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Technique for performing drawings on nails with acrylic paints. Selection and use of acrylic paints for nails

Nail paints are an integral part of the nail industry, using products from the chemical industry and the work of professional artists. Paints for manicure should have a number of qualities in order to be distributed in specialized salons and among ordinary users.

Acrylic paints, which hold a niche firmly due to good aesthetic and practical properties, quickly gained popularity in this industry.

Features and characteristics

A common form of paint is acrylic resins. After evaporation of water, they form a strong and elastic film resistant to mechanical and chemical effects.

Obtaining a given shade for nails is achieved by introducing stable pigments into the composition of water-based acrylic paint. For on nails and obtaining rare tones, masters can mix paints of various colors among themselves.

Not only pigments visible in ordinary light, but also fluorescent substances are added to a number of compositions. Nails painted with them will be clearly visible in the ultraviolet light of clubs, emphasizing the luminescence of optical dyes in the composition of clothing fabric.

Popular manufacturers

We have already talked about such materials, now we will talk about manufacturers. Common and well-known brands of acrylic paints for nails include:

  • Polycolor is one of the most popular series, famous not only for its durability, but also for its wide color palette. It should be understood that you will have to buy Polycolor acrylic paints for nails at a higher price than other brands;
  • “Wealth” is produced mainly in the form of small volume tubes (up to 12 ml), which have a low price;
  • “Oumaxi” refers to the relatively inexpensive segment of acrylic paints and has a small selection of shades used to produce a rich palette;
  • "Starlet Professional" is usually sold in the form of kits that allow not only to use the original mixtures, but also to combine them with each other.

Product price

You can buy paints for manicure in any specialized or chain store. Retail outlets with piles of bubbles or tubes piled in boxes should be avoided — their cost and quality will be extremely small.

To check the suitability of the purchased paint, you need to slightly dip the brush in acrylic liquid. If the dipping place immediately begins to “drag out” - the paint is fresh, if the surface violation remains for a long time - the paint is expired or fake.

Tip: if you buy a set of acrylic paints, check all the containers, and not one of your choice. Do not trust the information on the expiration date indicated by the manufacturer on the package, since the storage conditions are unknown.

The price of a bubble (20 ml) of acrylic paint for painting on nails from a famous brand is 200 rubles. and more.  Compounds of the same volume from less popular firms cost 70-90 rubles. The standard forms for the production of acrylate compounds are soft tubes, glass or plastic jars, as well as pencils to create thin and distinct inscriptions.

It's time to learn how to use acrylic paints for nails.

How to use acrylic nail paints

The application of the compositions is carried out with special brushes that differ in thickness and rigidity. The acrylic component can create both a general background layer and subtle strokes.

For best adhesion, a primer should be applied between the paint layer and the surface of the nail. The presence of soil significantly strengthens the coating and increases its adhesion.

Acrylic paints dry quickly and polymerize. To exclude premature “aging” of the paint, after each dipping of the brush, the bubble should be closed with a lid.

Alternatively, you can use special plastic molds, similar to painting. They pour part of the paints of various colors, used to create a colorful palette.

Customer reviews

We analyzed a large number of customer reviews about acrylic nails. When using acrylate paints, users distinguish the following product qualities:

  • high durability of the coating, allowing to extend the time between repeated applications;
  • miscibility - the ability to obtain a uniform and uniform mass after combining multi-colored mixtures. This makes it possible to obtain shades that cannot be achieved simply by adding colorings (pigments);
  • good hiding power - the degree of coloring of the surface, making the painted layer located below invisible. The higher the value of the parameter, the thinner should be the layer of paint necessary for uniform application to the nails;
  • significant resistance to ultraviolet and external mechanical stress - provides aesthetics of the paint throughout the entire period of use;
  • wide color gamut - a large selection of dyed compositions suits various styles and styles of clothing.

In the following video, you will find useful feedback on the popular acrylic paint for nail design:

Than to dilute

Acrylic paints are diluted with water or an alcohol-based solvent. To achieve better results, brand-name solvents should be used.

This acrylic nail paints are very different from paint mixtures, which are less picky about the quality of the diluent.

Brushes for work

  • When buying materials, you should decide on the expected parameters of the drawings - the main tools for painting with acrylic paints for nails are brushes of size "1", "0" or "00".
  • To create straight lines, a long and sparse pile - “hair” is used.
  • When setting decorative dots and strokes, dots type brushes are used.

Since the technique of painting on nails is limited only by the imagination of the artist, a set of tools is required for work. This will help to avoid limited opportunities when creating new drawings.

The following video will help you understand the full variety of brushes for working with acrylic paints:

Acrylic paints - a universal tool to maintain the aesthetics of manicure for a long time. The absence of harmful and unpleasant smelling solvents in the composition makes acrylate compositions attractive for continuous use. High mechanical resistance and ease of application simplify the use of acrylic paints for professional and amateur purposes.

It is one of the ways of self-expression. In recent years, spectacular images of acrylic paints on nails are becoming increasingly relevant.

This type of manicure is performed in beauty salons, but this does not mean that it can not be done at home. The technique of its implementation is quite simple and, if desired, every woman can master it. With a little effort, and by trial and error, having learned how to work with an acrylic set of paints, you can create a stylish exclusive manicure on your nails.

Using acrylic paints you can create whole pictures!

When the manicure technique with acrylic paints is mastered, you can begin to master a more complex watercolor design.

We draw flowers on the nails with acrylic paint - a video tutorial to help you:

Some acrylic paints may seem very complex and impossible. However, having trained on simple patterns, you can proceed to more complex ones. To do this, you need to know some of the nuances that you can use to create real works of art on your nails:

  •   - material with a liquid consistency. So that it does not flow, painting is carried out on a support.
  • Paints of different brands are better not to mix.
  • Do not apply the pattern with a natural brush, it is better to use a special synthetic brush designed for painting with acrylic paints.

Acrylic paints dry quickly enough, there is no need to use a UV lamp.

Acrylic Design Options

You can start with simple flowers

To create beautiful original drawings on nails, it is enough to have some degree of imagination. Having fully mastered the design technique for a change, you can try its options.

Oil painting

The oil technique allows you to create on the nails both the simplest drawings, and voluminous, varied in texture. The image will visually resemble a picture painted in oil.

You need to draw with undiluted acrylic, to obtain more voluminous and textured patterns you can purchase special 3D acrylic. The drawing is applied with a small flat brush. An unusual spectacular pattern will turn out if two different shades are applied to the brush and, without mixing them to the end, applied to the nails.

Pastous technique

This technique got its name from the Italian word "pastoso". Acrylic is applied in a very thick layer and resembles gouache. You can draw simple lines or create complex images - the drawings are clear and opaque, and the strokes in color and texture are uniform and dense.

Over time, the paint on the nails does not crack and does not fade. Most often, landscape scenes, drawings with characters and other images that have clear contours are applied. Pastous technique involves the use of concentrated acrylic intense colors.

Watercolor technique

Acrylic paints - for those who can paint

To achieve the effect of halftones, drawing small elements inside the contour or complementing the picture with the background, use watercolor technique. To do this, acrylic is diluted with water, the paints become translucent and look like watercolor.

You can choose any drawing, most importantly, adhere to the principles of the watercolor technique. Unlike pasty, it is applied with a thin translucent layer, using gentle pastel shades that are created by mixing several colors of paint.

Watercolor technique involves the application of fuzzy, blurry outlines, so it is better to choose drawings that do not need to be detailed, for example, floral motifs.


This technique is considered one of the most difficult. For this reason, it is performed by masters in salons, for beginners mastering the basics of acrylic manicure, it is better not to take it. Paints are bred with a special gel so that they acquire a spectacular whitish shade. When dried, the paints acquire dark shades.

The difficulty lies in the fact that when applying the image using such paint, you can not calculate the color saturation and spoil the manicure. Only professionals can do this, which is why it is better for women who master the acrylic design on their own to start with something simpler, with oil or pasty technique.


There are different techniques for painting with acrylic paints.

Glaze technique is used to create a background, shadow or basis for a picture. Acrylic is diluted with water and applied to the nails with a thin layer resembling a veil. Each layer is applied only after the previous one dries.

A master using glazing should have imagination and imagination, since the final effect will be visible only after the end of all work, the application of the main image and complete drying of the paint.

The peculiarity of manicure made using glaze technique is that it is almost completely translucent, and the image is very delicate, elegant and smooth.

Now that you know everything about acrylic design, you can begin to implement it. A few workouts are enough and you can create real masterpieces. Art painting with acrylics is resistant and does not fade in the sun, so the manicure will last a long time.

In contact with

Acrylic paints have long been used in various fields of activity, however nail design  with their help they began to perform more recently.

To create a manicure, paints are used. fine texture.

If you learn how to do nail art with these materials, you can quickly organize beautiful manicure.

For the use of acrylic paints there is no need to prepare special tools. Typically, wizards are used to work brushes with a fairly elastic pilemade from nylon. They are especially important when creating contour lines.

To apply paint to the main surface when creating a monophonic coating, you can take flat brushwhose pile consists of squirrel wool or a column.

During operation, there is no need for additional cleaning of the brushes, however, after using them you need rinse with water. If this is not done, the dried paint will not completely dissolve under the influence of water, which often leads to deformation of the pile.

First you need to prepare the nails by doing basic activities. Nail design with acrylic paints can be carried out both on a natural and on a gel basis.

Any nails require preparation in the form of full cleaning of the old coatingpolishing the surface. This is necessary in order to put the paint evenly, since a monophonic coating makes up the background for subsequent drawing.

Follow up according to plan:

  • Step 1.Paint your nails for background. Create an interesting jacket or apply a uniform coating on the nail. Wait for the varnish to dry completely.
  • Step 2  Put on a nail a conceived composition.
  • Step 3Erase all imperfections.
  • Step 4  Wait for the coating to dry completely.
  • Step 5  If necessary, apply a top coat on the nails to protect the decorative layer.

Features of applying acrylic paint

Acrylic paints are universal material  to create a coating of nails, so you can apply them in various techniques. The density and ability to retain the optimal shape allows you to simulate the application of oil paints.

To make nail design more durable, you must apply top coatingHowever, colorless varnish will slightly reduce the intensity of the effect of oil paints.

Watercolor technique  Creating nail art is less common, but it is often used if necessary to conform to a certain style or create a romantic image.

To do the work, the surface first primed in one coat of paint. Often, white is used as the basis. If this layer is not applied, the paint diluted with water will not adhere firmly to the nail. Creating a base coat does not take much time, as the layer dries completely in 3 minutes.

Slide technique  appeared recently. If you perform it correctly, you can create an almost three-dimensional image on the surface of the nails. It is carried out in the order of mixing acrylic paints with a construction gel.

The color and surface features make the manicure so bright that it seems voluminous. This technology in most cases is used to create aquarium nail design.

Such a manicure can only be done with. Its effect is necessary in order for the constructing gel to solidify correctly.

Features of removal of acrylic paint from the skin


Acrylic paints easily diluted with waterhowever, after they have completely dried, this liquid will not help rinse off the coating.

If they get on the skin or clothes still in a diluted state, it is recommended to remove them immediately under a plentiful stream of water.

If you do not do this right away, you will have to remove the paint using solvent.

Acrylic paints can be removed from the skin with soap and waterHowever, just washing your hands is not enough. It is necessary to purposefully clean the coating, sometimes you have to use a special brush. At this time, you need to try not to touch the already finished coating for the nails, so as not to spoil the result of painstaking work.

Often acrylic paint is bred in a specific container or specially purchased palette. Remains of paint can be removed from flat surfaces. with a spatulaknife or similar tools.

With nails  acrylic paint can be removed very simply: just apply a quality nail polish remover. When using this tool, the entire manicure is immediately removed, taking into account the base and top coat.

The benefits of acrylic paints

If you compare acrylic painting  With the technology of varnish painting, which was popular before they appeared, the arguments in favor of the first option are obvious:

  • ease of use;
  • beauty and brightness of color;
  • high application density with the possibility of creating very thin lines;
  • lack of smell.

When using acrylic paints allowed to mix ready-made colors, getting completely new shades, which is unacceptable when using colored varnish.

Acrylic paints dry very quickly, so almost immediately after creating a manicure, you can do any business. When performing nail art with acrylic paints, the application of a fixative is not required, the drying of which often takes a lot of time.

Acrylic-based nail art technology provides plenty of possibilities for creating unique manicure, which not only attracts enthusiastic looks, but can also be recognized as an object of art. If you correctly apply acrylic paints and show imagination when designing a pattern, brightness and impeccable style are provided.

Master class, how to use acrylic paints on gel polish, see the video:

But ran out of ideas? Monotony tired, rhinestones and stickers do not inspire? Feel like a real artist and create a masterpiece on your nails with acrylic paints. Everyone can draw them, regardless of the level of training. In this article we will look at how to use acrylic paints for nails, we will analyze their advantages and disadvantages.

What is acrylic paint for nail design?

Acrylic paints are a popular tool that most nail art masters use. They contain no harmful components, so they are suitable for use at home. They are made on a water basis. The cost of acrylic paints is low, but they will serve you for a long time, since their consumption is not large. The approximate price of high-quality paints is 500-600 rubles per set.

The benefits of acrylic paints

  • It can be used even by an amateur.
  • Varied color palette.
  • The ability to mix colors, achieving unique shades.
  • Plasticity of paint and ease of application.
  • You can draw on natural nails, and on extensions, and coated with gel polish.
  • The paint is diluted with plain water.
  • Drawings are well removed with nail polish remover.
  • The applied drawings dry on the nail in minutes.
  • Low consumption, which allows you to use paints for a long time.

How to use acrylic paints?

To create patterns on nails with acrylic paints you need: a set of paints, and, a small container with water, a palette for mixing.

  • We prepare the surface of a natural or artificial nail.
  • We select in advance a drawing for drawing on the nails.
  • Squeeze a small amount of paint of the desired color onto the palette, gently draw it on the brush and begin to paint the nails.
  • Mix the colors until the desired shade (if necessary).
  • We dilute the thickened paint with a drop of water. You can simply wet the brush with water.
  • We wait until the resulting drawing dries well.
  • Apply the topcoat on the nail (clear varnish, acrylic or gel).

By the way, for drawing small details, a thin contour brush with an elastic pile is well suited. And for filling, a flat brush made of natural pile is ideal.

The pattern can be decorated with rhinestones and others. Also, acrylic paints will be a wonderful addition and long nails.

Photo design of nails with acrylic paints

See what beauty you can create using acrylic paints in your nail design. Here are photos of several works:

Bright and stylish manicure is a great way of self-expression for girls. Recently, nail art is becoming more popular. Stylists come up with various techniques, and fashionistas are happy to try new ideas. Among a wide variety of decoration options, acrylic drawings on the nails stand out. It is about them that we will tell you and show photos with examples of such a design.

You can apply images to nails in different ways: varnish with a thin brush, stickers, magnet or acrylic paints. Acrylic paints have several advantages over other options:

  1. Acrylic paints are waterproof;
  2. Do not fade in the sun;
  3. They have a wide color palette and the ability to mix colors;
  4. Paints are easy to draw, so they are good for beginners;
  5. Dry quickly. If you have little experience and need more time to create a pattern, just slightly dilute the paint with water;
  6. Acrylic paints are not expensive and have a long shelf life. Therefore, one package is enough for a long time.

Of the shortcomings, it can only be distinguished that a fixing coating must be applied to acrylic drawings.

What colors to choose?

It is very important to choose the right material. For beginners it is better to buy universal paints with a small amount of basic colors. You can always mix these colors for other shades. Acrylic paints are sold at nail service stores and art stores. Or you can order them online. Just remember the important rule, all paints must be from the same manufacturer. Otherwise, when mixed, they may lose their properties.

How to draw acrylic on nails?

If you have absolutely no experience in drawing on nails, do not be discouraged, but start with lighter patterns. Simple drawings, such as daisies or butterflies, also look interesting and beautiful. On the Internet you can find video tutorials that show you simple drawing techniques in stages.

To begin with, you can practice drawing on special tips or on another surface, for example, on cardboard. Draw the nails on the cardboard, cover them with varnish and try to depict the selected pattern. If you like everything, then you can transfer the drawing to the nails. To make it easier for you, we will tell you in more detail how to draw on nails.

  1. Put your nails in order, make a standard hygienic manicure;
  2. Paint your nails. For the first time, it is better to choose a light or transparent base;
  3. Squeeze out a little paint on a palette or other surface, so it will be much more convenient for you;
  4. Wait until the varnish is completely dry;
  5. Gently with a thin brush, start drawing. For starters, it’s best to decorate one or two fingers;
  6. Apply each new color and coat only after the previous one dries;
  7. Fix the manicure finish with a tool or clear varnish.

You can depict anything on your nails. It all depends on your desire and skill. In 2017, floral and geometric prints are especially popular. Various circles, triangles, stripes, squares and zigzags are not difficult to draw. Turn on your imagination and start creating. Themed drawings look spectacular: New Year's, summer, marine, patriotic and others.

Of varying complexity there are floral patterns. But in any case, such a manicure looks gentle and romantic. Let's take a step-by-step look at the simplest technique for displaying flowers. It is called oil technology. The principle is that undiluted paint is applied to the nail with strokes. To do this, use a thin brush. Gradually, you can move on to more complex compositions.

  1. With white paint, apply in a circle the extended strokes in the form of petals;
  2. In the center, draw a yellow dot, this will be the core of the flower;
  3. Next to the resulting flower, draw green leaves smoothly;
  4. To the manicure, you can add sparkles or rhinestones;
  5. After drying completely, apply a fixing coat.

Simple and elegant daisies are ready. Similarly, you can draw other flowers. You can decorate one nail with a large composition, or you can decorate all nails with small patterns.

Openwork manicure

Elegant and sophisticated look lace patterns applied with acrylic paints. They are performed in one color using the thinnest brush. Changing the angle of rotation and the force of pressure on the brush, you can draw the most diverse and unusual patterns.

Glazing Technique

Glazing technique was invented by artists of the 15th century. And now it is actively used in manicure. Acrylic paints are diluted with water and almost transparent layers are applied one after another to the nails. Thus, a translucent manicure with light and sophisticated patterns is obtained.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the technique of drawing acrylic on nails. The main thing is to stock up perseverance and patience. Start with simple patterns and gradually complicate them, and soon you will surprise your loved ones with a bright and original manicure.

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