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Christmas in America: a mixture of rituals and traditions. Christmas in America: history and traditions When does Christmas begin in America

Christmas in America, as in many other countries, is one of the main family holidays. American believers go to Christmas services in the morning. Upon returning from church, the whole family gathers at the festive table, with traditional turkey and fluffy pudding. Family members prepare gifts in advance, decorate christmas tree bright toys and garlands.

A little history

The celebration of Christmas holidays in America began at the end of the 19th century. The first state Christmas tree was installed at the White House in 1891. A national holiday was announced in 1895, since then introduced holidays for working Americans. The United States is a country of immigrants, and although all nationalities observe their ethnic traditions in preparation for the holiday, in Lately the line of difference is erased.


Regarding New Year's gifts, US residents are distinguished by their generosity. They purchase a huge variety of souvenirs for family, friends and colleagues. All kinds of gifts are given: from simple greeting cards and sweets to expensive household goods and hobby-related items. In December, stores everywhere organize discounts and sales, where you can buy quality products at great deals.

Kaleidoscope of New Year and Christmas traditions different countries can be looked at for hours. Of course, it is best to compile it from your own experience, but while each of us is just collecting a collection of such observations, the “Simply Is” portal invites you to see the colorful world of traditions of other countries through the eyes of those who represent them.

For questions about New Year's holidays and Christmas secrets we turned to Alexa Landrum, a girl who studied in Vladivostok for several years and then returned back to her native Texas.

Alexa, hello! We wish you a happy past Christmas and, at the same time, a happy New Year! How is Christmas and New Year celebrated traditionally in your country and state?

In the USA, Christmas is much more important than the New Year, because for many it is, first of all, religious holiday, which symbolizes the birth of Christ. Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. On the eve of this day, on Christmas Eve, theatrical performances are held in all churches showing the birth of Jesus. Also on this day, people get together, sing carols and have Christmas readings. Santa Claus and gifts are just an amazing added bonus to the Christmas celebration; of course, this is not the main point of the holiday for US residents.

Christmas is considered a family holiday, so on the eve of Christmas everyone usually goes somewhere to spend time with our relatives and friends. On December 25th we get together as a family to exchange gifts and have dinner.

Every family has its own traditions, many of them passed down from generation to generation. So, the way we celebrate Christmas may be very different from the way other families celebrate this holiday.

For example, most people I know, including my family, decorate the Christmas tree at the very beginning of December.

What does the menu consist of? festive table, what dishes should be a must? What does your family usually cook on this day?

For Christmas, my family typically makes turkey, ham, salad, dressing or gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, corn casserole, cranberry sauce, salad, and macaroni and cheese. The holiday is not complete without desserts: pumpkin, cherry and pecan pies, fudge and cookies are what we usually treat ourselves to at Christmas.

My family is quite large, about 30 people, and December 25th is celebrated at my great-grandfather’s house.

This year for Christmas we decided to prepare not only traditional dishes for this holiday, but also dishes such as lasagna, spaghetti, meatballs and garlic bread.

Have you ever celebrated New Year in Russia? Did you like it?

Yes, of course, I celebrated New Year in Russia! I can say that this celebration was very different from how the New Year is celebrated in America. In Russia I spent the night with my Russian friends and my family. That was great! We ate Olivier salad and sardines on bread and butter. We've never even tried this in Texas. And also, Santa Claus came to us, he gave us gifts. It was an amazing night. New Year's celebrations in Russia are one of the things I miss in the States now.

What is usually served for breakfast in an American family?

During the holidays, breakfast on our table is completely different. My father loves to wake up early and prepare morning food for the whole family. Typically, he prepares breakfast, which consists of an omelet, cheese and bacon wrapped in a tortilla - Tex-Mex. Many Texans and other Americans like to add hot sauce or salsa to their tortillas, depending on what they like best. On other holidays there are usually pancakes on the table, cereals or oatmeal.

Reference: "Tex-Mex", Tex-Mex cuisine, also Tejano - a local variety of American cuisine in the Southwestern United States of America, in which food products, available in the United States, connects with Mexican culinary traditions.

As for national dishes, what do you think you should definitely try when visiting America for the first time? What to bring as a gift? Where to visit?

If you are planning to visit America for the first time, then barbecue is something you should definitely try! Each state has its own, special taste of barbecue.
If you want to bring something as a gift to your American friends, then know that we love chocolate, alcohol, as well as your traditional souvenirs: nesting dolls, amber and Khokhloma.

There really is a lot to see in the USA. I know that many Russians dream of visiting New York and California, but in America, in fact, there are many more wonderful places! New York and California are only a small part of the USA. I would advise all tourists to rent a car and drive to those places in America that are not often talked about. Look at our villages, national and state parks. I know I'm emotional about this because I live in Texas and love my state, my country. Dallas also has some great museums, including the Kennedy Museum.

I like traveling very much. One of the secrets that I learned during my trips was the secret proper packaging bags Many airlines require you to pay for the excess if the passenger has too much big bag. I want to tell you that in America, as in Russia, there are pharmacies and grocery stores on almost every corner, which means that many items can be purchased right there upon arrival. I used to take with me too many pairs of trousers, skirts, and sweaters. Now I take with me as much as possible less clothes and I definitely buy a couple of things for myself in the place where I came to visit.

I think that all these clothes are great souvenirs for me, because every time I wear something that I bought in another country, I mentally return to the place where I had so much fun.

I hope that if you want to celebrate winter holidays in America, then now you are definitely fully armed. Happy New Year!

Among all the existing holidays, residents of the United States of America love and look forward to Christmas the most. After all, not only an individual family, but the whole country as a whole carefully prepares for this event.

As you know, Christmas in America is celebrated on December 25th. However, preliminary preparation begins long before the cherished date, since this holiday is always and everywhere accompanied by a large number of Christmas attributes, gifts, treats, etc.

In order to understand how Christmas is celebrated in the USA, you just need to watch another Hollywood film with this theme. As a rule, in such comedies, December 25 is very often positioned as the most long-awaited date, which must be celebrated among all close relatives and friends.

So, let's take a closer look at how Christmas is celebrated in the USA, and what is special about the events held at the end of December every year.

  • A few weeks before Christmas, all of America begins to sparkle with millions of different lights. Garlands are hung in shops, boutiques, restaurants and cafes, and they also illuminate all parks, courtyards of private houses, lawns, etc. After this, American residents go to a special market where luxurious, lush Christmas trees are sold. They are installed in courtyards, houses and on the main squares of the city, and then they are dressed up with colorful and sparkling toys, tinsel, bows, icicles, garlands and other decorations that give the tree a fabulous and magical appearance.

  • In addition to Christmas trees and garlands, Americans have a tradition of hanging a voluminous Christmas wreath, decorated with colorful ribbons and balls, on the door of their home. In addition, if the home has a staircase, then its railings must be intertwined fir branches with tinsel. Another American tradition is hanging Christmas stockings over the fireplace. As you know, this is done so that the famous character Santa Claus leaves long-awaited gifts for children.

  • When it comes to Christmas presents, the American people have surpassed all other nations in terms of their volume. After all, for this holiday they buy a huge number of all kinds of gifts. That is why by December all stores and boutiques organize grand sales where you can buy high-quality and beautiful products with a discount of 50-80 percent.

  • As a rule, Americans begin celebrating Christmas itself on the evening of December 24th. Having gathered with the whole family at one table, they devour delicious dishes, snacks and salads. It is worth noting that the traditional Christmas food in America is baked goose or turkey, potatoes, ham and pudding. In addition, such a celebration is impossible without a drink called eggnog. It is made from fresh chicken eggs with the addition of sugar, cream, cinnamon, and whiskey or rum.
  • On Christmas night, a service is held in Catholic churches, where all American believers are present.
  • On the morning of December 25, the whole family rushes to the living room to check for gifts under the tree. Both children and adults cheerfully unpack colorful presents and then head to the festive table.
  • As a rule, American residents spend the entire Christmas day relaxing at home or visiting guests. In addition, in small towns on December 25, all kinds of events are organized where you can have a lot of fun and laugh.
  • Like in Russia, the USA also has winter holidays, but they only last until the New Year.

Christmas in the USA is celebrated on December 25th. Americans celebrate it with family and close relatives. Representatives of all nationalities and religions eagerly await the arrival of this holiday.

The most popular place to celebrate Christmas in the USA is New York. At the beginning of winter (December 3-7), the grand lighting of the main Christmas tree takes place in Rockefeller Center Square. About a million people gather to watch this show. For those who were unable to attend gala event, broadcast on live. There is a free outdoor skating rink on the square. Large-scale Christmas markets are opening in New York's Bryant Park. Visitors will be delighted and surprised by the variety of gifts, toys, and handmade souvenirs. At the fair you can enjoy hot cocoa, mulled wine and sweets.

Traditions and rituals

The USA is a country of immigrants. The traditions of celebrating Christmas combine the cultures of different countries: England, France, Germany, Mexico, Italy. Local tribes added their own flavor to the customs.

On Christmas Eve (December 24), American believers attend services in Catholic churches. Many residents of the country make charitable contributions on this day. Housewives bake pies and cookies and distribute them to friends and neighbors.

A common tradition for residents of all corners of America is celebrating Christmas with family in the parental home.

In small towns, there is a tradition of organizing theatrical performances on biblical subjects in the main squares on holidays. Children's choirs sing Christmas carols.

Christmas decorations

The Christmas atmosphere has reigned in the United States since the end of autumn. Residents of private houses begin an unspoken competition: whose house is the most brightly and lavishly decorated. They hang bright electric garlands on facades, trees and bushes. Glowing figures of Santa Claus, deer, and snowmen are installed in the courtyards. A Christmas wreath is hung on the front door, which is often made independently from pine branches and decorated with ribbons, pine cones, and berries. A Christmas tree is installed in the living room, which is decorated with balls, angel figures, sweets and fruits. Children hang stockings by the fireplace for gifts. An ancient tradition is decorating houses with mistletoe. Americans believe that evergreen branches will protect the house from evil spirits.

Cities light up with festive illuminations. Shop windows, cafes, and restaurants are decorated with Christmas decorations. In shopping centers you can see residences of Santa Claus, where children communicate with their favorite characters and receive gifts from them.

Festive table

The main traditional dish on the American Christmas table is stuffed baked turkey. Sometimes it is replaced with baked beef in cranberry sauce. The holiday menu includes stewed cabbage with beans, baked fish, homemade sausages, potato pie with peas and prunes. In some areas of the United States, housewives bake Christmas bread. A common dish in the southwestern states is the tamale, which is a corn tortilla wrapped in corn leaves with meat, cheese and vegetables.

For dessert they serve apple-cherry strudels, chocolate puddings and mousses, and ginger cookies. Darling alcoholic drink wine at Christmas dinner.


Americans usually choose expensive and practical gifts, which must be accompanied by a purchase receipt so that the owner of the item can return it to the store. In the last decade, cash certificates have come into fashion.

Santa Claus brings children gifts at Christmas. This character rides a reindeer sled, enters houses through chimneys and leaves surprises under trees, in socks or boots.

history of the holiday

Celebration traditions Catholic Christmas began to take root among Americans in the 19th century. Until the 18th century, residents of the New World were prohibited from celebrating this celebration, since most of the colonists were Puritans, Protestants and Baptists.

The first National Christmas Tree was erected in 1891 in front of the White House. In 1895, the US government recognized Christmas as a national holiday. December 25 became an official day off and a major holiday for Americans.

Cities and resorts

IN winter period tourists are attracted to exotic resorts. The state of Florida will satisfy the tastes of pampered travelers. The east coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, whose high waves create ideal conditions for surf fans. Children and their parents will be interested in visiting the theme parks: Disney World, Kennedy Space Center, Daytona International Speedway, Cyprus Gardens and Universal Studios.

The Hawaiian archipelago is located in the Pacific Ocean, which attracts US residents and foreign tourists all year round. The islands amaze with their fantastic nature: tall palm trees, tropical flowers, wide sandy beaches. Big Island offers a visit to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Maui is rich in diving centers. Coral colonies grow in coastal waters, which are habitats for exotic fish and sea turtles. The beaches of Pine Trees, Banyans, and Honolia are attractive for surfers.

Fans of large-scale celebrations and vivid impressions should go to New York. At the beginning of winter, the city turns into a setting for a Christmas fairy tale. The Italian neighborhood of Brooklyn - Dyker Heights - has become popular among city residents and tourists thanks to its magnificent illumination. Local rich people spend tens of thousands of dollars decorating their ancient mansions. Some owners have fun dressing up in Santa Claus costumes and handing out gifts and souvenirs to passersby. A walk through the Christmas area will be remembered for a lifetime.

Winter Philadelphia is famous for its Christmas Village fair. It is a village of trading houses in the style of the 19th century. There is an atmosphere of celebration and magic at the fair: Christmas melodies are playing, Santa Clauses in disguise are walking around. You can buy everything from local merchants: from handmade national souvenirs to luxurious jewelry. Visitors to the fair will not be able to resist the aroma of festive delicacies: gingerbread, waffles, sausages, chocolate and caramel.

If anyone doesn’t know what date Christmas is in the USA, it must be said that the majority of residents of the freedom-loving continent are Catholics by religion and they celebrate this holiday on December 25th. Long time Thanksgiving Day was considered the most important holiday in the country. However, Christmas could not help but conquer the hearts of people with its pure and good traditions, and since the end of the 19th century it has been recognized by the official authorities.

How do they celebrate Christmas in America?

One of the main features of America is its multinational people, which has led to a variety of customs in celebrating Christmas in different parts of the country. One thing unites everyone - the desire to make your home the most colorful. That's why buildings, trees and shrubs literally sparkle with Christmas lights. Priorities at this time will thaw out to red and green. In private properties you can see figures of angels, the Virgin Mary holding a baby and other Christmas characters decorated with garlands. And the main Christmas tree of the country is installed in front of the White House, surrounded by small Christmas trees from different states.

One of the beautiful traditions is to glorify God and the birth of Jesus Christ in songs and hymns. It is customary to stage performances dramatizing this event. Deeply religious people attend church services.