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A wedding at a minimum cost but beautiful. How to have a wedding inexpensively and beautifully - ready-made solutions

It happens that a proposal is made, a positive response is received, but the wedding celebration itself is postponed until better times. This is often due to the limited financial capabilities of the newlyweds. Is it worth being upset? Nowadays, many couples prefer a budget wedding, and use the money they save to travel. By choosing this option, you will immediately “catch” two birds with one stone. But how can you celebrate such a wedding and save money at the same time?

Saving money doesn't mean you should skip the wedding altogether. There are simply some aspects in organizing a celebration that would be unnecessary with a budget option. You can replace them with more simplified things or eliminate them completely. This will be completely invisible to both guests and newlyweds. Here's for budget wedding interesting ideas on which you can save a lot:

Ideas on how to celebrate a wedding on a budget

There are plenty of alternative ways to celebrate your wedding day on a budget. In this case, it is appropriate to use your own imagination, approach the situation creatively, and look for interesting ideas. Below you will find several extraordinary solutions that will allow you to economically and tastefully organize a budget wedding celebration.

At the cinema

Do you want your wedding to be modest but original? Organize a movie wedding. It is unlikely that anyone will want to miss such a wedding. Here are a few recommendations that will help you arrange a budget wedding in a movie theater:

  • Select in advance good film from the comedy repertoire, buy tickets for all invited guests.
  • Check out the movie theater buffet. Pre-order snacks for your guests there and let the staff know about your plan. Perhaps they will meet you and do everything in the best possible way, given such a wonderful occasion.
  • Send each guest a movie ticket (an alternative to an invitation) with the following information on the back: short description reasons for the imminent meeting, as well as the time of the wedding at the registry office.
  • On the appointed day and hour of the wedding, the whole company should gather in the specified place, from where you will all go together to an interesting session. You will get the impression that the entire room is at your disposal.
  • Take advantage of the rare opportunity to have a lot of fun in the cinema, commenting on every funny scene of the film without fear that someone will not like it.
  • Come up with different competitions on the theme of the celebration with the theft of the bride’s shoe, throwing a bouquet to unmarried girls and a wedding garter to the guys.

In aquapark

Another budget idea for a fun youth wedding is a celebration in a water park. You and your guests will receive a lot of unforgettable impressions and positive emotions. If the time of year for a wedding celebration is hot summer, this idea will be well received by all friends; no one will refuse to stay at the water park at the wedding day. Use these preliminary steps to prepare for a budget wedding on water attractions:

  1. Visit the water park in advance to find out all the services and conditions in the establishment. Contact the administration so they can help you book the required number of places in the water park. If this is inconvenient, then simply purchase the required number of passes for a specific date to start inviting guests.
  2. Organize a small wedding buffet for your guests by pre-ordering snacks and drinks at the water park.
  3. Having decided on the wedding date, start inviting guests. For such an unusual idea, it will be better if you personally visit each friend, giving him a water park pass and verbally inviting him to the celebration. Describe in detail the format of the holiday and the required dress code.
  4. You don't have to worry about music and entertainment. The water park has already thought about this for you. Be sure to take a camera for your wedding photo shoot.
  5. Stock up on a few fun ones wedding competitions on the water and have fun to the fullest, without limiting yourself with thoughts about your makeup getting ruined or your dress getting torn. Guests can steal and hide the bride from the evil Aquarius, and dip the mother-in-law directly into the water and lower her down the water slide in order to wean her from cursing at her son-in-law from the first days.

Online wedding

Recently, people are increasingly spending time on the computer and on social networks. The idea of ​​organizing a wedding online will surprise few people. This way you will get a unique opportunity to gather all the guests for free, even from the most remote corners of the world. Read below for a few tips on how to prepare yourself and invite all the people you want to such a budget wedding.

  • You need to create an event in in social networks and announce it. To do this, use personal pages wherever you are registered (on Facebook, on Odnoklassniki, on VKontakte). Create a group with the name of the event and include all participants in it. Design it different photos, funny pictures, interesting topics for discussion on this topic.
  • In addition to the group, you need to send everyone a beautiful wedding invitation. Create some beautiful video that briefly describes your love story, explains the reason for the event, the time, place and date of the celebration. Be sure to announce the method by which the online wedding will take place, for example, Skype.
  • At the specified time and day, you make a multi-call via Skype to all invited people and solemnly open the wedding celebration. Prepare drinks and snacks in advance so that you can not only talk and listen to congratulations, but also raise toasts, drink, and also kiss in those moments when guests at the wedding are “bitter.”

Where to celebrate a budget wedding in summer?

Summer time allows you to show maximum creativity, use your imagination and come up with an extravagant option for celebrating a budget wedding for a considerable number of guests. Here are a few original ideas, which you can use to arrange inexpensive option summer celebrations:

  1. Organize a grand outing with barbecue in honor of your wedding. It will be great if you select a place near the pond in advance and clean it for a pleasant time. Here you can use and decoration decorating the trees with colorful balloons, wedding inscriptions. To create a romantic atmosphere at a wedding, light a huge fire in the evening and gather all the guests around it to the accompaniment of a guitar. Here you will save at least on service, decoration, and cooking (guests will be involved in the process on the spot).
  2. Another budget idea is organizing a wedding in a popular modern style country wedding. It is suitable for those who have a small dacha outside the city. A carefully thought out budget celebration in a rustic style will help guests and newlyweds have plenty of fun and relaxation. Photos from a gorgeous outdoor wedding photo shoot will remain as a keepsake.

in winter

If the wedding takes place in winter, then the flight of fancy for a budget way of organizing a celebration is slightly limited due to special weather conditions. However, there are no unsolvable tasks if you are goal-oriented and result-oriented people. Use one of the two simple ideas presented below for a budget wedding. Thanks to them, the idea will become easy to implement.

  1. Host a wedding breakfast after the wedding ceremony: set a time for painting in the morning and invite friends to witness this wonderful fact in your life. After the registry office, go to a nearby cafe or inexpensive restaurant to drink tea together with a modest cake and sweets.
  2. You can organize a similar option for a budget wedding banquet at McDonald's. In the mornings they make wonderful breakfasts and excellent coffee.

Video: an option for organizing the most budget wedding

If you are interested as much as possible budget method holding a wedding, but you don’t know how to adequately bring it to life, don’t be discouraged - there are no hopeless situations. Watch the video below for a great idea for organizing a celebration on a small budget. By bringing it to life, you will not fall face down in front of your guests, being branded as a greedy person. This is exactly the case that can be called - cheap and tasteful.

Photo shoot ideas for a budget celebration

A wedding photo shoot is something you can’t do without if you want to leave good memory about the most important event of your life. You can save on organizing the celebration, its various attributes, and the gala banquet, but you shouldn’t give up on a beautiful wedding photo album. To make this idea affordable for you, check out several ways to organize a budget photo shoot on the day of painting.

It’s not for nothing that the proverb “with a darling is in heaven in a hut” is so popular in Russia. Not all brides dream of a Vera Wang dress, a three-tiered cake and a magnificent banquet in a restaurant. For some, this fuss and lengthy preparation seems unnecessary and unnecessary on such a beautiful day. There is another reason - money. There are fewer and fewer people willing to take out large loans for a wedding. People are thinking in advance about buying their own home, having a child, or going on a honeymoon, and to do this they should save on a banquet.

Budget wedding: ideas

Having decided to save, people think that the only thing Possible Solution- sign it and tell your friends about it. But you can come up with a lot interesting options, inexpensive, but original.

Options for a budget wedding depend on your preferences. If you want to be just the two of you, but the economy is understandable, there are no guests, everything is modest, but romantic. But if you want close friends to be nearby at this moment, you will have to think about organizing a holiday.

  • Go to a club. For those who like to have fun, this option will be optimal. We signed, took pictures, and went to a club or bar with friends. Most likely you will have to pay for snacks and drinks, but this will cost much less than a traditional banquet. In clubs there is more dancing than eating.
  • Go to the pool or sauna. Favorite place many couples to meet friends. A calm, relaxing environment where you can chat, swim, steam and eat. All this will be inexpensive and will be fun. If your city has a water park, you can move the fun there.
  • Go to the cinema. Of course, if there are other people in the hall, you will disturb them, but for sure they will understand your situation. Instead of invitations, send your friends movie tickets for your favorite movie. At the appointed time, everyone will meet in the cinema hall. This gathering of friends leads to comments on every scene of the film, but that is the essence of the holiday. It will be fun.
  • A completely budget option is an online wedding. Well suited for friends who are in different cities, but want to congratulate the newlyweds. You can arrange a conference on Skype, exchange toasts, congratulations and clink glasses of champagne through the monitor. You can't think of a cheaper option.

  • Another budget option is to go to a fast food restaurant with friends. These are everywhere. It's delicious, filling and inexpensive. This would be a great option for a group of friends. You can even book a separate room, it will still be cheaper. If the company has a sense of humor, such a wedding can be played out. For example, appoint the most cheerful toastmaster, instead of a loaf of bread, ceremoniously break a Big Mac.
  • Go on a hike. Lovers of outdoor activities will appreciate this wedding. But it is important that all friends are committed to going on a hike. You can sign immediately suitable clothing, designating the bride only and the groom with a butterfly, and then boldly go to the mountains, forests or other places where it will be pleasant to relax.

How to celebrate a wedding on a budget: saving options

At any wedding there are moments that require the greatest expenses. These are the ones you should try to save on.

  • Number of guests. Even if you decide to invite only close friends, think about the list. Choose a company so that everyone understands why instead of a banquet you are going to the cinema. It is not recommended to invite someone out of politeness. This can ruin the mood for yourself and the guest, who will not understand what is happening and where the traditional banquet is. It is better to explain that the wedding is modest and only those closest to you are invited. Be sure to ask each guest to give an exact answer as to whether they will be attending the wedding.
  • Invitations. To avoid spending money on expensive envelopes and postcards, print them yourself on photo paper and a color printer. You can find a lot on the Internet interesting ideas or come up with a design yourself.

  • Photos. Hiring a professional photographer is very expensive. If among your friends there is a novice photographer with a good camera, you can ask him to make you one wedding gift. Or you can hire an unfamiliar beginner photographer; they charge less than professional ones.
  • Host and DJ. If you are sure that you can’t do without a toastmaster, you can save money by finding a presenter who can sing and choose the soundtracks yourself. You can also hire a DJ and give the role of toastmaster to the funniest guest.
  • Discounts. Feel free to take advantage of discounts. Sometimes discounts are provided on those goods and services that are intended for a wedding, and sometimes vice versa. For example, if you rent a hall or sauna, it is better to remain silent about the reason for the celebration, otherwise you may be overcharged.
  • Friendships. They should never be neglected. You can ask your friends to find among their acquaintances a budget photographer, a toastmaster, or an administrator in a cafe or restaurant.
  • Choose for your wedding warm season. In the summer it is much easier to come up with vacation options, choose clothes and do a photo shoot.

DIY budget wedding

You can always find things that you can do yourself and save money on it. It may not turn out so chic, but it will be from the heart and original. On the Internet you can find a master class on making various crafts.

You can make decorations for the hall with your own hands. Something incredible may not work out, but beautiful garlands, balloons and posters will completely decorate the event.

You will have to purchase some materials: glue, fabric, thread, paper, cardboard. But this will not require serious expenses. In skillful hands, even a piece of fabric can turn into a beautiful and original flower garland. If you can't do something worthwhile, ask your friends. Collectively it will turn out better, someone will definitely be able to comprehend the secrets of handmade. In the same way, you can prepare the scenery for a photo shoot: cardboard letters, hearts, masks.

Invitation cards turn out very beautiful if you make them in the form of letters from thick paper and decorate the envelopes with lace and satin ribbon. Very cheap, and guests will appreciate your originality.

Even if you don’t have a color printer, it doesn’t matter. Print the invitation text on your computer, decorate it with a figurine of an angel or doves, and then sprinkle the text with glitter. In combination with a beautiful homemade envelope, such an invitation will look very elegant.

Car decorations are more difficult to make, but quite possible. To do this, you can buy inexpensive artificial flowers, transparent fabric, ribbons, and then a flight of fancy will tell you how to attach it all. If all else fails, buy small artificial roses and tape them over the entire surface of the car. It's modest, but it will immediately attract the attention of passers-by.

You can make your own decorations for glasses, bottles, for the bride’s hair, jewelry, a pillow for rings, whatever you have the courage and time for.

How to organize a budget summer wedding

A cheap summer wedding is as easy as shelling pears. It’s warm outside, you don’t need a lot of clothes, you can have a picnic or a photo shoot in nature.

A budget wedding in nature is a favorite option for newlyweds who want to save money. It’s romantic, interesting and you don’t have to pay to rent a hall. It is not even necessary to pay and convince the registry office employees to do an outdoor ceremony. Sign whenever you want, and your friends or the host will conduct a beautiful ceremony with an arch and vows.

Outdoor recreation with a large number of guests will be very troublesome and not at all cheap. Therefore, choose only close people who will have fun from the heart, be happy for you, and also help in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Be sure to let your guests know that the wedding will be outdoors so they can dress appropriately. The scope of the event depends on you and your relationship with the guests. You can arrange a real Russian holiday with barbecue, salads and swimming in the river, or an exquisite buffet in a flowering meadow.

Whatever you decide to save on, never skimp on sun umbrellas, sunscreen, bug cream or candles, chairs and paper towels. All this is simply necessary for a good rest.

Be sure to make sure that the place you choose allows you to barbecue and drink alcohol so that no troubles can ruin your party.

Of course, you will need transport that will take you, your guests, food and the necessary attributes to your vacation spot. It is advisable to rent a car and agree on when they will come to pick you up and take you home. Now many people have their own cars, but guests will probably want to drink to the health of the young people. If the cars will be personal, make sure that guests who drive do not drink. Assign a sobriety officer.

Prepare food and drinks in advance. You can ask your friends about this. Assign one person responsible for meat, another for drinks, a third for desserts, etc. Be sure to think about where you will run in case of unexpected weather conditions. Take awnings or tents.

Cream cakes and strong alcohol in the heat of nature can cause poisoning. Better take light cocktails, champagne and ice cream in portable refrigerators.

If you are planning a toastmaster and dance competitions, make sure that all the attributes and musical accompaniment will be possible and appropriate in a picnic setting.

For extreme sports enthusiasts, you can arrange an overnight stay in the fresh air, even for more than one day. In this case, you can take tents with you or rent houses at an inexpensive camp site.

Cheap wedding: bridal outfit ideas

Girls are not used to saving on dresses and hairstyles. However, given the cost of even the simplest wedding dress and shoes, it makes sense to look for more budget options. Everything will depend on the style of the wedding and the wishes of the bride. Some are ready to go to the altar in a simple sundress, while others will sew it themselves, just to have a dress like a princess.

  • If you are interested in how to make a wedding cheaply and beautifully, study various handmade courses. Nowadays, every detail of a bride’s outfit is very expensive, but something made with your own hands will look original and help you save a lot of money.

  • You can save a lot of money if the bride is not afraid to buy a dress secondhand or rent it. Not all girls go for it because of various superstitions.
  • If you really want a dress of just this model and no other, and in salons such dresses are incredibly expensive, turn to a seamstress. If the seamstress turns out to be familiar, she will also give you a discount. Sometimes sewing turns out to be cheaper. An experienced seamstress will tell you what fabric to buy so that it turns out beautifully and is not too expensive.
  • Dresses of a “non-wedding” type, for example, cocktail or just straight, can then be worn to other celebrations.
  • Choose dresses without a lot of embroidery, beads and rhinestones; they are usually cheaper. Or you can simply buy White dress, and decorate it yourself by embroidering it with the same beads or satin ribbons and lace.

  • Be very careful when ordering dresses online. Even if you are your size, the dress may not fit your figure. It often happens that in photographs after processing with Photoshop, a dress looks completely different, and in the mail you receive something far from the same dress.
  • If taking someone's wedding dress is scary, you can take it. For example, ask a friend who recently got married for a hairpin, gloves, a handbag, or jewelry. These are little things, but in salons they will charge a considerable price for them.

Budget wedding in winter

You can't go for a walk in nature in winter. But you can arrange a group trip to the skating rink or snowboarding. It's fun and original. Of course, weather permitting. Freezing guests at -41 degrees is cruel, to say the least.

A great example of how to have a cheap winter wedding is this. Invite a couple of close guests, set a small table and sit together. You can only invite a large number of guests and have a dance if you have your own home, otherwise the neighbors will be very unhappy.

If you are planning to spend your wedding day just the two of you, it will be very pleasant and romantic to leave snowy Russia for hot countries in winter and spend an unforgettable day in the warmth. This is not the most budget option, but it will cost no more than a banquet for 100 people.

To save money, you can have a wedding right on New Year’s Day and combine the two celebrations. Friends will gather and congratulate each other and the newlyweds. For a warm, cozy evening, you can brew mulled wine. The best place there will be a home for such a holiday.

Winter is not popular with newlyweds, so there will be no queue at the registry office, and a large number of brides will not merge into one spot. If you decide to rent a cafe, it will also be cheaper in winter.

You can combine outdoor recreation and a cafe. For example, first go to the skating rink, and then all go together to the nearest cafe to warm up and celebrate. You can go skiing, just play snowballs or make blind snow woman, but the main condition for such fun is that you must have a place in stock where everyone will go to warm up.

Budget menu for a wedding

Treating guests is the most expensive moment for newlyweds. This is where you need to save, but in such a way that guests are not outraged by the small amount of food. A light buffet is unlikely to find approval; for a Russian wedding, it is unusual to leave the table feeling slightly hungry.

The first rule of saving is that if you are having a wedding in a restaurant or cafe, check the number of guests and make sure that everyone will come so as not to overpay for an empty place.

If the wedding is in the summer, you can safely use the gifts of gardens and vegetable gardens: berries for dessert, vegetables, fruits, herbs. You shouldn’t skimp on the amount of food, even if it’s a little more than you expected, in case your guests’ appetites work up, but it’s quite possible to refuse expensive products such as red caviar, trout, rabbit and other delicacies. You can make very tasty snacks from regular chicken breast or eggplant.

Share responsibilities with the cooks. Let them prepare the hot dish so that it is served piping hot, and prepare some salads and cold appetizers yourself. The savings will be noticeable. If there are not so many products, but you want the table to look richer, serve both salads and hot dishes at once. Guests will choose where to start.

It is not at all necessary to order a multi-tiered expensive cake. If there are only a few guests, buy or make your own regular cakes or cupcakes. Most often, by the time it is time to drink tea, the guests are already full.

There is no need to be shy about putting your own pickles on the table. Experience shows that this is a great success at weddings.

Choose salads with 3-5 ingredients. This could be everyone's favorite inexpensive Olivier. To make it more interesting, add green peas and smoked chicken. You can choose salads with mushrooms, cheese, fresh vegetables, as well as fruit salad for dessert.

Meat with a side dish is perfect for the second course. For example, beef chops with baked potatoes or fish with rice. It is not necessary to buy trout; hake is also very tender and not too bony.

Increasingly, modern couples are using the opportunity to save money on celebrating their wedding. There may be several reasons. One of them is the lack of money to borrow or credit; not many people like this approach, from an economic point of view. Perhaps another reason is that the newlyweds intend to implement other plans that will require considerable financial expenditure. For example, canceling a honeymoon trip due to exorbitant expenses for an expensive celebration is an irrational decision for some. How to have a wedding inexpensively and beautifully to satisfy all your requirements?

Ways to have an unforgettable wedding on a budget

To save on a wedding, this does not mean completely abandoning this memorable event; experienced organizers offer interesting budget options, from a romantic evening for two to a full-fledged feast surrounded by guests. The option is chosen according to the preference of the newlyweds, taking into account the age and number of guests, as well as the capabilities and interests of the newlyweds.

Celebrating a wedding by organizing a trip to the club is one of the most simple options. Costs are minimal for light refreshments and alcoholic drinks. Dancing and unbridled fun are guaranteed. A cinema or a sauna could be an original place to celebrate such an event; young spouses and their guests enjoy this kind of pastime. There are other options, such as inexpensive restaurants, such as cafes or fast food, or maybe celebrating in the lap of nature or in tourist trip. Everything is possible, the main thing is imagination and the desire to get maximum pleasure from unusual wedding.

Summer is the best time for an economical wedding

To celebrate a wedding inexpensively in the summer, you won’t need to spend a lot of money. At this time of year, it’s easier than ever to have a festive feast in the fresh air and you won’t have to spend a lot on outfits. In addition, conducting a photo shoot outdoors is economical and will result in very impressive photographs. It’s more profitable to sign at the registry office and hold the ceremony with the help of talented friends. The option of celebrating outdoors is suitable if there are a small number of guests because organizing a banquet for a large wedding will require a lot of expense and hassle.

Whatever holiday option is chosen, it is necessary to warn guests that they will have to choose an outfit accordingly. Whether it will be a sauna, a swimming pool, a club or a picnic, it is better to inform in advance, otherwise there will be an unfortunate surprise. If the celebration takes place on the river bank, those invited will have to stock up on swimwear. During the hot season, it is important not to forget about umbrellas or a tent so that the feast is not under the scorching sun. It would do well for the newlyweds to take care of transport that will take guests to the place of celebration and back.

How to save money on a winter wedding?

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to celebrate a budget wedding in the middle of nature in winter. But winter activities, for those who like to go ice skating or snowboarding with close friends who share the joy of the newlyweds, it may become a fun adventure on such a solemn day.

The best option for a winter wedding would be a feast at home. For a small group of guests, a home wedding can be organized cheaply and very interestingly. It is likely that among your close circle there will be those who want to help organize the banquet at home, noisily and cheerfully.

Typically, winter is not the most favorite time of year for weddings, so it is worth trying to look for an inexpensive venue for the celebration. You can also use the opportunity of double savings, this is when the day of registration and winter holiday, New Year, For example.

What's the best way to save money?

Everything that requires the most costs can be saved on this. Take, for example, the number of guests. It’s better to once again look through the list of people you would like to invite. It’s not a bad idea to think about which of them is closest, will truly be happy for the young family and will understand a very modest way of holding a celebration. Those who will be invited out of politeness should be immediately excluded. Thus, the list will be narrowed down to the most desirable circle of guests.

To get wonderful photographs without having to spend money on a professional photographer, you just need to use the amateur talent of one of your friends. It is more economical to make invitation cards and various decorative elements for decorating a banquet with your own hands. Music, wedding script, decoration - it’s possible to prepare all this yourself, but you shouldn’t neglect the help of friends and family. In any company there will be a joker who is “no stranger” to being the center of attention and who will gladly take on the role of toastmaster and thereby help out the newlyweds.

To organize an economical wedding, it is not necessary to “cut down” on everything or completely deny yourself and your friends from celebrating this wonderful day, the main thing is to take into account those moments that will help you fit into the budget and let everything go not luxuriously, but from the heart.

Interesting video

A wedding is an expensive business. However, if you want to have a wedding, and have only modest savings at your disposal, you should not refuse the holiday. Later, other worries will appear, and “that very moment” will be missed. Using our tips you can greatly reduce your wedding expenses. How can you save money? At least on 10 expense items. To you about All you have to do is determine where you can save money by prioritizing and correctly planning your budget based on your available finances.

1. Holiday format

A holiday for two will reduce expenses several times, because it is the banquet that “eats up” most of the budget. In addition, you won’t have to spend money on transport and a presenter. Another economical option is a wedding with your closest relatives or friends.

2. Wedding dresses

Designer wedding dresses from Vera Wang and Oscar de la Renta are the dream of any bride! But are you ready to shell out hundreds of thousands of rubles for them? If not, then there are at least 5 options for how to get your “dream dress”:

  • Wait for a sale or take a closer look at outfits from previous collections, which are sold at pleasant discounts and are no worse than new designs;
  • Choose a wedding dress model that is similar to the designer dress you like, but from a more budget-friendly manufacturer;
  • Rent a dress in a wedding salon. This way, you can afford a chic wedding dress for a low price and you won’t have to worry about where to put the outfit after the celebration. As a minus, you will have to handle the dress carefully, because... If it is damaged, a fine will be deducted from the deposit.
  • Buy a used dress. By purchasing such a dress, you will be able to evaluate how it will look during the shooting itself thanks to photographs of the previous bride.
  • Refuse special wedding dress in favor romantic dress white, purchased in a regular store.

You can save on a groom's suit using the same scheme, or you can choose a high-quality classic suit in a store, taking into account the fact that the newlywed will wear it after the wedding. But it’s important: you don’t have to chase the cheapest suit, because... price usually affects the quality of the fabric. You don’t want the groom to be in a wrinkled suit the entire wedding day, do you?

3. Makeup and hairstyle

Hair styling and makeup should last all day and highlight the bride's assets. Only professional makeup artist and the hairdresser-stylist know what cosmetics to use, how to apply it and style your hair so that you look flawless and fresh throughout the holiday. Saving on the services of specialists can lead to the fact that by the start of the banquet your makeup will be smeared and your hair will fall apart, and all this will be noticeable in the photographs. Therefore, it is better not to save on this item of the wedding budget.

4. The main wedding attributes are rings

If the holiday takes place without expensive outfits and a magnificent banquet, then you cannot do without rings. Instead of a platinum ring with a large diamond in a jewelry store, pay attention to a classic one Golden ring a headband or a subtle but elegant decoration with small stones. It will be precious because it is bought and given with love. If desired, a modest ring can be exchanged for a luxurious one, timed to coincide with any wedding anniversary.

5. Wedding banquet

How to choose a banquet venue? It is quite possible to find a good restaurant or cafe with reasonable prices. It is advisable that there is no corkage fee - this will save several hundred rubles from each bottle of alcohol you bring with you. Also find out from the administrator whether you can bring your own fruits, expensive snacks, cake and loaf - these are the ones that have the biggest price increases in restaurants.

Pay attention to new yet unpromoted restaurants, because... They often offer good discounts on wedding banquets for advertising purposes.

It is also important to choose wisely. If you don't take into account people's taste preferences or order too many dishes, food can end up on the table.

As a budget option, it is worth considering a buffet. This option is especially convenient if the newlyweds are leaving on their honeymoon on the wedding day itself.

6. Floristry and decoration

The bride's bouquet, and with it the groom's boutonniere, are important details wedding look. In addition, the bride's bouquet participates in traditional wedding ceremonies such as ransom, throwing a bouquet into a crowd of unmarried bridesmaids. For this reason, the bride's bouquet and the groom's boutonniere are always considered mandatory expenses.

The decoration of the banquet hall creates a festive mood, and photographs against the backdrop of exquisite decor turn out spectacular and beautiful. However, you can find a restaurant that does not require a lot of decor, because... its design already suits the style of the planned wedding.

Decorating the table of the newlyweds and guests with fresh flowers is also desirable. To save money, you can order seasonal or less expensive flowers, for example, tulips instead of orchids. Tell the florist the amount you are willing to spend on flowers, and he will tell you how to distribute it better and more economically.

In addition, you will need invitations, table numbers or guest cards, a floor plan, a pillow for rings, a chest for money, design of napkins and invitations, and other attributes. But you can make them yourself, especially since handicraft stores have special kits that contain everything you need to create beautiful accessories. Remember that these little things take several weeks to make, so it’s important to start this work early.

7. Photo and video shooting

Photographer services are something you shouldn’t skimp on. Unprofessional work by an amateur photographer results in low-quality, boring photographs. The wedding lasts only one day, and it will not be possible to bring back the joyful events and feel the same emotions again. But the wedding album will remain with you forever. To make sure you don't miss out on a photographer, ask your friends who they can recommend. Often professional photographers do not actively advertise, but offer lower prices.

Video shooting is also not a cheap pleasure. But answer these questions: “Do you really need a video of your wedding? How often do you plan to view it? You may decide to abandon this expense item completely or limit yourself to filming the registration ceremony at the registry office.

8. Host and entertainment

A good host is able to lift the spirits of the guests, unite them and entertain them. In order to save money, you can invite him for fewer hours, and the guests will continue the fun as they have already done.

But as an alternative, you can ask your friends to create a script and come up with competitions. It is welcome if guests prepare their own congratulatory numbers.

Shows of soap bubbles, caricature artists, professional dancers, Fire Show magicians and other entertainment - the holiday can easily take place without them. This means that spending on them is not at all necessary.

9. Transport

By refusing a limousine and ordering a car for yourself and a minibus for guests, you will save a round sum, which will be useful for other purposes. It’s good if guests agree to come to registration and to the restaurant in their own cars.

In addition, proper organization of transportation on time will allow you not to overpay for extra hours.

10. Wedding for two only abroad

A practical, but at the same time fabulous option for holding a wedding is offered by travel companies: getting married in another country. It combines a ceremony and a honeymoon.

When going abroad, take your wedding dresses and rings with you, or be prepared to buy them on the spot. And another mandatory expense item is a photographer, whose work will result in magnificent wedding photographs in an exotic location.

Can't imagine a wedding without friends and relatives? Plan a trip during the holiday season, and then they can go with you for company at their own expense.

  • Look not for the most famous, eminent contractors, but for those who have positive reviews.
  • After the new year, as a rule, everything becomes more expensive. This also applies to the wedding industry. In this regard, it is better to conclude contracts before January arrives. Although it is possible to hold a wedding in the “off season” (May, Lent, November, etc.), when due to a drop in demand markups are reduced.
  • The principle of “everything is cheaper” is not suitable for a wedding: low cost almost always means a drop in the quality of the service provided.
  • Sometimes, based on acquaintance, contractors are ready to provide a discount, but this should not be the only criterion for their choice. Be objective and attentive so that you don’t later make claims against your friends for recommending an unreliable contractor.

Most young people and girls, hearing the words “organizing a wedding celebration,” immediately imagine processions of limousines, a bride in a dress that looks like a marvelous White flower, restaurant hall strewn with roses. This option is ideal for movies, but real life people often face more pressing problems.

For example, ideas arise such as holding a magnificent banquet or going to a hot country, and someone is thinking about purchasing a home. In this regard, couples have the idea to hold a wedding at a reasonable cost, while pleasing relatives and friends, and without depriving themselves. How to hold a budget wedding? You can think up the ideas and details of the celebration yourself!

Features of an inexpensive celebration

The main point to consider when calculating costs is quantity. After all, depending on this, you can rent not a restaurant, but a small banquet hall in a cafe, pizzeria, and if the wedding takes place in the summer, then take everyone out into nature.

The second most important point will be how imaginative you are in self-production wedding accessories that eat up a considerable part of the family budget. Rarely does a bride want to save on money, but even here you can find an acceptable option - there are salons that rent out new dresses. And of course, It is necessary to plan costs at least 2 months before the celebration.

Budget planning is the first step

It is necessary to write it down on paper, no matter how much money is invested in it. This will allow the future family to learn to understand each other in terms of costs, and will also not allow them to go beyond the indicated figures.

All the main attributes of the wedding day can be divided into important ones and those on which you can save money. The important ones are:

  • the place where the banquet will take place;
  • wedding menu;
  • bride's makeup and hairstyle;
  • presenter and photographer services.

Smart savings are possible when choosing the outfit of the bride and groom, decorating the hall, videographer services, wedding cake and the number of guests.

The first thing you need to do is decide how many people you want to invite to the celebration.

Call those who are eager not only to congratulate you on this important day, but also to help with the banquet design. You should not invite relatives from the other side of the country, great-aunts or families with infants to a modest event. Limit yourself to a small circle of people close to you. And you can visit everyone else after your honeymoon.

Understanding the number of people present will give you the opportunity to choose a banquet location that won't break the bank. The most suitable option in this case is a place where you can bring your own drinks, snacks and cake, ordering only hot dishes, main dishes and, for example, salads. When you figure out the approximate cost of renting a hall and food, you can start choosing a dress, suit and toastmaster.

A budget wedding requires a fairly relaxed and unpretentious atmosphere, so choosing a dress is not such a difficult task.

On a note! Modern fashion dictates new criteria for holding wedding celebrations - it is not necessary to organize a classic rich wedding in a restaurant for five hundred people. For example, you can

There is a lot of room for imagination here - from boho and ethnic style to cute Parisian surroundings or informal retro style. All this will give you the opportunity to choose both outfits that fit your budget and the decoration of the banquet hall.

Photographs are an important part of a wedding. But this point can also be thought through - be sure to take official photographs and, if desired, video recording of the registration. If after painting you have a photo shoot planned, then select in advance a photographer who suits you in terms of the level of work and the vision of such a shoot. Agree to work with him for an hour, having discussed in advance.

Practice the poses at home. To feel relaxed in the company of a stranger, arrange a meeting in advance (a week or two in advance), drink coffee and discuss all the details.

Videographer services are more expensive - you can ask your friends if they have amateurs filming weddings or other events. Or ask your friends who are engaged in amateur photography to shoot a small amount of material, such as the first dance, congratulations to parents, funny competitions.

By calculating these main points, you will be able to clearly understand how much you will need. It is worth remembering that approximately 1/5 of the planned budget must be added to the final calculation for unforeseen expenses.

A budget wedding is often the choice of conscious adults who intend to use funds more wisely and profitably. If the bride and groom are rational and modern people, the question of conclusion will be relevant.


Invitations, napkins, wedding decor of the venue - this is exactly what you can save a lot of money on, and at the same time reveal your artistic talents.

Invitations are easy to create using graphic programs, and if you don’t know how to do it yourself, then ask a friend.

Print them on photo paper or thick paper purchased at an art store. , writing words with a capillary pen and gluing, for example, a paper flower onto a card.

You can choose napkins at a craft store, just like colored paper, ribbons, paper garlands to decorate the banquet area.

An interior arch decorated with fabric (organza, chiffon), wooden elements, and artificial flowers will look beautiful. If the wedding is taking place outside the city, then such decor can serve as an excellent backdrop for photo sessions, and after that it can be sold.

If you want the room to be decorated with fresh flowers, then choose those that are popular at the time of the wedding, buy them in a wholesale store that is not located in the city center. If you have relatives who grow flowers in their dacha, then ask them to help with the decoration.

It's easy to decorate glasses by hand by purchasing some lace ribbon, and you can splurge on a bridal bouquet.

If your idea is, choose a bouquet of leaves and flowers from the garden, and the celebration in ethnic style will give you the opportunity to make bouquets of wildflowers. A French-style event will allow you to use peonies instead of roses.


A small wedding can be an event with a relaxed dress code. If you don't want to wear a dress that makes you look like a cake, then choose a classic light one Evening Dress by adding a veil and stylish jewelry. Shoes should be purchased with the expectation of wearing them after the celebration (cream, beige shoes with stable heels). For a budget wedding, the couple in the photo above chose a rustic style.

The groom can choose a regular classic suit that he can wear to any event, and the wedding element will be a hand-made boutonniere.

If you have chosen a wedding style, describe it in detail to your invited friends and ask them to come in something appropriate. Or make brooches or bracelets from flowers and ribbons and pin them to ladies' dresses. Most easy option– ask guests to dress in one color scheme, corresponding to the style of the event.

If the bride knows professional hairdressers and makeup artists, then you can negotiate a lower payment by inviting the master to the banquet. In other cases, it is better not to skimp on makeup and hairstyle.

Wedding planner

The only thing you definitely shouldn't skimp on is But even here you can get out of the situation by buying gold rings without diamonds, and give richer jewelry to each other for your next anniversary.

Elena Sokolova


If you know a place near the city (or in some park, near the water) where you can put up a tent, tables and hold an event for a small group of people, this is a great option!

Shcheredin Ivan


The summer season is the peak season for weddings, so it’s cheaper to get married in winter – banquet halls offer good discounts on rental premises. In winter, you can save money on a photo shoot after registration; even if it happens, it will be short-lived. A winter celebration can be made homely and cozy by gathering with tea in a cafe or pizzeria immediately after registering the marriage.

Ideas for a budget wedding in summer are very diverse and provide more options. For example, summer makes it possible to arrange a picnic or buffet instead of a long, tiring banquet.

One of the guests who is interested in photography can take pictures of the gathered friends. The ability to barbecue or bake vegetables on the grill will save a lot of money. You can order a cake from a friend who bakes them for her family with pleasure. If your relatives have a garden, ask for vegetables and fruits from there - this will also reduce costs.

If someone you know has a dacha, then ask (even after paying a small rent) to hold a banquet at their place - a wonderful summer and autumn option. Potatoes baked in coals, the smell of a fire, songs with a guitar - the informal and bright celebration will be remembered for a long time.

Do not try to celebrate the event with a ride in a limousine - it is expensive and not always justified. Hire a bus for guests and a business class car for yourself. If one of your relatives can take your guests home in the evening, ask them about it.

If you decide to hold a banquet in a restaurant, look for a place where you will be allowed to bring your own alcohol and snacks. Choose not the most expensive dishes on the menu, and make the banquet itself as short as possible so that the guests do not have time to get tired and bored.

Best budget wedding is good related ideas to decorate the celebration in an original, inexpensive, budget-friendly and beautiful way and at the same time “not to lose face.”

Who entertains the guests

A professional presenter should sing songs and call guests to congratulate the newlyweds. It must be at the wedding if you have invited more than ten people. Don't think that inviting a friend, who is usually the life of the party, will solve the problem of entertaining those present. No, a friend will eat and drink in a restaurant on an equal basis with others, and if he entertains guests, then only his neighbors at the table.

Ask friends who recently celebrated the same event who was their toastmaster.

Here it is important to choose not the most expensive presenter in terms of cost of services, but the one who will fit into your company in terms of the manner of conducting, the proposed competitions, and the choice of musical accompaniment. The scenario is discussed separately and in advance - this is important!

A bold option is to find a presenter among students of theater universities. But first, of course, you need to discuss all the small points with him. And if you know someone who is willing to make extra money by throwing you a fun day, then this could be a great gift for you!

If you are gathering a small group of friends close to you, then after painting, invite everyone to the cinema, pizzeria, water park, attractions or river walk. Just think about renting a hall in a cafe, cinema or buying tickets in advance - if your guests are ready to spend your important day like this, then feel free to implement the most unusual ideas budget wedding!

  • A celebration on a weekday will significantly reduce costs - renting a restaurant on weekdays is cheaper.
  • At an outdoor wedding (outside the city, in a park), you can use paper dishes, simple flowers, and you will need a simpler dress - you can either sew it or buy it on sale among mass market brands.
  • Do not take a lot of alcohol, and purchase it in advance, choosing large supermarkets that offer good discounts.
  • Ask your girlfriends to pay for you instead of a makeup artist - this will be a very useful gift.


The most important thing when holding an event is pre-calculated expenses. Preparations started several months in advance will allow you to find an inexpensive suit and dress, select a professional photographer at an affordable price, and stock up on alcohol for the wedding table.

Explain to your guests in advance that your budget is modest and you do not want a lavish event, but only for your loved ones. Ask your creative friends for help or start creating accessories yourself. Don’t skimp on the rings and makeup of the main girl of the evening, then the event will become one of the brightest and most memorable for both you and your family!