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Scenario for the holiday lyceum student's day school event. Day of initiation into lyceum students

Oksana Gury
Scenario of the holiday “Initiation into lyceum students”

Holiday scenario« Initiation into lyceum students»

I. (Fanfares sound) Greetings. First-graders enter the hall to the music and take their seats. (F-ma school songs)

Presenter: Hello, dear teachers, parents!

Hello, dear guys!

1st grade. 23 pairs of cheerful, mischievous eyes. These are smart, inquisitive guys. They enjoy going to school.

1st grade. Cheerful, cheerful, and, when necessary, serious, focused, focused on studying.

1st grade Very kind, sympathetic, reliable friends study in 1st grade. The thirst for knowledge is written on their pretty faces.


To our youngest first graders

Dedicated to today's holiday.

How endlessly fast time is.

It’s already autumn, October outside.

We remember today the moments

How the kids got ready for first grade.

Presenter:Dear Guys! Today is your first school day holiday -« Initiation into lyceum students» . Two months ago you came to our lyceum without knowing its rules and laws. And now you know the rules lyceum, rules, experienced the first difficulties and did not flinch, did not ask to go home. Well done!

And today – October 19 – we have gathered in this hall to solemnly welcome you into our friendly family. lyceum students.

II. A story about Tsarskoye Selo lyceum.

In the history of Russia there are names that

forever inscribed in Russian memory. One of these names is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

200 years ago, in Tsarskoe Selo near St. Petersburg opened lyceum for children from noble families. 13 boys sat down at their desks and became classmates. Through

It took them 6 years to receive their certificates. Class, like class, boys, like boys. But later they will become poets and ministers, officers, scientists, travelers. Among them was twelve-year-old Alexander Pushkin.

"- My friends! Our union is wonderful!”- the poet will later write about the boys with whom he lived side by side during his growing years - the main years in his life

each person.

Listen, please, what was the daily routine in Tsarskoye Selo lyceum.

1. Get up at 6 o'clock in the morning.

2. From 7 to 9 – training sessions.

3. At 9 o’clock – tea with white bread.

4. Immediately after tea - the first walk until 10 o'clock.

5. From 10 to 12 o’clock – classroom activities.

6. From 12 to 13 hours - second walk.

7. After the walk - lunch, review of lessons or "helper class" for those lagging behind.

8. At 20:30 (half past eight)- bell for dinner.

9. After dinner until 10 pm – rest and entertainment.

10. At 22:00 – evening prayer, sleep.

This is how we lived Lyceum students in the 19th century.

Now let's look into the recent past, namely in 1919, in which school No. 9 became lyceum, and the students - lyceum students. This did not happen at all because they happened to be born into a noble family. High status lyceum students deserved by the painstaking work of teachers and students.

Poems read by 5th grade students:

1. “My friends, our union is wonderful!”

Yes, there is continuity of traditions...

Another October, and another day,

And the new Pushkin Kunitsyn

Looks at lyceum students system.

2. But the goal is the greatness of Russia -

Still the same. Young hearts

Will make every effort

Be lyceum student to the end

3. And with each new anniversary

Strengthen the union of mind and hands.

Lyceum - the foot of the peak,

Republic of Natural Sciences.

4. My friends! Our union is wonderful!

We exclaim just like the poets.

9 muses lead us along the road.

And we are all proud of this road.

III. Performance by first graders. (6 students come out, signs with the letters L, I, C, E, J, No. 9 are attached to their chests).

1. On this October day holiday

We will all call our parents.

So, it's time to start,

Our holiday is open, we are glad to see you, friends!

2. We are very happy today

To all parents, children,

We welcome guests

Dear teachers!

All acquaintances, strangers,

Both serious and cheerful.

3. We were preschoolers

We went to kindergarten.

We made from clay

And horses and bunnies,

And now, and now

The school opened the door for us.

4. I entered the fall at 1 "A".

I am considered a schoolboy from the first day.

5. Even a small child

Just coming out of diapers,

He asks to show the book.

6. We are friendly with the printed word.

If it weren't for him,

Neither old nor new

We wouldn't know anything.

IV. Scene"Confusion and Reluctance".

(Confusion and Reluctance run out. Confusion rearranges the guys with the letters.

The reluctant woman lies down on the bench and "sleeping").

Leading: Guys! What kind of strange guests do we have? (Sneaks up on Confusion)

Gotcha! Who are you?

Confusion: (holding up his nose) I am Confusion!

Leading: So you mixed up all the letters?

Confusion: Well, I, and what?

Leading: And the fact that you tried in vain. Our guys corrected all your dirty tricks.

(Children restore the letters and leave)

Confusion (addresses the hall): But I know that many of you moms and dads are not

They obey, they don’t want to learn lessons. Probably, you are not interested in studying at school at all. No?

Children: Interesting!

Confusion: Well, okay! But I know a boy who can’t do anything and

doesn't want to. I don't want to!

I don't want to: Uh-huh?

Confusion: Get up!

I don't want to: Don't want.

Confusion: Get up, I say! Come on. Tell me your favorite poem.

I don't want to: Don't want!

Confusion: Tell me!

I don't want to: I am the great Unwanted,

I do not want anything.

And I'll tell you frankly,

I don't teach lessons.

I don't go, friends, I'm going to school,

I sleep all day long.

Because because,

I do not want anything.

Confusion: Like this. And no one will change it.

Leading: And you, I don’t want to, instead of words "Don't want"try to say: "Want! I’ll be happy to!”

I don't want to: I won’t succeed.

Leading: Guys, let's help Nehochukha! He will speak the word "I", and you - "Want", and Nehochukha will say further what he wants to do.

I don't want to: I…

Children: Want…

I don't want to: Play.

Confusion: I just know one game, but you won’t be able to play it. I removed the words from the poems. And you will never guess what these words are.

1. My portfolio is neither big nor small.

It contains a problem book, a notebook and... (pencil case)

2. If you know everything,

You'll get it at school (5)

3. There is a clatter of feet in the corridor,

Then he calls everyone to class (call)

I don't want to: But no. You won't hear the call anymore. In order to

hear, you must pass the test. Let's see if you're worthy to wear

rank lyceum student.

Leading: I wish you good luck, first graders.

V. Children travel through stations "Mathematical", "Mysterious", "Fabulous".

Station "Mathematical"


Measure seven times, and... cut once.

Intelligence is good, but... better.

What number is included in the title of the fairy tale about piglets?

How many heroes are there in Pushkin’s fairy tale about the dead princess?

How many legs does an octopus have?

Shortest month of the year?

The best mark for a student's answer.

2. Problems in verse.

1) Under the bushes by the river

May beetles lived:

Daughter, son, father and mother -

2) Me, Seryozha, Kolya, Wanda –

Volleyball team.

Zhenya and Igor for now

There are two substitute players.

And when they learn,

How many will there be?

3) Seryozhka fell into the snow,

And behind him is Alyosha,

And behind him is Irinka,

And behind him is Marinka,

And then Ignat fell.

How many guys are there in the snow?

Station "Mysterious"

1) If you sharpen it,

You can draw whatever you want

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this? (pencil)

2) In a black field there is a white hare

Jumped, ran, did loops.

The trail behind him was also white.

Who is this hare? (chalk)

3) If you give her a job,

The pencil was in vain. (rubber)

4) Who walks with a bag of books

Going to school in the morning? (student)

5) Birds sat on the pages

They know true stories and fables. (letters)

6) Who is smarter than everyone else in the world?

Who knows and can do everything,

And at any free hour

Who will teach us everything? (book)

7) Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line.

Feel free to write on me.

You can also draw.

What am I? (notebook)

8) There is a cheerful, bright house

There are a lot of agile guys there.

They write and count there,

They draw and count. (school)

9) Kolya and Lena are having fun

This means… (turn)

10) The long-awaited call was given -

It's over (lesson)

Presenter: -Now guess what it is?

The guard watches vigilantly

Behind the wide pavement.

How to look with a red eye -

They will all stop at once. (traffic light)

Why do we need a traffic light? (children's answers). Well done! And ours

it's called a physical minute

"red, yellow, green" (K-, F- stomped, Z- clapped)

Fizminutka "red, yellow, green"

Station "Fabulous"

1. Say the name of a literary character

Dad (Carlo)

Cat (Leopold, Matroskin, in boots)

Grandfather (Frost, Mazai)

Woman (Yaga)

Uncle (Styopa, Fedor)

Crocodile (Gena)

Postman (Pechkin)

Doctor (Aibolit)

Red (Cap)

Leading: Well done boys! We completed all the tasks. Where are Confusion and Reluctance?

Fairy-tale characters dressed in school uniforms go out to the stage.

I don't want to: And we are not evil at all. We are kind and our names are Write and Read.

We came up with all this to test your knowledge. And we see that you

real lyceum students.

VI. Solemn promise.

Leading: 5th grade students are invited to read the solemn pledge.

Solemn promise lyceum students

5th grade: Friends, our union is wonderful,

Made up of brotherly bonds!

In a day initiation into lyceum students

We solemnly promise.

1st class: We solemnly promise!

5th grade: That we will be faithful forever

To your words, to your friends,

To customs so dear,

Last calls for spring

And to these dear hands,

What we were introduced to dear lyceum...

1 class: We solemnly promise!

5th grade: Here we will make a promise,

That we will not betray our friends,

That we will be strong with knowledge,

Generous and wise!

1 class: We solemnly promise!

1 class: Long live my dear lyceum!

For making friends!

For opening the doors to us!

For teaching brotherhood!

Please take your seats. For congratulations and presentation of certificates lyceum student The floor is given to the director lyceum

Final installation:

1. All paths are open to us,

All roads are ahead of us.

We'll be famous someday

But for now we are only first class.

2. And for now we just need to study,

To reveal the secrets of the world,

Always strive for the unknown

So that it can become famous.

3. This is all for life, for science,

For the people and for the native country.

We all study not for the sake of boredom -

We must glorify our Motherland!

4. Be Glory Lyceum and Lyceum Brotherhood!

You are famous for your deeds our lyceum, be proud.

Russian science, Russian honor

Lyceum student gave immortal life.

- Presenter:

“Let there be days that you spent in lyceum,

A joyful memory of your life.

Creativity, work, noble goals -

No The roads are better for the lyceum student!”

Singing the anthem lyceum.

Leading: Now, first graders, you can say the cherished phrase: "We lyceum students!"

A boy and a girl sing a song about the lyceum.

Loud song about school
We can hear it again from the window.
Fill your heart with joy
School time is spring.

Dear, kind school
In the morning he calls us to class.
A cheerful ringing trill
The bell rings again.

And today we have lyceum day.

To new difficult heights,
School, lead us with you.
We can't find a better friend,
We are with you forever.

Dear, kind school,
In the morning he calls us to class.
A cheerful ringing trill
The bell rings again.

And today we have lyceum day.
Music sounds. The school hall is full.
How cool is this really:
Our lyceum brought us together again.

Hello, friends!
You have been gathered in this room
Today we are not in vain.
Today we will talk about intellectuals,
Glory and honor to intellectuals!
Someone is strong in mathematics, like Lobachevsky,
Someone is in love with history, like Klyuchevsky.
They dream about physics night and day.
Every second person here is in love with chemistry.
And with biology, everyone here is “YOU”; they know trees and flowers very well.
And it is impossible to count all the geography experts here.
They can show off great in the battle of wits, in their strong knowledge of any languages.
They know everything about Pushkin by heart! And so in everything! I can’t even begin to count it!
But in order to turn the green light on Lyceum Day, all the kids need to be given the following advice:
You have found the keys to many school knowledge,
Much knowledge helped you reach the heights,
You are, of course, proud of your successes,
But you also strive to overcome new heights!

Well, now let's ask everyone to stand up for a moment.
We ask you to take the oath of the lyceum students.
We solemnly swear to be completely faithful to the exact and social sciences, the humanities and the natural sciences.
We swear!
Affirm the eternal motion of matter, but do not invent perpetual motion machines!
We swear!
Do not go into science alone, and also do not move it backwards and to the side!
We swear!
Without sparing your belly, fight for the truth, against darkness and ignorance!
We swear!

I ask everyone to sit down.

The right to open our lyceum holiday is granted to the director of our school

Word from the school principal.

All paths are open to us,
All roads are ahead of us,
We'll be famous someday
But for now we are returning to our class.

We need to study diligently,
To reveal the secrets of the world,
Always strive for the unknown
So that it can become famous.

Today we congratulate the best students primary school, our hope, the future of our lyceum, our best students.

The floor for the award is given...

Since ancient times, the Olympiad has been held to identify the smartest, most savvy.

And I must say that for many years our students have shown themselves to be the most the best side, defending the honor of our lyceum. They are all present here today.

What good children have grown up.
Their faces are amazingly clear.
It must be easier for them to live in the world,
It’s easier for them to learn, it’s easier for them to achieve.

Let's say they say it's not harder
These Olympics and competitions.
Perhaps this is true. They, the best, know better
But the children grew up very well.

And today we are pleased to introduce you to the winners of regional Olympiads.
The floor for presenting awards is given to the school director.

Certificates and gifts are awarded to the winners of regional Olympiads.

Dear winners, do not rush to leave for your seats, we want you to once again demonstrate your erudition and, most importantly, ingenuity.

The game “Continue the Thought” is being played
The thoughts of great people are cut off at the most interesting point. Your task is to reconstruct these famous phrases.
C. Goldoni: “Whoever knows how to be content with little is...” (rich)
M. Montaigne: “Stubbornness and excessive ardor in an argument are the surest sign...” (stupidity).
Seneca: “Friendship ends where it begins...” (distrust).
Thomas More: “Speak wisely rather than...” (quickly).
K. Veerstrass: “You can’t be a real mathematician without being a little...” (poet)
Edison: “Success is 100% luck and 90%...” (sweating)
D. Diderot: “People stop thinking when they stop...” (read)
K. Melikhan: “A satirist must have a keen eye, a sharp tongue and...” (fast legs)

Presenters. In order to participate and win in the Olympics, you need to work hard and work hard. Lyceum students have a broad outlook, but each of them has their own favorite subject. Of course, today we will not be able to sing songs and read poems about all school subjects - although we would really like this - but let's remember at least some of them.

We will remember every moment:
Our best friend- native language.

It's impossible to become cultured
Without native literature.

(The song is performed to the tune of “Tankman”)

I loved her for her beauty,
For emotional intensity, a golden braid.
I read books at home, wrote essays,
And I kept learning poetry, and I kept waiting for an A.

And what do you think she told me?

Yes, you have a clumsy style,
Yes, you don’t have a voice - just a whistle,
You write everything backwards
You are not a writer - an artist!

I loved her for her beauty,
For the emotional intensity, for the tight braid.
I wrote songs to her, idolized her, adored her,
He taught fairy tales, fables and was still waiting for an A.

And everything you say is the opposite,
You are not a writer - a tanker!

And yet I really love literature!
And we continue to present awards to our winners.

Mathematics is the queen of sciences.

Without her, ships don't fly to heaven,
Without it you can’t divide an acre of land,
You can’t even buy bread, you can’t count a ruble,
You won’t know what it costs, and once you know it, you won’t understand.

(Performed to the tune of “Photo 9 by 12”)

On my table in my small bedroom
Among toys, perfumes and lipsticks,
There is one collection - small, small,
But I’m still not happy to open it.

Mathematics 30 by 15,
Edited by Scanavi,
Mathematics - you could smile,
Now a smile can hardly fix anything!

Mathematics and physics are twin sisters.
Who is more valuable to the pope than the Lyceum?
We say: “Physics” - we mean “mathematics”,
We say: “Mathematics” - we mean “physics”.

We are not Edisons at all, we will not reach Newtons,
And radio dad Popov was by no means like that.
Let pascals, watts, hertz enter our flesh and blood,
But I will forever have a love for physics in my heart.

(to the tune of “It will happen again”)

Tomorrow we have physics,
At night we write spurs,
Knowing that we will enter the classroom
Strictly under supervision.
They'll take everything away - what a bummer!
They don't trust us.
Without cheat sheets for us later
They will ask what we know.

It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
Oh oh oh!

But working from home is no more difficult,
You tell me, why are we in such trouble?
A hundred problems will be asked: “Kids, solve them!”
So our years will pass in these stresses, you know!

We will interrupt the parade of items to continue awarding the winners who took...

Presentation of awards to the winners of city Olympiads.

No less beloved in our lyceum are natural science subjects.
We're going through worms
Flies, frogs, spiders,
Hands, skull and leg...
Oh, how cool, I can’t!

(to the tune of “Byak-byak”)

It's good when there is fauna:
Cats, mice, bears, peacocks.
Well, you just can’t count the butterflies,
Everyone multiplies for no reason.
And everywhere where you and I are not,
There nature is quiet and innocent.

And zoology with its wings, bang-bang-bang-bang.
And behind her the botany jump-jump-jump-jump!
They anatomy is smack-smack-smack-smack,
Grab-grab-grab-grab and sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff!

Ah, teacher, you are my ideal,
My swallow, berry, fish.
I learned so much about flora
About flowers, petals and stamens.
I've never met anyone like you,
I really like your smile...

Red smoke billows in clouds,
The flames lick the ceiling
Acid flows like a river,
There is a lesson in the experiments.

On the way to a great goal
Suffering is not terrible
Mendeleev would approve
Our research.

Yes, chemistry is always needed
It will be useful to us.

(to the tune of “A movie is being made”)

Call. Job. I solved a problem in chemistry.
I wrote it all off on the back desk.
Everyone who saw this had a groan in their souls:
I did a lot of damage to chemistry.
What a disgrace! What a disgrace!
In this task, undoubtedly,
Everyone decided that I should be the king!
What is she? What is she?
It's still wrong...

And we continue to reward the winners.

Presentation of awards to the winners of city Olympiads.

Nowadays everything is open to us
Countries, continents.
Go and explore
Local moments.
If we're in Africa -
Everything is possible now -
Let's remember the geography
We're in a fun time.

(to the tune of “Island of Bad Luck”)
Knowledge of geography
We don't have to borrow.
Can we at the institute
Give anyone a head start.
We know where the desert is
Waterfalls, forest.
That's how geography is -
Miracle of miracles!
We know about climate, soil and relief,
We know what an African lion looks like.
We know Morocco, Congo and Sudan.
We had to eat unripe bananas!
If a foreigner knew Russia like that,
He would not attack Russia for a century.
The German would not have died, the Frenchman would not have died
From the Russian cold and from Russian puddles.
A Pole would not wander through the Russian forest,
It would be better if you learned geography, fool.
If only he knew about Russian roads,
He wouldn't have come to see us if he was shot.

Glory to geography - the mother of sciences.
You saved us all from great torment.
We apologize for the tropics with the equator -
We are used to living in our native lands!

The distance from Canada to Tasmania will be reduced,
If you are familiar with a foreign language.
The knowledge is excellent, we say: “Zer gut!”
They will help you get into college straight away.

(to the tune of “Darkie”)

Once I remember, at dawn, I looked into the English book:
To be honest, this “English” gives us a lot of pain.
I read, I dream: I wish I could rush off to America.
I will definitely study English!

English will soon become like my native language.
And he will probably stay with me.
Ah, English, my English,
You are my native English!

And soon we will read Shakespeare without dictionaries.
We cheerfully receive knowledge and say together: “Oh okay!”
And to the teacher, of course, I say from my heart:
“Everyone respects you, but I’m just AY LOVE YOU!”

We continue presenting awards.

Presentation of awards to the winners of city Olympiads.

Presenters. Our students are the first not only in subject Olympiads, but also in sports competitions. For the third year in a row, our lyceum takes first place in the city sports competition, and this is a great merit of our physical education teachers.

We have good health, beautiful figures -
We sincerely thank the physical education lessons!

(to the tune of "Combat")

Physical education teacher, daddy, daddy, physical education teacher...
After lessons we are without legs and without arms,
My knees are shaking and my bones are aching,
And the balls are circling before my eyes.

Oleg Petrovich, favorite physical education teacher!
Thank you for your strength, for our strong spirit.
We are grateful to you, and if anything happens,
We will come to your aid, beloved physical education teacher!

And now the winners of sports competitions are awarded.

Presentation of awards to the winners of sports competitions.

Life at the Lyceum would be boring if we didn't have so much interesting holidays and our theater. Young artists delight us with their talents and lift our spirits. For you as a gift - a fairy tale and our gratitude.

We will tell you a fairy tale,
Let it fly through valleys and fields,
We will tell a story from Pushkin,
Only new motives in it.

Three maidens by the window
We talked in the evening.
The first girl says:

First girl:
If only I were a queen
I would like to screw Max
Marry him to yourself.
The house is huge, with a mezzanine,
Near the house there are poplars,
There are carpets and a piano,
How much crystal is there in a pile!
Fashionable furniture in the kitchen,
Things are super duper, YES!
Your wallet is swelling with money,
The 600th Mercedes!
Max's mom is a super lady
Dad is a “new businessman.”
Oh, I wish I could screw Max,
Marry him to yourself!
In my opinion, he is not stingy,
Even though he is a poor student and stupid!

The average girl says:

Average girl:
If only I were a queen
I would at any time of the year
I was only involved in fashion
Due to his slim figure
I would have three sheepskin coats:
Mini, maxi - which is cooler,
And the only perfume is Gucci!

Tell us, girl,
Do you have finance for your dreams?

Average girl:
I am alone with my mother,
I am alone with daddy.
They themselves are very happy
Buy me all the outfits!

The third girl says:

Third girl:
One day in class, out of boredom,
I noticed the teacher at the blackboard.
I listened and suddenly began to understand
Write something smart in your notebook.

I tried to solve the problem
I decided to repeat the topic for the test.
And suddenly I became interested in teaching,
It seemed a shame to get a C grade.

And now, I’m tired of just walking,
Dancing to acid in discos.
I don't want to depend on dad and mom
Or from her husband Ivan the idiot.

I was determined to study well,
Open your own business and become a craftswoman.
And let the suitors dry out and wait,
Until I finish my institute.

That's the end of the fairy tale,
It's up to you to decide who's great!

- Start...
- No, you better...
- Why me? We agreed that you will be the first to start congratulating, and I will assent...
- Please start, you, otherwise I haven’t learned the words.
- Well, you always let me down. If you didn’t learn it, you’ll be ashamed. Get started. And then the teachers are waiting.
- (Clearing his throat and taking a pose) Well, okay. Dear, deeply respected, revered representatives of a huge class of teachers...
- You are saying something too clever.
- And what? Bad, isn't it? Yes, I spent three days choosing words from Dahl’s dictionary! Listen further. On the day of your professional celebration, we greet you with the greatest gratitude for your deepest contribution to educating the best part of humanity...
- Wait, wouldn’t it be better like this:

Believe me, teacher, we love you,
There is not even a shadow of sycophancy here.
Teacher, before your name
Let me humbly kneel.
And wish you well, love,
Simple human happiness

Health, long life
And friendly warm participation.

We thank all teachers
For tenderness, kindness and affection,
which for many days
They gave it to all of us without fail.

In front of everyone, your name is Teacher,

And your burden on the world is not light.

How you celebrate a holiday, how you love your family -
Everything is entered into your bright book.

How the light glows in your house, when you woke up, what time did you go to bed,
And how interesting your lesson was, how kind you are, how strict you are.

Nothing escapes people's gaze
And this is understandable - you are the conscience of the children.
You are walking through life along an unbeaten path.
And your demand is strict, and your honor is high,
And your burden on the world is not light.

Your students notice everything: what foot did you stand on today, what skirt did you wear, what phrase did you start the lesson with, and the children even write down some of your phrases, and from the most popular ones they made up an alphabet.

A - A-a-a-a, gotcha, cheat sheet again!
B – You’ll get mad during recess.
B - Get out of the classroom!
G - Where are your parents?
D - Duty officer, the board is dirty again.
E - If you don’t shut up, you’ll write.
F - Stick some chewing gum on your forehead.
Z - This is a school for you, not a market.
And - Or did you think that you were the smartest?
K - You will make the house beautiful.
L - Are you people or not people?
M – I’m not enough for all of you anymore.
N - Don’t stick your nose where it doesn’t belong.
O - Move away from the window, there’s nothing interesting there, I don’t understand, who’s shooting?
P - It’s just terrible, when will you wise up?
R – There is no need to draw formulas, you need to understand them and write them down.
S – It’s not funny at all, we’ll laugh during the exams
T – Three is an excellent mark for you!
U - Take the smile off your face.
F - Electives are held for you, not for me.
X – Stop popping the seeds.
C - Circus, not a lesson.
C - Too literate, but you write with mistakes
Sh - Calmly, the plaster has only crumbled a little, but the ceiling is not falling, let’s continue the lesson.
Sh - Tickling each other in class is simply indecent.
E - This doesn’t fit into any gates.
Yu - Are you wearing a skirt or just a frill - I don’t understand.
Me - I can’t calmly look at all this outrage alone, I’ll go call the director.

Presenters. We would like to present our gift to everyone.
He is very kind and will not upset you.
A good laugh can bring a smile.
Concert number! It is for you, for everyone!

Students perform a dance for teachers.

Presenters. And now comes the solemn moment of this evening. Today we will name the person who deserves to bear the title “Lyceum Student of the Year”.
This title is given to the student who has earned the most awards that year. I ask the audience to stand and greet our pride, our glory.
The title “Lyceum Student of the Year” is awarded....

Presentation of the symbol of wisdom “Owl” to the lyceum student of the year.

Our evening is coming to an end. It’s very sad to part with you, but in exactly a year we will meet again.

The final song plays.
(To the tune of “My Guardian Angel”)

My first class, my first friend,
I remembered all this, and suddenly it became brighter.
I thank with all my heart everyone who walked with me
This path is long.
My school, thank you for everything!
School No.--, you have become dear to me.
And I live joyfully, happily.
School is my keeper,
School is my keeper.

School years have left their mark -
They are the key to my success and my great victories.
And I can’t forget the teachers, because they are attentive
They look into my eyes.

Presenters. Finally, we want to thank all the students and teachers for their tremendous work. The Lyceum is proud of you. We wish you new victories.

Scenario for Lyceum Day

My sweet home, you are on the seven winds,
It is open to everyone, and everyone comes to you.
After all, here we forget unnecessary fear,
Here again we find our childhood.

It’s as if these walls are protecting us
Neither sorrows nor misfortunes are scary here.
Teachers are here, like mothers at home, waiting for us,
Keeping all our victories in our souls and hearts.

- Celebration, dedicated to the Day lyceum student can be considered open. I ask everyone present to stand. (The Anthem of the Russian Federation plays).

- As you know, everything in the world has a beginning, a record, a source... So our lyceum 66 years ago opened its doors to children who want to gain knowledge, develop and find their place in this life.
- however, the history of the lyceum goes back far into the nineteenth century.

- In 1811, on October 19, by order of Emperor Alexander I, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was opened, intended for the comprehensive education of the sovereign’s brothers, as well as young men from the noble nobility of Russia. It was in this educational institution that Alexander Pushkin studied.

- Excellent teachers, the constant struggle of lyceum students for the title of “best in studies”, regular training of poetic style - all this contributed to the formation of a strong circle of like-minded people who live by the ideals of serving their people and Russia.

- Every year, the first graduates of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum organized a holiday, which was later called Lyceum Day. We, as the heirs of this proud title, from year to year preserve and honor the traditions created in the distant past. Let’s lift the curtain of those times……So, Tsarskoe Selo…….

... The public walks in Tsarskoe Selo. Some of the walkers may be with children.

– Something new... did you hear?
- Yes! They called it a lyceum.
– What does this Lyceum mean?
– We need to find out quickly!
– Aristotle taught so.
– He lived in Athens then.
- And, walking along the alleys,
– He thought about the Lyceum.
- And in the Russian way - Lyceum.
“And there are plenty of alleys here.”
“They say they won’t beat me.”
- How can you teach without this?
- You are a savage! Shame on you?! I feel bad for Russia!
– Training – 6 years.
“That’s what their teachers’ council decided.”
– Someone else told me – there’s a separate dormitory for everyone.
- We decided correctly. Wonderful. It's comfortable to be alone.



How did it all begin?
I remember:
With Lyceum time
I would like to meet.



Someday looking at this secret piece of paper,
Once written by me,
Fly away to the Lyceum corner for a while
An all-powerful, sweet dream.
Do you remember the quick minutes of the first days,
Peaceful bondage, six years of union,
Sorrows, joys, dreams of your soul,
The quarrels of friendship and the joy of reconciliation, -
What happened and will not happen again...


: In this temple of sciences they will educate honest citizens. The words and actions of a statesman should serve as an example for others. Acquire titles and honors only through honest means; the opposite is worthy of contempt.
The lyceum raised students in the spirit of love for the Fatherland, for Russia.


: All the lyceum students who graduated from Pushkin considered themselves and subsequently showed themselves to be truly Russian.


: The whole world is foreign to us. Our Fatherland is Tsarskoye Selo.

Reader :

There are 30 of them. Here's the class.
Bakunin, Broglio, Volkhovsky,
Savrasov, Delvig, Corf, Danzas,
Tyrkov, Kornilov, Malinovsky.
Here are Kyukhlya, Maslov, Esakov,
Komovsky, Guryev. Illichevsky,
Kostensky, Steven, Gorchakov,
Martynov, Myasoedov, Rzhevsky.
Here are Grevenets and Lomonosov,
Here are Yakovlev and Korsakov
But where else is someone going?
Respond to the pipe manager!
Of course, we will not forget them:
Matyushkin, Pushchin, Pushkin, Yudin.


: Yes! The lyceum regime is strict - everyone is called to class

Math lesson

Karpov enters. Hands out sheets of paper to everyone. Everything is decided. Pushkin alone does nothing.

KARPOV : Pushkin, solve the equation.

PUSHKIN : I can't.

KARPOV: Go and decide, and you all hurry up!

Pushkin is suffering at the blackboard.

KARPOV : I still stand sadly and look...

PUSHKIN : But the equation is zero.

KARPOV : For you, everything always equals zero. Yes! You're bad at math. You sit at the last desk, write your poems. Here's my only advice.

A very old Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin appears.


Old man Derzhavin noticed everything.
I didn’t hide my delight then.
After all, the miracle in Pushkin was noted
And, going into the grave, he blessed.

I want to hear everything again.
Come on, honey, stand closer.
Pass the phone quickly, (hearing aid)
And Sasha is a stronger mouthpiece.


Pushkin runs into the garden.


The lyceum became a second home and a real family. Here he met people who became his friends for life - Pushchin, Kuchelbecker, Delvig. And there was no longer a single poet in Rus' for whom friendship played such a role. His friends were smart, cheerful, interesting guys who later became famous people in Russia: Matyushkin - a navigator, Yakovlev - a composer, Gorchakov - a diplomat. Studying at the Lyceum continued for six years, and the friendship remained for life.


Our lyceum also became a home for us. And we are proud of our lyceum students of yesteryear and those who still defend the honor of the lyceum at Olympiads, competitions, and sports relays.
- Now there are 816 lyceum students studying at our lyceum, each of them is proud to study at Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 000!


In 2013, Maxim Slyusarenko graduated from the Lyceum with a silver medal and three graduates received 100 points on the Unified State Examination in various subjects!!!

As you know, every year our lyceum students take prizes at regional and city Olympiads.

- In addition, they are diploma winners and prize-winners of city and regional scientific and practical conferences.

- our athletes win at regional and city sports competitions.

- And the merit of our beloved, respected teachers is that our graduates have a 100 percent rate of admission on a budgetary basis to the best universities in St. Petersburg and Moscow


Our teachers deserve special attention and pride, who from year to year also defend the glorious name of Lyceum No. 000.

Your applause goes to all our teachers!

- The floor is given to the director of the physics and mathematics lyceum...

Scenario for Lyceum Student's Day.

2 presenter: On this day, the first graduation took place at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. There was no celebration. The parting was sad.

Lyceum student: Engelhardt (director of the Lyceum) gave us cast iron rings - a sign of the strength of our friendship. And they will call us cast iron workers.

Lyceum students (sing the anthem): Six years flew by like a dream,

In the arms of sweet silence.

And the Fatherland’s calling

It thunders to us: march, sons.

Farewell, brothers! Hand in hand!

Let's hug one last time!

Fate for eternal separation,

Perhaps this is where we are related.

1 presenter: 203 years ago, on October 19, 1811, there was a special excitement in Tsarskoye Selo: the grand opening of the Lyceum was scheduled for that day.

2 presenter: Every now and then, carriages and carriages drove up to the Lyceum building - prominent dignitaries and teachers of St. Petersburg, relatives of lyceum students came together. Alexander I was supposed to attend the celebration.

1 presenter: Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum – privileged educational institution- was called upon to prepare youth “especially intended for the most important parts of the public service.”

2 presenter: Emperor Alexander the First personally approved the list of the first students of the Lyceum in 1811 and personally distributed awards and diplomas to them six years later.

Lyceum student: Do you remember when the Lyceum appeared,

How the king opened the Tsaritsyn’s palace for us,

And we came. And Kunitsyn met us

Greetings among royal guests.

Lyceum student: The Lyceum became our home, our republic with its laws, brotherhood, and friendship.

Lyceum student: The opening of the Lyceum took place on Thursday. Regular classes began on Monday, and normal lyceum life began. "Six years of connection."

1 presenter: Daily routine at the Lyceum.

    Wake-up call at 6 o'clock.

    From 7 to 9 o’clock – class, that is, training sessions.

    At 9: tea with white bread.

    Immediately after tea, first walk until 10 o'clock.

    From 10 to 12 – grade.

    From 12 to one - second walk. We definitely walked in any weather.

    Then repetition of lessons or auxiliary class for those who are behind.

    At half past 9 the bell rings for dinner.

    After dinner until 10 o'clock - rest and entertainment.

    On Wednesdays and Saturdays there was evening dancing and fencing.

    At 10 o'clock - evening prayer, sleep.

2 presenter: Lyceum students were accommodated in separate rooms. Pushkin moved into room 14. The room had only what was necessary for relaxation and study.

1 presenter: Soon all the lyceum students declared themselves “cattle brothers” and, as usual, gave each other nicknames:

    Wilhelm Küchelbecker – Küchl

    Anton Delvig - Tosya

    Mikhail Yakovlev – Buffon

    Ivan Malinovsky – Cossack

    Alexander Gorchakov – Prince

    Konstantin Danzas – Bear

    Ivan Pushchin – Big Jeannot

    Fedor Matyushkin – Matyushko

    Alexander Pushkin - Frenchman, a cross between a monkey and a tiger.

Lyceum student: We deal with our bosses without fear, we joke with them, we laugh.

Lyceum student: Competitions are held in foreign languages: whoever accidentally speaks Russian is fined.

Lyceum student: Birthdays are not missed.

2 presenter: They were ordinary boys who loved to play pranks.

Scene. (Pushkin, Pushchin, Malinovsky)

And I started drinking eggnog.

Pushchin: I got some rum, got some eggs.

Malinovsky: They pushed sugar.

Pushkin: And work began at the boiling samovar.

Pushchin: Questions and searches began here. The three of us appeared and announced that it was our business and that we alone were to blame.

Pushkin: The resolution is as follows: kneel for two weeks during morning and evening prayer.

Malinovsky: Move us to the last places at the table, where we sat according to our behavior.

1 presenter: In January 1815, a public examination was scheduled at the Lyceum.

Lyceum student (reading a newspaper): The Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum has the honor to notify that on the 4th of next month, from 10 to 3 p.m., there will be a public test of first-reception students on the occasion of transfer from junior to senior age.

It was an exam - a review of what we had learned in more than three years, because we had reached the middle.

Pushkin: Derzhavin was a living legend. When we found out that Derzhavin would be visiting us, we all became excited.

2 presenter: The exam tired Derzhavin very much. Pushkin read “Memoirs in Tsarskoe Selo”, standing two steps away from Derzhavin.

Pushkin: I don’t remember how I finished my reading, I don’t remember where I ran away to. Derzhavin was delighted. He demanded me, wanted to hug me... They looked for me, but did not find me.

Lyceum student: They said that Gavrila Romanovich exclaimed: “I’m not dead!”

Lyceum student: Study for two more years.

Lyceum student: May 1817. "St. Petersburg Vedomosti" invites the public and parents to the final exams of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

Lyceum student: 17 days, 15 exams.

Lyceum student: On June 9, 1817 there was an act. Its character was completely different: just as the opening of the Lyceum was magnificent and solemn, so our graduation was quiet and modest.

1 presenter: No, they did not graduate from the Lyceum. The lectures ended, the Tsarskoe Selo time of waking up at dawn, wandering around with persistent poetry all day ended, it all ended, but the Lyceum did not end. Couldn't end... Didn't end. That's all.

2 presenter: Class as a class... Boys as boys, who will become poets and ministers, officers and “state criminals”, rural homebodies and restless travelers.

Pushkin: At the beginning of my life I remember school

There were a lot of us, careless children,

An uneven and playful family...

Presentation by lyceum students (read by presenters)

1 presenter: On October 19, 1836, gentlemen from the lyceum gathered in Yakovlev’s house and feasted.

Lyceum student: Everyone gathered at half past five and left at half past nine.

2 presenter: The cattle brothers dispersed, wishing a good journey to the student of the Imperial Lyceum, Alexander Pushkin, a Frenchman.

Pushkin: Having fervently prayed to God,

The Lyceum shouted HURRAY!

Farewell, brothers, on my way,

It's time for you to go to bed.


1. Fanfare sounds.
2. Anthem of Russia.
3. Carrying out the banner

1. Our sweet home, on the seven winds,
You are open to everyone, and everyone comes here.
Here we forget unnecessary fear,
And again you take me back to childhood.

2. These walls seem to protect us
Here it is easy for us both in sorrows and in troubles.
And here they are waiting for us, like mothers at home,
Rejoicing in victories big and small.

1. Let us consider the gala evening dedicated to Lyceum Students’ Day open (the Russian anthem is played).

2. Attention!

Prepare to carry out the Lyceum banner

Alignment with the banner.

(A march sounds) The banner group brings in the lyceum banner.

(many students come on stage - recess (skit))

(The presenter reads)

1. Everything in the world has a beginning,
Your report, your way out, your source -
10 YEARS went by very quickly
Like a moment! - The bell is ringing, ringing.

(A girl runs across the hall, ringing the bell, stops near the presenters)

When the bell rings, everyone runs away (break)

2. Today we are celebrating our 10th anniversary, but the history of our lyceum goes back to the 19th century.

/In the century before last it was... /

A young man comes out / dressed as a civil servant, reads out the decree (Tchaikovsky’s music is playing - two couples are dancing) /

On October 2, 19, 1811, by order of Emperor Alexander I, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was opened near St. Petersburg, designed to provide a comprehensive education to the sovereign’s siblings - the Grand Dukes, as well as boys from noble noble families of Russia. The twelve-year-old boy Alexander Pushkin was also enrolled in this educational institution.

3rd Excellent teachers, constant competitions among lyceum students for the title of “best in study,” regular attempts at poetry - all this led to the emergence of a friendly circle of like-minded people who live by the ideals of serving Russia and their people.

4th Every year, lyceum students of the first graduating class, who were present on the opening day of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum in St. Petersburg, gathered for a holiday. A.S. Pushkin dedicated the poem “October 19” to this holiday.

/ A.S. Pushkin and several lyceum students appear on the stage. He comes to the table, lights candles, sits down, and writes a poem with a quill pen. Then he puts down the pen, stands up and, reading fragments of the written text, moves to the foreground of the stage/

A.S. Pushkin

My friends, our union is wonderful!
He is like a soul, indivisible and eternal.

(The official rings the bell. The lyceum students and Pushkin quickly run away.)

(The bell rings again.)

1. By order of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 1994, the secondary school was reorganized into a technical lyceum, and from April 1, 2000, the technical lyceum is referred to as municipal general education lyceum No. 8 of Tynda.

2. For 10 years, its teachers and directors Viktor Yakovlevich Khmelev and Yuri Aleksandrovich Gorozhankin created the glory of Lyceum No. 8. All of them made a worthy contribution to the education of the lyceum.

1. The lyceum has 30 lyceum and pro-lyceum classes, with 704 students enrolled.

1. Over 10 years, the lyceum has graduated more than 700 students into big life.

2. Of these, 15 are gold and 35 are silver medalists.

1. Every year, lyceum students take prizes at city and regional Olympiads.

2. Lyceum students are prize-winners and diploma winners of regional and city scientific and practical student conferences.

1. Our athletes within 2 recent years- winners of city sports competitions.

3. Every year the Lyceum achieves almost full academic performance and a high percentage of graduates entering universities in the Russian Federation.

(A telegram from the first director of Lyceum No. 8, Viktor Yakovlevich Khmelev, is read out).

1. The floor for congratulations goes to the first director of the lyceum, a brave man who was not afraid to become the first 10 years ago. - Viktor Yakovlevich Khmelev.

2. The floor for congratulations is given to the director of the lyceum, Yuri Aleksandrovich Gorozhankin.

(Holds out the award ceremony).

Waltz. Three couples are dancing.

1. Celebrating a birthday
Accept congratulations,
Birthday people now.

2. And for the tenth time!

1. Bring in a birthday cake!

(There is a cake and 10 candles on the towel)

2. We ask Yuri Alexandrovich to extinguish the candles...

/Director, blows out candles/ (take a photo)

1. They say that teaching is light

2. Then the teacher is a candle that shines for everyone.

/Dance with candles/

1. It was always a pleasure to give gifts to the birthday boy.

2. How many gifts and congratulations did the lyceum students send to the lyceum? The teachers also prepared their own gift.

1. Lyceum teacher O.Yu. Shikir is invited to present the gift poem on stage.

I enter the school arches,
What 10 years have filled.
The spirit of free science reigns here,
He remembers all his students.

Climbing the ringing stairs,
It's like I hear voices and footsteps,
Those boys and those girls
That they walked here in different years.

And I’m proud that I teach lyceum students -
The best and smartest guys,
That they preserve traditions
They value knowledge not for the sake of rewards.

10 years is a very young age!
But our successes are countless!
Congratulations, Lyceum,
It's an honor to be your teacher!

/Give flowers/ /Students come out to sing/

An unfamiliar star is shining
Looking through the telescope window
An old dream sharpens the heart
Since the biblical flood.
I wish I could reach the star
I wish I could become a real lyceum student
As every student knows
Without a lyceum, the world will quickly become dim

Teacher is our dear friend
Takes us higher and higher to knowledge

Hope calls for you
And it takes us into the sky to the stars
Let our contribution be small for now
Brings prosperity to the country.

The guests have the floor...

1. Newton sat under the apple tree
An idea is about to come.
And the fruit above it is already ripe
The whole mass gravitates towards the earth.

2. And the students of our lyceum also discovered their law -

Law of attraction.

Wherever they are, they are always drawn to their native lyceum.

1. The word from the graduates of 2004 is given.....

/word to the graduate/


There is no richer and more generous person in the world,
What are these people, forever young
We remember all our teachers,
Although they themselves are almost gray.
They are in the destiny of each of us
They pass through it like a red thread.
We proudly say every time
Three simple words: “This is my teacher.”

2. Today is our 10th anniversary, but this is not the whole story of the lyceum, a lyceum that is always young, beautiful, full of strength and energy. It does not age, but is renewed every time with new faces and shining eyes. Every year new young energy flows into the lyceum.

1. We are building the law of conservation of energy. The school never gets old thanks to our newcomers.

2. Today, on the day of the 10th anniversary of the lyceum, we are accepting new lyceum students into our ranks.

So, Attention! Those gathered in the hall!

The solemn and important moment is coming!

Two older centuries, nineteenth, twentieth,

The 21st century is the first to be dedicated to lyceum students.

(Pushkin and the first lyceum students come out)

/ sounds of a polonaise are heard. A.S. Pushkin picks up a candlestick standing on the table. 4 high school students (leaders) light candles from a Pushkin candlestick/

/beginners approach the stage, line up in two rows, light candles from the candles of Pushkin and the 4 presenters/

1. Traditionally every year on the day
When the Pushkin Lyceum opened,
We say the words of the oath together,
So that you never forget about her!

Lyceum students' oath

PSSL. (Stands in front of newcomers)

We swear to be honest and fair.
Always help each other in everything!

- (All) we swear!

We swear to be persistent and try
To achieve your cherished goal only with your mind!

- (All) we swear!

We swear to work for the good of Russia,
Master knowledge and strengthen your spirit!

- (All) we swear!

We swear always and in everything without fail
Don’t lose your honor as a lyceum student!

- (All) we swear!

/Memos and certificates are presented to lyceum students/

PSSL. And now we will perform the lyceum anthem. I ask everyone to stand up!

/The Lyceum anthem sounds, everyone sings, everyone sits down/

PSSL. Attention! Prepare to carry out the Lyceum banner,

Align with the banner! (A march sounds, the banner is carried out)

1. Dear Lyceum!
10 years, the most wonderful date!
It's time for eternal youth,
Your youth is your guys
Your years are like a child.

2. Anniversary is a stepping stone for flight,
So fly, always fly forward.
Hard work ahead -
The new generation is calling...

1. Let our lyceum never grow old.

2. Let children’s voices, jokes ring in our common home,

Laughter, songs, poems.

1. May teachers never grow old or leave our

Home, because we really need it!

2. Warmth will help us all live

Kindness, love and memory!

(Closing song)

Through the years and days gone by
School childhood lights are shining
And after years the bell rings,
Lyceum students are called to class.
10 years is a small anniversary,
The birthday boy doesn’t grow old in soul
And let the song sound as a gift
It bursts into the sky and flies under the dome.

Lyceum, you are no dearer!
The Lyceum brings the light of learning.
By you in all years and times
The city and the country are proud

We've been coming here for 10 years
We are familiar with every office here
And the teacher meets you
Any questions will be answered
Here the road to knowledge leads
And they will surround you with care
We will go to college with you
And we will glorify the lyceum for centuries

Lyceum - consonance of hearts!
The Lyceum is the creator of my soul.
We are proud of your name
Lyceum, so always be like this!