Health Pregnancy the beauty

Symptoms of the onset of labor in re-parous. The subsidence of the child's motor activity

Harbingers of childbirth- This is a set of signs indicating the imminent onset of labor. It should be understood that any organism is individual and for each woman, the signs of an impending birth can manifest themselves in different ways, sometimes far from meeting generally accepted standards.

The main harbingers of childbirth

Harbingers of imminent childbirth can be very diverse:

  1. Increase in quantity and change in character;
  2. Departure of the mucous plug;
  3. Weight loss;
  4. Appearance;
  5. decline;
  6. Changes in urination and defecation;
  7. Change in gait.

Prolapse of the abdomen

Abdominal prolapse is one of the signs of the approach of childbirth, however, it should be remembered that it is quite difficult to determine the approximate date of birth only by changing the height of the fundus of the uterus. So, according to the average data, in nulliparous women, abdominal prolapse should take place 2-4 weeks before the onset of labor, and in multiparous women, a few days or immediately before childbirth. However, for each pregnant woman, this process can proceed individually, depending on many factors.

Cervical changes

Of course, the woman herself cannot determine the changes that occur with the cervix before childbirth, this is only possible for an obstetrician-gynecologist when viewed on a chair.

information Under the influence of an increasing level of the hormone estrogen, the cervix begins to prepare for the upcoming birth: it shortens, softens, and begins to open. By 38-39 weeks, the cervix should normally already be mature: the length is no more than 2 cm, the walls are softened, the external pharynx passes 1-2 fingers.

Change in secretions from the genital tract

Under the influence of the same estrogen, the discharge from the genital tract becomes more liquid and plentiful. Often, women, noticing an abundance of mucus, are frightened, thinking that this is amniotic fluid. In this case, you should consult a doctor for a refutation or do a special test yourself to exclude leakage of amniotic fluid.

Removal of the mucous plug

May go to various terms pregnancy: in some women, it is released already 2 weeks before the birth of the child, in others it may appear only with the onset of contractions and the opening of the cervix. In addition, the cork may not stand out at once, but move away within a few days in small portions.

Weight loss

If a pregnant woman is regularly weighed, then some time before the onset of labor, she can detect a decrease in body weight by 1-2 kg. This is due to the removal of excess fluid from the body, which causes increased blood clotting and thickening. Thus, the body also prepares for childbirth and is protected from large blood loss during the birth of a child.

In addition, weight loss may be associated with loss of appetite in last days pregnancy, which is often noted by pregnant women. Some women also have severe nausea before childbirth, which also does not contribute to weight gain.

The emergence of training fights

remember Closer to the beginning of labor, the uterus often begins to come into increased tone, which is manifested by a feeling of heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. A woman should be able to distinguish training or false contractions from real ones, which are symptoms of the onset of labor.

Differences between training and labor contractions

signs Training bouts Birth pains
DurationIrregular, rather short-term Over time, they do not increase, but, on the contrary, subsideRegular Strengthen and lengthen over time
SorenessAccompanied by mild pain, reminiscent of pain during menstruationPain gets worse with time
Termination of contractionsContractions disappear spontaneously or after a short restDo not disappear normally The cessation of labor pains is a dangerous symptom
Condition of the cervixDoesn't changeThe cervix dilates

It should be remembered that real contractions are the first signs of childbirth, so a woman needs to see a doctor and go to the maternity ward.

Reducing fetal movements

By the end of pregnancy, before childbirth, the child calms down, which is primarily due to its rapid growth: the baby becomes cramped, his movements are constrained. In rare cases, women, on the contrary, may notice an increase in fetal activity.

Changes in urination and defecation

After the prolapse of the abdomen, women may complain of violations of physiological bowel movements.

The pressure of the baby's head on bladder causes frequent urination, and often urinary incontinence during physical exertion.

Compression of the rectum also leads to impaired defecation: pregnant women begin to suffer frequent, some, on the contrary, complain of diarrhea before childbirth.

Change in gait

A change in the gait of a pregnant woman can also indicate the approach of the onset of labor and appears after the lowering of the abdomen. The pressure of the baby's head causes a kind of "duck walk": the woman begins to waddle.

Signs of childbirth in primiparas

Harbingers of childbirth in primiparous women have their own characteristics compared to multiparous women. Signs, as a rule, have a large time difference, because they can appear both a few days before childbirth, and long before their onset, so it is extremely difficult to judge the time of birth of a child by them. In addition, due to their inexperience, primiparous women may simply not pay attention to many precursors, and they go unnoticed.

Signs of childbirth in multiparous

Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women are in most cases more pronounced, which is associated with a more active response of the body to hormonal influences and familiarity of women with many signs. In addition, it should be remembered that with repeated pregnancies, precursors may appear much later, often immediately before childbirth.

preterm birth

Premature births are considered to occur between 28 and 37 weeks of gestation (according to WHO, from 22 to 37 weeks and 6 days).

Signs of preterm labor:

  1. Cramping pains: labor pains or false contractions up to 36-37 weeks;
  2. Feelings of heaviness in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region;
  3. Abdominal prolapse before 35-36 weeks;
  4. The appearance of bloody or brown discharge from the genital tract;
  5. Sensations of pressure on the perineum and bones pelvis.

Similar signs indicate that childbirth begins. Due to the immaturity of the fetus, this condition is dangerous for his health and life, so the woman must be urgently hospitalized to maintain the pregnancy.

To date, there are quite a few ways to set the estimated date of birth of the baby. These are various conception calendars, and ultrasound (during the study, the doctor evaluates the parameters of the fetus and draws approximate conclusions about its age), and folk omens. However, in practice, the real birthday of the crumbs often does not coincide with the expected one - normally, pregnancy can last from 36-38 to 40-42 weeks, and no one knows for sure how long your baby will need to “sit out” in the womb, so whether to believe various guesses , calculations and assumptions - decide for yourself.

Along with the, future mom can understand that her child is almost ready to be born and after a very short time will please the family with her personal presence in a number of so-called. forerunners of childbirth.

Sudden bursts of energy

On the eve of delivery, some mothers seem to have a “second wind”. It would seem that just yesterday a woman could hardly move because of her huge belly, swollen legs and other things characteristic of pregnancy, as today she flits around the house. It is not known where the strength comes from for cooking, cleaning, washing and other household chores.

If you notice such a sign in yourself, try to consult a doctor as soon as possible, but it’s better to personally come to the maternity hospital, especially if you did take advantage of the “bonus” energy and redo all household chores - this can lead to even faster delivery.

The closer to childbirth, the more often they usually appear. It is no secret that the uterus in its structure is a muscular organ and before the baby is born, she needs a little "work out". As a rule, such contractions last a maximum of a couple of hours and do not cause any serious discomfort to the expectant mother. Sometimes painful or simply unpleasant sensations may appear, mainly in the form of dull aching pain in the lower abdomen. With real contractions, the pain spreads from the lower back to the abdomen.

The scenario can develop in two ways: training contractions either end or turn into full-fledged labor activity. In multiparous women, it is often the second option that is noted. You can understand that training contractions have turned into real ones by becoming regular - for this, it is enough to measure the time between adjacent episodes of "training".

Contact the doctor just in case, but in most cases you don’t have to rush to the maternity hospital - training contractions do not always indicate a rapidly approaching birth.

In some cases, training contractions cause a pregnant woman great discomfort, repeating almost every day and preventing her from having a good rest. Under such circumstances, a visit to a doctor is mandatory.

The discharge of water is one of the main signs of a rapidly approaching birth. It is extremely difficult to miss such a signal - if it begins to pour volumetrically down from the vagina, it's time to call an ambulance or quickly get to the maternity hospital on your own.

Along with this, leaks may not be very pronounced and episodic - this is one of the harbingers of childbirth at the 38th week. The reason is extremely simple - the fetus, preparing for the birth, damages the bladder with amniotic fluid, as a result of which it begins to "ooze" through the holes formed.

Important! In multiparous women, even slight leakage amniotic fluid, which occurred before the onset of contractions, may indicate a rapidly approaching delivery. Treat this harbinger of childbirth with the utmost care and caution - be sure to contact your doctor and tune in for a trip to the hospital.

"Petrification" of the abdomen

One of the characteristic harbingers of a rapidly approaching birth. The feeling of petrification appears due to the entry of the uterus into a state of hypertonicity. If you notice this symptom, contact your doctor as soon as possible, or even better, visit him in person.

Pressure in the perineum

Preparing for the birth, the baby tries to take the most convenient position for this. When there is very little left before childbirth, the baby's head begins to exert significant pressure on the cervix. Women describe this condition as an unpleasant, strongly pressing sensation in the perineum, sometimes in the abdomen, mainly in its lower part.

Cervical maturity scale

signMaturity 0Maturity 1Maturity level 2
Consistency of the cervixdenseSoftened, but compacted in the area of ​​​​the internal pharynxSoft
Cervical length, smoothnessMore than 2 cm1-2 cmLess than 1 cm or flattened
Canal patency, pharynxExternal os closed, lets fingertip throughThe cervical canal is passable for 1 finger, but a seal is determined in the area of ​​​​the internal pharynxMore than 1 finger, with a flattened cervix more than 2 cm
Position of the cervixPosteriorlyanteriorMedian

Preparing for birth, the baby usually turns head down. In most cases, such changes are noticeable even in the appearance of the expectant mother. At the same time, in multiparous women, a lowered belly indicates that the baby will be born very soon.

A relatively rare harbinger of childbirth, but for a better understanding of their condition, expectant mothers should also keep it in mind. The body of a woman, realizing that the birth is about to happen, prepares for the upcoming changes and sends appropriate signals to the organs involved. For example, the mammary glands, “tuning in” to the upcoming feeding, begin to produce colostrum, which is released from the nipples in small drops.

A characteristic harbinger of an approaching birth is a sharp change in mood, even more rapid than during the gestation period. A woman either falls exhausted, or it is not known where she takes, it seems, an inexhaustible supply of energy. With an interval of a couple of minutes, the expectant mother can cry and laugh, need care and not want to see anyone, etc.

Such changes are associated primarily with ongoing neuroendocrine and processes. Sometimes it is difficult for a woman to cope with her mood and all that remains is to wait until the baby is born.

Thus, many signs can indicate the approaching birth at the 38th week:

  • sudden mood swings;
  • changes appearance and the appearance of discomfort in the abdomen and other places;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid, etc.

You are familiar with the most common of them. But it is important to understand that it is not at all necessary that you will have all the described signals at once - some women do not have any precursors at all.

Carefully monitor the changes in your condition, keep a bag with the necessary things and documents for admission to the maternity hospital within reach and be healthy!

Video - 38 weeks of pregnancy harbingers of childbirth in multiparous

During pregnancy, a lot of effort is spent on determining the term and clarifying the date of the baby's birth. However, accurately predict the day long-awaited event pretty hard. Starting from 35-36 weeks, you should already be ready to go to the hospital at any moment. The body of a woman is designed in such a way that the body gives certain signals that childbirth is approaching. In multiparous women, as a rule, the precursors practically do not differ from the signs of the imminent birth of a baby in those ladies who will only become mothers for the first time.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous

A number of signs by which you can understand that the body is signaling the imminent birth of a baby are listed below and relate to various aspects.

Prolapse of the abdomen

Abdominal prolapse is usually observed a few days before childbirth. However, this does not happen to everyone. This phenomenon has its advantages and disadvantages. In connection with breathing, the pressure on the stomach, which is manifested by heartburn and lack of appetite, will be relieved. At the same time, shortness of breath will not be so strong, and the pain under the ribs will recede slightly.

But for those who experience more discomfort from insomnia, for sure the lowering of the abdomen will only bring more trouble. With this position, finding a comfortable position for a night's rest is difficult.

Mucus discharge

In women who have already given birth to a child, all manifestations of the imminent onset of the birth process develop more rapidly. If a mucus plug can go away a week before the onset of labor in a primipara, then this situation will hardly affect you. Most likely, you will give birth a couple of days (or even hours) after the discharge of mucus.

The appearance of jelly-like clots indicates that the cervix is ​​​​opening.

The mucous plug looks like a transparent clot resembling jelly. It happens that the whole cork leaves at once, in other cases it happens in parts. The color of the clot can be:

  • transparent;
  • cream;
  • brown.

It also sometimes contains blood streaks.


Here you have some advantage over those who give birth for the first time. Since you've experienced all of this before, you know exactly what to expect and what it means. However, even a woman who already has experience in bearing a baby is able to confuse Braxton-Hicks contractions with real ones.

Training and true fights have several differences. It's time to go to the hospital if:

  • a change in body position does not bring any relief;
  • the regularity of contractions increases;
  • the time intervals between them become shorter;
  • the duration of the contractions is increasing.

In the case of this kind of contractions, expect the baby to be born in 6-8 hours. There is one more feature that you can be sure of their authenticity by discovering during fights. This is an accompanying brown discharge from the genitals.

Drainage of amniotic fluid

This is one of the most accurate harbingers of an early birth. Sometimes a woman's water does not leave until the very birth process. Then doctors artificially start the process of their discharge - they pierce the fetal bladder.

This scenario is more common in those who give birth for the first time. In multiparous bubbles, as a rule, bursts itself. It happens painlessly, but often suddenly. Even at night, a woman's water can break. It happens that when the fetal bladder bursts, a characteristic cotton of a deaf nature is heard.

The intensity of discharge of amniotic fluid also varies. Water can pour out in streams at once, and it happens that they just leak. In any case, the trip to the hospital cannot be postponed, you need to go right away.

The nature of the activity of the fetus

Some features of the child's mobility also serve as a sign of the approach of an important event. In the last days of life in the womb, the child becomes inactive, as if he is stocking up on energy. Later, on the contrary, he becomes very mobile.

An unexpected burst of energy

Out of nowhere, suddenly a whole storm wakes up in a woman vital energy. And all this, despite the fact that only yesterday she hardly felt able to walk to the next room. At this time, they usually do not sit still, and they persistently try to occupy themselves with something. As a rule, they occupy themselves with preparing the house for the birth of the baby. This phenomenon is also called nesting instinct.

Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting

Such negative manifestations are explained by the fact that the body seeks to cleanse itself before the upcoming birth and “throws” hormones into the blood that provoke labor. Visiting the toilet often before childbirth is not a single one. It is characterized by a large amount of excreted feces.

Be attentive to your body, watch, perhaps there are other harbingers of the birth process. Women often mistake these symptoms for poisoning.

Slight weight loss

Provided that a woman is regularly weighed and is well aware of the dynamics of changes in her body weight, she may notice a sudden weight loss of a couple of kilograms. There is also a slight decrease in the severity of edema.


If the discharge has become profuse, it is possible that you will give birth soon.


Often, before childbirth, women experience pain of a dull nature. In this case, the pain can manifest itself periodically or linearly, without stopping.


Chills are a common occurrence before childbirth or even at the beginning of the birth process itself.

Lack of appetite

Women often do not want to eat before giving birth. This is a natural phenomenon. The body itself seeks to reduce the amount of food that a pregnant woman consumes.

Changeable mood

Emotional instability is the most natural manifestation of the approach of childbirth. This is due to a large number of hormones, they "rage" in the body of a woman and are responsible for stimulating the birth process.

Second birth: features

If a woman already has the experience of having a baby, then the second time it will be much easier. This is especially true for those who have a time interval between the first and second births of no more than five years. This is due to the fact that a woman’s body “remembers” well what to do and reacts quickly.

Sometimes the second birth can be more difficult than the first. This occurs in those who gave birth more than ten years ago and now, due to some age-related changes childbearing is more difficult.

Childbirth periods

The uterus consists of the body and the cervix. The cervix contains the cervical canal, which has two os:

  • interior;
  • outer.

The internal pharynx goes into the cavity of the reproductive organ, and the external one goes into the vagina.

Childbirth is divided into three periods:

  • disclosure period;
  • period of exile;
  • postpartum period.

First period: dilatation of the cervix

The first period is different for those who give birth for the first time and for those who do it again.

  1. At the primipara.

When labor begins, the internal pressure in the uterus increases, the longitudinal muscles contract and the circular muscles relax. The cervix is ​​shortened, smoothed out. Gradually, the internal pharynx opens and then the external one. The reproductive system operates on the principle of a funnel. All this takes 9-11 hours.

  1. In a multiparous.

In women who already have experience of pregnancy, this all happens at the same time. That is, the cervix shortens and the uterus flattens as the internal and external os open. In this case, much less time is required (6-7 hours).

The opening of the cervix is ​​also influenced by the movement of amniotic fluid into the lower part of the fetal bladder. Its rupture occurs when the cervix is ​​7-8 centimeters dilated. For multiparous, this figure decreases to 5-6 cm.

Second period: expulsion of the fetus

The period begins from the moment the pharynx is fully opened and ends with the birth of the baby. In addition to uterine contractions - contractions - the woman now experiences pushing. They are a complex of contractions of the abdominal muscles, diaphragm and pelvic muscles. Their intensity is relatively regulated by the mother herself. This mechanism of the birth process functions to ensure the progress of the baby through the birth canal.

The experience of childbirth in a woman makes it possible to reduce pain and accelerate the progress of the child through the birth canal. Accordingly, the duration of exile is reduced in those who have already given birth. It is 15-30 minutes, while in primiparas, the duration of the exile period reaches one to two hours.

However, women with a history of childbirth may experience a problem associated with weakness of the abdominal muscles, provoked by previous births. In this case, the attempts are not intense enough to push the fetus out. Often this affects those who give birth for the third time or the 4th, etc...

Third period (postpartum)

This period is characterized by the shortest duration and is approximately 10-15 minutes. Here there are postpartum contractions aimed at separating the placenta and fetal membranes from the uterine wall and excreting the placenta. Among the features of the period is the release of blood, on average its volume is 250 ml. A discharge of more than 400 ml is already outside the normal range and is considered a violation.

In women giving birth to the 3rd, 4th and subsequent times, there is an increased risk of hypotonic or atonic bleeding. This is due to the fact that the uterus wears out and loses its ability to contract.

The optimal time interval between births

According to WHO, the most suitable time interval for a woman's body between births is approximately 2-2.5 years. During this time, the woman's body just has time to recover and stock up on the necessary vitamins and minerals. And at the same time, the body still “remembers” the birth process and remains well prepared for it.

When the interval between childbirth is less than two years, a woman's body does not have time to accumulate all the necessary substances. This can provoke some fetal disorders, there is even a possibility of developing malnutrition. Also, in the case of such a break, the level of hemoglobin in a woman is lowered. This is due primarily to severe blood loss.

A protracted break between births (this is considered a gap of 10 years or more) can also negatively affect a second pregnancy. In this case, the problem lies in the insufficient blood supply to the reproductive organ - the uterus. Possibly acquired pathologies of the reproductive system aggravate the problem. There are a number of disorders that do not belong to diseases of a sexual nature, but nevertheless have an equally negative impact on the course of pregnancy. Among them:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • arterial hypertension and others.

With age, as a rule, the number of acquired diseases increases, and body functions become less active.

Childbirth after caesarean section

You should wait at least two years before deciding to have another baby after a caesarean section. By giving birth before the expiration of this period, you incur the danger of a divergence of the seam. In this case, the tactics of conducting labor activity depends on the following factors:

  • fetal presentation;
  • the number of caesarean sections carried out;
  • weight of the baby;
  • features of the course of pregnancy;
  • scar condition.

Women who give birth again after a caesarean section are hospitalized for a period of 37-38 weeks. They are closely monitored and, in the event of violations, an urgent delivery is carried out by the operative method.

The second birth is often much easier for women than the first. This is due to the preparedness of the body for labor. However, this does not apply to everyone. Individual characteristics of each organism and the interval between births have a significant impact on the course of pregnancy. Repeated pregnancy after 10 years or more is equal to the first.

As for pregnancy and childbirth for the third and subsequent times, there is a considerable risk of complications. Many of them are related to the wear and tear of the reproductive system.

39th week of pregnancy: harbingers of childbirth in multiparous and primiparous

By the 39th week, the expectant mother should always be under the supervision of one of her relatives: the harbingers of childbirth can appear at any moment. And if primiparas can take a lot of time from the appearance of signs of childbirth to the start of the process, then multiparous ones may not have a margin of time: literally 1 day or several hours - and the baby will appear.

  1. Discharge at 39 weeks pregnant

Delivery at 39 weeks pregnant

A baby at 39 weeks pregnant is ready to be born. At the 39th week of pregnancy, the harbingers of childbirth in primiparous and multiparous women may appear unexpectedly.

These include the following phenomena:

  • abdominal pain;
  • feeling that the stomach is turning to stone;
  • leakage of water or their discharge;
  • reduction in the number of fetal movements;
  • loosening of the stool, which women perceive as mild diarrhea;

Along with these symptoms are often observed:

  • weakness, apathy in a woman;
  • drowsiness - constantly wanting to sleep;

Rare movements of the fetus and a deterioration in the well-being of the pregnant woman indicate that the period of bearing the baby is ending. It's time for him to see new world. Did the doctor say it's time to go to the hospital? So, there is not much time left to wait.

Diarrhea at 39 weeks pregnant

On the thirty ninth obstetric week often there is a change in the nature of the discharge from the intestines that surprises the woman: instead of what has already become habitual, which, together with hemorrhoids, often bothered the pregnant woman, suddenly there is a loosening of the stool. Such sensations, and even when there is pain in the abdomen, the child has calmed down, and a hard stomach is almost constant - is this normal? What is happening speaks of the beginning of labor activity. Abundant discharge is about to begin, that is, the water will break, and the baby will “ask” for the light. The body is preparing for the process, completely freeing itself from everything that can interfere with childbirth, go hormonal changes This is what causes frequent stools. When the birth begins, the mother will feel better.

39 weeks pregnant: how to speed up labor

If the period is already 39 weeks of pregnancy - how to give birth faster and what needs to be done for this? First of all, you need to get a consultation from a doctor whether it is really necessary to accelerate the process provided by nature. It is clear that you are already tired, but isn't your desire selfish? Everything will happen on time. It’s just that childbirth and gestation periods are different for each pregnant woman. And your time will surely come.

It happens that a woman is very tired of pulling her lower abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy, she is sick at the 39th week of pregnancy, she is tormented, amniotic fluid is leaking - and childbirth does not begin in any way.

If medical indications are attached to this:

  • the fetal heart rate has been changed (normally 120-160 beats per minute are determined on KGT);
  • the child is very active, something bothers him;
  • umbilical cord entanglement was diagnosed.

In such cases, doctors may decide to induce labor or have an operative delivery ( C-section). It is impossible to make a decision on your own to bring the term of childbirth closer against the background of relative well-being.

Doctors attempt to induce labor with various means, such as buscopan or mifepristone.

The first drug is used at thirty-nine weeks, if the mother's health is not too good, the placenta has grown old, the child does not have enough oxygen. , suspicious daub, constant leakage of amniotic fluid - all this can be the reason for the appointment medicinal product. Under the action of the drug, the cervix relaxes, shortens - childbirth begins.

The second drug is also used to stimulate labor, and on early dates- to stimulate uterine contractions after a spontaneous or medical abortion, so that the uterus is quickly cleared of the remnants of the fetal egg.

You can not take these drugs on your own, you can harm yourself and the child!

Sex at 39 weeks pregnant

An interesting way to speed up labor is to have sex. Physiological and safe way. This stimulates the production of hormones responsible for uterine contractions. The method is convenient: painless and used at home. But you need to find a suitable position and get permission from the gynecologist. Orgasm can cause activation of the muscles of the cervix and uterus.

The stomach turns to stone at 39 weeks of gestation

Signs of approaching childbirth at -39 weeks of gestation include a peculiar condition: “stone belly”. That's what characterizes his women. The stomach hardens due to the tone of the uterus: it tenses, preparing to reject the fetus. This may cause nausea, pain. But if such a condition goes away on its own or after taking no-shpa, papaverine, then these are just training bouts. It's too early to go to the hospital.

Nausea at 39 weeks pregnant

Nausea and vomiting can be harbingers of upcoming labor. The cause of nausea in this case: hormonal changes. Thus, the body reacts to the opening of the cervix. If you have ever had surgical interventions, remember: when the doctor made a small expansion of the cervix to gain access to the uterus, or immediately after that, you could also feel nauseous.

Allocations white color may be a sign of thrush. Its appearance before childbirth is highly undesirable, urgent treatment is required. How to treat thrush, the gynecologist will tell you.

What can be observed at 39 weeks

By week 39, the second pregnancy, like the first or third, can be completed. This is considered the norm, therefore, at the 39th week of pregnancy, the harbingers of childbirth do not surprise anyone. Doctors no longer prescribe drugs whose action is aimed at maintaining pregnancy. On the contrary, the question often arises at the 39th week of pregnancy, how to speed up the birth of a child. If all the indicators are normal, the expectant mother does not complain, then the doctors usually leave everything as it is and send the woman to "walk" the term to the end, waiting for the moment when the body itself starts the process.

Usually the standard gestation period is 280 days. But in fact, the actual date of birth can be quite different from the estimated one. It can be calculated by gynecologists and uzists, but they can also make a mistake, even for three weeks. Deciphering the study using ultrasound diagnostics is a difficult task and not always accurate. Especially in the case of multiple children, twins and twins. Your pregnancy may not go from week to week. Therefore, it is worth trusting yourself and your body and watching it. After all, it is it that can tell you when it is time to pack a bag for the hospital.

What are the harbingers of childbirth that expectant mothers need to pay attention to and how the features of the course of this period can help during childbirth? Despite the ambiguous signs, many women still confuse them with the usual state or simply do not notice. Although the harbingers of the second birth are already very noticeable and it is not difficult to determine them, but it is necessary, because childbirth can begin on any day.

It is difficult to give birth both for the first time and in subsequent ones. But multiparous people know what awaits them, although many are afraid that they have forgotten their first experience. Like the firstborn, you will have the same symptoms, but they can proceed more rapidly. For example, prolapse of the abdomen, with subsequent relieving symptoms, occurs in first-time mothers a few weeks before an important day, but for those for whom childbirth is not new, the stomach will drop only a couple of days before the birth, or may not fall at all. In this case, the baby's head will descend in the first phase of labor into the small pelvis, at the same time, the stomach will also descend.

Women who have given birth differ from those who have not given birth in terms of anatomy. Their cervix has a slightly wider lumen. It also responds more quickly to hormonal stimulation. Therefore, part of the precursors of childbirth in a multiparous woman will begin earlier.

For example, with repeated births, the mucous plug will be larger. There will be more liquid discharge at the end of the term.

Training contractions accompanying pregnancy come earlier, but perhaps this is due to the fact that you already know what they are and can notice them faster. So, if you are not giving birth for the first time and feel these harbingers on yourself, then you should pack your bag today, and not postpone this task until tomorrow.

What are the harbingers of childbirth and how do the harbingers of the second birth and the harbingers of childbirth differ in primiparas? In fact, almost nothing, only they pass faster and during contractions you need to more carefully control the intervals. For the second and third births, the harbingers are the same, consider them.

The belly drops. This does not always happen in pregnant women during the first, second and even third births, but lowering the stomach has its advantages: it will be much easier to breathe, shortness of breath will no longer torment, constant heartburn will also disappear. However, it will become a little more difficult to sleep, because now it will not be very comfortable in the usual positions due to a change in the position of the abdomen, the baby is now located lower. For multiparous women, this is only a few days before giving birth.

The amount of sexual secretions increases. This is due to the fact that part of the fetal bladder exfoliates from the uterine walls. It is important to remember that this is not a water leak. Often, to make sure this is only necessary to do a special test. It will show if there is amniotic fluid in the discharge.

Sudden weight loss. Always visit your doctor on a schedule so you can keep track of your weight. Before giving birth, you will lose some weight, or simply stop gaining weight. So the body facilitates the upcoming birth. The rate of weight loss is 2 kg.

Eat less. In the closest period of time before childbirth, your appetite will decrease, you will consume less food. Forcing yourself to eat for yourself and for the child is not worth it, trust your intuition. And for heartburn and nausea, better control what you eat.

The setting is changing. As the uterus becomes lower, the center of gravity of the body also shifts. Therefore, many women take on the appearance of proud expectant mothers, with their heads held high, even thrown back. The gait is now more similar to how a duck walks.

Frequent trips to the toilet. The fact is that the pressure that the bladder experiences due to other organs increases, and hormones make the rectum constantly give new urges. Surprisingly, the frequency does not affect the volume of the stool in any way, it can be even larger than usual. Right before the birth, you will most likely want to visit the restroom several times. And a few hours before strong contractions, vomiting, nausea and indigestion will appear. All the fault of the hormones that stimulate childbirth. So don't be shy.

Training bouts. They are not real, but their appearance indicates the imminent birth of a child. They do not differ in regularity, are completely painless and can be of different duration. This is how your uterus trains and warms up for the hard work ahead. For example, at the 35th week, a frequent harbinger of childbirth is Braxton-Hicks contractions. You may think that they are quite painful, but this is just a workout.

Pain in the back and lower abdomen. And again, all because of the omission of the child. Bones are also preparing for childbirth. The pain can be dull in the lower abdomen or girdle - in the back and abdomen at the same time. These pains are often intermittent, but can be permanent.

Breathing is easier now. Many pregnant women, especially in the last stages, find it difficult to breathe. The baby presses on the diaphragm, and you can not breathe with full lungs. And when the fetus descends, the respiratory organs can again function in their usual mode.

The fetus moves differently. The baby also tells you that his birth is very soon. He calms down before the storm, but gives signals that everything is fine with him, moving lazily in the womb. After this period comes another, full of activity. So he trains, learns how he will move during childbirth.

Sudden mood swings. Are you either tired, or you want to give birth faster, or you clean it, or you are too cheerful or shedding tears? Everything is fine, it's just that neuroendocrine processes are going on in your body. They make you behave not quite logically, but do everything to make the baby feel good, warm and comfortable after birth. However, as soon as you notice such changes in yourself, it is better to warn loved ones so as not to spoil the relationship.

We create a nest. People, like animals and birds, are trying to create favorable conditions for their future child. This is called the nesting instinct. A woman constantly wants to redo the nursery, clean and improve the house, clean everything to the smallest speck of dust. Soon there will be a new native roommate. This usually happens a week before the birth. If the pregnant woman hides in a corner, does not want to talk to anyone and tries to separate from everyone, then there are only a few hours left. So she, on a psychological level, is looking for a quiet place for an early birth.

For a couple of days, the expectant mother can feel sorry for herself for absolutely any reason, constantly cry and ask for approval and protection. So she, although not consciously, looks at the actions of her husband and loved ones. At this point, she is a child.
All of the above are harbingers of an early birth. Whether you are 36, 38 or even 40 weeks, you will feel them, at least some of them. If any other processes have begun, and even painful ones, immediately call the doctor.

Giving birth again is like reading a book that you have already read, but a long time ago. The process is similar, but you may feel it differently. The primiparous organism understands that such processes have already occurred to it, and passes through them faster. Therefore, preparation for the birth of the second and third child will be easier.

You should not rely on the words of your friends, everyone is different, since each organism is unique. Much depends on the health of the pregnant woman, and on the period of time that has passed since the last birth.

Often, from the first harbinger to the last, you will not have to wait long. So the baby will be born in about 2-5 days.

The second, third and subsequent births are much faster than the first. You might not have noticed some of the phenomena in front of them during your first pregnancy. Of course, how can one pay attention to well-being when you are so worried about yourself, for the child and for the birth itself. But now, you definitely need to constantly listen to your body, because with some signs you need to immediately go to the hospital. Therefore, it is better to write out for the 39th, 38th, 37th and 36th weeks of pregnancy the harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women.

Cork removal. The mucus plug can also come off as a prolapse of the abdomen, that is, it can be a couple of days before childbirth, or maybe a couple of weeks. That's just with the second and third births, the cervix opens much faster than with the first. So you may well be in the hospital in a few hours. The cork leaves as a jelly-like clot, sometimes right during childbirth from the pelvic region. Usually it is a clear, creamy or slightly brown mucus. Sometimes it contains small streaks of blood. The fact that the cork has moved away indicates that the uterus is gradually opening. Moreover, the greater the weight of the child, the more likely it is that you yourself will notice its departure. However, it can also move away when visiting the restroom, and you will not notice. This clot can separate all at once, or it can come out in pieces for several days.

Change in fetal behavior. Previously, you probably knew the whole day regimen of the child, when he is active and when he sleeps. The formation of his nervous system over the last obstetric month led to such a regimen. The day before the birth, he can behave in a completely different way, the child is now cramped. He can move a lot at first, then calm down for a long time, and then beat the rhythm with which he will be born. If there is no movement at all, this is a bad sign and you need to see a doctor.

Pain in the lower abdomen. Now, when you give birth not for the first time, you already know that there is nothing terrible and wrong in such pains. It's just a sign that it's started generic activity. Less experienced moms start to panic.

The waters have receded. And now the most popular sign that childbirth is just around the corner is the discharge of amniotic fluid. This doesn't happen to everyone. Therefore, you should not wait for the moment when the waters break. They can be pierced in the hospital. But since you are not giving birth for the first time, you have a much greater chance that the waters will break on their own. Often this happens quite suddenly, most often at night. Do not worry, there will be no pain, you will only hear a dull pop. As in the case of a cork, water may not leave immediately, but in parts. This happens if the fetal bladder has been damaged. So the liquid is gone. No fights? Urgently go to the hospital!

contractions. Of course, this time not false contractions. You can easily distinguish them, these contractions will be an echo of your past births. There is no need to panic, but it is worth hurrying, especially if brown discharge comes out with contractions.

If you have twins, you got twins or even triplets, then most likely the weight and parameters of each child from twins and triplets will be less than the standard weight for one baby. They just won't fit, your belly isn't rubber, no matter what kind of presentation they have.
Your doctor may prescribe additional ultrasound procedure and screening for data refinement. You can even insert a photo of a child at the last stage of development into your mother's diary. You will see how the child looks like, what is his location, where the umbilical cord is located, the child may have a non-standard pelvic location. This must be taken into account during childbirth. You will also find out what is the mass of the child, understand how much he weighs now look at his movements.

It is also important to find out if you have low placentation, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios, what is the condition of the cervix on this moment your pregnancy may be shorter than you thought.


All the harbingers of childbirth are not at all in order to raise a panic among you or your loved ones. They just need to be recognized in time and rejoice that now your child is preparing to be born. Naturally, this will be a good hint for you as well. After all, giving birth at home or in an ambulance can be very dangerous for both mother and child. It would be much wiser to go to the hospital on time and give birth to a child under the supervision of experienced doctors.

These warning signs usually appear in pregnant women after about 38 weeks. And this means that, if you count correctly, there is only one or two weeks left until the DA. If you feel one or more of the signs, do not worry and immediately get into the car. The baby won't show up in a couple of minutes or hours. This will take days and even weeks. You just have to prepare yourself mentally and physically.

If you feel a few last signs, you should prepare for a trip to the hospital. Do not forget also that in multiparous periods, the passage of labor is much faster.

If the first birth did not go very well, there were any problems with their course, with your health or with the health of the child, you should see a doctor more often. Take his phone number so that if you have any signs that worry you, you can call and ask for advice.