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What colors does mustard go with? What color goes with mustard? Tips from stylists, fashionable images The color of powder or mustard for brunette jackets

Different shades mustard colors are very popular today. They allow you to create images that vary in mood. But in order to look stylish and attractive, it is important to understand the basic principles of color combinations in clothing. Having learned simple rules listed in this article, you can easily choose a wardrobe for any occasion.

What colors does mustard go with?

Combining mustard color in clothes with other colors will help you create business and romantic, festive and everyday looks. It all depends on the general color range and the style you choose. Let's list the main colors that harmonize with mustard.

Green and mustard colors in clothes

Green and its shades. With this combination you can create a warm image, natural and close to nature. To do this, try to choose restrained, muted tones.

with a green jacket

Combination of mustard and blue colors

Purple, blue, blue - in particular shades such as lilac, indigo, plum, lilac. There are many combination options here. The result is always a vibrant image, especially if the color ratio is approximately equal. This ensemble is suitable for Everyday life, friendly meeting, party. Blue or purple accessories will look more elegant and sophisticated on a mustard background. In this case, neutral colors are suitable as additional shades - brown, beige, black.

With blue jeans

with a dark blue shirt

and a dark blue jacket with mustard sleeves

Using mustard color with a red-pink palette

Pink. There are many shades of this color - among them there are both warmer and cooler tones. If you are a brave girl, you can create bright looks with rich pink accessories (for example, a bag or scarf), the main thing is not to overdo it. To look more calm, even strict, choose softer shades - warm and not too saturated. This applies to both pink and mustard colors. Red: its combination with mustard color is natural, because it is inherent in autumn nature. However, not every woman will decide to use such an ensemble in her wardrobe - it looks very bold, sometimes extravagant. At the same time, you are guaranteed to attract attention in such a bright way. That’s why it’s so important to feel the color and choose the right shades. If in doubt, start experimenting small - use red lipstick or a small accessory in combination with one mustard item of clothing. Neutral brown or beige will help complement the look.

with a red jacket

The combination of cinnamon with gray, black and white colors

Grey, black, white. A calm and businesslike look can be achieved by combining mustard with these colors. This combination looks strict, but at the same time interesting.

black bomber jacket, black shoes, light jumper and white belt

Mustard color along with beige and brown

Brown and beige. They have already been mentioned above. With the help of these colors you can complement almost any color combination, because they are close to mustard. But if you use contrasting tones, you will be able to create a complete image from only two colors (for example, mustard and chocolate look very noble).

with clothes in beige and brown tones

This list will help you navigate the variety of choices. But it serves only as a guide. In order for the combination of mustard color in clothes with other colors to be truly harmonious, it is important to choose the right shades, because sometimes the line between harmony and imbalance is very thin.

with a black jacket

with plaid shorts and chocolate boots

with a marsh-colored blouse and brown shoes

Rules for combining mustard color in clothes

Minimal mustard color

To make your image look stylish and harmonious, be sure to remember moderation. And if you put on, for example, long dress mustard color, then be sure to add accessories of other colors.

with a black jacket and red shoes

Focus on neutral shades

Color of mustard diverse - it can be dark and light, rich and muted, bright and pastel. If you want to create an image for more than one season, then choose the calmest, neutral shades. They are easier to combine and do not go out of style.

And if you want to attract everyone’s attention and be trendy, then you can use things in a bright, rich mustard color. However, remember that working with them is more difficult. It is important to have a sense of style and certain skills so that the image does not look tasteless.

with a brown skirt

Natural motives

If you are not sure how to create a harmonious combination of mustard color in clothes with other colors, then remember what color compositions are found in nature. For example, imagine a sandy beach and clear blue sky, an autumn landscape with yellow and red foliage, a summer meadow. Any such picture will give you ideas and help you choose the right colors. Here the priority will be natural shades, with which you can create both strict and business, as well as casual casual looks.

with a neutral turtleneck

Elimination of flashy shades

Mustard color can be combined with bright and rich colors - red, pink, green, blue. But when choosing wardrobe items, make sure that they are not brighter than those found in nature. Acid and neon colors are inappropriate next to mustard.

Correct makeup

The things in your wardrobe should be in harmony not only with each other, but with your entire appearance. In particular, always pay attention to your makeup. If mustard-colored clothing is located in close proximity to the face, then consider the skin tone. If it is too pale or close to olive, then special care must be taken. Mustard color can give the face a sickly yellowish tint. As for makeup, it can be neutral or bright. So, red lipstick looks great in this case. But you should avoid pink tones in makeup, despite the fact that they go well with mustard in your wardrobe.

with black jeans

Every woman can look stylish. It is only important to know the characteristics of your favorite colors and understand the rules of their combinations. Gradually you will subconsciously feel color harmony. And at the very beginning of the journey, you need to learn the basic rules and try to adhere to them.

IN this season The real trend is mustard color. It is calm and at the same time very bright, successfully emphasizes individuality and beautifully sets off other objects fashionable wardrobe. A correctly selected mustard shade will suit a girl of any color type and will fit well into an everyday wardrobe for walking and relaxing, and can also dilute a boring one. business style.

A mustard sweater is a very trendy item this winter. Girls choose it, making their image bright, but at the same time not irritating the eyes with excess color. It creates coziness and comfort in everyday looks. A sweater in a warm shade of mustard practically remains out of competition, displacing too bright and gloomy things from store windows.

What to wear with a mustard sweater?

This is a completely reasonable question, since many girls have no idea what to combine this with. unusual color and can it be worn with familiar wardrobe items:

Important! A mustard sweater should be combined with other wardrobe items in shades and style. In addition, a woman should feel comfortable in the clothes she chooses.

If you think about it, you can come up with many different and very successful combinations with mustard-colored cardigans. Thin sweaters and turtlenecks of this shade successfully complement a casual look, and can also dilute a strict business dress code.

What shades go with this color?

Mustard belongs to a warm color scheme, so it should also be combined with warm shades. It is better to use the following shades in combinations:

It’s a good idea to combine a mustard sweater with things in basic shades: white, black, gray, beige. For brave girls who are not afraid to be noticeable, stylists recommend paying attention to dark blue rich colors, purple or blueberry. Dark red wine shades or even scarlet will also help to move away from the banality.

Important! Girls who are starting to refresh their wardrobe with an unusual mustard color should start with the small details of the toilet. Buy a bright bag, silk neckerchief or a scarf of this shade. He will place bright accents in any chosen image.

Who is it suitable for and who should not wear it?

When choosing a color combination, you should pay attention to your color type. So, for brunettes, a bright and warm, real mustard color will suit, which will only emphasize their beauty and femininity. For fair-haired ladies, slightly muted shades diluted with cold notes are suitable; for women with fiery red hair, bright mixes with purple, red, terracotta and other catchy colors are suitable.

Certain rules must be followed:

remember, that a bright jacket requires bright makeup. Feel free to use your entire arsenal of cosmetics. In addition, you first need to make sure that the shade does not pale the skin on your face.

Shoes to go with a mustard sweater

It goes perfectly with ankle boots and high-heeled or platform boots. By combining jeans or a classic skirt with a thin sweater, it is better to choose black or brown ankle boots to create a business style or casual outfit. If the look uses a short skirt or shorts, you can complement the boots with high black stockings over nude tights. The chosen bow will look very unusual.

By wearing a loose-fitting sweater with black leggings or skinny jeans, you can combine them with high brown boots made of leather or suede. This a good option casual wear for walks and relaxation.

Selecting accessories

By choosing a mustard sweater, a girl is already adding a bright spot to her everyday look. Stylists It is not recommended to complement the outfit with any large and bright accessories . To create a bright accent, you can tie a small colorful scarf around your neck. It is better to use bags that match the bottom of the outfit or classic colors: black, white, brown.

Important! You shouldn’t be too zealous with the use of various accessories; a mustard sweater in itself is a very bright piece of clothing and does not require additional accents.

It is also better to use small and neat decorations.. This will give the image even more femininity and sophistication. Can be complemented with a sweater stylish scarf calm shades if it’s especially cool outside.

Examples of what to combine it with

A mustard-colored sweater goes well with both skirts and trousers. Ideal option A circle skirt or classic black trousers are considered; jeans of any style would also be a good combination. With a sporty style you should be especially careful, as you can completely ruin the chosen image. Leather skirts and trousers are perfect combination with a cardigan in a warm mustard shade.

Top 5 brilliant mustard sweater looks

Few girls dare to use mustard color in their everyday look, but in vain, because it is a truly bright and warm thing. Perhaps this is exactly what is missing from the gray and cold winter days of everyday life.

Color is one of the most important information parameters of the surrounding world. It affects mood and emotional condition person. Using color, you can visually change the space in a room or the volume of a figure or object. And this despite the fact that there are only three basic colors: purple, yellow and blue. Mixing them gives an endless palette.

Spicy color

The color palette is so diverse that some shades are very rare. Not because they are ugly, they are just special. Mustard color is one of them. This is a piquant, unusual, beautiful, noble and complex shade. Most often it is used to create clothes and interiors in a retro style. But even in a modern interpretation, it feels great. There are an unimaginable number of shades of mustard. Dark mustard with a predominance of greenery, bright mustard yellow, pastel with a lemon tint - there are many options, and each shade is beautiful in its own way. It is not used very often because it does not mix well with other colors. But if the fashion wave has gone towards mustard, then it is better not to ignore this trend. And update your wardrobe or interior by adding a couple of things in the color of hot spice.

Mustard in the interior

Very often, interior designers use mustard color to create a certain mood in a room. Styles such as retro, vintage, fusion, eclecticism and even minimalism fully allow the use of mustard. In the interior, this color will always dominate. In combination with warm shades, it opens up, filling the space sunlight and warmth. Next to cold ones, it becomes calmer and more elegant. Working with this color is not easy. It is very difficult for him to find a mate. Incorrect lighting can easily ruin the entire look and feel. But you shouldn’t be afraid of mustard. It will add a little spice and freshness to your interior.

Mustard in clothes

Mustard color is very popular among couturiers and clothing designers. Almost no collection of the autumn-winter season is complete without it. In combination with shades of brown, it gives clothing items a special autumn romanticism. It is often included in spring-summer collections. Mustard-colored tops, trousers, and skirts are perfect for hot weather. summer days. This color is out of season, but requires special attention. Don't go overboard and dress in it from head to toe. Otherwise, the image will be “tasteless,” intrusive and aggressive.

Color harmony

A competent approach to choosing colors plays an important role. The impression that an interior or costume will make depends on how adequately the combination of colors is chosen. Mustard is not recommended to be complemented with more than two other shades. If there are too many extraneous color accents and spots, then it will simply get lost and become dirty. It goes well with classic flowers: white, black and grey. The easiest way to find out which shade will most harmoniously complement the mustard color is to make a small rectangle with the desired shade. Carry it with you when you go to the store to update your wardrobe or buy interior items. If you apply a color template to any shade, you will immediately see how the mustard color changes. It will become brighter or, conversely, dim. Perhaps it will acquire a greenish tint or sparkle with lemon.

What shades does mustard color consist of?

How to get mustard color to paint walls or prepare a test pattern for selecting fabric or clothing? This wonderful color is based on yellow. Then you need to add a little red and green. Only during the mixing process can you understand which color will need more and which color will need less. Perhaps a bit of black is needed for a darker shade. And for mustard in the shabby chic style - a drop of white. For web designers, the hexadecimal code for mustard color is #ffdb58, dark mustard color is #a88905. It is enough to copy and paste it into the template, adjust the color of paragraphs or text, and make a monochromatic mustard color fill on the page. Such complex shades must always be used wisely. And if you are not sure that the color looks beautiful, it is better to spend extra time and choose the most harmonious combinations.

Fashionable clothes and accessories in natural colors and shades in the coming season. A special place among them is occupied by mustard color and its various variations. It is suitable for any style of clothing: business, casual or festive. And having a mustard-colored skirt in your wardrobe will provide the owner with a bright, unique look. You just need to figure out what to wear with a mustard skirt, and what colors in clothes it goes with.

What color to wear with a mustard skirt

– A set of mustard skirt with a white, milky blouse or a black shirt will create a classic, seasoned look that is suitable for work or the office. Especially if the model has a pencil skirt.

– Combines well with mustard color brown tones, beige color and their shades. They allow you to create an elegant and graceful look that looks unobtrusive, and these shades suit almost everyone. But it is advisable to combine such colors in clothes suitable for autumn or winter. To complement a mustard skirt, any knitted items (sweaters, pullovers, cardigans, scarves) and coats in brown shades are suitable. It is better to choose accessories, gloves, scarves and hats to match the skirt.

– Most good combination With green. Shades can range from pale light green to rich green. Thanks to natural colors, a warm image is created that evokes positive emotions.

– To create air and romantic image perfect Pink colour top, worn with a mustard skirt. This combination is suitable for both work and holiday.

Blue color looks impressive with mustard, especially in the summer. But you should choose a pair so that one thing is less bright. For example, with a rich dark blue top, the shade of the mustard skirt should be paler. Accessories in gray tones are perfect for this set.

Vivid image obtained when combined with red and orange colors, suitable for any type of appearance.

– An elegant and creative look can be created by adding light blouses and sweaters to a mustard skirt. purple shades(lilac, lavender).

Examples of color combinations in clothes with a mustard skirt in the photo below:

What length of mustard skirt to choose

Mustard skirt is a striking attribute of clothing. In order to look impressive and appropriate in it, you need to choose a skirt style in accordance with your figure and style.

  1. A mid-thigh length pencil skirt is ideal for slender and tall girls. Paired with a black formal top, it creates a classic office look.

Any woman can afford a knee-length pencil skirt, combining it with cardigans and blouses of a suitable color.

  1. Flared skirt middle length looks good with high-length boots and pullovers in brown shades or various options Green colour.
  2. Maxi skirt is most suitable for mustard color. Any girl or woman can wear it, because... maxi suits everyone. You can combine this mustard-colored skirt with light tops and asymmetrical blouses.

You should avoid excess mustard color in your outfit. When creating an image, a mustard skirt will be enough, and the top and accessories should be a different color.

The shade of mustard color should suit the skin and not make it look yellow or earthy. For a woman with pale skin, the color mustard can make her look even paler. And the combination with a green top gives dark-haired girls an unhealthy look.

A mustard-colored knitted skirt is only suitable for a slender figure, as it highlights all the flaws.

In makeup, if you wear mustard-colored clothes, you should avoid pink and hot pink eye shadow and lipstick. Otherwise, the created image will look vulgar.

Blondes with fair skin A pale mustard color combined with dark gray, black or dark blue is more suitable.

Brunettes need to choose bright shades of mustard color.

Some images with a mustard skirt.

  1. To work. The skirt will go well with a white blouse, beige suede boots and a bag to match the boots. To refresh your look, use black or green accessories.
  2. On a date. A black blouse, or a black jumper for cold weather. Shoes or sandals are black, and the bag is mustard. If it is a cold weather shoe, it should be beige or black. Any accessories in gold color.
  3. For the celebration. An elegant mustard skirt with a black top, and with elements in pink or beige shades.

A mustard-colored skirt is not something that is present in every woman's wardrobe. However, if you learn how to wear it correctly, you can create many unusual, elegant or simply discreet looks. A mustard skirt always attracts attention and gives a positive attitude.