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What shades of green go with. Green color, combinations

By mixing blue and yellow colors in different proportions, we get a variety of shades of green. All these shades combine the unity and opposites of their parents: the coolness of blue and the brightness of yellow.

Blue and yellow are opposite in meaning. Blue symbolizes calm, confidence and wisdom. Yellow – cheerfulness, activity and movement. When they meet, they dissolve into each other.

The green that comes from them is the most harmonious and pleasant color for the human eye. It is soothing but not overwhelming. It brings us closer to nature, because it is the most common color on the planet. The most interesting thing is that those people who have flown on airplanes or climbed into Earth’s orbit say that green is completely invisible from above. This is a unique phenomenon of our planet.

People who surround themselves with Everyday life green and choose it for clothing, balanced and stable. They reliable partners and responsible parents. These are altruists, kind and generous.

Green is the color of confidence and recognition of one’s merits. This is exactly what a lover of green strives for; he will persistently defend his values. If a person rejects green, then he does not want to look, think and act like the majority.

What clothing combinations can be made with this amazing color?

Green has many shades, which depend on which color is dominant in its base. If blue is present in greater quantities, then the shade of green is cold. And its psychological impact on a person also approaches the impact of blue color. If there is more yellow, the shade is warm.

Green and white. White is the most universal color. Next to any chromatic color, it becomes a background, a blank canvas. Green next to white becomes brighter, richer and deeper. This option is good for summer. These colors can be used to create both casual and dressy looks. To diversify the set you can add bright accessories, for example, red.

Black, as a base color, goes well with green. To increase the contrast of the image, you should choose lighter shades of chromatic color. In such a set, black balances green, which, in turn, dilutes the darkness of black. Such ensembles, even made up of simple things, look elegant.

Green and brown give a very natural, natural combination. WITH brown light green, olive and light green are in harmony. The yellow-brown shade looks good with khaki, grassy, ​​and blue-green palettes.

Green and gray is a fairly conservative combination. But quite harmonious. Accessories in white, black, brown, and beige colors will help break up some of the monotony of such a set. Products go well with green gray with a smooth, reflective surface. Then the gray turns into silver. This set will look elegant and interesting.

Yellow and green are related colors. Therefore, they suit each other quite well. This set is an excellent choice for bright, sunny days. He is cheerful and positive. If you want to cheer up yourself and those around you, choose this combination.

Since both orange and green colors contain yellow, they also combine with each other. Their duet looks original, but at the same time, unobtrusively. An image in which a green outfit is complemented with orange accessories looks great.

But red and green are antagonistic colors. Together they create a strong contrasting combination, and may even conflict. And although stylists and color experts say that these colors can be combined in equal proportions, it would still be better to make one of them the main one. Let the second one be included in the kit in the form of accessories. Also, the resistance of red and green can be eliminated by adding black items to the set.

Blue and green. Blue is one of the components of green. These are related shades. And although both blue and green colors are quite calm, their combination is surprisingly bright. The main thing is to select shades that are similar in lightness and saturation.

Green looks unexpected when combined with pink. This option is perfect for romantic, playful sets. It is important to choose the right shades. Either they should be bright, luminous, or, conversely, dark and muted.

Green and purple. Just as in the spring we admire magnificent clusters of lilacs framed by green foliage, so those around you will admire you in an image that combines green and purple colors.

I recently resumed my drawing and painting lessons, and I want to tell you about color combinations. In any situation when it comes to color, there are good and bad combinations of shades. Whether it's a manicure or clothes, a drawn card or even a home renovation, it's always important to choose a beautiful and interesting color combination.

With regard to clothing, this is even more important, if you can paint your house and your favorite bedroom in any shades you like, and invite only loved ones there, then clothing is the most important social tool that allows us to form the first opinion about each other, and therefore we cannot allow your clothes said the wrong thing about you. How to choose good shades and choose interesting pairs? What are the rules about this? How to choose any tones with shine?

A little theory

The easiest way to choose the right shade is to use a color wheel. It is divided into 12 sectors and represents the primary colors. Also, each sector is graduated from light (in the center) to dark (along the edge). What can we deduce from this circle?
  1. White harmonizes with absolutely any tone and makes it brighter.
  2. Black will help dilute any ensemble and at the same time give it depth.
  3. Complementary and similar color neighborhoods are visible.
  4. You can print triads, tetrads and squares.
What is a complementary pair? These are colors that are located opposite each other on the color wheel. Red and green, blue and orange, purple and yellow. In order not to miss, it is best to choose shades that are equal in lightness and saturation - equidistant sectors from the center.

This is a good combination, and most often many clothing lines use it - they produce the same models in complementary shades, and then if you buy a purple blouse, you can always choose a pistachio skirt to go with it (and vice versa).

Similar pairs- those that stand next to each other on the color wheel. Such pairs are often found in architectural compositions. Surely you have seen when a house is painted light lemon, and the architectural elements - slopes and cornices, balustrades and architraves - are green. This solution is also found very often in accessories - for example, it is much easier to find yellow shoes with orange trim than yellow with blue or purple.

Triads, tetrads and squares are patterns that are drawn according to a special shape on the color wheel. For a triad it is a triangle, for a tetrad it is a rectangle, and a square speaks for itself.

Look at different color wheels to understand the principle, and you will never go wrong in choosing the right shade.


Neutral colors are called black, white and gray - they go with almost everything and look good together. However, it should also be taken into account that a person dressed in black or gray from head to toe is bad manners, monochrome outfits have long become a sign of bad taste. In the summer, it is appropriate to be dressed in white from head to toe, but here accessories - a bag, shoes, bright jewelry and details - can help maintain the brightness.

Any combination of gray should be well balanced. As a rule, fabrics or accessories of a pure gray shade are rarely found on sale; most often the color has a cold or warm undertone. Accordingly, when choosing color combinations with gray, you need to look at:

  • to the warmth of gray;
  • on the warmth of the selected color;
  • on the lightness of two shades and their compatibility.

Warmth of Gray

Gray can be warm or cool.

Warm shades are best combined with warm tones - yellow, orange, red, pink, crimson.

Cool gray looks perfect if you add blue, lilac, green or blue to it.

Warmth of the chosen color

Even yellow can be cold. It is best to choose those paints whose temperature corresponds to the main temperature of the color. Warm yellow and cool blue look good with cool gray.


This is the position that the chosen color would occupy on a stretch from darkest to lightest. It is best if the gray does not compete with his partner. Can't choose? Choose the brightest shades or pastel colors, and it is better to refrain from dark ones.


Warm colors on the color wheel range from yellow to violet. This is a pleasant range that lifts the mood and gives a feeling of warmth and light. However, choosing color pairs here is not so easy. Naturally, when I talk about the proximity of red or yellow, these are those combinations where the color I indicated is the main one (that is, it predominates visually).

The best combination of red is with white, blue and black. These are pure shades that were worn by kings and queens; this range (without black) is represented on the Russian tricolor and the flags of other states. Use pure shades, and then you can definitely be confident in your choice.

The combination is interesting burgundy color with shades of blue and gray. In general, any berry tones will suit burgundy. But it is better to choose green tones with a cool undertone.

Great combination Brown with beige - you get a pleasant chocolate combination. Shades of cocoa and coffee, tea and milk, pastries and ivory - many color combinations with brown evoke thoughts of desserts.

Naturally, warm tones go well together - brown and light orange look great together, and the combination of red, orange and yellow was once ultra-fashionable.

Want to add some flair to the combination? Try complex tones. Combine brown with plum, beige and blackberry, warm inky and cool turquoise. Yes, don't forget about the brown and mint color combination. The combination of mint and chocolate evokes thoughts of entertainment, pleasure and relaxation.

Do you like extravagance? Add some accessories in a deep shade - for example, cobalt blue will set off orange or pink well, and turquoise looks good on shades of yellow and green.


Cool colors are those from green to purple. These are shades of grass and water, cool and refreshing, they bring peace and tranquility. If you want to use cool shades in the interior, then it is best to give preference to bright, clean colors, the compatibility of which is very high with other colors.

The best combination for the home is dark blue with white and red. Moreover, red should be a highlight, there should not be a lot of it, but it’s better not to skimp on blue.

My favorite shade is turquoise, also called turquoise and Tiffany's favorite shade. Turquoise color goes well with the most different shades. You can choose warm pink and rich orange, which can beautifully set off the turquoise color. An interesting combination of turquoise shade is obtained with coral - the reddish-red palette emphasizes the turquoise color well.

It is also worth trying a combination of blue with cold yellow and light green tones, and blue will help to set off green tones. In general, the combination of green with yellow and blue is classic for spring and spring holidays, so try to find your solutions in this color scheme(and don't forget to look at the color wheel).

Try to pay more attention to the combination of green with other colors - this year the Panton company announced Greenery as the shade of 2017, so it would be a sin not to acquire a couple of green wardrobe items and buy some emerald jewelry for home. By the way, beautiful combinations colors with green can be selected online - color palette will be compiled automatically.

Do you want to make interesting combinations? purple? Try light cool colors - lilac, pink, green. Don't like deep purple? Try lilac and lavender, and don't forget lilac.

Different ideas

Can't figure out the combinations of yellow with other colors? Check out the original and classic schemes matching shades.

Cool combination of yellow and lilac with purple, combination Pink colour with yellow - this combination of lilac and yellow with purple will be remembered by absolutely everyone.

Looking for beautiful schemes based on brown color with others? Save these diagrams for yourself - if the table is always at hand, then you can match all the tones to brown.

Remember that the combination of orange and black is sultry and hot!

And here are schemes for combining pink with other shades and red with other colors.

Do you want to create a palette in cold colors? Then combinations of lilac with cold tones - blue, emerald, blue and gray are at your service.

Now you know almost as much about color combinations as professional artists, which means that you will definitely be able to choose any color combinations - even for perfect wardrobe, at least for a wonderful renovation!

Choosing colors that go well with green is quite simple. After all, nature itself suggests them to us. Green is the color of tree crowns, grass carpets and crispy ripe apples. Many people associate it with youth, freshness, hope and tranquility. To correctly and effectively add it to your wardrobe, you need to know what colors go with green.

The image that combines green and White color. It could be a green dress with white accessories or vice versa, white with green, strict white suit with a green handbag, belt, shoes and neckerchief, a heavy green coat, complemented by a white beret and handbag, etc. By the way, this combination can also be taken into account by men.

In the summer, the whole world around us tells us the combination of green and yellow. True, in this case you should still choose more muted shades of both colors so as not to look like a clown. For example, a dirty yellow belt or shoes of the same shade will go perfectly with olive trousers.

What colors go with green, photos of ideal combinations

The new-fashioned combination is green and purple. These are the colors chosen by modern fashionistas in this season. By the way, in this case both colors can be very bright. Thanks to this seemingly strict combination, you can make any image, even a business one, more stylish, effective and harmonious. True, it is best if the advantage in this case is on the green side.

As for black and green, this is a completely universal combination. It is even suitable for a festive or evening look. For example, a green floor-length dress will be perfectly complemented by black shoes, a belt, a bag and various miniature jewelry of the same color. Yes and for everyday look the combination of black and green will be very useful. Moreover, any color can have a quantitative advantage in this combination. In both cases, the image will look harmonious.

In general, knowing what colors go with green is important for every fashionista. Moreover, there are a huge number of such combinations.

You can even complement a green outfit with bright red accessories. Only in this case it is important to remember that there should be several times less red in the image than green. For example, one small detail.

And in order to find your own most effective and profitable combinations, do not be afraid to experiment.

Articles about the combination of green color in clothes

Green color, combinations

Green + white

Green + yellow

Green + purple

In interior design and in the selection of clothing, great importance must be given to color. Many people rely only on their liking for certain shades, but this should not be done. You need to take one favorite color as a basis, and only then combine it with matching ones. One of the popular colors in clothing, and in everything, in particular in room design, is green. What color does it go with? How to combine green wardrobe or interior items with others?

Color combination rules

There are three universal rules for combining paints.

  1. Cool shades can be easily combined with cold ones, and warm shades can be easily combined with warm ones.
  2. All pastel colors are easy to combine with each other. By the way, pastels (bleached colors) are now in fashion. This applies in most cases to clothing.
  3. You should not combine more than 4 colors at the same time, just as there should not be just one color in clothes and in the interior.

Green color meaning

Green color symbolizes nature, Earth, peace and harmony. No wonder. After all, almost all plants on Earth that give us oxygen have this color. Green calms the nervous system very well, which is why it is often used as the basis for interior design. In addition, eco-style is now in fashion. To create it correctly, you need to know what colors green and its shades go with.

Shades of green

  1. Summer shades. It is herbaceous, light green, bright green, olive.
  2. Autumn shades. They have a little yellow tint to them. This color can be described as marsh or khaki with different levels of contrast and brightness
  3. Universal shades- whitened green color. You don’t have to think long about what color this tone goes with - it goes with all the others.

Green color in the interior

Eco-style is a passion for everything natural and environmentally friendly. Therefore, when decorating rooms in this style, you need to pay attention not only to paints, but also to materials. However, the color of objects also plays an important role. So, all natural shades will go well with grassy green: natural wood, gray-linen, white. Do not overuse acidic shades, red and blue.

Green color in clothes

Whatever one may say, the most pressing question is: what color does green go with in clothes? Photos on the Internet, fashion shows, certainly help, but decoding is also required.

It is very rare to find sets in which green is the main color. And this is no coincidence. It is very difficult to find a tone of green that would suit your face, and it takes a certain amount of courage to wear one. bright outfit. As a rule, green accessories are chosen: bags, boots, scarves, belts, etc. Let's consider several options for combining green with others.

Bright light green, lime, yellow-green

Bright acidic shades are best not worn in combination with other bright colors such as pink, orange, yellow, blue or red. There is a high probability that the costume will resemble a carnival one. To protect yourself from sidelong glances, combine bright shades of green with pale or dark ones, for example, beige, gray, black. Also, light green shades will look good in combination with white. This will create a feeling of summer freshness and coolness. A playful look will be achieved by combining lime and dark green with a grayish tint.

Rich and vibrant dark green

These tones will look great in combination with white, black, lilac and ash pink. Particularly daring young ladies can create an exotic set in which a green skirt or trousers will contrast with a red blouse or shirt, or vice versa. The set is very risky, but the result can be stunning.

3. Calm dark green

Inactive dark color looks good with contrasting burgundy, red, dark pink. Coniferous pink also looks great with coral, pale pink, beige, and lilac.

Thus, we can summarize all of the above.

Light bright green is best combined with beige, gray, black, and white. It is better not to use acid tones as the basis of the set.

Colors that go with dark green: burgundy, red, ash pink, beige, light green, lilac.

What to wear with a green blouse?

So your blouse is green. What color goes with these clothes? If the blouse is dark green, wear a beige or light gray skirt or trousers. The set will turn out to be very elegant. A light green blouse will look good with black trousers or jeans of any blue shade.

Green pants/skirt

Dark trousers look elegant with muted lingonberry, ash pink or burgundy. It is advisable to choose light silk fabrics, or shiny ones, this will give the image a special shine. Bright green pants or a skirt look best with a white blouse. Complete this look with dark green accessories and you will be irresistible.

Let's add green accents

We figured out what colors green goes with in clothes. However, you don’t have to use it as the basis for your outfit. Accessories in all shades of green always look very stylish. Add beige dress, trousers or a blouse with a dark green belt - and the image will sparkle in a different way. Or wear green neckerchief with a light shirt, it will highlight the eyes favorably. Brave young ladies can buy green shoes or sandals. They will look great in combination with a black, white, cream or dark lingonberry outfit.

Any monochromatic set can be diluted with a fresh note by wearing, for example, a green jacket. Pay special attention to pastel colors. Buy several items in different bleached colors. You can combine them in different ways. The combination of pastel lilac and green looks very fresh. It is suitable for ladies of all ages and professions.

Do not under any circumstances reject the color green. You will understand immediately what color it goes with and how to wear it. Any shade of green gives harmony and adds freshness to the image.

After the annual Paris fashion show, many representatives of the fair sex are confused, because fashion designers dictate new fashion rules every season.

The universal green color looks harmonious in any look.

However, no matter what color combination trends appear, When choosing clothes and accessories, you should adhere to certain classical rules. In this case, the image will turn out to be as harmonious and stylish as possible, remaining relevant for quite a long time.

The meaning of green in clothing. Psychology of image

According to fashion designers, the color green can be described by adjectives such as calm, natural, harmonious, pleasant and comfortable. The same words can describe a person who prefers to dress in green.

Basically, these are self-confident individuals with a clear, positive life position. They know what they want from life and purposefully achieve it. In communication they are educated and cultured.

Since green is associated with nature and calms, those dressed in this color quickly encourage conversation.

Depending on the shade, green can be combined with all the colors of the rainbow

Depending on the shade, green can create interest if it is lighter and brighter; calm if it is more saturated, with a bluish undertone.

Who suits green according to their appearance color type?

How green the color will suit young girls, determined by the color type of appearance:

Green clothes, selected according to the color type, look most harmonious
  • Light, warm shades of greenery suit the spring color type. They will emphasize the delicate, weightless beauty of girls belonging to this type appearance.

Light, warm shades of green suit the spring color type.
  • Cold, light and rich colors are suitable for the summer color type. dark colors. They will highlight the hair color and make the image deeper and more noble.

Cool light and rich dark tones are suitable for the summer color type.
  • Colors such as khaki, pistachio, olive, and muted marsh shades are suitable for a warm autumn color type. They will emphasize and complement the existing brightness in appearance, and will correctly place accents.

Muted swamp shades are suitable for a warm autumn color type.
  • Cool shades of green are suitable for the winter color type: emerald, jade, grass green. They will add charm and mystery to the image.

Cool shades of green suit the winter color type

Stylists assure: there is not a single woman for whom green would not suit. The main thing is to find your individual shade.

Basic popular shades of green

A huge number of shades of green enable creative individuals to be individual and stylish. WITHAmong the whole variety, the most popular colors are:

  • Light green . A positive, warm shade of green that is created by adding yellow to it. The color of young foliage, spring. Light green clothing concentrates, pacifies, and puts you in the right mood.
A positive, warm shade of green puts you in a positive mood
  • Mint . A gentle, cool shade of green, which is obtained by adding blue to it. Very fresh, light color. Great for summer looks. This color balances, promotes relaxation.

Adds mint color to clothes light image ease
  • Aquamarine and turquoise . Bright but cold shades of green, to which blue and blue flowers. No less popular in the spring-summer season than mint. In hot weather, wearing clothes of these colors will make you feel cooler and lighter. The imaginary transparency of color will add lightness and subtlety to the girl.

Aquamarine and turquoise shades especially popular in the spring-summer season
  • Emerald . Cool shade, symbolizing stability, prosperity, restoration. Emerald is good both in clothes and accessories. Suitable color, ranging from underwear and dresses to warm outerwear. The main thing is not to overdo it with this color.

The cool, noble shade symbolizes prosperity and stability
  • Olive and pistachio . Warm shades, fairly muted, calm. They are obtained by mixing green, yellow and red in different proportions. The shades are perfect for outfits such as flowing dresses and skirts, and classic blouses. This color should be the predominant color in the image.

Olive color should be dominant in the image

There are many other green shades, but they are all derived from these four basic tones.

Rules for combining green with other colors

When creating an image in natural tones, it is important to know what color goes with green.

Green has many shades. There are universal combinations when any shade of green suits the color, and there are colors with which only one or several specific shades look advantageous.

Green and white

White color is considered universal. It goes with absolutely any color, including green.

The combination of these colors in clothes will add status and dignity to the image. You can combine white and green in any ratio, at any age.

You can combine white and green in any ratio

The examples are quite varied:

  • A white business suit and a green shirt of the right shade can attract attention to a woman for a long time.
  • Mint summer dress and a white handbag and sandals are perfect for both a first date and going to the movies with friends.
  • A white dress will be perfectly complemented by accessories and shoes in pistachio, menthol or grass colors. This option is also suitable for wedding dress, especially in the spring-summer season. The image will symbolize unity with nature.

Green and red

Green and red colors are difficult to combine, as both are bright and contrasting. However, with the right combination, the image turns out to be original and unique. These two colors look especially good on girls with an autumn color type.

If there is uncertainty that an ensemble made up of these colors will look overly provocative, you can use one proven technique. Make the main outfit one color, and use the other for accessories.

The right combination of contrasting shades will create a unique look.

Examples of images could be the following:

  • Accessories such as green jewelry or a clutch go well with a wine-colored dress. Shoes are also matched to the color of the bag.
  • A red cardigan or a cropped oversize coat will go perfectly with dark green trousers and a pistachio shirt. It is better to choose accessories and shoes in a neutral color - black or beige.

Green and black color

Black paired with green makes the look thoughtful and deep. Moreover The most advantageous proportion is considered to be one where both colors are in equal quantities.

Green elements of the image combined with black ones will make a strict office style more free

The mystery that black brings resonates well with the sedateness and wisdom of dark green tones. Excellent options for wearing these colors can be:

  • Classic black Cocktail Dress, green jewelry and marsh-colored pumps are an excellent option for evening dress.
  • Green outerwear will add zest to a black outfit. Whether it's a dress, jeans with a turtleneck or a jumpsuit.
  • A green chiffon loose, belted dress goes perfectly with a black biker jacket and rough boots with a wide top. An excellent option for lovers of casual style. A backpack in dark green or black, if desired, will complement the look.

Green and brown

Brown paired with green can transform any woman. The main rule of combination is the correct selection of shade.

For example:

  • Pistachio or olive trousers go well with a bright brown pullover.
  • A bright green sweater dress will look harmonious with dark brown boots and a bag.
  • Khaki jeans will look good with a chocolate-colored biker jacket.

You can combine brown and green in different proportions.

Green and brown - a practical solution for autumn

Again, it’s all about the shades of the colors used. If green suits many people, then with brown you will have to tinker, but the result is worth it.

Green and beige

Beige color is rightfully considered one of the basic ones. Very gentle and unobtrusive. It doesn't draw attention to itself like red or orange. It complements. Beige can be combined in different proportions and with almost all shades of green.

A delicate beige tone will add elegance to green

Examples of images:

  • Beige trousers and any element of the top are green. When changing colors, the beauty of the image will not decrease, but it will become more autumnal.
  • Beige Evening Dress perfectly sets off accessories and shoes in a rich dark green color.
  • A beige leather skirt and a satin green shirt or long sleeve are a great work option. A jacket that is a tone or slightly darker than the shirt can complement the look.

Beige accessories and shoes are irreplaceable. Nude shoes visually lengthen your legs and go with any outfit.

Green and blue

What color goes best with green if not blue? After all, blue is the parent of green when yellow is added to it. Images made up of these two colors will be appropriate all year round and in various situations.

Blue looks perfect with cool shades of green

Examples include:

  • Dark blue trousers and a grass-colored jumper. If you swap colors, the beauty and simplicity of the image will not change. For everyday wear, trousers can be replaced with blue jeans, so popular for their comfort.
  • Blue cocktail dress and green clutch bag. Earrings with emeralds and stiletto heels, similar in color to the bag, will help complement the look.
  • A green skirt will look great with a blue tight lace blouse (can be cropped). Neutral beige or silver (gray) accessories will complement the look.

Green and orange tone

A fairly popular and catchy combination is the combination of green and orange. Such bright image Suitable for both the spring-summer season and autumn. These two colors can be combined in different proportions.

The best choice for bright personalities - a combination of green and orange

Depending on the intensity of orange, the shade of green is selected. The brighter the orange, the less it should be. And the more saturated and muted the green should be.

It will make the image more harmonious and balance out the bright orange. For those who prefer neon orange color the best option will use it in accessories, strictly dosed.

Examples of combining these colors could be as follows:

  • A bright orange blouse with an unusual cut and khaki, pistachio or olive trousers.
  • Emerald dress and thin knitted cardigan with embroidery elements. Green suede heeled sandals or similar flat ballet shoes will complete the look.
  • A dark green jumpsuit will look great with a bright neon belt and a large necklace. These accessories will additionally emphasize the décolleté area and visually reduce the waist.

Green and yellow

The combination of green and yellow is inspired by nature itself. Plants such as dandelions and sunflowers prove 100% compatibility by their own example. Moreover Both yellow and green can predominate in the image.

For example:

  • Bright yellow top (top, blouse, jumper) and slightly darker – emerald, jade – bottom (skirt, trousers).
  • Yellow dress and green accessories (shoes, handbag, jewelry). You shouldn’t choose all green accessories; you might go overboard. It is only important to focus on this color.
  • When choosing outerwear A yellow cropped coat with a green scarf and bag will look good. A great way to stand out in the crowd and take your mind off the autumn blues.

What color goes better with green than yellow? This combination creates the most “sunny” image.

The big advantage is that The colors of the bottom and top of the images can be changed, it will not reduce the beauty.

Green and purple

Purple and green can be combined in different proportions. The most advantageous is the tandem of dark green, emerald color with a deep, rich purple.

Purple looks best with olive and grass tones.

However, there are many more options for combining these two colors than it seems at first glance. Examples could be:

  • Violet, dark skirt with an emerald-colored satin blouse. Black stiletto pumps will complete the look.
  • Green pants and purple top. The intensity of colors is selected based on the color type. More saturated, bright shades are suitable for brunettes, lighter, lighter tones are suitable for blondes.
  • Light violet dress and cozy, knitted cardigan the color of lush green grass. The look is perfect for a young girl on a cool summer evening.

Green and pink

Green and pink look quite extraordinary together. They give the image a doll-like quality. Mostly girls under 30 prefer such outfits. However, even more mature age sets using green and pink colors can look great on a woman.

Green with pink -
the most delicate combination of shades in clothes

The main thing is to choose the right shades. Combination options may be as follows:

  • A mint blouse or top goes well with a powder pink A-line skirt. This set will look no less gentle and romantic with short trousers with arrows. Sandals or beige shoes are suitable for footwear.
  • A hot pink sheath dress will perfectly complement light coat the color of lush grass. Black ankle boots and a hot pink clutch can complete the look.
  • A dark jade, flowing dress will look harmonious with pale pink pumps and a bag of a similar color.

Green and gold color

Gold and green colors in clothing complement each other. Shades of green such as emerald, chrome green, deep dark green, dark bluish green, jade are suitable for combination. Combinations of these colors are used in evening looks.

The perfect golden complement to a green outfit is gold jewelry.

Gold gives additional gloss to green, which in itself is considered self-sufficient, noble color. Examples of such a combination could be:

  • Deep green evening dress and gold accessories and shoes - perfect option combinations of these colors.
  • A casual dress embroidered in several places with gold threads will make your day a little more colorful.

Most of the time, women add gold color to their outfit through accessories because they are afraid of going overboard.

Stylists sometimes advise going beyond the boundaries: purchasing a gold dress or suit and diluting it with green accessories and shoes. This image will be remembered for a long time.

Green and silver (gray)

Fashion designers have long decided which color goes with green - it is gray. It is used for outerwear, shoes, accessories, and classic clothing. Silver highlights evening dresses in green.

A gray cardigan and accessories of the appropriate shade go well with an emerald dress.

Most good images can be made up of the following:

  • Moss green leather pencil skirt and gray knit jumper. Suitable for a casual work look.
  • Dark turquoise Short dress It will look casual with gray suede boots and a similar bag.
  • A gray voluminous knit snood will fit perfectly into an ensemble of an emerald biker jacket and black jeans. A gray backpack or boots can be an addition.

Green accessories and shoes

Green color is often used by women in the form of accessories. These can be decorations with natural stones(emerald, jade, malachite, peridot, aquamarine, amazonite and others), belts, hair jewelry, bags.

The most popular green accessories are shoes, bags and belts

Green shoes, from sandals to boots, are also very popular. All kinds of shades of green can be seen on scarves, stoles, and hats.

Choosing which green accessories will suit a particular outfit is often intuitive. Since most women feel colors and shades very subtly. If nature has gifted you with another talent, do not be upset.

There are several simple rules, which will allow you to choose the right accessories for your look:

  • You should not accumulate all the accessories in one place (necklace, scarf, headdress). It is better to distribute them evenly throughout the entire look, for example shoes, a bag or a scarf (stole) and a bracelet.
  • Stylists do not recommend wearing more than three types of accessories of the same color; this will make the image chaotic and overloaded.
  • Green accessories and shoes should be in harmony with each other and be similar in style to clothing.

What doesn't go with green?

When thinking about what color does not go with green, it’s difficult to say for sure. It all depends on the shades of green and the color combined with it. For example, it is difficult to imagine a combination of neon orange and bright lime green. Or with similar ultra bright shades.

However, there are situations when seemingly incompatible colors on a particular person look incredibly stylish. After all, they mean a lot individual characteristics appearance: facial features, hair and body features.

Useful videos on the topic of choosing clothes in shades of green

What color goes best with green is presented in the following video:

This video clearly shows which color goes with green in clothes: