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Origami elephant, step-by-step assembly diagram. Creative project modular origami “Circus Elephant How to make a baby elephant from modules

Origami elephant is one of the most popular paper origami. If you don’t know how to make an origami elephant, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you will get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of an origami elephant was taken by one of our site users. The elephant turned out to be pink and with tusks. If you have photos of origami you have collected, send them to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assembly diagram

Below is a diagram of how to assemble an origami elephant from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then assembling the origami elephant will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami elephant quickly and without looking at the diagram.

Video master class

Assembling an origami elephant may seem like a daunting task for beginners. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query “origami elephant video” on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find a lot different videos about an origami elephant, which clearly shows the steps to assemble an elephant. We hope that after watching the video of the assembly master class, you will have no more questions about how to make an origami elephant.

Here is another simple video tutorial on assembling an origami elephant:

This educational video will teach you how to quickly and easily assemble a paper elephant:


Due to its size, the elephant has symbolic meanings in almost all cultures. For example, in India elephants are symbols great strength and wisdom. Despite the fact that in ancient times elephants were used as weapons, many believe that the elephant is a symbol of prudence and humility.

The elephant is considered the largest land animal. There are 2 types - Indian and African. A distinctive feature of elephants is their trunk, which many consider to be their nose. But in fact, the trunk is an upper lip fused with the nose. With the help of its trunk, the elephant picks up food, draws water, douses itself with sand and water, and also caresses itself. You can tell your child about this and much more while creating it in the form of a funny pink elephant. Step-by-step production making it from paper using the technique is presented in this master class.

To create such an elephant you need to take:

  • - 2 square paper sheets;
  • - black marker.

From one square we will make the elephant's head, and the second will be needed to create the torso and legs. Let's start with the head. To do this, fold one of the squares along two diagonal lines.

Then the top corner needs to be folded towards the center. This will be the top of the elephant's head. And we bend the bottom corner up quite a bit (1 cm). This will be the bottom of the trunk.

Now we form the sides of the head. To do this, we make folds on the sides. First, bend the left side diagonally.

After this, we perform a symmetrical fold on the right.

We bend the corners from the resulting folds to the sides. These will be the ears of our elephant.

On the reverse side, our animal’s head looks like this.

Let's start creating the trunk. To do this, bend the bottom part up.

Then we bend it down, forming a small fold.

We continue in the same way.

Let's draw the elephant's eyes on the head.

We bend the upper corners back a little. This will give the elephant’s head a roundness.

From another pink square we will form the body and legs of an elephant. To do this, first make transverse folds in two directions.

I came across another interesting video diagram. This time we'll find out how to make an origami elephant with your own hands. So prepare a piece of paper (preferably colored), a little patience and the desire to make a new interesting design.

Elephants, like horses, are humane animals. Since ancient times, man has used the heroic strength of these animals for the most difficult work; elephants were given food and drink for their work. Despite their external clumsiness, elephants have enormous dexterity and can perform the most complex elements of acrobatics.

Origami elephant diagram

For assembly it is best to use colored paper, close to the silver color, so that the elephant looks more like a real one. The model is not difficult and can be done by a beginning origamist.

Have you assembled an origami elephant? You might then want to look at other animal diagrams, of which we already have a whole collection. Come again and subscribe to our newsletters to constantly receive the most interesting models Online

1. Mark the central parts of the diagonals and middle lines on the square. Fold two opposite corners towards the center.

2. Mark lines on each of the two triangles that bisect the angles. Then bend each one at the same time along all the marked lines.

3. Bend the figure in half - bend its upper part back.

4. Bend the triangle inward on the right. The fold line should fall into the corner. The “valley” line needs only to be outlined for now. It falls into the middle of the bottom side and bisects the corner.

5. At the front and back, bend the right edges of the figure to the corner of the triangle. The inflection line on the left makes a right angle with the top side of the figure.

6. Check the result and pull up the two layers of paper concave inward on the right side of the figure.

7. Make two double zipper folds on the left and right.

8. From the front and back, bend the figure along all the indicated lines, as if pushing the left side of the figure onto its central part.

9. Pull the future front paws down all the way and bend the future tail inward.

10. Make the tail thinner. Fold the front and back down into a triangle.

11. In order to perform this action, open the left side of the figure from above. The intersection point of all the lines indicated in the figure is not difficult to find on the figure.

12. Check the result.

13. Bend the triangle inward at the top of your back. It is advisable to pre-mark the fold line. Please note that it hits the point where the lines intersect.

14. Picking up one layer of paper, mark a line that bisects the corner. Repeat at the back.

15. Now fold all layers of paper. The outlined fold lines of the “valley” turn into “mountains”. As a result, the future trunk moves towards the body.

16. Bend the triangles of the ears and front legs inward.

17. Make the front legs thinner.

18. Bend the triangle inward at the crown. Fold the bottom edges of the ears and belly back.

19. Bend the tip of the trunk, and bend the triangles of the hind legs inward. Origami elephant is ready. Make sure that the elephant stands confidently on the table.

The Indian elephant is one of the largest animals on our planet, and, oddly enough, its main distinguishing feature is not the massiveness of the carcass, but the presence of sharp tusks, wide ears and a powerful, long trunk.

If you carefully analyze your entire adult life, in particular childhood, you can discover an amazing pattern: on ordinary days you can only meet an elephant in a zoo or circus, but certainly not in the wide open spaces of your homeland.

But this does not mean at all that you will never be able to become the happy owner of a noble animal, like some Indian ruler, you can assemble a paper figurine using the technique - modular origami.

And the master class will help you with this, which is a step-by-step instruction with detailed description, assembly diagrams and photographs.

This method is suitable for any age. We cut out the template or put it on paper ourselves and apply a design or design we like.

A couple more quick and simple ways on folding elephants. Let's follow step by step instructions elephant assemblies.

If you already have experience in origami or just want to fold an elephant into more complex shapes, then this pattern is right for you.

Video assembling elephants

Assembling a 3D elephant using modules

Learning to make modules

First, I suggest you watch the video instructions for cutting paper templates for modules.
And with a video tutorial for beginners, which tells you step by step how to fold paper parts for modular origami:

If the basics have been studied, you can begin large-scale work, which requires special patience and great desire, but if you do everything according to MK, modular origami will seem like a very simple task even for novice needlewomen and craftsmen.

Step-by-step photo instructions for assembling an elephant

  • Assembling the craft should begin from the back of the body, gradually moving to the trunk; to do this, connect the first and second rows into a circle (each of them should consist of 5 mini origami units).
  • Increase the number of modules by 3-4 pp. to ten. Please note that the photo in red shows how to attach the modules in a new row. 5 and 6 r. fold into 20 parts.
  • Fold 5 and 6 out of 20 parts
  • 7 and 8 r. - out of 40.
  • For 9 r. it is necessary to make a smooth transition to the dorsal section; to do this, install all the details of the row with the larger side inward (f. 14-1-14-3).
  • 10 rub. make from 40 modules, installed with the larger side facing outwards (f. 15).
  • 11 rub. lay out 40, pay attention to the color transition, there are 19 yellow blanks involved here.
  • 12 rub. out of 40 (18 of them are yellow).
  • 13-29 r. out of 40, in accordance with the design of the elephant cape.
  • 30 rub. out of 40 whites (f. 20).
  • At 31 p.m. reduce the number of modules evenly to 30 pieces.
    32 rub. of 30 pieces (f. 22). The body is ready at this stage of assembly!
  • When starting to form the elephant’s head after the body, it is important to make a smooth transition. Therefore, all modules are 33 rubles. install upside down, as shown in the photo (f. 23-23-2).
  • 34-35 rub. of 30 modules, which should be installed with the pockets forward and the larger side facing out.

  • 36-42 rub. out of 30, according to the head drawing.

  • 43-52 rub. -adjust the quantity in each of them according to the design and shape of the elephant craft.
  • Place r. along the patterns. from white modules installed with the larger side inward and form one row in the usual way.
  • Install 2 modules on each side so that the corners of the first one occupy pockets 1 and 3, and the corners of the second - 4 and 6.
  • Lay out 2 rubles. the usual method.
  • Form the lower jaw part of the trunk according to the pattern 8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1, in other words, in the first row. lay out 8 parts (shown in f. 32 in red), in 2 p. – 7, etc.

  • At the next stage, add 6 parts on each side, as shown in the photo in red.
  • Finish shaping the elephant's head by installing the trunk. In theory, you can adjust its length yourself, the main thing here is to follow one rule: the tip of the trunk is 2 modules.

  • Make elephant ears from 12 p. according to the scheme 4/5/6/7/8/9/8/7/6/5. Remember about color inserts.
    Use toothpicks and glue to attach the ears to the head.