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Learn to teach others! Children's birthday party in Chinese style. Crocodiles were taught to dance in a Chinese circus.

The presenter is the mother.
Every person has a reason in life at least once a year to gather together friends and relatives, those whom he is always glad to see, for his personal holiday - Day
birth. Today is ILYA's birthday. Today he turns 10 years old. This
the first round date in your life. This is the first two-digit date. 10 years! Past infancy and early childhood. Childhood is ahead, but already “adulting”, the whole life is ahead, and I want to say:
I wish you ten years
Live cheerfully, brightly, without troubles.
Useful gifts, surprises,
Less insults and whims!
Let everything be fine at school:
Nice, clear and cool!
I wish you a cheerful laugh,
More luck and success!
All guests congratulate the birthday boy and sit down at the table.

"Comic congratulations"
The birthday boy gets up, the guests are given a box with notes and words (boldly, quickly,
neatly, slowly, loudly, cheerfully, vigorously, skillfully, beautifully, quietly). The presenter reads the text, and the children take turns taking out little notes, finishing the sentences and sticking them in the postcard.
words. The more ridiculous, the merrier. Then everyone puts their signatures. Sample text for
birthday boy:
Dear birthday boy! Happy anniversary!
We wish you
Got up in the morning…………………,
Did exercises………………….,
Had breakfast………………………
Went to school………………………,
Answered in class……………,
During the break I behaved……………….,
Prepared homework…………,
I studied only excellently.

The next competition is the game “Believe it or not.” I'm asking a question, are you
answer “yes” or “no”. Do you believe that:
1. Ball pen was previously used only by military pilots? (Yes)
2. Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America)
3. Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)
4. In some countries, fireflies are used as lighting devices?
5. In China, do students write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)
6. Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots at first? (Yes)
7. In China, vitamin-enriched pencils are produced for children who tend to chew on anything? (Yes)
8. In one Chinese circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz? (No)
9.A person is taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)
10 In some places people still wash themselves with olive oil? (Yes, in
some hot provinces of China where water is scarce)
11. Did high-heeled shoes take first place among the causes of accidental death in China in 1995? (Yes, almost 200 Chinese women died from falling from high heels)
12. Does China use disposable school boards? (No)
13. Was the fountain pen invented in Ancient Egypt? (Yes)
14. If you put a flounder on a chessboard, will it also become checkered? (Yes)
15. The bats can they receive radio signals? (No)
16. Owls can’t roll their eyes? (Yes)
17. Are dolphins small whales? (Yes)
18. Was gunpowder invented in China? (Yes)
19. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)
20. Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? (Yes)
21. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)
22. Did Spartan warriors spray their hair with perfume before battle? (Yes, this is the only one
luxury they allowed themselves)
23. Can children hear higher-pitched sounds than adults? (Yes)
24. The first firecrackers in China were made from bamboo scraps? (Yes, it was believed that the crack
burning bamboo drives away evil spirits)
25. Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)

Competition “We have all sung songs”
Presenter. All people strive for happiness. How to achieve it? The Chinese offer a very simple and wise answer in Chinese: happy is the cat who has the opportunity to hug three people every day and sing a song cheerfully.
So, let's start the competition. I'm reading the definition to a children's song.
A song about a part of the land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from the constant
eating tropical fruits (“Chunga-changa”);
a song about a heavenly-colored vehicle (“Blue Car”);
a song about how a shaggy creature performs musical composition And
at the same time sunbathing (“I’m lying in the sun”);
a song about a plant that grew in the wild and was cut down by a peasant (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”);
a song about how fun it is to march with a group (“It’s fun to walk together”);
a song about a small insect whose color resembles a certain vegetable (“I sat in the grass
a song about how bad weather conditions cannot ruin the holiday (“We will survive this trouble”).

Comic lottery
Presenter. Are you tired of active recreation - competitions and games? Let's do the math
the amount of yuan earned. One box contains prizes, the other contains folded prizes.
notes with the names of prizes. Each of you takes a note and reads what the prize is for him
got it. And he takes it himself. The one with the most tokens starts.

In life you have to hope for the best
Get some glue if it doesn't stick in real life. (Glue)

You didn't win a penny
but a real ruler.

You will walk around with a beautiful hairstyle,
Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane. (Comb)

Why do you need a wallet,
Put the money in the bag. (Plastic bag)

Get it, hurry up, a notepad for you,
Write poetry. (Notebook)

Yes, the lucky ticket is yours,
Hold your pencil like this.

Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is?
Life will be joyful and bright. (Marker)

And great love awaits you
And kisses all year round. (handkerchief)

Braked Fun

Cheerfully Fast

Kayfovo Igrivo

Lightning fast Superski

Competition "ice floes in the ocean"
Two volunteers are called. They are given two sheets of A4 format - these will be ice floes, and ribbons or long strips of fabric, or thick threads will be spread on the floor on one side and at some distance from it on the other side - these will be the shores.
Presenter: You need to get over
On ice floes across the ocean.
The task is to be the first to move from one “shore” to another using “ice floes”. How they will use them depends on their resourcefulness. The main thing is that your feet only step on the ice floes; if even one foot steps on it, then the participant loses.

Competition "Dwarfs and Giants".

Children stand in a circle and hold hands (this way the guys can help their friend if he gets confused). When the presenter says the word “dwarfs”, the players must squat down, and when “giants” they must stand up. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the competition.

Accuracy competition

Host: And now a test of accuracy awaits you! Who wants to try? I ask for 3 participants!
Everyone is given a pacifier (pacifier). A container is placed at some distance from them, into which the participants must hit the pacifier. But they will not throw it, but spit it out of their mouths. The one who gets into the container wins. If several participants hit the target, then the container is moved a little further away from the participants and those who hit compete again. And so on until one person wins. If no one hits the first time, then the container is moved closer.

Competition "Earth, water, air and fire"
It's simple and fun game. Prepare a medium-sized rubber ball. Among the players (5-10 people can play), choose a leader to whom you will give the ball. The remaining players line up at a distance of 3-4 steps from the leader, facing him.
The game begins. The presenter throws the ball to any player of his choice and at the same time pronounces one of four words: “earth”, “water”, “air” or “fire”. The player's response depends on which word the presenter said. If the name is “land,” then the player must catch the ball and quickly throw it to the leader, while naming some animal that lives on land. If the presenter said “water,” then the player must name some fish or other animal whose native element is water (the actions with the ball are the same). If the leader says “air,” then the player’s task is to quickly throw the ball to the leader, while naming some kind of bird. If the presenter says “fire,” then the player should under no circumstances catch the ball. He should just quickly turn his back to the leader. If the player catches the ball by inertia, it will be considered that he is “burnt.” Then he either drops out of the game, or, for example, stands with his hands raised up until the host throws the ball to him again, giving him the opportunity to re-enter the game. The same applies to the situation when the player says the name of an animal that has already been spoken before. They play until they get bored.

Host: And now it’s time for the secret dedication of our birthday boy to the 10th anniversary!
I ask everyone to proceed to the table, the sacrament will begin now.
The host reads a congratulation to the birthday boy for 10 years and the guests shout three times: Congratulations!
After this, the birthday person blows out the candles, the lights turn on and everyone starts eating the cake.

For the friends of our daughter Angelica, we decided to hold a birthday celebration, during which we will all be transported together to the world of Ancient China. Modern 12-year-old girls are very interested in secrets and riddles, magic and enchantment. They read "Witch" magazines about sorceresses and adventure books from the "Talisman" series. And on your birthday you really want something unusual. Using and summarizing entertaining leisure materials for children and various scenarios, I decided to come up with my own. The scenario is very simple, does not require much time in preliminary preparation, and does not require any special material costs.

Traditional Chinese dishes were prepared: Peking duck (leg), fried rice with vegetables, Guangdong cold cuts (sausage, ham), salad shrimp with celery in ginger sauce, seaweed and soybean shoot salad, fried Chinese cabbage with tree mushrooms, green tea ice cream, fruit salad in pineapple.

Dear guests, you know that we have gathered in this house today for a reason. Today is a holiday here - the birthday of the wonderful, young, beautiful Angelica. I want to congratulate the birthday girl, my beloved daughter, on her birthday
Dear daughter, red sun,
Fresh mischievous sea breeze!
You are everything wonderful, bright, clear,
Delicate and youthful beautiful flower!
Be nice, healthy, sociable,
Generous with feelings and sincere laughter!
Be cheerful and delightful
Happiness, love and success await you!

The word is passed on to your beloved grandmother (dad, brother, etc.).

Birthday is the most joyful and happiest holiday that you, Anzhelichka, have been waiting for many days, a whole year. You turned twelve - the whole world lies at your feet.
Find the best road among all the roads.
Confidently and boldly look into the eyes of fate,
And choose something that will give you happiness.
Find reliable friends, find your love.
Don’t be afraid of difficult paths, always go forward!

"The ABC of Fate", "The Secret of the Name"

You have all heard that there are many types of Chinese predictions: Chinese, Druid horoscope, palmistry (hand fortune telling)... Even by looking at a person’s face and gait, a soothsayer could predict his future. There is a prediction based on a person’s name... It’s all about a few letters that are components of your name. Let's look at this strange relationship: fate and name. Each letter has its own semantic and emotional connotation. The meaning of a name can be deciphered by summing up the meaning of each letter. The influence of each letter in the name is not equal in strength. The letter that begins the name is most pronounced, then the most audible and repeated more than once. For example, let's take the name "Anna". It has two letters "a". In all languages ​​it is a symbol of beginning. “N” is a symbol of inner strength, the desire not to accept everything indiscriminately. This means that “Anna” is a “reasonable initiative.”

Fortune telling from the Chinese "Book of Changes"

Fortune telling using the Book of Changes has become traditional for Chinese culture. We will continue this tradition.

You can get acquainted with this book and download it here:

Game "Scroll"

Dear guests, now you have to plunge headlong into Chinese painting. There is a unique form of paintings in the Chinese painting tradition - a scroll. You have to create such pictures, but not alone. To do this, guests take turns writing a few lines of congratulations to the birthday girl and wrapping what they wrote so that the next participant sees only the end of the phrase. After each guest writes something, we unfold the piece of paper and read what happened. The task is to write original congratulations no repetitions.

Summing up (presentation of Scrolls and Talismans of Good Luck).

Let's summarize. At the beginning of our holiday, you signed the “Dedication to Guests” and everyone fulfilled their oath: they had fun to the fullest, ate everything that was available festive table, joked and talked pleasant words addressed to the birthday girl, danced, sang songs, participated in sweepstakes and competitions.
Our holiday took place in chinese style. We, following Mulan Hua, had to go through all the tests that she had to go through on her life's path. You have all worthily completed the stages of competitions and riddles to find your Scroll of Luck:
Now we solemnly present you with the Scrolls and Talismans of Good Luck.
The scrolls are made in advance. On one side there is a hieroglyph, on the reverse - its decoding and a talisman. (Information can be found on the Internet).
China is considered to be the birthplace of the fan. The fan attracts and retains positive energy. He will protect you from adversity.
Each girl is given a Chinese fan.

Birthday of an 11 year old girl

Scenario children's party

Marina: Dear friends, I am glad to welcome you to my birthday! Thank you for giving me my dream - these are gifts and warm regards. Today I’m the birthday girl, which means I can do whatever I want. I wish I could give you a real holiday! Birthday is a wonderful and fun event. And we will make sure of this today. So, the holiday begins.

First, I invite everyone to sign the “Dedication for the birthday guest.” I read the text of the oath:

From now on until the moment when my eyes close together from fatigue, I become the guest of honor at Marina’s birthday and solemnly swear:

Have fun to the fullest,

There is everything that is on the festive table,

Drink everything that my tender age allows,

Joking and saying nice words to the birthday girl,

Dance, sing songs, participate in sweepstakes and competitions.

The guests read the oath and each sign it next to their name.

Presenter: Modern 12-year-old girls are very interested in secrets and riddles, magic and enchantment. They read the Witch magazine about sorceresses and adventure books from the Nancy Drew series. And on your birthday you really want something unusual!

Let's now mentally all be transported together to the world of Ancient China and begin the exciting virtual trip in search of a mysterious scroll and a good luck charm.

You all know Mulan Hua - the national heroine of China (everyone knows the cartoon "Mulan"), such a girl really existed (589 - 618). Her grave and crypt still stand in Dajou Village, Yucheng County. She became famous for the fact that instead of her elderly father she went to fight herself and became a shining example of courage and perseverance. The young girl was able to steadfastly endure all the suffering and hardships of the war and bring victory to her homeland. And today, together with Mulan, we will look for a scroll and a talisman of good luck.

According to ancient Chinese legend, each person has his own scroll and talisman, which brings good luck in everything.

You are invited to go through all the stages of competitions and riddles to find your scroll of luck:

1. Learn politeness and goodwill (compliment competition).

2. Remember the history in fairy tales and legends (riddles about fairy-tale heroes).

3. Be charming ("Geisha Smile" competition).

4. Be able to amuse friends (skit scenes).

5. Be smart (competition "Questions for smartness").

6. Try yourself in cooking (cooking competition).

7. Learn to navigate in different environments ("Believe it or not" competition).

8. Be spontaneous (game "Fanta").

9. Be able to sing and dance (the competition “We have all sung the songs” and the game “Dance with Fans”).

10. Find out your flower of happiness (game Search for the Flower of Happiness).

11. Find out the future from tea leaves (fortune telling with tea).

12. Find out the meaning of your name using the "ABC of Destiny" ("ABC of Fate").

Presenter: And now we begin our holiday program. I invite you to actively participate because for every correct answer, a token of 1 Chinese Yuan is awarded. At the end of our evening, the yuan will be counted and prizes will be awarded according to the number.

China is a country of ancient traditions and customs. It is known that Mulan was taught manners at school. When visiting, it is customary to be polite and good conversationalists; it is customary to pay compliments to the hero of the occasion.

So, the first competition.

1. Compliment competition.

Sitting at the table in a circle, everyone in turn says gentle and pleasant words - adjectives - to the birthday boy, the one whose vocabulary is drying up says a voluminous toast - a wish.

Presenter: Let's join and raise a glass to such an extraordinary birthday girl. And we give the winner of the first competition a yuan. It seems to me that everyone passed this stage of the test of politeness with dignity.

2. Riddles about fairy-tale heroes.

Presenter: Every nation has its own epic tales, legends, fairy tales. It is unlikely that we will guess what will be offered to a girl named Mulan when she looks for her scroll. But let's remember our childhood and try to solve the riddles.

The first person to correctly name the answer is given 1 Chinese yuan.

He got leeches

I sold Karabas,

The whole smell of swamp mud,

His name was... (Pinocchio - Dyremar)

Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,

He is looking for a magic key.

He looks terrible

This is (Aibolit - Karabas)

He lived in Prostokvashino

And he was friends with Matroskin.

He was a little simple-minded

The dog's name was (Matroskin - Sharik)

He was on the road for many days

To find your wife,

And the ball helped him,

His name was... (Kolobok - Ivan Tsarevich)

He walked through the forest boldly,

But the fox ate the hero.

The poor thing sang goodbye.

His name was... (Mongrel - Kolobok)

He'll find out everything, take a peek,

It bothers and harms everyone.

She only cares about the rat,

And her name is... (Shapoklyak)

Presenter: And in this test we have made a little progress in finding our scroll of good luck, well done!

3. Competition "Geisha Smile".

Presenter: Be charming. Close your eyes: imagine that you opened them in the mysterious, bewitching setting of the East. You've heard about geishas - these are women who can show the beauty of the world through their tenderness, tact, politeness, through their knowledge.

Not a single geisha will scream to be heard, she speaks quietly, insinuatingly, softly, but everyone listens to her. And she always smiles.

There are cards on the table. The girls choose the task card themselves. Contestants must take turns smiling as...

a) Mona Lisa;

b) a girl to an unknown boy;

d) teacher to student;

e) baby to parents;

f) a poor student who received ten points;

g) Leopold to mice;

g) dog to owner.

Presenter: Everyone did an excellent job in this competition. Everyone can be given 1 yuan!

4. Scenes "Amuse your friends."

Presenter: There is an ancient Chinese legend about the evil beast Gongyan. According to ancient legend, "gonyan" was wild beast, which brought people a lot of trouble, because of his ferocious appearance, the trees shed their foliage, and the earth became barren. But the wise old man taught people that Gongyan is afraid of laughter and fun.

Let us drive away the evil beast so that eternal spring always blooms in the life of our birthday girl and in her soul and let us act out scenes!

The presenter lays out cards on the table. The girls are divided into pairs and choose a task card themselves. Participants in the competition must take turns performing a skit.

Parent: Hello, I am the mother of Sidorov Vova.

Teacher: Hello, my dear Olga Petrovna, please take a seat.

Parent: Did you call me?

Teacher: Your son has lately, how can I put this more precisely, has become kind of a goofball, a nerd. During the lessons he is not responsible for the market, he drives something, sometimes he does it, and at times he doesn’t talk about anything at all, excuse me for God’s sake!

The parent, not understanding anything, looks around and shrugs, unable to find words to respond to the teacher’s monologue.

Telephone Operator: Your phone is not answering.

Subscriber: What, absolutely?

Telephone operator: No, the first two digits answered, the rest are silent.

Subscriber: Listen, if a dog barks, it means no one is home.

Telephone Operator: Haven’t you seen yet whether the light is on or not?

The phone rings.

The hostess picks up the phone: Hello!

Hostess: No, on TV!

One incorrigible joker and merry fellow came to school with a thoroughly black eye.

Classmates are interested: What's happened?

Joker: You see, I suffer from insomnia and therefore at three o’clock in the morning, with nothing to do, I usually dial some number on the phone and ask the person I woke up: “Guess who’s calling?”

Odnoklassniki: So what?

Joker: Some guy figured it out last night!

Presenter: All the scenes were great. You managed to convey the situation and the characters of our heroes. I think that we have passed this test of cheering and delighting and have become even closer to our scrolls and talismans of good luck.

And everyone needs to be given 1 yuan!

5. Competition "Questions for intelligence."

Presenter: In Chinese mythology, the Dragon is one of the sacred creatures, a symbol of spring and the east. The dragon is depicted in different ways: in the form of a large snake, an animal that resembles both a tiger and a horse, or a head like a camel and a neck like a lizard. And all because no one has ever seen him.

One of the legends of the Chinese people says that the dragon king Da Wang fell ill at sea. And he had to turn to a doctor who lived in a fishermen’s village on the condition that he would never describe his patient. Having asked the healer questions, the Dragon King was convinced that this was a competent and intelligent person, and he could be trusted with his health. Now I’ll ask you questions (don’t worry, not about medicine!) and let’s see who’s the smartest.

The first person to give the correct answer is given 1 Chinese yuan.

A person has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What is this? (letter "o)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, because he can't speak)

In which year do people eat more than usual? (in leap year)

What is yours, but others use it more than you? (Name)

What disease has no one on earth ever had? (nautical)

What can you cook but can't eat? (lessons)

Which hand is better to stir tea? (it is better to stir the tea with a spoon)

What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (number 6)

How do day and night end? (soft sign)

What rocks are not in the sea? (dry)

What comb can you use to comb your head? (rooster)

What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far? (fluff)

Why, when you want to sleep, do you go to bed? (by gender)

What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (from empty)

What can you see from eyes closed? (dream)

When is a person a tree? (when he wakes up - “pine”)

Presenter: Well, we have overcome this step to our scrolls of luck with honor.

6. Cooking competition.

Presenter: When in China the bride was carried in a palanquin from her father's house to the groom's house, in order to avoid all kinds of misfortunes, it was necessary to feed and water the spirits that got in their way with dishes whose names began with the letter of the bride's name. Now everyone will take turns saying the names of dishes and products that begin with the letter of the name of the hero of the occasion MARINA - “M”. The one who has run out of vocabulary says a voluminous toast - a wish to the birthday girl.

Those interested can join.

If necessary, take a break for a meal.

7. “Believe it or not” competition.

Presenter: Hard times have come for the Chinese people: the country was attacked by the warlike tribe of the Huns. Dressed in men's clothing, Mulan wants to join other warriors and go on a dangerous trek to the foot of the snow-capped mountains. But you need to pass one more test: quickly and correctly answer questions with just one word “yes” or “no”.

Can we quickly and correctly answer almost the same questions? The first person to answer the question correctly is awarded the yuan.

In China, do students write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)

Was the ballpoint pen initially used only by military pilots? (Yes)

In China, vitamin-enriched pencils are produced for children who tend to chew on just anything? (Yes)

In one Chinese circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. (No)

Are Chinese people taller in the morning than in the evening? (yes, and not only Chinese, but any person)

Do people still bathe with olive oil in some places? (yes, in some hot provinces in China where water is scarce)

Were high-heeled shoes the number one cause of accidental death in China in 1995? (yes, almost 200 Chinese women died from falling from high heels)

Does China use disposable school boards? (No)

If you put a flounder on a checkerboard, will it also become checkered? (Yes)

Can bats receive radio signals? (No)

Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)

Are dolphins small whales? (Yes)

Was gunpowder invented in China? (Yes)

If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)

Do penguins fly north for the winter? (no, penguins can't fly)

Did Spartan warriors spray their hair with perfume before battle? (yes, this is the only luxury they allowed themselves)

Can children hear higher pitched sounds than adults? (Yes)

The first firecrackers in China were made from bamboo scraps? (yes, the crackling sound of burning bamboo was believed to ward off evil spirits)

Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)

Presenter: You are all just smart, you tried so hard to guess the correct answer. Everyone passed this stage of the test - learning to navigate in different environments - with dignity.

8. Game "Fanta".

Presenter: You have all heard about the wonderful Chinese lanterns. In China there is a lantern festival. When such lanterns are lit, laughter sounds in every home.

Our holiday was also not complete without a lantern. This lantern is not simple; cards with tasks, quite simple and even simple, are attached to it on a string. With your eyes closed, cut the task card attached to the lantern.

Tasks :

a) depict without words that you want to go to school, but you can’t find your backpack,

b) tell the fairy tale “Turnip” on behalf of Repka,

c) remember three films that take place on a birthday (Fly Tsokotukha, Winnie the Pooh, Harry Potter, Cheburashka, The Secret of the Third Planet),

d) recite a birthday poem (or sing a song),

e) name five signs by which we can recognize the Snow Maiden,

f) depict without words that you want to buy three birds with one stone as a gift for a friend,

g) show a cat who is afraid of something, but is curious,

h) depict a car that cannot start,

i) look at yourself in the mirror and praise yourself and don’t smile,

j) portray an adult who is afraid to ski down a hill.

Presenter: In my opinion, everyone in this game was spontaneous and worthy of an award. Everyone gets yuan.

9a. Competition "We all sang songs."

Presenter: All people strive for happiness. How to achieve it? The Chinese offer a very simple and wise answer in Chinese: happy is the cat who has the opportunity to hug three people every day and sing a song cheerfully.

So, the competition “We all sang songs.” I read the definition to a children's song, whoever guesses it first gets a winner token, and then everyone sings the song.

A song about a part of the land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from constantly eating tropical fruits (“Chunga-changa”);

A song about a heavenly-colored vehicle (“Blue Car”);

A song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes sunbathing (“I’m lying in the sun”);

A song about a plant that grew in the wild and was cut down by a peasant (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”);

A song about how fun it is to march with a group (“It’s fun to walk together”);

A song about a small insect creature whose color resembles a certain vegetable (“A grasshopper sat in the grass”);

A song about how bad weather conditions cannot ruin the holiday (“We will survive this trouble”).

9b. Game "Dance with fans".

Presenter: Dance with a fan - business card Chinese dance art. The fan is also used in oriental dances, for example, in Taijiquan (or “purple butterfly dance”). Skilled dancers sometimes wield their fans so daringly that you are amazed.

You are given a unique opportunity to feel like real Chinese dancers. The participant in the dance must hold a feather in the air with the help of a fan, and everyone in chorus counts who can dance the longest.

Presenter: Everyone distinguished themselves in this competition, because you not only have to hold the feather in the air longer, but also dance.

10. Game "Search for the flower of happiness."

Presenter: You are all a little tired, so I offer you an interesting and educational history of flowers.

In the poem, the heroine's name is simply Mulan. "Mulan" means "magnolia" ("Mu" means tree and "Lan" means "orchid"). Mulan is often given the surname Hua, which means "flower".

In China there is a legend about a mysterious flower of happiness. The tulip symbolizes success, love and protection. They wear it to protect life from poverty and all kinds of failures. Tulip is the house of the elves. If tulips are blooming in your garden or a vase of tulips in your apartment, know that little people are fluttering between the flowers.

And the elves will definitely visit you. But, as it happens, in a moment of misfortune and trouble there is no saving flower of happiness at hand. Today you have a unique opportunity to find a flower of happiness right here.

I think that each of you will find exactly what you are missing.

Paper flowers are laid out on the table with the text facing down. Each guest chooses her own flower and reads out loud which flower of happiness she needs most at this stage of her life.

White tulips know how to cleanse etheric fields.

To set yourself up for work, place seven buds in the center of the room. Turn the vase a quarter turn every day. After a week, take the flowers out of the house and leave them outside.

Your performance will increase. Reds

The red color of tulips is the color of love.

Gently ask the guy you care about if he likes red tulips. After this, at home, put a bouquet of these flowers in a vase and every time you look at the tulips, think about your young man. And you will see that he will treat you much better.


The orange color of tulips is the color of protest.

If you don’t find anything in common with all the people around you, let the tulips stand at your bedside overnight. All feelings of protest and misunderstanding will go away. And the next day there will be mutual understanding around you, your relationships with the people around you will become harmonious. Yellow

Yellow tulips attract money.

Decorate your home with bouquets of yellow tulips. Use fresh flowers or their image for this, because they also have the property of attracting money. Hang a picture of yellow tulips in a prominent place or make it your computer screensaver, this will help you gain wealth.

Variegated tulips are responsible for variety in life.

Place a bouquet of colorful tulips in a prominent place in your room. Every time you pass by a vase, smell the aroma of the flower. After some time, dramatic changes will occur in your life. Burgundy

Burgundy color tulips symbolize power.

By presenting a bouquet of burgundy tulips as a gift, you will win someone over and you can count on his generosity and kind attitude.


Marble tulips are responsible for the good attitude of people.

Are you tormented by conflicts at school and at home? Place flowers in the center of the room. Admire them and enjoy their beauty.

After some time, you will get rid of irritation and anger, and goodwill and mutual understanding will reign around you. Pink

Pink tulips improve your mood.

If you are bored, tired of everything, then buy a bouquet of pink tulips. Put them in a vase and pay attention to them more often. This will not only lift your mood, but also rid the room of viruses of irritation and anger.

Presenter: Let's raise our cups for happiness. For the happiness of the birthday girl and each of you. After all, we all know that, contrary to legend, happiness is not in a flower, but in those who are next to us - in our family and friends.

Comic lottery.

Presenter: Are you tired of active recreation, competitions and games? Let's count the amount of yuan earned. One box contains prizes, the other contains folded notes with the names of the prizes.

Each of you takes a note, reads what prize he got and takes it himself. The one with the most tokens starts.

In life you have to hope for the best

Take some glue if it doesn’t stick in real life. (glue)

You didn't win a penny, but a real ruler! (ruler)

You will walk around with a beautiful hairstyle,

Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane. (comb)

Why do you need a wallet?

Put the money in the bag. (plastic bag)

Get it, hurry up,

A notepad for you, write poetry. (notebook)

So that you can keep money,

We hand you a wallet. (wallet)

To keep your hair in order,

You will need a potholder. (scrunchy)

Yes, the lucky ticket is yours,

Hold your pencil like this. (pencil)

Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is?

Life will be joyful and bright. (marker)

And great love awaits you

And kisses all year round! (handkerchief)

There is no more important book than this

Only you are the writer in it. (Notebook)

We'll have to live by studying grief,

Don't forget about the days of the calendar. (watch)

Food break. Then there is a dance break, during which the table is prepared for tea.

11. Fortune telling with tea.

Presenter: Let's drink tea, but not ordinary tea, but Chinese green tea. The Chinese tea ceremony is not just drinking tea, it is a sacred event. Let's remember Chinese fortune telling with tea.

Chinese green tea without additives is suitable for fortune telling.

Basic rules of Chinese tea fortune telling:

Sugar is not added to fortune-telling tea.

Brew a spoonful of tea directly in the cup,

Cover it with a saucer or lid,

You wait no more than ten minutes,

Before you take a sip, think about the question you want to clarify,

You need to take a cup of tea with your left hand, the one closest to your heart.

If you saw a floating tea leaf, expect an expensive gift very soon,

If a tea stalk floats on the surface, it is a clear sign to guests from afar,

Drink all the tea to the bottom,

Turn the cup three times clockwise

Turn it upside down, put it on a saucer, leave it for a while,

Look into the cup: the pattern of tea leaves on the walls of the cup is the answer to your question!

Let's look at:

The handle of the cup should be on the left side.

Pay attention to the picture as a whole: does the picture consist of many disconnected, unrelated tea leaves? If the drawing is absolutely chaotic and the tea leaves do not communicate in any way, this means that Providence is still leaving your question unanswered. But by no means is this a negative answer!

It’s just that the time for an exact answer has not yet come.

Shape of tea leaves: if there are round tea leaves in a cup, your wish will certainly come true.

Light streams and stripes running along the edges of the cup - a road awaits you.

A stripe on the outside of the cup means the journey will be long.

The time of the upcoming action is determined by the location of the figure in the cup:

If it is on the edge of the cup or near the edge - present tense,

If the symbols are located at the very bottom - the distant future,

The closer the symbol is to the pen, the sooner the prediction will come true.

Look at the numbers and letters formed from tea leaves, which you must take into account when collecting the results of fortune telling into a single whole.

If the tea leaves have formed some kind of figure, we begin to unravel!

(detailed interpretation can be found in specialized literature, on the Internet)

12. "The ABC of Fate."

Presenter: You have all heard about Chinese predictions: the Chinese horoscope, the Druid horoscope, palmistry (fortune telling by hand)... Even by the face and gait, a soothsayer could predict the future. But there is also a prediction based on a person’s name, it’s all about a few letters that are components of your name. Let's look at this strange relationship between fate and name. Each letter has its own semantic and emotional connotation.

The meaning of a name can be obtained by summing up the meaning of each letter, while the influence of each letter in the name is not equal in strength. The letter that begins the word is most pronounced, then the most audible and repeated more than once. For example, take the name Anna. It has two letters "a". In all languages, this is a symbol of beginning, the desire to start and accomplish something. “N” (and even doubled) is a symbol of inner strength, the desire not to accept everything indiscriminately.

Hence "Anna" is a reasonable initiative.

A is a symbol of the beginning, a thirst for spiritual and physical comfort.

B - spiritual romanticism, constancy, strength, penetration abilities, desire to financially secure one’s life.

B - sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. Creative personality, focused on the future.

G - the desire for knowledge, entering into a hidden secret, the ability to understand everything, attention to detail, conscientiousness.

D - reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Extrasensory abilities.

E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight, the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.

Yo - energy of self-expression, emotionality, lack of restraint in passions.

Z - all-round defense of one’s own “I” from the outside world, high intuition, rich imagination. A person sometimes behaves like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand.

And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. He hides behind apparent practicality, hiding his romantic soft nature.

K - endurance, which comes from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, the life credo “all or nothing.”

M - caring personality, shyness is possible. Warning: you are part of nature, do not give in to the temptation to pull the blanket over yourself.

N - a sign of protest, inner strength, intelligence, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a person has a predetermined goal; one only needs to intuitively isolate it from the vanity of existence.

P - wealth of ideas, strong opinions, caring about one’s own appearance. This letter directs a person's mind to generalizations.

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, to delve into the essence: self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

C - common sense, desire for a strong financial position; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for this person to find his own path in life.

T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.

U is an active imagination, a generous, empathetic person, a philanthropist. The desire to rise to the highest spiritual level. A reminder to the owner: do not make utopian plans and remember that not every truth can be announced at every crossroads: in life there is an unpronounceable.

F - the need to shine, to be the center of attention, friendliness, originality of ideas containing a valuable grain of truth. The pleasure of making people happy. In my head there is a bizarre mess of all philosophical systems.

The ability to lie, to use supposedly necessary lies with the best intentions.

X - the attitude to succeed in life on your own, to gain authority and independence. A person is sensitive to what people say about him. This letter in the name reminds that its owner should not violate any moral law.

C is a leader, not devoid of pretensions, arrogance, conceit, but welded to traditions, unable to exist alone.

Ch - a part inseparable from the whole. The daughter clings to her mother, the night clings to the day. "Away" - separating a part from the whole without losing sight of it.

Ш - attentiveness to life, the ability to assess the situation at the slightest hint, whisper, rustle. Modesty and the ability to manage your affairs quietly. Developed sense of humor.

Ш - generosity, generosity, ability to penetrate, expand, driving force.

Kommersant - softness of nature, the ability to smooth out the rough edges of relationships.

Y - a sense of belonging, practical savvy, a tendency towards materialism, a down-to-earth spirit.

b - the ability to classify, divide, put into shelves.

E - the ability to see the background of events, the underside of people, good command of the language in speech and writing. Curiosity, sometimes excessive, nosy. The desire to show one's belonging to " good society".

Yu - the desire for truth, the ideals of universal equality and brotherhood, the ability for self-sacrifice and at the same time for cruel acts, supposedly dictated by higher considerations.

I am self-esteem, the desire to achieve the respect and love of others and the ability to receive them.

Presenter: Dear guests, now you have to plunge headlong into Chinese painting. There is a unique form of paintings in the Chinese painting tradition - a scroll. You have to create such pictures, but not alone.

Game "Scroll".

Guests take turns writing a few lines of congratulations to the birthday girl and wrapping what they wrote so that the next participant only sees the end of the phrase. After each guest writes something, the piece of paper is unfolded and what is written is read. The task is to write an original congratulation without repetition.

Presenter: I propose to raise the cups so that your wishes come true!


Presenter: Let's summarize. At the beginning of our holiday, you signed “Dedication to the birthday guest” and everyone fulfilled their vows: they had fun to the fullest, ate everything that was on the festive table, joked and said nice words to the birthday girl, danced, sang songs, took part in jokes and competitions

Our holiday was held in Chinese style. We, following Mulan Hua, had to go through all the tests that she had to go through on her life's path. You have all worthily gone through the stages of competitions and riddles to find your scroll of luck.

Now we solemnly present you with scrolls and talismans of good luck.

Presenter: China is considered to be the birthplace of the fan. The fan generates positive energy and will protect you from adversity! (each girl is given a Chinese fan).

Our scrolls had a hieroglyph on one side and its designation and talisman on the reverse.

You need to purchase scrolls in advance or make them yourself: find Chinese characters on the Internet, and I give you the designation of concepts and a description of the corresponding talisman below.

The hieroglyph meaning happiness helps you find your bird of happiness.

Traditional mascot

Figurine of the fairy Moon, goddess of happiness, love and joy. Her presence is believed to bless the house as a whole. A hieroglyph meaning prosperity, a symbol of glory and good fortune.

The traditional mascot is the turtle

A symbol of heavenly support and protection, as well as wisdom and longevity. She brings money and support useful people.

A hieroglyph meaning victory, a symbol of strength and power.

Moving metal mobiles are considered a traditional mascot. They represent a continuous flow of energy for achieving victories. The hieroglyph meaning luck brings good luck in any endeavor and success in business.

The traditional talisman is a hanging horseshoe. It symbolizes luck, abundance and prosperity.

The hieroglyph meaning health brings excellent well-being and good health.

Traditional health talismans are sunflowers, representing solar energy life. The hieroglyph for wealth carries spiritual and material wealth.

The traditional talisman for symbolizing wealth is a pot of abundance filled with gold or its imitation.

The hieroglyph for harmony brings peace, harmony and mutual understanding.

A dragon holding a magical pearl of wisdom is a symbol of complete harmony and the achievement of the goal of greatness, wisdom and immortality. Hieroglyph meaning love.

Traditional love talismans

These are paired items. They are excellent at activating romantic luck, most often using images of a pair of birds, usually mandarin ducks or cranes. ........

“Believe it or not” is an intellectual game known to many.
The rules of the “believe it or not believe it” game are very simple - the presenter asks questions, and the player decides whether to believe the information they contain or not.

Here are the questions for the “believe it or not believe it” game provided as an example:

For each correct answer we put a + Whoever has the most + on all questions is the winner and is awarded a valuable gift.
1. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)
2.Does Australia use disposable school boards? (No)
3. Was the fountain pen invented in Ancient Egypt? (Yes)
4. Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots at first? (Yes)
5. In Africa, fortified pencils are produced for children who tend to chew on anything? (Yes)
6.Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (No)
7.Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)
8. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)
9. Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? (Yes)
10. In one Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. (No)
11. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)
12.If you put a flounder on a chessboard, it will also become checkered. (Yes)
13.Spartan warriors sprayed their hair with perfume before battle. (Yes, this is the only luxury they allowed themselves)
14. Do mice grow up and become rats? (No, these are two different orders of rodents)
15.Can some frogs fly? (Yes, in the tropical forests of Asia and Africa)
16.Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)
17.Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with fluid)
18.Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)
19.Do people still wash themselves with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)
20.Can bats receive radio signals? (No)
21.Can't owls roll their eyes? (Yes)
22.Is moose a type of deer? (Yes)
23. At night, do giraffes use echoes to find the leaves they feed on? (No)
24. Are dolphins small whales? (Yes)
25. Does rhinoceros horn have magical powers? (No)
26. In some countries, fireflies are used as lighting devices? (Yes)
27.A monkey is usually the size of a kitten? (Yes)
28. Was Scrooge's lucky coin worth 10 cents? (Yes)
29.Duremar was selling frogs? (No, leeches)
30. Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)
31.Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)
32. Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America)
33. An elephant, meeting an unfamiliar relative, greets in the following way - puts its trunk in its mouth? (Yes)
34. Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)
35. In medicine, is the diagnosis of “Munchausen syndrome” given to a patient who lies a lot? 36. (No, such a diagnosis is given to a patient who has a constant desire to be treated)
37.The height of the Little Humpbacked Horse is two inches? (No, three)
38. First place among the causes of death from accidents in Japan in 1995. borrowed high heels? (Yes, almost 200 Japanese women died from falling from high heels)