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Tilda cats. Wedding couple

What to give newlyweds for their wedding? Money? The most familiar bed linen, vases, and interior items? This is all good, of course, but maybe it’s worth distinguishing yourself with your originality? Let's create a couple of cats from the series with our own hands today Tilde?

To create a happy couple, we will need several small pieces of fabric, threads, satin ribbons, finishing braid, tulle, padding polyester and other little things.

Let's draw all the details of the cat on paper. We indicate the number of parts.

Cut out patterns.

Let's prepare the fabric for the body. We fold it in two layers.

Lay out and pin the patterns. We place the detail of the back of the body towards the fold of the fabric.

Using a pencil, transfer the outline of the patterns onto the fabric.

Below we will lay out the patterns for the second cat. Our catthe legs will be cut out of two fabrics, so we will transfer all the details to this fabric, except for the legs.

The picture shows all the details of two cats.

For the cat's legs we will prepare pink and beige fabric.

We put the prepared sections together and pin them along the sections with pins.

We sew the seams with machine stitching. Iron the seams towards the pink fabric.

We fold the prepared sections together, matching the stitching seams.

We make socks on legs. Lay out the patterns so that the marked line on the pattern coincides with the stitching seam.

Using a pencil, transfer the outline onto the fabric.

All parts are machine stitched. Let’s pay attention to the details of the front part of the body: we only sew the stitching on the right side, and leave the details of the back part altogether. On the parts of the arms we leave a hole for turning inside out on the side.

We cut out the blanks with small allowances.

Using the tips of scissors, make notches along the width of the seams in the corners and rounded areas.

Through the holes left, we turn out the parts of the arms, legs, tail and ears.

We fill the inside out parts with padding polyester, except for the ears.

Using hand stitches we sew up the open areas of the handle parts..

Let's prepare the body parts and make notches at the rounded seams. Let's unpack the details.

We pin the ears onto the top cut of the part.

To prevent the ears from moving, we baste them to the cuts.

Lay out the details of the back of the body.

Place the pieces together with right sides facing inward.

Using pins we chop off the parts along the sections.

We grind the top and side seams machine stitching.

We make notches on the seams from the back side.

At the bottom of the seam allowances we cut the corners.

We tuck the bottom of the part and along the marked lines we sew it with the bottom of the front part of the part, leaving space in the middle for the legs.

We sew the corners with machine stitching.

This is what the finished parts look like.

Through the holes left, turn the parts of the body right side out.

We fill the blanks with padding polyester.

Let's prepare the legs.

We sew the upper sections with hand stitches.

We insert the legs into the body and pin them to the front.

We baste the legs with hand stitches.

We turn the legs towards the front and baste them from the back.

We sew the legs to the body on both sides.

We pin the arms to the cats' bodies with pins. Let's prepare small buttons.

We sew on the handles using hand stitches, at the same time as the buttons.

We make the stitches through so that the handles move on the buttons.

Use a pencil to outline the eyes of the cats.

We embroider the eyes with black thread.

After fastening, we take the end of the thread to the side and only then cut it off.

We embroider the nose with pink threads.

From the nose downwards we embroider the mouth.

Using black thread we will make antennae for the cats.

We sew stitches on the cat knives with pink threads.

On the arms we will also make several stitches with pink threads, and on the cat we will make the same stitches with brown threads.

Our couple is ready. Each Tilda doll now needs clothes. Now let's start sewing wedding clothes.

We tuck the open cut on the tail parts inside with a wooden stick.

We pin the cat's tail with a pin.

Sew on the tail using a few hand stitches.

On paper we will draw a pattern for the pants and bib.

We cut out the patterns and mark the holes for the tail on the panties.

Let's prepare the fabric for the trousers, fold it in two layers.

We pin the patterns to the fabric.

We draw the outline of the patterns with chalk.

We cut out the details of the panties with a bib and straps.

Fold the bottom of the panties 1.5cm. We pin the hem with pins.

On the front side we lay the machine finishing stitch.

We put the parts of the panties together with the right sides inward and chop them along the back and front edges.

We sew the seams.

Using the tips of scissors, make notches along the rounded areas of the seams.

We fold the panties, matching them at the seams. Using pins we chop off the internal sections.

We machine stitch the seams. We make notches in the corners.

Turn the pants right side out.

Fold up the top edge of the trousers.

Baste the hem.

We pin off the parts of the bib.

We machine stitch the parts along the marked line.

Turn the bib right side out.

We put a finishing stitch along the edge.

Straps 4cm wide.

We bend the cuts on both sides by 0.5 cm. Then we fold them lengthwise in the middle again and iron them.

Place a finishing stitch along the edge of the strap. We prepared all the details of the panties.

Let's not forget that while stitching we had to leave a hole for the tail.

We put panties on the cat and pull out the tail.

We pin the bib and panties along the waist line to the body.

We fold the excess fabric around the waist and sew the panties to the body using hand stitches.

Having reached the back, we put straps into the pants and sew them to the body.

We pin the straps to the bib at the front.

We sew the straps with several hand stitches along with beads.

Along the bottom of the trousers we lay a basting stitch with thread in the color of the fabric for assembly.

We put a little padding polyester in the legs for volume. We tighten the thread and assemble the assembly.

We secure the gathering with several stitches and sew the bottom of the panties directly to the legs.

We will make a bow from a black satin ribbon.

We sew it on the neck of Tilda's groom.

Let's prepare white fabric. Set aside 20 cm down.

Set aside about 42cm. Cut out a 20cm rectangle. x 42cm.

Fold the panel in half and pin it along the side edge.

Sew the seam with a machine stitch.

We turn the panel inside out and fold it lengthwise in the middle, as shown in the figure.

Along the upper cut we sweep the cloth folded in two layers.

We put the cloth of the dress on the cat.

We make folds and pin each one with pins.

We sew the dress to the bride's body using hand stitches.

Let's prepare the finishing braid.

We pin the braid to the chest and back with pins.

Sew on the front in the center satin ribbon with a bead.

Let's prepare decorations for the socks.

Sew beads in the center of the leg with several stitches.

We will make beads from beads and fasten them on the cat’s neck with hand stitches.

Cut a rectangle from tulle.

Using hand stitches, tie the tulle into a bun on top.

Let's attach the decoration to it.

Use a pin to pin the veil onto the cat's head.

Sew it on with hand stitches.

From the finishing braid we cut small pieces of 3.5 cm.

As you have already seen from previous articles, nature has pleased lovers of the British cat breed with fluffy kittens with long hair. At first, the breeders thought that these were Persian or Siberian kittens that somehow ended up in the litter. But when the kittens grew up, it turned out that they had absolutely amazing hair: the closer to the bottom, the longer. Such kittens are very similar to cute woolen bells, which is why they were nicknamed that way.

A lot of time passed before experienced specialists noticed, and after taking a closer look, they noticed that these cats looked more like girls, not fluffy bells. prom. This is where the new name for Highlanders came from: "party cats" (translated from English "party cats" ). Without a doubt, the best translation of this term into Russian is holiday cats.

Over time, the festive Highlanders acquired many fans, and one of them correctly noted that long-haired British cats look not just beautiful festive dresses, namely like wedding dresses, and look like real brides! And since then, British longhair cats, and other exquisite light colors began to be called wedding cats.

So, wedding cats may be called British and Scottish Longhair cats that are white, cream, or as close as possible to the color wedding dress brides If you don’t know what to give your friends for their wedding, and want to surprise them with an elegant and an original gift, then animals of this breed will fit perfectly.

But, before giving the newlyweds a wedding kitten, ask whether they need it at all, and whether they will love it and keep it in the conditions appropriate for such a treasure. If the couple is not sure that they want to have a pet, it is best to refrain from such a gift so that the wedding kitten does not become a toy for three weeks.

Well, if young people agree to have a cute fluffy little ball settle in their house, who will, with his calm disposition and patience, help the inexperienced newlyweds survive quarrels and hardships, then you can safely look for the right one. As you already know, nature gave British cats not only good immunity, but also a strong psyche, which inexperienced cat owners will appreciate.

Real wedding kittens appear in nurseries very rarely, and even ordinary long-haired cats are very difficult to find today. Well, if we are talking about real cream, white, or white Highlanders, then this is generally a rarity. It should be noted that it is Scottish Fold wedding cats that look especially impressive because of their smoothed, and completely invisible long hair ears (this is exactly what fold ears should be according to international standards).

For some reason it happened that the cat is often spoken of as a symbol adultery, about cats as sexual maniacs. But in reality, cats' love relationships are very wide: from almost sadistic manifestations to romantic love.

The majority of the time is occupied by the courtship process, a kind of mating ritual. As soon as a cat enters the “free” territory, it immediately begins to attract many cats with its smell and inviting cries.

The cat calls the female with loud cries, which are often called a cat concert. By doing this, he pursues two goals: advertising his capabilities and warning rivals about his intentions. In short brawls that do not go beyond the boundaries of threats and fluffed tails (although sometimes it comes to fighting), cats determine seniority and superiority.

Then the applicant grooms are located at a certain distance from the cat, giving her the right to make a choice. The cat continues to provoke them in every possible way, but woe to anyone who dares to show impatience at this moment and approach her. Claws and teeth will immediately be used. Other cats are not deterred by this behavior, and impatiently, one after another, they try to approach the cat, who invariably rebuffs them.

The most reserved and patient (or cunning?) cat is in the most advantageous position. He uses each new fight between the cat and the next “groom” to quietly creep as close as possible to the object of his desire. In order not to irritate the cat once again, he freezes in a pose of complete indifference every time she fixes her gaze on him. It's like he doesn't care about her at all.

Finally he is very close and meows questioningly. If there is no hissing or angry growling in response to this, the game can be considered half won. And if the cat waits calmly, lying on its paws and throwing its tail to the side, the happy chosen one understands such a sign as an invitation to an act of love.

The cat grabs his friend by the scruff of the neck with his teeth, holding her tightly, climbs onto her back, moving his hind paws (as if to sit more comfortably). The act of love is usually very short and often ends in a fight. The cat suddenly begins to howl and growl angrily, quickly turns over on its back and digs its claws into the face of the chosen one, who has no choice but to quickly run away to a safe distance.

After 5-15 minutes, the cat is again ready to perform acts of love. As the number of copulations increases, the duration of rest to recuperate also increases. Even a great lover of lovemaking has a breaking point.

It gets to the point that the cat can offer itself first. At the same time, she shamelessly flirts with the cat, moves her back towards him, almost touches his nose, purrs and rubs her head against his head, seeking love.

When a “groom” was brought to our cat, on the second day he jumped into the bathtub and hid from her there.

Meanwhile, during mating, other cats sit nearby, waiting for their turn. The order between the cats is determined as a result of the fight.

Cats do not stop at one partner, but, on the contrary, sequentially select several males one after another. A cat can have up to a dozen “lovers” per day. As a result, kittens from the same litter may have different fathers. But sometimes it also happens that a cat chooses one “man” with whom she remains for a very long time.

But time passes, and the cats show less and less interest in our cat, who is finding it increasingly difficult to find a partner. Now she does not drive away suitors, but tries in every possible way to attract attention to herself: with screams, purrs, smell and explicit poses. Finally, love ends. The cat's cries become plaintive, and there are no more willing cats to be found.

It is obvious that cats spend a lot of effort on love affairs. In general, they are unhappy and awkward in love, which gives them many unpleasant moments. And the tenderness that they show to people, and the caresses that they gladly accept from their owners, most likely compensate them for the suffering of love.


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Cats are often said to be a symbol of infidelity among spouses. And cats, in turn, are supposedly sexual maniacs. In reality, everything is completely different. Love relationship cats can even show romance. Cat wedding- a phenomenon unusual for people. It's different with cats. They don’t feel the need to be with one partner forever and go through their whole lives together, which is why there is no need for Krasnodar wedding photographers at cat weddings :)
The courtship process takes a lot of time. This is a mating ritual. A cat entering the territory attracts cats with inviting cries and smell. Cats also use calling calls. In this way, the cat advertises its capabilities and warns other cats about its intentions towards the cat. Cats discover their superiority in fights that do not go beyond the bounds of decency and are limited only by fluffed tails and threats. Next, the cat must make a choice.

This is why she provokes them. different ways. If any of the contenders approaches her, she will rebuff him.
The most patient or cunning cat has the most advantageous position among unrestrained cats. Such a cat sneaks up to the cat unnoticed. When she looks at the cunning applicant, he pretends that she is absolutely indifferent to him. And so he, being nearby, meows, thereby asking a question. If the cat does not respond with a hiss or growl and throws its tail to the side, then this is an invitation to an act of love.

As a rule, such love acts are short-lived and end in a fight. The cat growls and digs its sharp claws into the face of its chosen one. The cat runs away.
After about 10 minutes, the cat is again ready to perform a love act.
The cat may offer herself first. She flirts with the cat, touches his nose, purrs. This is how she achieves love from the cat.

During the act of love, cats sit nearby, waiting for their turn. How is this queue determined? The results of the fight that took place earlier. Cats do not choose one partner for themselves, but go through several males. A cat can have as many as 10 partners per day. Kittens born at the same time may have different fathers. This is not surprising given such loving exploits of the mother. A cat can choose one cat with whom it will live for a long time.

Over time, the cat receives less and less attention. It is becoming more and more difficult for her to find a partner. Now our cat is trying to attract the attention of cats with frank poses and purring.
Cats are unhappy in love; it brings them many unpleasant moments. Affection from the owners compensates for their suffering in love. Mating games between cats and other animals are unusual from our point of view, but that’s how the animal world works!