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Scenario for a New Year's event for elementary school. New Year's scenario with games for elementary school

The guests are sitting, the children too, the girls in snowflake costumes. Greetings. A few words about the past year. Congratulations. Wishes.

What kind of holiday is this? When was it invented? Who gave the decree for the New Year celebration?

“As a sign of a good start in cheering each other, congratulate each other on the New Year... along the noble streets at the gates and houses, make some decorations of trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper... fire from small cannons and rifles... launch high-explosive rockets and light fires everywhere.” .

Indeed, this is a wonderful holiday. What time of year do we celebrate it? What would we do if there was no winter?

Tell me, without whom can there be no New Year? (Without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden).

So the first guest came to us.

The Snow Maiden comes in. (to the song by M. Khlebnikova “ New Year”)

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys!
I am the Snow Maiden-snowflake,
I felt sad in the forest
Songs, jokes and fun
I'm bringing it to you for the holiday.
It's good at your Christmas tree
Have fun and dance
We will be with you today
Celebrate the New Year together.
I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday,
Brought greetings from the forest,
And from whom - find out for yourself.

(In the bag there are toys: squirrel, wolf, hedgehog, fox, owl).

  1. Fast little animal
    Jump and hop through the trees. (Squirrel)
  2. Who is cold in winter
    Is there an angry, hungry person walking in the forest? (Wolf)
  3. Under the bushes, under the fir trees
    A ball of needles is rolling
    Uphill - run, down the mountain - somersault. (Hedgehog)
  4. Cunning cheat
    Red head
    A fluffy tail is a beauty,
    And her name is ... (Fox)
  5. Lives in the forest, sleeps during the day,
    Flies at night
    It hoots and scares everyone. (Owl)

What is it
Flying in the air?
It melts in the palm of your hand,
Lighter than fluff
Stars - ... (Snowflakes)


Snow Maiden: Where are my snowflakes?


We are snowflakes
We are fluffy creatures
Let's start a round dance.
The Snow Maiden came to visit us,
Soon Santa Claus will come.
This meeting, this evening
The children have been waiting all year!

Dance of snowflakes.

Snow Maiden: Well done! Guys, what fun do you have in winter? (Sleds, skis...). Do you sculpt a snow woman?

Me: Yes, and we just have a little surprise for you, Snow Maiden. (Poem “The Snow Woman”).

Guys, where is Santa Claus? He's been gone for a long time.

Phone call.

Snow Maiden: Hello! Hello, grandpa! Where are you? How are you sitting under the tree? How about slippers? Where are your boots? Who stole? Baba Yaga and Leshy? Don't worry, we'll figure something out!

Snow Maiden: Guys, what should we do? Who will help us?

There's a knock on the door. The fortune teller enters (music by Bulanova).

Fortune Teller: I am a fortune teller. Hello. And who wants to know their fate? What happened, what will happen, I’ll tell you the whole truth, I won’t deceive anyone. To begin with, I will tell your fortune by hand.

Look carefully at your palms (pause). If you see extra lines on them, it means you haven’t washed your hands for a long time. Excessively fat lines on your hands indicate very good nutrition. If you don’t find a single line on your hand (pause), it means you forgot to take off your mittens.

Now look at your feet (pause). A single shoe on the left foot suggests some kind of absent-mindedness. Yellow shoes with green polka dots indicate delicate taste.

Now take a close look at the necks of your neighbors. The lathered neck promises to improve soon.

Now I can guess your name.

He approaches some mother and asks her name.

Fortune teller: /I. O./ name (pause) /I. ABOUT./.

Now, whoever is brave, let’s tell fortunes, take out the pieces of paper and read the wishes.

Parents read wishes out loud.

Snow Maiden: Fortune teller, dear, this is all good, of course, but we need you to help us find Santa Claus.

Fortune teller tells fortunes on cards.

Fortune teller: Oh, he is lonely, poor thing, cold. But I can’t get a good look at the place. Blizzard, blizzard. But I see that someone is approaching us to visit us. It’s better for me to move away, and I advise you, Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga runs in to the song “And I’m a Little Abomination.”

Baba Yaga: Hello, do you recognize me? Yes, I am Babusechka-Yagusechka (oh, sciatica).

Me: Baba Yaga, why are you disrupting our holiday? Why did you take the felt boots from Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga: But what a beauty I am in them!

Me: Baba Yaga, where is Leshy?

Baba Yaga: Yes, here he is rushing.

Leshy runs in to Leshy's song. Sings.

Leshy: Hello, I’m Leshy. Hello, grandma!

Baba Yaga: Leshenky, healthy! I look like? Am I good?

The song “You are scary without makeup.”

Baba Yaga: Uh, rude!

Goblin: Okay, don't sulk! Grandma, the guys took you and me for their friends and are not afraid of us at all. They are stupid, gullible, smiling, but they themselves don’t know that we ruined their holiday and Santa Claus will not come to them.

Me: What did you do?

Baba Yaga and Leshy: We stole his felt boots. He can’t come to your holiday in slippers! (Whispering).

Me: What are you whispering?

Leshy: We want to dance with the guys. If you dance well, maybe we’ll give you your felt boots.

Me: What do you want to dance?

Leshy: My favorite dance.

“If you like...”

Me: Well, did you like it?

Leshy: Yes, we danced well, but we won’t give up our felt boots.

Baba Yaga: And now – my favorite dance. I forgot what it's called. Well, here it is... (grabs his lower back).

Well, a bird dance, a chicken dance, no, a goose dance, but I remember - a duck dance.

Me: Not a duck dance, but a dance of little ducklings.

"Dance of little ducks"

Me: Did you like it?

Baba Yaga: I liked it, but I won’t give away my felt boots.

Me: Can you dance yourself?

Baba Yaga: Oh, I am the best dancer and singer in the world.

Dancing, holding the lower back

Baba Yaga:

Well, clap for me!
I didn't want to dance
I stood and was shy,
And the harmonica began to play,
I couldn't resist.
I danced with three legs
Lost my boots
I looked back
My boots are lying there.
A hedgehog sits on a birch tree,
White shirt,
There is a boot on the head,
On his leg is a cap.
There is a cart on the mountain
Tears are dripping from the arc.
There is a cow under the mountain,
Puts on boots.
If there was no water,
There wouldn't be a mug
If it weren't for me,
Who would sing ditties?

Baba Yaga: Guess the riddles - I’ll give you my felt boots, that’s what I decided (just answer all together).

Moves his ears
Jumps under the bushes
Little gray coward
His name is... (Bunny)

Baba Yaga: Well, not very good.

Near the Christmas tree in every house
Children dance in a circle.
What is the name of this holiday?
Answer... (New Year)

Me: You guessed it right, give me my felt boots!

Baba Yaga: No, now tell me a wish!

Me: What if you don’t guess?

Baba Yaga: There is no riddle that I couldn’t guess!

Me: And if you don’t guess, will you give me my felt boots?

Baba Yaga: Yes.

Leshy: Yes, believe her more. If he lies, he won’t charge much.

Baba Yaga: Don't interfere!

Me: Okay, listen:

He is a funny toy
In a cap and with a rattle,
And his name is...

Baba Yaga: Cheesecake!

Baba Yaga: I know, I know, “frog”!

Guys: Parsley!

Me: That's it, Baba Yaga, give me my felt boots.

Baba Yaga: No, no!

Me: You gave your word.

Baba Yaga: Honestly, I’m ready to lie! I am a master of my word. I gave my word, and I took it back. Make me laugh!

Me: Okay, look!

Scene “Tell me, Snow Maiden...”

Baba Yaga: Oh, you can laugh!

Me: Give me your boots!

Baba Yaga: I won’t give it up! I really like you!

Leshy: Listen, grandma, do you even know what everyone calls you?

Baba Yaga: How?

Old lady - beef
Mischief is a greedy person.

No, I got it wrong:

Greedy - harmful,
Beef is finicky.

No, not like that again:

Granny - yaguska,
Vredina is picky,
Yabeda - koryabeda!

Baba Yaga: Rude!

Me: Leshy, you keep swearing at Baba Yaga, but what about yourself? Do you want to stay with us for the holiday?

Leshy: Yes!

Me: Then help us, persuade Baba Yaga to give away his felt boots.

Leshy: Okay, but I have a condition.

Leshy: You are all so cute and pretty here. Do you have any robbers? Any pirates at all? Any rude people at all? Everything will be easier on the heart.

Me: Guys, let's pretend to be artists for 5 minutes and outwit Leshy.

Song “Byaki-buki”

Leshy: That's a different conversation! Grandma, okay, let's give away the felt boots.

Baba Yaga: no, no, no!

Me: Guys, let’s ask kindly: “Granny Yagusechka, please give me my felt boots!”

Baba Yaga (crying).

Me: What's wrong with you? Why are you crying?

Baba Yaga: For joy. I’ve been living for three hundred years and I haven’t heard a kind word. Everything is grandma, yes Yaga. Children tease: “Hedgehog-potato, bone leg.” And you are so polite: “Granny, please.” Here are your felt boots, take them to Santa Claus, and I’ll trudge into the forest, I’m ashamed that I wanted to stop you from celebrating the New Year.

Leshy: Listen, grandma, do you remember under which tree we left Grandfather?

Baba Yaga: No, I have sclerosis.

Leshy: Where is my brilliant detective? (Claps his hands 3 times.)

“I am a brilliant detective”

Goblin: Go to the forest, find Santa Claus, give him your felt boots and bring him here.

Detective: It will be done.

(Baba Yaga takes off her felt boots).

Baba Yaga: Will I be barefoot? I have radiculitis and rheumatism.

Me: Here are your slippers, put them on.

Baba Yaga: My favorite size. And then you will take them away?

Me: No, we will give them to you.

Baba Yaga: Oh, thank you!

Me: Well, sit down, Baba Yaga and Leshy, we’ll wait for Santa Claus. Snow Maiden, call Grandfather.

Snow Maiden (calling on the phone): Grandfather, where are you? Already entered the school? Already near class? Are you already walking through the door?

Me: Grandfather Frost, Grandfather Frost!

Santa Claus: Aw, aw-ow-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo!

Santa Claus: Oh, hello, guys! Hello, granddaughter! Hello parents! (greets all the children) I saw Leshy and Baba Yaga.

Santa Claus: Oh, and you’re here?! I'll freeze you! (Leshy and Baba Yaga close)

Snow Maiden: No need, grandfather, they promised to behave well.

Santa Claus: Children, shall we leave them for the holidays?

Children: Yes!!!

Santa Claus: Well, okay! Just behave yourself.

Santa Claus: Well, okay!

Happy New Year,
Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all the children!
Congratulations to all guests!
I came to the city from the forest,
How beautiful, how wonderful
In snow-white Christmas tree hats,
How their needles shine!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, it’s time to light the Christmas tree!

Santa Claus (gives a box): Take the little chest, granddaughter, there is a magic wand.

Snow Maiden: Oh, it doesn’t open! The blizzard bewitched him. She said that it would open when the children solved the riddles.

Santa Claus asks riddles...

Santa Claus: Well done, guys!

Snow Maiden:

Chest, chest,
Gilded barrel
painted cover,
Copper valve,
One two three four five,
You can light the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: Oh, it’s opened! Here, grandpa, the tree only listens to you.

Santa Claus: Well done, granddaughter! (takes a wand):

Light up the lights bright,
Green beauty!
Give the boys joy
And to everyone who is in the hall with us,
Count together: one, two, three! (The Christmas tree lights up)

Father Frost:

New Year's Eve is near,
Candles lit up everywhere
Everyone is cheerful - old and young.
Everyone is happy to celebrate the New Year.
Holy holiday New Year
We meet every year.
Who wants to have fun?
Join the round dance!

“Round dance”

Father Frost:

Everyone who hears us
Who knows us
We are with New Congratulations on the year,
We wish you happiness and good luck,
Good health to boot.

Snow Maiden:

Happy holidays, happy holidays,
But don't forget about school.
Study for “4”, “5”.
Around the house help mom,
We wish that every home
It was rich in peace and warmth.

Santa Claus: Well, now I’ll rest, I’m tired.

Snow Maiden: Here, grandfather, drink some water (in a glass of candy).

Santa Claus: I was joking with you. Well, now maybe you will please the old man: sing, dance. (Father Frost and Snow Maiden sit down)

Children come out and recite poems about winter...

Song (all together) “The clock is striking...”

Fairytale music sounds. “Come.” fairy tale"


They say on New Year's Eve,

Whatever you want,

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

They say on New Year's Eve

A fairy tale will come to every home.

Each of us will definitely find happiness.

Adults and children love to plunge into these fairy tales.

The Christmas trees are decorated together,

They express faith in a fairy tale.

We won't bother them

We'll watch quietly.

Music is playing. “Christmas tree, forest scent” On stage, Kikimora is rummaging through a box of toys.

1. Christmas tree, Christmas tree - forest aroma,

She really needs a beautiful outfit.

Chorus: Let this Christmas tree at the festive hour,

Every needle makes us happy, makes us happy.


So the tablecloth is self-assembled,

Here is a magic earflaps,

There's a magic carpet here,

This is the harp singing a song.

I'll remove the speedsters.

I don't understand where the lamp is.

Okay, I have no time with her,

We need the Christmas tree quickly

Dress up, otherwise it will be soon

Guests will be at the door.

Kikimora (shouting)

Leshik, where have you gone?


I read the encyclopedia.


Oh, by God, you are a professor!


We must keep pace with life.


Take a break, get to work on the Christmas tree.


I'll get started, but there's no point

I don't see much in this.


Lesheslav, you're scaring me.

You are rejecting New Year.


I don't believe in these fairy tales.

Another year in the world

It's coming, that's all.

This is my opinion.

I believe in science, Mom.

These fairy tales are stupid rubbish.

They sing the song “There are no miracles in the world these days.”

There are no miracles in the world these days.

For those who do not believe in them themselves.

No Koshchei, even children know this

And fairy tales live here and there.

Lukomorye is not on the map

This means there is no way into the fairy tale.

This is a saying, not a fairy tale

The fairy tale will be ahead.

There is a hut on chicken legs in that fairy tale

It's funny to believe something like that

There a frog turns into a princess

What makes no sense in our age

Science will give us answers to our questions.

And Snow White lives in the forest.

Rockets are sent to distant stars.

And there is also a flying carpet.


You don’t believe in Koshchei, well.

Who do you look like?

Look in the mirror,

You're Leshy, so calm down.

And let's wipe your nose,

And give me toys.

Leshik: (looks in the mirror)

I can goblin, yes. Clearly

But domesticated, okay?

(starts fiddling around in the toy box)

She believes in fairy tales, but she herself

She brought that Koshchei to the coffin.

If only I could wipe the lamp a little,

It created a lot of dust.

(Rubs the lamp)


What are you doing there, hooligan?

You are not Leshy, but a blockhead.

You can’t rub that lamp,

I told you so.

(Girl Genie appears)

Music "Clone" sounds


I'm a genie from an old fairy tale,
And it's no secret:
It's not for nothing that I'm in a light bulb
I live five thousand years.
And so it’s probably already
Who is the owner of that lamp?
That lord is mine.

Wow, this is class!

The fairy tale does not leave us.

Well, Leshik, are there no miracles in life?


No, it's technical progress.


Senora, lady, miss, madam,

Let me turn to you.


Don't slow down, grandma, come on,

Make your wish.


What should I wish for?

What to wish?

I want to become a beauty, genie.

I'd rather become a queen

No Goddess, let Venus.

No I want wealth

And the largest kingdom.

No, it’s better to have more clothes,

No, it would be better for me to live longer.

No, groom, such that

There is no shame in bringing it out to the people.

Or maybe...


Ma, stop.

I'm ashamed of you, calm down.

Let's ask the guys

What do they want now?

(Children answer)


There are many wishes, sir,

But there should be only one choice.


Let's ask for a better fairy tale,

We all want this.


I listen and obey.

(Claps his hands, nothing happens)


Ha, fake genie!


I'm a genie, a fool, come on, be quiet.


Everything is clearly out of charge.

I need a dance team to help me.

To get us into a fairy tale,

The dance must be danced.


Well, guys, why are we sitting?

Do we all want to get into a fairy tale?

Raise your bones

Let's whistle loudly while dancing.

(Boogie-Woogie Dance)

Music plays "Magic for the Genie"


Sim – salabim, akhalay-makhalay.

According to Kikimora, at will,

And at my command,

Open the doors to a fairy tale,

Miracles will appear to us all.

All three disappear.

Fairytale music “White Snowflakes” sounds


A long time ago, in the same kingdom, there lived a king and a queen. And was born to them
daughter is a little princess. Can you imagine what kind of celebration they had? happy parents on the occasion of her birth, what a multitude of guests were invited to the palace...

The heralds come in and read poetry one by one.

Hurry up quickly!
Hurry up!
After all, our holiday
No more fun!

We are together today
On our holiday
Let's play, sing
Let's laugh and dance!

Yesterday was a princess
Was born
Like a bright star
Suddenly it lit up!

We will make her happy
I wish you good health,
Happy parents
Congratulations everyone!

To the music of “Polonaise,” the King and Queen enter with their “daughter” (doll) in their arms. The King and Queen sit on the throne.

We have gathered, friends, now,
To wish you well
To our dear princess,
That I was born yesterday.


To wish our daughter
And happiness and warmth,
And so that she always, always
It was fun!


And the guests began to come,

Bring your own gifts.

Everyone wanted a baby.

Give something good.

And Cinderella appeared first,

She was all glowing with happiness.

Cinderella comes out dancing to the music "Cinderella", singing a song

These shoes are more wonderful
There is nothing in the world.
I want to give them to the princess,
To dance the best!

And you guys are not sitting.

Do you want to dance with me?

Queen and King, let me hold your daughter,

And dance with us.

The king and queen give their daughter and go to dance.

Cinderella sings a song and performs a dance to the music “Good Bug”

Thanks to the lovely Cinderella
What a wonderful gift!
Then there was noise and commotion, real chaos.

Three people appeared in the hall

And they bowed to the princess.

The Bremen Town Musicians enter, singing the song “There is nothing better in the world.”


We have come to greet you.
And for the little princess
They brought their gift!


We'll give her fun
To laugh from the heart,
Even in difficult times
I could make everyone laugh.


Please, children, stand up again,

It's fun to play with us.

Divide into teams

One for each.

You are with me and you are with me.

(Divide children into teams)


Is everyone ready?

Beautiful princess,

And also her parents,

Now, would you like to see a fun dance tournament?

We will dance for you,

And you evaluate us all.

The teams take turns dancing to cheerful music, and the king and queen evaluate them. (Lambada, Africa, Dance for the Dog)

It's hard to choose the best

You'll get all the prizes.

(prizes are handed out to children)

For a gift to you, friends,
I'm very grateful.


Then the hall heard a wolf howl,

I stopped breathing out of fear.

The door opened, cheerful

Little Red Riding Hood entered.

Little Red Riding Hood dances and sings the song “Little Red Riding Hood’s Song”

Little Red Riding Hood:
And I give kindness as a gift
I brought it to the princess.
When you grow up baby
So be always kind.

Little Red Riding Hood:
Now let's play the game "Echo". In the game you can become a fireman, an astronaut, a hunter. Is it possible to become an echo, guys?
Please tell me how the echo answers questions? For example, I will ask in a forest or in the mountains where there is an echo: “What time is it?” What does it answer me? Correctly: “It’s an hour! hour!". Can, for example, the echo answer: “It’s eleven o’clock, fifteen minutes?” Of course not. So, I think the rules of the echo game are clear to you. Let’s start playing. I’ll just ask you to accompany your friendly answers with the same friendly claps. clap.

Get ready, kids! (ra-ra)
The game begins! (ra-ra)
Don't spare your hands (lei-lei)
Clap your hands more cheerfully (ley-lay)
What time is it now (hour-hour)
What time will it be in an hour (hour-hour)
And it’s not true, there will be two (two-two)
Think, think, head (wa-wa)
How the rooster crows in the village (uh-uh)
Yes, not an owl, but a rooster (uh-uh)
Are you sure it is so (so-so)
But in reality, how? (how how)
What is two and two? (two-two)
My head is spinning! (wa-wa)
Is it an ear or a nose? (nose-nose)
(the presenter holds his ear)
Or maybe a load of hay? (cart-cart)
Is it an elbow or an eye? (eye-eye)
(the presenter points to his elbow)
But what do we have here? (us-us)
(the presenter points to his nose)
You are always good (yes, yes)
Or only sometimes (yes, yes)
Don't get tired of answering (chat-chat)
Allow me to remain silent...
Thank you, dear child,
I'm so grateful to you.

Suddenly there was an “ah” in the crowd

Then Puss in Boots came in.

The music “The Three Musketeers” plays and Puss in Boots comes out.


I am the smartest cat in the world,
And besides, he’s not too cheap.

I will give the mind to the princess

I wish you on this day.

So that I could conquer everyone,

And she was not lazy.


Can I show you my mind?

Make riddles for children.

Does he ask riddles? There is a prize for every correct answer.

What kind of star is this?

On the coat and on the scarf,

All through, cut-out,

And if you take it, there is water in your hand.

(Snowflake) .

What grows upside down?


There was a soft, white blanket,

The sun was hot - the blanket flowed away.

(Snow) .

On blue ice silver grains are scattered.

(Stars) .

No boards, no axes

The bridge across the river is ready.

The bridge is like blue glass:

Slippery, fun, light.


They gave the brothers a warm home,

So that five of us could live.

Big brother didn't agree

And he settled separately.


My new friends

And shiny and light,

And they frolic with me on the ice,

And they are not afraid of frost.

(Skates) .

Warm, eared,

Friendship with the head,

Not afraid of frost.

(A cap) .

The runners run with their socks raised.

(Skis) .


Thank you I must say

Let the girl be smart.


Suddenly there is a golden ringing

Everyone around heard it.

And they guessed the Gypsy.

The Gypsy comes out singing the song “Fortune Teller”


I'm ready to congratulate you

A bouquet of flowers.

I wish to become a princess

Beautiful later.

Playing with children.

Well, let me tell your fortune

I can guess everything in the world.

Oh, what a great guy you are

At home I ate jellied meat.

You are an excellent athlete

Soon you will be a record holder.

You, beautiful maiden,

If you find a king, you will become a queen.

Well, you spilled the compote

Got a slap on the head

Stored in your closet

Cool Firebird Feather

And now the time has come

Let's dance, kids.

Come on, put up the chairs,
Stand around yourself quickly,
While the music is playing -
Everyone catches up with each other.

When the music stops
Each chair occupies.
Who doesn't have time to get to the chair -
He is eliminated from the game.

A game is played with chairs to music: Game with a fortune teller 1, Chastushki B-E, New Year's snowflakes 2. The winner receives a prize.


May the princess be like you

Loves dancing and flowers.


Here a light rustling sounded,

The Snow Queen enters the hall.

Alsou's music sounds " Winter dream", The Snow Queen enters.

The Snow Queen.

Hello princess, you know I

Actually, your godmother.

I want it as a gift for you

Give all eternity...

Music "Black Pond" sounds

Well, I see they forgot to invite me here!

Enter Queen Night

I wasn't invited to the party!
The invitation was not sent!
And now it's my turn -

Let your princess die!

He leaves laughing.

King and queen:
Ah, the villainess! What should we do?
How to protect the princess?

The Snow Queen.

I'm a sorceress, not a witch,

But you, my friend, don't be a coward.

Help you in this terrible grief

Perhaps I'll take it.

When the princess grows up,

Don't be afraid, she won't die,

She's cold, hard, eternal

He will fall asleep soundly.

And she will sleep for a hundred years,

And wake her from her sleep

Not Prince Charming will help you.

And affection, tenderness, kindness.


Thank you, dear godfather,

We would go crazy without you.

Made us happy.

But there are still guards around
We'll install it now.

Music "The Little Prince" is playing

And now 16 years have passed,
The princess has grown up
And she became so beautiful
So cheerful, kind!

The princess comes out dancing.

And to her for her birthday
Her friends came
And the round dance is cheerful
Everyone started up together.

The princess brings out all the children and sings the song “Loaf”


Dear girlfriends, friends,

I'm kind of tired.

I'd rather sit down

And I'll look at you.

(Sits down and falls asleep, all the children also freeze)

Music "Black Pond" sounds


The curse of the black night has come true.

The princess's eyes closed.

And everything around became numb,

Everything was frozen, frozen.

Princess, no, she's not dead,

Shrouded in the veil of sleep.

(Children sit down)

A hundred years have passed.

The princess is sleeping

And he’s in no hurry to wake up.

Bye hearty man

Will not appear to her.

A whole century

Our princess is waiting for him.

But quietly, someone is coming towards her.

Music from the ballet “The Nutcracker” is playing

(Queen Night enters)

Queen Night:

So that's how it is.

The girl is sleeping.

Can't find fault, very clever

Your Godmother cheated.

It's my turn.

A hundred years have passed.

You'll wake up now

But you won't smile.

The curse will come true again.

You'll fall asleep again

Cold eternal sleep like ice.

But it won't save you anymore

You are nothing in this world.

Princess, remember, I'm responsible

For the atrocities that I commit.

I keep my word.

(Performs a spell on the princess)

I am the Queen of the black night

I bring darkness and darkness.

It will be very difficult for the princess

Find a path in the forest.

You'll wake up in the forest alone

Scared and cold.

And very soon death will come,

He will take you with him.


The princess's fate is decided,

Just waking up from sleep

From the cold now forever

She will sleep her last sleep.

Scary Spice Girls music plays (Dark forces run out and take the princess under the Christmas tree).

Music from the ballet "Swan Lake" is playing

In a dense forest under a pine tree

She woke up.

And he sees: in the icy dusk

There life is shrouded.

She sat down on a tree stump,

Then she sighed heavily,

I shivered from the cold,

The whole poor thing was chilled.

And it started to freeze completely,

Suddenly I heard a song.

Santa Claus is walking, singing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” decorating the trees with frost, and suddenly notices the princess

Father Frost:

What kind of miracle is this here?

Where only Christmas trees grow.

Doesn't look like a fox

And not a wolf-like face.

Bah, what a red girl!

Wow fox!

Hello, beautiful girl!

Are you alive here? Miracles!


I'm not cold at all

And I'm sitting here because

I liked nature.

Father Frost:

No, and I want to lie to you!

Why are you talking nonsense?

Answer as best you can.

What I forgot in the bitter cold

Are you in a snowy forest?


I can't know that.

I remember that I went to bed.

And then I woke up here.

That's my whole story.

Father Frost:

You without my help

There's no way around it.

Take a fur coat, and then

Work hard for Grandfather.

(Gives her a fur coat, she warms up)


I'm ready for your request

Glad to know.

Father Frost:

Can you make me out of the snow?

Should we weave a wonderful carpet?


The carpet is one hundred square meters of marvelous beauty.

I'm sure you'll be pleased.

Father Frost:

Snowflakes, come out to help.

Help me weave a beautiful pattern.

Dance of the Princess and snowflakes to the music “Snowflakes”. The princess sings a song

When a new year comes,
And the old one goes into the distance,
Hide a fragile snowflake in your palm,
Make a wish.
Look with hope into the blue of the night,
Squeeze your hand loosely
And ask for everything you dreamed of,
Make a wish and make a wish.

New Year,
What's about to happen
Will instantly fulfill your dream,
If the snowflake doesn't melt,
It won't melt in your palm,
While the clock strikes twelve.
While the clock strikes twelve.

When a new year comes,
And the old one goes away
Any dream can come true -
That's the kind of night it is.
Everything will calm down and freeze around
On the eve of new days,
And suddenly a snowflake turns around
Firebird in your hand.

New Year,
What's about to happen
Will instantly fulfill your dream,
If the snowflake doesn't melt,
It won't melt in your palm,
While the clock strikes twelve.
While the clock strikes twelve.
While the clock strikes twelve.
While the clock strikes twelve.


The carpet is finished, look.

Rate our work.

Father Frost:

Thank you, beautiful girl.

The carpet is wonderful! I like him.

Thank you! Made a friend!

You deserve shelter!

I invite you to the mansion,

I call her my granddaughter.

You are my smart granddaughter,

Your name is Snegurochka.

(They leave and forget the staff)

The music “The Exit of Vodyanoy and Baba Yaga” plays. Baba Yaga and Vodyanoy come out.

Baba Yaga:

How, Vodyanoy, I’m tired of you!

You've eaten all my baldness.

What do you need a comb for?

Like getting your hair done!

Hair in three rows

And they are not always combed.


Soon it will be New Year,
People will dress up.
Look, I'm dressing up,
I'll be your groomsman.

Baba Yaga: Oh! I'm dying of laughter now!
Crows, look, this is fun!
A groom has been found for me.
Have you even washed your face this morning?
I am beautiful, young,
I am Yagusya, no matter where!
This morning I went to the bathhouse,
I just twirled the curlers.

Sings a song to the tune of “And I kept flying”

I am Yagusya, although I am a hag,

But still cute, and very slim.

I'm a beauty, you're a freak

People are laughing at us.

You and I are walking through the forest.

There is silence around and it’s just the two of us.

I don't need you, I'm not kidding

That's what I want myself.

And I kept flying

I was looking for grooms

You're fat and bald

And Yaga is not a match.

And I kept flying

I chose a couple.

For such a beauty la-la


Stop laughing at me!
Come on, stop laughing!
Or you’ll grab him in the forehead with a stick,
There will be a lesson for you!

The goblin grabs a magic staff and swings at Baba Yaga.
Baba Yaga

Are you crazy, dropsy?

This is a staff, not a stick.


So what about the staff? So what?

Baba Yaga

It looks like frost.


She said: “Morozov, after all.”

Yes, I just want to warm you up.

Runs after Baba Yaga. Music "Kachka" sounds

Baba Yaga

Oh guys, help me

Distract the merman.

Repeat the words after me.

Well, then hurry up and run.

"Water. And Vodyanoy,

Come chase me."

The music of “Catching up with Vodyanoy” is playing. Children play catch-up with Vodyany)


Wow, that's so unfair.

This clearing is crowded.

If we were in the water,

I would have caught up with you completely.

Baba Yaga

Enough, water bubble,

Use your brains.

You have a magic staff

And you are like a little child.

We'll get things done now

Believe me in this, my friend.


Come on, Yagusya, no fuss

Let's punish those nasty children.

(Advances towards the guys)

Here I am for you right now,

Here I am for you.

Gifts will only save you.

Send me some candy

You kids are disgusting.

What is there no candy? Then cutlets.

Why don't you have them?


Then cheer me up

Sing a ditty

Al dance.

Or maybe someone, who knows?

Will he decide to kiss me?

(Children, if desired, amuse Vodyanoy)

Baba Yaga

Okay, I'm drooling.

You completely forgot about the staff.

Come on, hit me

So that I become super-duper.

(The waterman knocks)


Yes, you are Yaguska-Moloduska,

And without witchcraft she is sweet.

Chick right anywhere.

Oh, I'm an old fool,

I put the staff here.

(Vodyanoy and Baba Yaga are hiding under the Christmas tree with a staff)

Music plays "Little Christmas Tree". Santa Claus enters

Father Frost:

Hello, kids!
Both girls and boys!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all the guests.
I visited you a year ago,
I'm glad to see everyone again.
They grew up and became big,
Did you recognize me?

The children answer.

Father Frost:

Only, apparently, I have become old,

I lost my staff somewhere.

Haven't you guys seen?

Maybe someone took it?

(Children answer)

Ah, the scoundrel villains.

They quickly gave me my staff!

Baba Yaga

Well, of course, right now, right now, right now,

The staff was yours, now it is ours.

(run away and tease)

Father Frost:

Well, guys, help me out,

Take away the staff of your grandfathers.

The game is played to music
Rules of the game: place a chair near the Christmas tree; two people compete, on command they run around the tree in a “counterclockwise” direction (one runs around the tree clockwise, the other counterclockwise), the one who runs around the fastest and sits on a chair is the winner.
First, Baba Yaga competes with one boy of her choice, and then Vodyanoy competes with one boy. Baba Yaga slacks and runs along with the chair. The merman returns halfway and sits down on a chair.

Father Frost:

It's not interesting to play with you,

Race around the tree yourself.

Father Frost:

Not at all good.

Look, Ivan the Fool.

(Baba Yaga and Vodyanoy turn around, and Santa Claus snatches the staff from them)

The music “The January Blizzard is Ringing” plays

Father Frost:

The winds are violent, fly,
Catch the forest evil spirits,
Spin it, spin it,
Take it away from here.

The evil spirits spin and run away.

Father Frost:

And who, tell me, with Grandfather

Is there not enough in this room?

(Children shout Snow Maiden)

Let's shout together

And we’ll invite the Snow Maiden into the hall.

The children call Snegurochka.

The Snow Maiden enters to the music, dancing and singing “The Snow Maiden’s Song”

How many long nights

How many endless days have I slept

It's in the past now

I came to your holiday today

And guys all of you

I want to wish you a Happy New Year.

Light as a snowflake

I'm flying with happiness.

Father Frost:

I would like to introduce you, friends.

This is my granddaughter.

Snow Maiden :

Congratulations to all my girlfriends,
Congratulations to all friends!
And with all my heart I wish
I wish you the brightest days,
Good fun,
Never know adversity
But, and most importantly, learn
Excellent all year round.
Let's continue the holiday
Everyone sing and dance together.

In beautiful bright gold
The Christmas tree is sparkling.
It's a joyful holiday for us
How not to have fun!

Father Frost:

In multicolored, New Year's
Holiday lights
We congratulate you today
All the gathered friends.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
With new joy for everyone!
Let them ring under this tree
Songs, music and laughter!

Snow Maiden:

She's been coming to us for a holiday all year

Green beauty of the forests.

Then I quietly dressed up in this room,

And now her outfit is ready.

We are all admiring the Christmas tree today,

It also gives us a scent.

And the most best holiday New Year

Comes with her to every home.

When the sparklers are shining

When the firecrackers thunder,

Happy New Year everyone,

Congratulations on new happiness,

And we will sing at the Christmas tree at the holiday.

Santa Claus, just come on

We invite all heroes

Together with them near the Christmas tree

Let's have fun for all the guys.

Grandmother the Hedgehog, the Dog and the Cat

Come with us to the round dance.

Merman, Red Cap,

Feel free to sneak in there.

Everyone, everyone, everyone, come to us.

Father Frost:

I'll give you a gift.

All the heroes come out.

Father Frost:

Oh my legs are tired
Well, I’ll sit down, sit down,
I'll look at the kids.

Children :

No no no! It's not time to sleep.
Time to play with us

They perform the round dance “Ruddy and Gray”

Game I WILL FROZE (Music New Year's snowflakes 1).

Father Frost:

Come on, kids, make friends,

Show me your hands.

Children stretch their hands forward.

Father Frost:

Since they didn't let me sleep,

I'll freeze all the guys!

I trampled my heels.
Well, I’ll sit down and sit.
And on the strong boys I am
I'll take a look with you.
Snow Maiden
We invite the guys
Who is glad to show us strength

The music of Hu-an-he sounds

Game "Heroic Strength"

Game "The Most Accurate"

The strongest and most accurate ones receive prizes
Father Frost :

Well thank you guys
You played with me.
Now show me
Who has what talent?

Father Frost:

Oh, I'm completely satisfied

Who will tell me the poem?

Children recite poems.

Father Frost:

Oh well done kids

Beauties and handsome men!
Come on, granddaughter, let’s dance.
Let the blood flow faster.
And for our bones' benefit,
And it won't hurt your legs.

Conducts the game “Find a Pair” with music by Ricky Martin

The winners receive prizes.

Snow Maiden :

Time flew by so quickly

Minutes, half an hour, hours...

We managed to have some fun

Now we want to award prizes!

Let's say goodbye

Let's say goodbye to Frost.

Father Frost:

A happy holiday is ahead

Magical, bright New Year!

When the new year comes!

Snow Maiden :

And we wish you with all our hearts

Don't forget to learn!

Smile more often, easier

It's fun to laugh,

Truly be friends!

All the heroes come out

All: Happy New Year!!!

If you're frowning
Leave the house
If you're not happy
Sunny day -
Let him smile at you
Like your friend,
Completely unfamiliar with you
Oncoming guy.

And a smile, without a doubt,
Suddenly touches your eyes,
And good mood
Will not leave you again.

If you are with your beloved
Suddenly a quarrel arose -
Often the one who loves
Quarreling in vain, -
You are in each other's eyes
Take a better look
Sometimes better than any words
Looks speak.

And a smile, without a doubt,
Suddenly touches your eyes,
And good mood
Will not leave you again.

If someone else
Was abandoned in misfortune
And this act
Penetrated into your heart
Remember how much
There are good people -
We have much more of them -
Remember them.

And a smile, without a doubt,
Suddenly touches your eyes,
And good mood
Will not leave you again.

All the heroes come out.
They perform the round dance “Green Fluffy”

Father Frost:

Oh my legs are tired
Well, I’ll sit down, sit down,
I'll look at the kids.
Children :

No no no! It's not time to sleep.
Time to play with us

They perform the round dance “Ruddy and Gray”


Father Frost:

Come on, kids, make friends,

Show me your hands.
Children stretch their hands forward.
Father Frost:

Since they didn't let me sleep,

I'll freeze all the guys!
He runs in a circle and tries to grab the children’s hands. Children hide their hands behind their backs, and those who didn’t have time recite a poem.
I trampled my heels.
Well, I’ll sit down and sit.
And on the strong boys I am
I'll take a look with you.
Snow Maiden
We invite the guys
Who is glad to show us strength

Game "Heroic Strength"

All interested boys are invited and given a newspaper.
Assignment: hide your right hand behind your back, and with your outstretched left hand take the unfolded newspaper by the corner and, on command, whoever gathers the newspaper into a fist the fastest.

Game "The Most Accurate"

Assignment: compressed newspapers are snowballs, they must be thrown into a bucket.

The strongest and most accurate ones receive prizes.
Father Frost :

Well thank you guys
You played with me.
Now show me
Who has what talent?

Girls and boys sing the song “Snowflakes are coming down from the sky” and dance.

Father Frost:

Oh, I'm completely satisfied

Who will tell me the poem?

Children recite poems.

Father Frost:

Oh well done kids

Beauties and handsome men!
Come on, granddaughter, let’s dance.
Let the blood flow faster.
And for our bones' benefit,
And it won't hurt your legs.

The Snow Maiden plays the game “Find a Pair”

Conditions: Before the game starts, children are given snowflakes. While the music is playing, all the children dance freely and must find the same snowflake as theirs; as soon as the music ends, the children must find their pair and hold hands; those who do not have time are eliminated.

The winners receive prizes.
Snow Maiden :

Time flew by so quickly

Minutes, half an hour, hours...

We managed to have some fun

Now we want to award prizes!

(Gifts are taken out from under the tree)

Let's say goodbye

Let's say goodbye to Frost.

They lead a round dance “Goodbye, dear Grandfather Frost”

Father Frost:

A happy holiday is ahead

Magical, bright New Year!

Perhaps there is no more beautiful moment,

When the new year comes!

Snow Maiden :

Happy New Year to you -

It’s so nice to congratulate you! -

And we wish you with all our hearts

Don't forget to learn!

Smile more often, easier

And live in peace with dad and mom.

It's fun to laugh,

Truly be friends!

All the heroes come out

All: Happy New Year!!!

Final song "Good mood"

Scenario New Year's party For junior schoolchildren 2012 – 2013

New Year's melody sounds in the hall

Children leave the classrooms and take their seats.

Ved. No. 1 We invite you to a holiday,

To the annual children's ball.

Let's arrange it at the New Year's tree

We are a real carnival.

Ved. No. 2. Fun, games, songs, dances

Attractions and poems

Help us at the carnival

Have fun from the heart.

Ved. No. 1. Today is an unusual holiday:

Perhaps a fairy tale will come to us

And a miracle, magic as a gift

He will definitely bring it with him.

Ved. No. 2 Santa Claus is preparing a sleigh -

Time is flying, it's time to hit the road!

Santa Claus gifts

The kids are already tired of waiting.

Ved. No. 1 The clock is striking, the minutes are rushing,

Rushing the course of events.

The whole country is waiting impatiently

Fairy tale holiday - New Year!

Ved. No. 2 So light it up quickly, Christmas tree,

Your magic lights.

Open our ball with a merry round dance

Hurry up all the guys!

Ved. No. 1 Since childhood, we have been waiting for surprises and fun from this holiday. We are waiting for gifts, guests, a good fairy tale. And the fairy tale definitely comes to us.

New Year's music is playing

Presenter 2 Our first guest is Mrs. Winter.


In a moment I rushed to you alone on a silver sled!

Past fluffy Christmas trees, across snow-covered fields.

Today we will have fun together, dance,

So fervently that no one can stand still.

Happy holiday to everyone and I hasten to tell you

Wishes for the coming year, and I ask you to guess who:

You always live together

Help if necessary.

The cat congratulates you on the New Year

His name is... (Leopold)

We wish without interference,

You'll have to chew nuts for a whole year,

Jump and play burners

Happy New Year - yours...(squirrels)

I've been on my way for a long time now

From the snowy distance,

I'm bringing you a lot of gifts

Nice grandfather...(Frost)

And my daughter is with me,

My cheerful one -…(Snow Maiden)

We will be waiting for everyone for the holiday,

And so as not to be bored,

We'll start a round dance here,

Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree.

(round dance)


I came here for a holiday
Not alone. They came with me
My snow friends
Hey! Snowflakes! Where are you?
(phonogram - waltz) -snowflakes run out.
In the sky clear and boundless
Spin in a snowy whirlwind.

Dance of snowflakes

(Baba Yaga comes out and dances to the music)

Baba Yaga:

Hello, little ones, wow, my little mice!

Hello, viewers - parents, tormentors of their children!

Hello, and your Christmas tree is a prickly needle.


Excuse me, who are you? I don't remember something.

Baba Yaga:

What are you talking about, open your eyes! Who is it, fidget?

Look, what a figurine - it’s me, Snow Maiden!


How's that? And now we’ll test you with a song.

(Winter and B.Ya. sing a song to the tune of “Tell the Snow Maiden..”)

Z.: Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?

Tell me, honey, how are you?

B.Ya.: The stupa broke by January,

I was flying on a broom... Oh, what am I saying?!

Z.: Where do you live, Snow Maiden, tell me,

Describe your crystal castle to us.

B.Ya.: My crystal castle is on two legs.

Z .: Well, everything is clear to you and me then,

Guys, who is this?

Children: Baba Yaga!

B.Ya.: Yes. I'm a granny-frog! Why aren't you a Snow Maiden? I’m only about 300 years old, I want to live and do some mischief.

I’m not just some kind of Yaga. I'm a super moped, oh supermodel.

My figure is athletic, my mood is electric!

I recently wrote a song, and in order to send it to MTV,

I need to make a good clip. What's a video without dancing?

Everyone will laugh at him.

Winter: Well, don't be sad. Guys and I will help you. Really, friends?

Koschey appears.

VED 1. Another fairy-tale hero came to visit us for the holiday. Looks like Koshchei.

Koshey. I am Koschey... So I decided to celebrate the holiday with you in your hall! Well, okay, let's get to the point! The Christmas tree is satisfactory, the palace corresponds to the status, the presenters are super! Lots of kids! And Babusya-Yagusya is here...( Kissing)

Koshey. ! A What's wrong with the software?

VED 1. Dear Koschey! Our program is ready! We are waiting for D.M. and Snegurka with gifts!

And we invite you to our cheerful round dance!

VED 2. Spread wider - wider,

Let's start a friendly dance!

Who froze on our Christmas tree,

He'll warm up now!

Round dance

Koschey. (dissatisfied). Oh, tired, oh tired!

I haven't danced like this for a long time!

I almost sprained my leg!

I'll rest a little now!

Koschey. I will bring fear and horror

In this wondrous beauty!

So that the one I don't need

Lost in the dark.

Koschey. I'm cunning, I'm angry, I'm greedy

Rude, cruel and merciless!

I don't know the excitement

I handed over my heart for safekeeping!

I am immortal, that is, eternal,

Because he's heartless!

VED 1. Guys, we believed Koshchei that he was kind.

Koschey. Ha, the most important treachery is yet to come. All new Year gifts will be mine!

VED.2. Winter! Help us deal with Koshchei!

Winter : I will help you with words, because you can handle it yourself!

In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil!

If I say “Good Koschey!”- you clap.

“Merry Koschey” - you stomp.

"Koshey the generous" - shout “Happy New Year!”

Game with Winter.

Koschey. I am kind?! Yes, I am angry, cunning and merciless!

You won't succeed!

I'm angry! Oh, what a beautiful tree!

I'm merciless! What smart kids!

Can't be! What have you done to me?

I'm cunning! I want to have fun so much!

Presenter No. 1:

A very important guest arrived for our New Year's holiday.

He has a bright complexion, a beard like white fur,

He prepared interesting gifts for everyone.

Presenter No. 2:

He will congratulate you on the New Year, dance with you and sing with you.

Who is our guest, guys, this... (Grandfather Frost)

A Russian folk song is playing and bells are ringing.

Presenter No. 1:

Do you hear? This is probably D.M. and Snegurochka rush to us.

And so that they don’t pass by, let’s shout to them loudly...


Come to us grandpa, we are waiting!

(D-M comes out to the music)

Father Frost:

Hello, children, fathers and mothers!

I walked along the edge of the forest, I walked through the clearing,

Yelyam threw a shawl over his shoulders,

He gave fur coats of snow to rowan trees.

I walked across seas and rivers -

Ice, like a bridge, grew on the water.

And everyone saw how Frost the General

The ice parquet on the skating rink was rubbing.

I am here, I have come, I am glad to see you, friends.

And here is my beloved granddaughter.

Snow Maiden:

Among the winds, among the snows

I live with my grandfather.

And my life is like a sweet dream,

Like a fairy tale in reality.

Today I came to the ball

Congratulate you, friends,

May the New Year come to your home

And my song.

Snowflakes make my bed,

Snow tells a fairy tale

And my grandmother, Metel,

He gives me outfits.

Father Frost .

How beautiful and elegant you all are!

D.M.: Happy New Year! Hi all!

Snow Maiden: World! Good! Love and light!

D.M.: Happiness too, ringing laughter! Happy snow for children!

What wonderful children are here! Snow Maiden, what does the New Year bring?

Snow Maiden:

The smell of tangerines and a cheerful round dance in streamer ribbons.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, why is our Christmas tree looking sad?

D.M.: We will quickly fix this now. Guys, clap your hands and shout:

Once! Two! Three!

Our Christmas tree, burn!

Everyone present repeats:

Once! Two! Three! Our Christmas tree, burn!

The Christmas tree lights up.

Father Frost.
Oh, I was exhausted, I should drink some cold water to cool down a little.

Santa Claus drinks from a mug, then suddenly splashes its contents on the children, there is multi-colored confetti in the mug.

Father Frost.
Were you scared, didn’t you expect it?
That's how mischievous I am.
Although no longer young.

May the New Year be truly joyful for everyone.

Dark music sounds.

Goblin: Ha-ha-ha, look, we're having fun! You wanted gifts! It's New Year's Eve! But there will be no New Year for you
The goblin says:
I cover my tracks,
I lead passers-by astray,
Passers-by disappear
They forget where they are going,
They wander, they wander,
They fall asleep on the benches.

Now I’ll bewitch Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, sneak up and steal the gifts.
Cold, cold, come,
Attack and catch a cold!
So that no one can step,
May I get the bag!

Father Frost : (knocks menacingly with his staff)

Oh, well, stop spoiling! There is no evil spell here.
I will take revenge on you, I will persuade my friends! For help! (runs away)

Sounds of noise, shots, screams of robbers.


1. Phew, we were almost late! (Vlad)

2. What, you weren't expecting us? (Yura)

3 . And we are here without an invitation!

We want to ruin your fun!

1. So you won't have any New Year! We are taking D.M., Snow Maiden!

2. And we’ll take Zimushka away so that the children don’t go sledding or play in the snow!

3. Let Koschey amuse you!

The song from the cartoon “In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians” sounds: -Knife and ax worker, we don’t want to live differently...

The dance of the robbers is performed; During the dance, the robbers surround D.M., Snow, Zima and push them to the door and disappear with them.

Presenter No. 1:

What happened (name), I don’t understand? Where are Father Frost and Snow Maiden?

Presenter No. 2:

Don't know! Awww!

The Sorceress Appears

Enchantress: I’m not a sorceress, I’m just learning, I know the basics of miracles by heart. Do you want your eyes to sparkle with friendship? Be your own comrade, always a friend! Do you want beautiful miracles, magic? Read more and study beyond the B level! I'm not a sorceress, but on New Year's Day, I'll cast a spell: you all will be lucky!

You probably forgot that on the eve of N.G. and Christmas, all the evil spirits, all the dark forces come out of their hiding places and try to harm good people as much as possible and rush especially to where there is fun and laughter. Your heroes and gifts were taken by robbers on the orders of the devil. You want to save D.M. and snow.? Then I will help you.

But know: to overcome all the obstacles in your way, you need to be friendly, brave and smart! Got it?

Presenter No. 1:

Let's dance and warm ourselves up.

Dance of the Ducklings (children sit on chairs)

Sound track from the movie "Pinocchio"

Romance of the Fox.

I've been preparing for the ball for a whole year,

I've been curling my tail for a whole year.

The Snow Maiden invited me to visit.

I came and sing you a romance.

Oh, how difficult life is for a fox!

I spin from dawn to dusk.

I would like to get hold of a chicken somewhere,

Or they would bring me a fish.

Gray wolf and clubfoot bear,

The lanky simpleton crane

They once gave me gifts,

Maybe not by choice.

And now I have come to you for a holiday.

I will decorate it with myself.

Santa Claus will give me all the gifts

Maybe without meaning to.

Sorceress: A D.M . no, robbers and the goblin stole it. Fox, you know all the roads in the forest, help us find Grandfather, Snow Maiden and Zimushka.

Fox: Even though I can be mischievous and tend to do dirty tricks, sometimes I help and can be useful for something.

Everyone leaves. All the heroes appear on the stage.

Goblin: Ha!Ha!Ha! You finally got to me. I wanted to set you apart, but it didn’t work. I wanted to freeze it, but it failed again. But it’s okay, I still have a lot of villainy in stock.

Presenter No. 2: We are not afraid of you, Leshy! Give us Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

Goblin: No way! That's not why I took them for myself.

Presenter No. 1: What should we do without them?

Goblin: Nothing. You won’t have a holiday, there won’t be any fun, and you won’t get any gifts either! Look what! Let's all go home! The New Year will not come, the holidays are cancelled, everyone has to go to school tomorrow! And I will have fun. Hey, girly friends, a song. Sing it up.

Grandmas Hedgehogs run out and sing ditties.

Presenter No. 2: You have good girl friends, Leshy. And ours is better!

Goblin: Are you kidding. Come on, show me!

Presenter No. 2: Promise that if you like them, you will give us Grandfather M. and Snow Maiden.

Goblin: Show me and I’ll think about it.


Presenter No. 1: Well, will you give us back what you stole?

Goblin: If you guess my riddles, I'll give you back what I stole.

Presenter No. 1: Do we agree, children?

Goblin: Just answer louder, I can't hear well.

Baba Yaga: Yes, louder, guys, I’ll tell you and shout you down.

Enchantress: Don't listen to her, guys, she'll only confuse you, and shout louder, otherwise she'll actually shout down you. And be careful!

Leshy: Riddle 1.

The two of us rolled the ball together.

He's wearing an old hat.

The nose was attached

and instantly it turned out...

Baba Yaga: I know! I know! Koschei the Deathless!

Children. Snowman!

Goblin: Well, okay, you guessed it right. Listen to the second riddle: What kind of animal wanders through the forest hungry in the cold winter?

Baba Yaga: Koschey the Hungry!

Children: Wolf.

Goblin: Wow, how smart! And they know biology. Here's your second riddle.

Presenter No. 1: Why the second, - the third!

Goblin: Here are the teachers at this school. And they were taught to count. Mathematicians (disdainfully). Okay, third riddle: What grows upside down?

Baba Yaga: The beard of Koshchei the Immortal.

Children: Icicle!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.

D.M.: Well done boys! You saved us. They showed how friendly, brave and smart you are. And now... Where is my bag of gifts?

Baba Yaga and Fox: We won't tell. We love candy too!

D.M.: Well, they're doing harm again! Guys, let's scare all this evil spirits and drive them out. And let's say the magic words: Go away, stop being angry, Don't interfere with the fun!

All evil spirits scatter.

And we set off along the white path to the New Year tree.

Round dance.


During the last verse, B-Ya waltzes from behind the Christmas tree along with Leshiy.)

D-M (pushing B-Y)

What kind of joke is this?


Hello my little ones!


What is it, what is the question?

B-Y (portraying a society lady)

Yes, you apparently have sclerosis.

I don't remember anything now

Good Grandfather Frost.

Song B-Y:

And I live alone, that’s how things are!

And I'm sick of all the neighbors!

I transferred my friends.

And now I live alone.

With just one cat!

And I’m good, Madame Ezhkina!


I'm starting to remember...

I guess your name is Yago?

Only we didn't intend to

Invite you to the holiday.


And this happens every year!

Well, let me join in the round dance!

I dance like Volochkova,

And my Leshy sings.

Snow Maiden:

It's a pity for them, D.M.. Let's leave everyone at the holiday. Promise you won't wake me up againharm good people!

All evil spirits: We swear!!!


Okay, what should I do with you? Stand in a circle.

Where the bright lights near the Christmas tree glow,

Joyfully, my friends,

Meet with a good dance!

(dance “Aram zam, zam!”)


Aw, thank you, grace!

Let me kiss you!


D.M. And now the time has come,

Start New Year's affairs in earnest,

Am I not Santa Claus?

Well, since I’m Santa Claus, then, of course, I brought

Not only snowflakes, not only funny ones,

I also brought a whole load of games and jokes for you!

Do you guys like to play?

VED.2 Of course we love it! Really, guys?

D.M. I'll show you the game:“I’ll freeze it, I’ll freeze it!”

Come on, show me your hands and put them back!

Whoever I touch, I’ll freeze in earnest!

I run, run, run, I’ll freeze, I’ll get cold!

Game "I'll freeze and get cold"!

VED.1. Grandfather Frost, let Koschey come up with a task for the guys you froze.

1 circle (10-12 children):Koschey gives the task.

(addresses the others: “And you guys, don’t get bored and repeat after us”!)

2nd circle (10-12 children):Broom relay.(We help)

3 circle (10-12 children):Relay race with chairs.

VED.2. In our fairy tale, goodness won again,

Even though evil was insidious and cunning!

Let's sing and dance

And we will celebrate the New Year!

Snow Maiden:
Santa Claus! And the children have prepared poems and songs for you. Do you want to listen?
Really want to!
(Poems, children's songs)

And now everyone who has New Year’s costumes will dance in a round dance!
(Round dance of children in costumes. Prizes and gifts are awarded.)

The children sit down. All the fairy tale characters come out.

Santa Claus (against the background of music).
Our boys and our girls!
In the New Year we want to wish:
Only excellent studies for schoolchildren,
Do not take twos and threes with you.
Snow Maiden.
New meetings are already on the doorstep,
New entertainment awaits you.
Joy, songs, fun, health,
Happy new year to you guys!

Baba Yaga:

May they come in the coming year
Good luck and success to you!

May he be the best
The most joyful for everyone.

B.Ya.1: May it be for you, good people,
Not afraid of worries,

B.Ya.2 :
He will not just be New,
And happy New Year.

B.Ya.3: :
We wish you health and joy,

Kashchei :
May life be without grief and worries!

Father Frost:

We wish you all a Happy New Year!
Let the New Year be happy!

Characters: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Snowflake, 1st little bunny, 2nd little bunny, Little Wolf, Little Fox.

Enter Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Father Frost: Hello guys!

The Snow Maiden does not greet the children and looks at Father Frost with resentment.

Father Frost: I'm so glad to see you! It turns out that your Christmas tree is so beautiful! My snowflake friends told me that you have the most wonderful Christmas tree in the city! Well done boys! I see that you know how to decorate a Christmas tree, and you probably helped your parents decorate Christmas trees at home (sighs heavily). But my granddaughter Snegurochka completely got out of hand! He doesn’t listen to his grandfather (addressing the Snow Maiden), he doesn’t say hello to the kids!

Snow Maiden: Oh, you'd think they'd say hello to everyone!

Father Frost: Shame on you, granddaughter! We have come to polite children! Guys, you always say hello to your elders, right?

Snow Maiden: You, grandfather, better ask your parents and teachers!

Father Frost: Tell me, do your children behave politely?

Adults: Not really).

Father Frost: Here, I told you, granddaughter! Well, it’s okay, they’re just shy!.. Children, promise grandpa to behave politely! And you, Snow Maiden, promise along with the guys!

Snow Maiden: I won't!

Father Frost: Snow Maiden!!!

Snow Maiden: Don't want! I won't!

Father Frost: Oh, guys! What a disaster for my old head!.. She doesn’t listen to anyone! He's rude to everyone! There is one answer to everything: I don’t want to, I won’t! The snowstorm is swirling outside, I tell her: put on a fur coat, but she - I don’t want to, I won’t! I ask you to prepare gifts for the children, but she again - I don’t want to, I won’t!... Dear teachers, help me, tell me what to do with the Snow Maiden!

Adults:... (Give their answer.)

Snow Maiden: Don't listen to them, grandpa! I’ll tell you myself how to behave with me! Firstly, let me sleep longer in the morning, and not force me to bake snow pies...

Father Frost: Am I...

Snow Maiden: Secondly, allow me to wear what I want and do what I want! Is that right, kids?

Father Frost: Snow Maiden!!! Guys, she's wrong, isn't she? Help me fix it!

Snow Maiden: Will not work! Will not work!

Father Frost: I’ll try to send you to New Year’s school! Let's go, granddaughter!

They leave. There are desks and chairs in the forest. Bunnies are sitting at desks.

Bunnies(together): Hello, girls! Hello boys!

1st bunny:

Animals, birds and children,

Grab your books

And take your notebooks,

Come visit us under the Christmas tree!

2nd bunny:

There will be a school here, under the Christmas tree!

How can we become polite?

So that on our merry holiday

Don't quarrel again.

Bunnies (together):

Snezhanochka will teach us

And learning will not get boring

This will never happen to us!

Do you agree with us?

Children: Yes!

1st bunny: Then let's all call Snezhana together.

Snezhana comes out.


The blizzard covered the whole city,

Don't pass, don't pass!

But the educated are open

All roads, all paths!

I hurried to you, friends,

After all, you can't be late.

We need to teach the animals

How can we meet more cheerfully,

New Year

No offense, no quarrels and fights!

1st bunny: Snezhanka, hello! We are ready to learn!

2nd little bunny: We are ready to sing and dance and have fun!

1st bunny: Don't fight, don't quarrel, don't play around!

2nd bunny: Don't trip up or call people names!

1st bunny: Ready to read poems under the Christmas tree!..

Little Wolf comes out. All this time he walked around the rabbits.

Little Wolf:

Ready from the tube

Don't care about paper

And in Santa Claus

Throw snowballs!

Snezhanochka: Who is this?

Little Wolf:

I am a brave little wolf,

A prankster from the cradle,

I like to have fun

I won't study!!!

1st bunny: Dear Snezhanochka, this Wolf Cub has been haunting us for a whole week! He really wants to go to the Christmas tree and meet Santa Claus, but he doesn’t know at all good manners and doesn’t want to learn them!

2nd little bunny: Yes, he says that he already knows everything!

Little Wolf:

Of course I know!

Can I from the Christmas tree

Pull out all the needles!

Well, guys, am I right?

So that everyone around laughs,

It is necessary for the hares to fall!

He pushes the bunnies, they fall, the little wolf laughs.


There's nothing funny!

Listen to my advice

So that everyone around laughs,

We need to dance!

Dance skit of rabbits with carrots.

Little Wolf: Dance for me too, now I’ll tell you a poem!

Scary Snezhanka - cotton braid,

She ate our Christmas tree - what a miracle!

Walked through the forest

Creepy Santa Claus,

He caught up with the bunny and bit him on the nose!

1st bunny: Aren `t you ashamed!

2nd bunny: Why are you teasing?!

Bunnies (together): Get out of here, don't bother me!

Little Wolf: Why should I leave?! Let's first ask the guys, which of us should leave?

They ask, the guys answer.

Little Wolf: Eh, you are boring! I don’t want to stay with you - the hunt is over! Goodbye!

Leaves. Little Fox comes out, Snezhanochka and the Little Bunnies step aside.

Little fox:

I'm coming from the dark forest -

I'll get to the Christmas tree soon!

I'm in a hurry for a children's party,

After all, I am the best prankster!

The Wolf Cub comes out to meet you.

Little Wolf:

Are you going to the Christmas tree? How wonderful!

It will be interesting for both of us!

Little fox:

Here, they say, a school was opened,

How to make the New Year happy,

Snezhanka teaches all the Bunnies,

Fox cubs, wolf cubs and piglets!

Little Wolf:

I am a graduate of this school

Snezhankin is the best student!

I mastered it science,

I know how to relieve boredom!

Little fox: How far is this school?

Little Wolf:

Why do you need it?!

I can teach everyone myself

How to surprise Santa Claus

Your ability to have fun!

Little fox:

I'm ready to learn from you!

I can be cunning and play tricks

And to bully and joke!

Little Wolf:

And I know how to fight deftly,

Growl, scratch, bite!

little fox: Great! In the meantime, let's play with the guys interesting game: “Hit the hare with a snowball!”

For the game you need props: two baskets, a cardboard hare is attached to the basket so that cotton snowballs can be easily thrown into it. Children are divided into two teams. The team whose players manage to throw the most snowballs into their basket wins.

little fox: Well done boys! You will make good hunters! Well, Snezhanochka, now hold on!

They leave. The Hares and Snezhana come out.

Snezhanochka: So, let's continue classes!

1st bunny: What is our lesson now?

2nd little bunny: We can tell all the children how to eat the pie quickly!

The 1st bunny pushes the 2nd bunny in the side, which becomes embarrassed.

1st bunny: Sorry guys, he’s still small!

2nd bunny: And I'm not small at all!

1st bunny: No, little one! You are a whole year younger than me!

2nd little bunny: Last year I was a year younger than you, and now I’ve caught up with you! And now you are no older than me!

Snezhanochka: Hush, hush, bunnies! Don't quarrel, let's ask the guys what they think about this?

1st bunny: Guys, tell me, if last year I was 5 years old and my brother was 4 years old, which of us was older?

Children's answers.

1st bunny: That's right, me. A year has passed, how old am I?

Children's answers.

1st bunny: What about my brother?

Children's answers.

1st bunny: Who is older now?

Children's answers.

1st bunny: I understand, brother, because time passes the same for everyone, you have grown up, but I have also matured. Understood?

Snezhanochka: Well done, our guys are smart, and since you are the eldest, know how to give in to the younger ones. And in general, let's not quarrel, let's play instead! It's winter now, and we all wear warm socks. Let me give you some beautiful, bright socks.

Distributes oversized socks to children.

Game "Kick Off Your Socks"

All players have their socks down to their ankles and must kneel. The goal of each is to take the other's socks off, making sure to keep theirs on. The one who loses both socks is out of the game. Anyone who accidentally hits another player loses one sock as a penalty.

When the game ends, the Wolf Cub and the Little Fox come out.

Little Fox and Little Wolf(together):

We go, we go, we go!

We'll get to the Christmas tree!

We studied all the sciences,

We are just waiting for Santa Claus!

Snezhanochka: Little wolf? Where are you from? And who did you bring here?

Little Wolf: Don't you see? Little fox, my friend!

1st bunny: Snezhanochka, drive them away! The Wolf Cub is a bully and so is the Fox!

Little fox: What are you doing, Bunny! We are good, kind! Here's some candy. (Hands him a large candy, the Bunny unfolds it, it turns out that it’s just a piece of paper.)

Little Fox and Little Wolf laugh.

2nd bunny: There's nothing funny! Snowy, you see, they need to be driven away!

Snezhanochka: No, Bunny! If you drive them away now, they will behave even worse!

Little Wolf: What do you mean by this? We behave well! Just great! Because they are well brought up!

After all, he is well brought up

Who hits the rabbits on the top of the head!

Little fox:

He will deceive the gullible

He'll pocket their sweets!

Little Wolf:

Who doesn't try to be neat?

And he never washes his face!

Snezhanochka: Guys, are they saying it right?

Children's answers.

1st bunny: Snezhanochka, but if you don’t drive them away, Santa Claus will drive them away!

Little Wolf: It’s you, the scythe, who will drive you away!

1st bunny: Why?

Little Wolf: Because you are poorly brought up!

1st bunny: Am I poorly brought up?

Little Wolf: Well, yes! So you came and said hello to the guys?

1st bunny: Well, of course!

Teen Wolf(to children): Did he say hello to you?

What for? After all, you don’t know anyone here! And it’s impolite to say hello to strangers! Am I right guys?

Children's answers.

1st bunny: Not at all! The guys came to the party, and we were waiting for them, which means we need to say hello!

Little fox: And you, hares, don’t know anything about the New Year!

2nd little bunny: How do we not know?

Little fox: Tell me, arrogant bunny, why do they dance around the Christmas tree?

2nd bunny: So that everyone has fun and feels good about being together! Right guys?

Children's answers.

Little fox: But no! During a round dance, you can easily slip a frog into your neighbor’s pocket! And this will make everyone feel good and have fun! Right guys?

Children's answers.

Little Wolf: Or you can trip your neighbor so that he falls! Right guys? (Pushes the 1st bunny, the 2nd bunny slaps Little Wolf.)

2nd little bunny: Well, is it fun?

Little Wolf: What are you doing?!

2nd bunny: Well, you said fighting was fun!

Little Wolf: It's fun when I hit someone, but when they hit me, it's not fun at all!

Snezhanochka: You see, Little Wolf, this is the main rule that everyone needs to know!

Teen Wolf: I didn’t understand what the rule was...

Snezhanochka: You didn’t like it when the Bunny hit you?

Little Wolf: Of course I didn't like it! I'll tell him!!!

Snezhanochka: Well, first of all, you won’t do anything to him, because we will protect him! And secondly, what if the Tiger Cub suddenly comes to the holiday? He is stronger than you, he will take you and start beating you. Will you like this?

Teen Wolf: Nope.

Snezhanochka: Here's a rule for you: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!

Little Wolf: Will Tiger Cub definitely come?

Snezhanochka: It may very well be!

Teen Wolf: Little bunnies, let's play an interesting game!!!

Bunnies: Back on the steps again?

Little Wolf: No no no! And let's take the guys to play! 1st bunny: Well, come on.

Game "Ice Gate"

Two children stand in a circle and raise their hands - this is the Ice Gate. Everyone else, holding hands, passes under the gate, saying the words:

Ice Gate

They don't always miss.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is prohibited

And for the third time

We'll freeze you.

At the last words, “Gate” gives up. Those who are caught become gates.

Snezhanochka: You came up with a good game, Little Wolf!

Teen Wolf: Yeah. Why is Santa Claus not in a hurry to come to us?

Snezhanochka: This is because he has some problems with his granddaughter, but I think that Santa Claus can easily solve all the problems!

1st bunny: Let's sing his favorite song about the Christmas tree. Come on guys, stand in a circle.

They lead a round dance and sing a song.

Teen Wolf: Well, where is Santa Claus?

Snezhanochka: Yes, here he is!

Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost:

Hello guys,

Girls and boys

Cheerful, funny,

The kids are very nice.

Congratulations on your happy holiday!

Low bow to all of you... pranksters!

Snezhanochka: Grandfather Frost, what pranksters? All of them at my school learn to be obedient and good, well-mannered and polite!

Father Frost: So, Snezhana, you think that there are no pranksters among these guys?

Snow Maiden: Not a single one!

Father Frost: Yes? Well, let's ask them themselves.

Father Frost: Guys, are there any pranksters among you?

Children: No!

Father Frost: What about the ugly ones?

Children: No!

Father Frost: And the mischievous ones?

Children: No!

Father Frost: What about the naughty girls?

Children: No!

Father Frost: And the good kids?

Children: No!

Father Frost: You see, Snezhanochka, there are no good kids among them either. (Laughs.) But they said this by accident, but I am in real grief. It was no coincidence that I brought my granddaughter to school.

Little Wolf: Snow Maiden to school?

Father Frost: What's wrong with that?

1st bunny: Our school is very good, Snezhanka even taught the Little Wolf how to be polite!

Father Frost: Maybe you can teach my granddaughter too? Otherwise I completely got out of hand - teasing, forgot how to say hello! No thank you, no please. Now you can’t even go to a holiday with her, and what would New Year be without the Snow Maiden?

Little Wolf: Snezhanka can teach everyone!

Snezhanochka: Come in, Snow Maiden, sit down!

Snow Maiden: Reluctant...

Father Frost: Sit down, sit down, granddaughter! Otherwise, because of your whims, we’ll miss the New Year!

The Snow Maiden reluctantly sits down next to the Little Fox.

Snezhanochka: Now there will be a lesson in riddles! Whoever guesses it is well done! Listen:

Among the forest at the edge

They croak loudly...

Snow Maiden: Old ladies!

Snezhanochka(to children)". Are they old women?

Children: Frogs!

Snezhanochka(To the wolf cub): Well, what do you say? Little Wolf: Whoops! Ask something else!


It's round and red

Like the eye of a traffic light,

There are no redder vegetables...

Snow Maiden: Fly agaric!

Snezhanochka: I didn’t guess again! I'll have to ask the guys!

Teen Wolf: Snow Maiden, are you friends with tigers?

Snow Maiden: And what?

Little Wolf: But if some tiger cub says that your lips are the color of a fly agaric, and you speak as if you are croaking, and then he also gives you a slap on the head! You'll like it?

Snow Maiden: Of course not!

Teen Wolf: Well, I won’t like it and no one will like it, so don’t be mischievous and remember the main rule! Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated.

Father Frost: Guys, let's remind the Snow Maiden what every obedient granddaughter should be like!

Children list character qualities that they consider positive.

Father Frost: Well, granddaughter, how did you remember what a wonderful granddaughter you used to be?

Snow Maiden: Oh, I don't know... I don't know anything...

Father Frost: Oh, guys! Snow Maiden, have you met Bedka the Malicious in my forest?

Snow Maiden: I will not say! I will not say!

Father Frost: Yes, it looks like this is really the work of Bedka the Malicious!.. Moms, dads, have your children met this fairy?

Adults: Not really).

Father Frost: Well, now we will find out for sure! I remembered one magic spell that will help us! Stand, children, next to the Snow Maiden. When I clap once, start running in a circle, when I clap twice, run in the same direction, and when I clap three times, turn around and run in the other direction. If you are not bewitched, then you will listen to me, but if you are bewitched, then no!.. Now I will say the magic words, and the whole truth will be revealed!

Oh snow, blizzard and blizzard,

Help Frost!

They play a game, the Snow Maiden does everything wrong.

Father Frost: Now I see that the Snow Maiden is really enchanted...

If the children did not always accurately follow the instructions of Santa Claus and the parents said that they “met” with the Malicious Little One, then Santa Claus says: “And you guys, as I see, the evil fairy has her eye on... But nothing, magical powers New Year's Eve will help us cope with her spell! Of course, if you yourself want it and promise to always obey your elders and not be harmful... Do you promise?”

Children's answers.

Father Frost: And now, together with you, we will try to remove the spell from the Snow Maiden... I see that the Mischievous Mischief has done a thorough job here... Let's, guys, for a few minutes, turn the Snow Maiden into a train, and we ourselves will become its drivers. If the train obeys, then the Snow Maiden is saved!

Game "Locomotive"

The driver (going first), moving forward, announces to the entire train how to walk: raising his hands, squatting, tiptoeing, jumping, etc. At the end of the game, the Snow Maiden follows all the drivers’ instructions and laughs cheerfully.

Snow Maiden: Oh, grandpa! Oh guys! You saved me! You helped me get rid of the evil spell of Bedka the Malicious! Forgive me, please, I behaved so badly... But I remember the main rule New Year's school, and now I'll be fine.

Father Frost: It’s okay, granddaughter, the guys and I are not offended by you, are we, guys? You were bewitched... But now you must promise that you will behave prudently and will not listen to Bedko the Malicious and other evil fairies!..

Snow Maiden: I promise, grandpa, guys! Now let's have fun! After all, the New Year is coming! Let's play my favorite game "Catch the Snowball".

Several couples participate. Children stand opposite each other at a distance of approximately 4 m. One child has an empty bucket, the other has a bag with a certain number of “snowballs” (tennis or rubber balls). At a signal, the child throws snowballs, and the partner tries to catch them with a bucket. The first couple to finish the game and collect the most snowballs wins.

Father Frost: And now, friends, let's please Grandfather with poems and songs!

Snezhanochka: And my students learned New Year's song, and now they will sing it together with the guys.

Round dance to the song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter.”

Father Frost: Well done, I praise you! And also, guys, what will you please Grandfather with? What songs, poems or dances do you know?

Children perform in front of Santa Claus.

1st bunny: Grandfather Frost, why doesn’t the Christmas tree light up?

Father Frost: But because you need to say the magic words: One, two, three, light up the Christmas tree! Come on, children, let's light the Christmas tree!

They light up the Christmas tree.

Father Frost: Well, now everything is in order, and I can calmly move on.

Snow Maiden: Wait, grandpa. We haven't wished the guys a Happy New Year yet!

Father Frost: It’s true, I’m getting old, I forget something all the time!

Snezhanochka: Happy New Year, guys!

Snow Maiden: With new happiness!

Father Frost: Happy new year friends! Look forward to visiting again in a year!

All: Happy New Year!

Father Frost: And I will please you with gifts...

Children read poetry, Santa Claus gives gifts, and a costume contest is held.

Father Frost: Well, now it’s time for us to get ready for the other kids, they are also waiting for us...

Snow Maiden: Thank you, friends, for helping my grandfather disenchant me!

Father Frost: Happy New Year! Goodbye, guys!

Snow Maiden: Goodbye!

“New Year at the Gates” - New Year’s skits for students in grades 1-4

Kiryushkina L.E. , primary school teacherMBOU "Kuzbass Secondary School"

New Year's scene « Christmas tree Kolobok"

Characters: grandfather, woman, Kolobok, Hare. Wolf, Bear, Fox, two Magpies.Grandfather New Year's time! Smells like fresh tar.Children are having fun near the decorated Christmas tree.Woman I see, grandfather, you are a poet!Isn't it time for lunch!?I baked a bun. He has a ruddy side!Where is he? What a naughty girl!- Haven’t you seen it, kids? ( Addresses the audience.) Grandfather They say on New Year's Eve that you won't want to -Everything will always happen, everything will always come true.Let us also make a modest wish:We want to find the bun, making every effort!(They leave to look for Kolobok.) Magpies 1st: “They want to go into the dense forest!”2nd: “They want to find Kolobok!”Kolobok Hello guys!I am Kolobok! My rosy side is delicious!I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I found a Christmas tree in the forest.I will decorate the Christmas tree and surprise grandpa and grandma!Magpies 1st: “The Christmas tree will be decorated!”2nd: “Surprise Grandma and Grandpa!”Hare Kolobok, hello, hello! I'll eat you for lunch! (Kolobok gets scared.) Just kidding, I won’t eat it! The magpies spread the news:You will decorate the Christmas tree and surprise your grandparents!Look, I cleverly stole a delicious carrot from the garden!Hang it on the Christmas tree! That will make more sense!Wolf I am the Little Wolf!I'm also a clever boy.Look how many hares I brought!The hares are all snowy, the figures are very delicate!True, I was chilled to the point of tears, because it was freezing outside.Well, guys, come on!Hare- How many are there? Wolf- Count it yourself! Bear And I, the Bear, came to see ( the hare gets scared). - Well, don’t cry! Don't be afraid of me! Come on, calm down!Here Pine cones from MishkaYes, honey candies for fir branches!Fox You found out, I am Fox!I am a beauty to the whole forest.I combed my ponytail this morningAnd I went to visit you.Here are the snowflakes cut out,Here are the icicles.Let our Christmas tree shineGrandfather and Grandma are having fun!(Grandfather and grandmother come out.) Grandfather What is it, grandma? Woman What is it, grandfather? Grandma and grandpa(in unison)Our bun is alive and wellAnd not eaten for lunch!I was surprised! Yes, he decorated the Christmas tree!Kolobok Helped me dress up Christmas tree on the lawn Wolf, Bear, Beautiful Fox and long-eared Bunny.Magpies (in unison) We didn’t waste any time, we also decorated the Christmas tree.We found shiny beads in the thicket.All characters (in chorus) We will dance and sing under this Christmas tree!Happy New Year,We wish you happiness and joy!


By the window. Meow! Presenter. Who meowed outside the window?Cat. Open up, it's a cat! Very cold in winter Oh, I’m asking you to come to your home!And I like it with youNew Year's dance!The kids at school have a big Christmas tree, The lights on the Christmas tree sparkle merrily! Presenter Come to us quickly, warm up, and we will read you a poem.One of the children reads a poem. The cat praises the child. Presenter. The winter sun risesI see the bunny coming. Where are you going, sideways, in the snow, barefoot?Hare. I'm not afraid of frost, I'm in a hurry to get to the Christmas tree.They invited me to join the kids - to dance in the elegant hall!Fox. I am a fox, I am a sister. I am walking in the forest.And now I’ll catch the boasting bunnies.Presenter. Foxy, wait. After all, today is a holiday - New Year. No need to offend the bunny. Better tell the kids riddles. Fox. Oh! I completely forgot about the holiday.Okay, now I'll tell you some riddles. Listen! It's snowing outside, Holidays are coming soon... (New Year) The star spun in the air a little, She sat down and melted in your palm.The bear enters Bear All winter I slept in a fur coat, sucked a brown paw,And when he woke up, he began to roar,

After all, I am a forest animal... (Bear)

Presenter Our beautiful Christmas tree grew far in the forest! The bunny rested under the tree, the wolf sometimes ran by, The brown bear was sleeping sweetly. To our forest Christmas tree Even a squirrel came to play and frolic In a white snow coat.
All the animals in chorus: Happy New Year to everyone! We wish the guys happiness and joy! Bear Hey, my forest friends, It's time to go to the forest for the New Year! We congratulated the children:

Both girls and boys!

Happy New Year

The forest people are now waiting!

Hand in hand, everyone leaves.

New Year's scene
Characters: hare, bear, Snow Maiden, fox, rooster, snowflake girls, bunny boys.(A large number of characters allows you to attract students from the whole class.) Hare What kind of house is it by the path?He is somewhat unfamiliar to me.I'll take a look ( looks out the window). This house is interestingThis house is not easy!I'll knock onceWhose voice will I hear? (knocking) Snow Maiden There are two people in this houseWe live together with my grandfather.And we are not afraid of the cold,We are glad for frosty days.There is no stove in our house,Grandfather is afraid of the fire.I’m afraid of the light too, because I’m called the Snow Maiden!I, Snow Maiden, will sing my song loudly,And, having heard my voice, a swarm of snowflakes will fly.(snowflake girls run out and dance) Song of snowflakes We are snowflakes, like feathers.Our joy is easy running.A snowflake here, a snowflake there!Well, there will be snow together!Hare Cold for the bunny, cold for the white one!What should I do in winter? My tail is freezing!Oh, I'm cold, I need to warm up.As soon as I raise my paw, the hares will dance!(The bunny raises his paw. Music plays, bunny boys run out and dance.) Song of the bunnies The bunnies went out for a walk and stretched their paws.Jump-jump, jump-jump! Stretch your paws.Oh oh oh! What frost!You can freeze your nose.Jump-jump, jump-jump! You can freeze your nose.The bunnies are sitting sad - the bunnies' ears are freezing.Jump-jump, jump-jump! The rabbits' ears are freezing.The bunnies began to dance and warm their ears.Jump-jump, jump-jump! Warm your ears.(A bear appears, the hares run away.) Bear I'm shaggy, club-footedI slept sweetly in the forest in winter,But I heard the fun, I realized:The holiday is just around the corner!Tired of sleeping in a den,I want to stretch my legs!Teddy bear wants to dance, Teddy bear wants to play!True, the house is interesting. True, the house is not easy!I'll knock onceWhose voice will I hear? ( knocks) Cockerel Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!I’m in a hurry to see you at your Christmas tree!The fox is chasing me, wants to take me with him!Bunny, Bear, Snow Maiden (chorus to Cockerel) - Don't be afraid, Cockerel,We will save you, my friend! ( They hide him in the house.) Get here quickly, the fox won't find you!Fox What a house! Interesting!Apparently, the house is not easy.I'll knock onceWhose voice will I hear? ( knocks) Cockerel (scared) Ku-ka-re-ku! Help! Save me from trouble!I don't want it for New Year'sHit the fox directly in the mouth.Fox ( addresses the audience ) Children, you should have told meHave you seen a cockerel here? (looks out the window)I see a red comb, this is Petya the Cockerel.Bunny, Bear, Snow Maiden (in chorus Lisa) We won’t give up the cockerel, we’ll eat it ourselves!You, Lisa, get out of here! May a miracle happen in the New Year!Fox Oh, I shouldn’t have come, I didn’t catch the cockerel.Okay, I'll go home and heat up my soup!Bunny, Bear, Snow Maiden, Cockerel, snowflake girls, bunny boys (in chorus) We deceived the fox, we will have fun together.Happy New Year to everyone,Let's leave the cockerel alive!

Ditties about Snowmen

Boys and girls! Listen to ditties about snow figures, the creatures are very delicate!

Our yard SnowmanI recently bought a truck!The snowman is a disaster!The truck is ice!

The Snowman told everyone:“I bought a truck of firewood.I'm not the Snow Maiden,Let the stove burn!”
Snowman yesterday with a broom Fighting off the hare:He has a carrot nose The hare tried to eat it.
Snowman with Snow WomanWe rode down the hill.We rode once, twice -Only snowballs left!
Snow Baba bought Snow white scarf:She really wanted to becomeSnow Queen!
Snowmen in the yardThere was a showdown.Got it from those showdowns I'm looking after the cleaning!
Snowman with Snow WomanThey buy iciclesDreaming about ice creamAnd they melt with happiness!
A snowman stood with a gunAnd he was shaking from the cold.Come closer:Watchman Uncle Grisha!
Breeze for snowy womenI took off all the hats.And then I felt sorry for them,Gave them slippers!