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Happy birthday wishes to aunt. Beautiful short birthday greetings to aunt

How great it is that my mom (dad) has such a sister - my favorite and best aunt! On your birthday, I can’t wait to tell you that you are my devoted advisor and excellent support! Dear aunt, remain forever so cheerful and only cheerful, open and sincere, let your beauty and sincerity bloom like an amazing flower that will bring delight to all your family and closest ones! Let my aunt meet only cute and open people, the path will be guardian angels who will protect and guide her. Happy birthday my beloved aunt!

It's a beautiful day outside,
The sun is shining brightly.
Your birthday has come -
Accept gifts!

Aunt, I can't find you
This world is better
In the middle of a cloudy day
You are our bright ray!

You've been with us since childhood
Like a second mother
We congratulate you
This is a welcome day!

Let it settle in your soul
Forever spring
Let them flow unnoticed
Long into your years!

Be young all the time
Joyful, cheerful,
And, of course, happy,
Cheerful and healthy!

Let your kindness
Multiply over the years
Light the way for the world,
Be with us all the time!

And we'll repeat it again
With joyful confusion:
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
With this happy birthday!!!

Happy Birthday, my beloved aunt! Today, on your holiday, I wish you great luck, a happy female destiny, wonderful surprises from life, charm, charm, beauty, kindness and tenderness. May your deepest dreams and desires become a wonderful reality, and may the successes you deserve certainly come!

Always be so happy
Naughty, Wonderful, Sweet,
Happy Birthday,
Love, Health, Happiness and Luck!!!

Dear aunt, I admire you! You embody the real thing feminine beauty, life confidence, wisdom, determination, human kindness. You gave me sincerely tender love and support, while she has always been an idol for me. How can a person who always looks amazing, knows a lot about fashion, and, most importantly, always knows all the answers, not become an idol? You are successful in everything, everyone adores and respects you, and all I can do is reach out to your level, like a gentle sun! Happy birthday, aunt!

I wish you to be your beloved AUNT
Both romantic and practical!
Great success at work!
Great happiness in your personal life!
I wish you festive weather!
I wish you sunshine!
Be in the latest fashion
Always dressed to the nines!
Let them never tire
Cleaning, washing, cooking, frying!
Let them pleasantly surprise
All congratulations and gifts!

Happy birthday to a beautiful and smart woman - my aunt! I wish that those smiles and fun that this day will be filled with never leave you. And so that your life is like a fairy tale, but always with a happy ending.

To my beloved aunt
I wish you health
Good luck at work
And money (needed, I know).
More love for you
And more happiness,
Less troubles and worries,
The people around are kinder!

Aunt, happy birthday! On this day I make a promise from you - to be the happiest, despite all life’s difficulties. Just live the way you want and don’t deny yourself anything. Let the whole world revolve around you, smile and believe that all your dreams will definitely come true!

Happy holiday to you,
We wish you a lot of good things!
May there always be spring in your heart!
Let the thought always be clear!
Let people help with everything
(And people are different)
Let there always be something sweet for tea,
Let your uncle please you more often with gifts!
Happy birthday!

Our dear, dear aunt! We wish you a happy birthday! From pure heart We wish you to shine like the northern lights, becoming more beautiful and younger day by day! Despite all the adversities and hardships of our hectic life, always remain cheerful and cheerful: otherwise, who will cheer up and decorate existence? And also on behalf of our entire large family, we ask you to love your nephews and nieces even more! In short, auntie, always remain yourself, we bow to your humanity!

Anyone will confirm, and you will understand everything,
And I will tell you, without hiding anything,
What is there in the whole world, nowhere, better than auntie,
What a dear aunt, my dear.
I want to congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you health and happiness.
You won't find such an aunt anywhere else,
And I'm lucky - I don't have to look.

My glorious aunt, I want to congratulate you today on your birthday. She always tried to be a friend to me. Believe me, I greatly appreciate your constant willingness to support, your willingness to listen. Therefore, I wish you to continue to be invariably responsive and ready to help. Let only people who are kind to you, who are ready to be near you at the right moment, decorate your life every day. May bright light fill your home every day. Let the love of those closest to you and family hug you tightly.

Always young-
My aunt
My role model
From the first day.

You are the best
Beautiful, kind
Always respond
Smiling, caring.

I wish you
On this joyful day
Always be happy.
Good luck everywhere
In your beautiful life!

From the bottom of my heart, keeping joy,
Congratulations, my aunt!

Aunt is a soft and warm, white and fluffy word! It contains associations with children's joys of life - sweets and new toys on birthdays, attractions in the park and gifts for Christmas. I can go on ad infinitum and still it is impossible to convey in words the love and tenderness that is given to me! With all my heart - health, happiness, good luck and prosperity!

My dear aunt,
With all my heart I wish you happiness,
Wonderful weather
And success to the future!
May you have good impressions
There is so much more to come in life!
Let the good moments
They continue to last longer!

Auntie, dear, happy birthday. I wish your whole life to be as one Holy holiday. Always be healthy and cheerful. Easy communication with people so that you can always understand and respect each other. May your warm and friendly home always attract your loved ones and friends, and may your inquisitive nature take you on interesting journeys. Always be patient, kind, wise and patient. Let no difficulties scare you, and let your work never tire you. I wish you success and luck in all your endeavors and great human happiness. And let all the difficult problems of life pass you by.

Auntie, advisor, we love you,
Today is a holiday, we honor you lovingly,
May you always be as young,
The music played with a ringing string!

We congratulate you today
Our dear aunt,
We wish you love
And good luck at work!
Let the morning be merry
And the evening will be calm,
Bright - every minute.
Be the happiest person in the world!

Happy Birthday to my wonderful and extraordinary aunt! You are my dearest and nicest, the most understanding and kind, the most energetic and beautiful, the most fashionable and stylish! I wish you to always remain as irresistible and attractive. I wish you to grow younger year by year and be forever healthy and cheerful! May all your plans come true and be realized, both the smallest and the grandest! I wish you unearthly and magical love! Be the happiest, my wonderful and amazing aunt!

Happy Birthday, beloved aunt!
You are a leader at home and at work!
You are a wonderful person and a true friend!
With you, neither life nor leisure time is boring!

Happy Birthday, aunt, dear!
We love you, we respect you.
We wish you to be happy, loved,
Beautiful, healthy and unique.

Dear aunt, happy birthday to you! Let life be illuminated with warmth and bring you unique, amazing and memorable moments. May there be free space in your world for a wonderful holiday, for incredible success, and for a successful career. I wish you intriguing victories in various areas, unsurpassed results in every endeavor, magical surprises in any coming day. The door to the world of happiness will open for you, and a bright road will open for you, leading to beautiful, wonderful events.

Aunt, throw away your sorrows,
After all, today is a celebration,
Everything will be like in the series,
And you will achieve everything
Donna Rosa is in front of you
Looks completely pale
Compliments so much,
Your signature cake for everyone!

Dear, sweet, aunt! On this bright day of your birthday, allow me to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and sincerely wish you all the purest and kindest! May happiness make your days filled with meaning and joy, may your health never fail, may your eyes never know tears of grief and sadness, and may your soul be filled with light from the fact that you are near loved ones and dear people who always appreciate you and love you selflessly. And if insidious sadness nevertheless creeps into your heart, remember your loved ones and feel that you are not alone!

Aunt, my dear! Happy birthday!
I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart!
Let the holiday lift your spirits
And the gifts will be very good!

Try really hard to be happy,
Banishing worries away!
Optimist, still the same, remain
Younger from year to year and good!

Congratulations, aunty, on your birthday,
And I wish you a holiday in life every day!
Stay feminine - just a sight for sore eyes,
So that not even a shadow touches you with sadness!

I wish you happiness, joy, health,
And always only good, good news!
Let your relatives surround you sincere love,
The best embodiment of all your ideas!

My dear aunt, congratulations, you are the best in the world! I can trust you with all my secrets and I know that you will never be angry with me. Let your home be cozy and your soul happy! How I want you to always remain so young and perky, I wish that any road will be easy for you, and the weather will be good.

Let my relatives forgive me for my frankness,
But on my birthday I will address my aunt:
It's great that I have you,
What a good example you set for me.

You are a very wise, sensitive person,
They can warm the soul of anyone.
You are a pride for friends and colleagues,
There aren't many people like you.

Let time quickly flow into the distance,
You will not be subject to his soul.
May your flight be high
Your happiness will be simple and eternal!

We wish you, dear aunt,
Achieve success in everything
At home, at work,
So that the house is full of smiles.

So that wealth itself goes into your hands,
Relatives were always nearby
About grief, sadness and separation,
May you forget forever.

And on this very beautiful day,
Let everything you wanted come true
Today let your wings grow,
May you reach your dreams.

It's good to have an aunt - close person, so similar to mom. That’s why it’s so easy to wish you, with all sincerity, true feminine happiness, warmth, love and prosperity. Be happy not only on this day, please us with a good mood at every meeting. And let there be as many of these meetings as possible.

My dear and dear aunt
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday,
You are a wonderful person and the best
Let there be joy almighty.

Let it make you dizzy
Your favorite hero will meet,
On the waves of love and happiness
He will take you to a fairy tale,

So that this birthday
Conquered your doubts
It's good that everything is fine
Never be sad. ©

I congratulate my aunt on your name day,
May you always live happily
May everything in life be wonderful,
Let good people meet

May everything always be perfect
And let him live only blissfully,
So that there is heaven on this earth,
So that happiness reigns in the soul.

You will never see bitter tears,
Don't be sad, don't be sad,
Never be sad, never be timid,
And always just sing sweetly. ©

There is no one better in this world than you,
You are the only one in the world,
Your birthday is no secret
I congratulate my aunt now,

Let your eyes sparkle with fire,
Let the horizon be filled with colors,
May your soul be happy
May all your wishes come true.

Let the sun shine above your head,
And let happiness never fade,
I wish you such a joyful life,
To carry it throughout the years. ©

My dear aunt,
Happy Birthday to You!
Younger every year
Don't be sad and don't be sick.

Collect stars from the sky,
Have fun and flourish!
And good luck and success,
Don't encounter any interference!

Dear aunt, happy birthday!
Congratulations, dear, loving,
And we wish you eternal bloom,
And may fate spoil you!

We love you so much, may your wishes
Your dreams always come true
You will find understanding among your relatives,
You and I have no problem!

Anyone will confirm, and you will understand everything,
And I will tell you, without hiding anything,
What is there in the whole world, nowhere, better than auntie,
What a dear aunt, my dear.
I want to congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you health and happiness.
You won't find such an aunt anywhere else,
And I'm lucky - I don't have to look.

I have one friend -
We are always with her we'll understand friend friend.
Today is a friend's holiday -
A good reason for a party.
I congratulate you, aunt!
I always want to be young
And on your birthday I conjure
Fill the glass of life to the brim,
To drink the sweetness of a lifetime
And to know all her joy!

My aunt takes care of me like a mother,
He does not spare himself for a second in his work.
Sometimes I want to hug my aunt so badly,
After all, love for her cannot be expressed in songs or poems.
I wish you eternal joy on your lips,
And in your eyes there are lights to light up your days.
Remain beloved, aunt, until old age,
And accept and appreciate the gifts of fate.

There is a person in my life
No one will replace him.
She is my second Mommy,
I call her Aunt.

Today is her birthday
And I really wanted to say,
Tender words, pleasantly dressed,
Which will suit her.

Calmness, joy, good luck,
A boundless flow of love,
I wish you eternal happiness,
Without pain, doubts, worries.

My dear aunt,
Happy Birthday to You.
You are our second mother,
You are never strict.

If we suddenly come to visit,
Give me a piece of pie.
You can’t say it in more than one word,
Even if we screw up.

You'll cover us in front of mom
Ask her not to scold you.
Mom really said,
You tormented her as a child.

Our dear aunt,
Happy Birthday to You!
You're the only one we have
We love you!

What's wrong, you will help everyone,
You will shelter and warm.
It's impossible to live without you,
If it hurts, you will regret it.

You work all day like a bee,
Whatever you take, you can do everything.
May love, luck, happiness
Life always brings you!

On this glorious birthday
A sea of ​​happiness and luck!
Hello, fiery helmet to you,
Joy and success await you!

Wishes to dear aunt:
Kindness, charm,
Beauty, health, strength,
To have an incentive in life.

So that you don't know sadness
We weren't bored for no reason.
Everything you dreamed about came true
Let the sorrows leave you!

My beloved aunt!
I wish you on your birthday,
To the morning trills of the nightingale
They brought joy and inspiration!

Let the sun shine from heaven,
The clouds in the sky are driving the breeze,
And in your bottomless eyes there is a sparkle
Let it never disappear!

Be healthy, happy, loved
To all loved ones, family and friends,
Be guarded by a heavenly angel,
Become more beautiful with age!

To my beloved aunt
I wish you health
Good luck at work
And money (needed, I know).
More love for you
And more happiness,
Less troubles and worries,
The people around are kinder!

Let your loved ones warm you with love,
And friends will always be there,
Well, let them not dare to interfere with troubles,
They will never come into your life.

Let women's happiness be eternal,
But the soul does not dare to grow old.
May luck not forget about you,
The heart will sing for joy.

Aunt, the best in the world,
Happy Birthday to You.
You are always responsible for us
We all love you.

Happy birthday to you, aunt.
I want to wish you
Endless health,
Never get sick!
May all your dreams be
Every day I get closer to you,
And your problems will be forgotten.
I wish you happiness!

At Auntie's beloved
Birthday today!
We all came to the holiday
In a good mood!
We wish you
Health and good luck!
We know for sure, Auntie,
What do you mean to all of us!

Aunt, aunt! Happy Birthday!
I wish from my heart,
So that you are in a great mood
She made us happy until dawn!
Let your love shine
And it is passed on to everyone!
Eyes sparkle with joy,
No cream needed for wrinkles!
Here are flowers for you, a gift,
Let me kiss you!
So that every day is like a holiday
Made you happy and inspired!

Happy Birthday, dear aunt!
Good luck and good fortune to you in everything.
May happiness fly like a white bird,
Let the good return a hundredfold.
Let love warm you like the sun,
And every moment becomes brighter!
May all your wishes come true,
And your cherished dreams will come true!

An aunt is a sister of a father or mother in relation to their children. Usually a person has not one aunt, but several, and each is a dear and close person. Even if you and your aunt live far from each other and see each other quite rarely, she is still your closest relative, who sees her continuation in you, as in her children. It happens that an aunt lives with a niece or nephew in the same locality, or even in the same house, and takes a very direct part in his life and upbringing. Be that as it may, on her birthday, her aunt will be very pleased to receive beautiful congratulations from her nephews with wishes appropriate for the holiday. Come to our website and you will find exactly these!

Aunt! I wish you a rich life,
And so that there is everything you need for happiness,
So that there is gold in your box,
And may you live together with your loved one!
So that your family does not know disputes,
Separations, disappointments, misunderstandings, strife,
So that only ringing laughter illuminates your home,
May the family gather at the festive table more often!

Dear aunt, congratulations,
Let all your sweet dreams come true,
Let luck knock on your door,
Let the bird of happiness become tame.
On your birthday, smile more cheerfully,
Receive guests with joy,
May all your wishes come true,
Let all grievances be forgotten forever.

You are the coolest aunt in the whole wide world!
How beautiful you are! Like the sun at dawn!
I wish you, aunt, spring blossoms,
And I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
May your wishes always come true,
May you find understanding in this world,
And don’t let danger wait around the corner,
Let your life go by like in a fairy tale!

Happy Birthday, dear aunt!
I wish you to drown in love and care,
And so that there is a healthy car in the garage,
And may your home be full!
So that black caviar is stored in the refrigerator,
So that every day the fun continues until the morning,
Let the landscape outside your window please you,
May everything around you bring you happiness!

May your guardian angel protect you from all misfortunes,
May your loved ones give you happiness,
Let your health not let you down,
Let all the bad things just pass by!
May your years get younger every day,
Let passion rage like a fiery fire in your heart,
Let vigor flow in an inexhaustible spring,
Let goodness shine in your life!

My beloved aunt! I sincerely congratulate you,
And I wish only the best with all my heart,
I wish your eyes a joyful shine,
Always remain so cheerful and young!
Slender, graceful, wise, understanding, beautiful,
And don’t you dare be afraid of obstacles on the way,
I know that you will find strength for everything,
And your destiny will bloom like the Garden of Eden!

Let your life be like a cherry orchard,
And the weather in your soul will be clear and pleasant,
Don’t you dare be sad about your age, auntie,
You still have to live, dear, and live!
You still have great things to do,
And I want you to be able to become happy,
No difficulties, no expectations, no losses,
And you will be happy, aunt, believe me!

My aunt! I consider you as a friend
And I wish that the blizzard does not touch your soul,
So that the snowstorm and cold do not spin you around,
May we be friends all our lives!
So that we value each other and do not forget,
So that tables can be set for each other for no reason,
May we eat deliciously and drink sweetly,
May you and I live a wonderful and easy life!

I wish that a second youth comes to you,
I wish that all your affairs go well,
I wish you not to be sick in body or soul,
I wish you to always remain yourself!
I wish your temples don’t turn grey,
I wish that your thoughts do not grow old,
I wish to be as young as summer,
I wish you a happy light in your eyes!

Let your eyes shine and shine,
Let your thoughts wish and want,
Don't listen to gossip about old age, it's not true,
Live for today, but wait for tomorrow!
Don't be discouraged, don't lose heart, and don't retreat,
Fortune favors the brave. Remember and don't forget,
Aunt, you can do everything, you will succeed,
After all, today even the planet revolves around you!

I wish you, aunt, to smile more often,
I wish you not to be upset over trifles and trifles,
Take care of your health, take care of yourself,
And may all bad things not come back to you!
And let all good things come many more times,
And he doesn’t wander there for a long time, let him come now,
There is never too much happiness, and that’s a fact.
But let sadness have an eternal intermission!

On this holiday, beloved aunt, I want to wish you to be forever young and prosper today, tomorrow, always. May there always be a beautiful landscape outside your window, may the people in your life be kind and understanding. And, of course, happiness. You deserve lasting happiness that will ignite faith in your heart for a better future. I love you, be happy on your birthday.

On your birthday, I hasten to wish you peace in your soul, love in your heart and positive thoughts in your head. Let reliable friends surround you and give you only the best. I want you and I to be friends who only decorate each other’s life and destiny.

My dear and beloved aunt. I am so happy that you are in my life, so I hasten to be one of the first to congratulate you on this holiday. You are like a second mother to me, who helps solve problems, gives wise advice and never judges. Therefore, I wish you to meet people like you throughout your life. good people, the work brought pleasure and a lot of money. May your husband and children always protect you, and may you feel needed and loved next to them.

On the day you were born, I would like to wish you health, longevity and pleasant moments with your loved ones. Never regret what happened before and keep that twinkle in your eyes that speaks of a desire for life and adventure. Live to the fullest and know that at home you are always welcome and remembered.

On your birthday, quickly accept congratulations from your beloved niece. My dear aunt, quickly open the door for me. I brought you joy and many sunny days. Just believe - everything is possible and now be more cheerful.

An aunt is usually considered a second mother and a close friend in a person's life and should be valued, respected and loved. Therefore, on your aunt’s birthday, it is important not only to simply congratulate her and give her a suitable gift, but also to show your emotions and feelings. By the way, it’s not enough to just wish your aunt standard words about good health and family happiness, it is important to choose a congratulation that she will definitely like. First of all, it is worth considering the aesthetic side congratulatory words, because they must coincide in meaning and be consonant, and also pay attention to the choice of wishes, which can be pronounced either from a nephew or niece, or from the whole family.

In your wishes, you can mention the beauty of your aunt, her successes in her career, for example, and what she did for you personally, raising you from the cradle and instilling certain character qualities.

Dear Aunt,
Today, on my birthday,
I wish you
Good luck and good luck.
Let things work out
All issues are resolved
Let all your problems
Evaporates instantly.
May you be cheerful
Joked and laughed
And good luck to you
Smiled more often
So that everything you want
Fate gave you
To be the happiest
You were in the world.

Happy birthday today, auntie,
I want to wish you, dear, loving you from the bottom of my heart,
Stay young and don’t count your years,
Be cheerful, positive, never lose heart!
Be loved, and happy, and healthy always,
Don’t be sad, and don’t be sad, and don’t ever be sour!

Words cannot put it into words
What does your heart want to wish you?
But I can wish
Using lines from the heart:
So that the angels protect you,
Protected from all adversity,
Fate always gave a chance
Avoid the grief of sorrow,
Health, happiness, beauty,
And fulfillment of desires.
On your birthday, aunt, you,
Accept many confessions!

Auntie is the best in the world!
You are funny and smart!
You will always come to the rescue!
I really care about you!
I want on your birthday
There's a lot to wish for
Happiness, joy, patience,
Be loved, prosper!
Let your whole life sparkle
Only with a white stripe!
And let the sun warm you
Only spring warmth!

My dear aunt,
You are beautiful as always
You are kind, sweet, beautiful,
And, as before, cheerful!
On your wonderful birthday
I wish only good things
So that your life is wonderful,
She was amazing!

Happy Birthday
Our aunt!
Let you
Everything will be great.
Love, health and good luck
We would like to wish you today.
So that in life there is
Only happiness
Prosperity in the house
Peace in the soul.
And let the sun
It shines brighter for you
And let it be a joyful day.
May you always
Grief goes around
And the heart will be young,
Sea of ​​smiles, mountains of gifts,
And live at least a hundred years!

On my dear aunt's birthday
From the bottom of my heart I want to say,
I'm more caring, more beautiful
Never find it!
I want you to smile
You today and always
So that you always shine with happiness
Those kind eyes!

Happy birthday, dear aunt.
May fate give you a lot of happiness.
I wish you with all my heart,
So that luck goes with you on the road.

Let there be less grief,
And more joy and health.
Only the best impressions in life,
With joy, care and love!

My dear aunt,
Happy Birthday,
I wish all your dreams
Fast implementation.

Life may be just a sweet bun
Treats every day
Let them be for the better
There are only changes in life.

I wish you a fabulous life,
From fate - great gifts,
Let every new day be
Light, joyful and bright.

Happy Birthday Auntie
Good luck to you in your work,
And good luck in your business,
And space in dreams.
Unearthly beauty,
And mountains of wealth.
In the house of light, warmth,
And there is a light in the soul.
There is a joyful light in the eyes,
And the absence of troubles.
From friends of understanding,
From relatives adoration.
A very happy life
And always be loved.

Congratulations on this holiday
Happy Birthday to You!
Aunt, dear, dear,
My aunt is the best!
I wish you happiness
And good health for years to come!
Be as kind and sweet
And always caring!

Aunt Dove,
Mom's little sister
Just like mommy
You laugh loudly.
Enjoy the holiday
You are expecting guests.
The nieces will appear
From different areas.
You are like a second mother to us.
Greet everyone and give you a treat.
What's wrong, tell me straight away,
Scold and forgive.
Happy Birthday dear!
We wish you long life.

Our dear aunt,
Happy Birthday to You!
You're the only one we have
We love you!

What's wrong, you will help everyone,
You will shelter and warm.
It's impossible to live without you,
If it hurts, you will regret it.

You work all day like a bee,
Whatever you take, you can do everything.
May love, luck, happiness
Life always brings you!

My beautiful aunt
I wish you well
And congratulating you today,
I present these words!

I wish you health, patience,
So that beauty does not fade,
And always be in the mood
So that sadness does not touch you!

So that troubles are forgotten, and the past,
Left behind
So that you always remain young,
And may your dreams come true!

Aunt, my dear! Happy birthday!
I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart!
Let the holiday lift your spirits
And the gifts will be very good!

Try really hard to be happy,
Banishing worries away!
Optimist, still the same, remain
Younger from year to year and good!

Congratulations, aunty, on your birthday,
And I wish you a holiday in life every day!
Stay feminine - just a sight for sore eyes,
So that not even a shadow touches you with sadness!

I wish you happiness, joy, health,
And always only good, good news!
May your family surround you with sincere love,
The best embodiment of all your ideas!

My dear aunt, congratulations, you are the best in the world! I can trust you with all my secrets and I know that you will never be angry with me. Let your home be cozy and your soul happy! How I want you to always remain so young and perky, I wish that any road will be easy for you, and the weather will be good.

Let my relatives forgive me for my frankness,
But on my birthday I will address my aunt:
It's great that I have you,
What a good example you set for me.

You are a very wise, sensitive person,
They can warm the soul of anyone.
You are a pride for friends and colleagues,
There aren't many people like you.

Let time quickly flow into the distance,
You will not be subject to his soul.
May your flight be high
Your happiness will be simple and eternal!

We wish you, dear aunt,
Achieve success in everything
At home, at work,
So that the house is full of smiles.

So that wealth itself goes into your hands,
Relatives were always nearby
About grief, sadness and separation,
May you forget forever.

And on this very beautiful day,
Let everything you wanted come true
Today let your wings grow,
May you reach your dreams.

It’s good to have an aunt - a close person, so similar to your mother. That’s why it’s so easy to wish you, with all sincerity, true feminine happiness, warmth, love and prosperity. Be happy not only on this day, please us with a good mood at every meeting. And let there be as many of these meetings as possible.

Happy Birthday! May everything you dream about before going to bed come true. I wish you a sea of ​​love and an ocean of smiles today. Let all the bad things be quickly forgotten, and let the happy moments be imprinted in the memory and heart forever. Sunny days and clear skies to you.

Today you look simply charming. And this is not just like that. Today is your day, your holiday. You are the sweetest, gentle and charming aunt in the world. There are few people like you. You will always support and give advice. Thank you for being there!

On your holiday, I would really like to wish you a number of faithful and reliable friends, loving family and friends. I wish you physical and mental health. May there always be room for magic in life. Let every moment you live be special and unforgettable!

Happy birthday, dear aunt! I would like to wish you an interesting and fulfilling life. Never be discouraged, smile more often. Warm your family and friends with your warmth, they really need it. I wish you health and long life.

Sweet, funny, smart and beautiful. All this is about you, our aunt. With all our hearts we wish you Have a good mood, enjoy every day. May your clear eyes know no tears, and may your soul know no sorrows and anxieties. May optimism and hope always live in your heart.

Always young-
My aunt
My role model
From the first day.

You are the best
Beautiful, kind
Always respond
Smiling, caring.

I wish you
On this joyful day
Always be happy.
Good luck everywhere
In your beautiful life!

From the bottom of my heart, keeping joy,
Congratulations, my aunt!

My dear aunt,
Please accept my congratulations.
Let happiness not pass by,
So that your life is beautiful,
Let youth not leave you,
But it only adds more strength.

I wish my aunt today,
Great, let things always go well
In everyday life, in family life, At work,
Let your soul be forever young.

So that the beauty looks from the mirror
For you both in a year and in five,
And after a hundred years the body was beautiful,
So that you never tire of surprising the world.

On this holiday, I wish you, aunt, the tenderness of a spring dawn, the warmth of a summer afternoon, the gold of an autumn sunset, the tranquility of a winter night. Let life circle you in a bright round dance.

Happy Birthday, beloved aunt!
Good angel, guardian and friend.
You - good example At work,
And an advisor for best friends.
I trust you with secrets
And for this I appreciate and praise.
Happy birthday to you, dear!
I love you very much.

Let old age not come to your soul,
May your family give you care and warmth,
Let your loved one not let you down,
May you be happy, auntie, to spite everyone!
May your smile be content
Let your soul be a free bird,
Let no sorrows and doubts torment you,
My dear, happy birthday!

My dear aunt is celebrating
Your own small holiday
I will congratulate you too, dear,
WITH important date such!
I wish you happiness for many years to come,
Faithful, reliable friends.
In family life - good weather
And grateful children.

Each of us has relatives,
Grandfathers, grandmothers, godfathers,
And aunt, the main adviser in everything,
Today, in honor of you, we sing songs.
You are the only one like us, our dear aunt,
Friendly, kind, simply golden,
May your birthday be glorious,
It will give you a sea of ​​bright impressions.

The sun smiles cheerfully above,
Sending rays of goodness to the earth,
All congratulations and flowers to you today,
May good luck greet you on this day.
Dear aunt, you are my close relatives,
Your soul is open to goodness
May your birthday please you
May your path be illuminated by a lucky star.

There are aunties very different,
But you won't find it in the whole world
So caring and sympathetic.
Such a hospitable aunt!
Her smile is like sparks
Radiates kindness and affection,
And on this day it is warm and sincere
I wish my aunt happiness!
All companies decoration
In our and foreign lands...
Happy Birthday
My dear aunt!
Equally close to my mother,
Left a mark on fate.
With a wonderful life itself
I wish you to live!!!