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Scenarios for Chemists' Day at the plant. Professional holiday Chemist Day

Chemistry is the science that studies substances and their transformations as a result of chemical reactions. A long time ago, people put their knowledge of chemistry into practice, trying to obtain gold from any metal, melting glass, and dyeing fabrics with various dyes. As a result of such practical actions, some reagents and equipment appeared, for example, an apparatus for distilling liquids. Chemistry as a science began in the 17th century with the name of Robert Boyle, who was the first to try to define the chemical element that makes up a substance. In the 19th century, Mendeleev created a table of elements, later named after him, with the help of which it was much easier to determine chemical composition substances.

In modern life it is difficult to find at least one area where they are not used chemical substances and materials. Our whole life is in one way or another connected with chemistry. Chemist's Day is celebrated on last sunday May. This is a professional holiday for chemical industry workers, representatives of science, chemist students and their teachers.

Who loves science terribly,
And chemicals day after day,
I congratulate you on the holiday,
And good luck to you in everything.

May you have everything in life,
Only as light as hydrogen
Be sure to keep it in your wallets,
Only the aurum is growing.

Let health be like ferrum,
Never fails
And of course let it be alright
There will be heart and soul!

Yours will go out on this holiday
The alcohol lamp has a flame.
All C2H5OH
It gurgles in the glass.

Chemists, go to the bottom!
And then - to the sediment.
Let them pour on you in full
Wishes from the city:

To the money box,
Mountains of personal happiness
You are a mischievous fate
I was constantly chemicalizing!

Happy Chemist's Day! Let all connections in life, be they chemical or human, be strong and not subject to decay. Let chemistry always occur in your hearts, from violent reactions and positive emotions, let your blood always boil. More successful experiences, new interesting discoveries and sustainable success for you.

Gather the ingredients:
Joy, happiness, compliments,
Mix in a gram of luck,
Don't forget about love
It is necessary to warm up with hope,
Let your boss add some salary.
If suddenly the mixture ends up
Will give in the sediment anger, arrogance -
Pour them off carefully
And the resulting cocktail
Drink in one gulp, old man,
A chemist's day to the bottom!

May, last Sunday,
Warm spring time...
On Chemist's Day again
I wish you great happiness!

May all your wishes come true
Days are filled with kindness
There will be successes, victories,
Joy, there are coins in your pockets!

In any of the spheres of huge life
Sometimes chemistry is needed.
After all, our life is unthinkable without her,
The country is proud of the chemist!

And everyone involved in chemistry,
Happy Chemist's Day now.
We wish you goodness and happiness,
May everything work out for you!

On Chemist's Day I wish you
Violent, non-dangerous reactions.
Let your life burn, shine,
And it will be bright and beautiful!

Let the elements from the table
Everyone will obey you.
And only good moments
They will be remembered from work!

Happy Chemist's Day! Live prosperously.
May the sun of May please you with its radiance.
All relatives give care.
The income will be the coolest!

Workers in such an essential sector,
We wish you warmth, success, faith,
Hope for good things, for happiness.
And let your dreams come true!

Opening the doors to the laboratory as usual,
Where flasks and solutions are unlikely to stand,
I want you to easily believe in a fairy tale,
Magically transforming everything.

After all, you are not just a chemist, you are a magician!
Solutions and reactions eternal magician,
You comprehended the textbook behind the textbook,
And chemistry, like a rod, is in your hands.

Happy Chemist's Day! Let your work make you happy
Well, the salary is doubly pleasing!
There is something magical and secret
And in chemistry, and in life, and in you!

Don't let your reagents let you down.
Great success and initiative!
Difficult tasks for you, and also such
It is worthy that you can solve them.
Make the work great
And at the same time it is absolutely safe.
Hypotheses confirmed in experiments
A huge success without question.
Strive for new discoveries!

Enjoy life at fifty - just like at thirty!
Success and good luck that others cannot dream of!

Let not everyone remember about the holiday,
He is dear and pleasant to us.
We know what the secret of “Comets” is,
Yes, and anti-stain liquids.
Rarely do the media remember us,
But in vain, oh in vain...
Only a chemist knows magic -
He's a scientist, which is great!
We invite you to our holiday...
... Mendeleev with a table.
Let's mix joy with pride,
Science has our faces!

Every year on the last Sunday in May, all workers in the chemical industry cheerfully and grandly celebrate their professional holiday - Chemist's Day. As a rule, workers in the chemical industries are very serious people, but they know how to relax and have fun. That's why the organization corporate party dedicated to Chemist's Day– the activity is very interesting and fun.

At the end of May, the weather is warm and sunny - it’s time to organize a holiday in nature. Fun competitions and exciting competitions, including various thematic tasks, will allow your employees to take a break from work for a while and apply their knowledge and skills in other areas.

Scooter racing or sack running, crossbow or bow shooting, where prizes can be all kinds of accessories related to the chemical industry. They will be an excellent entertainment program for fans of active recreation. And those who love tranquility more will be able to enjoy nature in beautiful picturesque places under the gentle rays of the spring sun. Fresh air combined with active competitions and games will undoubtedly whet the appetite of everyone present. Therefore, the organizers of the holiday need to take care of creating a menu and preparing various dishes.

If your company employs older employees, you can organize a celebration indoors by inviting an experienced presenter or singer.

At the very beginning of the holiday, the host can make the following toast:
- Chemistry– this is the science of “real magic”. She is capable of performing real miracles. And, I believe that on this day all women should say “thank you” to chemists for your contribution to the creation of all kinds of cosmetics, shampoos, creams, varnishes. Men can also thank chemists and chemistry for shaving foam and car oils. Now let’s together remember all the services the chemical industry has rendered to the population: name those things, objects for the creation of which we should thank chemists, and without which our life today would be impossible.

(all participants, together with the presenter, unanimously list the inventions of chemists).

Thanks friends. Now we can safely say that life without chemistry does not exist! And our evening today could not exist without congratulations and toasts. (The following are congratulatory speeches addressed to chemical industry workers from representatives of various enterprises).

As entertainment program You can use various themed games and competitions, for example this one:
- I can see even with the naked eye that your team is united and very friendly. Therefore, now you can easily cope with this joint task. It's called "Brainstorm", however, everyone must play for themselves. I will read the question, and the one who knows the answer must raise his hand, like in school. The one who answers correctly gets this funny face. The winner will be the participant who can collect the largest number of faces.

It is imperative to ensure that no one leaves without memorable photographs and original gifts, which will remind you of a fun celebration for many years to come Chemist's Day. In addition, a corporate event is another way to sum up the work of the enterprise team, during which you can thank employees for their hard work, recognize the most diligent colleagues, and talk about future plans.

A worthy end to such a party can be a festive fireworks display, which, regardless of the chosen place of celebration, will leave an unforgettable impression that will make the hearts of your employees beat joyfully for a very long time. for a long time. Thanks to a well-organized and conducted holiday, your staff will be able to gain strength and positive emotions before the upcoming work.

The role and importance of chemistry in the life of mankind cannot be overestimated. Chemist's Day is a universal holiday for people associated with chemistry.

Chemist's Day is a professional holiday not only for workers in the chemical industry, but also for all those associated with chemistry, usually celebrated on the last Sunday of May in countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

This year, 2013, it is celebrated on May 26th. Chemist's Day, of course, is not the most popular holiday celebrated in these countries. But we can say with confidence that all specialists who work in the chemical industry, scientists who are engaged in research in various fields of chemistry, students, graduate students and teachers of chemical departments celebrate their holiday - Chemist's Day quite widely. After all, thanks to this professional holiday, we can remind everyone of the important role that chemistry plays in our lives.

Indeed, many of the things we use almost every day were created by chemists. These things include washing powders And detergents, automobile oils and cosmetics, hygiene items and medicines, air fresheners, and much more. There are no exceptions to those people who believe household chemicals harmful, no doubt, it is also sometimes used. Otherwise they would go to dirty clothes and lived in houses overflowing with pathogenic bacteria!

If we start talking about theoretical chemistry, it is necessary to note that this is one of the largest and most important areas of natural science. Its leading role and importance in the development of science cannot be overestimated.

The emergence of a professional holiday - Chemist's Day

Professional holiday - Chemist's Day is usually celebrated on the last Sunday of May. This tradition appeared back in 1966, at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Chemistry. The students came up with an original and witty idea. They proposed celebrating their professional holiday - Chemist's Day, under the signs of the elements of D. I. Mendeleev's Periodic Table. In this regard, the first Chemist's Day in the Soviet Union was held under the sign of hydrogen, the first element in the periodic table. Nowadays, Moscow State University students continue to celebrate their holiday cheerfully and noisily, however, they celebrate it not on the last, but on the second weekend of May.

Chemist's Day is a professional holiday, but, unfortunately, it has not yet received official status. Therefore, there is some confusion with the dates of its holding. So, at St. Petersburg University, since 1960, Chemist Day is celebrated on the first Saturday of April. In addition, celebrations are often held on January 31, in honor of the birthday of the great chemist D.I. Mendeleev.

Traditions of celebrating a professional holiday - Chemist's Day

IN different countries Chemist's Day is celebrated solemnly and colorfully. But there are some differences. So, for example, in some Russian cities where there are city-forming chemical industry enterprises, the holiday coincides with City Day, since the last Sunday in May is also City Day. Events for Chemist's Day include cheerful skits, festive evenings, and concerts. Students from all specialized chemical faculties of universities, employees of research institutes and chemical enterprises participate in them. Scientific conferences, seminars and thematic events are dedicated to the day of celebration, which are devoted to the most important issues in the development of theoretical and also applied chemistry.

Celebrations are no less solemn and crowded dedicated to the Day chemistry and in Belarus. The event is also celebrated annually on the last Sunday of May. This holiday is a professional holiday for employees of the country's chemical industry.

May is the month of sun and hope. The last Sunday of this month is the most joyful and wonderful holiday for all teachers and students of the Faculty of Chemistry. Every university has a chemistry department with a mandatory Chemist's Day. In addition, for many graduates, Chemist Day is the only way to get together and remember past years. The holiday has been celebrated since 1981, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorial days” on the last Sunday of May. But this is official, and unofficial, even informal,
Chemist Day began to be celebrated in 1966. Since then, the celebration has been held under the sign of the chemical elements of the periodic table. For example, the first Chemist's Day became the Day of Hydrogen - the first element of the Periodic Table.

In our country traditional holiday followers of Lomonosov and Mendeleev - Chemist's Day - is celebrated noisily and cheerfully. This holiday is a tribute to people who have linked their fate with one of the most modern, complex and economically significant sectors of the economy. It dates back to Soviet times, when it was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days,” and has been preserved as a professional holiday today. In Russia, the No. 1 chemist is, of course, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev. They say that Mendeleev dreamed of the Periodic Table of Elements in a dream. He was then 35 years old. There is a theory that the world is not only unknowable, but also depends on who knows - the researcher inevitably influences the result of the experiment. And therefore there are many simultaneously existing Universes with different properties. So, our Universe, which now consists of approximately 114 elements, was created by Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev.

Chemistry is the science that studies substances and their transformations as a result of chemical reactions. A long time ago, people put their knowledge of chemistry into practice, trying to obtain gold from any metal, melting glass, and dyeing fabrics with various dyes. As a result of such practical actions, some reagents and equipment appeared, for example, an apparatus for distilling liquids. Chemistry as a science began in the 17th century with the name of Robert Boyle, who was the first to try to define the chemical element that makes up a substance. In the 19th century, Mendeleev created a table of elements, later named after him, with the help of which it was much easier to determine the chemical composition of substances.

In modern life it is difficult to find at least one area where chemicals and materials are not used. Our whole life is in one way or another connected with chemistry. Chemist's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of May. This is a professional holiday for chemical industry workers, representatives of science, chemist students and their teachers.

Toast to the professional holiday "Let's get crazy!"

On Chemist's Day, let's get creative
A little happiness, joy, good luck.
Let's take everything in sensible proportions,
And difficult problems will be resolved.

Let reagents always bring joy,
Health will be strong and stable.
To all allergies we say in unison: “No!”
And let's say “Yes!” We are active holidaymakers.

Let's raise a toast to Mendeleev
And “Thank you for the table!” - let's say.
And even children with joy
We will easily demonstrate chemistry in everyday life.
S2N5ON - you are our beloved friend!
You and I will be together
Celebrate Chemist's Day.
The sun is shining brighter
And the landscape is more cheerful,
When in your stomach
And for the most magical profession on earth!

Comic quiz for Chemist's Day

1. Which element is always happy?

2. What gas claims to be neon?
3. Which non-metal is wood?
4. Which chemical element is made up of two animals?
5. Which element revolves around the Sun?
6. What chemical elements claim that they can “give birth to other substances”?
7. What chemical elements are easy to turn into a fun show?
8. Which metal, according to ancient mythology, is doomed to “eternal torment”?
9. Which metal contains wood in its name?
10. What noble metal is made from marsh algae?
11. What chemical element do adults and children like to play with in their leisure time?
12. What chemical elements do different rivers contain?
13. The drink of sea pirates is composed of two chemical elements. What are these elements?
14. Which chemical element is directly related to the herd of horses?
15. Which chemical element is suitable for continuously heating or boiling water?
16. The name of which chemical element begins with a port facility to protect ships from sea waves?
17. From what metal must one third be cut off to obtain the known bone of an animal or human skeleton?
18. The name of which metal carries a wizard?
19. What chemical elements consist of triplets?

1. Radon.
2. Neon.
3. Boron.
4. Arsenic.
5. Uranium.
6. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon.
7. Zirconium - circus, zinc - circus.
8. Tantalum (“tantalum flour”).
9. Nickel.
10. Platinum.
11. Gold.
12. Indium, polonium, radon, Nilsborium.
13. Bromine, chromium.
14. Zirconium.
15. Titan.
16. Molybdenum.
17. Silver.
18. Magnesium.
19. Sodium, yttrium.

Wishes to chemists

D.I. Mendeleev discovered 40-proof vodka. Later he opened a 27-degree Port. And only in the morning the great scientist discovered that they should not be mixed. I wish you great discoveries not only at this table, but also in your professional life.

Toast in honor of Chemistry and Chemists

Let's make a toast in honor of such a great day. Chemistry is the science of magic, capable of performing extraordinary miracles. I would like to appeal to women so that they say thank you to all chemists. After all, if it were not for chemists, we would not have such a huge variety of creams, shampoos, varnishes and other cosmetics. Men can express their gratitude to chemists for the shaving foam they created for them and for their car oils. Let's all try to remember all the merits of our extraordinary wizards. Let's name all the things and objects for which we can thank them.
(Participants list together).

Leader's words: Thanks everyone. It is at this moment that we can safely say that life does not exist without chemistry! Our evening today cannot exist without congratulations and toasts.

Congratulations on Chemist's Day

We sing glory to those whose fate is chemistry,
About whom scientific rumors are buzzing:
Creative, vulnerable natures,
From an unstable substance
But you have all the molecules and atoms
Subject to... Stop! Let's change the leitmotif:
On Chemist's Day we wish to become rich -
To buy both bread and reagents!

Your science is not easy,
Chemistry is such a thing
If something goes wrong, it will explode,
And no one will understand.
We wish the chemists happiness,
To work with passion
Without forgetting about caution,
May life give you an opportunity!

Birthday of the chemical industry
Celebrated all over the country now
And according to statistical statements
Chemicals are always at a high price.
We wish you happiness and prosperity
Increases in bonuses and salaries
May all beginnings be easy
And adversity will fly away with smoke!

Not everyone, of course, loves chemistry,
The way you're in love with her.
Happy Chemist's Day, I wish you
May you be inspired with happiness.
Let work bring joy,
Recognition, money and success.
Love for work is great
Although it doesn't happen to everyone.

Chemist, you are our magician,
Start the Sabbath soon,
The flasks have been filled for a long time -
There will be a holiday anyway!
And hug the molecules,
Let your connections
Cheer up!

Chemists are stubborn people,
Corrosive, like acid!
Noon, night - they are zealous
They bring their experience to the end!
Chemists are harsh people,
Definitely don’t put an atom in their mouth!
We wish them new discoveries
And great achievements on the way!

In the twenty-first century without chemistry
People won't live a day.
Chemist! There is no more honorable name!
We congratulate you!
There are too many people on this day
Accepts congratulations,
Chemists are a big industry
Let everything without exception
They will be happy, lucky,
All work will be paid!

Congratulations on Chemist's Day
And I irreversibly wish you
Achievements in your favorite work,
Well, at home - bathe in care.

Don't argue - there is no more important science
And they don’t come to it out of boredom,
Apparently, you need to be born a chemist,
And tirelessly study all my life.