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Entertainment scenario “Christmas games. Christmas holiday script material on the topic Children's Christmas scripts with games

Scenario for a children's Christmas party "The Light of Christmas" for children 5-10 years old

Antsiferova Olga Vasilievna, teacher of the highest quarter. category, MKDOU kindergarten 17, Revda city, Sverdlovsk region.
The script for the Christmas holiday for children aged 4 – 10 years old describes in detail a theatrical musical performance revealing the events of Christmas, presents a game program for children that answers the question “What should I give to the birthday boy on Christmas?”, and also the appendix presents the phonogram of the skit, the phonogram of a children's disco . This development will be of interest to those who organize holidays and entertainment for children, as well as directors of theater groups, Sunday school teachers, etc.

Target: involve preschool and junior children school age to spiritual and moral values, through introducing them to the events of history - the Nativity of Christ.
1. To develop educational interest in the history of one of the holidays - the Nativity of Christ, through a theatrical production.
2. Foster a desire for kindness, love for one’s neighbor, hard work, obedience, and politeness.
3. Develop the skills of friendly communication, attention, patience, diligence, and contribute to the development of a feeling of joyful anticipation of the holiday. Develop a feeling of joy in connection with this event.
Required materials: costumes - Mary, Joseph, 3-4 shepherds, 3 wise men, 2 stars, angel Gabriel, angel girl, 3-4 extras; decoration of the hall - a large star, a veil of three colors (white, light blue, dark blue), a nativity scene, a manger, animals (sheep, donkey, etc.); materials for game program– a large box-suit “Gift”, the words “kindness and love”, “obedience”, “hard work”, “joy”, cardboard hearts as a gift, on which the same words are written, prizes for games and competitions, 3 newspaper baskets balls, 2 large balls; phonogram of the theatrical production "The Light of Christmas", children's disco, gifts for children, bells, masks.
Celebration progress:
The costumed heroes of the play greet guests and invitees and wish them a Merry Christmas. In the hall, two animators get to know the children and play small games for getting to know each other and liberation, such as “The wind blows on this, that ...”, “Molecules”, “Hippodrome”, “We came to the theater”, etc.

Presenter 3: Good evening, Dear guests! Boys and girls! We are glad to celebrate with you one of the brightest holidays - Christmas. The old word "Christmas" means "birth." Whose birth are we celebrating? Who was born on this day? To the sound of bells we begin this fun party... (To the music of the bells, artists with bells in their hands come out across the entire hall)
Happy bright Christmas,
What is already knocking on the house!
Open the doors wider
On this day we say
About the birth of Christ.
On this day they cannot be silent
Our children's lips.
And hearts want to praise,
Without stopping for a moment.
Glorify God with us!
Don't be silent - He is great.
(The star girls collect bells and the musical Christmas production “The Light of Christmas” begins, soundtrack)
Beginning: Dance of the Dolls. (Performers five people).
Dialogue between mother and daughter.
Daughter. Mom, there is snow all around, winter, beauty everywhere.
And everything in the shop windows is beautifully decorated.
Like waiting for a miracle, a secret meeting awaits.
They say about Christmas. Mom, tell me everything.
Who is Jesus Christ? The One who brought us the holiday.
Tell me, please, I want to know about it. (2 times)

Mother. You are my baby daughter, on this fabulous night
I'll tell you everything about the great Christmas.
This mystery is great. God put it in our hearts
This sacred holiday is celebrated throughout the Universe.
Sit more comfortably in a chair. I will narrate. (2 times)

Maria comes out, sits down and embroiders on a hoop...

Mother. The sixth month had already passed, and the angel Gabriel was sent.
God sent him to Nazareth to tell Mary.

It turns out that Archangel Gabriel...

Angel Gabriel: Mary, most pure virgin, do not be afraid and reveal the good news.
I was sent from God to tell you that you have received grace from Him.
A great one will be born in your womb, great glory will be upon Him.
The child will be called Jesus forever, and He will be clothed with the strength of the Lord.

Maria: But how can this happen to me?
After all, I don’t know my husband, I’m still a girl.

Angel Gabriel: Listen to me, I answer you: you will be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit in your sleep.
And the power of the Most High will be with you, and you will bring the Son of God into the world.
To your dear relatives, Elizabeth, the one who was considered barren in the world,
In his old age, the Lord gave him a son and showed him great power in glory.

Maria: Let it be done to me according to your word; I want to be obedient to the Lord.
Servant of the Lord forever. May your words come true.

Joseph appears at his mother’s words and together with Mary they go to Bethlehem...
- Stars and angels come out and dance...

Mother: Maria and her husband began to get ready to register in Bethlehem.
There was a census of people there, Maria and her husband went there.
And on the way, the time came for her to give birth. Maria and her husband looked for a house for a long time,
Where I could be relieved of the burden. The road led them to the hotel.
There was no room for them in the hotel. The baby had to be born in a barn.
And she wrapped her Son in swaddling clothes. And it filled her with joy.
She took the baby in her arms and named Him Jesus.

At this time, the shepherds come out, sit around the fire, warm themselves
Mother: And in that country there were shepherds in the field. During the night watch the herd was guarded.
Their fires quickly burn out, and the shepherds rest here.
In the coolness of the wind, the darkness of the night, where everything is enveloped in beauty,
Where a scattering of stars twinkles marvelously, only a herd of them grazes peacefully.

A bright light is lit, angels appear and proclaim gladness. news.(3 angels)
Mother: But suddenly everything was illuminated with light, and the glory of the Lord appeared.
And the angel stood before them, and fear fell on the shepherds.
An angel and a few others are dancing nearby...

Angel: Get up from your knees, don't be afraid of me.
Great joy came to the people.
Today the Savior Jesus Christ has been born. He brought salvation to people on earth.
Here, I will show you a sign on how to find it. You must come to the city of David.
You will find a baby, he is lying in a stable.
The one worthy of all glory will sit on the throne.

Dance of the shepherds...
Shepherds: Let us go to the Child in Bethlehem, as the angel spoke of Him.
Let's see what happened there, what the Lord told us about.
God will not leave us on the way, he will show us where to go.
We want to know about the miracle and will tell everyone about it.
Get up quickly and let’s go, we’ll sing to God on the way
We will glorify the Lord with a song about the power of His wonderful works.
We will exalt You forever and ever.
Forever and ever, my God, my king. 4 times.

The shepherds sit on the right side of the nativity scene and wait for the words of their mother’s song
Stars come out with lanterns, Dance of the stars...
Mother: My baby, you are not sleeping yet.
Then listen, what happened next.
The baby was found by shepherds.
And they all bowed low.

Shepherds bow to the infant Christ...

Mother: Let's not tell everyone everything
About what they themselves saw.
And all the people marveled at the miracle
and glorified God everywhere.
And then it went like this:
Magi from the east emerge from behind the stage, following a star.
Mother: The star was taken as a sign
Wise Magi from the East,
They followed her for a long time.
And suddenly the star stood in place,
Where was the baby and mother together?
And the wise men entered their house
And they brought glory to God.

They present gifts and bow...

Mother: The baby grew and became stronger
And filled with wisdom from God.
And God's grace was upon Him.
And the angel rejoiced in the sky.

Daughter: Oh, mom, I saw this too,
When I imagined everything in my dreams.
Heroes suddenly appeared to me.
Everything is like in life, not in a dream.
Now I know why
We celebrate Christmas.
Christ was born on this day
And he brought us salvation.

Spinning, jumping, rejoicing with mom...

Daughter: Let's celebrate quickly, mom.
And glorify God on this holiday!
Hallelujah! Happy holiday!

The song Aleluya sounds...

All participants go on stage and kneel around the Infant Christ, stretching out their hands to Him... A star shines above everyone with a flashlight...

Presenter 1: I liked the show so much, I learned what Christmas is!
Presenter 2: Turns out it's someone's birthday? Whose? Riddles for children:
We celebrate this great Triumph, the Holiday is called Christ... (Christmas)
An angel of God came from God to the virgin... (Gabriel)
An angel brought news to Mary that she would be born...(Christ)
Where our Savior was born - You all know the place. Well, just name it. This is the city...(Bethlehem)
In the cave, in the manger, lying on the hay, you will see the Saint... (baby)
Joseph was obedient, I’m not afraid to say, He named the baby God... (Jesus)
Who was not happy about the Baby? Soldiers were sent to beat the children. A godless king ruled the world. It was cruel... (Herod)
They were the first to find Him in the cave...(the shepherds)
In joy they prayed to God And the shepherds bowed low to Christ... (bowed)
The Magi came to the Baby for his birthday. Did you bring money as a gift? No? And what? You tell me.
How did the Magi find the King? Showed the way...(star)
At Christmas, both celebration and mystery emanate from everywhere, and the heart skips a beat in anticipation of... (a miracle)
Presenter 2: On this birthday, everyone usually gives gifts to the birthday boy!
Oh, how I would like to be in Bethlehem,
See Jesus in the feeding trough in the stable.
But what should I give him on his birthday?
But what will I bring Him as a gift?
What should I give to Jesus? Guys, what would you give Him? (Children's answers)
Presenter 1: Look guys, how big and beautiful gift I cooked for Jesus! I put my toys there, a tangerine, my favorite hairpin, what else is missing?! (The gift comes to life, several movements to the music) My gift is alive, it is real!
Present: Hello all the guys, I want to tell you children that there is something that can especially please Jesus.
Presenters: What is this?
Present: These are our hearts! That's the good thing about them! (twisted and looked at the heart)
Presenter 1: Gift, I don't understand what you're talking about.
Present: We'll play now, everything will become clear. Are you kids ready to play? (children's answers). The first one, for example, kindness and love(he takes out the word and gives it to the girls, they stick it on the box).
Presenter 1: Exactly, how could I not have guessed it right away? And I know the right game...
The game “Dobrishki” (two large balls are thrown into the hall. To the music, children throw the ball to each other, on whom the ball landed, those children say into the microphone what good deeds they can do or have already done; or carry out the tasks of the presenters - shake hands with neighbors, shout the phrase “Being kind is cool!”, etc.).
Presenter 2: Everything is clear, it is very important to do good deeds and love everyone around you. The game is played “I love everyone, everyone, and especially those...” The leader says the words of the game and names those whom he especially loves, for example, “...those who brushed their teeth today, those who are wearing white socks, those who like to study, etc. ." Those who were named get up from their seats and wave their hands and say the phrase “It’s me, it’s me.” Prize for the most active child.
Present: Amazing! There is something else that pleases Jesus. And this hard work(pastes the inscription on the box). It is very important in life not to be lazy. Even Jesus himself helped his earthly father Joseph in carpentry.
Presenter 1: Raise your hand who is lazy here. There are no such! Tell us how you work, what kind of work you do? (children talk into the microphone).
Game competition “We want to work once, we want to work twice, we want to work three times, start working quickly.” 3-4 people are called onto the stage, according to the words written above, the children wave their hands, as in the game “The sea is agitated once.”, and then everyone depicts how he works. The audience's task is to guess what each of the children is showing. If the audience guesses right, the daredevil gets a prize.
Game "Collect garbage". 3 - 4 children are called onto the stage, they are given a basket in their hands. “Garbage” (a crumpled newspaper wrapped in tape) is heard in the hall. On command, children from the audience throw garbage onto the stage from their seats. Participants must collect as much garbage as quickly and as possible. Whoever has the most wins and gets a prize.
Presenter 2: Oh, I remembered one more thing good quality. Maybe the children themselves have already guessed? (children's answers). This obedience(pastes the inscription on the box).
Gift: What a great fellow you are! Is it always easy to obey? Who is important to listen to? Why is it that sometimes some children fail to obey their parents?
Presenter 2: I remembered one wonderful game “Dad said...” When the presenter says “dad said,” the task must be completed; if the phrase “dad said” is not said, the presenter’s task does not need to be completed. A game of attentiveness.
The game “One, two, three...” A prize is placed on a chair. 2 players are called. They stand with their backs to each other, hands up. On command “three”, you must be the first to grab the object. Whoever is first takes it.
Present: Do you think Jesus likes it when people are depressed, never, never smile, but whine all the time and are dissatisfied with something? (children's answers)
Presenter 1: I think He won't like it at all...
Present: Then what quality would please Jesus?
Presenter 1: Joy(pastes the inscription on the box) Do you know how to rejoice? Show me how you can smile, and how can you laugh? Who can laugh the loudest? (to a soundtrack of laughter).
Present: I have small gifts so that you can always remember what pleases God. Who remembers what a person should be like? His heart? Together with the children I repeat all the qualities that are written on the “gift” box. Heart gifts are distributed.
Presenter 2: It's nice to be happy. Our holiday continues.
Presenter 1: Get around so you can continue to have fun, dance, clap and jump on this wonderful day of Christmas.
There will be a disco (phonogram)
Animators come out (two stars, the presenters themselves, angels) and hold a children's disco to the prepared soundtrack. In the middle of the disco, any life-size doll appears (for joy), before the last song - they throw it into the hall balloons(a lot of). At the last song, children are asked to stand behind the main character in a column and go through the “star gate of the star” (2 girls connect a cloth) in order to receive a Christmas gift.
Presenter 3: Merry Christmas!

Holiday scenario

"Christmas fun" 2017.

The date of the: January 7, 2017.

The script was developed by:

Rector of the Temple in the name of the Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” in the village of Varskie -priest Vyacheslav Mamaev;

Davydova N.P. - teacher primary classes MBOU "Varskovskaya Secondary School" of the municipal formation - Ryazan municipal district of the Ryazan region.

Target : Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about Orthodox holiday The Nativity of Christ, its meaning and celebration traditions. To promote the familiarization of pupils, their parents and guests with the traditions of Orthodox national culture. Develop Creative skills, improve performing skills, the desire to give people joy. To cultivate spiritual and moral qualities: kindness, peacefulness, generosity.

Children come in singing the carol “Merry Christmas to all of you.”

Sunday school students sing the carol “Christmas Miracle.”

1. Presenter. Hello, guys, hello, guests, it’s warm and cozy in our house, but outside it’s cold and snowstorm.

2. Presenter: It’s so good that during these Christmas days we are all in our hall again today. Just recently, New Year's songs were played here, round dances were performed, Father Frost with the Snow Maiden, what else does Mother Winter bring us, what winter holiday(Nativity).

3. Presenter. There's a twinkling star in the sky,

It barely appears

Everyone knows: a good day will come

Holy holiday Christmas.

4. Guys, who was born on this day? Whose Christmas do we celebrate on January 7?

(Children answer.)

5. Presenter: That's right, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born.

5.1. Presenter: On the merry Christmas holiday of Christ,

Winter is decorated, there is fringe on the headdress

From transparent ice floes, stars, snowflakes.

All covered in diamonds, pearls, and colorful lights.

5.2. Christmas has come -

We waited for him for a long time.

People celebrate Christmastide:

Having fun and singing.

5.3. On this winter day

Smoke curls over the chimney,

The moon is shining above her,

And the hut is full of guests.

Here are the red maidens,

Coloring girls - sisters

Good fellows all around,

And Father at the table.

We have gatherings here

We are all glad to see you!

6.- Truly sacred moments!
“Christ is born!” - we exclaim with you.
From century to century let the world sing and praise
The birth of Christ with clean lips!

7. Today is ours blessed by the rector of the Temple in the name of the Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” in the village of Varskie, priest Vyacheslav Mamaev.

8: A star sparkled above the mountain cave,

And Bethlehem slept in the silence of sweet dreams,

Great happiness happened then -

Christ was born for the world!

8.1: Why does the vault of heaven shine so clearly this night?

What wondrous star is shedding its light?

Beautiful angels are flying in the sky.

The Nativity of Christ is glorified with song.

Carol "I sing praise to Him alone."

9. Today the whole earth is bright,
And the bells are ringing
And the heart beats more evenly,
And the praise sounds more harmonious:

ChildrenGlory to God in the highest and peace on earth!
Merry Christmas!

Carol "Silent Night Over Palestine"

10. On our family holiday, let’s glorify Christ!

Let his beauty touch everyone!


The soul is light!

Feast of the Saint

The sun has risen.

The skies are so clear

White day in the night:

Then the baby in the manger

The star sends rays!

The Word became flesh

For our troubles:


Nativity -

Light of eternal life!

11. A star is shining in the high sky

Everyone come and visit us here.

12. To those who worked and helped a friend,

A cheerful holiday will step on the threshold.

Indeed, this evening the Christ Child

Bringing joy to everyone!

13. A miracle happened, a bright day has come,

And he found joy in every heart.

After all, this evening the people rejoice -

The Son of God, the Savior, is coming to earth!

14. Peaceful angel, heavenly spirit
Bright, joyful rays.
Today an angel came down to us
And he sang: “Christ is born.”

15 : We came to glorify Christ,
Happy holiday to you!

Carol "Have fun, celebrate, good people, with me"

17. Christmas miracle
God brought it to us again!
So let it be in every heart
Christ is born!

Carol "Christmas Nativity".

18. The days from Christmas to baptism are popularly called Bright or Christmastide. These days, all people visit each other, give gifts, sing carols, and wish them health in the New Year. Let us sing and dance and glorify the Birth of Christ.

Merry Christmas together

Let Guests rush to your bright home.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Golden Egg.”

Old woman. Hey old man, wake up quickly!

Old man. Are there wolves at the door?

Why are you making noise, old woman?

Old woman. Look what I found!!!

Our hen Pestrukha laid an egg under a bush!!!

Old man. Well, she took it down!? What's the matter?

What are you, woman, stunned?

Old woman. Yes, the egg is not a simple one,

And look - it's golden!!!

Old man. Golden???


Are you and I getting rich?

Old woman. Oh it's burning - it's blinding your eyes!!!

Old man. Miracles!

Old woman. Miracles!!!

Old woman. Oh, it's burning, it's burning like heat! There wouldn't be a fire!

Old man. Lock him in the chest. (knock on the door)

Old woman. There is no one at home!!!

Look, as luck would have it, the neighbors accidentally arrived!

Old woman. I'll go to the city on Wednesday.

There is a market there on Wednesday.

There are a lot of rich people there

I’ll sell them the egg.

How they will give me a pile of money, throw me rubles,

I'll get myself a sheepskin coat

I am Siberian sables.

I'll buy new things -

There are forty different skirts.

Blue floral shawl-
I'll fill my chest to the brim!

Old man. Why are you telling tales,

Look, you've found a young lady

Dress up in different trash.

No, if we are rich, I’ll build a hut instead

Three-story chambers and gazebos in the corners!

Old woman. Punishment with a stupid husband!

What are you, old man, don't be a whim!

We live no worse than others.

We don't need floors.

And your neighbors will laugh at you for these gazebos!

Old man. Let them laugh, I don’t feel sorry!!!

Old woman. Calm down, don't shout!

There's a rolling pin falling on the floor,

The cast iron rattles in the furnace.

Oh, I don’t like the white light!

Old man. Am I the owner or not!?

Old woman. Oh, the egg rolled!

It rolled and broke.

And there were no shells left, everything disappeared somewhere!!!

Old man. Well, why are we bothering!?

Miracles are just trouble!

We will live as we lived before

And work as always!

And you can fix your fur coat and fix your house.

Old woman. The only thing that seems reliable is what comes to us through hard work!

Old man. Open the door, old woman! Why should we hide now?

Old woman. Hey neighbor, hey neighbor! Forgetting friends is not a bad idea!

Come in for an hour - my kvass is good!

And pickles and jams,

Come in without hesitation!

(Granny appears - Riddle)

Grandma Riddle : Hello, good people! I am Grandma - Riddle, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Leading: Hello Grandma- Riddle! We wish you a Merry Christmas too!

Leading: Grandma, tell the guys why they call you “Riddle.”

Grandmother-Riddle: I'm not an ordinary grandmother. I tell everyone fairy tales, show them, and I also know a lot of riddles and play games.

Leading: Will you play with us? Will you make riddles?

Grandmother-Riddle: My riddles today are not simple ones, but Christmas ones. Can you guess?(Children answer.)

There's a celebration in the whole world,

Because (Christmas)!

Not in palaces, and not in tents,

Baby Christ sleeps in (manger.)

How can they find the King?

The path will be shown to them (the star.)

There is nothing more humble in this world

A young girl (Maria.)

This angel brought news

That She (Christ) will be born.

The travelers took a long time to go to the census,
They did not find a place in the city:
Near Bethlehem there is a bare steppe,
The wretched one became their shelter... (Nativity scene)

Cave, manger, haystack,
Born in it... (Jesus Christ)

In the temples the face of the singers sings:
“Virgin today of the Transubstantial...” (gives birth)

This song, we know so,
It's called...(Kondak)

It shone in the dark sky then,
Lighting the way, holy... (Star)

Simple people learned the news.
In the night when the roosters had not yet crowed,
They hastened to the Baby's manger
And they glorified God... (Shepherds)

Behind the star, appearing
From the road blue,
It's a long road to Bethlehem
On three camels... (Magi)

(Santa Claus appears with a bag and sings “Christmas carol”)

Father Frost. Kolyada, Kolyada,

Give me some pie

Or a loaf of bread,

Or half a buck.

Who won't give me the pie?

That's a chicken leg.

Grandma-Riddle. How many years have I lived, but I haven’t seen Santa Claus go caroling.

Father Frost. Why am I worse than other mummers - a bear, a goat, a buffoon? I decided to come and play with the kids once again on Christmas Day. Otherwise, after Epiphany, it’s time for me to go into the forest, add more frost, strengthen ice bridges on the rivers, spread more snow on the fields so that the mother earth will give more harvests.

Grandma-Riddle. We are glad, Grandfather Frost, to see you, but you sing the wrong carols.

Father Frost. So how should it be?

Grandma-Riddle. Carols should bring joy glorifying Jesus Christ and His Birth, and not “beg”.

Do you guys know carols?

Let's play. Some of you will read a carol, and we will have to praise it with friendly applause or stamp our feet if this carol is not good. Ready?

(CHILDREN sing carols):


Let's go for a more expensive one

Yes to the neighbors with Kolyada

There's a crowd for gifts.

Kolyada, Kolyada,

It's Christmas Eve!

Open the chests -

Get your heels out!

Kolyada - carol

Give grandma some pie.

Won't you give me the pie? -

Let's lead the cow by the horns.

Won't you give me some flatbread?

Let's break the windows.

Ay, doo, doo, ah, doo, doo

And I'm going into the house. The stove is heating up and I want pancakes.

Give me the sausage - extends his hand

I'll take it home.

Give me another one, I'll be generous!

Give me a third one too

Don't drive with a whip -

Grandfather will eat

Three beards

nod your mustache

And remember you!

To all kind people
We wish you goodness, gold, silver!
Lush pies,
Soft pancakes!
Good health!
Cow butter!
All. To whomever we sing songs, it will come true,
It will come true, it will not pass away.

Good health,

Cow butter!

Merry Christmas!

I wish you a Merry Christmas too,

Which came to your house.

I wish everyone, everyone, that you are healthy!

You lived together for many years.

Father Frost: The joyful days of Christmas have come,

And bright lights came on on the Christmas trees.

Christmas tree

Ours is lit today too!

The motley of its elegant

She makes the kids happy.

Round dance “Come to us Christmas tree”

Father Frost . Christmas is a merry holiday. So let's have fun together. Do you want to play? The game is called: “What doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree?” I will name different objects to you if you hear the name Christmas decorations, you need to raise your hand up and say “Yes.” If I name something that doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree, I have to restrain myself and remain silent. Try not to make a mistake. Ready?

Game: “What doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree?”

So the holiday has come,
Everyone decorated the Christmas tree.
Who, guys, will confirm-
Hanging on its branches...
Star top? (Yes)
A loud cracker? (Yes)
Petenka-parsley? (Yes)
Soft pillow? (No)
White snowflakes? (Yes)
Vivid pictures? (No)
A ball of cobwebs? (Yes)
Old shoes? (No)
Chocolate bars? (No)
Horses and horses? (Yes)
Bunnies made from cotton wool? (Yes)
Are mittens gloves? (No)
Red lanterns? (Yes)
Bread crumbs? (No)
Bright flags? (Yes)
Hats and scarves? (No)
Apples and cones? (No)
Colin's pants? (No)
Tasty candy? (Yes)
Snow newspapers? (No)

Father Frost: Well, thank you guys, you solved all the riddles.
Father Frost: Aren't you afraid of frost?
Beware, beware
Come on, show me your hands,
Yes, put it behind your back,
Who will I touch?
I'll freeze those as a joke.
Grandmother-Riddle: And II want to play with the guys. And play the game “Repeat”. Be careful, guys, repeat all the movements after me.

And it's frosty outside,

Come on, everyone grab your nose!

There is no need for us to beat our heads,

Well, everyone grabbed their ears,

Twisted, turned,

So your ears are warmed up.

They knocked on my knees,

They shook their heads.

Patted on the shoulders

And they sank a little.

- So we warmed up. Are you warm?

Grandma the Riddle plays a game of “Guessing”.

Grandma Riddle . Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Admire us.

Guess - ka, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

(children imitate playing the pipe to the music)

Father Frost . You're the one drinking milk!

Grandma Riddle . That's grandpa's children playing the pipe.

Father Frost . Eh, I didn’t guess!

Grandma Riddle . Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Admire us.

Guess it, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

To the music, children imitate playing the balalaika.

Father Frost . You're the one scratching your stomach.

Grandma Riddle . What are you saying, grandfather, these are children playing the balalaika or the guitar!

Father Frost . Well, bad luck again!

Grandma Riddle .

Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Admire us.

Guess it, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

Children imitate playing the violin to the music.

Father Frost (offended). What is this? Are you, Santa Claus, pulling my beard?

Grandma Riddle . What are you saying, grandfather, these are children playing the violin.

Grandma Riddle Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Admire us.

Guess it, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

Children imitate playing the piano.

Father Frost . Yes, you sort through the cereal.

Grandma Riddle . What are you doing, grandpa! Those guys are playing the piano!

Father Frost . Oh, how slow-witted I am! Oh, thanks! Taught the old man!

Grandma Riddle Great and smart Russian people,

How can we be without riddles?

Our riddles are not simple

Yes, still just as interesting.

Riddles for parents:

Winter striker? (frost)

Homeland of the Christmas tree (forest)

Female creature entertaining the Christmas tree with songs (blizzard)

Santa Claus's informer (staff)

An object artistic creativity Santa Claus? (window)

Nickname of Santa Claus? (Jack Frost)

New Year's "sculpture" created from natural material(Snowman)

Grandmother-Riddle: Christmas is a holiday of glorious miracles. I have a little box that becomes magical at Christmas and can make any wish come true. I wish you to grow up healthy, kind and happy.

Do you want to play?

I have already fulfilled one of your wishes.

They live in my little box funny Games and fun.

As soon as I open the box, they are right there, jumping out after each other, inviting me to play.

(Granny Riddle and the Presenters conduct games for children and parents) He takes the attributes out of the box one by one:

    Shawl - game "Blind Man's Bluff". Guess what game we will play?

    Snowball - game "Snowballs".

    Ball - game "Bubbles".

4. Sack - game “Running in sacks”.

5. toilet paper- game "Snowman".

Leading. Thank you, dear guests, for coming to congratulate us.

Thank you too, Grandma, for meeting me and greeting me.

Leading: Our holiday is over! The Christmas fun is over!

For new happiness, for Christmas

Be born, little wheat-lentil,

There are heaps of heaps on the field,

There are pies on the table,

So that everyone is healthy and rosy.

We sow, weed, sow, and Merry Christmas to everyone!

Father Frost : On this holiday of Christmas

We wish from the bottom of our hearts,

So that all your dreams

Fulfillments have been found.

So that your health is strong

The family was filled with happiness

So that you are surrounded everywhere

Only heartfelt friends!

Grandma Riddle : May Christmas come to your home

WITH good mood

And may you have a whole year in everything

Luck comes with it.


God bless! Peace be with you, people!

Let there be joy everywhere!

Live in friendship, do good,

By the mercy of Christ God you give thanks!

Let the carols sound all around, They bring joy to your home,

They bring health and success, fun, joy and amusement.

All: Happy holiday! Merry Christmas!

“Christmas Nursery Rhymes” – game program

14-00 hours.

1. Fanfare
2. Exit of Klyukovka and Solka
3. Game “If this holiday...”
4. Making fireworks
5. Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
6. Angel's Exit
7. Game “Snowflakes Are Falling Quietly”
8. Game “We are good”
9. Questions about Christmas customs
10. Learning a carol
11. dance "Macarena"
12. Game "Golden Gate"
13. Riddles
14. Dance of the Ducklings
15. Playing ball
16. Game "Wicket"
17. Game “We’ll go right first”
18. Remembering magical objects
19. Gifts from an Angel
20. Farewell to the artists!

Music, Klyukovka the Doll and Solka the Clown appear.

Good afternoon, happy hour!
Glad to see you again!
Congratulations to everyone on the occasion -
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!
Happy days have come
The lights are burning on the Christmas tree,
Loud laughter is heard everywhere -
It's time for some fun!
For jokes and fun,
Cool mood
For funny carols,
This is the Christmas order!
What is Christmas?
This is a miracle, magic!
Merry carols!
Interesting riddles!

A game.

Cl:. If this holiday is bad, then you will kick the TOP! (Stomp)
S-ka.: And if the holiday is good, let everyone clap their hands! (Claps)
Cl.: What is Christmas? One disappointment! (Stomp)
S-ka: You are wrong, Klyukovka! These are songs and poems! (Claps hands)
Cl: This miracle is coming to us! (Claps)
S-ka: People are sitting at home! (Stomp)
Cl: Everyone will find happiness! (Claps)
S-ka: All roads will be covered! (Stomp)
Cl: This holiday will be bright! (Claps)
S-ka: It's a prankish frost outside! (Stomp)
Cl: This is a fast sled run! (Claps)
S-ka: Every person is happy! (Stomp)
Cl: This Angel is coming to us! (Claps)
S-ka: He brings good news! (Claps)
It's time to start the fun
And the Christmas Angel has not yet appeared at the holiday,
Probably got lost on the way!

So that he can find the way
In this bright New Year's hall,
You need to prepare
And meet him friendly!

I suggest you greet him with fireworks! Do you agree? Then let's rehearse.
The left side of the hall is red fireworks, you will clap your hands. middle part hall - yellow fireworks, you will stomp your feet loudly. And the right side of the hall is fireworks of blue color, you will shout “Hurray!” Get ready! Red! Blue! Yellow! And now all together!
Again! The game is played with spectators.
We have prepared for the meeting of the Angel, all that remains is to call him. Who knows how to call an Angel? (children suggest)
Happy song!
Let's all sing together: Let's imagine how the animals would sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
The bear was fast asleep in the den,
His feet were cold.
He woke up, roared,
Sang in a loud voice...
Children, imitating a bear, roughly and dully sing the first verse of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”
A mouse came out of a hole
In your little gray pants,
She squealed, whistled,
She sang very subtly...
The children sing the second verse high and thin. (The snowstorm sang a song to her)
There's a fish in the aquarium
Sings to everyone with a smile -
Very quiet, barely audible.
Well, we will sing silently...
The children sing the next verse in a whisper. (Cowardly little gray bunny)
This horse is very clever
He hits loudly with his horseshoe.
She jumped, danced,
She laughed very merrily...
The children sing the next verse abruptly. (The horse is carrying wood..)
All the bears, fish, bears,
All the girls and boys
The song was immediately supported
They screamed very loudly...
The children sing the last verse loudly and cheerfully. (Now she's smart...)
In the whole world there is a celebration -
It's Christmas!
You can live, live,
Gain good fame!
And greet the Angel with fireworks!

Red! Blue! Yellow!…

An Angel enters to the music.

A lot of guys have gathered here.
It took me a long time to get to you,
From a distant country,
Along the road, along the wide one,
Through snowy fields
I'm in a hurry, guys.
Happy New Year
I wish you happiness, joy,
Smiles and goodness to everyone
It's Christmas Eve!

Good Angel, while we were waiting for you, we played a little with the guys. Did you like our fireworks?

Well done mischief makers,
There are lights shining in the eyes.
May the year be a success,
Let's remember winter fun!
(speaks and shows movements and asks children to repeat)
Snowflakes are falling quietly (Children clap their hands quietly)
Santa Claus freezes pieces of ice (Clap loudly)
There was a big snowdrift.
Jump and jump into it! (Jumping)
The skates are ready
We were able to make a “swallow”... (Show)
Now let's get on our skis.
We can rush to Paris. (Move to the tree and back)
Let's continue to have fun
You need to ride down the hill. (They stood up like a train and ran)
Whose feet are frozen?
Stretch them a little! (Jumping in place)

It's immediately obvious that guys
In the morning they do exercises.
I know, study for glory,
Take care of your dad and mom.
You are always obedient in everything,
Cheerful and good-natured.
That's right, I say, guys.
Or was I once mistaken?

And now I want to know how good and handsome you are. I will say a sentence, those on my right will shout in unison, “We are good,” and those on my left, “We are nice.”
One side shouts “We are Good”, the other answers “We are Nice”
Kingisepp kids
They never spoil books... (Guys scream)
They don't sit idle.
They will boldly tell us about themselves... (Guys scream)
Don't forget about friends
And in times of need they are helped... (Guys scream)
Brush teeth thoroughly
And they are diligent in everything... (Guys scream)
Don't draw on the fence
They don't break desks at school... (Guys scream)
Not lazy, not boring,
They wash the dishes after themselves... (Guys scream)
It's nice to look at the diaries.
So what are you guys like?.. (Guys scream)

Here he comes to us New Year
Noisy and cheerful
He will bring good luck
To cities and villages.

Christmas star light
Gives a holiday again,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Merry Christmas!
Guys, how many of you know what folk customs related to Christmas?
(if no one in the room has an answer, we call customs)
In the old days, they caroled at Christmas - mummers went from house to house, sang carol songs, and asked for treats. It was a whole performance. Usually the mummers portrayed animals. Here you have a bear, a goat, a wolf and even a devil.

I'm caroling, I'm caroling
I will go into any hut.
I'll ask the hostess
Let's have some sweets.
And cookies and sweets,
And sherbet with nuts,
And halva and chocolate,
Pastille and marmalade,
Delicious cake,
Sweet ice cream.
We will treat each other
And the owners kind words remember!

The sparrow flies
Twirls his tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests
Happy Christmas!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Give me some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the children.
Won't you give me cheesecakes?
You'll get it on top of your head!
Won't you give me the pie?
I'll lead the cow by the horns.

And on Christmas night they played snowballs, sledded down the hill, sang funny songs and danced.

Well then, let's dance my favorite dance?

Well guys, let's respect our Angel and dance his favorite dance? Do you know what his favorite dance is? This is a fun Macarena dance! Let's all become (and adults) in a round dance. Let me remind you the dance movements for those who have forgotten:
“One” – extend your right hand forward.
"Two" - left hand pull forward.
“Three” – right hand on the left shoulder.
“Four” – left hand on the right shoulder.
“Five” – right hand behind the head.
“Six” – left hand behind the head.
“Seven” – right hand on the right thigh.
“Eight” – left hand on the left thigh. And they wiggled their butts.


Now let's complicate the task. We divide into pairs, turn our backs to each other and dance again.

And I know one good old game. It's called "Golden Gate". Let's play with the guys!

Come on, come on, tell me
Show me how to play!

In the Golden Gate game, two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their arms up. The result is “collars”. The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front or simply join hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate.
"Vorotiki" pronounce:
Golden Gate
They don't always miss!
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is prohibited
And for the third time
We won't miss you!
After these words, the “collars” sharply lower their hands, and those children who were caught also become “collars.” Gradually the number of “gates” increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all children become "gates".
(play "Golden Gate")
Klyukovka, Solka, who do you think is smarter - girls or boys?

Solka: Of course, boys!

And I think both.

Let's give them a competition of wits - we'll hold a riddle competition.

I was hit with a shovel
They made me hunchbacked
They beat me, they beat me!
Ice water poured over
And then they all rolled off
From my hump in droves.

Guys, I have
Two silver horses
I drive both at once.
What kind of horses do I have?

Running along the path
Boards and legs.

I'm flying downhill,
I'm dragging myself uphill.

What a ridiculous man
Made your way into the twenty-first century?
Carrot - nose, broom in hand,
Afraid of sun and heat.

The snowflakes just fell
I ran along the path
And they are running after me,
They give out my entire itinerary. (Footprints in the snow)

The carrot is white
It grew all winter.
The sun has warmed up -
I ate all the carrots. (Icicle).

I am such a fashionista that everyone is surprised!
I love beads, sparkles - any decorations.
But believe me, it’s my great misfortune
I only wear an outfit once a year.
(Christmas tree)

The wind blew and frost
Brought snow to us from the north.
Only since then
On my glass... (pattern)

But guess my New Year's riddle.
There is one funny dance,
It's for those who go to school
And for those who go to the garden,
And adults are happy to dance too.
That dance is called -
Dance of little ducks.

(dance to the music “Dance of the Little Ducklings”)

Had a lot of fun!
And now I want to know
Who can play ball?

We divide into two teams. The first players in each line hold a ball in their hands. At the command “Attention, march!” players begin to pass the ball over their heads (under their feet) from the beginning to the end of the line. The players at the back of the formation, having received the ball, run and become the first in their ranks, after which the players again begin to pass the ball from one to another to the end of the formation. When the player who started the game (ball race) is the last, then, having received the ball, he must run forward along his line, become the first in it and raise the ball above his head.
The team that manages to finish the ball race the fastest wins.

And the losing team will have bunnies and dance a squat dance for us.

They play, the losers dance the lady.

We sang, danced,
What, guys, aren't you tired?
Well then I suggest
We're going to play "Pleten" now!

Wattle fence. The game involves two teams. Children stand in ranks opposite each other and learn to weave a fence. To do this, cross your arms in front of you and connect your right hand with the left hand of the neighbor on the left, and the left hand with the right hand of the neighbor on the right. Both ranks, with their hands down, walk towards each other with the words:

One, two. three four,
The order must be carried out.
No, of course not, in the whole world
Friendship is better than ours!

The ranks converge in the center and bow to each other.
Then fast music plays and all the children start dancing. As soon as the music stops, all participants must return to their places in their ranks. The line that lines up first wins.

Don't rush to leave
Let's continue to have fun.
It's called fun -
“We’ll go right first...”
Let's stand together in a round dance,
Repeat after me, people!

Everyone stands in a round dance and repeats the movements following the words.
First we will go to the right. One two Three!
And then let's go left. One two Three!
Let's all gather in a circle. One two Three!
And then we'll go our separate ways. One two Three!
Let's all sit down quietly. One two Three!
And let's lie down for a while. One two Three!
Let's all clap our hands. One two Three!
Dance our feet. One two Three!

(Any cheerful music plays here and everyone dances.)

Christmas is coming
Magic comes to the house.
You just need to make a guess -
Fairy tales will come to life.

Now we'll see who remembers the most magic items from fairy tales. Whoever remembers, go to the center and call it loudly.
(hints: self-assembled tablecloth, walking boots, flying carpet, treasure sword, Baba Yaga's stupa, hut on chicken legs, invisible hat, magic wand, Magic wand, magic pipe, rejuvenating apples, comb, magic ball, etc.) Children are given gifts from the Angel!

There's nothing more interesting
How wonderful is it on such a day,
Winter holiday season
Meet the kids.
Happy New Year to them,
Celebrate Christmas everywhere!

I wish you, friends, happiness,
Warm, radiant!
An angel will take away the bad weather
Let your wings be clean!
To make it cornflower blue
The sky is not cloudy,
This Christmas is merry
Well, life is wonderful!

The children were singing at the decorated Christmas tree,
But the time has come for us to say goodbye to you.
Goodbye children, have fun!
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Additional sketch (optional).

I wish you new strength, good luck,
Happy New Year and Christmas!
May they always expect you in life
Only joy, happiness and goodness!
Let there be many friends and acquaintances,
On your life's journey!
And may the road always be successful,
And may success only lie ahead!

Merry Christmas to you
And of course we wish:
Let the blizzard last for a whole year,
He will give you health,
The wind will blow away all the ailments
To the cold courtyard.
Let the snow swirl with sparks,
So that your faces brighten,
And the wicked moon
On the night of love, it will deprive you of sleep.
May one of the brightest stars
Will give your talents growth,
Your thought will rise up!
Let friends brighten your life!

It's Christmas again -
Celebration of the heavenly forces:
On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil.
Glory to Him eternal,
Conqueror of darkness.
Congratulations with all our hearts
With this great joy!

I sincerely congratulate you
Merry Christmas to all of you!
I sincerely wish you happiness
In this bright hour!
Let the light illuminate you
From the stars
And your wishes will come true
Plans and dreams.
Let unexpected luck
It will excite the blood.
And of course they mean a lot
Friendship and love!

Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales! And now, in order for us to move on to the next game, we will have to cross an impassable fairy-tale swamp. You need to jump from bump to bump. Newspapers are laid out on the floor - these are bumps. Jump on one bump, say the word SNOW loudly. Jumped onto another - loudly say a word derived from the word SNOW. For example, a snowflake. If you didn’t come up with a word, you lost, get out of the swamp. You don't play in the next game.
(game of “Hummocks”. Words SNOW, ICE, WATER, FIRE)– the floor is slippery!

Clown Solka:
Those guys who crossed the swamp, we will play “Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells” with you. We blindfold this participant. We stand around him. We pronounce:
Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells.
The daredevils called:
Guess where the ringing comes from!”
After these words, the “blind man’s buff” must guess by the sound of the bell and catch the participant with the bell who is dodging him. When a participant with a bell is caught, he becomes a "blind man's buff", and the previous "blind man's buff" turns into a regular player.

When the snow covers the ground,
And Christmas will come again
Raise a glass to happiness,
For peace, for friendship, for love!
And so that without grief and doubt
May you live many bright days!
Preserve comfort and family peace
And respect from friends!

Deeper in the sky is blue,
The star flashed brighter...
Kolyada came
On the eve of Christmas.
Through snowdrifts
She walked along laughing and having fun,
To both friends and strangers
Knocking under the windows.
And behind the old Kolyada
The carolers have come
They stood up in a noisy crowd,
The song was sung loudly:
“Kolyada was born
On the eve of Christmas..."
A bright star is shining,
Deeper in the sky is blue...

Night. Freezing. The stars are sparkling
From the heights of heaven.
All covered in snow, like ermines,
The quiet forest sleeps.
Silence all around. Glade
Sleeping in the arms of sleep,
Swims out from behind the forest
The moon is on watch.
The stars are going out. They're pouring from the sky
Pale rays
Frosty snow sparkled
Silver brocade.
Branches spread wide
In a snow coat,
There is a Christmas tree in the middle of the clearing.
It went up like an arrow.
To the beauty of the forest
The moonlight has fallen
And the lights of ice crystals
Played in the branches.
Diamond threads
Entwined in pine needles,
Emeralds and rubies
They lit up in the snow.
A clear star near the Christmas tree
The head is glowing...
The great day is coming
Christmas holiday!

Snowflakes in a white waltz descend from the sky,
And the sleepy forest was covered with a blanket of snow.
Today magic flows from everywhere,
And this always happens at Christmas.
The earth is shrouded in a mysterious fairy tale,
Rivers and fields sleep under a blanket of snow.
Today you quietly make a wish,
Keep it close to your heart and repeat it often.
Indeed, on this wonderful evening of crisp beauty
All your wildest dreams come true!!!

How does the locomotive sound? How noisy are the trailers?
We all get on the train and take our seats in the carriages. Has everyone taken their seats? Too-too! Wave to your parents! Go! (to music)
Stop! The first station "Poprygushkino". Who will jump higher!
By carriages! The train is leaving here! (to music)
Stop! Station "Prisedushkino". They sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up, sat down and stood up.
By carriages! Take your seats! Too-too! (to music)
Stop! And this station is called “Pinch yourself by the nose.” They pinched themselves on the nose... And now they patted themselves on the head and said in unison: “Oh yes, we are, well done!”
Quickly, quickly, by train! Let's go, here we go!
Stop! The train has arrived at the final station!

Clown Solka:
Do you guys know about such an old Russian game “The goat walked along the road”?
Let's play. I'll sing you a song:
The goat was walking along the road,
On the wide road,
I found a hornless goat
Hornless goat.
Come on, goat, let's jump,
Let's jump, let's jump,
We unlock the melancholy and sadness,
Let's unlock the sadness.
One player comes out. Jumps and runs to the song. With the words “I found a hornless goat,” he chooses a mate. One player runs skipping along to the song. Holding hands, the two of them skip and jump to the words of the song: “Let’s jump with you..., let’s unlock the sadness.” They start singing again, the couple separates and each chooses another player for himself. There are already two couples running to the song. The children separate again and each of them invites new children for a couples “walk”. The number of playing pairs grows and gradually everyone present becomes involved in the game.

In line New Year's events Christmas has a special meaning - a wonderful holiday that brings faith in the best, love for people and life, for its eternal renewal. Every year the night before Christmas is shrouded in a unique aura of mystery and romance. And every morning on January 7th is marked by cheerful ritual carols and games, in which both children and young people in the village take part to this day. How to organize a wonderful folklore holiday with children on Christmas Eve is described on the pages of this section. Here you will find hundreds of different scenarios for holidays, entertainment and leisure activities dedicated to the Nativity of Christ.

The whole world is celebrating - Christmas is coming to us!

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Showing publications 1-10 of 700.
All sections | Christmas. Christmas holiday scenarios for children

Scenario of entertainment in kindergarten “Christmas miracle” Holiday scenario« Christmas miracle» V kindergarten Gafiullina I.V. Holiday scenario« Christmas miracle» in kindergarten. Target: Organization of an event with a spiritual and moral orientation. Tasks:introduce children with traditional Orthodox holiday"Christmas...

The Shadow Theater invites you to find out. Legend of Rozhdestvenskaya The Christmas tree will open in the world of shadows. Target: introduce children with shadow theater, With A Christmas Story. Develop speech with its help, creative imagination pupils Foster interest in theatrical activities, To...

Christmas. Scenarios for Christmas holidays for children - Holiday scenario for older preschoolers “Christmas”

Publication “Holiday scenario for older preschoolers...” Holiday scenario for older preschoolers “Christmas” Goal: To introduce children preschool age to Russian folk Orthodox traditions and holidays. Characters: children - snowflakes, stars, Christmas trees, adults - carolers, presenter. In the hall there is a decorated Christmas tree, tables...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Goal: to introduce children to the cultural tradition of celebrating Orthodox holidays. The meaning of Orthodox holidays. Objectives: 1.Introduce Orthodox traditions life as the joy of Christian life; with the history of the name of the holiday “Nativity of Christ”, as one of the main good...

“Visiting Grandfather Frost” Compiled by: Chibisova Nadezhda Fedorovna teacher additional education MKU DO DDiYu Verkhnemamonsky municipal district of the Voronezh region Purpose of the holiday: To reveal the history of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ. Objectives: teach children to express their feelings;...

Scenario of the Nativity of Christ Scenario of the Nativity of Christ in Sunday school. compiled by Nadezhda Fedorovna Chibisova, additional education teacher at MKU DO DD&Y. Bell ringing. Children come out) 1. The purity of January is a white page, Blizzards and blizzards, bluebirds. They arrived in flocks, they blocked out the sky...

Christmas. Scenarios for Christmas holidays for children - Scenario for the holiday “Nativity of Christ” for children in 4th grade

Teacher Sulimova N.A. MBOU Secondary School No. 4 for 4th grade children Scenario for the holiday “The Nativity of Christ.” Goal: Expanding children's knowledge about the Orthodox holiday of the Nativity of Christ, its meaning and traditions of celebration. Objectives: to contribute to the familiarization of schoolchildren with the traditions...

The script for the theatrical miniature “The Tale of the Christmas Tree,” prepared for the “Christmas Star” competition Music 1. The song “The snow is quietly spinning outside the window” is playing. Mom decorates the Christmas tree in the house. Music 2. Children enter. Child 1 Mom, mom, look how many gifts we have...

A small Christmas scenario for children begins with the sound of bells. The symphony “Winter Dreams” by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky begins to play. On the stage in the background there is a white canvas hanging, simulating winter. Snow falls on the stage. The lights are dim. The figure of an angel in white appears. The music stops, the lights come on, and the snow stops falling.

First Angel:
On this night we celebrate the Nativity of Christ. They had been waiting for it for many years, it was predicted by good forces. It was supposed to help bad people become good. That night everyone was waiting for a special star - the Bethlehem star. According to her good wizards looking for a way to the place where I was born unusual child. What were these wizards called, answer me, children?

(The answer is the Magi).

The second Angel appears.

Second Angel:
The holiday of Christmas is celebrated all over the world. Now the city of Bethlehem, where Christ was born, is located in one of the states. What is the name of this state?
(The answer is Jerusalem).

The angels sing in chorus:

Today is an unforgettable holiday,
Today Christmas has come.
We will certainly meet him,
Even though many years have passed.

To this day we glorify Christ
And we will praise for many years.
He ruled the whole world for many years,
And souls are saved from troubles.

First Angel:
Despite the fact that it is not hot outside, we feel good today. We love the time of year when Christmas is celebrated for its beauty. What is this time of year called?
(The answer is winter).

Second Angel:
Outside the window, winter greets us,
We can wave to her.
And snowflakes don’t melt in winter,
Hurry dance to see them.

Girls come out dressed as snowflakes. They dance the modern dance of snowflakes. Musical accompaniment – ​​Lika (Snow, snow, snow). Fairy appears on stage.

I am a good fairy. There is a special tradition on Christmas Day that everyone loves. What kind of tradition is this?

(The answer is to give gifts).

Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.

Father Frost:
Hello children! You all know who we are. What's our name?

(Answer: Father Frost and Snow Maiden).

Snow Maiden:
Right. Everyone is waiting for us in the New Year. But in reality we are the good spirits of Christmas. On this day you need to help good spirits. To do this we need to do good to each other. This is accepted all over the world, although in different countries traditions are different. This holiday is celebrated differently in different countries. In Finland, the holiday is organized by a charity organization. In Austria, the Christmas tree is decorated with chocolates. In Greece, it is customary to leave treats for the elves, who will misbehave in the house without it. In Brazil, street celebrations are in full swing, because there is no winter with snow. In Germany, candles are lit in every window for this holiday. Let us also light a candle for our Christmas.

Svechka comes on stage in a suit.

You can't live without a candle this night.
Fire it for luck.
And she can help us,
Save us from bad weather.

And let it be all year
Shine on hearts and souls.
Let the people sing with happiness,
And we will all feel better.

I came to you so that my light would shine in the window of our house. He will help good thoughts find us. Look at the candle flame and make a wish. May it definitely come true. May it definitely be good. Wish your loved ones health, prosperity, success. And remember that the moment you wish good things to your loved ones, according to tradition, they wish good things to you.

All participants gather on stage.

First Angel:
We are ready to celebrate the holiday. Remember that Christmas reminds us how important it is to do good. It is more important than all the gifts in the world. Now we know how Christmas is celebrated in different countries, and that kindness is valued all over the world. Now let's see how the Star of Bethlehem appears in the sky.

A large, beautiful star appears in the background above the stage. As an option - a star on a thin stick, which someone lifts from behind a white cloth.

Father Frost:
So Christmas has come. To stay warm, let's go dancing!