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What to tell mom on the last call. Ways to Express Gratitude to Parents at Prom

Good day! This touching holiday is the Last Call! Tears of joy in the eyes of parents. So the chicks have grown, and they will fly out of their native nest a little more.

And, of course, every mom and every dad deserved to hear from their graduates-children the words of gratitude. And graduates, in turn, are simply obliged to devote the warmest words to their parents. This collection will help you find the right words.

Boldly, we leaf through, choose and dedicate to our relatives, for everything that has been done for you. Oh, and what else will be done.

Poems from graduates to parents to tears

Tears is an approximate description of the emotions that a parent is experiencing at that moment. There is such a storm raging in my soul, so many emotions, both good and bad, that it is impossible to convey!

Dear parents,
Bow to you from all of us to the ground.
Do you remember how first graders
Did you drive to school with excitement?

Many years have passed since then,
We matured quickly, and now
Stubbornly to the edge of school life
Time, as if by the hand, leads.

You put love and care
Taught to solve problems
And it seems that time has come to work
Let our knowledge and strength go.

We will of course come for advice.
And today we just want to say
That we love you, and with this verse
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything.

And here is one more touching rhyme, I could not pass by, thanks to the author. Read it yourself.

And dad and mom, thank you very much

We all tell you now
For help, support, for your participation,
For your work, it is invaluable.

You helped us by solving problems,
They wrote notes not to go to school.
With love, with patience, accompanied
On that long school journey

We hope in a big, unknown life
Give us advice again,
After all, even though the last bell rang,
We only learn to fly.

Let there be considerable reason for pride
For all the achievements then.
Today, just accept from children
A big thankful bow.

Soul verses for parents

It's like that. Your holiday, graduation and your parents' holiday too. You have traveled all this way together, hand in hand. Parents were always there, at any moment - both good and bad.

Parents, and graduation holiday
Not only ours. He's the same for you.
Thank you sincerely now
For walking with us from class to class,
For living by our deeds,
That were even in trouble with us.
Because you believed in our success,
Today we stand - an example for everyone.
And all efforts were not in vain -
We are all examples of love and nurturing.
Thank you three times for these sciences,
We are so proud to be your children.

So, who else, if not they, deserve only warm and heartfelt words from their own children.

Our dear parents!
Do you remember how they brought us to first grade?
And how did you teach lessons with us,
And they explained to us from time to time.
They helped to do homework,
You taught poems with us,
Then they checked our diary,
And we were praised for the five!
But now we finished school,
Our last bell rings
We go forward, to a new life,
We still don't know what awaits us:
What difficulties, what trials,
What turn will be there in the new life
Parents, thank you for your efforts!
Thank you, dear ones, for everything!

Poems for Mom on the Last Call from Daughter

I think this kind of rhyme will also come in handy if you want to make your message personal.

Mom, school is over and there is no need to learn lessons.
-My God, how many nerves are ruined ...
How glad I am, Mom! Are you glad?
Why are you crying, my dear,
She bit her lips stubbornly?
Smile, because school is over
Well, laugh, dear mother!
Eleven years more than one instant, they walked both crooked and straight.
Eleven years of your patience, fear, tears and doubts, mom.
I know you are very happy and you admire your sweet daughter.
Why is autumn in your eyes, do you cover your face with a handkerchief?
Maybe she remembered me as a little girl, felt her palm in her hand?
As she whispered: scarlet flower, do not shawl in class, baby.
Listen, child, strict teachers, do not draw on your notebooks!
And she met me at the door, kept my briefcase in order.
And now your daughter has grown up, but tears are running stubbornly ...
Well, school is over. Point. Congratulations, mom! This is me - your daughter!

Touching words to dad from daughter on the Last Call

Although dads are not very fond of this kind of event, every self-respecting father should not miss such an event, so you guys should prepare!

The dolls are thrown, no braids
Tears of unhappy first love
I brushed off the thick eyelashes.

Daddy, look how I grew up
already 11 grades (school),
But to you for advice and help
I, as in childhood, am ready to go.

Daddy, look how I grew up
In the evenings I rush to a date
But still, only you
For me - the most, the most, the most.

Thanks to parents for the Last Call from alumni

Words of gratitude are golden words from you for your mom and dad, believe me. It is happiness for them to see their child sincerely grateful for their work. So give them a sincere rhyme.

We thank the parents of the loved ones
For their nerves spent by us,
That we did not always understand right away
We admit that they were not obeyed.

We thank parents for their faith,
For believing in us that we are strong
And we ourselves believed in ourselves,
We were able to cope with their studies!

We thank the parents of our loved ones,
That they did not regret anything
And we give you a deep bow.
After all, there is a reason!

There are no indifferent people on this day. That's for sure! Everyone has their own experiences, emotions. I hope this article was helpful to you and with the help of these verses your Last Call rang out beautifully.

Of course, I would very much like to know how your last call went, I will really look forward to your comments! See you, my friends and good luck to you, good luck in everything!

In contact with

A graduation party at school is one of the most touching events in everyone's life. Most of us, even after many years, fondly remember all the events of the day when they last said goodbye to school. Pupils, parents and the entire staff of the school prepare for this holiday in advance: poems, songs, a script for the celebration are written, the hall is decorated.

Traditionally, the prom is held in two stages:

  • The official part. At this time, certificates, diplomas are awarded and congratulations are given to students, parents, teachers.
  • The festive part, which includes a festive feast, dances, contests, games.

At the holiday, parting speeches to the students, congratulations to parents on the graduation party, gratitude of students to the school must be heard. In order for these warm words to remain in memory for a long time, they must be truly sincere and beautiful.

Congratulations to parents from teachers

For parents, the graduation party is an even more significant and solemn holiday than for the graduates themselves. After all, they, too, together with their children, walked towards this day for many years. It was thanks to their support and care that the children were finally able to enter adulthood, and the teachers, thanks to parental education, were able to transfer their knowledge to the students. Therefore, at the graduation party, words of gratitude to parents from teachers must be sounded.

School principal congratulations to parents at the graduation

For example, a school principal might speak at a graduation party with the following congratulations to parents:

Dear Parents! Today you came to this long-awaited prom night. You, of course, remember how many years ago you brought your kids to school for the first time, how worried about their grades and behavior. More than one year has passed since then, and throughout the entire time you helped the school in every way to transfer knowledge to children. Therefore, this is your holiday too.

Today is the day when our graduates say goodbye to school forever and begin their adult life. All teachers and you, parents, did everything possible so that after school children could choose the right path in life, realize their talents and become truly self-sufficient. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for this difficult work and for all that you have done for the school during the years of your children’s studies. Without your help and support, we would not have been able to prepare our graduates, whom we are proud of now. Thank you again for that! And bring your grandchildren to us. We will meet them with joy, just as we once received your children.

Congratulations from the class teacher to the parents of graduates

In addition to the school principal, class teachers can also make a speech of gratitude to parents. For example, a teacher's presentation would be appropriate:

Today we all have a very big holiday, to which we have been going for many years. And now, our children have grown up and are ready to enter adulthood. We are pleased that we were able to learn them and give them all the best. But this is largely due to you, parents. After all, it was you who raised children over the years, participated in the life of the school, helped with the organization of holidays, and supported morally. Without you, we would not have been able to educate the graduates we can be proud of now. And for this, a huge gratitude to you from the entire team of our school.

Your children still have a long way to go. Someone will continue to study further, someone will go to work, but we hope that all the knowledge and skills that we, together with you, parents, passed on to children, will help them in this difficult adult life. We are happy to welcome your grandchildren at the door of our school.

Hello dear graduates. Gasya Lapshun, at my request and specially for my site "Islet of Positive", wrote poetry for the last call. You will find touching poetic lines to tears on this page saturated with love, sadness and joy.

On the day of graduation, I would like to thank and give warm words to everyone: class teacher, subject teachers, my beloved parents.

Poems for parents from 9th grade graduates

Parents, don't cry dear
Today the school is seeing us off
That's how we became very big,
And our friendly class flies into life.

Today we are the best in this world,
We are leaving the pranks of the pores.
Have given birth, do not cry, your children,
Worthy of you: beautiful and smart.

All nine years we had something new
And there was something important to us.
Parents, don't cry, maybe soon
You will lead your grandchildren to the first grade.

Poem for the last call to mom from daughter

What, Mommy, are you praying?
Can't sleep at night?
Your daughter is a schoolgirl
Today is a graduate.

Bows and ribbons
First notebooks,
Who will offend the girl
It will be, oh, not sweet.

New first graders
Learned quickly
We have become poor
Some even too much.

I'll bow mummy, I
For your patience
For wise protection
And your trust.

A string of thoughts
Huddle in my head
Will I be with a tit
To chase a crane?

Let the call be funny
Today has rung.
There will be a new day
For doing things.

Mommy, dear, you are happiness and goodness,
I will thank you for the warmth
For what you raised, raised,
And she blessed me every day.
For leading the hand in life,
For all the worries that poured in full,
For being my friend
For the fact that my outfit is your merit,
For the happiness of childhood, and for graduation,
Thank you, mom, that you are always with me!

To tears, touching poetry lines to parents from 11th grade graduates

Today is the very holiday,
Don't be sad, dads, moms,
We have become a little older
My head is full of ideas.
Thank you: for your patience,
Motivation to learn,
For that magic kick
That helped us finish.
We will be your support,
Today we are not afraid of sucking
Leave these rapids
Anyway, we are forever children.

Parents, and graduation holiday
Not only ours. He's the same for you.
Thank you sincerely now
For walking with us from class to class,
For living by our deeds,
That were even in trouble with us.
Because you believed in our success,
Today we stand - an example for everyone.
And all efforts were not in vain -
We are all examples of love and nurturing.
Thank you three times for these sciences,
We are so proud to be your children.

Sad poems from graduates

Summer comes with hot steps
But we don't want him now.
We are leaving school today with you,
And in my heart, believe me, it is not easy.
We also remain groovy
But we are no longer children, alas,
And take us away with simple everyday life,
And whirl into the funnel of vanity.
Oh, it's a pity that we're parting now
We are with our class, the school is with him.
May we not lose our way,
But we, alas, have to walk by ourselves.
And so we bow at the feet
To all our joyful school years,
And moms, dads, strict teachers
What a wonderful childhood gave us.

Poem to the class teacher on the day of the last call

You are a teacher and our teacher,
And our classroom teacher,
We say thank you today
And now we want to wish:
So that our school is the second home
Gave me joy and peace.
After all, that calling, not work
Give warmth, give care,
We know to worry about us.
That's why we adore you.
Thank you sincerely for your work,
Let the new guys wait
And a new class would meet you
And we shout: "Hurray, final!"

About the class teacher in verse

My cool mom and I were very lucky
She gave us warmth for seven years
We were never bored with her,
She led us by the hand
She blushed for us, empathized,
But I never held a grudge.
And fair, maybe even very,
She was always without ellipses.
We will especially thank
That teaching us, I tried not to crush,
I tried to respect us as a person,
That's why we tried to support
Her projects to bring the class together.
Bow for being in our life!

Graduation is a special event in the life of every student and their parents. Graduation is a time of warm words and thanks. This event should be celebrated and held with special awe. Everyone needs to say "thank you": school, administration, parents, teachers and students themselves.

  • Graduation is the main event in the life of every student and how important it is to be able to find words for your beloved teacher and class teacher in order to remember this moment for a long time. As a rule, words of gratitude are pronounced by the head of the class, but if you wish, you can always convey them personally to make it pleasant and to note your respect.
  • Gratitude to the teacher can be expressed both in poetry and in prose. There are many options for this: before the event, after graduation, by a solemn speech during the awarding of certificates, at a banquet table in the form of a toast, a letter of thanks or a greeting card
  • Expressing gratitude to your teacher is a good and kind tradition that will characterize you as a conscientious person, allow you to build friendly and warm relations in the future, give the teacher a moment of pleasure and instill in him hope and faith that he has spent all these years for a reason.
graduation at school, words of gratitude to the teacher at the graduation ball in prose and verse

Words of gratitude to the teacher at the prom in prose:

  • Dear (teacher's name)! Today we want to say to you the biggest "THANKS" for the years that you spent on our upbringing. You were able to germinate from the "small seed" a real strong sprout, which is already strong and has the strength to become a mighty tree. Without your help, we cannot be what you see us now: restrained, calm, smart and well-mannered graduates. Those (number) years that we spent with you have made us akin forever and now every time on the first of September we will remember your kind face, your open heart and gentle look, and every first September we will definitely miss you! We wish you many more years of creativity, inspiration and spiritual strength! Thank you for your hard work and endless faith in us!
  • Our beloved (teacher's name)! This day is both happy and sad for us because we have to say goodbye to you. How I would like you to accompany and guide us on the right path all the time in future life. Thank you for believing in us and never giving up in difficult and sometimes even very difficult situations! Excuse us for not always appreciating your efforts, now, having become adults one day, we are sorry that we could make you sad. (Teacher name) You are a true teacher and guide from God. We wish you endless happiness, female and pedagogical, we love you as a person and a wonderful teacher. Thank you for your wisdom and invaluable knowledge forever!
  • Dear (teacher's name)! Today there is a great reason to thank you for the many years of work that you have done every day, educating and teaching us to live in this world. Only now we realize that without you there would be no us either. What a pity that we did not always understand you, and most importantly, we appreciated you. Forgive us our mistakes, our insolence and frivolity. Today we have become adults and in the future we promise to be your pride and your dignity, a bright gold medal on our chest. We thank you endlessly and love you with all our heart!

words of gratitude for the class teacher at the prom in poetry and prose

Words of gratitude in verse to the teacher at the prom:

"Thank you" infinite we want to tell you
Give free rein to these quivering and colorful words.
After all, you are not just our classroom teacher,
You are our faith, our mother, our savior.
Thank you for giving good today too,
For so many years in a row only warmth came from you.
May nothing spoil your mood today,
We wish you only happiness and good luck in the future.

For us, you are not just a classroom teacher,
You have given us your warmth for so many years,
So I want to say that everything went fine
We are very lucky with you!
With all my heart, you congratulations,
That we cooked just for you,
Our beloved dear leader,
We wish you good luck and luck in stock!

Our gratitude sounds today
How best to thank you, alas, we do not know,
We know that words are just a little
But you know, we respect you very much!
Thank you for being very sensitive to problems,
You found a common language and understanding in everyone's problem to us,
You know your work is invaluable
We want to wish you longevity and happiness!

words of gratitude to the beloved teacher at the prom from the students

Beautiful words of gratitude to the first teacher at the graduation ball at school from graduates

  • The first teacher is the person who goes through the first four years of school life with each student. It lays the basic foundation of knowledge, teaching to read and write, introduces the world and creates a worldview in every child's mind
  • The first teacher at the prom deserves gratitude no less than the class teacher. As a rule, many warm memories are always associated with the first teacher, only pleasant emotions and something that is associated with a happy childhood.
  • It is important to choose only pleasant and suitable words for the first teacher in order to properly thank him for the hard work and maternal love that he put into the children at the first stage of their independent life.

beautiful words of gratitude to the first teacher at the graduation party from graduate students

Beautiful words of gratitude to the first teacher at the prom in prose:

  • Dear (teacher's name)! Thank you for being the very first person who taught us not to be afraid of life and to be self-confident. Only thanks to you did we become the people our class teacher and the entire teaching staff of the school recognized us. Your work is invaluable and noble. We wish you youthful spiritual and vital, so that for many more years you will happily raise your children and know that you are not living in vain! We remember and love you!
  • Dear (teacher's name)! We would like to thank you for the fact that once having taken us “under your wing”, you were able to raise real and adult people out of us. Only now we can understand how difficult and difficult it was to cope with us, but now, let there be only pride and joy in you. We have become successful graduates and will never forget your contribution to our life!
  • Our beloved (teacher's name)! We would like to say thank you so much for spending a lot of your energy, love and patience on our upbringing. We are grateful to you for teaching us to read, write and be good people. It is difficult to imagine our way in this school without you. Know that you work and live for a reason. For us, you are the first school mother and a person whom we will respect for the rest of our lives!

words of gratitude to the first teacher in prose at the graduation from graduates

Words of gratitude at the graduation from students to the first teacher:

You are our first teacher for centuries
And we will never forget you!
How anxiously they taught us to write,
Read, fungi and apples count.
Thank you for giving the kindness with warmth,
That they found their language and their approach to us!
Days, weeks and years are flying inexorably,
We will definitely never forget your work!

They opened the learning basics to us,
They have invested in us invaluable labors,
You were not afraid to take us at the very beginning,
Now we do not wish that you met once!
You are our first beloved teacher,
We want to say for your work and for your diligence,
You helped us seriously in life,
You did everything you could for us!
Now thank you for your attention,
For kindness, patience, understanding,
Please accept our kind words,
We will love you, respect you always!

Do not just express our respect to you,
For giving us teaching,
For not sparing our attention,
They always gave us kindness and understanding.
It's hard for us to convey love in our words
And tell us how proud we are of you!
You know that your efforts are not in vain,
We found love and nurturing
You have found the most wonderful approach to us,
For this you are honored and our low bow!

words of gratitude to the first teacher in verse from graduates at the ball

How to express gratitude to graduates? Words of gratitude to students at the prom

  • In addition to the fact that gratitude from parents and students to the class teacher and teachers is constantly heard at the graduation ball, the efforts of the children themselves should also be noted and special thanksgiving words should be expressed to them.
  • Students need gratitude for the fact that all these years they came to school, tried and received knowledge, did not oppose the educational process, participated in competitions, took part in school and extracurricular life
  • Words of thanks for students can inspire young people to be diligent students in the future, to know their place in society, to try to gain knowledge and be distinguished by special qualities, to be the pride of their school

grateful words to graduate scholars at the school prom

Words of gratitude to the students at the prom:

You finished your last class,
You have become adults and wise now.
Now it's time to think about who you can become
And where to continue their studies.
For school, for parents now
Your choice is as important as the first time.
And again the first year, like the first class,
You will become a student for us!
Now you're a graduate, you're an adult
But do not forget your school forever,
After all, the school is still proud of you,
For what you have managed to achieve now!
And every teacher here knows for sure
That he wishes the best for you in life
So that there are fewer stones in your path
Met and to make it more fun!

Your last call today
He is both joyful and unusual,
Graduate forget your lesson
You finished it perfectly!
Here the teacher brushed aside a tear,
And I pressed your bouquet to my heart.
I sighed with happiness and sadness,
After all, I saw you off on a good journey.
On your already adult path
You have to deal with any stone
So that the teacher and the school can
Be proud of you and be inspired!
Come back to our home class
A year later, to my school in the evening.
You will remember everything, as if for the first time
At a pleasant and joyful meeting!

Graduate, may you worry today
This is joy, where there is a little bit of sadness.
Everything is possible for you now
And the path of life is open to you.
You are not sure of yourself a little,
But big things await you
Do not forget that trodden path
That she took you to school for so many years!

gratitude and parting words for graduates at the ball from teachers and parents

How to express and choose words of gratitude to the class from the leader?

  • Having passed the difficult path from middle to high school and graduating from his class, the class teacher should wholeheartedly thank the students for the peacefully lived years, for their work and understanding, for the endless number of days and emotions experienced
  • Each class leaves its mark in the teacher's heart and he is far from without sadness and sorrow says goodbye to children, letting go of their adult and independent life
  • The teacher's parting and grateful words can inspire children and feel the whole moment of parting with their beloved teacher, because all these years they have lived together as one family

thanks and parting words to the class from the class teacher at the graduation

Words of thanks from the class teacher to the class:

  • Dear class, only now can we stop and think that this is our last meeting as one big and friendly family! For so many years in a row, we have endured ups and downs together, experienced sad and joyful events, parted for the summer holidays and again rejoiced at meeting in September. I want to tell you that you will stay in my heart for a long time, that each of you is my child and I will definitely worry about how your life will turn out in the future. Thank you for your understanding and respect!
  • Dear children! I want to tell you one thing today - I am sad to understand that our joint life path has come to an end. I am used to you as to my own children. Thank you for giving me friendship, understanding, love and only joy for so many years. So I want to save each of you from further life problems, from misfortune and bad luck. Know that at any difficult moment I will be happy to help you with advice and deed!
  • My dear class! Even as your class teacher, I want to congratulate you on such a long-awaited event - the graduation party. I am sad and happy at the same time, because for me during all this time you have become dear and beloved children. Thank you for your respect and understanding, you are my pride and my work. I wish you only success and good!

words of gratitude from the teacher to the class at the prom

Beautiful words of gratitude to school and teachers from parents and graduates

Beautiful words of gratitude from parents and students to the school will brighten up any graduation ball, delight everyone present and create only a good impression of the graduating class.

beautiful words of gratitude to the school at the graduation

Thanks for the school:

Thank you school for giving us knowledge
And she led along a difficult thorny path.
Thank you for your efforts
Now we have something to carry into our lives!
Thanks for the interesting lessons,
For the alphabet and for the pages of the primer.
You gave a difficult work, not easy,
Thank you school and you, teachers!

Director, memorize, teachers - thank you,
Thanks from the alumni to the teachers.
Thank you for your love and wisdom, our school,
You are simply not more beautiful in the huge world!
Thanks for the wonderful moments
For our graduation documents!
For the fact that the school, you did not give up,
Now we will feel bad without you apart!

We are so walking to thank you all,
For making us graduates,
For being there on a difficult day,
For believing in us and always loved.
Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom,
We, the school, will not forget all your care,
Thank you for your soul
And she did an invaluable job!

Beautiful words of gratitude to the parents of graduates at the ball

At each graduation party, the school administration or the class teacher must thank the parents of the students for their constant cooperation, help in repairing the school and class, raising funds, raising children. Gratitude can be expressed verbally, but it will be much more pleasant for each parent to receive a personal official letter of thanks or a certificate.

Thanks to the parents of graduates:

Today: on this day and hour
We must pay attention
To the parents who raised you
And they made them good people.
Thank you for always being with us
And in joy and when trouble came.
Thank you for chasing the sorrow away
And we have never been forgotten.
Forget all strife and doubt
You have wonderful, well-mannered children.
You gave them your patience
And there is no one better than you for them!

Today the school wants to tell you
That you are so proud of your children.
Thank you, you helped her raise
Children and gave everything they could.
For every step of the children and their success,
Thank you today only!
Today is joy, radiant laughter,
At the prom, you can only hear from us!

Parents, your children today
We took their first serious step.
They are smarter and more beautiful than everyone in the world,
They will leave school and their home ...
Parents, your children today
They became grown up and wiser in an instant.
They will spread across the planet
And they will praise all their relatives!

Options for letters of gratitude for parents of graduates:

thank you letter for parents, template number 1

thank you letter for parents, template number 2

thank you letter for parents, template number 3

Beautiful children's words of gratitude to the prom at the concert and ball

As a rule, the graduation ball is accompanied by a large and colorful concert - a solemn part, where there are many contests, songs, congratulations, students are awarded with certificates. At this concert, children's words of gratitude to teachers and administration take place.

Beautiful children's words of gratitude to the graduation

Words of gratitude from children at graduation:

Today we receive our certificates,
We have become wiser, prettier and smarter.
We will walk more confidently with them,
For us, our school is all relatives in the world!
We solved problems and equations,
Learned tables, verses by heart,
We wrote literate compositions,
Today we feel a warm sadness.
The school gave us everything we need,
For this we would like to thank!
She gave us science and friendship,
She taught us to humble ourselves, to believe, to love.
Thanks, teachers and family,
You have done so much for us.
You are the most dear to us,
We will love you endlessly!

I would like to wish you inspiration,
Success teachers, a lot of strength,
Thank you for your iron patience
We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish you good luck with our hearts,
Our successes were not easy
But you helped us regularly,
Today we are already graduates!

From all of today's graduates,
You want to say thank you for your patience.
You gave endless love
And they gave us inspiration in our hearts!
In words, all the wishes, alas,
Ours cannot fit closely,
For us, honor and pride are always you,
We will be proud of you all our way!

words of gratitude from students to teachers at the prom

Beautiful words of gratitude for graduates from the teacher and school administration

Words of gratitude to graduates:

We have excitement in our hearts today
The last bell rings for us
We want to remember the moment
And the first day that is far from us.
We were raised tenderly and strictly,
All those who were in this school,
Thank you for the patience of the teachers,
Forgive us for our rudeness and ardor.
We have become adults and wise now
And our path was difficult until graduation,
Our door is open to the future
And in our life we \u200b\u200bwill not forget you again!

Many years have passed
Quite a few events have passed here:
Sorrows, difficulties, victories,
Good luck and great discoveries.
Here we gained our experience,
Found love, advice and friendship.
We are a school, like a home,
She gave us everything we need!

Today we are graduates
And today we wish you
To find luck in life
And pride for us without an edge.
Good luck without limits
So that the world is wider than a notebook.
Thank you for all your patience,
Let your life become smooth in an instant!

Parents provide tremendous help not only throughout the school year, but they also devote a lot of effort to organizing the graduation ball. At the festive evening, it is worth noting their efforts, work and support.

Thanks for the help, work and support of parents for the school at the graduation

Thanks for the help and work to parents:

Thank you, dear parents,
For the long way that we have come together.
Today your children are winners
They diligently and for a long time went to their goal.
May the road be favorable to them
And the adult and serious way will be soft.
May luck meet them at the doorstep
And will not let them turn off the path!

Looking at the years of his school life,
And the first class, which is there in the distance.
So I want to say with my soul:
"Thank you mom and dad for bringing us to school!"
We taught assignments for so many years,
The grades were received in diaries.
And every day we were happy
Only because we are students.
We are having fun today, but also sad,
Trust our sincere words.
We have a great colorful feeling
To everyone who gave us knowledge at school.

Those who failed to get to the event can send a congratulatory SMS to pay attention and congratulate dear people on the holiday.

Thanks in SMS for the graduation for students, parents and their teachers

Congratulatory SMS with graduation:

I congratulate you on your graduation,
I wish you success in the future,
May you always be lucky in life!
And only the bright is waiting for you!

I wish, dear graduate,
So that you are happy today.
Let you already get used to school
You became a student. New forces!

I wish with all my heart now
It's fun for you to celebrate.
May in this good bright hour
Only joy lives in your hearts!

Graduate, I congratulate you,
You achieve your happiness!
With all my heart I wish you
Best and brightest of all!

May your wishes come true, graduate!
But remember your native school more often.
Your sorrows will soon be forgotten
Be confident and do not know sadness!

Video: "Touching congratulations for the class teacher at the graduation"

Today I would like to congratulate not only our wonderful graduates, but also their parents, because thanks to mothers and fathers, their children were able to boldly and with dignity walk this path. Who supported in difficult times, who repeatedly explained an incomprehensible topic, who taught diligently and carefully to do their homework, who checked the poems by heart, who helped make crafts, who worried about exams? Parents, of course. I wish you health and strength, prosperity in life and endless faith in your child. Happy holiday, dear parents of graduates, may your children achieve a lot in their lives.

Our dear and wonderful parents, you have always been there and supported us, you helped us overcome all the difficulties of study and any obstacles on the way to our victories. On the day of our graduation, we sincerely say “thank you very much” to you and want to wish you, dear, long years of health, prosperity, peace, spiritual happiness and warmth. We love you.

Our dear parents! Today, on the day of our graduation, we express our gratitude to you. After all, thanks to you, each of us is standing here today. You gave us life and help us to walk, support in difficult situations and teach wisdom. It is thanks to your support that we all successfully graduated from school. We wish you happiness, health and pride for us always burned in your eyes. Happy Holidays!

Dear parents, we congratulate you on our Graduation and we all say “thank you very much” to you. You walked this path with us, supporting in difficult times, you together with us gnawed the granite of science anew, solved problems and composed stories. We are great fellows, and you are great fellows and a deep bow to you. Today we say goodbye to the school and ask for your advice again. We wish you to remain the same cheerful, kind, wonderful and loving parents who understand their children and whom children respect, value and love. I wish you health, dear ones, all the best and patience, because you will not get bored with us.

Dear Parents! So your children have become adults, but everything seemed to have passed one minute. You raised, protected them and cared immensely, put your soul and heart into it. May all your hopes be justified, and may your children grow up to be good people and comrades.

Happy graduation, parents. Thank you for always being there, helping with difficult tasks - both from the textbook and from various life situations. I want to wish you good health and well-being, family harmony and mutual understanding. Parents, you are my support, support, strength. Thanks you.

Today is a graduation party! Congratulations to all parents on this bright and long-awaited event! We wish you pride in your children, patience and ample opportunities. Let your children delight you, touch and always warm your soul. Health, success, bright life path and confidence in the future!

Dear parents, we congratulate you on the holiday, today is Graduation! We sincerely wish you and your children a future filled with achievements, success, ups and downs and colorful impressions. Today the first stage of the life formation of students is coming to an end and a new, rich period of search and realization of personality is coming. Remember this moment and have fun!

On the day of our graduation, I would like to "thank you very much" to our magnificent and most beloved parents. Indeed, without them we would not have been able to take a step, only with their help we were able to overcome our fears and complexes. Dear ones, today we are graduates and there is a lot of unknown and interesting things ahead of us. We sincerely hope that you will remain faithful support and good advice to us. We wish you health, vigorous strength and wonderful mood.

Our dear parents, we sincerely congratulate you on the day when we, your children, leave school and enter adulthood. Thank you for your care and anxiety, for your help and disinterested love, for your faith in our success.