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Tattoo Space - Heavenly Bodies and Expanses of the Universe in Tattoos. Space tattoo - meaning and designs for girls and men What does a planet tattoo mean?

No matter how much we peer into space, it still remains a mystery to us. This is probably what attracts tattoo lovers who cover their bodies with star-studded designs. These people are often called romantics, irrational dreamers. However, this is not always true. Let's consider fashionable look body painting in more detail.

Meaning of space tattoo

A refutation of the fact that only irrational people fill the cosmos is the symbolism of the Universe itself. Despite little knowledge of boundless space, it is often associated with order, something holistic, complete. And the famous philosopher Plato once even equated it with a person. The complex structure of the galaxy seemed to him similar in structure to the consciousness of people. From this we can conclude that owners of space tattoos first of all seek harmony with the world within themselves. They want to feel and see their inner self in the mirror. And only then come dreams.

Others use the well-known symbols of the planets of the solar system to form their personal brand. To emphasize your “beginning”, to make its main features visible. In addition, each planet is associated with a zodiac sign. This interpretation has the right to life, since the Cosmos tattoo in its modern form is a fairly young trend. Previously, graphic outlines of constellations, astronauts, rockets, etc. were depicted. Nowadays, colored banners and large images of planets are in fashion. Let us consider their possible interpretation in more detail.

The meaning of planet tattoos

Each of the planets known to mankind has a certain set of symbolic representations. The most universal are the following theses:

  • The sun is a masculine image, symbolizing strength and indestructible energy. The widespread application of tattoos depicting the sun is also due to the former status of the luminary. Previously, it was revered as a deity. Therefore, owners of such a tattoo can well count on divine protection
  • The moon also refers to female images. She is often associated with a deep secret, a cosmic riddle. Moonlight carries peace and fulfillment of secret desires
  • Mars is often associated with insolence and aggressive masculinity. The character of a person with this planet on the body can have explosive power
  • Mercury is the patron of travelers, businessmen, in general, all those who do not sit in one place. The messenger of the gods promises good luck to the bearers of his image
  • Venus is too obvious a symbol to describe in detail. Let us only recall her love traits, which appear in every person from time to time.
  • Saturn is considered a symbol of wisdom and high spiritual level. Therefore, the owner of a tattoo with this planet is often a man over 30 or even 40 years old
  • The earth is too universal an image to be judged unambiguously. In any case, the tattoo has positive energy, and attracts good luck. Usually popular with the female half of humanity. This is easily explained by the existence of a stable “Earth-Mother” connection. 
  • However, not only famous planets can be found on the bodies of space lovers. Distant stars and zodiac constellations are also intended to say something about the owner of the tattoo. This can be either tied to luck or a more “narrow” meaning. For example, a star on the wrist may indicate unusual sexual preferences. And, in fact, there are many such subtleties. Therefore, you should carefully study information about celestial bodies before recklessly stuffing them onto your body.

Now it's fashionable to do tattoos with zodiac signs or planets, have you ever thought about the esoteric meaning of symbols applied to the body?

Tattoos were used in ancient times for various purposes - they branded slaves to belong to people who had lost their freedom, certain marks were applied to pirates to recognize their activities, the culture of tattooing was very widespread in the criminal world not only in our country, but throughout planet, thereby separating dangerous criminals from civilians.

Initiations with esoteric intentions were also carried out - shamans applied signs with magical effects - for protection from the other world, to increase magical powers, amulets from evil spirits and death; the theme of totem animals deserves special attention; in each culture they have their own designations.

When a certain pattern is applied to the body, a person seems to absorb this symbolism into his own energy with his skin and then follows it through life, the only question is to understand what, where, why and under what circumstances a person wants to imprint it on his destiny.

When a tattoo is applied - this is a question about periods of life and personal prognosis, during the transit of Pluto you can get into trouble so much that even when it ends - then you will have to clean up the ruins of life for decades - this is exactly what is discussed in the 4th example, in addition to what the person chose, it seems a symbol of happiness, but not in his case.

Astromagic also uses the application of symbols on temporary and permanent media that function as amulets and amulets, the principles of which are laid down in the Keys of Solomon. Temporary media is paper, wood and other materials that must be destroyed after the result is obtained. Constant - stone, metal, and also the human body.

The body is symbolically divided into sectors according to the signs of the zodiac; this system works both for medical astrology and in the topic of this article. Here, not only do you need to understand whether to sculpt a unicorn on your buttock and what it will look like twenty years later, you also need to understand how this drawing will be included in your horoscope - from the positive or negative side.

Let me give you a couple of examples:

1 example just prompted the creation of the article that I discussed yesterday. A person, feeling great in all areas of life and in terms of work, money, personal relationships, tattooed the sign of the sun on his chest, and in his horoscope the planet responsible for the place of the tattoo rules losses, destruction, voluntary or forced isolation, and the Sun - the man himself and his money, after a couple of months he was framed at work regarding a very large sum, a case was opened - and the guy went to a resort for a couple of years, at the same time losing everything - status, money, work and other joys of life.

2 - the girl painted a large black panther on her lower back area, in her horoscope this is the area of ​​marriage and personal relationships, she soon married a very strong, powerful man, his character is certainly not great, but she doesn’t lag behind him - nevertheless, a lot We've been together for years, by the way, she keeps thinking about interrupting her, but she still doesn't get around to it, apparently there's no need.

3 - an acquaintance of mine, a big fan of Bali, and there, as you know, very good craftsmen and the fashion for decorating the body with patterns, they’ll draw whatever you want, almost the whole thing is filled with tattoos - arms, legs, chest, and on the back he made a huge skull - where the shoulder blades are - black eye sockets, I was shocked when I saw it, and then he he himself said that jokes were jokes, but after he separated from his wife, problems with money and a bunch of other troubles appeared, and it was too late to interrupt. Skulls and skeletons are a Saturnian-Plutonian theme and not everyone can carry this energy without loss.

4 - another man, knowing that Jupiter, as a planet, is responsible for fame, wealth and happiness, made another tattoo on his shoulder with its symbol, three months later everything in his life flew away - housing, money, freedom, as they had a criminal case because of documents, in general, everything that could be shattered into pieces, in his horoscope Jupiter rules the same house of losses and imprisonment, as in the first example, and he is even in his chart in the area of ​​​​courts in the sign that is in charge shoulders! You should have seen his eyes when I looked at his horoscope, yes, the forecast indicated a difficult period, he doubled these indicators in his life. Plus Pluto took the situation to the limit.

5 - the girl had a design on her leg - a rose in a dagger, and after a short time, when she changed it into a calmer and nobler flower, wiping off the blade and thorns - she began a completely different stage in her personal life - no longer a roller coaster, but calm, smooth stable relationship.

6 - a man, he has many tattoos, including on his wrist bracelets - on one there was an inscription - love, on the other - hatred, he himself said that how did he manage to meet his ex once, after which she became pregnant, began to crush , they formalized the marriage, then for a year there were hysterics and showdowns, then - divorce, lawyers, division of the child, he sat and swore that he didn’t know how he didn’t kill her after all this, I then teased him - take a better look at my wrists . Two years later, he removed part of the tattoo from his arm and decided to remove the word hate at the same time. And you know, now he's in happy relationship, is talking about a wedding, although after his first marriage he shouted that such a disaster would never happen in his life again.

These are the examples that I personally encountered; I will now deliberately omit people with Chinese characters and runes, since this is a mixture of egregors and I did not know the time of birth of these two people and did not look at their horoscopes.

I can say on the topic of aggressive tattoos - this will not necessarily lead to problems, for some, very specific patterns will be in tune with the map, and even managing, for example, money - a person may well be eager to earn money, given that the planet is kind and unaffected in the birth horoscope, if the tattoo was done in the right place at the right time.

But the face of a demon is not suitable for everyone - since it will wedge itself into the aura and fateful events, attracting violence, accidents and injuries, it is not for nothing that people often remove tattoos made in a fit of passion without much analysis, especially those that carry an aggressive and destructive theme.

Tattoo designs depicting space are very popular nowadays. Everything connected with outer space has always been covered with a mysterious veil for people, therefore it attracted and attracted them.

Tattoos on this theme are usually made by dreamers and dreamers, although some realists may also like it. Since ancient times, space has been not only the embodiment of reason, but also a symbol of integrity, calm and orderliness.

This is where the general meaning of space tattoos comes from. More specifically, from time immemorial the sun has personified light, power, fertility, and youth. An image of this cosmic luminary can be made in different styles. Just remember that Sun tattoos are very popular among men, and Moon and Earth tattoos among women.

Other cosmic images can be seen on people's bodies. Constellations and stars in general are symbols of power. The specifically depicted star brings good luck and luck, health and longevity. We should not forget that the image of a star on the wrist means non-traditional orientation. Each constellation also has its own meaning.

A space-themed tattoo signifies the mystery and wisdom of the Universe, so people who decide to get such a tattoo intuitively understand their close connection with the cosmos.

Space tattoo video

Below are photos of tattoos depicting space from different artists.

Extraterrestrial life has always attracted humans. Perhaps this is why people love to look at the stars so much. But unfortunately, living in a metropolis, there is no opportunity to admire the night lights. That is why many people solve this problem simply - they get a space tattoo.

History of space tattoo

Space tattoo, in the form in which everyone imagines it modern man, has become popular recently. Large body polygons, covered with colored streamers, planets and stars, became popular only 5-7 years ago. Until this time, other attributes of space were popular, for example, an astronaut, a flying rocket, constellations, planets and, of course, a celestial body. Most often, space tattoos were done in a graphic version.

Meaning of space tattoo

The meaning of a space tattoo will depend on the variation of the chosen design. The image of a galaxy on the body tells that a person is creative and inquisitive. He doesn't mind being dreamy and romantic. People who depict planets on their bodies are more attached to the earth; they do not strive for the stars. They are not alien to earthly sins; they enjoy simple human joys. But people who choose this interpretation of space are usually more down-to-earth and do not strive for their own realization. They feel good here and now and they know how to enjoy it.

Do you know? A tattoo with a star on the wrist means that a person is gay. This is important to know when choosing the location of the picture.

Very often people depict stars or constellations on their bodies. This interpretation of the cosmos, located in any place other than the wrist, means belief in a lucky star, in luck and happiness. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors always made wishes on falling stars, and even now this tradition has not completely died out.

Important! If a person wants to depict a space tattoo on his body, then he does not have to draw planets and constellations. He can choose a small infinity sign, which carries the meaning of space, peace and eternity.

Space tattoo variations

  • Colored tattoo with an abundance of planets, solar system Today it is one of the most popular topics. This is explained by the fact that for five years now space themes have literally surrounded us on all sides. Therefore, artists all over the world, including tattoo artists, are inspired by chaotic colored spots and arrange them into quite attractive forms. The colored background is diluted with dark spots of planets and white highlights of stars.
  • Constellation tattoo came to European culture from eastern countries. People usually pin the constellation that matches their zodiac sign. And accordingly, it has the same meaning as the sign itself. This tattoo is done in a graphic style so that the design stands out well on light skin.
  • Planet tattoos are one of the varieties of space tattoos. There are a great many photos of such tattoos on the Internet. Girls prefer to get tattoos with the earth and the moon. These are female symbols that denote fertility. These planets improve feminine energy. Men prefer to prick the sun. This symbol represents the center of the universe and space. Such a star gives self-confidence and speaks of the high self-esteem of its owner.
  • Galaxy tattoo- This is an analogue of a space tattoo. Sketches of such works are in the portfolio of any tattoo artist. The galaxy consists of an abundance of black spots, which are diluted with colored planets and stars. This interpretation of space tattoos is very popular among young guys. They clog up large areas of her body. This design is very catchy, so it is preferred by creative individuals who are not afraid of self-expression.
  • Globe tattoo. This tattoo symbolizes space, but is considered a more mundane variation of it. The owner of such a tattoo is more down to earth, does not fly in the clouds and stands firmly on the earth’s surface. Such people are not prone to fuss, they prefer to have a philosophical approach to problems and want to see such qualities in others.
  • Animals and birds in space style are in demand. Bright animals that resemble inhabitants of an otherworldly universe look non-trivial.
  • Talismans in the style of space. This tattoo is designed to give strength to its owner. This type of drawing is loved by girls who want to find their place in life. Typically, such tattoos depict symbolic images. The most common is all-seeing eye, made with the addition of an abundance of color.

Advice. If a person has creative potential, is not afraid to fantasize, and finds inspiration in the world of illusions, then a cosmic animal tattoo is created for him. Mostly, such drawings are made by artists, musicians, writers or other people who have connected their lives with art.

Where is the best place to get a space tattoo?

  • Hand. It takes a lot of space to depict space on your hand. That's why people stuff it completely, from the forearm to the wrist. A large amount of detail and color can be easily distributed over a large surface.
  • Leg . The space pattern, as in the case of the hand, is applied to the entire surface of the leg. But there are two options for applying a tattoo. In the first of them, the entire naga is slaughtered, from the beginning of the thigh to the ankle. In the second, only part of it - or from

Today, people often get tattoos thoughtlessly, solely for decorative, rebellious, ethic and other reasons, while throughout the history of mankind, tattoos and piercings had the most important sacred meaning, applied to the body during rituals and ceremonies in order to “fix” certain conditions on the body . Today, this entire original plan has been lost, and people put symbols on their bodies, the meaning of which they do not know, they do this in prison and after a stormy feast, in places of causality and not so much. In fact, tattoos applied wisely can enhance or weaken the desired qualities inherent in the horoscope. They can help "offset" the destructive energies of some transits and fixed stars.

For example, drawing a fixed star, which is strongly expressed in the horoscope, can weaken its negative effect on a person.

Mars (including as the symbolic ruler of the 1st house) in different signs The zodiac may indicate the corresponding parts of the body that we hit most often. By applying a symbolic image of Mars to this place, we reduce the risk of injury. Here it is worth remembering which part of the body corresponds to which zodiac sign:

Aries: head and face (ears belong more to Gemini!)

Taurus: neck, collarbones

Gemini: hands

Cancer: breast

Leo: back, solar plexus

Virgo: belly

Libra: lower back (yes, the famous “kiss of Venus” - the area truly ruled by Venus!)

Scorpio: groin and lower abdomen

Sagittarius: hips

Capricorn: knees, spine

Aquarius: calves

Pisces: feet

Applying a symbol of a certain planet to the body (especially during its transit through the 1st house) is an opportunity to “strengthen” one or another quality of one’s personality. It’s like in the topic about stones. If there are planets in your first house that you would like to strengthen, go ahead! Choose a part of the body that corresponds to the zodiac sign in which the planet is located, and stuff it for your health.

  • Do you want to become more active, more proactive, more assertive, brighter, bolder, faster, more athletic, sexier? Track when Mars will go through 1 house (or its ruler) and apply its symbolism to yourself. This happens once every 2 years. Symbols of Mars, in addition to a circle with an arrow, can be all types of bladed weapons, piercing and cutting objects, spears, shields, chili peppers, leopards and wolves, scorpions, falcons, wasps, thistles and nettles. If you want to be more poetic, use the “Emperor” tarot lasso and the Teiwaz rune. Piercing also applies to Mars.
  • Do you want to shine and attract attention, become more noticeable and self-confident, more artistic, raise your overall level of vitality, joy and creative energy? Solar symbolism to help you: that’s it Sun, and Lions, and sunflowers, and scarabs - whichever is closer to you. Daisies, roosters, deer, palm trees - the list is long. The symbol of the Sun itself is a circle with a dot inside. Solar energy can be found in the Sowelu rune, in the XIX arcana of the Sun tarot.

  • Do you want to improve your intuition, strengthen your maternal instinct and generally become more feminine and kinder? Draw Moon and the symbols associated with it as the Moon passes through the required points. This happens once a month, don't miss it. The Moon itself, and the symbol of Cancer, and lotus lilies, and hares in cabbage, and all sorts of crab crabs, and kittens (arguably, they can also be attributed to Venus), and snail frogs, and even owls are suitable. Rune Berkana, II arcanum of the High Priestess tarot.

  • Do you want to learn how to communicate with people, have more friends and contacts? track Mercury and draw yourself its symbolism. In addition to the classic image of Hermes, these can be monkeys, foxes, ferrets, parrots, squirrels, books, and all kinds of bindweed. I arcan of the tarot "Magician" and the Ansuz rune.

  • Want to improve your empathy and attract romantic relationships? To become more feminine, more sensual, more erotic, more beautiful? Follow Venus, once a year it passes through your Ascendant. Symbols can be a rose, violet, daffodil, myrtle, doves, swallows, rabbits and butterflies, all sorts of donuts, lollipops, candies and other sweets, fluffy cute kittens. Arcana "Empress", runes Fehu and Gebo.

  • If you want to become more authoritative, more status, wiser, to emphasize your intelligence and importance - catch Jupiter once every 12 years and apply its symbolism. Well, if you really want to, then you can wait for the harmonious aspect to the ruler of the first house or the Ascendant. Be careful with Jupiter, he can make you fat! Symbols: centaurs, oak and acorns, cherry-figs, elephants, peacocks, eagles and tigers, lightning, crown, throne. V Tarot Arcana "High Priest", runes Jera and Ing.
  • Do you want to radically lose weight, become more serious, more restrained, more pragmatic, more consistent, create the impression of being punctual and business man? Draw Saturn. But here you should still be careful - this planet is not a virtue and can bring a lot of problems and restrictions into your life. Symbols include a clock, a bear, bat, snakes-reptiles, crows, spiders, mountains, grim reaper.

  • Experiment with higher planets at your own risk! If you want to make your behavior unusual, rebellious, original, be different from others, increase the possibility of brilliant insights - hit yourself Uranus. He accompanies astrologers, programmers, and pilots. Once in 84 years, it is supposed to pass through your Ascendant. The symbols are controversial (as with all the Higher planets), but still they can be: airships, robots, computer themes, a light bulb, tumbleweeds, exotic birds and fruits, a sky with stars. Arcanum 0 “Jester” (I hope it won’t occur to anyone to beat themselves with the XVI Arcanum “Tower”...).

  • If you want to increase your musicality and develop sensitivity to sounds, smells, the subtle plane, increase the ability to perceive the collective unconscious, promote clairvoyance-clairaudience, or continue to hang around, draw symbols Neptune: hemp, poppies, fly agarics, seagulls and dolphins, albastros, cameras, sea waves, notes, musical instruments, ships and submarines, chemical elements.

  • If you need to increase the hypnotic influence on other people, personal inner strength and pressure, dominance, strong-willed qualities (to push like a tank), magical abilities - hit Pluto. In some cases, it can also contribute to fullness! Symbols: pearls, predator plants, mushrooms, ants, rock band symbols, tanks, hypnotic spiral, Phoenix bird, Hades from the Underworld, oil rig.

If you are familiar with astrology, you understand the meaning, fill in what you want. If you are not well versed in astrology, then before applying drawings to your body, consult an astrologer. You may inadvertently activate unnecessary and problematic areas of your horoscope. For example, if Venus is problematic in your horoscope and is related to “bad” houses, then its strengthening can lead to unpleasant consequences. What can we say about Saturn and the Higher planets!

One of the basic rules is the correct time to apply a tattoo. Remember: we don’t give ourselves tattoos in a state of blues and depression, in a state of intoxication, in places where we would not like to return (it is especially undesirable to do this in places that are not so remote). Tattooing and piercing - modification own body, 1st house (and the entire horoscope as a whole), transition to new status. Therefore, think carefully about what you are fixing for yourself and what new status you are giving yourself.

"Traditionally, drawing a picture meant a transition to a new status and, as a rule, went hand in hand with the procedures of Initiation or Award. This was the case in the culture of the American Indians, and among European shamans, and in kempo schools, and even among the Japanese yakuza. Successful completion trials, problem solving, victory - all this is astrologically determined." K. Daragan "Astrology of personality transformation."

Applying tattoos to a visible part of the body is a hint at the presence of the planet in the upper hemisphere of houses, and therefore at changing the world around us. Applying a tattoo to the back and invisible area, hidden from view, is a hint of the lower hemisphere of houses, of deep personal changes, transformation of oneself, acquisition of a new status. Daragan in his book mentions SS tattoos under the armpits - in the Ophiuchus zone.

In short, if you don’t want to bother, but really want to stuff yourself with something, do it after a certain victory and good luck, obtaining a certain social role (for example, becoming a CEO, president or just a parent), and be sure to be in a good mood.