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Caring for a newborn baby girl. Proper care of the intimate parts of a newborn girl

So, a girl appeared in the family. ABOUT gender differences It seems like it’s too early to say in education. But there are still differences in caring for a girl and a boy. How to care for a newborn girl?

The issue of intimate hygiene is the most important here. The anatomy of the female genital organs is such that they are more susceptible to external influences and irritants, as well as to germs and bacteria. The genital mucosa of a newborn girl is delicate and very sensitive, it can easily be injured. It requires careful and delicate care.

What to expect in the maternity hospital

In addition to positive emotions and frantic fatigue, a woman faces a lot of worries in caring for her newborn baby. Experienced mothers recommend getting involved in this process already in the maternity hospital. Here you can ask the medical staff for advice, here they will show you how to wash your baby, put on a diaper, swaddle her, and put her to her breast. If these skills are not developed, you will have to master this science on your own at home. Often mothers who have given birth to their first child experience uncertainty and fear that they might do something wrong or harm the baby. However, a week or two passes and everything gets better.

What may worry parents

In the first days and weeks of life, a number of features of the external genitalia and mammary glands can be observed in a girl. What are they talking about?

  • Plaque in the grooves between the labia. This is smegma - the secret of creamy or gray, which is produced by the external genitalia. If it is not removed, microbes can multiply in it, which will lead to redness and inflammation. How to remove smegma correctly? With help cotton pads and boiled water, without using detergents. The lubricant has a thick consistency, so it will be removed gradually; this procedure will take several days.
  • Swollen labia. This occurs due to an excess of female hormone in the girl’s body, which she received from her mother. After a few weeks, the swelling goes away.
  • Sticking of the labia minora, or synechia. It occurs due to excessive secretion and discharge of mucus from the vagina. To prevent synechia, the labia should be regularly parted, washed without soap, dried thoroughly, and lubricated with cream or sterilized vegetable oil. Low birth weight and premature girls have a higher risk of labia fusion. For extensive synechiae, the doctor may prescribe a special cream containing the male hormone estrogen.
  • Swelling and redness of the mammary glands. Associated with hormonal levels. It is not considered a pathology and goes away within a few weeks. Do not rub the mammary glands or squeeze liquid out of them. If you find an inflammatory process or severe redness, be sure to see a pediatrician.

Intimate hygiene

How to wash a newborn girl?

  • Before washing, mother must wash her hands with soap. After all, an infection can get into a girl’s vagina during care.
  • It is advisable to wash the girl every time she changes her diaper.. This happens after about 3-4 hours during the day. It is imperative to carry out hygiene after waking up in the morning and before going to bed at night.
  • Only under running water. You can't wash a girl in a basin. Water should only be running. When washing, place your hand under the running water to reduce the pressure. If the stool is dry, you should first moisten it and then rinse it off so as not to rub the baby’s delicate skin.
  • Towards the anus. This is done to ensure that fecal residues do not enter the vagina, otherwise it can cause inflammation. Hygiene of the external genitalia and anus should be separate. After hygiene of the anus, you need to wash your hands with soap, then wash the girl. If you wash your newborn baby properly, you can avoid getting E. coli into the vagina, which causes inflammation of the genitourinary tract.
  • The perineum can only be washed with plain water.. Sometimes for prevention it is worth adding chamomile to the water. Baby soap use when washing after bowel movements.
  • Don't use a washcloth. Wash the girl only with your hand, so as not to accidentally injure the genital mucosa with the sponge.
  • Remove any remaining cream or powder from the folds of the labia. They can be easily removed using cotton swabs and sterilized oil. This procedure should be done in the morning and evening.

In the first week of life, a girl may have vaginal discharge. They have the consistency of mucus mixed with blood. Don't let this scare parents. This discharge is called a hormonal crisis, and within a few days it goes away. Redness, an unpleasant odor, the purulent nature of the discharge, and its duration should alert you. In this case, you must urgently contact a pediatrician or pediatric gynecologist.

Prevention: 5 important points

Caring for newborn girls is not difficult if you follow simple rules washing and preventive measures.

  1. Ventilation after hygiene procedures. This is a prerequisite for protecting delicate skin from diaper rash. First, the newborn can take air baths for 5 minutes. Over time, you can increase them to 15–20 minutes. At the same time, the air temperature in the room should be comfortable so that the baby does not freeze.
  2. Comfortable water temperature. It should not be too hot or, conversely, cold. In the first month, when washing, the water should be warmer, then gradually the temperature can be reduced, especially in the hot season.
  3. Correct support when washing. Lay the girl with her back on her left forearm so that her head is in the crook of her elbow. Press her to your body, be sure to hold the baby by one thigh, wash right hand. At first, it is not entirely convenient to wash the child alone. It's good if there is an assistant nearby.
  4. Use boiled water. This condition must be met only in the first two weeks of life. Then you can safely wash the baby under running water from a regular tap. Take care of the purity and quality of your water in advance by installing purification filters.
  5. Use your own towel. Provide a separate towel for intimate hygiene. First you need to wipe the perineum, and then the butt. The movements should be delicate and blotting. You cannot wipe the inside of the labia, this leads to drying out of the vaginal mucosa and disrupts its natural microflora.

Don't overuse wet wipes. It is still better to perform intimate hygiene under running water. Napkins can be used in emergency situations: while walking, traveling, at the dacha. The child may be allergic to them.

Water procedures

How to properly bathe a newborn girl?

  • Immediately after the maternity hospital. It is not recommended to bathe the baby in a large bath until healing occurs. umbilical wound. Although many mothers deviate from this rule and from the first days of life they launch the baby into the “big swim”. In this case, of course, the bath is thoroughly disinfected.
  • Bathing time and frequency. Up to six months, the baby needs to be bathed every day. After six months you can do this every other day. Bathing time is selected individually, depending on the rhythm of the baby’s life. Most often, this is still evening exercise. Most children sleep well after a bath. But there are also kids who, on the contrary, are invigorated by this procedure.
  • Duration. You need to look at the child’s condition and reaction. In any case, the first bath should not be too long. 5–10 minutes is enough. In the future, the little “swimmer” can spend 30–40 minutes in the bathroom.
  • Immersion in water. It should go smoothly, without fuss and anxiety. The girl needs to be taken out in the same way, but immediately wrapped in a towel or diaper. There must be an assistant for these purposes. If you are bathing a girl in a small bath, pour water over her legs and tummy so that she does not have time to freeze. Use either a gentle shower spray or a ladle.
  • Washing all folds. A newborn girl often has diaper rash on the labia, butt, neck, elbow joints, popliteal cavities, between the fingers and toes. They need to be carefully inspected and washed.
  • Using detergents. Children's shampoos, gels, soaps are used once a week. On other days, the baby should be bathed in plain water.
  • Adding herbs. It is advisable to add decoctions of string or chamomile to the bathing water. If a child behaves restlessly, you can brew mint, lavender, and valerian.

After bathing, if necessary, you need to treat the folds on the skin with baby cream or oil.

How to properly care for a newborn girl? Should be under close attention intimate hygiene. All other procedures are no different from the principles of caring for a boy.


The indicated characteristics of the girl’s body oblige her to constantly carry out the necessary preventive measures to prevent diseases that may arise if the rules of personal hygiene are violated. Careless and inept care of a newborn girl can damage her health and lead to a delay in her physical development.

It is recommended to bathe a girl, just like a boy, after the umbilical cord falls off daily and be sure to wash it after each bowel movement.

When caring for newborn girls, it should be remembered that some girls develop mucous-bloody vaginal discharge on the 4-7th day of their life, which stops after a few days without requiring any treatment. During these days, nursery medical staff must carefully monitor the cleanliness of the child’s genitals. Sometimes newborns of both sexes experience physiological swelling of the mammary glands. Most often this occurs a few days after birth and lasts 2-3 weeks.

This phenomenon is due to the effect of maternal hormones on the body of a newborn child. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the skin, under no circumstances massage the gland, do not squeeze out its contents, and do not allow clothing to rub. The appearance of inflammation of the mammary glands in a girl may adversely affect their function in the future.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences that may disrupt important functions of the female body in the future, it is necessary to pay more attention to the prevention of childhood infections, promptly apply preventive vaccinations against diseases, and properly harden the child’s body.

Washing a newborn girl

It is best to wash newborn girls under running boiled water with a clean hand, very carefully, without any violence, from front to back, to prevent the penetration of microbes from the intestines.

It should be remembered that inflammatory processes in girls can occur when pinworms crawl from the rectum into the external genitalia. They cause itching, irritation, scratching and, therefore, inflammation.

If the genital area and buttocks are significantly contaminated with feces, you can use baby soap, lathering your own hand with it. After washing, the baby's skin should be carefully dried with a soft diaper or towel.

Systematic washing of the girl has, in addition to hygienic, also educational significance. So, over the years, the girl learns to perform this simple but necessary procedure on her own. Girls should not be allowed to share the same bed with their mother. All baby girl care items (washcloth, sponge, towel, basin, etc.) must be stored separately, and no one else should use them.

Additional care for newborn girls

It is absolutely necessary to monitor normal stools and timely bowel movements. Bladder. Overfilling of the bladder leads to posterior deviation of the uterus, and the accumulation of feces in the sigmoid and rectum pushes it anteriorly.

If these preventive measures are carried out in a timely manner early age girls, then the situation is wrong internal organs can be warned.

Prevention of damage to the genitourinary area in girls is also necessary. Girls should be restricted from riding bicycles. Excessive enthusiasm for cycling can, in addition to injuries, cause congestion in the pelvic organs.

For the proper development of a girl’s body, such general hygiene measures as extensive use of fresh air, sunbathing, water procedures, high-calorie nutrition, hygiene of clothing, shoes, etc. are of extremely great importance.

It is very important to harden a girl’s body from an early age.

The arrival of a baby in a family is always accompanied by great joy. At the same time, parents have a great responsibility. A lot of questions arise: how to care for it, what to feed it, how it should develop, whether to adhere to a special regime, etc.

Every mother knows the feeling of anxiety when her son or daughter feels unwell. Of course, the doctor remains the main assistant. Only a qualified specialist will correctly determine the origin of the ailment and prescribe the most appropriate treatment. However, parents need to know what and at what age children can get sick, what first aid needs to be provided, and what should be alarming.

Correct caring for a newborn in the first days will minimize the occurrence of troubles and leave only good impressions from the appearance of a long-awaited miracle.

First days of life of a newborn: care

Ucaring for a newborn on the first daylife takes place under the supervision of experienced specialists. Immediately after birth, the baby's airway is cleared, placed on the mother's stomach, and the umbilical cord is cut. A special bracket is applied to the stump, which promotes rapid drying and the fall of excess. The child's body is wiped with a damp cloth. An antiseptic is dropped into the eyes to prevent infection of the newborn's conjunctiva with gonorrhoeae. After the first treatment, the baby can be transferred to a special department.

After admission to the children's department nurse performs secondary processing. Typically, the procedure involves washing, treating the skin and skin folds, etc. From now on, every day the child will be examined by a neonatologist and during the rounds the mothers will be informed about the child’s condition. The doctor will also give necessary instructions care before discharge. While the baby is in the maternity hospital, doctors will take care of him. After discharge, the treatment is carried out by visiting nurses.

Ucaring for a newborn baby in the first monthafter discharge from the hospital

A newborn baby needs special, careful care. His well-being and health largely depend on this. As soon as mothers leave the maternity hospital and find themselves within their own walls, they can’t wait to immediately look at the baby.

Soon after discharge The newborn is visited at home by a local doctor and a nurse. The child undergoes a visual examination. If necessary, the necessary recommendations are given. After this, the mother is left alone with the baby. Now you have to feed, handle and bathe the baby yourself.

The first toilet is carried out by obstetricians, and on the fifth day vaccination against tuberculosis is given. This is an intradermal injection into the shoulder. A crust may appear in its place. Mom sees the wound only after coming home. Don't be afraid to process or wet the crust.

It is important to note that you can bathe your baby 10-12 days after birth. Depends on the condition. Until the wound heals, the ingress of water is unacceptable, since in this way various infections can rush into the child’s body. Microbes penetrate and are transferred to all organs and tissues, causing serious complications.

The eyes of a child in the first days after birth are the object of close attention. They will have to be washed with boiled water, tea or chamomile decoction. This must be done to avoid infection. Once the child begins to produce tears, the eyes will clear themselves. It will be enough to wipe the corners where dried discharge accumulates.

Feeding the baby

The first feeding took place in the maternity hospital, under the strict guidance of the staff. At home, you also need to follow the recommendations. We recommend reading more about breastfeeding in our articles:

ABOUTfeatures of newborn care depending on gender

Is it different caring for a newborn boy for the first time months away from caring for a girl? All mothers are puzzled by the question of whether they are properly caring for their baby, given its gender. Really, all the difference comes down to implementation.

Carefor a newborn boy in the first months

For boys, contrary to popular belief, you should not touch the foreskin during the washing process. Its purpose is to protect the internal parts of the genital organ. Pushing and pulling it increases the risk of infection.

Ucaring for a newborn girl in the first months

Newborn girls need to be washed as carefully as possible. It is important to wash your hands before the procedure. The perineum is washed from front to back. Since the vagina and anus are located close together, the risk of germs entering is high. Especially considering that newborns often have bowel movements.

Perhaps this is the only difference in care. All other procedures, such as feeding, bathing, washing, changing diapers, are absolutely identical. For a child of any gender, all rules must be carefully observed. In this case, the baby will grow up healthy, happy and contented, bringing joy to his parents.

It is important to remember that babies grow very quickly. Soon the fear of the first days of caring for your baby will be left behind and will bring a smile.

Caring for a newborn specialist video

The specialist tells how to carry out daily caring for a newborn in the first month, video:

Caring for newborn girls video

Doctor Parshikova talks about how to carry out care infirst month of a newborn's life, caring for a girl:

The worries during pregnancy and childbirth are over. Having undergone the last instruction in the hospital before discharge, mother and daughter find themselves at home alone with all the questions and everyday problems of caring for a newborn girl. How to solve them in the first month of a baby’s life and not be afraid of difficulties? Let's answer the most basic of them.

Daily hygiene

Morning routines It is better to do it closer to the second feeding, while the daughter is not yet hungry, in order to avoid crying. When she is hungry, she will not tolerate them well, demanding food. Morning procedures consist of several stages:

  1. Washing your face.
  2. Washing.
  3. Lubrication.
  4. Treatment of the umbilical wound.

Face wash

Under no circumstances should you splash water on a girl’s face. This will cause a negative reaction and fear towards the procedure itself. To do this, use a damp soft cloth and warm water.

Wipe each eye with a separate cotton swab from the outer corner to the bridge of the nose.

The ears are wiped with a damp cloth. Clean the ear canals very carefully with plastic-based cotton pads, avoiding penetrating deeply so as not to damage the thin membrane.

The nasal passages are cleaned with a cotton wool moistened with baby oil. When moving to the other nostril, change it to a new one. If there is a lot of discharge and it is difficult for the baby to breathe, then a small rubber syringe with a soft tip is used to suction it. To do this, first release the air from it, squeezing it in your hands, then lightly inject it into your nose.

Slowly unclench your hand. A stream of air sucks all the secretions inside. The contents are released into a cup of water, rinsing the tip. The same operation is performed with the other nasal passage. In this case, you can use baby drops with sea water - they are sold in pharmacies.

There is no need to wipe the mouth of a healthy girl, since the mucous membrane is very delicate. Sometimes, children develop a white coating on their lips, tongue and gums, caused by thrush. You should consult a doctor who will prescribe appropriate treatment.


A newborn girl's external genitalia are very tender and easily injured. Therefore, careless care of this area can cause inflammatory diseases. To avoid this, you should follow some rules:

  • wash only under a gentle stream of water, and not in a basin;
  • the direction of movements from front to back, slightly opening the labia majora, to avoid the accumulation of feces and urine residues there;
  • all movements are smooth and gentle, so as not to injure the mucous membrane;
  • water within 35–37°C, not higher.

Until your baby's umbilical wound completely heals, use special soft diapers with a cutout for the navel to avoid chafing. After changing the diaper, wash your butt with water so that urine residue does not irritate the delicate skin.

The structural features of the girl’s genital organs are the close location of the anus and vagina. To prevent contaminated water from getting on the genitals, the child is washed under a gentle stream of water from front to back, carefully holding his back down. In no case is it the other way around. Make sure that the stream of water does not injure the delicate body. Do not use soap - wash with clean water. In general, frequent use of soap for young children will only do harm. It is enough that you bathe your baby twice a week with baby soap and regularly change her into clean clothes.

After the water procedure, the skin is dried soft cloth on the changing table and let the daughter lie there for a few minutes without clothes. At this time, other measures to care for the girl are carried out, necessary after washing.


The baby's skin is especially sensitive to irritation in the first months. You should often lubricate the folds under the knees, in the groin area, under the armpits, and on the neck with baby oil. If the skin is a little moisturized, then use talc-based baby powder.

Treatment of the umbilical wound

This is one of the most important procedures in care. The umbilical wound of a newborn heals only by 7–14 days of life. For it to be successful, you need to treat it with hydrogen peroxide 2 times a day and lubricate it with cotton swabs dipped in an alcohol solution of brilliant green (green paint). The procedure is carried out until complete healing.

If parents notice swelling, redness or pus discharge from the wound, they should immediately inform the doctor. Its inflammation is serious and requires immediate treatment.

Caring for a newborn girl is no more difficult than caring for a boy, but it has its own characteristics due to the different structure of the genital organs. The main thing for a mother is not to panic in any situation and solve all problems that arise as they arise. Children's consultation specialists and a visiting nurse, who will visit you every day in the first days, will help with this.

In this article:

The appearance of a new person in the family is always joy, responsibility, new worries and big expenses. And this is a completely different way of life, which destroys the usual order of things. At the same time, the birth of your first child is always stressful. A young family, having escaped from under their parents' wings, is just learning to live independently. And then the baby appears, and again everything in life changes beyond recognition! The young woman, having barely realized that she is not a daughter, but a wife, tries on a new role - now she is a mother herself. To adapt to a new role, we suggest that a young mother consider the stages of her child’s development literally week by week until he turns one year old. As you know, if you see the future, then it’s not so scary to follow an unfamiliar path.

First week - getting to know each other

This week everything is happening for the first time for the young family. For mom, the first breastfeeding; for both parents, the first bath, the first sleepless nights and the search for a solution to problems with unexpected crying. All these points require clarity and explanation.

Let's not forget that the birth of a child is stressful not only for the parents, but also for the baby himself, and more so than for the young mother and father. The development of a child up to one year is very different from any other age period. This is his first acquaintance with the outside world, the first use of all parts of his body outside the womb. For the first time, the baby eats by mouth rather than receiving food through the umbilical cord. Taste, smell, touch, vision - in the first week everything is used for the first time. How many things will happen for the first time before the first year! But it is with these first steps that human development begins.


In the first week of a child's life, it is extremely important to establish breastfeeding. A young mother needs to get used to being with her child almost always, since separation from her mother is the cause of his anxiety. Nine months of development of the baby in the womb allowed him to constantly be with her, touch, feel, hear the heartbeat and

voice. And then the baby is separated from her, placed in different conditions. Therefore the most the right way To calm the baby down is to put him to the chest. This is required by the development of a child in the first week of life.

Also, let's not forget the fact that it is in the first month that the growth of a toddler requires not only calmness, but also nutrients that are found in mother's milk and help strengthen the child's body, and with them antibodies that protect him from all kinds of infections.

A few words about the first bath

Bathing for both the child and the parents can be both the most enjoyable and the most frightening procedure. It all depends on how correctly the young parents approach the execution of this action.

In order for the first impressions of swimming to be the most pleasant, the procedure must be started with great care. You should take into account all the factors to which the baby especially reacts in the first week. This includes the temperature of the water, constant communication with the child, as well as careful movements of the parents that do not cause discomfort to the baby. The duration of the procedure is of great importance. As soon as the parents notice the first signs of anxiety and discomfort in the child, bathing should be completed as soon as possible so that the next time the child recognizes the water, he will show a favorable attitude towards it.

Some physiological features of newborn development

These include:
weight loss;
shuddering in sleep;
peeling of the skin.

We propose to analyze each feature separately. Let's start with regurgitation. It should be noted that, despite the concern of young mothers, this normal phenomenon, and not only for newborns, but also for children up to six months. Regurgitation occurs because the food tract and nervous system are not fully formed. Also, the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon may be improper feeding, in which the child swallows air.
For a child in the first week of life, it is considered normal to regurgitate the food eaten in the amount of two tablespoons after each feeding and once a day in a “fountain”.
How can this be checked? Pour a couple of tablespoons of water onto the oilcloth and visually compare the amount of water with the amount of milk that the baby burped.

Weight loss. This is also normal in the first week of a baby's life. Adaptation to the external environment and a completely different way of eating is the only true, natural and acceptable explanation for this feature of babies in the first month of life. Very soon the baby will begin to actively gain weight.

Jaundice. Young mothers do not need to worry too much if the skin of their newborn baby acquires a yellow tint on the second or third day. This phenomenon is also typical for newborns in the first two weeks of life. If the skin of a baby long time has this shade, which means you need to check whether there is excess bilirubin in the blood. In this case, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Strabismus. Due to weakness of the eyeball muscles and the inability to focus on an object, a child's eyes may sometimes appear to be crossed. This can be easily fixed if desired. You just need to train the eye muscles of your beloved child. This workout is very easy to do. We need to help the baby master a new sense for him - vision. To do this, hang it above the crib. a bright toy, and within a few weeks the eyes will begin to move synchronously. Very rarely, strabismus can last up to six months, but this is not a cause for concern. Regular training, during which parents encourage the baby to follow the toy moving left and right, up and down, in a circle, will do the trick, and the problem will disappear.

Startling in sleep. Often the child's movements are chaotic. This applies to the first months of life, because in the womb the baby could not fully use his arms and legs, which cannot be said about the postpartum stage of life. Also, the cause of flinching can be ordinary fear. Moreover, the baby scares himself with his own hands, which touch his body in a dream. It is necessary to create the baby's sleeping conditions as in the mother's womb, for example, softly swaddle him, and when he is awake, slowly teach him

be friends with your arms and legs. Often, shuddering during sleep stops by the third or fourth month.

Peeling of the skin. The skin of the newborn baby is covered with a special lubricant. It is needed to facilitate the process of moving the child through the birth canal. Also, in the first days after birth, this lubricant protects the baby upon contact with air. You should wash off this lubricant only after a few days, when it is absorbed. During this period, the baby's skin adapts to the new environment, and the mother will be able to observe the exfoliation of unnecessary cells. To quickly free your child from keratinized particles of lubricant, you should not use soap products - it is better to take vegetable oil boiled in a water bath and cooled to room temperature. When going for a walk, it is necessary to protect the baby from gusts of wind and sun rays. If mom conscientiously follows these simple recommendations, the peeling will soon go away.

The second week of a child’s life – adaptation

By two weeks, the newborn begins to get used to his body, to his new environment. The umbilical wound is healing. The baby adapts to a new way of getting food. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is improved. The stool occurs three to four times a day and begins to return to normal. This is expressed primarily in an increase in body weight.

In the second week

the baby begins to explore the world around him, looking at it and listening to its sounds. From this moment the development of the child’s attention begins. He already fixes, albeit very briefly, his gaze on objects. Examines details at a distance of 20-25 centimeters. And during this period he begins to smile and express feelings with the help of facial expressions.

Since the formation of all processes in the child’s stomach and intestines continues, this is often accompanied by colic, in which the baby cries, draws in his legs or twists them. While breastfeeding, a mother should monitor her diet and nervous system, since stress and the wrong foods are some of the causes of colic. In the meantime, you will have to be patient and try to alleviate these anxious conditions for the baby with light tummy massages, water with the addition of fennel, or other means that the pediatrician will definitely recommend. Remember that this will not always be the case - this thought is comforting...

The third week is a week of small victories

The child’s exploration of the world around him begins to take place more actively. The baby tries to reach the toys that hang above his crib. And if you hang them at arm's length of a child, he will soon be try to grab them. Lying on their stomachs, children try to raise their heads and look at everything around them. But the weakness of the neck muscles does not yet allow them to hold their head up for a long time, although these attempts help strengthen them.

When someone communicates with a baby, he becomes quiet and listens carefully to the intonation of the interlocutor's voice. If she is calm, playful, and benevolent, the child begins to smile and walk. If the voice is even a little stern or angry, the baby may cry. For children of this developmental period, prolonged crying, often twenty minutes, is normal, especially before bedtime.

Its cause is the child’s inability to cope with overwhelming new impressions. Therefore, the transition from wakefulness to sleep is often turbulent. This will pass within a year, which is facilitated by the active development of the little man.

Fourth week – summing up

This the last week the first month of the child's life. Its development passes from the newborn period to infancy. The vestibular apparatus is intensively developing, which allows him to better and better sense the position of his body in space.

Baby starts
tries to roll over from back to tummy, briefly raises head to look at the world around him, tries to grab objects.
The muscles that allow the arms and legs to extend are already working better, but for now the flexor muscles are stronger, so the position of the child’s arms and legs is still half-bent. This is a normal condition in children in the first month of life, which is called muscle hypertonicity.

The first month of life is the control month. Parents should definitely visit a pediatrician and find out whether the child’s physiological development corresponds to age standards.
Here's what your baby should be able to do by the end of the first month of life:
fix your gaze on objects located at a distance of up to half a meter;
turn the head towards sounds;
recognize mom and dad, as well as older brother or sister;
Hold your head lying on your tummy for a short time.

Developmental norms for a child in the third month of life

The development of a three-month-old baby is characterized by the following skills. The baby can roll over from his back to his tummy, lie on his stomach, rise on his arms and remain in this position for several minutes. He actively communicates with mom and dad, “cooing” in response to words addressed to him.

This is the average data. If suddenly the child does not succeed in something, then there is no need to be upset: by the fifth month he will definitely make up for lost time.
In addition, at three months, children develop wrinkles on their arms and legs, and the babies become cuter and plump. This happens because the toddler begins to gain weight, and the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits increases. At this age, the child puts everything into his mouth, trying
to taste. It is at the age of three months that parents must visit a doctor for a mandatory examination.

Baby development in the fifth month

At this age, babies become very active. They try to crawl and generally do all sorts of tricks, so the most good place for them it is the floor, which turns into a place for active activity. The crib gets boring, and the baby always trying to get out of it. From this time on, you should begin to vigilantly monitor your restless child so that he does not cause harm to himself.

In addition, in the fifth month of life, children become more capricious. No, this is not because their character begins to deteriorate or they begin to show it. The reason is simple: the baby is teething. It is very painful, unpleasant, offensive and uncomfortable. Since the baby cannot express all his sadness to you in words, he cries, whines, and is mischievous. All this is accompanied profuse salivation and the desire to put everything that comes to hand into your mouth to scratch your gums.

To make teething easier, parents can buy special teethers, which are pre-cooled in the refrigerator and regularly treated with hygiene products. At night, the baby’s gums can be smeared with a special soothing ointment, which acts like ice caine - freezing painful areas. So baby and parents

will be able to sleep peacefully. You can buy such an ointment at a pharmacy. Don't forget to check the expiration date and read the instructions carefully!

And at five months, the child not only freely rolls over from his back to his tummy, but also makes attempts to sit up and even crawl. He pulls himself up on the arms in the crib and just lying on a horizontal surface, tries to reach the toy. The toddler can already play with objects for five to ten minutes. But the most interesting thing is that he tries to repeat words and syllables, copying human speech.

Seventh month

There is very little time left until the child reaches one year. During this period, its development has stepped forward significantly. From a completely helpless, constantly screaming lump, he turned into a cute and inquisitive toddler who pokes his finger at objects that interest him and tries to understand the meaning words addressed to him, many of which he already knows.
A high indicator of the mental development of a child of this age is that he experiences fear when parting with his mother. As for physical activity, children of this age can already stand on their feet, holding on to some kind of support, and move independently. If the baby loved to crawl, then at seven months he will do it quickly and confidently. It happens that children pass the crawling period and immediately move from a sitting position to a standing position on their legs, holding onto a support.

The long-awaited eleventh month

What did the child learn before reaching the age of one? Over the past four months, he has been getting better and better on his feet without the help of others, walking not only with support, but also without it, holding a spoon in his hands, and also drinking from a cup or sippy cup. The little one understands adult speech perfectly and can even answer simple requests: give it, put it back, take it off, etc. The baby is trying to explain himself and convey the meaning of his desires to his family with the help of words, although they are not yet clear enough.

The period up to one year is the time of preparation of the child for a completely new stage of his life, which, together with the acquired new capabilities, will bring him new discoveries and allow him to fully understand the world around him. After all, all the fun for the little one begins after reaching the first year of life.

The first year of a little princess's life is an interesting and unusually difficult period for her parents. Every day questions arise about caring for a newborn girl. Her future health directly depends on how well her parents take care of her.

Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl

It is important to properly organize the day, distribute all the basic procedures and activities, ensure hygiene and proper feeding. While in the maternity hospital you can always ask a doctor for advice, after discharge you have to make all decisions yourself.

Regular change of disposable diapers– the first step towards proper hygiene of the intimate area. On average, one diaper should be used for no more than 3 hours.

It is advisable to change them before feeding, and not after or after eating.

The skin under the diaper should not sweat, otherwise diaper rash may appear. Her color and appearance should not be any different from other parts of the body. If redness, peeling or other troubles appear, action must be taken as early as possible: dry skin must be moisturized with cream or baby oil, and too wet skin must be dried with powder.

Give your child air baths more often: it is not only useful, but also pleasant

Air baths are the best prevention of all problems.

Make it a rule to arrange them at the first opportunity: when changing a diaper, while changing clothes, before bathing. This will help the skin breathe.

In addition, this is a great way to harden the baby and train her thermoregulation system.

After each bowel movement, the girl must be washed with warm water.

Wiping with wet wipes is not enough the skin will not be completely cleansed, itching or inflammation may begin.

Washing the child under running water, and not in the pelvis, so that stool particles do not enter the vagina. The baby is held in one hand, and with the other, the skin is washed with gentle movements from front to back. Gynecologists recommend using baby soap every time.

Skin care

Newborns have very delicate skin, extremely sensitive to any irritating factors. When caring for it, it is important to ensure that it is neither too dry nor too wet.

To do this, you can use any creams, oils or powders specifically designed for caring for infants, the main thing is to ensure that they themselves do not cause an allergic reaction on the body. It's better to choose cosmetical tools with a minimum of additives.

Navel care

After the remainder of the umbilical cord falls off, the umbilical wound should heal well. Until this point, you need to make sure that it does not get wet or experience friction.

To dry it, you need to treat it with brilliant green twice a day - in the morning and in the evening after bathing. When putting on a disposable diaper, be sure to fold the outer edge outward so that the wound remains uncovered.

Cutting your nails

The child must have his own individual nail clippers

The baby is born with rather long nails and soon, with active movements, her hands begin to touch her face and can easily scratch herself.

Scratchy gloves, which are usually found in every home where they are preparing for the arrival of a baby, hardly help and come off almost immediately after putting them on.

Therefore, it is important to trim your nails as early as possible and then regularly monitor them as they grow back.

Sold in stores special children's scissors with rounded edges, so as not to accidentally injure the child when cutting. You can use these or buy regular manicure scissors, the main thing is that the baby has her own.


Newborn eyes do not require any special care, if everything is ok with them. You should not wipe them with any solutions, as this prevents the formation of natural microflora.

By following simple hygiene rules, you will be able to avoid such skin problems as

An important developmental milestone for both boys and girls is potty training. Read practical tips and recommendations

If you want to know the weight and height standards for your boys and girls, read

Hormonal crisis

Girls are more likely than boys to experience phenomena associated with the sexual crisis of newborns. We are talking about hormonal changes in the body after childbirth.

During pregnancy, a large amount of hormones are transferred from the mother to the fetus, the level of which decreases sharply after childbirth. The decline reaches its maximum by the end of the first week of the baby’s life. Such a change can lead to the appearance of vaginal discharge, physiological mastopathy, and the appearance of acne on the face.


At the end of the first week of life from the vagina mucus mixed with blood may begin to be discharged. This is a normal phenomenon and does not require any measures. Gently wipe the labia from mucus and maintain hygiene. The discharge will go away on its own in 10-14 days.

Physiological mastopathy

Slight enlargement of the mammary glands This is observed in almost all girls at the end of the first week. Sometimes the skin around the nipple may become slightly red, and there may be a white discharge from the nipples themselves. They should not be squeezed out, and the skin itself should be treated very carefully, avoiding friction and irritation.

All these phenomena should pass by the end of the first month of life.

Hormonal rash

Appears in 25% of children as a reddish rash on the face, sometimes with white dots in the center. It does not require treatment and goes away on its own by 1-3 months of the baby’s life. This rash is also associated with changes in hormonal levels.

The mother's diet and taking antihistamines in this case will not reduce the number of manifestations and will not affect the speed of recovery.

When to go to the gynecologist?

Scheduled preventive examination by a gynecologist All girls pass at the age of 1 month. But there are a number of cases when it is worth showing the child to the doctor earlier than this period.

Here are the symptoms that parents should pay special attention to:

  • The appearance of vaginal discharge with unpleasant smell or pus; redness of the labia or severe swelling. All this may indicate an inflammatory process.
  • Crying and screaming with every urination, changes in the structure of the genital organs. The child should be shown to a specialist to exclude the occurrence of synechiae (fusion of the labia minora). For girls synechiae is a dangerous and extremely unpleasant phenomenon. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance that they will not become chronic.
  • Severe swelling and hardening of the breast, its sharp redness and soreness. Sometimes, against the background of physiological mastopathy, mastitis develops if at this moment an infection gets into the mammary gland. At the same time, the temperature may rise, and the child becomes lethargic or too restless. In the initial stages, the disease can be cured with conservative methods - compresses, physiotherapy, but purulent mastitis can only be treated in a hospital.

Compliance with the rules of caring for a newborn girl requires a lot of time and attention from parents. The regime helps to ease all the difficult stages of the first months of life, because if the procedures are distributed evenly throughout the day, they will soon become a useful habit.

With a properly organized regimen and attentive care, the first month of a baby’s life will be a wonderful time for the whole family.

We hope that the proposed video will help you cope with the difficulties of the first days after the maternity hospital.

In contact with

With the birth of a daughter, a lot of pleasant troubles appear in the family. Moms need to know how to exercise correctly caring for a newborn girl in the first days. Mom and baby are waiting at home loving husband and dad, grandparents. Everything is ready to welcome the princess: a spacious sunny room, a crib, a stroller and the first toys, a bathtub, bottles and dishes for feeding, diapers and diapers, clothes for the baby. Patience and a few subtleties in caring for babies will help young mothers and fathers.

In the first month of the princess's life

Young mothers, and especially fathers, are a little afraid of newborn babies. This is because not everyone knows how to take care of babies. The most important rule is not to harm and not to miss, that is, to notice everything that happens to the baby, consult a doctor in time, monitor the child’s health and help him grow. Healthy eating and hygiene, love and care will help the baby get stronger. In its first days, the baby opens new world, the body adapts to the new environment. A healthy child eats with appetite, sleeps well, smiles more often than he cries, and gains weight. If the child is restless, capricious, or noticeably lethargic, you should call a doctor at home or visit a good pediatrician, do all the necessary tests and find the cause. Infants may have problems digesting food due to dysbiosis or infection. Kaprogram will help identify the state of the intestinal microflora.

A joy for parents, but we must remember that bathing for a newborn daughter should also be pleasant. It is necessary to prepare the water not hot, but slightly warm, so as not to frighten the child. If your daughter is afraid of hot water, she will be afraid to swim for several years.

The water should be clean, but you can add a decoction of the string. It is important to talk to your child while bathing, smile and make sure that water does not get into the respiratory system or ears. For safety, the baby's head must be supported from the back of the head. If the baby rolls over onto her tummy, then one of the parents bathes her and the other supports her head.

It is better to bathe your child before bedtime. Water procedures calm the nervous system, so after bathing children sleep well. After taking a bath, the child should be dried on a towel and do simple exercises with him, clean his nose and ears, and wrap him in fresh diapers for sleep.

How to wash a newborn baby girl under the tap

It's no secret that newborn babies don't yet know how to ask to go potty. Very often there is a need to change diapers. It is important to wash the girl after each bowel movement, changing diapers, and always before bed. Young mothers don't know how to wash a newborn girl correctly, see what Dr. Komarovsky thinks.

You need to wash the child not in a basin, but carefully under running water, directing movements from front to back. You need to hold the baby in one hand, and wash the skin with baby soap with the other hand. Washing- this is a natural hygiene procedure and the girl should get used to cleanliness from the cradle.

How to collect urine from a newborn girl at home

Urine for analysis is collected only in sterile containers. A deep ceramic plate, previously scalded with boiling water, is suitable. How to take urine from a newborn girl Every mother should know. The girl needs to be washed and held over the container for some time until urination occurs. To make the baby pee faster, you should give her some water before the procedure.

The sound of water also stimulates urination. If you collect urine in the bathroom, you should turn on the water tap. It is not recommended to use special urine collection bags, so as not to further injure the child’s skin.

After the procedure, the urine must be poured into a sterile jar and closed with a lid. A small tag should be placed on the jar with the baby’s name, address and phone number of the parents so that the urine is not accidentally mixed up and accurate test results are obtained. Analysis of urine will tell you a lot about the child’s health.

The key to health is cleanliness. With the birth of a daughter, parents should know how to care for a newborn girl after maternity hospital. The princess's room should be ventilated at least twice a day, clean and bright. Walking in the fresh air is a must in any weather. Lack of oxygen harms the child’s body the most. The brain and heart suffer first. Therefore, do not be lazy to go outside with a stroller twice a day for an hour or two.

Next to the girl’s crib there should be a table or chest of drawers in which hygiene products are stored: cotton wool and bandages, baby cream and powder, baby soap, an enema and a water thermometer, brilliant green, a heating pad, diapers and diapers, caps. All this must be sterile. For example, diapers must not only be washed, but also ironed.

It is important to follow a daily routine. The morning begins with washing. It is enough to moisten a cotton pad in warm water and wipe the eyes and skin of the face, folds behind the ears. In the morning it is also good to let your child drink as much water as he can. It is very beneficial for the stomach and intestines. You should also start exercising in the morning and combine it with taking air baths. The girl herself will begin to raise her head and roll over if she is placed on a flat, spacious surface, having previously covered it with terry towel or a diaper. You can do a massage at the same time. The child's muscles must work to get stronger faster.

After the first breakfast, the girl needs sleep - an hour or two. It is best to walk outside at this time. After sleep, you should wash the girl, change diapers and clothes and get ready for lunch feeding. Another walk after lunch lasting up to two hours in good weather is beneficial not only for the baby, but also for the mother.

In the afternoon there will be another feeding and linen change. There will be time left for educational games with the baby. Newborn children understand everything and need to talk and sing with them. For babies, mother's songs are very important because they feel loved.

Evening exercise is accompanied by feeding, rest and bathing. There may be problems with stool or vice versa. If the baby has a tummy ache, then you need to stroke the tummy clockwise several times. Before going to bed, be sure to bathe your baby to ensure a restful sleep and good health.

What can you give to a newborn girl?

Relatives and family friends will wish to give the baby a gift. The first time gifts are brought into the house, welcoming the princess from the maternity hospital. Practical gifts will help parents in the first months not to worry about purchasing diapers, bottles, diapers, and cribs. The first month is really difficult to get everything done, and if you donate the necessary things, then everyone will be pleased.

Baptism gifts for a baby are different in that they should be remembered for a long time. For example, future godparents can give a silver spoon or a cross. Godparents also give money so that parents can buy everything they need for their goddaughter.

Clothes for girls can be made by hand. Knitted booties either a dress or a handbag will really please a girl in the future. But the princess will appreciate a cap decorated with flowers even in the first month of her life. Babies notice everything that happens, listen and understand. The bright bonnet will be a constant subject of research.

Grandma can give you a musical pot. Of course, this is a gift for future use, but the sooner the baby learns to go potty, the less hassle mom has with diapers and onesies. A table with a chair for eating and educational games will also come in handy. The playpen will be appreciated more by the mother, but the baby will also like it.

Dads love to give their princesses gold earrings. This is a beautiful and expensive gift for a girl, but you can try it on after a year. However, the process itself is important. A girl should have jewelry.

What did you give to your daughter? Leave your opinion or review for everyone.

So, a girl appeared in the family. It seems too early to talk about gender differences in upbringing. But there are still differences in caring for a girl and a boy. How to care for a newborn girl?

The issue of intimate hygiene is the most important here. The anatomy of the female genital organs is such that they are more susceptible to external influences and irritants, as well as to germs and bacteria. The genital mucosa of a newborn girl is delicate and very sensitive, it can easily be injured. It requires careful and delicate care.

What to expect in the maternity hospital

In addition to positive emotions and frantic fatigue, a woman faces a lot of worries in caring for her newborn baby. Experienced mothers recommend getting involved in this process already in the maternity hospital. Here you can ask the medical staff for advice, here they will show you how to wash your baby, put on a diaper, swaddle her, and put her to her breast. If these skills are not developed, you will have to master this science on your own at home. Often mothers who have given birth to their first child experience uncertainty and fear that they might do something wrong or harm the baby. However, a week or two passes and everything gets better.

What may worry parents

In the first days and weeks of life, a number of features of the external genitalia and mammary glands can be observed in a girl. What are they talking about?

  • Plaque in the grooves between the labia. This is smegma - a cream or gray secretion that is produced by the external genitalia. If it is not removed, microbes can multiply in it, which will lead to redness and inflammation. How to remove smegma correctly? Using cotton pads and boiled water, without using detergents. The lubricant has a thick consistency, so it will be removed gradually; this procedure will take several days.
  • Swollen labia. This occurs due to an excess of female hormone in the girl’s body, which she received from her mother. After a few weeks, the swelling goes away.
  • Sticking of the labia minora, or synechia. It occurs due to excessive secretion and discharge of mucus from the vagina. To prevent synechia, the labia should be regularly parted, washed without soap, dried thoroughly, and lubricated with cream or sterilized vegetable oil. Low birth weight and premature girls have a higher risk of labia fusion. For extensive synechiae, the doctor may prescribe a special cream containing the male hormone estrogen.
  • Swelling and redness of the mammary glands. Associated with hormonal levels. It is not considered a pathology and goes away within a few weeks. Do not rub the mammary glands or squeeze liquid out of them. If you find an inflammatory process or severe redness, be sure to see a pediatrician.

Intimate hygiene

How to wash a newborn girl?

  • Before washing, mother must wash her hands with soap. After all, an infection can get into a girl’s vagina during care.
  • It is advisable to wash the girl every time she changes her diaper.. This happens after about 3-4 hours during the day. It is imperative to carry out hygiene after waking up in the morning and before going to bed at night.
  • Only under running water. You can't wash a girl in a basin. Water should only be running. When washing, place your hand under the running water to reduce the pressure. If the stool is dry, you should first moisten it and then rinse it off so as not to rub the baby’s delicate skin.
  • Towards the anus. This is done to ensure that fecal residues do not enter the vagina, otherwise it can cause inflammation. Hygiene of the external genitalia and anus should be separate. After hygiene of the anus, you need to wash your hands with soap, then wash the girl. If you wash your newborn baby properly, you can avoid getting E. coli into the vagina, which causes inflammation of the genitourinary tract.
  • The perineum can only be washed with plain water.. Sometimes for prevention it is worth adding chamomile to the water. Use baby soap when washing after bowel movements.
  • Don't use a washcloth. Wash the girl only with your hand, so as not to accidentally injure the genital mucosa with the sponge.
  • Remove any remaining cream or powder from the folds of the labia. They can be easily removed using cotton swabs and sterilized oil. This procedure should be done in the morning and evening.

In the first week of life, a girl may have vaginal discharge. They have the consistency of mucus mixed with blood. Don't let this scare parents. This discharge is called a hormonal crisis, and within a few days it goes away. Redness, an unpleasant odor, the purulent nature of the discharge, and its duration should alert you. In this case, you must urgently contact a pediatrician or pediatric gynecologist.

Prevention: 5 important points

Caring for newborn girls is not difficult if simple washing rules and preventive measures are followed.

  1. Ventilation after hygiene procedures. This is a prerequisite for protecting delicate skin from diaper rash. First, the newborn can take air baths for 5 minutes. Over time, you can increase them to 15–20 minutes. At the same time, the air temperature in the room should be comfortable so that the baby does not freeze.
  2. Comfortable water temperature. It should not be too hot or, conversely, cold. In the first month, when washing, the water should be warmer, then gradually the temperature can be reduced, especially in the hot season.
  3. Correct support when washing. Lay the girl with her back on her left forearm so that her head is in the crook of her elbow. Press it to your body, be sure to hold the baby by one thigh, and wash it with your right hand. At first, it is not entirely convenient to wash the child alone. It's good if there is an assistant nearby.
  4. Use boiled water. This condition must be met only in the first two weeks of life. Then you can safely wash the baby under running water from a regular tap. Take care of the purity and quality of your water in advance by installing purification filters.
  5. Use your own towel. Provide a separate towel for intimate hygiene. First you need to wipe the perineum, and then the butt. The movements should be delicate and blotting. You cannot wipe the inside of the labia, this leads to drying out of the vaginal mucosa and disrupts its natural microflora.

Don't overuse wet wipes. It is still better to perform intimate hygiene under running water. Napkins can be used in emergency situations: while walking, traveling, at the dacha. The child may be allergic to them.

Water procedures

How to properly bathe a newborn girl?

  • Immediately after the maternity hospital. It is not recommended to bathe the baby in a large bath until the umbilical wound has healed. Although many mothers deviate from this rule and from the first days of life they launch the baby into the “big swim”. In this case, of course, the bath is thoroughly disinfected.
  • Bathing time and frequency. Up to six months, the baby needs to be bathed every day. After six months you can do this every other day. Bathing time is selected individually, depending on the rhythm of the baby’s life. Most often, this is still evening exercise. Most children sleep well after a bath. But there are also kids who, on the contrary, are invigorated by this procedure.
  • Duration. You need to look at the child’s condition and reaction. In any case, the first bath should not be too long. 5–10 minutes is enough. In the future, the little “swimmer” can spend 30–40 minutes in the bathroom.
  • Immersion in water. It should go smoothly, without fuss and anxiety. The girl needs to be taken out in the same way, but immediately wrapped in a towel or diaper. There must be an assistant for these purposes. If you are bathing a girl in a small bath, pour water over her legs and tummy so that she does not have time to freeze. Use either a gentle shower spray or a ladle.
  • Washing all folds. A newborn girl often has diaper rash on the labia, butt, neck, elbow joints, popliteal cavities, between the fingers and toes. They need to be carefully inspected and washed.
  • Using detergents. Children's shampoos, gels, soaps are used once a week. On other days, the baby should be bathed in plain water.
  • Adding herbs. It is advisable to add decoctions of string or chamomile to the bathing water. If a child behaves restlessly, you can brew mint, lavender, and valerian.

After bathing, if necessary, you need to treat the folds on the skin with baby cream or oil.

How to properly care for a newborn girl? Intimate hygiene should be under close attention. All other procedures are no different from the principles of caring for a boy.


Each future mom waiting for the moment when she can take her long-awaited baby in her arms. Pregnant women also worry about how to properly care for newborn girls and boys. This article will focus on representatives of the fairer sex. You will learn how to care for newborn girls up to 1 month.

Required Items

Caring for newborn girls in the first month of life requires the availability of certain funds. These include bathing devices. This includes a bathtub, body wash, washcloth and towel.

You will also need clothes for the baby. You can purchase diapers, rompers, vests, suits or bodysuits. Currently, manufacturers offer new mothers a large selection of products.

Be sure to prepare a first aid kit. It should include the following products: brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, body oil, diaper rash cream or powder. Hygiene products include the purchase of diapers, wipes, cotton swabs and cotton wool.

Washing the baby

Daily care for newborn girls involves mandatory washing of the genitals. It is worth saying that the fair sex is more susceptible to infection and inflammation.

Washing should be done after each bowel movement. In babies, this happens from one to seven times a day. Remember that feces should not touch the labia. You need to hold the baby while washing with your left hand. The back of the crumb should be along your forearm. Wet the genitals with clean water and apply a little special product. Remember that frequent use of regular soap can dry out the skin and lead to fusion of the labia. All your movements are carried out strictly from the folds to the anus. After washing the genitals, it is necessary to dry and treat them properly.

Intimate care for newborn girls

The treatment of the genitals is very different for boys and girls. After water procedures, the baby must be placed on a changing table or any other surface. After this, carefully spread the baby’s legs and blot the labia with a towel. Then wipe out the creases as well. Remember not to rub your baby's delicate skin.

Take baby cream for application under a diaper or a product containing panthenol. Regular oil can also be used. With this composition you need to wipe the folds in intimate area. This will avoid overdrying and also prevent skin irritation.

In the first week after birth, the baby may discharge clear mucus or bloody fluid from the vagina. Don't be afraid of this symptom. This is a normal reaction of the body to the removal of maternal hormones. When such a symptom appears, you need to regularly clean the genital folds and monitor the intensity of the discharge. If they do not go away within one week, then you should consult a pediatrician for advice.

Washing and facial care

Washing your face should become a tradition and be repeated every morning. Remember that the water should be pleasant. Never spray in your baby's face. This can provoke a negative reaction and frighten the child. Wet your hand and gently wipe the baby's skin. After this, carry out standard cleaning procedures.

Be sure to wipe your nose. This should be done with a cotton tube soaked in baby oil. If necessary, use an aspirator. It is also worth cleaning your ears. Use only cotton buds with a stopper and do not push them inside the ear. If necessary, wipe the eyes. Usually special formulations are prescribed for this. However, if your baby does not have problems in this area, then you should not touch the organs of vision again.

Girl bathing

Caring for newborn girls involves bathing babies every day. The water temperature should be at 36-37 degrees. It can be measured using a special thermometer.

In the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital, the baby must be bathed in treated water. For this, boiled liquid is used. You can also use remedies such as potassium permanganate, chamomile decoction or string. These compositions allow you to maximally protect the baby’s umbilical cord from infection. On the day when the baby's umbilical cord separates, you should refrain from bathing.

Skin treatment

Caring for newborn twin girls is no different from caring for one baby. After bathing, their body must also be treated with special means. If you have twins, then you need to do this alternately. Ask your loved ones for help. Have someone stay with one of the babies while you care for the second child.

Place the baby on a hard surface and unfold the towel. Gently blot all folds. Pay special attention to the intimate area. Caring for this part of the body is described above. Lubricate the folds of the baby with oil or softening cream. In the first days, a girl’s mammary glands may secrete a transparent sticky substance. Its composition is similar to colostrum. This process is provoked by the same maternal hormones. Do not touch this area again. Within a few days, such signs will disappear.

Special attention to the umbilical cord

Caring for newborn girls involves mandatory treatment of the umbilical cord. For this you will need alcohol and brilliant green. Use a cotton swab to disinfect the area where the umbilical cord attaches to the baby's skin. After this, wipe the indicated areas with brilliant green.

When the umbilical cord falls off, you should also use peroxide. Drop some liquid into the hole and wait for it to react. After this, blot the wound with a cotton swab and treat it with brilliant green. It is necessary to repeat the manipulation after each bathing of the newborn girl. As soon as the peroxide stops fizzing (after about 15-20 days), the treatment can be canceled.


Now you know how to care for newborn girls, twins, and twins as well. If you do not know what to do in a particular case, contact your pediatrician. Experienced grandmothers, mothers and friends can also give practical advice. Remember that caring for a newborn baby should bring warmth and love. I wish you success!