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Dry mascara than diluted. How long will the effect of dilution last?

Sooner or later there comes a time when, when applying the first layer of mascara, the eyelashes look like. Of course, such an effect in makeup is now in trend, but it is better to create it with special techniques. In addition, the thick texture of the mascara lumps and crumbles very quickly.

However, do not rush to get rid of the bottle, the ink can still be saved!

First of all, regularly carry out the "service" of the tube:

Remove the remains of mascara from the neck and threads (they prevent the tube from tightly twisting and the mascara thickens faster).

Use a make-up remover to wipe the brush shaft (do not use cotton pads - they can leave villi that will later get into your eyes).

Remove the restrictor from the mascara and clean it (due to the proximity to the neck, the mascara remaining there dries quickly and interferes with the collection of mascara in the required quantity and quality)

Now the bottle of mascara is ready to resuscitate the contents!

As we have already said, mascara contains soft wax, which becomes more plastic when heated.

  • Accordingly, it would be logical and simplest to dip the dried ink into a glass of hot water or hold it under the tap.

An important nuance - do not allow water to get on and under the lid, otherwise there is a chance to ruin the mascara.

By the way, in addition to water, they are not suitable for diluting carcasses:

  • Saliva - it is a medium for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. You not only will not return the desired consistency to the product, but also provoke the development of dangerous processes. As a result, the ink will only have to be thrown away.
  • Any liquids that contain alcohol (alcohol, perfume) - they can spoil the consistency of the product, as well as cause
  • Hydrogen peroxide and other medications - it is impossible to predict what reaction they will enter with the components of the mascara, and what effect they will have on the sensitive skin around the eyes.
  • Make-up remover - as the name of the product says, it is designed to remove make-up, in other words, to dissolve it. Accordingly, the durability of the mascara is reduced many times.

But despite the simplicity of the first method, you will have to resort to heating the mascara every time before using it, which may not be entirely convenient.

For a longer lasting effect, you can dilute the mascara in the following ways:

  • Add a couple of drops of lens solution or eye drops to the tube and gently mix the mascara with a brush. The main thing is not to make sudden movements so that excess air does not get inside.
  • Add a couple of drops of castor, peach, or almond oil. The best option will add the same oil that is already in the composition. Most common Castor oil... This will not only return the soft consistency of the mascara, but also increase its caring properties.

An important point: in an effort to extend the life of a tube of your favorite mascara, do not forget that mascara has two expiration dates. The first one, printed on the label, and the second one, which is counted from the moment the package is opened.

Do not use and reanimate mascara that was discovered more than six months ago!

We told you how to dilute dried mascara, and now find out how to fix broken powder.

Do you know other ways to "save" cosmetics? Write a comment.

The writer Lev Tolstoy noted that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, it is not surprising when girls want to emphasize their beauty using all kinds of methods. Using mascara is one method. What if there is only half an hour left before the meeting with the gentleman, and she has dried up? How can you dilute mascara and return the charm to your eyes?

There are several reasons for carcass resuscitation:

  • the expiration date has expired;
  • the product was stored under the wrong conditions - at extreme temperatures (in the refrigerator or near the radiator);
  • the tube often remained open or the brush was not twisted into it, but dipped, thereby driving air into the tube;
  • the tube has a very wide neck (abundant ingress of air, leading to the drying of the product).

If the expiration date has expired or is on the verge, the idea of ​​restoration should be abandoned, since such actions can seriously ruin the situation, leading to inflammation of the eyelashes and their loss.

If your eyelash makeup has started to dry out, take a close look at the date it was made, and if everything is fine, use one of the following methods for restoring mascara at home.

Hot water recovery

The simplest and most affordable option. Something similar was done by our grandmothers in relation to cosmetics, if it dried up. The essence of recovery with hot water is that the tube is lowered for up to five minutes into a container with boiling water. In this case, water should not penetrate into the tube through the neck, and the container should not be on the stove / stove. There is an option in which a little water is poured inside. Please note that boiled distilled water is allowed. Such cosmetic resuscitation is available. But the effect from it will be temporary and not stable.

Eye drops

For obvious reasons, this option is one of the safest ways to dilute dried mascara, and can be used by allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin... Vizin, Oftagel or Albucid are best suited for resuscitation - a few drops in a tube and set to recover overnight. Eye drops will keep cosmetics from drying out for a long time.

Infusion of strong tea

Just 3-5 drops of strong sweet black tea per tube and the mascara will become uniform, resistant and will not leak. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Eau de toilette and perfume

In this case, everything is even easier - you just have to spray into the tube and close it. However, you should only use toilet water or perfumes that do not contain alcohol or alcohol-containing substances. Otherwise, there is a risk of burning eyelashes and redness of the eyes.

Recovery with castor or burdock oil

The oil method, in addition to helping with the resuscitation of the carcass, will please medicinal properties, which guarantee the restoration of the healthy shine of the eyelashes, as well as increase their length and volume.

Alternatively use Peach oil or jojoba and almond oil - they do a good job of protecting against drying out.

Applying eye makeup removers

Mascara is easy to return to the desired state with products that dissolve makeup. To do this, dip a brush washed in warm water and screw it into the tube. The result will not be long in coming, and there is no need to fear an allergic reaction.

Restoration with tonic or face lotion

Breeding in this way is easy. It is necessary to do the same procedure as in the previous methods. The main thing is that there is no alcohol in the tonic or lotion. The best option if the mascara and toner / lotion will belong to the same manufacturer.

Contact lens fluid

The safest way to dilute dried mascara, since the composition of such a liquid is as close as possible to the composition of a tear. Only eye drops can compete in safety with contact lens fluid. A few drops of the product will dilute the cosmetics and contribute to the destruction of pathogenic microflora.

Before use folk methods, carefully study the composition of the cosmetics in order to avoid an unpleasant situation due to the incompatibility of the thinner and mascara.

A common dilution is with saliva. The method has long traditions - this is how women of the last century used to dilute eyelash products - the first users of products from Maybelin and Max Factor. Many people still do this with Leningrad ink, but this is another story.

Such actions with modern cosmetics are unacceptable! Saliva carries a large number of microbes, which can lead to inflammation and infection of the eyeballs. Other remedies that girls resort to if mascara has dried up:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vegetable and olive oil;
  • cognac, vodka and other alcohol-containing products.

Such options are unacceptable and can lead to undesirable consequences. Be careful!

Rules for the use of cosmetics

To maximize the functionality of eye cosmetics, you should adhere to simple rules:

  1. Keep the tube at room temperature, avoiding sudden changes.
  2. Close tightly after use, avoiding large amounts of air.
  3. Use only fresh cosmetics.

Thanks to the tips, you can safely dilute the mascara with safe products, increasing her life!

The question of how to dilute mascara if it has dried becomes especially relevant when urgent makeup is needed. Even more common is the annoying accident when mascara is new and with a long shelf life, but in fact, after opening, it is too thick and dry. What to do if mascara is dry? How to dilute it without harm to health?

If ink has dried in a new, unopened tube, it can be returned to the store. And it doesn't matter that the package is opened and cannot be used further. The product is unusable, which means that it must be replaced. It's another matter if you need to make your eyes charming immediately, instantly. The means at hand will come to the rescue.

Safe ways to "revive" mascara

The source of life is water. But in order to revive the beloved cosmetic product, you will not need a simple tap liquid, since it contains a lot of heavy elements, harmful chlorine and, possibly, bacteria. It is better to use boiled water, which should be cooled beforehand. The best option is to take distilled water. If the ink thickens a little, one drop of water will be enough, you can measure it with a pipette. In case of a strong change in the properties of the product, you will have to remove the siphon from the tube and add up to 5 drops of water. Then the "fuse" is inserted into place and the tube is intensively turned over and rolled in the palms. You can't shake it! This will cause the product to delaminate or create a lot of bubbles, which in turn will make the mascara uneven.

The water dilution method only works with regular ink. If you have a waterproof representative, then it will not work to restore it with a simple liquid. The fact is that in its composition, in addition to the usual "fatty" ingredients such as paraffin, wax and essential oils usually includes silicones. It is their task to create an indelible, water-repellent protective layer, and it is they who will not allow ordinary water to dilute mascara. Waterproof mascara can only be thinned with a product containing a "solvent" for it. These special products include a water-resistant eye make-up remover. A couple of drops in a tube will be able to cope with the task, but it is important that the product is hypoallergenic.

A way that will help to quickly restore dried mascara is to heat the tube. If, in the process of applying makeup, you realize that the mascara is crumbling, lies unevenly or stretches excessively - in general, it is inconvenient and unpleasant to use it, take a glass of boiling water and immerse a tightly closed tube of mascara in it. Within 10-20 seconds, boiling water will do its job: paraffin and silicones will acquire a liquid consistency, and mascara will be applied easily, like new. But this option has several nuances. Firstly, strong heating of the plastic tube will lead to the fact that the particles that make up its composition will end up in the components of the mascara. At the same time, prolonged heating at 60 ° C will not fully solve the problem. Secondly, the method is effective only as an emergency. After cooling, the mascara will return to its original state, and you will have to dilute it again.

Options to be smart about

The alternative to dilute dried mascara with eye drops is not the safest, but it is not that terrible either. All drugs of this series are produced in sterile packaging, therefore, the introduction of pathogenic microflora into the tube is practically excluded. But it should be understood that drugs have a number of side effects, and it is not a fact that they will not harm. Some of them increase eye pressure, some constrict blood vessels (Vizin), some leave a white coating after drying, so you can use pharmacy products only if you are sure of them. Extreme care should be taken with the available and seemingly safe albucide. It is an antimicrobial agent with bacteriostatic properties. It stings very strongly, getting into the eyes, enters the bloodstream, and with frequent unjustified use it loses its effectiveness against microorganisms.

Eye drops, such as those used with contact lenses, are a great option. They may contain hyaluronic acid, which will have a positive effect on the growth of eyelashes.

What not to do if mascara is dry

Do not under any circumstances use old grandmother's secrets - "spittoon". From a medical point of view, saliva is an excellent antiseptic. But only in theory, this anatomical fluid is so safe, in practice it contains a lot of microbes and causative agents of unpleasant diseases. And if we consider that almost 50% of people have certain problems with teeth and oral mucosa, then their transfer to the eyelids and to the conjunctiva is simply ensured. Even if nothing happens the first time, evil bacteria will develop in the tube and do their job.

If you decide to extend the life of your mascara with contact lens solution, then this is a very bad idea. Almost all modern solutions contain enzymes - enzymes that dissolve protein deposits on lenses. And what will they do with your lashes with prolonged use?

If the mascara is dry, do not add oils or paraffin to it. The former do not harden even when frozen, so the paint diluted in this way will drain from the eyelashes. Paraffin, on the other hand, very quickly turns into a thick mass and prevents the even application of the composition.

It should be understood that any resuscitation work on mascara is temporary relief. It will not be possible to revive it forever. Moreover, frequent dilution of it with extraneous substances, included or not included in the composition, will lead to a change in the original formula. This will result in completely different properties of the product, and the ink will start to sprinkle, print, and will cease to “hold water”.

Therefore, if possible, it is much more effective and safer to abandon the use of dried mascara and buy a new one. After all, you definitely deserve it!

Often, eyelash products do not suit the consistency or dry out quickly under the influence of external factors. You can dilute mascara at home, using available tools, without resorting to buying expensive products.

If the brasmatik has thickened after the expiration date, the consistency, smell, color have changed, it is better to throw away the cosmetics. Diluting mascara is allowed in the following cases:

  • improper storage conditions (the tube is not completely closed);
  • rare use;
  • air ingress;
  • ill-conceived tube design (wide neck).

What products are allowed to be added to dry mascara

The correct way to dilute dry cosmetics is to apply Dior and Chanel brand mascara thinner. Means (fluids) are not cheap and are not produced by every manufacturer. The fluid helps to achieve a longer duration of action in comparison with available means, does not irritate the eyes.

Homemade methods will help to extend the life of dried mascara for a short time. The methods are used with caution, following the instructions with the indication of the dosage. Increasing the dose can permanently spoil the product.

How to dilute Cautions, possible drawbacks of the diluent
Purified or micellar water
  • the session will have to be repeated, the liquid evaporates quickly;
  • the consistency of the substance will change, the formation of lumps is possible;
  • humid environment is favorable for the development of pathogenic bacteria;
  • the method is not suitable for all cosmetics.
Eye drops, lens cleaner Individual intolerance, allergic reactions are possible. To reduce the likelihood of side effects, do not use drugs containing hormones, antibiotics. Optinol, Slezin drops are suitable for dilution.
Milk for makeup remover Do not use substances containing alcohol. Possible individual intolerance, eye irritation. Ideally, use cosmetics for makeup remover from the same manufacturer as brasmatic.
Strong black tea without added sugar Dilute carefully: if you add more liquid than the specified amount, then the product will acquire a liquid consistency and become unusable.
Almond (jojoba, coconut) oil If you apply more oil, decorative cosmetics will change the viscosity, become thicker. Such a tool will be problematic to apply.
Castor, burdock oil In addition to their main function, they nourish the cilia, prevent fragility, and prevent the formation of creases.

Method of applying the substances specified in life hacks: it is necessary to collect 1-3 drops of liquid on a brush with a pipette, close the bottle, shake it.

To restore brasmatics, you cannot use several products at the same time - this will lead to damage to the cosmetic product. If you add eye drops to the tube and heat, the product will crumble.

What substances can not be diluted with new mascara if it thickens:

  • saliva - contains bacteria that will irritate the eyes;
  • alcohol-containing substances;
  • sunflower oil - the concentration of the carcass will change, the formation of lumps is possible;
  • untreated water from the water supply;
  • any corrosive substances that, when accidental hit lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (hydrogen peroxide).

If, after dyeing the eyelashes with diluted brasmatik, symptoms appear: burning, itching, a feeling of a foreign body getting into the eyes, stop using the product. Rinse your face under running water, remove the remains of mascara. The reaction speaks of individual intolerance, throw away cosmetic products.

How to properly dilute mascara

Before diluting makeup for make-up, familiarize yourself with its composition. If it is indicated that there is paraffin in cosmetics, then it is enough to place the bottle in a glass of warm water for 10-15 minutes. The method is considered harmless, does not involve dilution with other substances, chemical composition the mascara will not change. It is not recommended to place the whole brasmatik in a glass, the optimum water temperature is + 70 ° C.

If the expiration date is still far away, and the product has begun to dry out, you can try the following method: mix the old brasmatik with a new one.


This product is resistant to high humidity, makeup does not need to be corrected. Brasmatik is cleaned with special cosmetics (washing). The composition includes wax and paraffin, do not dilute the product with water. If the mascara is dry, living conditions it can be restored:

  • add liquid cosmetics for makeup remover (milk, tonic);
  • reheat in warm water.


Medical mascaras are produced on a gel basis. Brasmatic accelerates the growth of eyelashes, provides the desired thickness and length. The composition includes oils, vitamins, wax. When the product is diluted, the chemical composition will change, the consistency will be disturbed, and useful properties will be lost.

You can restore brasmatic in only one way - by heating it in warm water.


The products contain silicones that make the eyelashes look voluminous, thicker, and a push-up effect is possible. The advantage of mascara is easy make-up removal: the product is washed off with plain warm water without the use of cosmetics. Silicone is not recommended to be diluted, otherwise it will lose its properties and durability.

The only way that is suitable for silicone brasmatics is heating in a glass of warm water.

The expiration date of the product is indicated on the tube, it is relevant when the package is sealed. For open carcass the shelf life does not exceed 1.5-3 months. After the expiration of the specified period, it is impractical to restore brasmatik using the indicated methods. In order not to harm your eyes, it is better to throw away cosmetics.

What else can you do with dried ink

If the product is completely dry, do not rush to dispose of it. A brassmat brush can come in handy. A few non-standard tips for using dried mascara:

  • an old brassmat applied with a lip brush can replace the eyeliner;
  • With a pre-washed brush from dried mascara, you can give the desired shape to the eyebrows.

Measures to extend the life of the carcass

In order to prolong the life of cosmetic products and not to dilute them, it is necessary to observe the storage conditions:

  • do not expose to temperature extremes, close the tube tightly;
  • keep out air, direct sunlight. Optimum storage temperature + 5 ... + 25 ° С;
  • periodically clean the brush from dust, lumps;
  • when doing makeup, do not remove excess by lowering the brush into the tube and back. Dried brasmatik on the edges of the bottle will not allow hermetically to close the product. Use a napkin to clean the brush;
  • periodically drip 1 drop of oil (burdock, almond, jojoba). Means prevent drying, nourish, strengthen the cilia.

In the absence of brasmatik, you can prepare it yourself. You will need 2 tablets of activated carbon, aloe juice. Mix the components until a gruel is obtained.

It is advisable to resort to diluting cosmetics only in emergency cases. These methods lead to a change in the properties of the product.

On a note to every girl, what to do when the mascara is dry? We urgently need to reanimate the bottle in these unique ways!

To apply beautiful make-up it is impossible without the use of high-quality mascara. Quite often, this element of cosmetics becomes unusable ahead of time for several reasons. Improper use, storage conditions and expiration dates are the most common reasons... If mascara has dried up, and desires or opportunities in this moment buy a new one, then you can use several recommendations.

Can mascara be thinned? What to consider

The mascara contains soft wax, which, after heating, begins to melt, becoming more plastic. If you use the correct methods and dilute the paint by adding liquid, then the life of the mascara can be extended. Those who do not yet know whether it is possible to dilute mascara should pay attention to simple tips... It is important to pre-treat the tube before using any method.
Preliminary preparation of the carcass involves the following stages:
  • Remove any dried-on agent residue from threads and neck. If too much ink has accumulated on the tube, then this will only interfere with its curling, which will cause the paint to dry faster.
  • If using a makeup remover wipe, wipe the brush. Do not use a cotton pad for this purpose, as the remaining fluff will interfere with its further use.
  • Gently remove the stopper from the tube and wipe it clean
The easiest method to dilute mascara is to dip the tube into a glass of hot water or hold it over a stream of water. It is important to ensure that the liquid does not flow into the middle. This method will only work one time. So that every time before use you do not have to "melt" the mascara, you should pay attention to the other options listed below.

Most girls who do not yet know what to do if the ink has dried up make the same mistakes. The fair sex uses rather not harmless ways to return a "second life" to a precious bottle. If you want to achieve the full effect, do not experiment with the following methods:
  • Vegetable oil. The component helps to dissolve the mascara, but the effect is disastrous. The dye for eyelashes only rolls into lumps, which makes its further use impossible.
  • Alcohol-containing liquids. If you dilute the paint with perfume, alcohol or cologne, then with further use of the bottle, you can easily cause irritation and allergy to the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • Make-up remover. The composition is aimed at dissolving cosmetics, due to which the paint resistance will decrease
  • Hydrogen peroxide. The component can negatively affect the sensitivity of the eyes

What is the best way to dilute dried mascara

Several simple methods will allow you to cope with a difficult task. When the mascara is dry, and you don't know how to dilute it, then pay attention to green tea. Brew a drink in a mug, and then remove the brush, remove the remaining paint, rinse and dry. Soak a brush in tea, and then distribute a few drops in the middle of the bottle. Swirl the mascara and wait for the paint to become a homogeneous consistency.
Important. Before using any of the methods, you must first test it. Do not rush to immediately apply a large amount of dye to your eyelashes, but first spread the mascara on the skin and follow the reaction of the body.
Burdock or castor oil is a great and safe option. Apply a couple of drops of the product to the brush, twist the tube and wait 30-60 minutes. The oil has a beneficial effect on the health and growth of eyelashes, enriching the hair with vitamins.
If you have a lens storage solution at home, try using it. This hypoallergenic solvent is safe for the eyes. Pour a few drops into the bottle and wait a little. Remember to test the paint before use.

How to dilute waterproof mascara

To get the desired result, pay attention to eye drops, as it best remedy than thinning waterproof mascara. Add a few drops of Albucid or Vizine to the bottle. Leave the tube overnight and start your makeup in the morning. The medicine will help dissolve the paint, after which it will become a uniform consistency. Test on a small area of ​​skin before using renewed mascara.

How to restore dried mascara: video

After watching the video with recommendations, it will be easier to cope with the task at hand. Actual tips on how to dilute dried mascara given in the video will allow you to reanimate the cosmetic. Whichever method you choose, remember to test it before using your eyelash dye. This precaution will help avoid negative reactions.