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Wishes for Rosh Hashanah. Jewish New Year: congratulations on Rosh Hashanah in verses and cards

In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, may you have peace,

reminder of the sound of the trumpet, sacred meeting.


Rosh Hashanah (Rosh Hashanah) is a Jewish holiday, or to be more precise, a Jewish New Year. This holiday falls on a new date every year. When is Rosh Hashanah in 2016? What year begins on this day, according to the Jewish calendar? How is the Jewish New Year celebrated? What is the history of Rosh Hashanah and its traditions? You will learn the answers to all these questions from our article.

Rosh Hashanah: dates in 2016

In 2016, Rosh Hashanah takes place on October 3. Although this is not entirely true. In fact, the celebration of the Jewish New Year lasts from the evening of October 2nd to the evening of October 4th. And you'll soon find out why. According to Jewish chronology, the holiday marks the beginning of 5,777 years since the creation of the world.

Just because the Jewish New Year lasts two days and determines the onset of the year 5,777 in 2016, it becomes clear that the Jews have a different calendar from the Gregorian calendar we are used to. The Jewish calendar is lunisolar. The months, which the Jews have a special name for, begin on the new moon. The number of days in a year is also not the same as in the Gregorian calendar. Therefore, each subsequent Jewish New Year is celebrated on different days. Let us remind you that the previous holiday of Rosh Hashanah was held from September 13 to 15, and the dates of the next New Year (in 2017) were from September 20 to 22.

I wonder why Rosh Hashanah is celebrated not one, but two days? In fact, at first only one day was allotted for this holiday, but later the customs of celebrating the New Year changed a little. Since the occurrence of the new moon was determined solely by the testimony of two people (the first Jewish prophets), there was a possibility of error. And to reduce this probability, they decided to extend Rosh Hashanah for another day. There is another version that explains such a long New Year for the Jews. So, in order to signal the beginning of the new moon, bonfires were lit. Those who saw the lit fire from afar also lit a fire. And it takes more than one day to transmit the solemn signal about the coming of the New Year over long distances.

The meaning and traditions of Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah is one of the most important holidays in Jewish culture. Many Jewish traditions and symbolic rituals are associated with this date. Typically, the Jewish New Year is celebrated in September or October, on the days that fall on the new moon of the Jewish month of Tishrei. On the day of Rosh Hashanah, according to legend, God completed the creation of the world.

Now on this day, the Almighty sums up the results of the passing year and in the Book of Life notes what fate awaits each person next year. The Jewish belief that God is good and wishes only good things for everyone makes this day a joyful holiday.

According to the Tanakh (the Jewish Bible), the first day of the seventh month of Tishrei is a holiday on which you need to rest, reflect and blow the shofar (a Jewish wind instrument - a ram's horn). On Rosh Hashanah, Jews around the world reflect on what they did last year and how they plan to spend the next year. The ten-day period from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur is often called the “Ten Days of Repentance,” emphasizing the rethinking and cleansing of sins that characterize this period.

How to celebrate Rosh Hashanah

For the Jewish New Year, it is customary to clean the house and dress in white clothes. But not only external cleanliness is important. You should also clear your thoughts on this holiday. On the day of Rosh Hashanah, loved ones give each other gifts and send congratulations to those who are far away.

After lunch (on the first day or on the second, if the first day fell on Saturday), Jews perform the “tashlikh” ritual, the meaning of which is to shed their sins. People gather near ponds and recite sacred prayers. In addition, they throw small pieces of bread into the water, which symbolize the remission of sins.

On Rosh Hashanah they must gather in synagogues and read the following 30 sacred texts:

  • first, ten texts that praise God as king;
  • secondly, ten texts that say that God remembers everything;
  • and thirdly, ten texts in which the shofar appears. According to Jewish beliefs, the sound of the shofar calls for Divine judgment and calls for repentance. The sound of the shofar reaches the very heart and awakens the conscience. Even the word “shofar” itself comes from the word “correction, improvement.”

In the evening, Jewish families gather around the same table, decorated with traditional holiday dishes. One of the main dishes on the Jewish holiday is honey with bread or apples - so that next year will be sweet. In addition, on festive table During the Jewish New Year, a ram's head, fish dishes, dates, pomegranates and other dishes are displayed, symbolizing a prosperous start to the new year.

From September 9 to 11, 2018, Jews celebrate the New Year - Rosh Hashanah. The holiday falls on the seventh month of Tishrei, which falls in September or October. Rosh Hashanah symbolizes the creation of the world by God among the Jews. You can congratulate believers on this holiday beautiful picture or a poem.

How to celebrate Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah is big celebration in honor of the Jewish New Year. Orthodox and Conservative Jews celebrate it for 2 days, while Reform Jews celebrate it for only 1 day.

Think about your past and future. Rosh Hashanah is translated from Hebrew as “head of the year” and is considered the birthday of the world and therefore this holiday is the Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanah is a time to learn from the mistakes made in the past year and think about how to improve in the coming year. This is also a time to make plans for the future.

Visit a mikvah (Hebrew: “place for ritual ablution”).

Attend Rosh Hashanah services at the synagogue. People often dress smartly during this important holiday. Good choice will become elegant dress or a suit.

Listen to the shofar. This is the only commandment directly mentioned in the Torah regarding the observance of the holiday. The shofar is a ram's horn. During the service, the shofar is blown by a special person called “Baal Tkia.” It is a symbol of spiritual awakening and reflection. Since we do not know exactly how the shofar was blown in the ancient temple, in order to be sure that everything is done correctly, four different blasts are made:

Tkia: One low note, long notes for a few seconds, and then the sound ends abruptly.

Shevarim: Three short sounds, one to two seconds long, that abruptly change from low to high pitched.

Troyes: Nine short, rapid beeps.

Tkia Gdola: This is one long, continuous blast, traditionally lasting for nine seconds, but in progressive communities it is often blown for as long as possible.

Observe the ritual of Tashlikh (Hebrew: “throwing”), which involves going to a body of running water where all the contents of your pockets are thrown away. Most people throw stale bread crumbs into the pond. This ritual is performed on the first day of Rosh Hashanah.

Say Rosh Hashanah blessings on the candles, wine, and challah (Hebrew: “bread”). The challah for Rosh Hashanah should be round, symbolizing the annual cycle.

Eat apples dipped in honey. Apples in honey are a traditional food for this holiday. This tradition symbolizes hope for a “sweet new year.” Pomegranate is another common Rosh Hashanah food. According to Jewish tradition, the pomegranate contains 613 seeds, symbolizing the 613 commandments.

Sometimes Rosh Hashanah falls on Shabbat and then the Shofar is not blown.

Congratulations on the Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah 2018

Let life be sweeter than honey
And more fragrant than flowers,
May the weather be sunny
And let love bloom in your soul.

Let them write you in the Book of Life,
May faith always live in you,
Let your prayers be heard,
And let the soul sing forever.

Rosh Hashanah. Happy Jewish New Year
I congratulate you with all my heart, friends.
Let life be filled to the brim with honey,
Yes, so that it flows over the edges!

I wish you happiness, health and good luck,
I wish you many years, luck and love,
Shana tova! Let it not be otherwise
May everything be wonderful ahead!

I wish you a happy life,
Without offense and deception,
Take joy in the New Year,
Happy Rosh Hashanah to you.

Peace to you, warmth, comfort,
The embodiment of all ideas
Let joy always be on duty
And prosperity is at the door.

May Rosh Hashanah be with you
Will give you bright moments!
May your life be full of love,
Brings only pleasure!

May all your dreams come true,
I wish you good health,
Wealth, peace, kindness
And endless happiness!

Putin congratulated Jews on Rosh Hashanah

Vladimir Putin met with the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berl Lazar and the President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia Alexander Boroda.

Vladimir Putin: “Today the Jewish people celebrate Rosh Hashanah - New Year. I want to congratulate you, all the Jews of Russia, on the New Year, and wish you happiness, health, success, and prosperity in every family.”

The President expressed the opinion that Russian Jews are happy people, since they have two holidays in a row.

Vladimir Putin: “Jews are happy people. Russian Jews. Yesterday was Moscow City Day - a holiday. Today is the election and Rosh Hashanah - two holidays in a row!”

Lazar told the head of state about the Rosh Hashanah holiday and its traditions. At this time, Jews should reflect on the creation of the first man - the father of all people on Earth. They believe this means that all people in the world are close and should help each other.

Berl Lazar: “In Russia we see this. In a multinational, multi-religious country, we feel friendship on all sides. Thanks to you, everything in Russia today is moving in the right direction.”

During the conversation, Vladimir Putin asked the Chief Rabbi of Russia how many children he has. Lazar told the head of state that he has 14 children and already seven grandchildren. According to him, they all love Russia and want to live in this country.

The countdown of new days has begun -
So the new year has arrived.
Rosh Hashanah is in the yard -
The children will be happy.

Bring happiness to the New Year,
In the old one, throw away the bad weather.
Let goodness and harmony reign,
You're better off living a hundred carats!

Rosh Hashanah - New Year,
And all the Jewish people
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Here are your golden days.

Let happiness come into your home,
And still lucky
And a beautiful, tasty gift
There will be apples and honey.

We are happy to congratulate you on the holiday of Rosh Hashanah and wish you a new fertile year, great creative and business victories, family well-being and health to everyone! Sweet life and no troubles!

Holiday of Rosh Hashanah.
Let's celebrate the New Year!
May joy and happiness
He will bring it to you all.

May everyone be healthy
Pursuing success
Let wealth increase
A cheerful laugh sounds.

Today in every Jewish home
Rosh Hashanah is coming - New Year!

So let me come to you, not sparing smiles,
And happiness will come with it!

Let the house be full of guests,
Let losses bypass your home.

Let there be joy - of all stripes;
Live honestly and richly!

Happy Rosh Hashanah, the holy holiday,
Congratulations sincerely, friends,
We certainly wish you happiness,
Let your family be with you.

So that the lot of this life is decided
The most in the best possible way for you,
Let it shine with the purest light
The mercy of the Lord for this year and hour.

Wear white clothes
Rosh Hashanah brings hope.
Please accept congratulations on the New Year,
May he bring joy and good luck.

Do you hear the shofar already blowing?
So let everyone receive as a gift
What one hopes and expects.
May this year be happy.

Rosh Hashanah is coming,
All the people are having fun
I wish you happiness
For the Jewish New Year!

So that the tables are always crowded,
Abundances are full
Joy settled in the house
From the warmth of the hearts of relatives.

To a noisy crowd
Guests visited you
And prosperity and health
Increasing every hour!

Glorious holiday of Rosh Hashanah,
Happy New Year!
Let your wishes come true
May it bring joy.

Peace to you and your families,
Let your dreams come true
Let your ideas succeed,
The light of a star gives strength.

I wish you happiness, health, strength,
Let the bad go away
A miracle that will warm your heart,
On this day let him find you.

My dear Jews, today the holiday has come,
And I wish all Jews good luck, joy and strength!
High faith and patience, deep wisdom in everything,
May there be peace and blessings on your hospitable home!

Let your children grow up and always take their example from you,
And let everyone live richly, as if he were a millionaire,
May happiness be near you, may the Lord give you peace,
He will bless your deeds and fill your souls with beauty!

The day of Rosh Hashanah is coming,
The world was created a long time ago.
He opens up an opportunity for us
Live impeccably, carefully.

They blow the shofar - and it’s glorious.
Notify: Man!
Live, appreciate what is important in life.
Be happy throughout your long life!

This is exactly what Happy New Year greetings sound like in Israel.

The holiday crept up unnoticed, didn’t it? Old year is running out, and the new one is ready to take over.

When is the Jewish New Year celebrated in 2013?

Before we even had time to think about when the Jewish New Year is in 2013, it is already here. This year the holiday will begin on the evening of the fourth of September and will last until the sixth. You can’t work these days, but you can and should celebrate, wish each other happiness and feast on holiday delicacies.

Goodies for Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)

Do you know what is customary to cook for the Jewish New Year? Not at all the Olivier salad that we traditionally associate with New Year holidays. To celebrate Rosh Hashanah, it is customary to prepare special dishes, each of which has its own meaning.

Congratulate your family, friends and acquaintances on the New Year!

I wish you delicious and happy holidays!

Get into the book of life -
Rosh Hashanah is ahead.
Here the shofar is blowing in the area -
Treat your friend with honey.
It will be sweet all year long
All the people have fun.

The horn calls everyone to the holiday,
Rosh Hashanah is coming,
Let's dip the cake in honey,
May it be a honey year!

Full of happiness and success,
And big, big tasks,
The right decisions
Generous fillings...

And the vicissitudes of fate,
Troubles - troubles -
We will ask G-d
Throw it over the threshold!

A new day will be born tomorrow, and a year has already passed!
The Jew will sum up the results, everything will be fine.
Rosh Hashanah, great day, Jewish new year.
He promises change and brings happiness.

Traditional food, and apples and honey,
Symbolize goodness in the Jewish New Year.
So let us wish happiness to everyone who celebrates it,
After all Holy holiday, New Year is the most important thing for them.

Rosh Hashanah, shofar blowing
Invitingly and solemnly.
Today everyone, young and old
The rewards await are divine.

We wish you to be in the Book of Life
We are registered together now.
And live happily and peacefully,
Strive for happiness mentally.

With the onset of a new cycle, with the advent of Rosh Hashanah, may we all be inscribed in the Book of Life! Today is not just a date, not just another and another holiday, today is the moment when we say goodbye to the old and move on to the new. May our lives shine with happiness and joy.

New Year, Rosh Hashanah, a holiday of creation,
A bright hymn sounds in the soul, faith in miracles,
Let your wishes come true - exactly as ordered,
And kind hearts will be filled with hope.

Sweet dinner on the table, all the relatives are gathered,
All that remains is to wish happiness to your loved ones,
Don't be sad over trifles, don't regret nonsense
And luck is like catching a fish on a hook.

To the sound of shofar trumpets
The oldest holiday is coming to us.
And the Supreme Court will punish
It brings sinners to earth.
Day of creation of Adam
The beginning of the year is Rosh Hashanah.
And may the coming New Year
Leaves worries behind
Only bright roads
He gives your thoughts!
Let the festive atmosphere
Your home stores until the first stars.
“Leshana tova tikatevu!” -
There will be a toast to you today!

Jewish holiday new year
Rosh Hashanah gives us all
Opportunity today
Keep an account to the Almighty.
What everyone will tell you about life:
What I received, what I gave,
Was he cowardly or brave?
Worked or vegetated.
We are the trumpet voice of the shofar
Everyone is invited to prayer,
And it’s not for nothing that we appreciate this day,
Full of hope for the best.

Congratulations to all Jews, Rosh Hashanah is coming,
Let every honest Jew rejoice and laugh!
Let the wine flow like a river, as if from a tap,
And the shofar blows throughout the world that there is no smarter nation!

Bring your sacrifices, treat, help yourself,
The month named Tirshe gave you a glorious holiday!
Be happy, healthy, have fun, have fun,
This year brings wealth to everyone with the name Jew!

The long-awaited day will come -
We'll greet you with a trumpet horn!
The New Year will be sweet
Like challah with honey.

Don't regret that the days have passed,
That the years will fly by,
Good shoots have sprung up -
So there will be happiness!