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Scenario for a railway worker's day. Scenario for Railwayman’s Day “We celebrate the summer holiday Competitions for Railwayman’s Day

Scenario of the holiday program,
dedicated to Railwayman's Day.

Time spending: from 12.00 to 15.00
Theme songs are played before the program starts.
12.00 - Fanfare sounds.

1. Musical number.

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! We are pleased to welcome all residents of _______________ to the festive program in honor of Railwayman's Day!
Today, representatives of different generations whose lives are in one way or another connected with the plant, as well as their friends and relatives, have gathered in the park of culture and recreation.
Railway Worker's Day is a tribute to those people who, with their own hands, create the power of the country and strengthen its potential.
In October of this year, Russian railways will celebrate their glorious ______ anniversary.
Let's give our applause to all those related to the railway, and, of course, to each other! (applause)

Railway worker– this is a profession of strong, persistent and reliable people. And achievements in this area are, first of all, the achievements of specific people, their noble work and high professional skills.
Most of you are directly related to this holiday, because... work for ______________________. _________________________________ is the largest manufacturer of reinforced concrete products for railway purposes in Russia. For more than _____ years, the company has been supplying reinforced concrete products for the needs of Russian Railways.
On this day we want to congratulate all the workers of our plant whose lives are connected with the railway. So happy holiday to you! Happy Railwayman's Day!
And I am pleased to invite to this stage for the opening of the festive event, the director of the plant - ______________________!

2. Musical number.

Leading: Thank you for your congratulations!

3. Musical number.

Leading: Railwayman's Day - professional holiday, which recognizes the professional merits of railway transport workers.
Dear friends! Today the Head of Administration __________________________ is present at the celebration. And I invite him to this stage to congratulate him and present him with certificates.

Leading: (after congratulations) We are starting to reward the employees of the ______________________ plant.

To present the Certificate of Honor of the Head of Administration ___________________________ the following are invited to the stage:

Presentation of Certificates of Honor.

Leading: Thank you, ________________.

4. Musical number.

Leading: The director of the plant _______________________ is invited to award the leading production workers.
For high achievements in work and demonstrated initiative in fulfilling production tasks and in connection with Railway Worker's Day, the following are awarded:


Leading: Thank you, ______________________!

Dear factory workers! We congratulate you on your well-deserved awards!
You invest your labor and part of your soul into the working rhythm of the enterprise.
Russian Railways needs your work every moment. Without him it is impossible to imagine the life and work of many, many branches of the Ministry of Railways. So let your factory never stop, and let your labor successes pass on from generation to generation of factory workers!

5. Musical number.

Leading: For many people, the railway is a LIFESTYLE!
For passengers, it’s a queue at the ticket office and the anticipation of something new.
For drivers, this is a control panel and a bag for the road with his wife’s pies.
For the guide, this is a tray with glasses of boiling water, wet laundry, a dustpan and a broom.
For police officers, this means a cap and a whistle, and most importantly, peace and order.
And for factory workers, these are reinforced concrete products and structures, Construction Materials and salary on time.
We continue to reward our plant workers.
And I invite you to the stage to congratulate and present Diplomas on inclusion on the Board of Honor of the chief engineer of the plant _____________________.

Congratulations _________________.

Leading: Diplomas of inclusion on the Board of Honor are awarded to:


Leading: Thank you, __________________.

6. Musical number.

Leading: And I invite you to the stage for congratulations and presentation of Certificates of Honor to the Deputy Director _____________________________.

Congratulations ________________.

Leading: Certificates of honor are awarded to:


Leading: Thank you, _____________________.
The railway, as always,
Alive by people who give care,
And, devoting my life to the road,
They put their soul into that work.

We send our prostration on your holiday,
And gratitude is endless, like the road,
Which is growing every day,
Bringing us closer and closer every year.

7. Musical number.

Leading: _______________________________ is invited to the stage for congratulations and presentation of Certificates of Honor.

Congratulations ______________________.

Veterans of the plant are awarded certificates of honor:


Active participants in sports competitions are awarded certificates of honor:


The following plant employees were awarded certificates of honor:


Leading: Thank you, ________________.
Dear employees of _________________ plant!
Today you received well-deserved rewards for your work. You are the golden fund not only of your enterprise, but of the entire country! Thanks to you, our railways receive everything they need.
Your hard, creative work and supreme skill are worthy of deep respect and gratitude. In any, even the most difficult conditions, factory workers are able to work like no one else.
A low bow to the people who have chosen for their entire lives the difficult, but so necessary for the country, for all of us, profession of a railway worker, devoting their lives to the railway. Our congratulations to you, veterans! Thank you for your experience and wisdom! May your life be as long as an endless journey without a final station.
Well, today, at this hour, we want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish everyone a good mood! Let's forget about work problems for a while on our professional holiday and have a good rest! After all, your business is going great!

8. Musical number.

Leading: Dear visitors of the park “________________”!
We remind you that there is an archery and crossbow shooting range to the right of the stage.
Those who wish can also compete in throwing knives, spears, and axes.
Dear friends! I am sure that for most of those present, the day, as they say, is scheduled to the minute. But finally, moments of rest come. After all, a holiday is good mood, a holiday is pleasant communication, a holiday is life itself, and in life there is always a place for a smile. Smile, please, because the next congratulation is for you.

9. Musical number.

Leading: Today many families came to the park for the holiday. Some of your children will grow up and will definitely come to work at the factory, like dad or mom. And now I would like to address the guys. Are you on vacation now? What do you like to do most on vacation? (children answer)
And, of course, all children love to have fun and play!

Children's play block.

Leading: How are you feeling, friends? (answer).
You know, friends, I often have to travel by train. I remember such an incident. Three people are rushing along the platform, following the departing train. Two make it in time
jump up, the third one stays and starts laughing loudly. I ask him:
- Why are you laughing?
- They saw me off!

And here's another funny incident. Train compartment. Night. Bolt. Frightened passengers ask:
- What's happened?
“It was my shirt that fell,” the guy says.
- Why is it so loud?
- Yes, I didn’t have time to get out of it!

By the way, my friend’s wife is a conductor. So he says it’s just terrible! He has to rock the bed all night.
As soon as you stop, she gets up and locks the toilet...
I see your mood has improved.

Dear friends! Today we congratulate all the workers and all the people contributing to the development of our railways!
The road is iron, but the people on it are golden! I now propose that we all congratulate the railway workers on the holiday!
I will say various wishes for railway workers. And for them to come true, you will definitely have to hold on to objects, clothes of the color that I will name.
To wish great happiness to all railway workers,
I need to hold something green in my hands...
White color- innocence, purity.
Let's stick to white and wish the railway workers well.

So that railway workers are not afraid of difficulties,
Were in a great mood
Don’t be modest, but stick to everything red….

Railway workers have cherished dreams, their dreams are beautiful,
And for them to come true, hold on to everything blue.
So that railway workers are always irresistible and sexy,
Black color is relevant today.

So that the life of railway workers is a holiday,
So that they have a sea of ​​gifts,
Hold on to the yellow, the gold, the bright.

And what they didn’t name, let the railway workers come true even faster!
Let their life be more beautiful and colorful!

10. Musical number.

Leading: There are many stories and anecdotes among railway workers that are not known to the average passenger. As railway workers say when they sit down at the table: “One hundred grams is not a stop valve – if you pull it, it won’t stop.”
I want to tell you an anecdote on the topic. Director shoe factory calls an engineer.
– Why weren’t you at work yesterday?
– Yesterday was a holiday, Railwayman’s Day.
– But what do you have to do with the railway?
- My last name is Shlagbaum.

It is interesting that only those with excellent health, a high level of responsibility and attention are accepted into the railway. Although it is humor that saves us in many peak situations.
I am sure that you will like the next issue, because there is enough humor in it for everyone!

11. Musical number.

Active with spectators “Master class on BALLON CHEATING”
Interactive "Solar Train".


Leading: On this cheerful wave we end our holiday program. We wish you:
My mood is as cloudless as the sky!
Love - hot like the summer sun!
Salaries are as big as a deep river!
And new labor successes!
Once again, happy professional holiday!
Happy Railwayman's Day!

Scenario of musical entertainment “Railroadman’s Day”

Target: to instill in children respect for the railway professions and a sense of pride in Russian Railways.
Tasks: induce an emotionally positive attitude towards entertainment, develop Creative skills. Develop early career guidance in choosing railway professions.
Today we welcome dear guests,
We dressed up beautiful, it was barely light.
Congratulations to all railway workers,
And we send from all the children:
Children: Hello!
Children read poetry:
1st child:
Who will answer why?
Is everything around so beautiful?
And where we don’t look -
On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend.
The sonorous songs sound very fun today!
Celebrates Railwayman's Day kindergarten!
2nd child:
Happy Railwayman's Day
Our favorite kindergarten,
We wish you happiness and joy
For guests and for the guys!

Leading: May this day be joyful
Poems sound and songs flow
May you be with us in the festive round dance
All the guests dance and laugh.

Round dance “The holiday has come to us”

-The profession of a railway worker is interesting, necessary and honorable. Many children dream of working on the railway in the future. Arseny, for example, wants to become a machinist.

Poem "I'll be a driver"

Antoshka wants to be a doctor
Valerka is a hockey player,
And I decided a long time ago
That I will be a driver.

I will drive trains
I can do the job.
Transporting people all over the country
Sit down if you want.

My train will rush along, only smoke
Melts in a clean field.
You'll envy me
Doctors and football players!

I'm not even six yet,
But I'm in a hurry to grow quickly.
The days will pass unnoticed -
Kindergarten, school, college...
Just wait a little
favorite road!

Trains take us from station to station
Through the window of the carriage, all of Russia is visible.
Rivers, groves, villages, cities flash by.
The forests, fields are spacious and there are herds in the meadows.
The wheels are knocking merrily, they are in a hurry, they are running
It’s as if they are singing a funny song with us.

Guys, let's take a train ride with you?
But before we set off on our journey, you guys must solve riddles
I entered a gray house
But I didn’t stay in it for long,
This house turned out to be
Quickly in another city.

Four brothers
They are catching up with each other
But they can’t catch up
The thread stretches
But you can’t wrap it in a ball
Iron huts
Holding on to each other
He stands on the tracks
On one leg
And bright eyes
Winks at me

Some on rails, on tracks
Are trains coming to us?
Leading: And now guys, let's hit the road, let's close our eyes and... find ourselves at the magic train station. The children open their eyes: the conductor is in front of them.
(station music sounds)
Conductor: Hello my dear passengers! We are glad to see you on the platform, from which our train will depart in a few minutes. What do we need to get on the train? Right! Ticket!
Leading: Let's take a train ticket with you guys. And we will get it for the poems that you know about the railway.
Children read poetry:
1st child:
Lots of threads
Live silvers
Unwound its balls,
To take us by rail
Trains ran day and night.

2nd child:
There is no more reliable road than the railway,
Any child knows this
If these are “Russian roads”,
The road has a steel character.

3rd child:
In our difficult times - work,
Don't fall behind and don't go astray,
After all, not everyone can do this -
Diesel locomotives are transported on rails.

4th child:
Russian Railways are ringing violins
In the huge orchestra of the country,
And every person without error
These sounds will be heard in the distance.
(praises the children, hands out tickets and asks them to take their seats)
Conductor: And to make our ride more fun, let’s sing a song.
Song "Electric train" lyrics. Vidisheva M.M. (to the music. “Ah, Samara is a town!”)
Children sing while sitting on chairs, swaying to the beat of the music, like passengers on a train.

1. It’s not a bird, it’s not a bird
Sings this song.
This is our train
It's gaining full speed.

The carriages are crowded
It's just nothing
Sing along to our song
Diesel horns.

2. And birches are like sisters
Freezing on a hillock
They wave, they wave at the train
Early in the morning at dawn.

Conductor: Attention attention! Our train makes a stop at a beautiful forest clearing. The train stops for 15 minutes. Children, get out of the carriages.
Leading: Children, now let's play with you.
Outdoor game "STEAM LOT"
Purpose of the game: to develop dexterity, physical strength and endurance.
Materials needed for the game: a rope to indicate the start (finish) line, flags on a stand or other objects to indicate the turn point.
Progress of the game
All players are divided into 2 teams. At the signal, the first player runs, runs around the flag and comes back. At the start, the next player clings to him, putting his hands on his waist, and they run the same distance together. Then at the start a third player joins them and everything repeats all over again. The action is repeated until all team members run the distance, clinging to the train. The team that returns to the start first wins. The longer the trains are, the more fun the game will be.
The heroes of the holiday ensure that the rules of the game are followed.
Conductor: Attention, attention! Citizens passengers! There are 3 minutes left before the train departs. Please take your seats.

Our train rushed on
Coppices are cities.
Let's sing ditties now.
Children, are you all ready?
Children: Yes!
1. Engine drivers love songs
We are not lagging behind them.
Our children's ditties
We will sing to you from the bottom of our hearts.
2. There is a lot of cargo on the platforms:
Coal, timber, metal, ore.
Everything needs to be delivered urgently
To our villages and cities.
3. Sitting at the computer
Red maiden.
Issues tickets to everyone
All the way abroad
4. The driver is young,
His name is Andryusha.
Like a whistle blowing,
Pawns ears.
5. About the railway
You can sing until the evening
Yes, we have such a problem -
We have nothing more to sing
Conductor: Attention, attention! Our train makes a stop at the postal station. The train stops for 15 minutes. Children, get out of the carriages.
Leading: Guys, what kind of trains are there? passenger, postal and luggage, cargo. What do mail and baggage trains carry?
Relay "Mail Train"
Whose team will deliver the “package” faster?
Conductor: oh guys, we have an emergency, the train whistle has disappeared, how can you and I travel without it? How will we signal the train and call passengers? (Music “Song Shapoklyak” by E. Uspensky, music by V. Shainsky)
(Shapoklyak comes in importantly to the music)

Shapoklyak- What's going on here? Why the gathering?
Holiday? So are you congratulating me?
Well done, right! Give us gifts quickly! Where are they? Why don't I see?
Leading- Guys, did you find out who it is? (Shapoklyak)
-We have no gifts for you. After all, today is not your holiday
Shapoklyak- Ah well! If you don’t want to give gifts, then I will disturb you and disrupt your performance! And I won’t give you the buzzer (teasingly)
Leading- So it was you who caused the mischief? Give us back the little engine, we're having a holiday
Shapoklyak- But I won’t return it! But I won’t return it! But I won’t return it! (sticks out tongue) - Without a signal, he won’t be able to go. Ha-ha!
Leading- And then we won’t sing your favorite song to you!
Shapoklyak- " Blue carriage?"
Leading- Yes.
Shapoklyak- Okay, so be it, sing, and then I’ll return your beep.
Leading- No, really, first you return our horn, and then we will sing for you!
Shapoklyak- Okay, so be it
Shapoklyak (interrupting) - That’s it, I returned it to you, sing my favorite song faster.
Leading-Are you still going to be mischievous?
Shapoklyak - Of course not!
(Song “Blue Car” by E. Uspensky, music by V. Shainsky, performed by children)
Shapoklyak- Thank you, thank you! You touched me with your singing! Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka gave you gifts, but I didn’t want to give them to you, but after my favorite song I became kind! Well, that's it, bye! Great things await me! I'll go to Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka.
(gives gifts and leaves)
The buzzer sounds.
Conductor: Attention attention! Citizens passengers! Our journey ends and we return to our home kindergarten. Passengers are asked not to forget their belongings in the carriage.
(children leave the playground like a train)

1. Stashkova T.N., Sheboldina L.N. program “We are future railway workers” M. Publishing house “Gnom i D”, 2007
2. Blokhina E.V., Yakunina T.V. program “Railway traditions in the education of preschool children”
3. Internet resources used

Railwayman's Day is a holiday of people who are related to the main transport artery connecting the cities. According to tradition, they prepare for the holiday special events, which are not complete without fun competitions, games, quizzes and fun competitions between railway workers and everyone who wants to share this day with them.

Fun Train

This is a game whose rules are simple and understandable to everyone.
1. Participants place their hands on the waist of the player who is standing in front of them, lining up in a chain.
2. The first player blows a whistle to call for movement.
3. The first one moves quickly and unpredictably, trying to get around obstacles.
4. Other participants do not release their hands, trying to maintain their chain composition.
The game is truly fun if the players shout “Too-too” along the way. Those remaining in the chain are the winners.
The spirit of competition is brought into this game by dividing the guests into two teams. The one whose train will be longer at the end of the competition will win.

Catch the stowaway!

Enough space is allocated for the game so that participants can maneuver freely. From 4 to 6 players can take part. All but one, who acts as a free rider, are blindfolded. The leader gives a signal, after which the pursuit of the offender begins. This game is just as fun to watch as it is to participate in it. Players will have to not only catch the stowaway blindly, but also determine by touch that the one they were looking for was caught.

Go through the tunnel

Guests are divided into two teams, with several chairs placed in front of each. The presenter gives a signal, after which the first members of the opposing teams run to the chairs, lie on the floor and try to crawl under the obstacles. After successfully completing the “tunnel,” they return to the team and pass the baton to another. The team that completes the tunnel the fastest will win. In order not to upset those guests who, due to their build, cannot crawl under a chair, they alternatively use a rope (it is pulled at a certain height).

Assemble your squad

The game involves two teams with an equal number of players. Each person is provided with the same number of chairs. Rules of the game.
1. Team players simultaneously run with a chair in their hands to the finish line, place it at a certain (pre-marked) point, and return to the team.
2. The next ones run with chairs to the finish line, leaving them behind the previous ones placed earlier.
3. When all the players arrange their chairs like a train, the first one runs to his chair, sits on it and shouts: “The train is leaving!” These words are a signal for other team players who need to quickly run to the chairs and sit on them.
The team that completes this task faster wins.

All for the sake of passenger comfort

A great game for ladies who can try their hand at being conductors of an unusual train. Each of the two teams has five girls.
A capricious passenger awaits them, who needs to be served to make the journey comfortable.
1. The task of the first conductor is to arrange the chairs in a row and put the passenger to sleep.
2. The second conductor’s task is to bring a pillow to the passenger.
3. The task of the third conductor is to cover with a blanket.
4. Task four: bring tea and give him something to drink.
5. Task five: wake up the passenger.
The group of guides that does everything faster wins.
There is another version of the conductor competition. For this you will need to select two players. Each conductor faces a difficult task - to please the passenger who is either cold or hot, or the tea is unsweetened, or the pillow is not soft enough. An inventive holiday guest is pre-selected as a passenger. Just for fun, you can take several passengers, whom the “conductors” will try to please in everything at the same time. Physical endurance, moral endurance, tact and willpower are assessed to determine the winner.

Bring the tea

First, using improvised objects, they build a “car corridor”, making it narrow. It differs from the usual one in its tortuosity. At the end of the “corridor” the conductors are waiting for a passenger who can’t wait to warm up with tea. The task of the participants, acting as conductors, is to bring tea to the passenger, overcoming a difficult path, spilling a minimum of liquid. To ensure that the competition is not dangerous, cups of iced tea (another drink) are given to the players. The winner is a dexterous and fast guide.

Drag the composition

Many people are familiar with the tug-of-war competition. On the day of the railway worker, the game can be jokingly called “pulling the train.” Teams, after the leader’s signal, pull the “composition” towards them. The winner is the one who has enough strength to win the “composition” to his side (beyond the previously designated line).

Railway song competition

Not enough music at the party? Use a simple competition that vocal connoisseurs will appreciate. The participants' task is to remember more songs that mention railway themes. It is important not to remember the song, but also to sing a few lines. Vivid examples of such compositions are “The Train is Rushing”, “She Ran Away from Me Again”, “The Conductor”, “Wait, Locomotive”.

Railway Literary Competition

A competition that tests the memory of railway workers. It is enough to invite several participants of the festive event, whose task is to name more masterpieces of the literary world, where there would be a mention of the railway theme. Believe me, besides “Anna Karenina” you can name many more works. Among them are “Henry”, “Moscow-Petushki”, “Intruders”.

Checking your knowledge of the rules

Railway instructions are prepared in advance. The competition is musical, so they choose a soundtrack (preferably songs that are well known to everyone). The players' task.
1. Read the instructions.
2. Get acquainted with the proposed melody.
3. Try to sing the instructions to the music, modifying them, choosing a rhyme, but leaving the meaning.
The winner is chosen by voting. The losers are given consolation prizes.

Build a railroad

The game involves two teams, each of them will have to build their own “railroad”. Use personal items. Belts, ties, shawls, scarves, etc. can be used. The game will amuse those present. Those who are hungry to win will sacrifice anything for the sake of the “railroad”.

What ticket do you have?

You cannot get on the train without a ticket. In this competition, participants guess what tickets the passengers on their train have. The team that guesses the type of ticket faster wins.
1. Such a ticket notifies about a future event, a specific event (the answer is an invitation).
2. It is purchased for the use of public transport, its validity is one month (answer - travel card).
3. It is needed in order to see the performance of an idol, a star (the answer is a concert ticket).
4. It will allow you to participate in a prize draw (the answer is a lottery ticket).
5. It is used to test knowledge (the answer is an exam ticket).
6. The one that everyone has, but wants more (the answer is banking).
If the festive event in honor of Railwayman's Day is coming to an end, but the guests want to have fun, simple universal competitions are also used.

Agility competition

Oh, how many tasks and responsibilities the secretaries working on the railway have. Don't believe me? Try to take on such a role. For the competition in advance:
prepare simple cardboard folders with ties;
The folders are laid out in a stack.
The essence of the competition
1. At the player’s signal, the folders are tied.
2. You need to tie it strictly following this rule: the bottom tie of one folder is connected to the top tie of the second, etc.
The winner is the one who completes the task, without making mistakes, the fastest.

Whose train is faster

A modified competition familiar to many. For it you will need two toy trains; they are tied to pencils with a thread. The players' task is to wind the thread faster (using a pencil) so that the train reaches the finish line. The winner gets his "high speed train".

Who will escape from the evil train boss faster?

Avoiding falling into the hands of the evil train boss is not as easy as it seems. Players will have to run, or rather, jump in bags. To escape, participants need to move faster. The first three players to escape from the boss at the finish line receive prizes; the rest are left to sympathize with.
The festive event ends with the distribution of awards. Issue medals or certificates according to nominations.
1. The most dexterous and attentive guide.
2. Best voice of the cast.
3. Fleet-footed railway worker.
4. Strong railway worker.
5. Inventive railway worker.
6. The most active participant.
Railwayman's Day is a holiday that can be made unforgettable by turning to proven competitions, quizzes and games. They will not allow guests to get bored and sit still. Even those people who prefer to watch the fun from the sidelines, avoiding active participation in competitions, enjoy an exciting scenario.

According to established tradition, Railwayman's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in August. The proposed scenario is designed for holding a holiday in a semi-formal setting. The room can be decorated with garlands of balloons and humorous drawings on a professional theme. Before introductory remarks Toastmasters, while the guests are seated at the table, the phonogram of the song “Blue Car” sounds.
Toastmaster: Good evening, Dear friends! On behalf of all passengers and consignees, I congratulate you on your wonderful holiday, which has been celebrated in Russia for more than half a century. Our evening is attended by very dear guests - labor veterans and senior employees. Let's welcome them.
(The guests of honor stand up and are given gifts or flowers.)
Toastmaster: A low bow to the people who have chosen for their entire lives the difficult, but so necessary for the country, for all of us, profession of a railway worker, devoting their lives to the railway. And my first toast is to you, veterans, for your experience and wisdom! And for your life to be as long as an endless journey without a final station.

(After the toast, everyone chats to the song “The Iron Road Stretches Like a Thread.”)
Toastmaster: Young people are also present at our celebration. Do you want to compete with the experienced and wise? Please, two men each from veterans and young people. So, are the first pair ready? Here is a competition task for you: you all know that while the train is moving, the driver and assistant are prohibited from talking. You are a driver and assistant, and you urgently need to discuss the topic of yesterday's football match. You speak with gestures, I try to translate into human language, and you make it clear whether I translated correctly or not.
(Participants perform a pantomime, music plays.) Toastmaster: Please sit down, thank you. Next couple! (Two members of the second team come out, and they are asked to use gestures and facial expressions to explain the topic of the current family scandal. Then the toastmaster calls both couples, announces the winners and presents symbolic prizes.)
Toastmaster: Actually, friendship won. I want to raise a glass to the experience of veterans and to the strength and energy of the young!
(Everyone supports the toast, drinks, has a snack. A dance break follows.)
Toastmaster (while he reads out a comically issued order for the Ministry of Railways, fanfare sounds): Railway workers taking part in today's holiday should be equipped with signal whistles for the period of the feast to signal the approach of a train and to stop it, if necessary. Order No. 789 of August 2, 200.
(Men and women or representatives of different generations compete in this competition. Everyone is given simple whistles with small numbers stuck on; the numbers are duplicated: both the lady and the gentleman must have each of them.)

Toastmaster: Well, let's see who has stronger lungs - the ladies or the gentlemen? Who will warn the railway workers louder about the train from Romashkov? The cavaliers are first. Now ladies! (If the quantitative ratio of men and women is approximately the same, then a competition is held between them; if not, between generations.)
Toastmaster: Well, of course, and here the ladies come first! Champagne for the fair sex! For our beautiful ladies!
(After this toast, a half-hour dance marathon is announced.)
Toastmaster: So, we warmed up well in dancing. But what is a traveler without a song! I am announcing the next competition. Who can name the most songs that talk about the railroad?
(Participants call songs from their seats; during pauses, the toastmaster prompts, humming the tune:
“He left on the night train...”;
"Purple Haze";
"Do not be sad...";
“Wait, locomotive...”;
“The train is rushing...”;
"Blue carriage";
“She ran away from me again...”;
"Red Arrow".
Next, everyone is given the words of the remade song “Confession of a Dispatcher” to the tune of the song “Wait, Locomotive”, everyone sings to the soundtrack “minus”.)
Wait, locomotive, don't knock the wheels,
Conductor, apply the brakes.
To my native boss I’m back on the carpet
I walk with my eyes downcast.
Forgive me, boss, my careless son,
What the speedy one drove onto the seventh path,

The postal service stood idle for three days,
Someone else's freight train was at the depot.
I myself don’t understand how this happened,
Pressed the forbidden button -
And instead of instructions on card bribes
He gave advice to the entire station.
I will definitely improve, and on schedule
The trains will run just like that,
These are just the signals, the colors of the traffic lights
I need to study a little. Toastmaster: I propose a toast to the most vocal employee, to the best performer of the song. I award you the title “Best Railway Voice”! (Hangs a pre-prepared medal around the neck of the “best voice”. Everyone supports the toast.)
Toastmaster: At the request of the men, I announce a white dance. (The song “Lilac Fog” is played. The most exotic couple is awarded a gift - a box of chocolates, chocolate and is declared a “sweet couple.”)
Toastmaster: A railway employee must have quick reaction and intelligence. So now let’s check who we trust with our time, and sometimes with our destiny. Question: what time will the train arrive from Samara to Saratov if it left at midnight local time and was on the road for 12 hours? In Saratov, Moscow time.
(The correct answer is at 13.00, since the difference between the zones is 1 hour. The toastmaster hangs the medal “The Smartest Railway Worker” on the neck of the first person to answer and makes a toast to him.)
Toastmaster: Well, now that our holiday is in full swing and many toasts have been made, the time has come to test the professionalism of our ladies. A competition is announced for the best conductor.
(The song of the Time Machine group “Conductor” is played. The first part of the competition is to put the riotous passengers to bed as quickly as possible. 3-4 people are invited to help. Composure, tact, will and physical strength are assessed. The second part of the competition is Whoever gives the passengers tea faster: it needs to be prepared, poured, distributed. The winner is awarded the medal “The Best Conductor”. A toast is made for her. Then a dance marathon is announced.)
Toastmaster: Dear friends! I think it's time to take stock creative competition.
(Participants in the competition are divided into two groups. In advance or at the beginning of the evening, they are given any railway instructions that need to be set to a well-known melody, preferably in rhyme. After performing the numbers, the winning team is awarded a symbolic prize. The toastmaster makes a toast in its honor, after which everything is They spend time talking at the table. Then a dance break is announced.)
Toastmaster: Well, let’s dance from the heart. And now -new competition, in which our lovely railway fairies will again take part. This time we have to choose the best announcer among them. A prerequisite is to remain as serious as possible, even if the proposed narration is funny.
(Samples of announcers:
1. Dear passengers and guests of our city! If travel or vacation money is burning your pocket, the station market, where professional pickpockets operate, is at your service. In the central part of the station you can have fun at the cockroach races. There is a network of slot machines on the station square. Here, for just a few rubles, a ventriloquist will predict in which direction from our station you should seek your happiness. Bon Voyage!
2. Attention! Train No. 189 “Moscow - Tmutarakan” arrives on the third track. Cars are numbered from the middle of the train. Cars 1, 4, 13 and 19 will be located at the head of the train. Cars 2, 3, 21 and 22 will be located in different places on the train. Cars 5, 9 and 10 are generally unknown where they will be located.
3. Attention! Train No. 189 arrives on track nine. Passengers! Train No. 189 departs from track five. Those who did not board in time, please return your tickets.
(The toastmaster presents the “Most Stylish Announcer” medal and makes a toast in honor of the winner. Then a dance break is announced.)
Toastmaster: And this last bottle of champagne will go to the last one to name a literary work that mentions the railway.
(Answer options: “Anna Karenina”, “Railway”, “Moscow - Petushki”, “Intruder”, “Henry”. The toastmaster awards the winner with the medal “The Most Erudite Railway Worker” and makes a toast in his honor. After a dance break, the toastmaster announces the last competition - who can drive the locomotive into the depot the fastest. Men take part in it. A bottle of water is tied to the belt of each of them, with its help the men must drive a toy carriage or car under a chair. The winner invites the lady to dance.)
Toastmaster: Well, friends, I want to say the last toast in your honor. I drink to you. After all, it is thanks to you that we get to different cities. Thanks to you, we meet new friends, we can travel and spend our holidays wherever we want. Thanks to you, in just one day we find ourselves in a different climate zone, and in two days - in another part of the world. For you, dears!
(The song “Blue Car” plays again.)

Scenario Railwayman's Day

According to established tradition Railwayman's Day celebrated on the first Sunday in August. Proposed scenario designed for celebration in a semi-formal setting. The room can be decorated with garlands of balloons and humorous drawings on a professional theme. Before the opening speech of the toastmaster, while the guests are seated at the table, the soundtrack of the song “Blue Car” is played.

Toastmaster: Good evening, dear friends! On behalf of all passengers and consignees, I congratulate you on your wonderful holiday, which has been celebrated in Russia for more than half a century. Our evening is attended by very dear guests - labor veterans and senior employees. Let's welcome them.
(The guests of honor stand up and are given gifts or flowers.)

Toastmaster: A low bow to the people who have chosen for their entire lives the difficult, but so necessary for the country, for all of us, profession of a railway worker, devoting their lives to the railway. And my first toast is to you, veterans, for your experience and wisdom! And for your life to be as long as an endless journey without a final station.

(After the toast, everyone chats to the song “The Iron Road Stretches Like a Thread.”)

Toastmaster: Young people are also present at our celebration. Do you want to compete with the experienced and wise? Please, two men each from veterans and young people. So, are the first pair ready? Here is a competition task for you: you all know that while the train is moving, the driver and assistant are prohibited from talking. You are a driver and assistant, and you urgently need to discuss the topic of yesterday's football match. You speak with gestures, I try to translate into human language, and you make it clear whether I translated correctly or not.
(Participants perform a pantomime, music plays.) Toastmaster: Please sit down, thank you. Next couple! (Two members of the second team come out, and they are asked to use gestures and facial expressions to explain the topic of the current family scandal. Then the toastmaster calls both couples, announces the winners and presents symbolic prizes.)

Toastmaster: Actually, friendship won. I want to raise a glass to the experience of veterans and to the strength and energy of the young!
(Everyone supports the toast, drinks, has a snack. A dance break follows.)
Toastmaster (while he reads out a comically issued order for the Ministry of Railways, fanfare sounds): Railway workers taking part in today's holiday should be equipped with signal whistles for the period of the feast to signal the approach of a train and to stop it, if necessary. Order No. 789 dated August 2, 20__.
(Men and women or representatives of different generations compete in this competition. Everyone is given simple whistles with small numbers stuck on; the numbers are duplicated: both the lady and the gentleman must have each of them.)

Toastmaster: Well, let's see who has stronger lungs - the ladies or the gentlemen? Who will warn the railway workers louder about the train from Romashkov? The cavaliers are first. Now ladies! (If the quantitative ratio of men and women is approximately the same, then a competition is held between them; if not, between generations.)
Toastmaster: Well, of course, and here the ladies come first! Champagne for the fair sex! For our beautiful ladies!
(After this toast, a half-hour dance marathon is announced.)
Toastmaster: So, we warmed up well in dancing. But what is a traveler without a song! I am announcing the next competition. Who can name the most songs that talk about the railroad?
(Participants call songs from their seats; during pauses, the toastmaster prompts, humming the tune:
“He left on the night train...”;
"Purple Haze";
"Do not be sad...";
“Wait, locomotive...”;
“The train is rushing...”;
"Blue carriage";
“She ran away from me again...”;
"Red Arrow".
Next, everyone is given the words of the remade song “Confession of a Dispatcher” to the tune of the song “Wait, Locomotive”, everyone sings to the soundtrack “minus”.)
Wait, locomotive, don't knock the wheels,
Conductor, apply the brakes.
To my native boss I’m back on the carpet
I walk with my eyes downcast.
Forgive me, boss, my careless son,
What the speedy one drove onto the seventh path,

The postal service stood idle for three days,
Someone else's freight train was at the depot.
I myself don’t understand how this happened,
Pressed the forbidden button -
And instead of instructions on card bribes
He gave advice to the entire station.
I will definitely improve, and on schedule
The trains will run just like that,
These are just the signals, the colors of the traffic lights
I need to study a little. Toastmaster: I propose a toast to the most vocal employee, to the best performer of the song. I award you the title “Best Railway Voice”! (Hangs a pre-prepared medal around the neck of the “best voice”. Everyone supports the toast.)
Toastmaster: At the request of the men, I announce a white dance. (The song “Lilac Fog” is played. The most exotic couple is awarded a gift - a box of chocolates, chocolate and is declared a “sweet couple.”)
Toastmaster: A railway employee must have quick reaction and intelligence. So now let’s check who we trust with our time, and sometimes with our destiny. Question: what time will the train arrive from Samara to Saratov if it left at midnight local time and was on the road for 12 hours? In Saratov, Moscow time.
(The correct answer is at 13.00, since the difference between the zones is 1 hour. The toastmaster hangs the medal “The Smartest Railway Worker” on the neck of the first person to answer and makes a toast to him.)
Toastmaster: Well, now that our holiday is in full swing and many toasts have been made, the time has come to test the professionalism of our ladies. A competition is announced for the best conductor.
(The song of the group “Time Machine” “Provodnitsa” sounds. copyright - http://site The first part of the competition is to put the riotous passengers to bed as quickly as possible. 3-4 people are invited to help. Self-control, tact, will and physical strength. The second part of the competition is who can give tea to passengers faster: it needs to be prepared, poured, distributed. The winner is awarded the medal “The Best Conductor”. A toast is made for her. Then a dance marathon is announced.)
Toastmaster: Dear friends! I think it's time to sum up the results of the creative competition.
(Participants in the competition are divided into two groups. In advance or at the beginning of the evening, they are given any railway instructions that need to be set to a well-known melody, preferably in rhyme. After performing the numbers, the winning team is awarded a symbolic prize. The toastmaster makes a toast in its honor, after which everything is They spend time talking at the table. Then a dance break is announced.)
Toastmaster: Well, let’s dance from the heart. And now there is a new competition in which our lovely railway fairies will again take part. This time we have to choose the best announcer among them. A prerequisite is to remain as serious as possible, even if the proposed narration is funny.
(Samples of announcers:
1. Dear passengers and guests of our city! If travel or vacation money is burning your pocket, the station market, where professional pickpockets operate, is at your service. In the central part of the station you can have fun at the cockroach races. There is a network of slot machines on the station square. Here, for just a few rubles, a ventriloquist will predict in which direction from our station you should seek your happiness. Bon Voyage!
2. Attention! Train No. 189 “Moscow - Tmutarakan” arrives on the third track. Cars are numbered from the middle of the train. Cars 1, 4, 13 and 19 will be located at the head of the train. Cars 2, 3, 21 and 22 will be located in different places on the train. Cars 5, 9 and 10 are generally unknown where they will be located.
3. Attention! Train No. 189 arrives on track nine. Passengers! Train No. 189 departs from track five. Those who did not board in time, please return your tickets.
(The toastmaster presents the “Most Stylish Announcer” medal and makes a toast in honor of the winner. Then a dance break is announced.)
Toastmaster: And this last bottle of champagne will go to the last one to name a literary work that mentions the railway.
(Answer options: “Anna Karenina”, “Railway”, “Moscow - Petushki”, “Intruder”, “Henry”. The toastmaster awards the winner with the medal “The Most Erudite Railway Worker” and makes a toast in his honor. After a dance break, the toastmaster announces the last competition - who can drive the locomotive into the depot the fastest. Men take part in it. A bottle of water is tied to the belt of each of them, with its help the men must drive a toy carriage or car under a chair. The winner invites the lady to dance.)
Toastmaster: Well, friends, I want to say the last toast in your honor. I drink to you. After all, it is thanks to you that we get to different cities. Thanks to you, we meet new friends, we can travel and spend our holidays wherever we want. Thanks to you, in just one day we find ourselves in a different climate zone, and in two days - in another part of the world. For you, dears!
(The song “Blue Car” plays again.)