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Lightning bolt tattoo on arm. What does a lightning tattoo mean? Tattoo lightning for girls and men

When you hear the word "lightning", what is the first association that comes to your mind? Surely you imagine a zigzag line that appears in the sky when it rains.

However, if you think a little, you can remember that lightning can also be found on a jacket, trousers, skirt, etc. Only in this case the meaning of this word changes somewhat. And it becomes not entirely clear what lightning is? Object or phenomenon? Or maybe both?

Polysemantic words in Russian

The Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. Not every person who studies it from birth knows absolutely everything about it, let alone foreigners. For them, even more so, remembering new unpronounceable words is akin to torture.

In addition, the language that millions of Russians use to communicate is distinguished by a certain imagery and polysemy that is inherent in many Russian words.

What does polysemy mean?

There are words that have the same meaning. For example, the word "birch". In whatever context it is used, it will always mean a tree and nothing else. The word "cat" is another matter. It implies:

  • animal;
  • his fur;
  • any fur product.

In addition to the above meanings, this word has one more. After all, this is what a girl leading a wild lifestyle can be called colloquially.

The example presented above proves that some words in the Russian language can have one or two or more meanings: direct and figurative. As a result, they are divided into single-valued and multi-valued. Thus, cat, shoot, leaf, braid, star, lightning are polysemantic words.

But this is far from full list similar words. And in addition to nouns, there are also adjectives and verbs that have two or more meanings.

The meaning of the word "lightning"

Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, a famous Russian linguist, explains the word "lightning" as follows:

  • An electrical charge that has accumulated in the air and is discharged instantly in the form of a zigzag spark in the sky or formed into a ball.
  • A fastener made of plastic or iron, consisting of two strips with teeth on the edges, quickly connected by a pawl.
  • Urgent release of any message, release through the media: newspapers, magazines, television shows, news programs, etc.
  • Someone or something moving at very fast speed.

Is lightning a polysemantic word or not?

So, you have been presented with all the meanings that the word "lightning" has. The very first of them interprets the direct meaning of this word. The rest indicate its figurative meaning.

The context in which it is used will help determine in what meaning it is correct to use in speech or to understand when speaking or reading any word, including lightning.

For example, if in front of you next text: « Yesterday the weather was terrible. I was walking down the street, and suddenly it began to rain heavily, a thunderstorm struck, and then a terrible lightning lit up the sky. I felt uneasy, and I hurried to take refuge in the nearest cafe.”

IN this text There is a sentence with the word "lightning" in which it should be understood in its literal meaning.

Here is another text. In it, the context is strikingly different from the previous one. And the word "lightning" is presented in a figurative sense: “Anton Petrov is the most promising racer in the country. It’s not for nothing that fans nicknamed him Lightning for his superb skill and incredible speed.”

Now think and answer the question formulated in the title of this section. Is lightning a polysemantic word or not?

How do synonyms arise?

The Russian language has a huge number of words. It would take a lot of time to list even a small part. And even then you won’t be able to remember them all.

After all, in every language there are words denoting actions, objects, objects, etc., which are no longer used in speech, since the need for them has disappeared. The reasons may be different. Perhaps they have been replaced by other synonymous words or their meaning has become outdated, that is, what they meant is no longer used in everyday life. Such words are called archaisms.

An example of such a category of words is the Old Russian word “petition”. It means a low bow to someone, carried out in such a way that the forehead touches the ground itself. And a request presented on paper. Previously, this word could very often be heard in conversations between representatives of different walks of life. And seeing how the petition was carried out was also not difficult. Therefore, both adults and children knew the meaning of the word very well. And now not every person will answer you what a petition is.

However, this word has synonyms: request, petition, bow. They are much easier to understand and pronounce, and therefore over time they replaced the word “petition” from the Russian vocabulary.

Synonyms for the word

Almost every word in the Russian language has words that have a similar meaning and can replace each other in writing or in conversation. However, there are some that cannot be replaced.

For example, for the word “dance” synonyms are suitable: round dance, movements, plastic, dance, disco, etc. But tango cannot be replaced with synonyms. Although this word may become related to the word “dance”, to be specific. On the contrary, it can only be done by observing the context.

The concept studied in this article has synonyms. For the word "lightning", depending on what meaning is needed, you could use:

  • flash;
  • discharge;
  • snake;
  • special;
  • clasp;
  • Schumacher (the surname of a famous racing driver, which often appears colloquially when referring to someone very fast).

Antonyms for "lightning"

The Russian language has such interesting concepts: synonyms and antonyms. But what is it? In fact, no matter how tautological it may sound, antonyms and synonyms are antonyms, that is, words with opposite meanings.

Some words have them and some don't. Try to independently choose an antonym for the word studied in this article.

Happened? If not, don't worry. The thing is that it is impossible to find an antonym for the direct meaning of the word “lightning”. And indirect antonyms are: lightning - turtle (talking about speed), lightning - straight (line).

How to determine the root in the word "lightning"?

Synonyms and cognates are two different things. The task of a literate and educated person is to clearly distinguish between these two concepts. What synonyms are has been covered in detail above. But what the same-root words represent remains a mystery.

Although understanding the meaning of the phrase “cognate words” is quite simple. It is enough just to decompose this adjective into its components: one root. Thus, words that have a common root are called cognates.

In order to find a cognate for the word “lightning”, you should find out which part of the word is the root. This can be easily done through morphemic parsing.

What is morphemic parsing?

We figured out what lightning is. But what constitutes morphemic analysis is not entirely clear. But this can be fixed.

Morphemic is a very interesting adjective. Do you know what it means? Of course, if you are a schoolboy, then the answer will not cause you the slightest difficulty. But if you are already an adult who has not remembered for a long time what analyzes have to be carried out in almost every Russian language lesson, then you might have forgotten what morphemic analysis of a word is.

A morpheme is a part of a word. Therefore, morphemic analysis means parsing a word into its component parts. These can be: a root (it is always present in a word), a prefix, a suffix and an ending (some words do not have it).

Morphemic analysis of the word "lightning"

What is lightning, from the point of view of morphemic analysis? Run it to find out.

So, in the word under study there is no prefix (pri-, s-, v-, etc.). To find the ending, you should decline the word by case: lightning, lightning, lightning, lightning, lightning, oh lightning. Therefore, the ending in the word studied in this article is the letter I. Well, identifying the root is quite simple. You just need to choose words that are derivatives of lightning. These will be: lightning, lightning rod. As you can see, they have a common root lightning with the word studied in this article, and are cognate with it.

Thus, the word lightning does not have a prefix or suffix, the ending I and root lightning.

The word "lightning" in the text

The word "lightning" is quite easy to formulate a sentence with. Moreover, it does not matter at all in what meaning it should be used: literally or figuratively.

The following text will be an original example. Its unusualness lies in the fact that it presents all the meanings of the word under study. But the sentences in it are constructed logically and are not fragments from different contexts.

Example: “This morning there was a lightning report on TV. He spoke in itaxisthat the weather forecast for the current week predicts heavy showers and thunderstorms,so it’s better not to leave the house again. But I didn’t pay attention to this - after all, meteorologists lie all the time,and the bright sun was shining outside. II decided to go for a walk, deliberately leaving my umbrella at home. However, as soon as I reached the park, a terrible flash of lightning lit up the sky, thunder struck, followed by rain. I instantly became numb, wrapped myself tightly in my jacket, wanting to button it up.Noh the zipper broke,AndIt didn't work out for me. Angry, disheveled, frozen, I was almost approaching the house when...and I-Thatlightningby jeepflew past at breakneck speed and doused me with dirty water from a puddle from head to toe. The walk clearly did not go well. Although I myself am to blame for this. Next time I will listen to the words of meteorologists.”

Here's a funny, but quite logical text that presents the literal and figurative meaning of the word "lightning" that you can compose.

So, the word "lightning" has four meanings. As a result, it is ambiguous. It is used quite often in conversation or writing when it is necessary to cover events such as a weather event, traffic accidents or racing.

In addition, it can be heard on radio or television when an urgent or very important report or message is presented to the attention of listeners or television viewers.

Yes, and in ordinary colloquial speech this word also sometimes pops up. If someone talks about clothing, they say the word “zipper,” meaning a fastener consisting of two strips of fabric with teeth that are securely fastened together when run over them with a pawl.

Now you know all the straight and figurative meanings to the word studied in this article. And wherever you hear it, in whatever context it is used, you will always understand what is being said. After all, you know what lightning is.

A lightning tattoo is a drawing of a bright flash of light, a strong energy discharge, a colorful picture. The attitude towards it is formed by a double semantic meaning. Such a natural phenomenon in the minds of many people is equated with danger, with an uncontrollable celestial phenomenon. These concepts are often transferred to the owners of the drawing. When studying the Holy Letter, it becomes clear that thunder and lightning often precede the appearance of the Lord.

History of the symbol

A tattoo in the form of lightning goes back to ancient times to the Slavic god Perun, the Greek god Zeus, the ancient Roman Thunderer and the Indian Manitou. In early historical times, the image was applied to people who, according to social concepts, were close to these deities - priests, religious figures. Currently, the drawing is preferred by sailors who, in their profession, encounter the formidable force of nature, therefore, with the help of the drawing, they create a talisman for themselves against the violence of the elements.

What does a lightning tattoo mean?

The meaning of a lightning tattoo can be described by the following words - fertility, unlimited power, an inexhaustible source of energy. Depending on their beliefs, the inhabitants of the earth have different attitudes towards this symbol. The peoples of North America see him as an incarnate symbol of the Great Spirit, expressed as the lightning bird. Semitic traditions imply God himself, who descends in such a powerful way on earth, administering his justice. Peoples professing Christianity correlate the symbol with both heavenly punishment and the presence of God in earthly affairs. Buddhism places importance on the power of inspiration and spiritual power.

General imagery of the drawing- light that cuts through space and time, representing creation and destruction, symbolizing life and death.

A tattoo of lightning bursting from behind a cloud speaks of divine intervention in a person’s life. A pure flash, without additional attributes, means a person’s spiritual strength, his firmness and steadfastness. The zigzag shape carries the meaning of fertility, endless energy, thirst for life, victory over passions and evil, faith in Higher Powers and supernatural protection.

Tattoo position and placement

The lightning bolt tattoo can be stamped anywhere on the body. The location is determined by the person who wants to apply the tattoo. His choice is influenced by personal motives and the threshold of pain perception. Places with little soft tissue (knees and elbows) are sensitive to pain. The spine and ribs will be just as painful to the injections. But in these places the drawing will look impressive. Therefore, with the necessary margin of strength and patience, you will get a bright drawing.

A small lightning bolt tattoo can be done on the neck. It is necessary to take into account that here the mobile skin and the wound will heal more quickly. long time, so the pain may persist for several months. Less sensitive to pain are the external surfaces of the shoulder and thigh, and ankles. The sign included in large drawing, usually applied to the back, and applied to the thumb, indicates belonging to a criminal subculture.

Lightning image color scheme

A beautiful and effective symbol, in the right color scheme, attracts the eye. The image is made schematically (similar to a branched tree) and realistically. Zigzag lightning is typically drawn in black, yellow, or orange, although green, red, and other colors can be seen. According to the beliefs of the Slavs, lightning is divided into two types: life-giving - golden, striking - white and purple.

Tattoo lightning for girls and men

Girls most often go to the salon for beautiful design, paying little attention to its semantic meaning. Usually the design is applied to the outside of the calf. Although the spiritual attraction of the symbol speaks of the strength of her character and inaccessibility, the ability to make quick and responsible decisions. Blue and red colors are used for tattooing.
For a man, a lightning tattoo signifies the strength of his character, steadfastness in decision-making, and energetic strength. Such a person, if necessary, will be able to stand up for his loved ones.

Lightning, - And, feminine gender.
1. Instant spark discharge in the air of accumulated atmospheric electricity. Lightning flashed Linear, zigzag lightning Ball lightning (a spherical body formed after a linear lightning strike). Dry lightning (no rain).
2. Emergency release of a newsletter, newspaper, book, as well as a particularly urgent telegram. Wall newspaper-m. The brochure is printed with a zipper. Telegram-m.
3. A type of metal or plastic fastener that quickly closes. Jacket with zipper.
adjective lightning, - aya, - oh (to 1 meaning) and lightning, - aya, - oe (to 1 meaning).

Examples of using the word lightning in the context

    . The train where Tom was traveling was hit lightning.
    . And at that very moment a knife flew up behind Judas’s back, like lightning, and hit the lover under the shoulder blade.
    . Did you see how it flashed lightning?
    . I confess: I completely lost sight of the fact that my firearms reserves could be destroyed with one blow, which lightning might set my gunpowder on fire and explode.
    . You see how beautiful she is lightning. - Shumilov P.R. A Word about the Dragon

Even in the photo, the lightning tattoo looks very energetic and powerful, creating the impression of speed and energy. If you contact a real specialist, this drawing will become a true decoration of the body and the envy of quite a lot of people. We will select a beautiful sketch for both the girl and the guy.

Cultural associations

In hoary antiquity, lightning was already understood as a manifestation of divine strength and power; any sufficiently developed cult has the image of the supreme god, who is “responsible” for lightning discharges and uses them as a weapon (and sometimes cannot exist without them at all).

What does this say about a person

Lightning, especially in combination with clouds, can indicate a person's conviction of divine intervention in his life. On the other hand, an even discharge without flashes declares the firmness and steadfastness of a person, his physical and spiritual power. The zigzag course of lightning can be a talisman against the evil eye (that is, it reveals a person’s faith in the evil eye, after all).

Now the important thing

If the picture is on a male body, then such people:

  • energetic;
  • have great strength will;
  • have a strong character;
  • Moreover, due to this very strength of character, they dominate everyone around them;
  • We intend to stand firm to the end if a threat arises to our loved ones and friends.

For girls, a zipper is stuffed on the outside of the calf, on the neck or shoulder, which is intended to show:

  • fortitude of character;
  • inaccessibility to the machinations of enemies;
  • ability to make quick decisions;
  • willingness and ability to take full responsibility for them.

There are no black lightning bolts; they are only painted red or blue. As for the places where the heel is placed, the general theory of tattooing does not indicate them for the zipper; you can be guided by the dictates of fashion, your own preferences and pain threshold.

Places not so remote

Crimes also strike with lightning, and always at thumbs hands The meaning is the same as on the other side of the barbed wire. With the only emphasis that the bearer of a tattoo can not only make a quick decision, but also make the most difficult choice just as quickly. Other possible meanings are the willingness to stand up for oneself, or a feeling of justice of the punishment that has fallen.

A little about styles

Arrow-shaped lightning (like the one that appears on transformers) first appeared in tattoos created by sailors. They used this image as a talisman. Lightning can be depicted in watercolor, classical, realistic, new school And old school. Today we are ready to offer women’s lightning tattoos, with inscriptions, which means maximum scope for imagination and the realization of your ideas.

The famous tattoo wearer is Amy Winehouse.

In all ancient cultures, lightning serves as an expressive sign of strength, speed, movement and is an attribute of the thunder god, the king of the gods. Lightning, connecting heaven and earth, personifies the divine will, the creative impulse that is transmitted to the earth and becomes the driving force of people and events. Lightning was seen as signs sent by the gods; places struck by lightning were considered sacred, and people struck by lightning were considered divine.

Being an expression of divine wrath and an image of destructive “heavenly fire,” lightning is at the same time beneficial, personifying the awakening of internal vital forces. Psychologically, lightning can be seen as a crisis and at the same time as the ability to see new horizons in the darkness and find a way out. The knowledge of the Truth in its suddenness, strength and shock is like a flash of lightning. “The instantaneousness of spiritual insight has been compared to lightning in many religions. Moreover: a sudden flash of lightning, tearing apart the darkness, was regarded as a mysterium tremendum (Latin for “terrible secret”), which, transforming the world, fills the soul with sacred awe.”(Mircea Eliade).

IN Ancient India It was believed that lightning serves as a symbol of the power and greatness of Brahman - the impersonal Absolute that underlies all things. Brahman is cognized instantly, with lightning speed, and in Vedic and Upanishad texts the moment of insight is compared to lightning - “truth in lightning.”

The Vedas mention Trita, a very ancient deity believed to be the personification of lightning. It is associated with water, fire and sky. Lightning as heavenly fire is one of the hypostases of Agni; she is also associated with the destructive fire of the “third eye” of Shiva (Vedic Rudra). One of Shiva’s feats was the destruction of Tripura, the capital of the asuras, with one arrow: “Then the three-eyed Shiva quickly fired a destructive arrow. The firmament turned red, as if molten gold had mixed with purple, and the sparkle of the arrow merged with the rays of the sun. The arrow burned three fortresses like a haystack.” The vajra, the mythical weapon of the thunder god Indra, is closely associated with the symbol of lightning. Vajra (Sanskrit “diamond”, “lightning”) is called the “thrower of lightning” and is considered a force that destroys enemies and all types of ignorance.

The vajra is also one of the most important symbols of Buddhism and denotes the spiritual power of the Buddha, splitting the illusory realities of the world. Tibetan Buddhists call the vajra "dorje". It symbolizes the strength, clarity and all-conquering power of the Buddha's teachings.

IN ancient Chinese mythology the origin of natural phenomena is associated with Pan-gu, the first man on earth: with his sigh wind and rain are born, with his exhalation thunder and lightning are born. According to legend, there was a heavenly government of thunder. It included the god of thunder, the god of wind, the god of rain and the goddess of lightning. The head of the heavenly council of thunder, Leizu, was depicted with a third eye on his forehead, from which a stream of light flowed. Dian-mu (“mother lightning”) held two mirrors in her hands raised above her head. Standing on a cloud, she either brought the mirrors together or spread them apart, as a result of which lightning arose. It was believed that Dian-mu illuminates with lightning the hearts of sinners who must be punished by the god of thunder.

In the symbolism of the ancient Chinese treatise “I Ching”, lightning is an image of the hexagram zhen, “excitement”. It marks the moment when life begins anew, going back is impossible, you need to go forward. In this situation, a person may feel fear and lose confidence in their own abilities. But if you do not change the principle of steady action and striving forward, such a movement will lead to the highest success.

U ancient Greeks Lightning was wielded by the head of the Olympic pantheon of gods, Zeus. During the fight against the Titans, the Cyclopes forged Zeus a lightning bolt - a magical weapon with which he struck Kronos. Having won these battles, Zeus gained power over the earth and sky, and thunder, lightning and peruns became his integral attribute. The myths attribute the first of two births of the “twice-born” Dionysus to the lightning strike of Zeus.

According to Pliny the Elder, the great god Etruscans Tin commanded “three sparkling red beams of lightning.” Under his command there were sixteen deities, but only eight had the right to throw lightning, and these lightning differed in color. All these features were taken into account by the haruspex soothsayers who interpreted the heavenly signs.

IN ancient Rome Jupiter, like many other ancient gods, initially did not have a human appearance, but was depicted as a stone arrow, which was seen as a symbol of lightning. Subsequently, the thunder arrows that he holds in his hand became a symbol of the power and invincible strength of the king of the gods. Jupiter's three lightning bolts symbolize chance, fate and foresight - the three forces that shape the future.

According to Aztec myths, The Universe has gone through four stages (or eras) of development. In the third era, which was called “Four. Rain,” the supreme deity, the bearer of the sun, was Tlaloc, the god of rain and thunder, who was depicted with a lightning staff. The element of this era, which ended with a worldwide conflagration, is fire, and its sign is lightning.

IN Christian era lightning is associated with the revelation of God, as, for example, in the book of Exodus, where thunder and lightning foreshadow the appearance of God to Moses on Mount Sinai. In addition, lightning is a symbolic expression of God's judgment (on the Day of Judgment).

In the famous Muslim story revelation to Mohammed in a cave on Mount Hira, lightning precedes the appearance of the divine messenger - the Angel Jibril.

To be struck by lightning, according to shamans, means immediate initiation. “People who are killed by lightning are thought to have been kidnapped from Heaven by the thunder gods, and their remains are revered as relics. Anyone who survives an experience with lightning is completely changed; in essence he begins new life, becomes a new person"(Mircea Eliade).