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Make a big dog with your own hands. DIY Christmas toy dog: original ideas, photos

Are you looking for ideas on how to make a paper dog craft with your own hands? Read a brief overview of the work with links to step-by-step execution.

Making any of the dogs will not be difficult, since either a template or detailed instructions with contour drawings are provided for them.

What kind of paper dog craft can you make with your own hands?

You can make a dog with the most different ways, using popular and useful techniques for children, from ready-made templates.

Cone dog

The craft consists of cardboard cone, playing the role of the body, paper accordions acting as paws, small parts, thanks to which the cone itself takes on the appearance of a dog. The cutest dog can be the most different sizes and colors. And by changing the shape of the muzzle and ears, the appearance of the animal will completely change.

Accordion paper dog

Very simple craft, especially if the children draw the dog’s face themselves. After all, this is the basis of the work, and the accordion, acting as the body, is an additional and lightweight element. It is made from two strips of paper, alternately layered on top of each other.

Bush dog

The idea is also included in the top DIY paper dog crafts, because the sleeve is essentially the same paper cardboard, rolled up.

And since the bushing, like the cone, plays the role of the body, it is not difficult to make the remaining parts of the dog. These can be very small pieces, such as a muzzle, ears and paws, or a fully formed head glued to a sleeve.

Origami dog

At first glance, origami is a difficult and tedious operation with paper. But not in this version. It’s easy to make an origami dog, especially if you carefully repeat the sequence of all the steps presented in the detailed review with photos.

A children's version of a dog using the origami technique, very simple and quick way folding You will need two square pieces of paper, from which you will need to make the dog's head and body separately.

DIY paper dog craft using a template

And last in the top there is an option creating a voluminous paper dog using a ready-made template. Everything here is as simple as possible, because the main thing is to print out the dog, cut along the lines, create folds and glue the workpiece into a three-dimensional part. And then it’s already interesting creative activity with paints or markers, thanks to which the animal will acquire its color and general appearance.

Template and instructions in the article.

Is a DIY dog possible nowadays? I think yes. If you have any doubts, look carefully at the article and you will understand that the process is simple. You will view step by step wizard class and do the same.

Sewing a craft by cutting out a pattern is very exciting activity and represents a creative search best options. No additional preparation is required, just prepare scissors, fabric, thread and a needle.

Be sure to sit the children nearby and let them take part and develop their thinking and fine motor skills.

DIY Dog craft - step-by-step cutting and sewing process

We will sew a craft from socks. It is advisable to choose socks not made of pure cotton, but with the addition of synthetic materials such as lycra. The presence of lycra reduces the risk of unraveling of the knitted base.

To sew parts together, use bobbin threads and better reinforced threads (45 LL - 70 LL). For embroidery and quilting, use floss threads in matching colors.

You will need:

  • couple of socks
  • reinforced threads
  • floss threads
  • several scraps of knitwear in a contrasting color and a scrap of black
  • 2 beads
  • satin ribbon
  • holofiber or synthetic fluff

Master Class

We select desired color socks and start creating.

1.Place your socks with your heels facing up. Cut off the front and top pieces. Make a cut on one piece, and a cutout on the other, as shown in the photo. Top part you will need it for the dog’s body, the bottom one for the head.

2. Turn the parts inside out and use a back stitch to connect the sections, as shown in the photo. Turn out and stuff the pieces. Try to make your ears flat.

3. Tighten the holes on both pieces. Connect the dog's head and body

4. to obtain the characteristic shape of the dog's muzzle.

Head and body design

5. Sew eyes on your craft - two shiny black beads.

6. Cut out a circle from black knitwear and make a large nose. Attach it with a hidden seam.

7. Using black thread, embroider the muzzle and make a constriction between the eyes.

8. From the fabric left over from the socks, cut out the details for the tail. Connect the sections with a “back needle” seam and turn the resulting workpiece inside out. Use a drawstring to outline the dog's front legs.

9. Sew on the tail. It is good if its tip is slightly bent upward.

10. Press one of the dog’s ears to the head and secure it in this position with a hidden stitch.

11. Cut out pieces for the inside of the ear, as well as the belly and heels, from fabric in a contrasting color. Sew them on like patches using hidden stitches.

12. Mark the toes on the hind legs. Embroider a cross on the butt.

13. To make the bone, cut out a rectangle from fabric in a contrasting color. Use a “back needle” stitch to connect the sections, leaving a small hole. Turn out and stuff the part. Sew the hole closed using hidden stitches. Make strings along the edges of the workpiece to give it the shape of a bone, and attach it to the toy.

14. Tie a satin ribbon bow around the dog’s neck.

15. The dog is ready with your own hands.

Before us is a good-natured animal that looks with its eyes, smiles and asks to be held.

DIY dog (from socks) - video of beautiful dogs

In the same way, using your imagination, you can sew voluminous dogs, as in the video you watched.

Soft toy Dog - pattern and sewing

Making such a soft toy is not difficult; both girls and boys will like it.

We will need:

  • Fleece in black, light brown and dark brown
  • Sintepon for filling
  • Black beads - 2 pcs.
  • Red felt with sticky backing (or regular red felt)
  • Beautiful gold metal button
  • Thread, needle, scissors, pencil, pattern paper

Master class - DIY dog

  1. We create a pattern on paper. To do this, draw the details of the body, legs, head, forehead, ear. Each cell of the square has a side measuring 1 cm. The diagrams drawn with a pencil on paper are cut out with scissors.

2. We transfer the pattern of the cut out parts onto the fabric and cut them out, not forgetting to leave half a centimeter for allowances. Here is a pattern of a dog's head.

3. Pattern from the fabric of the forehead of the head.

4. Sew the dog’s head, sewing in the forehead detail.

5. We turn all the sewn parts of the head to the “right” side and stuff them with padding polyester.

6. Transfer the paper patterns to light brown fleece to cut out the body and legs.

7. Cut out two parts of the body and legs. When cutting, leave a half-centimeter seam allowance.

8. Then you need to sew the parts of the body and legs in pairs. You can stitch on sewing machine and manually.

9. In the tummy area, also sew the parts in pairs.

10. Sew all the parts of the body together, and leave an unsewn hole in the neck area.

11. We turn the whole part of the body inside out through the unsewn hole.

12. We tightly stuff the dog’s body with padding polyester.

13. Manually sew the head to the body using a blind stitch. The dog with its own hands has already sewn paws, a tail and a head. Let's move on.

14. Transfer the ear detail to light brown and dark brown fleece, then cut it out. Leave seam allowances.

15. Sew together the ear parts in pairs. We leave an unsewn hole at the top of each ear.

17. Sew up the unsewn holes on the ears with a hidden seam and fold the edges inward. Each ear needs to be folded in half and sewn to the dog’s head.

18. Now we need to make the dog’s nose. From black fleece we cut out a circle with a diameter of 3 cm. We gather the circle along the edge with a black thread. We fill the nose with padding polyester and carefully sew it to the dog’s muzzle with a hidden seam. We embroider the mouth with black threads.

19. Sew black beads for the eyes on the head.

20. On each foot we embroider the toes with black thread.

Children love to create toys themselves, so more often they take a pencil and draw them. And only next to adults, they can take a needle and scissors to create their dream from a piece of fabric and filler, sewing on eyes and a nose.

Dachshund (do-it-yourself dog) - video

I hope the article was useful to readers and the children are happy with the crafts.

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Good day, dear friends! 2018 is coming very soon New Year. This means it's time to get ready for the upcoming event, for example, prepare homemade gifts. Do-it-yourself dog - what could be better as a souvenir for an upcoming event?

Now many have already begun to prepare for the holiday, which I strongly advise you to do too. In this article you will find many representatives of the canine world of various breeds and from a variety of materials.

This post is so detailed that I will be very surprised if you don't find what you are looking for. This year will be special for me, since I was born exactly two eastern calendar cycles ago, also in the year of the dog. So I’ll try not to lose face and collect as many ideas as possible. There will be warm and soft toys, pillows, crafts, even elements of home comfort.

Do-it-yourself dog: symbol of the New Year 2018 with photos and master classes

To make a dog yourself, you don’t need any special skills or hard-to-find materials. Almost everything is clear from the master classes, and sometimes even from the photos themselves. The main thing is to be patient and do something really practical.

By the way, a dog can be given not only for the New Year. After all, this creature is the personification of loyalty and devotion, so by presenting it, you seem to want to strengthen the connection with the person to whom you decided to give such a surprise.

Dog costume

To create a dog costume, it is not necessary to sew a full-fledged outfit for going out. It is enough for him to acquire, for example, a cool mask of this furry creature. It can be printed on a color printer or used as a template for cutting out felt.

If you want to make the image complete, then I advise you to take a closer look at the following simple ideas for the holiday. What and how can you make a cute New Year’s costume for a child and more?

Look at the girl: she is wearing a fluffy tutu skirt, which is complemented by an openwork top, striped tights and a headband with textile ears. Two cute ponytails will help complete the look. A small nose is drawn on the nose.

It’s easy to make a tutu skirt yourself; for this you will need a large amount of translucent fabric, which will need to be folded in several layers and gathered at the top with an elastic band.

For a boy, you can adapt a fluffy suit from pajamas (for example, a Japanese onesie) or sew it like one. For such an outfit, only approximate body parameters (height of the child and waist circumference) are useful, so even a not very experienced seamstress can handle the creation.

Do you want to do it easier? Make a cap with ears, the creation process of which is described below. Take fur, fleece or velor for her. Velsoft is also suitable if you can handle it (it stretches quite strongly).

Other options for hats can be seen in the following pictures. For example, a hat like this could be a good alternative to the previous option. You will need fleece with long pile.

In the future, such a hat can be worn outdoors as the main headdress. In this case, it will be enough to match such a hat with a T-shirt and pants (skirt) in the color of the dog. The image will be almost complete.

Another headdress is sewn using the same patterns, but the muzzle here is completely different, as well as the ears. Fleece here can be taken with much shorter pile.

How about a flirty dog ​​hat? Choose a cartoon character and make a catchy addition to your look.


  1. Cut out a circle base from thick cardboard.
  2. Cut a circle of fabric, one and a half to two times the diameter of the base, and tighten it using a “forward needle” seam along the edge. Place a solid base inside.
  3. Using a similar principle, make the top of the cylinder.
  4. Side part: Cut a long strip of thick cardboard and cover it with fabric so that the edges do not stick out. Join at the back using a blind stitch.
  5. Sew or glue the top of the hat to the side so that the side fits tightly to the top and forms a cylinder. Attach the design to the bottom base and decorate the hat.

You can attach this to your hair using hairpins or a headband.

You can also sew ears on the headband; for this you will need the headband itself and ear patterns. The first option is more complicated; it implies that the inner part will be slightly smaller than the outer part. To create it, it is best to use fur or fleece.

But the ears are simpler.

To look real, take regular gloves in the color you want and some felt. Cut out the details of future paws from felt and attach them with a thin layer of glue or thread. You can make these gloves in literally 10-20 minutes!

Crafts from scrap materials and more

We got the costume, but what about the Earthy Yellow Dog crafts? We will do them in a variety of ways. Paper cards and souvenirs, even matchboxes - all this will be used and will delight you with its unusual appearance.

Paper fantasies: postcards and origami

You can make cards and original origami from cardboard and paper. For example, what do you think of this cartoon dog? You can print it out and trace it around to create your own original postcard. Congratulations can be written on the card itself, or the text part can be attached inside as a separate layer.

The second option with a simpler form looks no less original. And if you try, you can make such a dog with a surprise: if you pull the tongue, the ears will open.

Try converting this dog to felt. This way it will last much longer than the paper version and can be used even after the New Year.

The next dog can be used as a bookmark, which will certainly come in handy around the house. Make it from a regular square of paper.

FROM such paper dogs you can create a New Year's tree garland that will remind you of the symbol of the year.

Here's how you can fold napkins onto festive table. This form is quite stable, but at the same time it does not take much time to assemble. Fans of Scottish Terriers will especially appreciate it.

The last one in this series is a very cute and inventive dog: it is made from a matchbox, and a heartfelt message is left inside. A series of such boxes will make all your family and friends happier. If you cover the boxes special varnish for paper, then even snow and rain will not be a threat to such a gift (although you still shouldn’t wash it).

Wooden doggies

Warm material that is just right would be better suited to celebrate the upcoming New Year. Make a key holder or some sort of hanger for dog things out of plywood. Woodworking skills, templates for carving a dog and acrylic paints with specialized wood varnish.

As children, many of us made toys from plywood. This hobby can be turned into something more by making a full-fledged home sculpture.

And here it is completely children's way prepare for the holiday: a dog with movable legs, which can be made from cardboard or plywood.

New Year's toys

In fact, you can hang almost anything on a Christmas tree. For example, I decorate a green tree with small soft toys – purchased and made by myself. Try sewing the dogs you see below. You can literally take them from a photo and get ready-made patterns.

A great way to surprise your friends and family is to paint your own Christmas tree balls. To do this, buy plain round balls and acrylic paints.

We use polymer clay and plasticine

Many children really like to create figures from plasticine, dough or polymer clay (by the way, using the presented mk you can make both). But this develops fine motor skills and in many ways has a very positive effect on the child’s psyche. Therefore, when preparing for the New Year, let’s take this important factor into account and create several cute dogs.

The production of such figurines is generally the same, but has some differences. If you're good at sculpting techniques, you can jump straight into something like the dog below.

If you still consider yourself a beginner, then start with simpler forms, which can be repeated right after the photo, as in the picture below. It turned out to be a very cute pitbull)

The pug is also not inferior to its brother. Thanks to its simplest form, even very young children can do it.

With the next three step-by-step master classes you will create several dogs of completely different breeds. All of them can be done with children.

The souvenir can be either close to real-life dogs or have the appearance of a cartoon character (in the second case, this may turn out to be even more interesting).

How to sew a dog from fabric: patterns like this

Sewn dogs will be popular not only on the eve of New Year's holidays, but also in the future.

Stuffed Toys

A fabric dog can be sewn in a variety of ways. How do you like the doggie below? He rather resembles a hyena, but due to his similarity with the desired character, he looks very attractive.

You'll definitely love the avant-garde patterned characters you can see below. They have very large heads and small bodies, making these dogs look childishly clumsy and naive. The effect is achieved using a very wide insert in the head and rather modest side parts.

The classic dog in the next version is made of faux fur and stands on 4 legs, unlike most of the previously mentioned dogs. For the New Year, she can sew a Christmas red cap and scarf.

Our selection even includes designer dolls and toys with designer patterns. Just look at this adorable basset hound! The author (Alice Shangina) even came up with a description for it: “The world is beautiful, like a basset.” The dog's nose is felted from dry wool, but it can also be cut out separately by highlighting the corresponding part on the muzzle pattern.

If you dote on the Dalmatians, then the next idea New Year's surprise you will definitely like it. The patterns are of a fairly high level, but the result is simply gorgeous. Stock up on white fleece, white and black thread and beads for the eyes. Don't forget the black marker.

Sew a dog like this better with your hands, because you just have to be a virtuoso sewing machine, in order to thoroughly grind the parts of such a dog.

A tilde dog can be made using the following patterns. For her, take a thin one cotton fabric. A dress, trousers, whatever you want will suit your character.

A square-headed dog can be made even without ready-made patterns(create them yourself) if you look closely at its structure.

If you have several pieces of leather in stock, then create a small dog from them.

Let's use socks

The good thing about socks is that there is a huge selection of colors even in small stores (unlike the same fabrics). So feel free to go to the store for a new pair of socks and create adorable babies.

Both options New Year's dogs sewn according to the same principle, but the result comes out completely different. The first dog is very bright and cheerful, while the second one is restrained and laconic; it can be given to even a serious man.

What can be done from nylon tights! A couple of pugs for inspiration from Lyudmila Tkachenko. They are made by tightening and further painting.

We create from felt

Pugs are incredibly charming representatives of the canine kingdom. To make such a dog, you will need several colors of thick felt and thread to match the color of the fabric. Then this symbol of the year can be turned not only into a keychain, but also into a brooch, magnet, or simply left as a soft souvenir. Please note: the clothes are sewn on top of the finished body.

The Scotch Terrier breed inspires designers and creators to create the most various crafts with him. Below it is proposed to make a puppy and an adult version of this wonderful dog.

Continuing the series of flat felt toys, it is impossible to pass by this dog. It is sewn a little more complicated than the previous options.

Well, how can you get past this charming boule? Try to do it too.

A refrigerator magnet with a Chihuahua can also be made from felt. You don't need threads here - just stock up on transparent glue and scissors.

Pillows with dogs

Decorative pillows can do more than just sit on sofas. This dachshund, for example, props up the door and protects against drafts. You can sew it according to the indicated patterns, increasing the animal to the required size and stretching it in the center. The body can also be composed of many pieces.

Two dachshund girlfriends are well suited for daytime relaxation, and at the same time as cuddle toys for a child.

Do you want more ideas? There will be more than enough of them in the next selection! They are easy and quick to sew, but each one can be given as a gift for the New Year and beyond. Use them in the car or at home.

Other gifts with the symbol of the year

If you want to surprise your loved ones not only original toys and keychains, you can make a set of potholders for them. Design them as your imagination dictates.

When creating a souvenir, you can also take into account the favorite breed to which the recipient gravitates.

Wool dogs

They can be felted from dry wool, and fastenings for a brooch or magnet can be glued or sewn on the back.

Threads and pompoms

Thread pompoms make very realistic dogs. To create pompoms, you will need special devices or two circles of very thick cardboard on which threads will be wound. After winding several layers, cut the threads along the outer edge and thread another thread through the rings, tightening properly to form a knot.

The most important thing is to learn how to make high-quality pom-poms. And from them, with the help of various variations in sizes and additional elements, you can get a variety of figures.

Experiments with coffee beans

Funny dogs can also be made from scattered coffee beans. To do this, you only need to outline the contours of the dog and cover the entire surface inside with glue. This way you can keep your child busy and make a beautiful holiday panel.

Bottle dogs

Schools and kindergartens often require crafts made from recycled materials. Bottles will come in handy here. In addition to the base of plastic bottles You can make fur and other decorative elements. You can put multi-colored glass balls or something similar inside the bottle to make it look more festive.

Rolling up a towel

A universal gift that is in no way inferior to the store-bought version. Thin mohair towels are suitable for this, but thicker ones with wider edges can be used. A towel alone is not enough: for a believable image, ears made from pieces of felt, a nose, eyes and a ribbon will come in handy.

And a few more ways to festively roll up a towel. Not only in the form of a dog, but also in the form of other representatives of the fauna around us.

I saved the juiciest for last) Just look at this amazing lamp in the shape of a dog, which you can create yourself. This masterpiece will be a worthy gift for your loved ones.

Knitted and crocheted dogs: video mk

Since knitting is not such a quick and simple thing, I decided to make a selection of video master classes on this topic.

First of all, I suggest you knit baby booties (this is done with knitting needles). If you or your family have Small child, then this will be a great gift.

But the next three dogs are crocheted using the favorite crochet hook. The result is completely different and dissimilar dogs, each of which claims to be a designer toy (which costs a lot of money in stores). Thanks to detailed instructions, you will learn how to make exactly the same dogs.

The first one is made of fluffy yarn, which makes dogs very soft. The rest are made from ordinary threads, but also have their own charm.

The next two dogs are knitted according to the amigurumi principle, a very popular type of knitting now. Thanks to it you can create very cute creatures.

Finally, I suggest you make a square dog like this. Here presented detailed description the creation process along with patterns at the end of the document.

That's all for today. Happy New Year to you, friends! Create creative dogs with your own hands and come visit more often. I will be glad to see you here and in other articles on my blog. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

So, according to eastern calendar next year will be marked by yellow earth dog. In many schools and kindergartens, during labor lessons, children are given the task of making a craft on a given topic. In this article we have collected the most interesting and fascinating crafts. Let's get started.

Making themed crafts for 2018

Craft ideas for kindergarten and schools.

A dog craft for children is something that will be of interest to many. Most likely, children's institutions have already begun to prepare for the arrival of 2018, which has not yet arrived. For kindergarten, simple, but bright crafts, because young children cannot sit in one place for a long time and be focused. Let's try to make a postcard in the shape of a dog. Prepare the details for our craft in advance, a sheet of paper. Fold it in half, draw an outline, color it and together with your child, glue on details in the form of a tail, eyes, etc. The card is ready.

For students primary school We suggest collecting a voluminous dog. Print out a blank dog or draw a template yourself. So, in order for our structure to stand, the body must be cut out of cardboard folded in half, then glue the head onto it, and draw the muzzle with a felt-tip pen or pencil.

Craft - Dog for competition.

The Dog craft is easy to make on your own and the next master class will demonstrate this to you. If you need to make a craft for a competition, then try to make every effort together with your child to ensure that the resulting toy looks decent. Here's an example: take a cylinder from under toilet paper. Fold the sleeve inward. Paint the resulting body with gouache or watercolor. Cut out parts for the muzzle from cardboard or paper. Then stick them on the cylinder. Ready!

We will use modern technologies – a color 3D printer. Print out the finished parts and glue them in the right places.

Craft made from new and modern material.

Foamiran. Quite amazing and good material for making craft toys. It is synthetic, non-toxic and comes from North Korea and Iran. The texture is similar to plastic suede. Note that foamiran should not be confused with porous rubber. What colors and shades can you find on the market!


Prepare some kind of board, foamiran itself of various colors and an awl.

Then make the head. Draw the elements of the muzzle on it, mold a black or brown nose, and then a body and legs.

After that, you need to make little white pads for the paws, on which you need to make cuts.

All that remains is to glue the legs and head to the body. Also make a collar as an accessory blue color, for example, or bows.

Now make the ears. Choose the color at your discretion. It can be either black, dark brown or light brown.

At this stage you need to make the eyes. They can be either molded from foamiran or drawn with pencils or felt-tip pens.

The resulting craft can be varnished. Ready!

Let's sew a dog.

Here we are talking about how to make a dog craft. And we are ready to offer you many options. This section is intended for those who have basic sewing skills. Let's try to sew a soft toy in the shape of a dog, which can be a great gift for the New Year or a Christmas tree decoration.

So, everything is quite simple. Draw a pattern (or print it out). Then everything is transferred to any type of fabric (the choice is made according to your taste, but if you are not well versed in fabric, then we can recommend felt - it is more popular nowadays). We cut out two parts at a time, then sew them together with a buttonhole stitch. The main thing is to remember to leave a hole for the filler. Having filled the toy, sew up the rest. The toy is ready!

If you are a fairly experienced tailor, then I offer the following toy patterns to choose from...

Ideas from Japan.

All New Year's Dog crafts should be beautiful. So try your best while creating them. Among the readers, there will probably be people who know how to spin. We suggest connecting volumetric craft using hooks and knitting needles. Let's use Japanese technology called amigurumi. The point is that the toys are knitted in a spiral. The end result is cute and cute creations.

Let's do Christmas tree toy- a dog.

Consider three options for crafts that are suitable as New Year's decorations.

Felt dog. We have already considered this case above. This material makes an amazing and creative toy.

Paper dog. We will need a sheet of paper of any color and markers to draw eyes and a nose. Below is a diagram on which you can assemble the toy. All that remains is to thread the thread and hang it on the tree.

Rubber dog. IN Lately among younger children (and older ones too) school age Weaving with small rubber bands has become very widespread.

Let's sum it up

To make the dog's garden crafts interesting, use our ideas. In addition, add your imagination to them. Many ideas and thoughts are spinning in our heads. As you can see, you can make a talisman for next year using any available means. So let it bring you good luck in the new year 2018.

You need to prepare for the New Year in advance, especially if you have a lot of friends, which means you need to give a lot of gifts. 2018 will pass under the sign of the Earth (yellow or brown) Dog.

This article will contain all the photographs and master classes sent to the competition " " .

Also see what ideas and workshops on making symbol of 2018 is already on our website. Master classes are collected in a separate section ““.

Dogs - modeling

"Little dogs." Semova Yulia Valerievna.
Felt and foamiran dogs for decoration New Year's table, have a hole at the bottom, can be put on a spoon or skewer. If you glue a magnet, you can put it on the refrigerator.

Dog made of cold porcelain.

"Symbol of the New Year." Kalycheva Victoria.
The dog is made entirely of plastic. Decorated with thermal rhinestones and sequins. The eyes are decorated with artificial eyelashes.

“Let’s celebrate the New Year together with the Barboskins)))).” Lavrentieva Polina Igorevna.
Plasticine, colored paper, cotton wool, paints, artificial snow, glue, toothpicks, transparent paper, New Year's tinsel, plastic base.

"Dog with a gift." Vorotyntseva Natalya Vasilievna.
The work is made of plasticine. We select the colors of the desired color and get to work. Roll out the balls, trying to make them the same size. Next we lay them out along the contour of the picture, tightly to each other.
And now the picture is ready!

Snuppy, Rex, terrier, pug and poodle -

Paper dogs

"Charlik." Korabelnikova Alena Alexandrovna.
Modular origami.

“Vytynanka is the symbol of the year.” Trotskaya Anna.
The work is made of paper. We would like to present to your attention the symbol of 2018. These are perfect for the New Years.

"Symbol of the Year" Solovyova Lyudmila.
The work is made of paper using the punching technique, painted gold and decorated with rhinestones.

"Dog". Gritsenko Oleksandr.
The work is made of cardboard paper and disk. Circled with a marker.

"New Year's dog." Maryukhno Ulyana.
The work was made using the iris folding technique from paper. All parts of the picture are glued to the base.

The second work is made using the origami technique - a symbol of 2018. The material for work is paper.

Dogs from paper straws. Tatiana.

Champagne coasters with images of dogs - the symbol of 2018.

Pug out of the box

You can make a small souvenir in the shape of a dog from a box. Moreover, the dog will be of a certain breed - a pug puppy. It is necessary to use material of two shades to show a unique color. Pugs are very cute, soft and even funny. They are wrinkled and plump, like hamsters. Sometimes a living dog cannot be distinguished from a plush miniature. Master class by Elena Nikolaeva.

To create a paper dog, prepare:

  • paper box;
  • orange corrugated paper;
  • measuring tool;
  • brown paper or cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • set of pens.

Paper pug puppy step by step

1. You can take any box for work: food, cosmetics, household goods. Its shape should be narrow and oblong. Soft corrugated paper necessary for gluing colored cardboard. The main body of the figure will be orange, with the individual pieces being a darker brown.

2. Try the box against the canvas and cut out a canvas that is enough to completely cover the original part. Wrap the orange paper around the box, glue the end of the fabric, and smooth it out.

3. Cut out the pieces for the puppy's face. Make a frame for the eyes from the brown piece and glue smaller white pieces on top. Make a triangular nose.

4. Draw pupils on the eyes, longitudinal wrinkles on the brown nose, and also add a tongue. Additionally, cut out narrow triangular ears from brown paper. Bend them, glue the narrow ends to the opposite side.

5. Glue the received parts onto the orange box so that the little pug will look at us and smile. Place the eyes and nose in the center, and the ears at the top.

6. Also make four legs - simple oval parts from the same brown paper. Use a pen to draw your fingers.

7. Glue the ends of the paws to the craft: the upper paws in the center, the lower ones at the bottom. Assembly is complete.

Interesting paper craft ready for children. This is a copy of a person’s friend, which will rid the house of negativity. Doing it together is a lot of fun, and therefore you can practice such entertainment on weekends when you want to keep your child busy. In practice, you can transfer such knowledge to a traditional toilet paper roll, then you will get a similar, but rounded (cylindrical) figure.

Dog toys - sewing

“Symbol of 2018 “Dog in a gift sock.” Tsybulkina Alena Alekseevna.
Felt work. To work you will need:
— Felt (brown, light brown, black, pink, red and white);
— threads (to match the color of felt);
- filler;
- needle;
- scissors.

"Dobryash Puppy." Anoprikova Anastasia.

The puppy is made of colored felt, added satin ribbon and a metal bell. Sintepon was used as a filler.

“The symbol of the New Year 2018 is “Dogs.” Cherednichenko Nadezhda, 14 years old.
Made of colored felt with filling.

"Most best gift" Khleskin Konstantin together with teacher Spevak Tanzilya Faskhaevna.
The craft is New Year's gift, consisting of candy, a cracker and a dog. The cracker and candy are made of cardboard and paper. Doggy - soft toy, sewn from fabric.

Galina Egorova's dogs:

"Dog made from scraps." Zhukova Tatyana Nikolaevna.
The dog is sewn from circles, the muzzle is made of fleece. The body and paws are tightly gathered onto a strong thread.

Christmas costumes

For New Year's costume you will need - grass yarn and wool blend yarn different colors. Hook No. 2. A piece of spotted fabric, tinsel, black felt, a needle and thread for sewing on details. Synthetic padding for the face, white blouse, spotted socks and slippers, bow.
We knit a hat from white “grass”. On one side, when knitting, we leave holes for the eyes, sew on ears and round cheeks.
We cut out the eyebrows from felt, knit a tongue and a muzzle from two halves. Glue the nose.
We sew on all the details + the mustache, and we get a hat like this:

For the vest we cut out the back and shelves. We sew the parts together and trim them with tinsel.
We knit a jumpsuit with straps and voluminous shorts, st. double crochet, alternating different yarns.

We knit arm ruffles. Sew on a tinsel tail. We attach a bow to the hat, put on socks and slippers.

Varvara helped demonstrate the costume. Breed: Marbled Royal Dane.

Foamiran dogs

Dogs Druzhok and Ladushka (with a surprise) - .

Knitted dogs

Competition works of Oksana Alexandrova:

Twin brothers - Antoshka's puppies. Crocheted:


"Amgurumi dog." Zaikina Olga.

The toy is crocheted.

"Amgurumi Dachshund dog." Zaikina Olga.
Crocheted from “alize” yarn.

Amgurumi dogs:

"Rocky - "Symbol of 2018." Nikolyuk Lisa.
The base is papier-mâché made of paper, shaggy threads are wound on top, the ears are crocheted, the eyes and nose are glued on top.

"Jack the Dog." Molokanova Valeria.

“Julia. Julia and Rachel. Dog Barbos. Bug." Molokanova Valeria.

"Miron." Sorokina Lyudmila Viktorovna.
A toy dog ​​named Miron. Crocheted No. 2, from multi-colored threads.

"The symbol of the year is the dog." Koksheneva Lyubov Evgenievna.
I crocheted the dog from leftover yarn, filled it with stuffing, and had a little finishing. Made a great gift for my granddaughter's birthday. She really liked it. I knitted the dog in two evenings. She has already taken part in the New Year's competition in kindergarten and received a certificate.

Pillow-toy “Friend”. Nikonova Vera.

A dog in a New Year's cap -

Wool dogs

"Dog Knopa." Popova Polina, 7 years old.

"Felted dog." Parkhomchik Dasha.
Dog made using dry felting technique.

Dogs made from scrap materials

"New Year's Poodle" Mironova Olga Sergeevna.
This poodle was made with my daughter at New Year's competition At school. For it I took 1×1 m foam plastic, 10 cm thick, from plastic bags I twisted such little panicles, and then, using sewing pins (needles), attached them to the workpiece. The paws, part of the nose and body were sealed with cotton wool, the nose was made of felt.

"The New Year is in a hurry." Kallaeva Lyubov.
A cheerful dog made of stones, cardboard, sea stones, cones, an eye, a shell (tail), and packaging material were also used.

"Dog Lucky." Volodichev Ilya.
Application. The Christmas tree is made of colored paper, the dog is made of millet and barley groats.

"Symbol of the year 2018." Christmas Nika.
The craft is made from waste material: corks, ribbon, braid, flower, button eyes.

"Yellow Earth Dog." Kurtz Ekaterina.
For the toy you needed:
Light bulb, gouache, white wool threads for a hat, cardboard ears.

Yellow pompom dog. Valentina Glukhova.

To make it you will need: newspaper, glue, yarn suitable color, scissors, fork, felt and time for creativity.

Stage 1: for the base of our future dog, we take wallpaper glue and newspaper, tear the newspaper into small pieces and soak it in glue. From these wet pieces we sculpt the silhouette of a dog, in this case it is the head. Let it dry.
Stage 2: This is making pompoms on a fork. We place a small piece of thread between the teeth in the middle, then we wind 20 turns on the teeth, cut the main thread and tie a knot in the middle. Remove from the fork and use scissors to cut along the edges and straighten the pompom. The number of pom poms depends on the size of your base.
Stage 3: We cut out eyes, ears and tongue from felt.
Stage 4: Assembly. Our blank has dried, we begin to decorate it, first we glue the eyes, tongue and ears with Moment Crystal glue. Then we begin to glue the pompoms from the muzzle and then the entire base. Our dog is ready.

"Symbol of the Year". Modina Victoria.
The work was made using stationery glue and thread.