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Happy birthday to my ex-girlfriend. Happy birthday wishes to ex best friend

Let us quarrel with you,
I learned a life lesson.
Yes, I'm wrong, I'm not arguing,
Please accept my humble congratulations.

You were a good friend...
I want to wish you
On your birthday, so that there is more
Happy, bright days to know.

We've been friends with you for so long,
But our paths diverged.
And you can’t return the past,
Don't be offended and forgive.

And on your birthday I wish
More sincere friends!
Charming man
To decorate your leisure time!

Expensive! Life is an unpredictable lottery, and it just so happened that it gave you and me different paths. But, despite this, I value you very much and believe that everything will work out for you exactly the way you want. I believe that you will succeed. Be happy, happy birthday!

Hello, listen to me more carefully,
We may not be as close as before,
But honestly I can voice it without hiding,
That our friendship in the past is dear, without falsehood.
I wish you a happy birthday from the bottom of my heart
And I’ll bring you my congratulations,
You confidently write your life yourself,
May it always be great in your destiny.

How often life dictates plots to us,
And with whom we were friends we are parting,
Time and interests separate us,
And it seems that we will never return!

But back to square one again,
After all, friendship is tested over the years,
And if suddenly by chance we collide,
Let's remain friends, even if we were former friends.

On your birthday, let me congratulate you,
And admire the wondrous beauty,
Leave a heartfelt bouquet on the table,
Give me a heartfelt kiss on the cheek as a souvenir.

It's a pity that we parted ways,
There are sins in life,
Don't be discouraged like I am,
Once you and I have made a decision.

Don't see each other and don't share,
Among themselves grievances, happiness,
Congratulations, save.
Getting rid of it is your hypostasis.

Friendships often come to an end
Hearts no longer beat in unison,
Often crashing against the stones of anxiety,
Friendship will melt away like a ghostly dream!

This is not a reason to curse each other,
Skillfully build various intrigues,
It’s better to congratulate you on your birthday,
And look boldly into your eyes again!

May everything work out in your life,
Joy and happiness will be nearby,
Help from loved ones, support from friends,
And your loved one will not forget you!

Out of old friendship, if possible,
I’ll congratulate you, maybe by chance...
Wishing your ex-girlfriend is difficult
Heartfelt joy, smiles and warmth.

But, nevertheless, accept my greetings,
May your birthday always make you happy.
And the songs that were once sung
Otherwise they will play for you.

What can we do, fate has deceived us,
But I don't forget my friend.
And today I sincerely congratulate you,
And I wish you warmth in your soul.

A friend, although an ex, but still,
I think we can be friends with you,
Happy birthday today,
I wish you to be the best in the world!

Let life bring pleasant surprises,
Let the bad things go away,
Love to you and friendship, but mutual,
Work and study efficiently!

The flowers of the meadow and the blue sky,
Long-lasting beauty
Let your dreams and plans come true,
And your pockets will be full of money!

You and I are no longer friends
Apparently it was necessary.
On your birthday I wish
Just get a good sign.

May you be lucky, of course
There will be happiness and love.
Only feelings are real
They excite your blood.

We've known you for so many years,
But fate scattered us
I want to say, friend, again,
That you are always in my heart!

And on this day I will drink tea,
And I remember last years...
And, wiping tears from my eyes,
Congratulations, my dear!


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Even if you and I are not together,
And we will never
But still she was a friend,
You are always, always, always for me.
And congratulations on your birthday,
I want you again and again
Memories of our friendship,
I treasure it in my heart.


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My friend's ex is shaking me up!

We've been friends for many years
We've been through a lot of troubles
There were great joys
They were very much valued
But fate wills it this way,
To break up for a nickel,
Happy birthday,
I wish you all the best!


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We will remember each other!

My ex-girlfriend
Happy Birthday to You!
We will remember each other
Kind words and love!
Always be healthy, strong,
Young and lively,
Always be loving
Good-natured and simple!


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All the best to my ex-girlfriend!

Our paths have diverged,
But there's no reason to be sad
There is no one more beautiful in the world than you,
All men love you!
Happy Birthday,
Always be so beautiful
May life give you pleasure,
Be lucky and happy!


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To my ex-girlfriend

We were once inseparable
But still our years passed,
And the friendship quietly faded away,
Girlfriend, it’s still fate.
And even though you are an ex, I remember
Your birthday, at this hour,
I'll raise my glass and congratulate you,
And I’ll drink, just for us.


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In joy, wealth and love!

Congratulations, ex-girlfriend,
Happy Birthday, my dear!
Let no blizzard blow over the house,
May fate give life under the sun!

Let there be no ice and bad weather
On your cloudless path,
Slowly, let the years pass
In joy, wealth and love!

Happy birthday wishes to ex-girlfriend

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My ex-friend
On your birthday I wish you -
Let them surround you forever
Simple, faithful friends!
May you be happy and successful,
Let your dreams come true
Be young for 100 years,
Live richly, be healthy!



My ex-girlfriend
We ate a lot of salt with you,
But fate separated us so much,
That we don't see each other.

Remained in my heart
Only your laughter and your smile,
And let it never be
Time without each other is torture for us.

I want to congratulate you
Happy birthday to you,
You know everything I'm silent about,
I don't know how to hide my thoughts!

Ex-girlfriend, former destiny,
My long life is a bitter tear,
I feel bad without you, but I won’t come near you,
I will endure all insults and grief.

We may not be together for a long time, but I remember everything,
Even though so much time has passed,
It’s difficult for me without you, somehow everything is wrong,
Maybe this is, as always, a trifle for you?

Happy birthday, honey,
Let happiness come
And fate is happy,
It won't pass by!

Even though I haven’t seen you for a long time,
I'll still get closer to you,
I will try very hard
To understand our friendship.

You and I have not been together for a long time,
But I’ll tell you without flattery,
I didn't forget you
No matter how life throws us.

My ex-girlfriend
It was hard for me without you,
Happy Birthday dear,
You will forgive me - I know!

This world is not structured that way,
That we always lose sight of our loved ones,
Often without deciding anything,
We harbor a deep grudge against them.

You were my dear friend,
We've been through a lot together with you,
We were bound by a dream for a long time,
You and I couldn't sit in the same place.

Happy birthday, my dear,
Know that I only wish you happiness,
With the thought that we will continue to be friends,
Every day I get up and go to sleep!

A strong friendship cannot be a thing of the past,
She remains for centuries
She cuts the blade on the skin,
It never heals without a trace.

Who is my friend will be able to understand me,
He will be able to forgive his neighbor,
Let all doubts disappear forever,
True friendship should be treasured.

You may be an ex, but you're still a friend,
May everything work out quickly in your destiny,
Happy Birthday, may the blizzard go away,
Taking away the loneliness that is hidden in the soul!

Lifelong friendships can be too difficult
Not everyone can maintain friendship,
But if you try, you can still
Forgive our ex-girlfriends for everything.

We spent a lot of time with them,
Shared what they don't talk about
And even though we no longer kept in touch,
Ex-girlfriends should be congratulated.

May this birthday, friend,
You will find peace in your soul,
You will receive a lot of gifts,
Sadness and boredom will not come to your home!

You are part of my soul, my childhood,
I love you very much, as before,
We have known you since childhood,
That's why I'm sad without our friendship.

Let in Holy holiday, Birthday,
Sorrows and vanity leave you,
Let there be more inspiration,
And may your dream come true soon!

And even though we haven’t been friends for a long time,
I remember you every day
You are a person who is very needed,
I'm too lazy to breathe without you.

Ex-girlfriend, what is it?
This is something old, no longer dear,
How can this happen in life?
So that friendship could just end like that?

Can not be former friendship,
Friendship is for life,
She can't stand gossip
Don't hold on to friendship.

May we soon forget
All the sadness that is in my soul,
Happy Birthday,
And I’m already in a hurry to come to you!

We've been friends with you for so long,
But our paths diverged.
And you can’t return the past,
Don't be offended and forgive.

And on your birthday I wish
More sincere friends!
Charming man
To decorate your leisure time!

Let your eyes shine with bright light
And happiness will not forget the way home,
And if there is a tear in your eye,
Then let it be a tear of happiness!

They say that when a person is born, at the same moment his star lights up in the sky. Which shines through his life until his last breath. On your birthday, I wish that this star helps you in life. So that with her bright light she inspires you to do good deeds. Let its bright light add energy to overcome difficulties. And when there is no one to talk to, just go out, look at the sky, and tell her everything that hurts in your soul. I wish you, if you cry, then only from joy. If you laugh, then only sincerely. If you love, then with all your heart. If you are disappointed, then only in those people who you don’t need around. If you jump, it’s out of happiness. If you dream, then achieve what you want. if you believe, then with all your soul!!!

Happy birthday! I congratulate you with all my heart! I wish you health and happiness! May good luck accompany you in life and work! Always remain as you are. How much positive energy and human dignity you have! Your intuition and charm make you special. You have so many other wonderful qualities. Take care of it all. Always stay the same sincere person! Let life circumstances develop in such a way that this list only grows. I wish you LOVE, Love with a capital letter. Mutual love, pure love, beautiful love and, of course, HAPPY love!

They say how you spend your birthday will be the same for the rest of the year. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, on this bright holiday. And I wish that all plans come true one after another. So that there are never gloomy days in your life. And the sun generously pampered you with its rays and warmed your soul. Let only good people meet on your way and add something good to your life. And even if you get lost and don’t know what to do, never give up, but raise your head to heaven and ask your Guardian Angel for help. Believe in miracles and they will come into your life. So celebrate your holiday with a great mood and a smile on your face. And believe that success will definitely come into your life, and take your friend luck with you. Happiness to you on this day, a whole carriage. And many pleasant surprises!!!

So we parted, it’s a shame
But life came up with it for us.
I can't forget yet
The smile of those sweet eyes!

How we talked about everything,
There were no secrets!
But something suddenly happened
And he separated us from business.

I wish the bodywork happiness,
Let your dreams come true!
And even if we are not friends now,
Don't forget about me!

A strong friendship cannot be a thing of the past,
She remains for centuries,
She cuts with a blade on the skin,
It never heals without a trace.
Who is my friend will be able to understand me,
He will be able to forgive his neighbor,
Let all doubts disappear forever,
True friendship should be treasured.
You may be an ex, but you're still a friend,
May everything work out quickly in your destiny,
Happy Birthday, may the blizzard go away,
Taking away the loneliness that is hidden in the soul!

Oh, long time no see,
We live separately
I'll congratulate you anyway
Happy birthday.

My ex girlfriend

My ex-friend
Flowers and congratulations,
And wishes from me
Take it on your birthday!

I wish you that
What do you wish for yourself?
I still hope that I
You often remember!

Be loved, love yourself,
And bathe in joy,
The winds are cold and steep
Never give up!

Let the smile never leave your lips,
And youth will last,
Let the soul sing with happiness,
And the heart is happy!

My ex girlfriend

My ex-girlfriend
Today is your holiday,
I haven't heard from you for a long time
You and I broke up

And we don't communicate anymore
Or maybe it's in vain?
Let's meet,
Happy birthday to you!

Let us quarrel with you

Let us quarrel with you,
I learned a life lesson.
Yes, I'm wrong, I'm not arguing,
Please accept my humble congratulations.

You were a good friend...
I want to wish you
On your birthday, so that there is more
Happy, bright days to know.

Sometimes trifles are to blame

Sometimes trifles are to blame,
That friends will part ways forever.
That's how we parted ways once,
Which I regret to this day.

And I came to you (or: I’m writing to you) for your birthday,
And I want to read you congratulations.
Accept, my friend, congratulations,
And again believe that there is friendship in the world!

Hello, listen to me more carefully

Hello, listen to me more carefully,
We may not be as close as before,
But honestly I can voice it without hiding,
That our friendship in the past is dear, without falsehood.
I wish you a happy birthday from the bottom of my heart
And I’ll bring you my congratulations,
You confidently write your life yourself,
May it always be great in your destiny.

It's a shame we parted ways

It's a pity that we parted ways,
There are sins in life,
Don't be discouraged like I am,
Once you and I have made a decision.

Don't see each other and don't share,
Among themselves grievances, happiness,
Congratulations, save.
Getting rid of it is your hypostasis.

And my ex-girlfriend is pleased

And my ex-girlfriend is pleased
Remember what is gone forever.
Today I want to congratulate you,
I congratulate you on this holiday,
I wish you happiness, I wish you health
And I send congratulations on this day!
Be successful, be lucky,
It’s a pity that we can’t return anything!..