th week of pregnancy are most likely associated with insufficient amounts of vitamins and nutrients received. For example, a lack of calcium causes varicose veins in the expectant mother. And after childbirth, varicose veins will not go away on their own. Long-term treatment will be required, the result of which is not always successful.

Now the unborn baby is actively forming a bone skeleton, so the embryo takes calcium from the mother’s body to the maximum.

Vitamin D is important now. From its deficiency, the child may subsequently suffer from rickets.

Pay attention to vaginal discharge. Don't be alarmed if they become more abundant than before. This is fine. But make sure that the discharge does not have an unpleasant odor, is transparent or slightly whitish. If itching occurs and the discharge looks like cottage cheese, then this indicates a disease such as candidiasis. What makes its treatment difficult is that the use of special suppositories is possible only in the second trimester of pregnancy. So you will have to make do with enhanced hygiene.

If blood appears in the discharge, this is a signal to immediately visit a doctor. Bloody vaginal discharge may indicate an incipient miscarriage.

Changes in a woman’s body at 11 weeks of pregnancy

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the female body pursues only one goal - to ensure the normal development and growth of the embryo, providing the fetus with all the necessary substances and, if possible, protecting it from adverse external influences.

During this period, we can say that the metabolism in the pregnant woman’s body increases by almost a quarter than before. Therefore, now we need to slowly increase the amount of food consumed, but, as they say, without fanaticism. Otherwise, there is a risk of gaining excess weight very quickly, which will then be oh so difficult to get rid of.

It is known that at present the circulatory system significantly increases the volume of circulating blood. Therefore, pregnant women may experience increased sweating. This is an absolutely normal process caused by physiological changes in the body. Try to drink more fluids. After all, dehydration is extremely harmful now.

The emotional background at the eleventh week of pregnancy is still not entirely stable. There is irritability, tearfulness, anxiety, sudden mood changes. This is a consequence of the fact that the placenta begins to be responsible for the production of biologically active substances - this role is transferred to it by the corpus luteum.

It’s normal if taste preferences become or remain at least strange and incomprehensible to others. Salted strawberries or smoked cucumbers are normal for the current state of the expectant mother.

Please note: if you crave chalk, sand or asphalt, this is most likely a sign of iron deficiency (iron deficiency anemia). A blood test will be required to check your hemoglobin level.

A woman’s weight can now increase due to an increase in the amount of glandular tissue in mammary glands or due to the accumulation and retention of fluid in the body.

The uterus with the fetus is not yet greatly enlarged, but the doctor can already feel it in the area of ​​the pubic bone.

Hormonal changes lead to changes in the structure and quality of a pregnant woman's nails and hair. Someone's getting prettier nail plates become stronger, and hair becomes thicker and shiny. For others, the process goes in the opposite direction. Don't worry: everything will return to normal some time after giving birth, when the hormones return to normal.

Belly at 11 obstetric week pregnancy is not yet particularly visible. Gain means more weight gain and fatty tissue. The uterus has not yet grown that much.

HCG levels begin to drop. The norm now is 20900-291000 mIU/ml.

Tests and medical examinations

Register with antenatal clinic Right now. After all, the deadline for this is 12 weeks. And this is important not only for processing documents for receiving benefits, but also for constant monitoring of the course of pregnancy by a gynecologist and other medical specialists.

At the first appointment, the doctor will conduct a visual examination and bimanual examination. An exchange card is created, where all the necessary information about the condition of the mother and fetus will be entered now and in the future. Height, weight, blood pressure, and abdominal circumference will also be measured. Your supervising doctor will give you a mandatory list of tests and examinations that you need to undergo.

Please note that this list may change slightly; for example, additional tests are prescribed if there are any complications, risks or chronic diseases.

Briefly the list looks like this:

  • Blood tests: Rh factor, group, infections (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis)
  • Urinalysis (UAM)
  • UAC ( general analysis blood)
  • Vaginal smears for cytology and microflora
  • Double biochemical test for determination hCG levels and PAPP-A (for determining fetal pathologies, including chromosomal ones)
  • Consultations and examination of other doctors, such as a therapist, dentist, ENT specialist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, etc.

Ultrasound at 11 weeks of pregnancy

In ultrasound pictures, the embryo now looks like a small man, albeit with a disproportionately large head. It is already quite possible to see the limbs of the unborn child, fingers and toes, face, rudiments of the ears, lips.

Using ultrasound equipment at this stage, the fetal heart rate is listened to. Interestingly, during the examination the heart may begin to beat faster - the baby is worried.

At this stage of 11 weeks, the ultrasound specialist determines the position of the placenta. Based on some parameters, a specialist can already tell the obstetric gestational age.

It is very, very difficult to see what gender the future baby is. After all, the genitals are still in the stage of formation. So you will have to wait until the next ultrasound examination.

Proper nutrition, rest, walks in the fresh air will now help you cope with drowsiness and fatigue - and the more, the better. Please note that you should not get carried away with drinking tonic drinks. Even herbal-based formulations can seriously harm both the woman and the fetus.

Remember that now your future baby already feels your emotional state well, tastes what you eat, reacts to sounds and touches. Already now he needs your love and care.

Nutrition is the most important factor now, the key proper development fetus Take the time to study the recommendations of experts on this matter. If your diet was not very balanced, then it’s time to change your taste preferences. Products now must be healthy and only of high quality.

Avoid stress. It is clear that at this time the woman still goes to work, and in almost any case this is nerves and worries. The financial component is, of course, important. But the money earned will not restore the child’s damaged health.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

Contraindications at the 11th obstetric week of pregnancy concern everything harmful and negative that can harm the fetus.

  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs)
  • Poor nutrition
  • Harmful working conditions
  • Medicines
  • Stressful situations.

You should avoid anything that will harm the unborn baby. After all, you are his main protection now and for a long time, both during pregnancy and after birth.

Sex at 11 weeks pregnant

Intimate life is not prohibited at this stage of pregnancy. At this time, when the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis pass, the pregnant woman will again feel sexual desire and attraction to her partner.

The positive emotions that a woman experiences when making love have an extremely beneficial effect on the state of the body. The rush of blood to the pelvic organs during orgasm also has a positive meaning.

It is worth saying that many pregnant women say that it is at this time that sex becomes more vivid and the sensations become more acute.

However, you should not experiment with any extreme sexual practices.

A ban on sexual relations can only be present if there is a threat of miscarriage.

Sports and physical education

Physical activity is very beneficial. Moderate physical exercise not only keep a woman in shape, but also help her forget or quickly get rid of the previous unpleasant sensations of toxicosis.

Swimming pool, fitness, yoga, gymnastics for pregnant women - choose what your heart desires.

Just remember that after physical exercise you should not feel overstrained or tired. You will have to give up professional training for a while.

Vitamins and medications at 11 weeks of pregnancy

Many doctors have differing opinions about taking vitamins. Some people believe that all nutrients and vitamins should be supplied to the body through food. This way they are better absorbed. But it is not always possible to afford to replenish the supply of nutrients to the maximum. Then vitamin complexes specially designed for pregnant women come to the rescue. They definitely won't do any harm.

But incomprehensible dietary supplements and folk remedies It's worth being careful. A pregnant woman's body is different, and the effects of drugs can be most undesirable. It is not worth risking your health and the health of your unborn child.