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How long should you keep a silver spoon in water? Purifying water with silver: myths and reality Is it possible to boil a silver coin in a kettle?

Good day to all! I am sure that you all know about the benefits of regular drinking water. But do you know how to clean it? After all, it is purified water that is beneficial and there are many ways to purify it. One of these methods is silver. And today I want to tell you how silver purifies water at home.

The main source we use is water supply. All people drink and use tap water. But, despite the fact that this water is considered drinking water, there are doubts about its quality. After all, while the water comes to us through the plumbing, it literally absorbs all the dirty particles, rust, and bacteria living in the pipes. Tap water also contains chlorine, fluorine, aluminum and lead. Therefore, the water must be cleaned.

The easiest way is boiling. It’s not for nothing that since childhood we have been told: “Drink boiled water, there are no germs in it.” Indeed, there are no germs, bacteria, just as there are no useful properties. Boiled water is dead water, which does neither good nor harm.

This liquid can be used for cooking, but not for consumption. pure form. This means we purify the water ourselves, with our own hands. And for this we need any silver product, for example, jewelry or a spoon. Just remember that silver cannot kill heavy metals, so this method is suitable for slightly contaminated water.

The miraculous abilities of the noble metal

Silver meets naturally in the environment in the form of insoluble and immobile oxides, sulfides and some salts. Due to its healing properties, it is used as a disinfectant to purify drinking water.

The use of silver for water disinfection began in the 1950s. Currently, the metal is also used to produce special filters that effectively remove bacteria in contaminated water.

A little bit of history...

The method of purifying water with silver is perceived by many people as a myth. After all, the word “cleaning” itself implies some kind of process such as boiling or filtration. It would seem how a metal, even a noble one, can purify water at home. But this is true. Purifying water with silver is not new. This method has been around for thousands of years. There are many supporting facts known to us thanks to various written sources:

  • the Greeks and Romans stored liquids in silver vessels to prevent spoilage and keep bacteria from growing;
  • During the plague in medieval Europe, it was mainly rich people who were saved from the disease because they ate with 100% silver cutlery;
  • The earliest travelers and explorers placed silver or copper coins in their drinking water when they set out on their journey.

The people have also maintained a strong belief in the miraculous properties of the noble metal for many centuries. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers advised us to infuse water on a silver spoon, saying that this kind of water is very healthy! And with the appearance of the first tooth, the baby was given water to drink from a silver spoon.

And by the way, scientists who doubt the holiness Epiphany water, they claim that it is stored for a long time and does not deteriorate precisely because of the silver ions that penetrated the liquid from the priest’s cross.

Currently, all the beneficial, and in particular, antibacterial properties of silver have long been studied and successfully used by humans. You may not know, but silver particles are present on almost all medical instruments and dressings used in hospitals.

How does silver affect the composition of water?

When silver ions get into water, they destroy many harmful substances. Taking this property into account, numerous water filters are produced. But the main disadvantage of silver-plated filters is that they use pure silver, which ends up in the water. Water is not able to dissolve this metal.

Therefore, silver particles enter the human body. This is fraught with a dangerous disease, argyria. This disease occurs from an excess of metal. Main symptoms: skin and eyes become grey colour. The danger of the disease is that it has no cure.

That is why it is better to use for water purification silver products, the same jewelry - rings, earrings, chains or dishes. Such a metal does not disintegrate into particles and do not dissolve in liquid.

In a container you need to throw, for example, silver spoon and leave for a while. It takes a day for the water to become drinkable, during which time the liquid will be completely cleared.

You also need to remember that the water contains an acceptable amount of silver ions. Safe water for oral administration - with silver 50 mcg/liter. More concentrated water can be used to wash dishes, fruits, and wash your face, but not to drink.

And remember that water purified with silver particles is not intended for constant use in order to avoid overdose. One glass a day is enough for a person to increase immunity, remove toxins and enhance the performance of internal organs. You can wash your face with this liquid every day to prolong the youth of your skin.

Surely, each of you has silver earrings or rings of pure 999 standard at home. If there is, then immediately begin purifying the water, which should become your assistant on the path to beauty and health. And I have everything. I'm glad to be useful to you, dear subscribers! I say goodbye to you, but will return soon with a new portion of interesting and useful information. Bye bye!

Watch an interesting video.

Silver spoon. Ritual | The magic of success

“There must be at least one spoon in the house made of silver. Silver is the metal of the Moon; those who use silver find themselves under its protection. Silver contains enormous purifying power. The easiest way for this force to enter the human body is with liquid. If you have a silver spoon in your house and sometimes, at least once a month, stir soup or tea with it, then a person will be protected from many things, and will not be able to get poisoned or fall under the influence of black magic.”

Doctors recommend using silver water to prevent viral infections, colds and many other diseases. Silver ions are released into such water, which have bactericidal properties at a concentration of 20-25 mg/l. They kill from 260 to 650 varieties of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi. Moreover, even the most powerful antibiotics can destroy no more than 10 varieties of pathogenic bacteria. It is no coincidence that according to Indian tradition, silver is used to prevent intestinal infections. Silver water has a rather complex structural field. Perceiving this information field, the liquid contained in our body changes its structure. Such changes have a positive effect on any living organism.

How to prepare silver water at home? For 1 liter of purified water you need to put from 5 to 10 g of silver (in products). Keep at room temperature. The vessel should be glass and preferably dark if you will store this water for more than 3 days (in the light, silver actively contacts other trace elements and the water may darken).

For Drinking 0.05 mg/l = 50 µg/l

If pads with silver ions are more a matter of prestige than hygiene, then healing properties There is no doubt about “silver” water. It is not for nothing that the Orthodox Church still keeps holy water in silver containers. The benefits of water saturated with silver ions are also evidenced by the results of scientific research.

But it is not enough just to put a silver spoon or fork into water for the latter to become healing. It is made this way by microscopic silver ions that pass from the silver product into the liquid. IN normal conditions Such saturation takes months, and even in this case there is no complete guarantee that the ions will enter the water in sufficient quantities.

It should be noted that ionization of water can be not only beneficial, but also harmful. Indeed, in most cases, such a homemade ionizer is made of metal, in best case scenario made of silver plated iron. One can only guess in what quantity and quality of silver ions will get into the water in this case. But even if the spoon is silver, you need to pay attention to the sample. It is definitely not worth using low-grade silver products as a water ionizer, since it is unknown what other chemical elements are in the alloy.

You can prepare a liquid “gruel” from soda and water (you can use tooth powder instead of soda) and gently rub each product with it, using a soft cloth, or just with your fingers. You need to clean until you add shine to your silver. Use a soft toothbrush for hard-to-reach areas.

There is an option to use salt instead of soda: in this case we prepare a solution: 1 teaspoon of salt per 200 ml of water. You can either boil silver objects for 15 minutes or leave them in the solution for 1.5-2 hours.

Leisurely Sunday lunches in a country house, quail and kulebyaki with sturgeon on an oval table, above it - a round lampshade with fringe. There are white muslin curtains on the open windows; at dusk, a fire is lit in the fireplace, which is reflected in the silverware. Idyllic picture in Lately is increasingly becoming a reality.

People strive to recreate or lay family traditions, one of the material bases of which is family silver. Cutlery made of precious metal has become a symbol of heritage not only material, but also spiritual. Passing from generation to generation, silver serves as an indicator of the well-being of the family and is an emergency reserve for rainy days (although most old-regime Russians were not brought up to sell goods marked with the coats of arms of their ancestors).
Presenting aesthetic and material value, heirloom devices are also good for health. They enrich the body with silver ions, which has a positive effect on the immune system. It is not for nothing that the tradition of giving a newborn a silver spoon as a gift was observed even in Soviet times.

Many people use concentrated colloidal silver in for cosmetic purposes, to improve the condition of both healthy and problem skin. Moreover, there is no need to be afraid of its penetration into the body through the skin, since silver is not absorbed through intact areas of the skin and mucous membranes. And therefore will not cause excess content in the body itself.

Silver is a component of many human organs.

Interestingly, silver is found in the human body in significant quantities. The largest amount of silver is found in the brain, as well as in nerve cells, bones and the iris of the eyes.

The silver element itself - Ag - is necessary for the normal functioning of all systems and organs, stimulates the hematopoietic organs, due to which the number of lymphocytes and red blood cells increases, and hemoglobin increases. Silver is involved in metabolic processes, so it is consumed and its reserves need to be replenished.

What is the body's daily need for silver?

Wash the working part of the ionator. This should be done with warm water and dishwashing detergent. Be careful not to let water get inside. It is better to remove the metal tube, that is, the cathode, and put it on after processing. The silver anode is not removable.

To prepare water of medium concentration, which is used for medicinal purposes, it is necessary that the operating time of the electrodes of the device is 3 minutes. You need to drink 100-125 ml of water for a month, 15 minutes before meals. After a month of drinking water, you need to take a break. If necessary, the course can be repeated, but not earlier than after 2 weeks.

For diarrhea: make an infusion of oak bark. 1 tsp. leave the young bark for 6 hours in 2 glasses of “silver” water, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2-4 times a day.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum: keep a tincture of 50 g of birch buds per 0.5 liter of vodka for 10 days. Take 0.5 tsp with 1 glass of “silver” water 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

For peptic ulcer: Infuse 1 tablespoon of tansy flower baskets for 4 hours in 2 glasses of “silver” water in a closed vessel, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

For peptic ulcers: infuse 1 tablespoon of fresh celery roots and leaves in 2 glasses of “silver” water, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Edema in kidney diseases: 0.5 tsp. Infuse crushed parsley seeds for 8 hours in 2 glasses of “silver” water in a closed container. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Kidney stones: 1 tsp. Boil flaxseed in 1 glass of water. Take 1/2 cup every 2 hours for 2 weeks. Before taking, dilute the mixture with “silver” water, you can add lemon juice.

For renal colic: 0.5 tsp. Infuse crushed parsley seeds for 8 hours in 2 glasses of “silver” water in a closed container. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

For renal colic: blueberries, infuse with “silver” water. Take 3 times a day before meals, 0.5 cups.

For centuries, silver was considered not just precious metal. Unique, sometimes mystical qualities were attributed to him, most of which are just a myth. It is enough to recall silver bullets for “hunting” werewolves, vampires and other representatives of the other world to understand how our ancestors treated this metal. However, among the many qualities of silver attributed by people, only one has been partially scientifically confirmed. We are talking about unique property silver to purify water, which was familiar to people several hundred years ago. It is not for nothing that church utensils, intended for storing and using the so-called holy water, were traditionally made of silver. And today, when hundreds of different household water filtration systems are on sale, there are many who want to purify water using silver. Moreover, you don’t need to do practically anything for this. It is enough to put a silver product in a container of water, and after a certain time, it is already considered clean and completely safe for humans. And although scientists, as mentioned above, only partially confirm this fact, you should not blindly believe the unique qualities of silver.

Adherents of the silver water purification method would do well to remember that silver is still a heavy metal that has a negative effect on human health. According to the current Russian Federation standards, silver is assigned the second hazard class, which corresponds to the criterion of “highly hazardous substance”. It turns out that this metal is on a par with arsenic, a generally recognized poison even in low concentrations. Like all heavy metals, silver accumulates in the body, without causing problems to a person until a certain point. At the same time, removing it from the body even with the modern level of development of medical science is quite problematic. A high concentration of silver in the human body inevitably leads to a dangerous disease - argyrosis, for which there is no cure. The main symptom of this disease is a change in skin color from natural to gray. Argyrosis was common among the upper class and church workers in the Middle Ages, which traditionally used silverware and cutlery. At one time, argyrosis was even considered a disease of kings, whose silvery skin color was then thought to indicate their divine origin.

According to scientists, the antibacterial properties of silver have been greatly exaggerated. Laboratory studies have long proven that metal kills only a small part of the pathogenic flora that is found in poor-quality water. However, in the absence of other effective methods water purification, the use of silver is considered acceptable, but only under strict control. Today it has been established that the maximum permissible daily amount of silver that a person can receive without harm to health is only 7 milligrams. Exceeding this threshold is fraught with serious problems, the most dangerous of which, as mentioned above, is the “disease of kings” argyrosis. Currently, silver is used as a “destroyer” of bacteria during long-term storage of water on sea vessels, which require such large volumes of liquid that it is not possible to ensure its safety by other methods. At the same time, certain conditions are met, the main ones being:

  • water for long-term storage must be initially clean, free of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • water should be stored without access to light, under the influence of which microbiological processes in the liquid are activated;
  • Water storage tanks must be completely sealed to prevent the entry of microorganisms from outside.

If you decide to purify water yourself at home using silver, then it is better to purchase a household purification system that saturates the water with silver ions in an amount that will not harm the body.

Is it necessary to additionally purify tap water? Many people are probably asking this question. There is a known case when one young woman became a patient at the clinic, contracting hepatitis A after consuming untreated tap water. The woman spent a month in the hospital. Must stick to a diet for a year.

She boiled water regularly, so she was not afraid of infections. But the hepatitis virus is very tenacious. To kill it, you need to “cook” the water for at least half an hour. At the same time, together with “bad” bacteria when high temperature Even useful people die, doctors say.

This destroys most salts and minerals. If you start boiling water from a source, you will only worsen its quality. All tap water contains a lot of chlorine. From him internal organs are loaded and wear out faster. Because of this, the body ages prematurely. The stomach that suffers the most from chlorine bladder because more fluid passes through them.

Unfiltered water also contains aluminum and fluoride. When water passes through pipes, lead ions enter it. These substances are toxic and cause even more harm than chlorine. And more recently, scientists have learned that excessive amounts of aluminum provoke Pfalzgraf's disease.

Spring water is healthier because it is not treated with chlorine. But well water is naturally high in calcium and iron, which can also harm your kidneys. Few people check this water for quality.

Look what the inside of a bowl of water looks like. If the walls of the kettle are covered with scale, and there is a colored film in the cup of coffee or coffee, purchase filters that soften the water. They purify water from calcium and magnesium, which create scale.

Fill a glass container with tap water and let it sit for a couple of days. If after this you see a greenish sediment, there are a lot of impurities and microbes in the water. Choose a filter with added silver. It will disinfect the water well.

Tap water will be safe to drink if it is filtered. Some filters contain silver ions. These microparticles disinfect water well. But silver is difficult to absorb in the body. Argyria may begin - a disease caused by excess silver. The skin and eyes will become grayish in color. It is impossible to restore the natural color of the skin, because this process is irreversible.

Better than filters with silver ions, a silver spoon or coin purifies water. There will be no particles left because the spoon does not dissolve, unlike silver particles that can be washed out of the filter.

It is best to drink water at the same temperature as the human body. A glass of warm purified water on an empty stomach removes toxins from the stomach.

Olga Vetrova