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Henna tattoo at home. How to paint mehendi

Each new season brings with it fashion trends and trends, and the most appreciative audience for innovations are, of course, women. It is women who make the main cash flow for shops, boutiques and beauty salons. Because every woman wants to celebrate the season in all its glory. If you look into any beauty salon, you will notice a number of people wanting to dye their hair. Of course, hair coloring in a salon is many times less harmful to the hair and scalp than a similar operation carried out by yourself at home. Professional paints contain less ammonia, more vitamins and oils, and the coloring process itself is divided into several stages, including mandatory preparation of hair for coloring and softening it with balm and conditioner. And the hair will be completely dyed in the salon, because the hairdresser has a much larger viewing angle.

But despite all the advantages of salon coloring, you should not build castles in the air, believing that your hair benefits from such procedures. No, no and NO! Dyeing your hair with permanent colors is a gross invasion of the natural structure of the hair! And in the future you will have to strengthen your hair care, realizing that it is weakened and needs treatment. The solution for girls who want to change without harm is coloring with henna.

What is henna?

In stores, boxes of henna are usually on the lowest shelves. Sometimes it is sold in nondescript paper bags, when you look at them you do not want to buy it. But this is only at first glance! The fact is that henna does not need advertising! This is a real natural dye, absolutely harmless to hair. At its core, it is a plant crushed into powder. The color of the powder is green, but don’t be afraid of this - you won’t turn green. Using this magical powder, in a good way, you can treat your hair while giving it the desired color. And not only red-haired, as people might assume.

How to dilute henna?

Don’t rush to dilute henna right away. First, remember that you need to dye clean and dried hair. Or a little damp. Otherwise on dirty hair coloring will be less effective. After the head dries a little, you can dilute henna. To do this, pour the powder into an enamel bowl. For hair middle length– up to the shoulders, 100-125 grams of powder is enough. Next, you need to pour the powder with hot water, but not boiling water, since the coloring properties of henna do not appear in it. The mixture must be brought to the consistency of thick sour cream without lumps. Now you can take care of hair care. To do this, you need to add cosmetic oils to henna, each of which has its own list of useful functions. Oils are added to moisturize the hair and scalp, as henna dries them out. This is why it is not recommended to dye with henna too often. The most basic recipe involves adding burdock oil, accelerating hair growth. The mixture is ready. Before dyeing your hair, you should make sure you have gloves, since it is very difficult to wash henna off your skin. To prevent your forehead and neck from staining, coat them thick cream. While the mixture has not cooled down, you need to apply it to your hair, starting from the back of your head and ending with your temples and forehead, where the hair is lighter and will color quickly. Hair should be collected at the back of the head, wrapped in plastic and a towel, which is not a pity, as it may get a little stained. That's it, at least for the next 20-30 minutes you can relax and wait. Henna should be washed off with water without shampoo, but you can use balm or conditioner. After dyeing, it is better to refrain from washing your hair with shampoo for 2-3 days, as the result will appear brighter.

Depending on the length of time the henna is left on the hair and the original color, the result can vary from a reddish tint to a rich terracotta color. But this, of course, is not the only way to prepare henna. As a paint, henna allows you to bring to life a whole range of colors. Folk recipes with plant components they promise a rainbow of shades from golden red to dark brown.

Simply put, henna can be supplemented with all the products that are present in the refrigerator. Dilute henna with kefir, and it will work delicate shade and a great hair mask. Add black tea, cocoa or coffee to henna and the result can be chocolate and deep brown. If you dilute henna with chamomile infusion or orange water, then in the first case the color will become calm, and in the second, a golden or honey hue will appear. In addition to oranges, you can use any citrus juice or infusion on the peels. In an acidic environment, by the way, the coloring properties of henna are fully revealed. Therefore, sometimes, to add brightness to the resulting shade, the hair is rinsed with vinegar after dyeing. Intensive yellow tint Turmeric added to henna gives hair a boost, but the tint quickly fades. The regularity of such dyeing and the cumulative effect of henna will allow the shade to remain on the hair over time. Some sources claim that turmeric slows down hair growth, while others suggest the opposite. But in general, both opinions are categorical, since turmeric does not have any special effect on hair growth.

It is very interesting to try diluting henna with cinnamon. In combination with henna, it gives the hair a brown tint and irritates the hair follicles, which actually leads to faster hair growth. In addition, cinnamon cancels out the smell of henna and makes your hair smell nice.

To give the hair a bronze tint, dried rhubarb boiled in white wine, boiled saffron, honey dissolved in water, ginger and ginger powder, which extinguishes red hair, are added to henna. To strengthen hair and give it a slight golden tint, henna is diluted with an infusion of onion peels and a few drops of iodine are added.

If you plan to give your hair a red tint, then crushed madder, beet juice, red wine or ground cloves will help. The components can even be mixed, which will only enhance the effect.

A pleasant shade of chocolate can be formed using ground coffee, walnut leaves and shells, as well as the well-known basma, which is often mentioned together with henna. In various proportions, basma is used to give dark shades, but in itself, unlike henna, it is not a dye and is not used separately.

Henna also has color restrictions. With its help it is impossible to achieve cold, very light and radical dark colors. In addition, henna may not completely cover the hair if the hair was previously dyed with chemical dye and the roots have had time to grow.

Each woman eventually develops her own recipe for henna dyeing and, through trial and error, discovers little tricks. So, to add thickness and originality of color, you can add egg yolk, and cosmetic oils can be successfully replaced with regular olive or sunflower oil. The color will last longer if you keep the henna in a water bath for about 10-15 minutes. Henna is strongly absorbed into the hair, so you can take care of aromatic additives to the mixture in advance. Thus, hibiscus tea, lemon juice, and aromatic coffee will add a pleasant aroma along with a reddish tint.

Henna is not only a tinting agent, but also a very effective medicine for hair, and eliminating dandruff.

Some girls who have tried henna scold it, saying that it blocks the opportunity to dye their hair a different color. This is not quite the correct point of view. After dyeing with henna, it is really better to wait a few weeks before dyeing chemicals so that the henna has time to wash off a little. Otherwise, a chemical reaction of the henna dye may occur, and the result will be unexpected.

How does henna work?

The principle of henna's action is very simple. Henna penetrates into the hair and fills it, making it thicker and has a glossy shine. The overall healing effect on hair is extremely great, and appearance changes dramatically, because the hair becomes heavier, thicker, and looks impressive. Plus, henna dries out the scalp a little, so your hair gets dirty less often.

Feelings from the correct use of henna can only be positive, so feel free to give preference to this natural dye and experiment with color, nourishing your hair!

The use of henna as a dye has deep historical roots, and not only hair, but also nails are dyed with this natural product, and highly artistic tattoos are made on the body. In addition, the use of henna is not limited to coloring: this miraculous powder is widely used to treat thin, damaged, overly oily hair. Its additional effects include reducing hair loss, getting rid of dandruff and improving the health of hair follicles. In this article we will focus on the features of hair dyeing with henna, in particular, we will consider such aspects as preparing henna paste, the technique of applying the dye, as well as the colors that can be obtained using henna.

1.How to dye your hair with henna

Dyeing your hair with henna at home is not at all difficult if you know its features and clearly imagine the desired result. First of all, make sure you have everything you need on hand: a bowl, an application brush, a towel to protect your clothes, and a pair of gloves. Do not neglect gloves under any circumstances, because henna wonderfully colors the skin and nails, and it will be quite difficult to remove unwanted stains. In this regard, be careful when distributing the composition through your hair, avoid touching your face and neck. Accordingly, use an old or unnecessary towel, since stains cannot be removed from it.

Hair must be washed and dried before dyeing with henna.

How to dilute henna?

In general, if you are going to dye your hair with pure henna without additives, you will only need henna powder and very hot water (about 90 degrees) to prepare the mixture. For short hair 3 teaspoons are enough for medium thickness, but for the first time it is better to dilute the entire pack, which usually contains 25 g of henna. Pour the henna into a bowl and add water so that you get a paste similar to thick sour cream. It is also recommended to infuse the dye a little (for 5-10 minutes) by placing the bowl in another container filled with very hot water. Remember that the mixture must not be allowed to cool!

Is it possible to store henna?

If you don't use all the packaging, the remaining powder can be used the next time you paint. Henna at home should be stored in a cool, dark place without access to air, for example, in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer. You can even store the freshly prepared composition for 2-3 weeks under the same conditions, but before use you will need to warm it well in a water bath.

Preparing the composition is only half the battle; it is important to know how to use henna correctly to get the desired result.

How to paint with henna?

The main rule is to apply henna to your hair while the mixture is still hot, so you need to act quickly. If you are not confident in your abilities, ask someone to help, this help will be especially valuable when distributing henna on the back of the head, where you would have to act blindly on your own. Start from the crown or back of the head, processing the strands framing the face last. The hair on the temples, behind the ears and near the forehead is usually thinner and lighter, so it is colored more intensely.

Divide the mass into partings with a distance between them of no more than 1.5 centimeters - this is the guarantee that the henna will be distributed as evenly as possible. The dye is applied to the roots, then using a comb and brush, the length is covered to the very ends. In the future, as your hair grows, you don’t need to wear henna all over; It is enough to color only the roots if there is no need to refresh or deepen the color.

After all the hair has been processed, cover it with a plastic cap or bag and insulate it with a towel on top. To prevent paint from leaking and staining the leather, place paper towels under the edges of the bag.

How long should you keep henna on?

The time to dye your hair with henna depends on several factors: the quality of the product, the thickness, thickness of the strands, your original color, and the additives you add into the composition. It is better to use less henna on light hair; The darker the natural shade, the longer it takes to dye.

If the main goal is not so much to change the color, but to improve the health of the hair, for the first time, the time of henna dyeing can be reduced to a minimum of 5-10 minutes.

Blonde hair will become blonde in just 2-3 minutes. golden hue, after 5-6 minutes they will become light red, after 15 minutes they will become a little brighter, and after 40 minutes they will become fiery red or red. For deep coloring dark hair The henna will need to be left on for about an hour.

Naturally black hair may not respond well to henna, that is, it slowly acquires the desired shade - up to one and a half to two hours. In the future, if you wish, you can leave the dye on your head until the morning: ladies who practice this method claim that the color turns out deeper and more interesting. The good thing about henna is that experimenting with it will not harm your curls, so try it, look for the optimal time to dye henna specifically for your hair.

How to wash off henna?

Rinse the strands thoroughly with pleasantly warm water without using shampoo. It’s not really needed, because you washed your hair before painting. If henna particles are poorly washed out, use a conditioner for colored curls, then dry your hair with a hairdryer, carefully combing out the residue.

2. The result of henna staining

Using this natural dye, even without additives, you can get a lot of shades from light golden to dark chestnut. At the same time, the hair color after henna depends more on the structure of your hair and its original color. As for light strands, the possible result is described above; it will also be similar when stained with henna gray hair. Let me warn you: if carrot red is not your goal, be careful with henna if you are blonde or light brown-haired.

Dark curls in this issue have more advantages: they can be painted in any shade from red to chestnut, achieve a beautiful red tint or deep cognac color.

With the help of various types (basma, coffee), you can vary the resulting effect up to completely black hair.

A pleasant side effect of henna dyeing is the thickening of the scales covering each hair, thus increasing the thickness of the hair and improving the health of the scalp.

Just in case, let’s clarify that it has nothing to do with natural dye - in fact, it is a chemical lightener that negatively affects the health of your strands.

Coloring with colorless henna - what is it?

Treatment with colorless henna, strictly speaking, is not a coloring process: the hairs become denser and thicker, but do not change their color. If you only need to treat your curls, then this option is what you need.

The color after natural dyeing depends on many factors, including how to dilute henna for hair.

On each packet of lavsonia powder you can find instructions for preparing the coloring composition, but in the pursuit of perfection, women are finding new opportunities to give their curls a more saturated shade.

After studying all the methods, you can choose how to properly dilute henna for your hair.

Henna, or henna in Arabic, is not just a dye for Eastern peoples. The raw material for its production is Lawsonia non-thorny - a tall shrub that grows almost everywhere in a hot, dry climate.

This plant is cultivated in many countries of the Middle East. In India, the state of Rajsthan is known as one of the world's major henna production centers.

Lawsonia non-thorny is notable for its flowers. At night, small flowers collected in inflorescences spread a strong, alluring scent throughout the entire area.

Essential oil is obtained from lavsonia flowers, which is used in the perfume industry and for the production of luxury paints.

The upper leaves of the plant contain a higher percentage of orange lawson dye; they are used to produce powder for body painting. All other lavsonia leaves are used for hair dye.

The remedy from lavsonia is firmly woven into the history and traditions of the mysterious eastern countries. In many of them, for example, in India or Azerbaijan, the tradition of “henna night” has been preserved to this day.

Girls and women gather in the bride's house and paint each other's hands and feet, sing songs, women share secrets family life with inexperienced girls.

Henna came to Europe only in the 20th century and experienced several surges in popularity, but interest in it has remained stable over the past decades.

Basma is obtained from the leaves of another shrub, Indigofera tinctifera. This is another substance-phenomenon for ancient empires: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Assyria.

IN Ancient world dyes for fabrics (indigo) and hair (basma), obtained from indigofera tinctifera, served as signs of high status.

Aristocrats were distinguished by unusually bright blue and green clothes for that time, as well as black hair.

Brunettes ruled the world, so not only women, but also men dyed their hair, and they even dyed the fur of pets with basma.

Even before Avicenna, medical books contained mention of medicinal properties henna and basma.

Modern scientists have confirmed their bactericidal, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects.

Eastern medicine uses henna-based products to treat open and purulent wounds, treat sutures after surgery, treat stomatitis, diathesis, eczema, burns, and so on.

Henna helps relieve pain from rheumatism and arthritis, treats bruises and sprains, and reduces sweating of the feet.

Basma treats boils and liver diseases. Colorless henna deserves special mention, since it beneficial features similar to the color counterpart.

There are two main versions of obtaining colorless henna. This is either powder from lawsonia stems, which do not contain a coloring pigment, or from leaves that lack coloring properties. According to another version, colorless henna is obtained from cassia obtufolia.

Cassia is very similar in its properties to lavsonia; essential oil is also obtained from its flowers. Its powder is used exclusively for medicinal purposes.

How to prepare the coloring mixture?

Instructions for preparing henna are included on each package.

Let's take a closer look at the methods of its dilution and use.

Traditional way

Henna needs to be poured with hot water, and not boiling water - the temperature should be about 90 C° - this way the powder will better release the coloring pigment.

Gradually the paste will change its rich swamp color to terracotta. As soon as the temperature drops enough that the paint can be used without risking a burn, it should be applied.

It is advisable to do this quickly, while the paste is still warm, wrap your head in an insulating compress and leave for an hour and a half.

To obtain darker shades, add basma to henna and brew the mixture in the same way.

Basma is usually not used separately, as it can give the hair a greenish or bluish tint, because it is produced from the same plant from which indigo blue was obtained in past centuries.

But in combination with henna, basma allows you to achieve colors that are very close to natural.

By mixing the powders in equal proportions, you can get a chestnut color. If the total mass of dyes contains a third of henna, the color will be closer to black, but if the mixture consists of a third of basma, the hair shade will be closer to bronze.

Many women prefer to use two natural dyes sequentially: first henna, then basma. This is done to get a more accurate result.

By completely drying your hair after dyeing it with henna, you will be able to estimate how long you need to apply the basma so that the shade is not too dark and not too light.

"Sour" method

It is believed that henna releases coloring pigment better in an acidic environment, so the color turns out more saturated after the first dyeing.

In an acidic solution, the cellulose in the henna powder will dissolve, releasing the orange-red lawson. In an acidic environment, hydrogen atoms will bond with lawson atoms.

In this form, they better penetrate the hair’s own pigment, the color turns out richer and lasts longer on the hair.

You can dilute henna with either fresh lemon juice or its canned counterpart from a bottle.

If your scalp is sensitive to lemon juice, use less acidic citrus juice: orange or grapefruit, or herbal tea acidified with lemon.

Some sources recommend diluting henna with kefir or yogurt, which also create an acidic environment, while others warn against such a decision, since proteins in fermented milk products, on the contrary, interfere with the release of the dye and bind it.

The mixture of lawsonia powder and juice should be left at room temperature (about 21 C°) overnight.

To speed up the process, infuse the dye for two hours at 35 C°.

Before painting, the paint must be diluted to the consistency of sour cream with the same lemon juice or herbal tea.

The further dyeing process occurs in the same way as with the traditional dilution method.

What determines the brightness of a color?

In addition to the method chosen for diluting henna, many other factors influence the depth of color. One of them is the type of paint and its origin.

The intensity of the color depends on the amount of coloring pigment, and this, in turn, may depend on the soil and climatic conditions of the area in which the plant grew.

It is believed that Sudanese henna has the greatest color brightness. Henna for mehendi can be used as hair dye.

Another type of henna is pressed. High content essential oil lavsonia in it, firstly, prevents hair from drying out, and, secondly, gives a more saturated color.

Indian henna is a mixture with additional (natural and artificially synthesized) components to obtain a variety of different shades.

The only thing you can add on your own is to mix different shades of Indian henna to get the desired color.

Hair gradually accumulates coloring pigment, so with each dyeing the color will become more intense.

The third or fourth time the hair will become the brightest, then the color will gradually deepen.

The less pigment in the hair, the brighter and more noticeable the coloring result.

If you are blonde or have a lot of gray in your hair, you need to use basma to get a darker shade.

Two-stage dyeing with henna and basma will help you control the process.

A henna tattoo is the application of a design made from the dried leaves of a tropical plant to the skin. It can be done either with a brush or using special templates. This tattoo lasts from 2 to 5 weeks, depending on the part of the body and the skin’s ability to cleanse itself.

Henna is a very economical dye. The prepared amount of paint will be enough for you to apply to both arms or for one large tattoo that occupies the entire back. Before you start mixing paint, you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients:

2 tsp henna powder;
- 1 tsp lemon juice;
- 1 tsp. Sahara;
- 2 tsp. hot green tea;
- 1/2 tsp. eucalyptus oil;
- a couple of drops of orange or lavender essential oil of your choice.

You will also need the following items:

Tea spoon;
- Bowl;
- strainer.

Sift the henna powder through a sieve into a bowl to remove any lumps or even small stones. Add lemon juice, sugar, eucalyptus oil to it. In principle, you don’t need to use oil; it is necessary to make the drawing darker and more intense. If you want to get a light red image, you can omit this ingredient. Dilute the resulting mixture with hot green tea, stir the resulting paint with a spoon so that you get a smooth, homogeneous mass.

Leave the paste for 10-15 minutes to infuse. Apply the design to the skin. The most convenient way to do this is with a self-adhesive template. In this case, you can be sure that the drawing will turn out clear and will not smear during the drying period. And this will take a lot of time. Typically, in salons, henna is left on the skin for at least an hour. At home, it is best to make a tattoo in the evening, cover or wrap the painted part of the body with cling film, cover it with a towel or a regular bandage and leave it until the morning. Naturally, if you use a regular brush, the chances of such a drawing being smeared are very high.

It is best to remove dried paint from the skin under running water, slightly helping yourself with a soft cloth. Rubbing and smearing anything is not recommended. And even more so, there is no need to use soap and other aggressive detergents. Lubricate the finished tattoo with a small amount of essential orange or lavender oil. This will not only help the design become more distinct, but will also significantly extend the shelf life of the decoration.

Henna is natural dye, which can be considered a plus and a minus at the same time. On the one hand, this paint is much safer than its chemical analogues, is easily tolerated by the body and can even become a source of useful substances that will be gradually absorbed into the skin until the pattern is washed off. On the other hand, an allergic reaction to the components contained in henna is possible, so always, before applying a large tattoo to the body, it is necessary to check the effect of the paint on the skin in a small, inconspicuous area.

Every woman wants to look good, but there is not always enough time and money to visit beauty salons.

If you regularly apply makeup and take care of the beauty and health of your face, this article will reveal to you a safe, inexpensive and effective method tinting eyebrows at home using henna.

Henna (Lat. Lawsonia inermis) is a unique species belonging to the genus Lawsonia and the Derbennikov family. IN modern world known as a dye. To obtain it, you must first collect the leaves when the plant is flowering, then dry it and grind it into a powder.

Henna contains the following substances:

  • chrysophanol (chrysophanol) is a dye itself that can give the desired color to hair. Characterized by anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antimicrobial effects;
  • emodin - adds shine to hairs;
  • aloe-emodin - activates hair growth;
  • carotene - has restorative properties for damaged, brittle hair;
  • betaine - moisturizes;
  • ceaxanthin and rutin - make hair stronger;
  • fisalen - has an antimicrobial character.

Features of use

To get the desired result, you should familiarize yourself with some recommendations on the selection of dye and its durability on hair of different shades. It's important to know in advance simple ways washing off paint from hands, face and other surfaces. After reading these tips, you can achieve any shade: from light brown to black.

How long does henna last?

On average, the time it takes to dye eyebrows with henna is a week.
It all depends on the characteristics of the eyebrows, the correct application of the dye and the quality of the paint. If you use the most ordinary henna, you will have to color it every 7 days. If you have chosen a special coloring composition produced by a cosmetic company, the color will last for eight weeks.

How to choose

To choose the most suitable paint, you need to ask yourself about color, structure, consistency, composition, packaging, shelf life. First of all, you should pay attention to the hair color. On the advice of stylists, choose a dye two shades darker than your hair.

For blondes A dark brown shade would be suitable. Black tone will not work. At the same time, it is not suitable for pale-skinned women.

Redheads use red or chestnut color. But their combination looks more impressive.

Brown-haired will look most advantageous in brown color, which is close to their natural one. You can also use black color.

An important issue is paint structure, which can be free-flowing, gel-like or paste-like. According to reviews from those who often dye their eyebrows themselves, it is most convenient to use gel. It mixes easily. If the paint contains Castor oil or different vitamins, the product will bring you health benefits.

For home use paint packaged in small packages is suitable. It is important to pay attention to the expiration date of the mixtures, which can be found on the pack.
Since the paint is applied to the face, you need to check whether you are allergic to the components of the product.

Women often dye their eyebrows with hair dye. This is a mistake because scalp hair has a different structure than eyebrow hair. Henna for hair has a higher concentration than henna for eyebrows. This worsens their structure, promotes hair loss, and can burn the skin near the eyes if it gets on it.

There is a false belief that hair color should be the same as eyebrow color. In fact, they should be different from each other.

On major holidays, the Emperor and Empress of Persia used henna instead of a scrub. They also ordered white-haired horses and dogs to be dyed.

What does color depend on?

The color of dyed hair depends on additional components: basma, leaves and walnut shells, cocoa, tea, and other ingredients.

Chestnut color can be achieved using henna and basma in proportions of 3:1.

Chocolate color it turns out if you add finely chopped walnuts(1 tbsp), pour 100 ml of boiling water into the henna and stir until you get a creamy mass.

Achieve black color This will work if you paint your hair with henna, rinse it off, and then cover it with basma. Henna with basma is calculated 1:1.

For staining mahogany color we need 3 tbsp. l. cocoa in powder form, which needs to be mixed with henna, pour boiling water over it and continue to grind to the required thickness.

Deep chestnut red the shade can be achieved by diluting 4 teaspoons of coffee powder with 250 ml of hot water, then boiling for 3 minutes, adding henna and stirring.

How can I wash it off?

If you are stained with henna, you can apply oil from sunflower, castor oil, corn, flax, almond. You need to lubricate your hair all day until completely cleansed. The oil should be left on the face for 10 minutes. Then you should wipe it off with a cotton pad.

Also used citric acid and lemon juice
. You need to dilute it with water, moisten a cotton pad in the liquid, and apply it to the body for 3 minutes. Itching or burning may occur, but these are normal sensations and will pass quickly.

Another effective way- This hydrogen peroxide solution. It is better to wipe the painted area with a solution applied to a cotton swab. You need to wipe enough to lighten your hair and cleanse your skin.

If the above mentioned remedies are not found, take soap (preferably laundry soap, but if you don’t have it, use what you have). Lather your hair and skin, rub a little and rinse.

In such cases, you should not use acetone, furniture cleaner, gasoline, detergent. These liquids will harm your skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

Although henna is natural dye, but still not suitable for everyone. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the positive and negative characteristics of paint in order to get the desired result.


  1. Almost never causes allergies.
  2. Wide range of colors.
  3. Can be used by pregnant and lactating women.
  4. Does not cause painful sensations on the skin.
  5. Cheaper compared to other paints.
  6. Does not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.
  7. Gives eyebrows thickness and density.
  8. Does not have an unpleasant odor.
  9. Can be combined with paints of plant origin.
  10. Gives expressiveness to the eyes.

Henna has long been used in for cosmetic purposes. An Egyptian mummy discovered during excavations had particles of henna on her nails and hair. Archaeologists have suggested that the plant began to be used as cosmetic product back in 1200 BC. e.


  1. Do not apply to colored hair as it may turn green or blue.
  2. You can dye your hair again only when the previous dye is completely washed off.
  3. If you have oily skin, the tattoo will wash off faster.
  4. The product is not used on skin with wrinkles.

What and how to make henna for eyebrows

You can dilute henna for eyebrows like this: add a little lemon juice to hot water, pour a little hot water into a bowl with a teaspoon of henna, and stir. The consistency will be ready when it takes on the appearance of sour cream. Cover with something plastic (for example, a clean small bag). Open after 5 minutes.

As noted above, other ingredients can be added to henna: basma, coffee, tea, walnuts.

Eyebrow dyeing with henna

If you are going to dye your eyebrows yourself, you should pay attention to some rules. To dye with henna, you need to prepare special tools for the subsequent procedure. Be careful: the coloring process takes place in several stages and requires care even after achieving the desired effect. Therefore, familiarize yourself with the intricacies of this skill.

Materials and tools

To dilute the coloring matter, you need a container made of glass, plastic or polyethylene. A metal vessel will not work, as oxidation will occur.

It is better to mix the henna solution with a plastic spoon.. It will be more convenient to draw eyebrows with a brush with short, hard bristles, since they are less mobile and will not smear unnecessary areas of the skin. You can remove unnecessary paint from the skin cotton swabs. It is better to remove unnecessary strokes using cotton pads.

The area of ​​skin around the eyebrows can be coated with a rich cream. Then the paint will not cover these areas of the skin.

Use disposable gloves. Wear an apron or old clothes.


Henna is vacuum packed. When you open it, try to use the contents right away. It is not recommended to reuse powder that has been stored for a long time, as the effect on eyebrows may be too weak.

Check the freshness of the henna. The yellow-green color indicates its freshness. A red tint appears when a product expires.

Read the instructions for preparing henna.
To soften eyebrow hairs, you can add olive oil(1 tbsp.)

Check if you are allergic to henna. Apply the mixture to your wrist or the inside of your elbow. Rinse with water after an hour. Monitor your skin for two days. It is allowed to use henna if the hand does not itch and there is no discomfort.

There are often dead particles left on the skin, so before painting you should remove them by peeling.

Before painting, you need to prepare the mixture. Henna for eyebrows needs to be diluted. If the consistency is like water, it can be diluted with lemon juice, kvass, basma, cocoa, coffee, or strong brewed tea. No the best remedy to dilute the powder or capsule than hot water.

To ensure that tinted eyebrows have the desired shape, outline them with a cosmetic pencil (white).


Start drawing from the tips, then proceed to the middle part, then to the one located closer to the nose. It is important to paint two eyebrows in parallel with henna, since the color and shape should not differ.

If you stain an unnecessary area of ​​skin, wipe off the excess with a napkin.

To obtain desired shade, you need to control the thickness of paint application.

To achieve high-quality coloring, you need to attach pieces of a plastic bag to your eyebrows.

The first procedure for drying your eyebrows should last 40-50 minutes from the moment you have painted them completely. Subsequent times can be held longer or shorter. It all depends on the desired saturation and your natural color, since henna interacts differently with different hair colors.

To remove henna from hairs, you need to take a cotton pad with essential oil (eucalyptus or almond) and wipe off the dried dye.

Also, after this, you can remove excess unwanted hairs with tweezers so that the shape of the eyebrows is the same and symmetrical.

Care after the coloring procedure

Hennaed hair requires certain care:

  1. The first day after coloring, you should avoid getting steam on your eyebrows, do not get them wet, and do not apply anything hot.
  2. Apply thick cream to your eyebrows. If it's not there, smear it cosmetic oil(castor, sandalwood or coconut). Next, apply masks using essential oil or rich cream.
  3. To make the tattoo last longer, it is better not to apply facial foam to your eyebrows. This way they will retain their color longer.
  4. Do not apply decorative cosmetics on the eyebrows.

Don't be confused white henna with regular vegetable. White is used to bleach hair.

Popular manufacturers

You can use henna for eyebrows, which is sold at a cosmetics store, pharmacy or boutique that sells Indian products. If you need to buy a special brand of henna, you can order it from an online store. There you will be offered the following tools:

  1. "Brow henna" is an Indian remedy, it happens different colors, persistent, does not wash off for a month and a half.
  2. “VIVA henna” - henna made in India, does not leave a red tint on the hair, and dyes it in delicate warm tones. Eyebrows are a natural color.
  3. "Godefroy" - American henna in the form of capsules. Often used in professional salons.
  4. “Nila” is a Spanish product that is characterized by durability, hypoallergenicity, and a variety of shades.
  5. “Nivali” is henna from the USA, which does not contain activators and oxidizers. Already ready to use.


  1. Damaged areas of skin at treatment sites: bleeding wounds, animal bites. It is worth treating the wounds and then using the product.
  2. Deep wrinkles.

It is obvious that henna, in comparison with other substances for coloring eyebrows, has many positive characteristics: naturalness, hypoallergenic, accessible to everyone, the possibility of use during pregnancy and lactation, ease of use and long-lasting effect. A wide range of colors and a large number of paint manufacturers will satisfy every taste, and detailed instructions using the product will allow you to achieve the highest quality results.