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Step by step pedicure at home. Do-it-yourself pedicure at home: step by step instructions with a photo

Learning how to do manicures and pedicures on your own is a useful skill. If only because going to the master does not always have time, effort and money. We have prepared simple instructions, which will help you see the result no worse than in the salon.


Step #1 To make the procedure safe, disinfect the instruments. This is a mandatory step, even if only you use them. The easiest way is to buy a special tool that is sold in professional stores, or wipe the tools with ordinary alcohol. There is another option: boil metal objects in a saucepan for 20 minutes. But here you have to wait until the tools cool down - in cold water they must not be lowered, otherwise the structure of the metal will suffer.

Step #2 If your nails have a coating, remove it. The choice is yours: liquids containing acetone dissolve varnish faster, but products without acetone cause less damage to nails, cuticles and skin.

Step #3 It is better to shorten the nail and shape it with a file - without tweezers or scissors. Metal and too rough files can cause delamination of the nail plate, so take a glass or abrasive one. File should be filed at a slow pace, from the edge of the nail to the center, so as not to damage the nail. At the same time, leave a length of at least a millimeter - for the correct formation of the free edge.

Step #4 Dip your hands in a bath of warm water for 3-5 minutes. You can add sea salt or aromatic oils to the water. This procedure will soften the cuticle and prepare the skin for the next steps. If desired, use a hand scrub, then apply moisturizer.

Step #5 In matters of cuticle processing, the main rule is this: the more you cut, the more it grows. Therefore, it is worth abandoning the tweezers for trimming manicure, otherwise the cuticle will only become rougher over time. Experienced craftsmen advise moisturizing the cuticle with oil every day, and during the manicure, gently push it away with a special stick. Try not to use scissors for at least a couple of months - and you will see the result. The same applies to the side rollers (the skin around the nails) - they should be sanded with a glass nail file. Once a week will be enough.

Step #6 Before applying varnish, you need to degrease your nails with a special tool. Then apply a base coat - the surface will become smooth and the manicure will last longer. Before applying the varnish, it is better not to shake the bottle, otherwise all the air bubbles will be on the nails. Colored varnish should be applied in three movements: on the left side of the nail, on the right, and in the center. It is important to observe the time interval between applying layers - at least five minutes, and preferably all ten. In order not to stain the side rollers, lubricate them with petroleum jelly without touching the nail - all excess can be removed with a simple cotton pad. Next comes the nail polish fixer - it will protect the manicure from cracks and chips. If there is no special drying coating, you can dip your nails in ice water for 2-3 minutes, and then grease with oil. In this case, the varnish will not smear and the home manicure will look no worse than the salon one.


Experts recommend doing a pedicure every three weeks. Before the procedure, be sure to pay attention to how you feel - you should be careful with low pressure, varicose veins and pregnancy. In such cases, the water in the bath should be warm, not hot.

Step #1 Make sure that the tools are disinfected, and start soaking the skin of the legs. You can add your favorite aromatic oils to the bath with warm water, then a relaxing effect will appear. If the skin on the feet is too rough, add baking soda or sea salt, then it will be easier to remove dead skin particles. Keeping your feet in the water for too long is not worth it - 15 minutes will be enough. To make the most of this time, you can, for example, apply a face mask.

Step #2 Dry your feet with a towel. Take a natural fine-grained pumice stone and go over the roughest areas of the feet. Do not touch delicate skin, so as not to get hurt. Move the pumice stone in one direction - with chaotic movements, the skin will become rough the very next day. Watch your feelings: if there is a slight burning sensation during the procedure, stop. You can enhance the effect and use a foot scrub to treat hard-to-reach places. Be careful with calluses and corns: if touching causes pain, it is better not to touch these areas and consult a specialist.

Step #3 The cuticle on the toes is usually quite thin, so experts recommend not cutting it, but regularly pushing it back with a special stick - after steaming, this is easy to do. With the same wand, you can gently remove dirt to avoid infection without damaging soft tissues. Step #5 The most pleasant part is to apply a moisturizer on your feet and massage them. If suddenly there was no cream at hand, you can take any oil, even olive oil. To keep the effect of well-groomed legs as long as possible, make masks several times a week - apply nutritious cream on the feet before going to bed, wrap with cling film and put on socks.

Step #6 Applying nail polish will be much easier if you put on spacer pads. Apply a base coat, then no more than two coats of colored polish (make sure to keep the time interval) and a fixer.

9 months ago 5 months ago

Want to learn how to do a pedicure at home? Do you dream of putting your legs in order, getting rid of calluses, cracks and corns? We will tell you how to do a pedicure at home, and where you can learn it! 1 min

Summer is coming, and you still dream of beautiful well-groomed legs and soft, like a baby, pink heels? Or maybe you want to become a pedicure master and make money on it?

In the article we will consider all types and nuances of a pedicure. And also where and how to learn this skill. Go!

In the article we will tell:

Pedicure- Comprehensive foot care procedures. It is also a hygienic procedure that improves the skin and toenails.

The pedicure procedure includes: removal of old varnish, steaming of the feet, treatment of the skin on the feet, removal of calluses, corns, old dead skin. Also, the procedure may include a foot massage, of course, at the request of the client, and sometimes for an additional fee.

What tools are needed for a pedicure

Here a list of basic tools for a classic edged pedicure:

  • bath;
  • wire cutters;
  • Grater;
  • Scissors with a rounded edge;
  • Double-sided pusher;
  • Scraper (razor);
  • Napkins.

For a hardware pedicure you will need: milling cutter with nozzles, disinfectants and cosmetics for the care of nails and skin of the feet.

Pedicure involves the treatment of feet and fingers. In this case, the following are used: apparatus, files, grinders, keratolic cosmetic preparations that exfoliate dead skin cells. There are additional procedures: treatment and prevention of ingrown nails, treatment of calluses, hyperkeratosis, prosthetics of nail plates.

Types of pedicure

There are several types of pedicure. Let's look at each in more detail.

  • Medical.Who needs a medical pedicure and why? People suffering from some diseases of the feet and nails often seek help. It is provided by a podiatrist.

Procedure medical pedicure is aimed at preventing and getting rid of such problems as: ingrown nails, calluses, heel spurs, etc.

  • Classical.It is divided into edged and European. They differ only in the way the cuticle is processed. With classical edged pedicure the legs are pre-steamed and then the cuticle is carefully removed with rounded nail scissors.
  • Dry.There are several names for this type of pedicure: European, French and unedged. With a dry pedicure, the feet do not need to be steamed - the whole procedure is carried out without water. It is replaced by special disinfectants (keratoliks), which make it easy to treat the feet from the remnants of old dead skin.

The cuticle is removed with the help of cosmetics or the film is pushed back with an orange stick to the base of the nail. The advantage of a dry pedicure is that it eliminates the possibility of infection with fungal diseases, as, for example, with a classic one.

  • Hardware.Pedicure is done with a special device with several nozzles. They have different purposes. For example, a diamond cutter is used to cleanse the foot of old and rough skin. Silicone are designed for polishing nails.

At hardware pedicure cutting objects are not used, water for steaming is also not needed. The keratinized skin is removed with special cosmetics, and the cuticle is simply trimmed with a nozzle.

Despite the versatility of the pedicure procedure, it is extremely important to choose a good and trusted master, who always sterilizes tools, and workplace neat and clean.

If it is too expensive for you to contact the masters, you can either read the step-by-step instructions in this article and carefully apply the knowledge in practice. Read on!

Also, some types of pedicure are contraindicated for pregnant women and diabetics.

How to do a classic pedicure at home - step by step instructions

Step 1. Getting ready for a pedicure.First you need to steam and soften the skin of the legs. Prepare a warm water bath.

Add soapy water and some sea salt for best results. Soak your feet in water for 5-10 minutes.

If the legs are very running, then the water can be made hotter and the feet kept for about 30 minutes.

After the skin on the legs has steamed out, blot them with a towel and proceed to the next step.

Step 2. Tidy up the nails.Focusing on the natural shape, cut your nails with nail clippers in a straight line.

You do not need to cut them too short, otherwise there is a risk of inflammation. Then go with a nail file along the cut of the nail and trim it.

Attention! The shape of the nail should be square without rounded corners. Otherwise, nail ingrowth into the skin may occur.

Then, with an orange stick or a special spatula, gently push back the cuticle. You can remove it with a special cosmetic product that you need to apply, wait 5 minutes and remove the remnants with a cotton pad.

Using a nail spatula, remove dirt from under the nails and polish nail plate buff.

Step 3. We process the feet.You will need a double-sided grater. With a coarse abrasive surface of the grater, remove the rough skin on the heels, foot and thumb.

Walk on old calluses and corns. With a grater with a fine abrasive, carefully sand all small skin irregularities on sensitive areas of the foot.

Step 4 Moisturize and care.After all the manipulations, apply a colored, transparent or protective coating on the nails. It can be colorless or any other varnish.Can be done with gel polish. Choose to your taste.

And last but most importantly - do not forget to lubricate the skin of the feet with a nourishing cream!

It is best to moisturize your feet daily. Then the legs will be soft and well-groomed, and the number of cracks in the heels will be reduced.

How to do a hardware pedicure yourself

The hardware pedicure procedure cannot be called fast. It lasts about an hour and is considered the safest and most gentle.

During the procedure, there is no damage, cuts and pain, as, for example, with a classic edged pedicure. However, this type of pedicure requires skill and practice. It may not work the first time, so proceed carefully.

For a hardware pedicure you will need:

    • Disinfectant.It is best if it is a product that does not require the use of water.
    • Remover to remove dead cosmetic product penetrates rough skin and exfoliates it.
    • The device for a pedicure with a set of mills.
    • Foot cream.

Step 1.Prepare and soften the skin on the legs. First, disinfect the skin of the legs and apply the remover. This product softens and exfoliates the skin.

Step 2Treat your feet. Cleanse the skin from the keratinized particles on the heels, then on the feet with a typewriter.

Pay special attention to the processing of the skin on the outside thumb. After a general treatment of the foot, gently sand the cuticle.

Step 3Give your nails smoothness and the desired shape with the help of cutters.

Step 4Cover the nail plate with colored or colorless varnish and apply a moisturizer or treatment cream to your feet.

How much does a pedicure cost

The cost of the procedure is determined by the qualifications of the master and the price of the materials used by him.

On average, a classic pedicure costs from 1,000 rubles. Hardware will cost 1,500 rubles. Also, the price can be affected by the level of the cabin. They offer a wide range of pedicure services. In St. Petersburg, the procedure usually does not cost less than 2,000 rubles. At a lower price, you should think about the competence of the master, safety and quality of service.

How long does a pedicure last

The duration of a pedicure in most cases depends on the condition of the feet.

  • Steaming the skin - 5–10 minutes;
  • Treatment of heels and feet - 20–30 minutes;
  • Nail treatment - 10–5 minutes;
  • Lacquering - 15–20 minutes;
  • Drying varnish - 20 minutes.

If the coating is done with gel polish, then coating + design + drying is taken into account. This adds another 1 hour to the procedure.

How often should you get a pedicure

The frequency depends on the skin. For example, dry, severely cracked skin should be tidied up every 2 weeks.

The optimal frequency of a pedicure in the summer is every 2-3 weeks, because the sun, dust and dirt affect the unprotected skin of the feet and dry it out.

How to become a pedicure master

You can become a good specialist on your own by watching lessons on Youtube and reading articles on the Internet.

Online lessons can teach you how to do a pedicure for yourself, and with due perseverance, accuracy and diligence, you can do it like a professional.

However, to work in a good salon, you will need a certificate confirming your qualifications.

If you decide to start making money on your skill, you should take specialized courses.

You need to do this not only for the certificate, but also in order to understand the nuances of the procedure at an even higher level, as well as learn the basics of working with clients.

How to choose pedicure courses

In order not to regret the wasted time and money, pay attention to the number of hours devoted to theory and practice.

  • There should be either as much practice as theory, or an order of magnitude more.
  • Find out how many people are in the group. In crowded groups, the teacher will not be able to devote enough time to each student and to you personally.
  • The best option is 5-10 people in a group. Less is better, of course.
  • Read reviews about the school, look at the work of former students: do you like everything in quality?
  • Also pay attention to the course instructor. How competent he is, whether he has awards and certificates of professional development, how long he has been teaching.

Having passed full course pedicure, you will gain the knowledge and practical skills necessary for work. But don't stop there!

Attend seminars and advanced training courses, track pedicure trends and trends on the Internet, read magazines, profile blogs and don't be afraid to experiment.

In order for the legs to have a beautiful well-groomed appearance longer, it is worth following some recommendations.

Remember that moisturizing your feet is the key to making your pedicure last longer. It is necessary to moisturize the skin with creams every day and take care of the cuticles. And to keep your heels smooth and soft for a long time, peel with sea ​​salt.

Pedicure is equally important for modern man than a manicure. Feet should always look neat, so it will be useful for everyone to learn more about caring for them. In addition, pedicure does not require special skills, and everyone can learn how to do it at home if they carefully study the nuances of the procedure.

What is a pedicure

A pedicure is a treatment for toenails. It is worth noting that the process also affects the skin of the feet. Everyone knows that a quality pedicure is not only beauty, but also health. Most people remember this procedure only with the advent of the warm season, because it is then that our legs are constantly in sight. Of course, this approach cannot be called correct. It must be remembered that foot and nail hygiene is important throughout the year. This is the only way to avoid the following problems:

  • calluses;
  • corns;
  • foot hyperkeratosis;
  • foot fungus;
  • onychocryptosis (ingrown toenail);
  • etc.

Note that pedicure must be done not only for women, but also for men.

Procedure frequency

As for the frequency of performing a pedicure, everything is individual here. Depending on the time of year and the condition of your feet, the procedure can be done from one to four times a month. The type of pedicure also matters. The effect of the hardware lasts a very long time, so you can save time and money on the next trip to the master. The classic procedure cannot give you the same effect, so you will have to do it more often.

A pedicure performed by a professional in a beauty salon will delight you for a very long time.

It is worth noting that in the summer, a pedicure must be performed at least once every two weeks. The same goes for people who have problems with nails or the skin around them. In winter, you can perform the procedure only once a month, if everything is in order with the health of the feet. It must also be remembered that in case of serious diseases (fungus, onychocryptosis, etc.), you need to see a doctor. In such a situation, you can not do a pedicure on your own, because there is a risk of harming your health.

If you have thin and dry skin on your feet, then do not do a pedicure more than once every three weeks.

ghjwtlehs favor

  1. healthy and attractive appearance nails and feet in general.
  2. Prevention of most skin diseases.
  3. The procedure includes a light foot massage, which improves blood circulation in the legs.
  4. The skin of the feet is moisturized and beautiful even between procedures, since special creams and products are used during the pedicure to soften and remove the rough layer of the epithelium.
  5. Pleasant sensations for a long time after the procedure.

Necessary materials and tools for pedicure at home

  1. First of all, you need to choose the right nail file. Its surface should not be too rough or soft. The first option can lead to rapid delamination of nails, and the second will be inconvenient to work with. The ideal choice is a glass nail file, because it is almost not subject to grinding and cannot damage the nail.

    For a pedicure, a glass nail file is better

  2. Nail file for polishing. It is quite easy to choose such a tool. One side should be hard, the other - a little softer.
  3. Bath set. Everything here is up to you. For example, there is a bath to improve the tone of the legs. To prepare it, you need to stock up on sea salt and mint essential oil. The antibacterial effect can be achieved with the help of soda, and a decoction of chamomile will help to relax.

    Peppermint essential oil has a tonic effect, thanks to which a bath with this remedy will relieve fatigue from the legs.

  4. Pumice. It is thanks to her that you can achieve the smoothest skin on your feet. Choose a fine-grained tool.

    Pumice stone is very convenient to remove dead skin from the feet.

  5. It is impossible to treat the entire surface of the skin on the feet with a pumice stone. That is why it is necessary to get a foot scrub.

    Ideal for pedicure coffee scrub, you can make it yourself or buy it in the store

  6. Wooden stick. It is designed to push back the cuticle.

    A wooden stick is necessary to perform a quality pedicure

  7. Massage cream or any vegetable oil. Depending on the type of skin, you can choose any of the options. For dry skin, oil is more suitable, for oily skin - a light moisturizer.

    Olive oil is great for foot massage.

  8. Means for degreasing the surface of the nail. It is better if it is without acetone.
  9. Nail polish. You can choose the color and texture of the tool at your discretion.

    Varnish for a pedicure, you can choose any

  10. Special spacer pads to help you spread your fingers and make the procedure easier.

    The foot pads are very comfortable to use.

  11. Base and top coat.
  12. Nail polish remover.

    Nail polish remover is designed to remove old coating from nails

  13. Cotton buds and disks. Thanks to them, the process of performing the procedure will be greatly simplified.

    Cotton swabs are needed to remove excess polish from the skin around the nails.

  14. Manicure scissors can be bought the most ordinary, but high-quality

    A nail spatula is needed to push back the cuticle

Stages of implementation: step by step instructions with a photo

  1. Before the procedure, all instruments must be thoroughly disinfected.
  2. First of all, you need to wash your feet. For this, it is better to use ordinary soap.

    When washing your feet, you can use a brush to achieve the maximum effect.

  3. Now you can safely remove the old nail polish with a special tool and a cotton pad. It is better to use liquid without acetone. If the nails were covered with shellac, then apply the product and wrap your fingers in foil for 15 minutes. After this time, you can easily remove residues from the surface.

    Old varnish must be removed from the surface of the nails immediately before the procedure.

  4. The next step will be the processing of nails with a file. It must be done in one direction. It is not necessary to experiment with the shape of toenails, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences (for example, to onychocryptosis). But if you have already encountered such a problem, and it is at an early stage, then treat the affected area with soda mixed with potassium permanganate. Remember that a neglected disease can only be cured by a specialist.

    A pedicure usually starts with a nail file.

  5. Now you need to use a nail file for polishing. Just go over the entire surface of the nails with the tool, but try to do it as carefully as possible.

    You need to polish your nails quite a bit so that they acquire a natural shine.

  6. The next step in the procedure is to soften the skin of the legs with a bath. Pour warm water into a special device, add sea salt and essential oils to it. Choose the right care for your skin, because there are many options.
    A foot bath can also be done in an ordinary basin. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. This is enough to soften the dead cells of the epidermis.

    Bath with chamomile decoction will relax your legs

  7. After the bath, you can begin to care for the skin of the legs. The purpose of this stage is to remove the coarsened layer of the epidermis. The easiest way to do this is with a pumice stone. If the skin does not have time to soften, then lower your feet into the bath for another 15 minutes. Remember that pumice stone can only be used on the heels and feet. The remaining areas of the skin of the feet can be cleaned with a foot scrub.

    Foot pumice treatment is a simple procedure that will make your feet smooth and healthy.

  8. If you need to trim your nails, now is the time. Take nail scissors. Carefully trim the nail in a straight line to make a square shape. Thanks to this, you will prevent such a problem as onychocryptosis. Do not forget to trim the cut with a nail file. In this case, you need to work with the tool from the edges of the nail to its center.

    Trim the nail, if necessary, only after taking a bath and treating the skin

  9. Now you can start pushing back the cuticles. With the help of a wooden stick, you will do this as quickly and safely as possible. Before the procedure, it is desirable to apply a special softening agent to the cuticle. Masters advise not to cut the skin, as this can lead to infection. The remaining product and pieces of the epidermis are best removed with an ordinary napkin or a damp towel. At the same stage, you need to clean the place under the nails from the accumulated dirt. You can do this with a nail spatula.

    You can remove the remnants of dead cells from the skin of the feet with a damp towel.

  10. The next step in the procedure is massage. Take a special cream or ordinary vegetable oil and proceed. You don’t need any special skills for this, just stretch your leg with light hand movements. Try not to squeeze the foot too much, your goal is to improve circulation and moisturize the skin with a cream or oil. If you are suffering excessive sweating feet, then use a deodorant.

    Classic pedicure includes a light foot massage that anyone can do

  11. The last step is to apply varnish. For convenience, you can resort to the use of separator pads so that the fingers do not touch each other. Do not forget to degrease the surface of the nails with a special tool. Apply top coat first, then two coats of color or clear varnish, and after top. Be sure to dry your nails after each treatment.

    It will be easier to apply varnish if you use special toe separator pads.

Video: performing a classic pedicure at home

Nail care after the procedure

Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to continue caring for the feet. Apply a thick layer of nourishing cream to the skin and put cotton socks on your feet. You need to do this right before bed. During the night of using these socks, the skin of your feet will become even more hydrated and soft.

In the interval between pedicure procedures, it is enough to nourish the skin of the feet daily with foot cream. Also, if necessary, you can carefully trim the burrs.

Features of the implementation of various types

Of course, in addition to the classic, there are other types of pedicure. Consider the features of the implementation of the main ones at home. We will also separately study the distinctive features of a male pedicure.

Using gel polish

The main difference between a pedicure using gel polish and a classic procedure is the mandatory presence of a UV lamp at home. It is desirable that it be powerful (36 W). Of course, gel polish can dry even at 9 W, but in this case, a pedicure will take much more of your time and effort. It is also worth noting that before applying shellac, it is better to treat the nails with bondex. This tool is necessary for good adhesion of the coating to the surface. You can miss this moment, but the result in this case may not meet your expectations. Do not forget that when performing a pedicure with gel polish, you must use the base.

A UV lamp is required to perform a pedicure using gel polish


Acid pedicure is noticeably different from the classic. The peculiarity of the procedure is the use of a special peeling. You can buy a product for such a pedicure on the Internet or in a beauty salon. After applying the peeling, you need to put on socks and leave them on your feet for several hours. It is better if you lie down all this time, covering your feet with a towel.

Acid pedicures can be done with napkins, as special socks are not always available.

A plus acid pedicure in that without much effort in a short period you can get rid of corns, old corns and other skin irregularities.

It is worth noting that such a pedicure cannot be used for hypersensitive skin of the legs.


Dry or European pedicure differs from the classic one in that it is carried out without the use of a softening foot bath. Interestingly, this procedure is suitable for any skin type, gender and age. The risk of contracting nail fungus when performing a dry pedicure is minimized. Note that when the state of the feet is running European procedure definitely won't fit. In addition, this type of pedicure uses alkaline emollients, which, with constant use, can cause allergies.

Express pedicure

Express pedicure is mainly used to keep the feet in good condition between the main procedures. In this case, you do not have to bother with preparing a bath and massage. It is enough to use a softening agent, remove excess skin and file the nails a little. This type of pedicure takes no more than twenty minutes.

Express pedicure can be performed without removing the varnish, it is enough to cut off the burrs and file the nails a little


It is one of the types of dry The main feature of the procedure is the use of a wooden stick instead of scissors and tweezers. With the help of a simple device, the cuticle is pushed back, and the surface of the nail is also cleaned. Thanks to this method, the risk of injury and cuts is minimized. It implies a light massage with a moisturizing cream at the end of the main procedure.

French pedicure must be completed with a foot massage


Japanese pedicure is more therapeutic than aesthetic. The procedure involves the use of exclusively natural tools and products that cannot cause you allergies or cause any harm to your feet. During Japanese pedicure metal objects and artificial materials are not used. You need to stock up on silk, essential oil and soft sponges made from natural materials if you decide to do the procedure at home. Japanese pedicure is significantly different from the classic, so consider its main stages.

Stages of Japanese pedicure at home

  1. The first step is to apply a scrub and treat the feet with a pumice stone.
  2. Now you need to polish your nails well using special blocks.
  3. It's time to treat the cuticles with oil and massage each finger with wooden sticks.
  4. The next stage involves filling the irregularities on the nails with a paste filled with vitamins and trace elements. Just rub the product into your nails with a sponge from genuine leather and wooden stick.
  5. Now it's time to treat each nail with warm wax so that the water balance of the plate returns to normal.
  6. The next step is to treat the nail with a healing serum and moisturize the cuticle with a special oil.
  7. The procedure ends with a foot massage with hot silk bags, which are usually filled with medicinal herbs and coarse salt.

Japanese pedicure is not only a treatment, but also a good prevention of most diseases of the skin and toenails.


It is rather difficult to perform a trimmed pedicure on your own, since such a procedure will require maximum concentration and accuracy from you. The thing is that the tools must be literally sterile, otherwise you can easily infect the infection. The essence of a trimmed pedicure is to remove the cuticle, dead epidermal cells, calluses, corns and ingrown nails. For such a procedure, you need to purchase a special razor with a blade, good nippers, and a coarse pumice stone. Edged manicure You should always start with a hot foot bath. The legs after the procedure become smooth, the skin is tender, and the effect lasts up to a month.

In a trimmed pedicure, the skin around the nail is removed using special tweezers.


During a hardware pedicure, you do not have to steam the skin of your feet with a bath. For this purpose, you can use a special spray. Thanks to this approach, living cells will not be affected, and dead cells will be easily removed. It is worth noting that the tool also has disinfectant and wound healing properties. Treatment of nails and skin during the procedure is carried out using a special apparatus. The excess is cut off not with a blade, but with grinding nozzles and cutters. This minimizes the risk of injury. A big plus of the procedure is that the device can reach the most inaccessible places on the feet (for example, between the toes). Of course, to do such a pedicure at home, you need the ability to use the tool.

Hardware pedicure involves the use of a special tool

spa treatment

To do a spa pedicure at home, you need to be prepared to spend a lot of time and effort on it. The treatment includes a relaxing bath with aromatic oils and a moisturizing mask. The rest of the spa pedicure is no different from the usual. But it is worth considering that the bath will take at least half an hour. It is better to buy a special mask, but you can also use an ordinary nourishing cream. Apply a thick layer of the product on the skin of the feet, wrap them plastic bag and put on your socks. It is recommended to keep the composition on your feet for at least two hours. Then you can do a classic pedicure and enjoy the result.

Spa pedicure differs from the classic one by mandatory bathing and applying a mask

Features of male pedicure

The only difference between a male pedicure and a female one is a more thorough treatment of the feet with pumice and scrub. The skin of the stronger sex is much rougher, so the process will take a little longer. Otherwise, the procedure does not differ from the classical one. Of course, a man needs to apply varnish only transparent and only at will.

Men's pedicure differs from women's in that varnish in this case is almost never applied varnish

Photo gallery: design ideas

White pedicure is suitable for a wedding and a business reception
An unusual pedicure in blue tones will suit a brave girl A multi-colored pedicure will look great at any holiday
A yellow pedicure looks unusual, but very stylish Yin and Yang pedicure will appeal to most girls
Pedicure "Blue Lagoon" is performed using several colors of varnish
Purple pedicure for gentle ladies There is nothing better than a classic French pedicure, because it always looks very stylish Few girls love black pedicure, as it is considered quite unusual. For a pedicure in pink color it is better to buy the brightest varnish of this shade

Currently, many beauty salons offer their services. In almost every such organization you can get a manicure and pedicure. This is the treatment of hands and feet, respectively, with the use of caring elements. In addition to removing keratinized skin, the master pays special attention to the nails. In beauty salons, hardware pedicures are increasingly being performed. Step-by-step instructions with a photo will be presented to your attention in the article. You will learn about the features of the procedure and the basic rules.

Many representatives of the weaker sex try to save their time and money by refusing to visit beauty salons. They do pedicures at home. The step-by-step instruction of this processing will also be described below. Another reason for refusing salon services is the fear of infection. After all, through tools not sterilized by the master, you can get an infection from a previous guest.

Is it worth doing a pedicure at home with your own hands?

There is no single opinion on this matter. Some people believe that home treatment of nails and feet is much safer than salon services. Others are sure that their own hands can be manipulated incorrectly. As a result, there will be irreparable consequences.

Whether it is worth treating the legs on your own is a private matter for everyone. In any case, you need to know the principle of operation. The instructions below will tell you about this. Note that the algorithm for performing salon and home pedicures is very different.

Pedicure at home

What do you need for manipulation? This is the first question that comes up. The easiest and most popular way to process fingers is. To carry it out, you will need tools (scissors, tweezers, nail files, buffs, and so on), as well as a bowl of liquid. To soak the skin, you can use special saline and nutrient solutions. They are purchased at ready-made. If desired, you can use ordinary soapy water.

In addition to the products described, you will need a napkin, a degreaser and a coating that will be applied to the plate. Moisturizers can be used if desired nourishing oils for cuticles and skin. Consider how to make a pedicure at home with your own hands. Step by step instructions for you.

Softening of rough skin

Pour the softening liquid into the bowl. After that, lower your legs into it. Some people prefer to use reusable formulations. They look like varnishes or pencils. With such means, the cuticle around the nail plate is lubricated. Under the action of a unique composition, the skin softens. After that, you can easily delete it.

It is necessary to soften the cuticle with the help of special tools for a strictly specified time. Some formulations involve exposure to the skin within 15 minutes, others act after 5. If you do a pedicure at home with your own hands (for beginners - easy way), you will most likely choose softening with water. Such exposure to the skin should occur within 20 minutes.

Cuticle treatment on legs

How to do a pedicure at home with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions involve removing the skin around the nail. To do this, you can use tweezers, thin scissors, special cutting blades for nails and other devices.

Carefully cut off excess skin, being careful not to damage sensitive areas. If you use special compounds to soften the cuticle, then some of them can corrode the coarsened areas on their own. You just have to wipe the treated skin with a soft cloth. If you inadvertently damage your skin while working, use peroxide or alcohol. Be sure to disinfect the wound and stop the bleeding.

Tidy up your nails

A step-by-step pedicure instruction informs about the mandatory nail treatment. Carefully give the plates the same shape and length. To do this, use a file, tweezers or scissors. The nails on the feet are always rougher and thicker than on the upper limbs. That is why they require polishing. File off the top layer of your nails using a hard buff. After that, grind the plates with a fine-grained surface.

It is necessary to apply varnish or any other coating only after a complete treatment of the feet. Degrease the plate first. If you use gel formulations, then you will need a special lamp.

Special attention to feet and heels

How to do a pedicure at home with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions say that you need to pay special attention to coarsened areas. These are heels, calluses and corns. To remove the latter, you can use special formulations. They are sold in almost every cosmetic store or pharmacy. Depending on your preferences, you can choose the right tools to cleanse the indicated areas.

Use a metal file or pumice stone to clean plaque and rough skin. This method of work is suitable for those people who regularly take preventive measures. When the legs are in a state of disrepair, you will have to try to bring them into proper shape. For this, special blades, scrapers and tweezers are used. Carefully cut off the top rough skin. Try to do all movements very carefully. At the end of the manipulation, walk with a soft pumice stone and remove the existing small particles.

Step-by-step instructions for hardware pedicure

To perform this type of foot treatment, you must have a special device. Many beauty salons use professional machines on which nozzles are put on. different shapes and rigidity. Some of them are designed to cleanse the nails, while others treat the feet.

Currently, pedicure files, which are small in size and run on batteries, are becoming very popular. One of these is Scholl, but you can try Aphrodite or Solingen. Step-by-step instructions (how to do a pedicure) are always on the package. Before starting work, carefully study it and comply with all conditions. But what about those devices that do not have annotations?

Skin softening for hardware pedicure

How to treat feet and nails with a machine? As in a classic pedicure, the skin must first be softened. To do this, use special formulations that are applied to dry skin and removed after a while with napkins.

Some devices require the treatment of unsoftened skin. In this case, you can skip the described paragraph and immediately proceed to the next one.

Skin care with the device

Take the coarsest nozzle and treat especially problematic areas with it. These are heels, dry calluses and corns. After that, with the help of a nozzle, walk softly over the entire skin. Remember that with a hardware pedicure you can not stop in one place. A rotating file can severely damage the skin. That is why all movements must be performed carefully, slowly moving in a certain direction.

When the rough layer of skin is removed, you need to put on the grinding head and complete the pedicure. With this type of file, you can process the inside of the fingers and the center of the foot.

What to do with nails?

How to do a pedicure at home with your own hands? The step-by-step instructions say the following. The nail plate, like the rest of the skin, must be treated with nozzles. However, they are smaller and have a different shape. Gently cut the cuticle without affecting sensitive areas and delicate skin.

The surface of the nails must be ground with a special nozzle. After that, polish. Finally, a coating can be applied.

Adhere to the following rules:

  • If you carry out the manipulation yourself, then you should always disinfect the instruments. Even saw-nozzles for hardware manicure. Otherwise, a fungus may develop on them, which is very difficult to remove.
  • Do not use strangers When you come to the salon in order for the master to work on your beauty, always make sure that the appliances used are clean.
  • Try to file your nails first, then make softening procedures. Otherwise, the plate may begin to delaminate and crumble.
  • Don't trim the sharp corners of your nails. This can lead to the formation of ingrown nails. This pathology causes a lot of inconvenience. In some cases, a person simply cannot move normally.
  • If you use oil formulations, then you should always wipe your nails with a degreaser before applying the coating. Otherwise, the varnish and gel simply will not fall.
  • When applying gel substances to the nails, sand the plate first so that the adhesion is stronger.
  • Use moisturizing and nourishing products after a pedicure, do not forget to process the cuticle. It is worth noting that such compositions should be used not only after the described manipulations. Moisturizing your feet daily will help you avoid dryness and cracking.
  • Do a light pedicure at least once every two months. This will help you avoid corns, calluses and rough skin.

Brief summary

You learned that, Perhaps, the first time you will not be able to manipulate the way you want. Explore detailed instructions for the treatment of nails and feet. Consider all the nuances and features. Watch your beauty. I wish you success!

With the advent of summer, we begin to pay more and more attention to our body, because those areas that are not visible in cold weather open up. Many begin to take care that their arms, shoulders, face, legs, etc. were tanned. The skin receives more attention, all excess hairs are carefully removed. Of course, you can not skip the legs. Beautiful pedicure able to add wealth and charm to the overall image.

How to do a pedicure

All personal care services will have to be well spent. Not everyone can afford to go to the master and get an expensive pedicure in the salon. However, everyone wants to be beautiful. Therefore, you can find a fairly simple way out: do a pedicure yourself.

Doing a pedicure at home

Proper pedicure at home gives the same result as going to a beauty salon. Pay attention to the following parts of the leg:

  • Nails.

In order to make your nails beautiful, you need to remove the cuticle, remove excess skin and roughness, give the nail the desired shape, and, if necessary, polish its surface. And of course, in the end you can varnish.

  • Feet.

A beautiful pedicure is impossible without foot and leg skin care. If you want a first-class look for your legs, then you need to make them smooth and delicate. The skin needs to be cleaned from time to time of coarseness and dead cells, and then nourished with creams.

So, the first thing to do is get ready. If you initially think through all the details, then it will be much easier to do the procedure. You will need the following things:

  • a bowl of warm water;
  • bath salt or other softening mixture;
  • scrub;
  • pumice;
  • tools for processing nails;
  • towel;
  • nutritious cream.

We do the right pedicure at home

Of course, it is impossible to bring your legs into perfect condition in one procedure if you have not done a pedicure before. At a minimum, you need to take care of your feet once every two weeks, then the legs will be in first-class condition.

  • STEP 1.

Pour warm water into a basin or bath and place your feet there for 10-15 minutes. During this time, all coarsened and dead code will soften and it will be easier to remove it. To make the softening process more active, add sea salt or special liquid for baths. You can also use your usual shower gel or plain liquid soap.

  • STEP 2.

The basis of a pedicure is ideal feet. That is why you take the legs out of the bath in turn and begin to treat the heels, the areas of the foot near the fingers and other areas with rough skin with pumice. If you have treated one leg, then it should be placed back into the water. Since pumice stone is only suitable for treating the feet, you can take a scrub for more delicate areas.

  • STEP 3.

After all the roughness on the skin has been removed, you can wipe your feet with a dry towel and set aside the bath. True, you should immediately use a nourishing cream. The cuticle during the stay of the legs in the water managed to steam out, so the cream will support it in this state and it will be easier to remove it. In addition, the cream will not allow the skin of the legs to dry out.

  • STEP 4.

Next, you can do the adjustment of the shape of the nails. At your discretion, you can cut or file your nails, giving them the desired shape. Some experts say that rounded nails should be avoided and corners should be left, because a rounder nail can grow into the skin over time. However, you can choose the shape that you like best, and rounded nails just file a little more often.

  • STEP 5.

Even if we do a pedicure at home, it is worth taking care to trim the cuticle. With regrown cuticles, nails will not look well-groomed. If you have not previously been fond of such a procedure, then you should use an orange tree spatula. Delicate skin can be very easily damaged by a metal plate. With a spatula, gently push the cuticle back so that it is well away from the nail plate.

  • STEP 6.

Cut off the cuticle. To do this, you can take scissors or tongs, to whom it is more convenient to use. Carefully remove the cuticle itself, as well as burrs and other imperfections and roughness of the skin around the nail.

  • STEP 7.

When you have shaped your nails and removed all unnecessary, you can prepare to cover your nails with varnish. With a cotton swab with nail polish remover, you need to degrease the nail plate. Then the varnish will be more evenly distributed over the nail. And also due to degreasing, the dye will not be able to penetrate the nail plate and cause yellowing.

  • STEP 8.

Covering nails with varnish. Again, to avoid yellowing of the nail, you should first cover the nail with a layer of clear varnish. And only then apply the main color in 2 layers. Finally, you need to apply protective agent. To prevent the nails from smearing, you should use a special finger separator.

Photo of a pedicure

They will help you figure out how to do a pedicure at home, photos, videos and other materials. At the end of the procedure, it is worth doing a foot massage. Massage your feet over the entire area using a nourishing cream. Then the beneficial substances can penetrate deeper into the skin and nourish it. Moreover, massage activates points, which are very numerous on the feet. The legs will be light and rested, and a pedicure with massage will have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Depending on your needs, you can make different baths. For example, there is a tonic, it will help relieve fatigue from the legs, for it it is enough to add a little sea salt and mint (in dry form or in the form of essential oil). An antibacterial bath will be useful not only for those who suffer from infectious diseases of the skin of the legs, but for everyone as a preventive measure. Especially in the summer, when visiting the beaches is a frequent activity. For an antibacterial bath, just add a few teaspoons of baking soda to the water. A relaxing bath with chamomile will be nourishing for the feet, it has a moisturizing effect. A wellness bath with natural sea salt will help you forget about cracked heels and rough skin in a few months.

Video: how to do a pedicure at home

So, beautiful and well-groomed legs can be obtained at home if you do a pedicure at home. Videos, photos and other materials can be easily found on any thematic forum.