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Graduation congratulations to teachers. Touching and sincere congratulations on graduation evening


Write a script for your congratulations. It should not be too long so as not to tire everyone present, but it should also not be too short. 10-15 minutes is enough. Choose who will represent your class at prom. Usually this is the class leader and his assistant. For a more harmonious perception, a boy and a girl are chosen, but this is not a rule, rather a recommendation.

The script for your congratulations can consist of several poems or one. You can also sing a song to congratulate teachers. It is advisable that the poems and songs be of your own composition. If there are no such talents in your class, then you can turn to the help of poets or, in a completely hopeless situation, download congratulations from the Internet. As for songs, choose suitable music and simply “put” poetry on it. Both representatives of your class and all graduates can sing the song. To make the song sound truly beautiful, it is advisable to use the help of a professional choreographer.

Composing a separate text of congratulations for each teacher separately is a rather labor-intensive task. However, it is necessary to note each subject of the school curriculum and, accordingly, its teacher. But for class teacher and the school administration can come up with a special congratulation.

On prom It is customary to give teachers small souvenirs and gifts. Order postcards from the printing house with the text of congratulations that you will read. Instead of a picture on a postcard, you can use a general photograph of your class - such congratulations will remain in the teachers’ memory for a long time. You can give your souvenirs at the moment when you mention the corresponding person in your congratulations.

Agree with the prom organizers about when exactly you will deliver your congratulations. This can be done at the formal part after the presentation of certificates, or it can be done during the unofficial part, during entertainment program. In the second case, the congratulations script may be longer.

The speech of teachers at the graduation ceremony at the end of May 2020 is a traditional moment in the program of this bright and slightly sad holiday. Teachers take turns taking the microphone and, against the background of music, say short wishes children who will soon leave the school walls.

The words of teachers are warm and sincere, optimistic and encouraging, with which they congratulate graduates on graduating from school.

Congratulations to graduates from teachers at the graduation ceremony

The words of teachers addressed to graduates can be heard in poetry and prose. You can start it like this:
- Dear friends! Our dear graduates! This holiday is a bright and exciting event for all those present. It is important for us, teachers, for whom each graduation is a kind of milestone. After all, we have been through so much together. Parting with you, we feel sad, but at the same time proud for each of you.

The congratulations to teachers at the graduation ceremony will continue with the following verses:

We taught you with love,
There is no one closer and dearer to us.
Remember in adult life
You are your teachers.

“Bon voyage” – let’s say today
And we'll cry secretly.
We love you all very much, children.
Congratulations on this day.

I wish you happiness, great success,
Never give up!
May you always be a ray of light
Gives a bright star!

Then, in the teacher’s speech at the graduation, parting words will be given to the children:
– So the day of farewell to school has come. In the past there is a well-trodden path in the schoolyard, “twos” and “fives”, bells for breaks and holidays, moralizing by parents and teachers, worries during final exams.

– And now you have to find the most important thing – to find yourself, your place in life. A person makes his own path in life, even if he follows someone else. You've been on the road for many years now, and prom- like a crossroads. The meeting place from where a new countdown will begin - the countdown of years of independent adult life. And we wish everyone on this path to always remain worthy people, no matter how hard it may be for you.

And again, in the teachers’ congratulations addressed to the graduates, the following poems will be read:
- We taught, and you surprised
Us with success and kindness,
But you grew up quickly,
And now it's your graduation!

Have a nice trip to you guys
In this life, sometimes difficult!
Let it be bright, beautiful,
Like today's prom!

In their graduation speech, teachers will try to support and encourage their now former students:
– We are confident that the knowledge you acquired at school will be in demand. We hope that your dedication and desire for self-improvement will help you become successful people.

– May the path you have chosen lead you to success. Of course, you can take breaks along the way because you’re tired, because it’s difficult. But success will not come any closer. Therefore, just go ahead! Don't go off the route!

- Remember the exciting moment,
After all, lessons are in the past.
Good luck to you, graduate,
Your teachers wish you!
We take you beyond the school threshold
For love and good travels.
We wish you great roads
In time, in life, in space!

The congratulations to the graduates from the first teacher this evening sound especially touching. At one time, she had the task of teaching first-graders the basics of science and playing the role of their guide along the corridors of knowledge. And today, together with everyone else, she sees them off to adulthood.

- Dear Guys! I remember how many years ago you came to your first class and sat down at your desk for the first time. The first school bell in your life has sounded for you.

– Now you are graduates. And I am especially pleased that I am also involved in your successes. I wish you to pass your only important exam with “excellence” - the exam of life. So that we can proudly talk about you - these are our students, these are our graduates!

The first teacher’s speech at the graduation party may also include the following lines:

Just recently, hiding behind bouquets,
You entered the first class with excitement.
And now some parting advice
Your home school sees you off.

Childhood remains in the school corridors,
The bells stopped, the noise and noise died down,
And only memories in conversations
They sound quiet everywhere, here and there.

You have something to remember: ups and downs,
And laughter and tears, friendship and love;
How my head “cracked” from studying,
And the enamel of the teeth was “rubbed off on granite.”

You have grown, become stronger, matured,
Ready to move mountains on your way!
Your day has come! You've all been waiting for him.
Doubts away! Be brave, good luck!

May good luck accompany you in everything,
And your cherished dream will come true,
And even to an unsolvable problem
There is always a solution!

After this, the teachers who taught the children in high school will take the floor again. Congratulations to graduates from teachers will end on a touching note:
- Dear Guys! Now it's time to say goodbye.

– We are very proud that you studied here, at this school. You have become family to us. We hope that you also fell in love with this house and will miss it.

– And we will be very glad if at least sometimes you come back here to talk about how your life is going, about your plans and dreams.

– The school doors will always be open for you!

At the end of the graduation ceremony, teachers will read poems with wishes to their students:

From the school threshold
There are many roads in the world,
Which step to take – the decision is yours:
Should I continue my studies?
Should I go to work?
You control your own destiny.

Just one wish:
Everything requires effort,
Whatever path you choose in life.
You said goodbye to childhood
Now I would like to find a way
To comprehend the main essence in life.

There is preparation for life,
Skill and dexterity
And God did not offend you with your mind.
Health is strength
And so that there is happiness,
You must achieve it through hard work.

Work is the basis of life
For the benefit of the entire Fatherland,
Which means it will be good for you too.
Work or study
The goal is to be useful to people
And take place in your own destiny.

To be happy, successful,
Let not be sinless in everything,
But love life and live with faith in your heart:
You deserve happiness!
And always be determined
Conquer any obstacles!

Congratulations, dear graduates, on graduating from school! And we want to wish that the road to adult life led you through the blooming garden, so that the carriage of life would quickly and easily carry each of you along the roads of life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that everyone you need would always be nearby. Good luck and prosperity!

When graduates receive certificates of secondary education, indicating that the school program was successfully mastered and completed, joyful and happy students are simply overwhelmed with gratitude to those who dedicated their lives, experience and numerous knowledge to them. Congratulations to teachers on graduation will help you express gratitude and love, wish only good students and success in the difficult work of teaching.

Graduation greetings for teachers:

Everything was there: roads and hardships,
And the light of the sun and the light of your beloved eyes.
I look back on the past years
And I remember you with a warm feeling.
After all, it was you who planted it in my soul
Love for the Earth, for those living on Earth,
To native forests and abundant fields,
And to the warm aromas of poplars.
I took you as an example,
I came to you for advice,
The reward was the look of your living eyes,
You gave me so much warmth and light,
That's enough to warm ten people.
And you managed to breathe this into me:
Always go forward
And see the light of the promised goal,
And don't be afraid of any adversity.
You give everything to a great job,
You awaken a dream in children's souls.
Thank you for living
To your deeds and thoughts beauty!

Graduates also do not forget to congratulate their first teacher. After all, it was he who taught us to read and write from the very first grade, taught us to truly be friends and do good. The first teacher is also honored with warm words:

You spent all your nerves on us
For long, long days.
You, like Gagarin, were the first
But let it be a little more difficult for you -
The uninitiated cannot imagine
Such a heaviness in my soul...
Well, let me congratulate you -
Quite like an adult already!

Congratulations from parents to graduates are touching and loving words, poems, parting words from those closest to you: mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers, grandparents. Parents definitely need to congratulate their children who have studied and tried for so many years. After all, parents know better than anyone how much their children had to go through, how much they had to study on the eve of the annual test in biology. Parents, one might say, received a second secondary education together with their children.

Congratulations to graduates from parents

From the school threshold
There are many roads in the world,
Which step to take – the decision is yours:
Should I continue my studies?
Should I go to work?
You control your own destiny.
Just one wish:
Everything requires effort,
Whatever path you choose in life.
You said goodbye to childhood
Now I would like to find a way
To comprehend the main essence in life.
There is preparation for life,
Skill and dexterity
And God did not offend you with your mind.
Health is strength
And so that there is happiness,
You must achieve it through hard work.

Let all the congratulations on your graduation party be warm, beautiful and sincere, so that many years later, looking at the photo of your class, you remember that school ball with nostalgia and a smile!

A wonderful idea for congratulating teachers, invented by graduates, full of cheerful and kind humor and love for their school and teachers. Original congratulations teachers at graduation or last bell“Live Roulette” gives teachers the opportunity to show their talents, give them prepared gifts and express gratitude in a light and unusual way. Similar with the award of the nomination you can watch b in the script "Golden Bell"

The congratulations are organized in such a way that the presenters call the teachers one by one and offer to “start” the roulette. Next, the teacher is seated on a chair, the tape measure stops in the desired position, and the “sector” (graduate), who happens to be opposite the teacher, hands him an envelope with the text of the assignment in his teeth. After reading his text, the teacher is awarded a valuable gift (a box with the “hearts” of all students in the class) and is taken to his place by the presenters.
In total, there are 8 texts for “playing” teachers, one “musical break” (short dance) and one ZERO - a prize, which is the text of a “complaint” (read by the head teacher).

Presenters - 2 people;
"Live" roulette - 10 people with envelopes in their teeth;
"Roulette launch lever" - 1 person;
Cheerleaders and awards team - everyone else.

Congratulation script "Live Roulette":

Sector 1 (to the director) "Repentance"

Dear children! At this solemn moment, I want to tell you one terrible truth: I was not always right!
Today I publicly ask for forgiveness from all those who suffered, fell under my hot hand, were offended, humiliated, trampled, crucified and turned to dust.
It's time to admit that I assigned inhuman tasks, constantly frightened and terrorized children with bad grades.
I assure you that all this was out of good intentions and for your own good. But what can you do if I didn’t always balance my demands with your unprepared, weakened heads.
Forgive me, good people!
Yours sincerely.... (Name Patronymic name).

Sector 2 (to the writer) “Declaration of love”

I love you, what more?
You have now broken free...
Why now words, sobs,
And the pain of the moment of parting.
Let's just smile
We believe that we will return here.
I love you... So what in the end? -
Spacious roads await you.
And may love shine on you along the way,
I wish you happiness, children!

Sector 3 (historian) "Statement"

I, (Full Name), I responsibly declare my disagreement regarding the departure... of the class from the walls........ of School N... I demand that the decision of the teachers' council on universal admission of students of this class to the final exams be reconsidered. Attached is a list of arguments.
1. At the moment, no worthy replacement for the above-mentioned class has been found.
2. The absence of... class will disrupt the general biorhythm of school life.
3. As a result of the departure of... the class, the cultural and intellectual level of the school will sharply decline.
4. We will all be terribly bored and sad, and we will all cry...
(Wipe away a stingy tear!)

Sector ZERO (head teacher) "Complaint"

Collective from... class of graduation... g.

We, the undersigned students... of the class, protest against the intention of the administration... of school N... to “push” us out of the walls of our native school, thereby completely depriving us of our childhood.
We demand that you keep us for a second year and provide the traditionally warm atmosphere, kind attitude and great love.
We hope that our complaint will be resolved. We tearfully ask, we beg, we believe, we love, we kiss...
Always yours, students... of the class.

Sector 4 (to the chemist) "Oath"

(read solemnly)
I, (last name, first name, patronymic), in front of my colleagues, solemnly swear that I will never forget either you or the lessons held in your class, after which my hair stood on end. I will forever remember your incomparable written works, inimitable oral answers, unique (no matter how hard you try) experiments.
I promise that all the canons of my science, so carefully crammed into your heads, will not change in the next 10 years and will not let you down in difficult times.
I swear that I conducted my lessons sincerely, selflessly, putting all my soul, heart and other organs into them.

Sector 5 (for foreigners) "A little ditty"

(read sweetly)
Hello, dear friend.
Today I will tell you a little fairy tale. Once upon a time there was a school. And then one day little stupid kids came into it. Why small and stupid? Because they came to school! Well, once they arrived, they began to study. They studied, studied, and completed their studies to the point that they became big and smart.
And everything would be fine, but suddenly, out of nowhere, it was time for them to leave this school. But they just didn’t want to leave. Because smart kids understand that school is good.
Well, that's the end of my little fairy tale. Don't rush out of school, kid.

Sector "Musical break"(concert number - )

Sector 7 (physical education teachers) "Instructions"

(read in duet)
Instructions for use... class.
Clause 1: Exploitation of... the class is prohibited.
Point 2: If you really want to exploit... a class, see point 1.
Point 3: In conditions emergency operation... of the class must not exceed the norm specified in paragraph 1.
Clause 4: In peacetime, operation of... the class is permitted in accordance with clause 1 of these instructions.
Point 5: Look at point 1 again and wish... the class a bon voyage!

Sector 8 (to the biologist) "Report on the experiment"

(read businesslike)
As a result of a survey carried out in the period from... to... it was established that there was an organic form of life in... the school in the form of... a class.
A series of experiments conducted by school teachers showed the high viability and adaptability of the mentioned community of organisms. Positive reflexes and reactions to external stimuli suggest that this species is suitable for existence in the external environment and can be released within the next month.
Head laboratory (last name, first name, patronymic).

At the end of the performance, students accompanied by music " A little prince"They take turns giving flowers to their teachers.