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Semi-circle haircut for long hair. Types of haircuts for medium hair

Cutting the ends of your hair is a necessary grooming procedure. There is no need to trim your ends every month when you are growing them - once every 2-3 months will be enough to ensure comfortable hair growth. It is imperative to cut the split ends of damaged hair. If coloring and lack of nutrients have led to split ends, such hair needs to be cut every month until the problem disappears completely.

You can trim the ends of your hair yourself - to do this you need to know the types of hair trimming.

Cutting hair ends is safe and has no contraindications. There is a sign that pregnant women should not cut their hair. However, the decision here depends only on the degree of suspiciousness expectant mother. Cutting the ends, like other hairdressing procedures, does not cause any harm to the fetus, and often women not only calmly cut their hair, but also color it.

You can trim the ends of your hair at home if your hair initially had a good shape and was cut professional craftsman. You just have to cut off the grown part of the length without changing the shape of the haircut.

Let's look at how to properly cut the ends of your own hair. First, you need to purchase special professional scissors (you can buy them here) and subsequently make sure that the blades are sharp. Dark hair It is advisable to trim against a light background, and light ones against a dark background - this way you can control the cutting process and notice irregularities.

When trimming, each tip is trimmed to the same length. For example, if you want to shorten your hair by half a centimeter, during the cutting process you cut each strand by 5 mm. If, you need to cut off the damage completely and even slightly above the beginning of the section.

You can trim the ends of your hair yourself if you strictly follow the cutting technique. Let's look at the main stages.

Basic steps for cutting your own hair

  • Preparation. Wash your hair with shampoo and hair conditioner. Comb your hair thoroughly with a small wide-tooth comb. Hair needs to be trimmed damp or wet, but often it dries out, so you need to spray it with water during the process.
  • A haircut. The hair is divided into strands. Each strand is held above your head with your fingers. The fingers are located above the place of the future cut. Carefully trim the tip. Then the procedure is repeated strand by strand.
  • Completion. Check how symmetrical your haircut is. To ensure everything goes smoothly, try to stick to the chosen length or cut your hair one at a time: first a strand on one side, then on the other.

"Fluffing" method

With this method, the hair is twisted into a rope and all protruding hairs are cut off. The hair needs to be pulled quite tightly. At the end of the procedure, the strands are twisted in the opposite direction and the quality of the haircut is checked.

If you are afraid to cut your hair yourself, ask a friend to help. Haircut technologies will not change. However, having an assistant is good because from the outside it is easier to divide the hair into zones, pull out strands and use scissors at different angles.

Hairdressers recommend an exercise that will help you better master scissors and symmetry techniques. Take a blank sheet of paper and cut it into even, identical strips vertically and horizontally. If you do the task regularly, you will quickly notice the results.

Mastering the methods of cutting your own hair and being able to evenly trim the ends of long hair without resorting to the help of a hairdresser is the dream of many girls. This is not surprising, because many have encountered a situation in hairdressers where, wanting only to remove the ends, they lost a decent length of hair. Therefore, home haircuts have become relevant again. There is currently a lot of information and videos on this topic online. Pay special attention to learning how to cut curly hair.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to completely avoid going to a stylist: it’s impossible to radically change the shape of your haircut or cut the ends of your hair perfectly evenly on your own. However, constant practice and a little training will give you the opportunity to freshen up your haircut a little at home and cut the ends of your hair beautifully.

Long hair is undoubtedly the pride and adornment of every girl. Well-groomed long hair always attract the attention of not only men, but also the envious glances of other women. Many girls have a turning point in their lives when they have a wild desire to change something about themselves and, of course, we start with our hair. And then we try hard to grow our hair long again. From personal experience I will say, I even urge: “Girls, don’t cut your hair short, because you will regret it later.”

It's not enough to just have long hair. They always need to be carefully looked after so that you always look amazing. They need constant nutrition, vitamins and care. I can say that keeping your hair in excellent condition is painstaking work.

An important factor for a chic and well-groomed look of hair is, of course, the choice of haircut. Here everything depends, first of all, on your personal preferences, as well as on the length, thickness and structure of your hair.

In this article we have collected the most stylish and original haircuts and hairstyles for long hair. You will definitely find a decent option for yourself.

1.Smooth hair.

If you have naturally smooth, dense, full hair, then this haircut option is ideal for you. Ideally evenly cut hair at the same level looks very impressive. This haircut will immediately give your hair a well-groomed look. Smooth ends give the effect that you just came from the salon and always look very neat. In addition, if you are the happy owner of naturally perfectly straight hair, then the requirements for care and styling for such a hairstyle are minimal. All you need to do is just blow dry your hair.

If you have naturally thin and sparse hair, it is better not to choose such haircuts, since thin ends can ruin your entire appearance. In this case, the best option would be to choose a different hairstyle that will create volume to your hair.

2.Cascade and multi-layer graduated haircuts

The most famous, widespread and often chosen hairstyle for long hair is the cascade. A multi-layered cascade hairstyle visually makes hair thicker and fuller by creating additional volume. The only caveat is that when choosing such a haircut, your hair should be in good condition without split ends, as you risk ruining yours appearance. Agree, split ends that stick out in different directions are unlikely to decorate you.

The layering of your hairstyle directly depends on the thickness of your hair. To the owners thick hair It's very easy to create a great hairstyle with many layers that cascade down the entire length. Believe me, this hairstyle will look simply amazing.

Your hair will look even more impressive if you complement the perfect haircut with fashionable coloring.

3. Ladder.

Long and long haircuts are also widely known. middle length hair under the interesting name “ladder”. As you know, the front hair is more susceptible various damages, so they often deteriorate faster. To give your hair a neat and well-groomed look, feel free to choose a ladder. Everyone has probably already guessed what this haircut is. Only the front strands are cut with a ladder, while the hair at the back remains almost the same level.

In addition, such a haircut can visually correct the shape of the face and hide some imperfections. If your face has the shape of a regular oval, then there is nothing to hide and a haircut will only highlight your face. If you have a round face and cheeks, then you can easily hide them with the help of a “ladder”. If you have an elongated long face, then this haircut should be complemented with bangs. For women with a square face shape, this haircut will visually make the shape more round.


Do not confuse a ladder with a semicircle. Still, these two haircuts have differences. The ladder begins to be cut mainly from the chin, while the semicircle is cut at the ends. A semicircle haircut is more similar to the first hairstyle option, the only difference is that the ends are cut in a semicircle, thereby creating an interesting effect. The difference between hair length fluctuations is minimal. This haircut looks great on even and straight hair.

5.Fox tail or V-shaped haircut.

A foxtail haircut can easily be confused with a semicircle. But there are still significant differences. Just like in the previous version, the hair is cut in a semicircle, but in this case, a tail is left behind, so to speak, which is much longer than the rest of the hair and which is very reminiscent of a fox’s tail, hence the name. By the way, this hairstyle has been gaining incredible popularity lately and is not going to lose its position in 2017.

Usually, in combination with such a haircut, fashionistas choose gradient coloring (ombre, sombre, etc.). ABOUT fashion news hair coloring details


Asymmetry is not in fashion now, but if you really like such haircuts, you don’t have to follow the lead fashion trends. Asymmetrical haircuts on long hair look very impressive. Only brave, daring girls will choose such hairstyles. And there are several reasons for this. Firstly, as we have already said, such hairstyles look extravagant, and secondly, many girls may simply feel sorry for cutting their hair, since on the one hand it will remain long, and on the other they will have to be cut shorter.

6.Hairstyles for long hair with bangs.

What types of bangs are there:

Straight bangs below or at eyebrow level;

Oblique bangs;

Arch bangs are cut in a semicircle;

Short bangs 3-4 cm long.

For any type of haircut you like, you can choose bangs at your discretion, based on your facial features or personal preferences.

Semicircle with straight bangs

Ladder with bangs Cascade with side bangs Cascade with side bangs Cascade with straight bangs

7.Haircuts and hairstyles for long curly, wavy hair.

If you have naturally wavy or curly hair, then absolutely any haircut for long hair will suit you. You can safely choose any option from the above. And below, we offer you a photo stylish hairstyles for long curly hair.

When choosing a haircut, it is very important to pay attention not only to how it looks from the front and side, but you need to find out what it looks like from the back. After all, knowing how the back of the head would look, many would change the haircut, or ask the hairdresser to do the back of the head differently. In fact, there are a lot various options designing the back of the haircut, and choosing the back of the head that you like will not be difficult.

Short haircuts can be either very feminine, gentle, or defiantly rebellious, for example, a high crest and shaved temples. The lower part of the back of the head can be cut short, or even removed under the machine. The highlight could be beautiful drawing on the back of the head or tattoo. One of the trends among short haircuts always remains fashionable bob. Stylists suggest moving away from the classics and opting for graduated or asymmetrical short bob, bob with extensions is also popular. Before you go to get your hair cut, look at photos of haircuts, especially what the back of your head looks like, and then decide with your hairdresser which option will be yours.

What do the backs of heads look like with different haircuts?

  • Garson and pixie

Suitable for brave and determined girls short haircuts garcon and pixie. They are popular because they are quick and easy to style, with a rejuvenating effect, making the look pretty, and at the same time slightly daring. From the back they are similar, the only difference is the length of the strands at the back of the head.

  • Cascade

An excellent option for a cascade with torn strands at the back of the head, and if you curl them slightly, the hairstyle at the back will look chic. The haircut will fit perfectly on both dark and blonde hair. Due to the layering and slightly disheveled look, even thin hair will gain volume. Do not forget to monitor the condition of your hair, because split ends at the back can ruin the look of your hairstyle.

  • Graduated haircuts

In a graduated haircut, how the hair will lie at the back depends on the cutting technique, either it will be straight strands, or a gentle ladder, or a falling cascade. WITH thin hair good master, based on a graduated ladder or cascade, can make a beautiful voluminous back of the head.

  • Ladder

The uniqueness of the ladder is its beautiful appearance on different types of hair, and its ability to correct the oval of the face, with various types styling The ladder at the back is quite simple, but various nuances are taken into account. There are three ways to cut the back of the head: when using a ladder only the contour of the face is outlined, when the haircut covers the entire width and length of the hair, or when it starts from the middle of the strands. The best option You will choose the one that is right for you with the help of a good hairdresser.

  • cap

There are many variations of one haircut. It can be long in front up to the eyebrows, or barely reach the middle of the forehead. There may be even strands running around the head, a variant of long hair at the back turning into short hair towards the level of the forehead. AND short version haircuts from behind, when there is a leg that “holds” your haircut. You can use asymmetry, both front and back.

Using the example of several of the most fashionable and popular haircuts, you saw what haircuts from the back of the head can look like and how many different options they have.

We can conclude that a very important component of a beautiful hairstyle is a neat, beautifully designed back of the head.

How many times have I heard and read the opinions of girls about terrible hairdressers who literally sleep and see in order to cut off an extra 5-10-20 cm. But let's be objective... we ourselves are to blame! We need to say firmly and clearly how many cm we need to cut off , what cut to make, discuss thinning and other points. The hairdresser is not a psychic!

About my hair:

  • Long;
  • Straight by nature (well, I don’t use irons and other gadgets!);
  • Thin but quite thick;
  • They grow very quickly, about 25 cm per year;
  • I take active care, which makes them grow even faster

I'm getting my hair cut once every six months (about 10-15cm), but this is enough for my hair, I try to maintain its condition and cut my hair with flagella at home myself.

Instructions for those who always get cut off more than necessary (consider the case of trimming the ends):

  • As soon as you sit down in the chair, immediately tell me what length you want to cut.
  • Show exactly how you see these 5-10-20 cm, everyone’s eye is different. Or carry a ruler with you.
  • Choose to either wash your hair or spray it, so it will be cut more neatly. A couple of times they wanted to cut my hair with dry hair. So be careful.
  • Specify the cut: straight, semicircular, triangular... or whatever you decide. I always cut it in a light semicircle.
  • Thinning. This is at your discretion, I prefer without it, it makes the hair look healthier and more vibrant. Don’t overdo it, otherwise the hair will look thinner.
  • If you still have doubts during the haircut process, ask to look through the mirror.
  • After your haircut, look carefully at yourself in the mirror; if something doesn’t suit you, don’t be afraid to ask for it to be finished or remade.

Yes, I am the captain, it’s obvious. But many girls sit and remain silent while they have much more centimeters removed. Talk to the master, ask what he is doing, ask to see the work in progress. Yes, be boring and intrusive, but you value your hair! Don’t let things take their course! At a very young age, I came to get my hair cut with waist-length hair, and came out with shoulder-length hair, simply because my aunt said that all the damaged hair needed to be removed, and I was embarrassed to object to her, and I didn’t even think that they would cut off all length!

Well, the best thing is to find your hairdresser and go only to him. I am in an eternal search and every time I get my hair cut in different salons and with different hairdressers.

I recently cut off my ends (20cm), which I’m incredibly happy about. It’s easier to care for, easier to comb, easier to wash, and not so hard to wear.

So I advise you to cut split ends at least once every six months. If more often, then even better, but look at the condition of your hair.

About prices:

Trimming the ends is not such a complicated process, so I can’t say that the result will be much different in an expensive salon and in a regular hairdresser. It all depends on the degree of crookedness of the master. The price range in my city is 200-1000 rubles.

What this procedure gives us:

  1. Hair looks healthier and more well-groomed;
  2. Split ends are trimmed;
  3. Combing hair becomes easier;
  4. Washing and drying are made easier;
  5. Visually the hair looks thicker;

I think it’s better to have shorter hair, but it will still look healthy. Showing hair growth in dynamics.

Now just compare! After all, much better hair look after a haircut, when there are no miserable thinned ends, when the cut is thick and even!

I wish everyone to find their ideal hairdresser!