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Cross stitch lessons for beginners. Counted cross stitch: embroidery technique, calculation features, recommendations and diagrams

Embroidery instructions

1. Preparation for work.

Canvas and diagram

These cross stitch instructions will help you understand how to properly embroider according to the pattern and where to start. Determine the center of the embroidery by folding the canvas in four. It corresponds to the center of the diagram, which is defined by two intersecting lines with arrows at the ends. Please note that the diagram does not reflect finished size embroidery The cells in the diagram correspond to the squares on the canvas. Empty cells indicate areas that are not embroidered (Fig. 1).


The skein floss consists of 6 threads. To ensure that the finished work does not differ from the photo on the cover of the set and to avoid shortages of floss, use the number of threads strictly indicated in the pattern of the set. Figure 2 shows what “1-thread embroidery” and “2-thread embroidery” mean.

2. Cross stitch

It is more convenient to embroider from the center, moving towards the edges. First, the main stitches-crosses and half-crosses are embroidered, then additional stitches - line stitch, French knots, etc. The working thread is secured on the wrong side under the first few stitches (Fig. 3). Having completed the fragment, finish the piece of thread, also passing it under the existing stitches. There is no need to make knots, as the embroidery will look uneven.

It is better to embroider in horizontal rows. Place the bottom stitches first, moving in one direction, then the top stitches, returning (Fig. 4). To ensure neat embroidery, keep the top and bottom stitches in the same order. The thread tension should be the same, moderately loose, so that the cross is voluminous.

When moving from one piece of embroidery to another, do not pull the thread from the wrong side more than 2-3 cm, otherwise the embroidery will bristle. It is better to cut the thread and fasten it again in another area.

If you make a mistake, unravel the stitches with a needle; unraveling with scissors can damage the canvas.

3. Extra stitches

They are performed last, on top of embroidered crosses.

Seam stitch

This seam is used to sew individual details to give the embroidery more expressiveness. In the diagram it is indicated by thin lines.

Performed using the “back needle” method. The needle comes out to the front side at point 1 and goes to the wrong side at point 2. Then it comes out from the wrong side at point 3 and returns along the front side to point 1, etc. (Fig. 5). It is better to break long stitches into small ones, 1-1.5 cm long, while clearly following the pattern.

Stem seam

Performed from left to right, using the “back needle” method. The needle comes out to the front side at point 1 and leaves at point 2. The needle with the second stitch 2-3 comes out to the front side at point 3, the middle of the previous stitch 1-2, enters the canvas at point 4 and comes out at point 5, coinciding with point 2 (Fig. 6). The working thread should always be on one side. You cannot change the direction of the thread during work, otherwise the structure of the seam will be disrupted. All stitches must be the same size.

French knot

Bring the needle from the wrong side to the right side of the canvas. Wrap the thread around the point of the needle (once for a single-wound knot, twice for a double-wound knot). While pulling the thread, bring the needle point to the wrong side, departing 1-2 mm from the outgoing thread. Gently pass the needle to the wrong side while pressing the knot thumb. Tighten the knot (Fig. 7).

Attaching beads

Thread the needle and bring it to the front side of the embroidery. Thread the bead onto a needle and lower it down the thread all the way to the canvas. Bring the needle inside out at the same point to secure the bead in place (Fig. 8).

4. Washing and ironing

We recommend washing the finished embroidery in a lukewarm soapy solution, then gently wringing it out, wrapping it in a towel, and letting it dry a little while flattened. Iron the wet work face down on the towel, without pressing, so that the crosses on the front side do not wrinkle and remain convex.

5. Design

Designing finished embroidery is an art. It is of great importance and should harmoniously complement the picture. It is important to correctly choose the color and size of the mat, the style and texture of the frame. To do this, it is best to contact a framing workshop.

Cross-stitching on patterned canvas is quite exciting. This activity is still popular today, because during embroidery the nerves calm down and motor skills improve. Read more about cross stitch on canvas later in this article.

A canvas with a pattern is a diagram with a colored pattern applied to it. Drawing allows you to practice anywhere without using a pattern or counting cross technique.

The pattern applied to the canvas allows you to embroider the product without using patterns and without resorting to the “” technique.

There are a large number of different patterns on canvas. There are patterns for beginners, and there are for those who have already mastered basic embroidery. Large and complex patterns are intended for experienced needlewomen, so to begin with it is better to take a small canvas so that you can embroider calmly and not suffer.

Pay attention to the master class with the basics of cross stitch techniques for beginners: .

Drawings on canvas for cross stitch

Handicraft stores offer a huge number of different designs. You can choose a small canvas with simple pattern, the packaging should also indicate what size the canvas is and approximately how long it will take to embroider it.

Drawings come with or without spaces. For cross stitch there are special names for canvas - helios, you can also try it to understand whether it is convenient for you to work with it.

Peacock embroidery is quite complex and requires a large number of floss threads, so to begin with it is better to take a small and simple canvas with a pattern, for example a bear or a cat.

The pattern allows you to embroider quickly and without nerves beautiful picture. Now you need to understand what is better: ready-made embroidery kits or buying them separately?

You may also find this material about the parking method in cross stitch useful:.

Cross stitch kits with patterned canvas

Now on the shelves of craft stores you can find ready-made cross stitch kits. They are available in different sizes and configurations, so you must carefully read the information on the packaging before purchasing the set.

Ready-made kits already include all the elements necessary for embroidery:

  • Embroidery pattern;
  • Floss threads in the required colors;
  • Embroidery needle;
  • Hoop;
  • Canvas with a pattern.

Such embroidery kits have a number of advantages.


  1. The colors of the threads in such assemblies are chosen perfectly, which saves time and makes the final picture neat and beautiful.
  2. The price of such kits is usually low, but this kit contains everything you need for embroidery.

Now that you have purchased all the elements necessary for embroidery, you can start embroidering. How to do this correctly using canvas?

How to cross stitch on canvas with a pattern

You can transfer what you want onto fabric using the following instructions.

The embroidery technique is the same for any pattern:

  1. The first step is to prepare all the embroidery tools. At the workplace, lay out your fingers, floss, canvas with a pattern, and scissors. Workplace should be well lit.
  2. Now you need to measure the fabric. To do this, you need to count the crosses horizontally and vertically, step back 10 cm on each side from the beginning in order to fit the entire pattern.
  3. The third step is to measure the thread and decide which end to start embroidering from. Most often they start from the upper left corner, in this case the crosses are directed from left to right, the rows are embroidered in turn.
  4. Next, you need to secure the thread without using a knot. It is best to secure the tail of the thread on the front side under the cross.
  5. Now we prepare the hoop. After securing the fabric, you need to take the thread with a needle, leaving a tail on the wrong side, now the needle is threaded into the lower left corner and threaded diagonally into the upper right corner. Now do the same in the opposite direction to form a cross. Repeat to the right as many diagonal stitches as indicated in the diagram.
  6. It should be remembered that the crosses should not be too tight or, on the contrary, be weak. Soon your hand will get used to it, and the crosses will turn out perfect.

You may also find this material with master classes on thread fastening when cross stitching useful:

Sometimes you want to do something with your own hands, something beautiful and not like everyone else’s. This question is especially acute when loved ones begin to think about what to give their beloved relative for his birthday. And it's good if you know how to cross stitch beautiful pictures, then this gift will not leave anyone indifferent. And if you don’t yet know how to create masterpieces with your own hands in this way, don’t rush to get upset. After reading the material, you will be able to embroider pictures yourself without any outside help.

The process of cross stitching itself is not complicated. Moreover, there are now so many auxiliary materials for this. You don't even need to create drawings yourself, just choose the one you like and start working with it. Oh yes, perhaps, sitting down to this activity is probably the most difficult thing in this matter. Because the activity requires a lot of time and patience.

It also doesn't hurt to buy:

  • hoops, it is more convenient to embroider with them;
  • a needle with a thin eye;
  • floss threads;
  • canvas or aidu fabric - these fabrics have a special texture, thanks to which cross-stitching becomes a pleasure.

Cross stitch rules for beginners:

  • It is best to start working from the middle of the picture. In addition, if you have drawings on the diagram in dark colors, then start working with them. Because light threads get dirty faster.
  • If you want to receive beautiful drawing, then take a hard, vinyl canvas. You can embroider images on it even without a hoop.
  • Canvas is sold in sets light color, often by the end of the work it loses its snow-white appearance. It's not critical. You just need to wash it in warm water and regular soap.

  • To make it easier for you to look at the pattern of the design and embroider, even in daylight, use a lamp so as not to damage your eyes.
  • Thread the needle into a short one. Otherwise she will get confused. 25-30 centimeters is enough.
  • If you chose complex, large drawing, then mark on the diagram with a marker where you stopped, otherwise there is a risk of the image shifting.
  • All crosses must be made the same and in the same direction, then they will look gorgeous on the finished embroidery.

Cross stitch for beginners step by step

Craftswomen can do their work even on a regular cotton fabric, while they get an even pattern consisting of crosses of the same size. Beginners should undergo training on a special canvas (canvas), which was mentioned earlier. In addition, use a simple image for embroidery so as not to get lost and confused in the future.

Cross stitch lessons for beginners:

  1. First of all, immediately prepare: a diagram for the process, hoop, thread, needle, scissors.
  2. Decide which color is more on the diagram, and start embroidering the picture with it. Thread the needle through the holes in the fabric, weave the crosses in the same direction.
  3. So gradually move from one color to another, carefully count the cells of the fabric so as not to get confused in the pattern.
  4. To make it easier, you can divide the entire canvas into squares, as in the image above, then it will be easier for you to find the place where you stopped last time.
  5. Don’t forget to also leave marks on the diagram to indicate what you have already embroidered and what you haven’t.
  6. At the end, unravel the basting (large squares). Wash the finished painting. When dry, iron and trim ends if necessary.

IMPORTANT: Before you start the process, it doesn't hurt to check your colored threads to see how they fade. Dip the thread pieces in hot water and place them on a white rag. If there are traces, then it is not advisable to use such threads.

Cross stitch - patterns for beginners

Embroidery is useful to calm the nervous system. And it doesn’t matter what you create for this: a simple drawing or a complex one. It won’t be difficult for you to choose a pattern; now there are many offers on the Internet, especially since the images are divided into cells, which makes it easier to embroider.

It's rare that anyone doesn't like roses. This composition can be used for a pillowcase or embroidered on clothes, etc.

Cross stitch kits for beginners

What kind of kits do online store portals offer to novice masters of this craft? There are drawings directly on the fabric on a variety of topics. Any client will find a beautiful image that will delight his soul and will further decorate your interior in the house. In particular, you will find simple canvases with images:

  • different varieties of flowers (daisies, roses, lilies, tulips, roses and even whole bouquets)
  • beautiful still lifes for the kitchen (vases or baskets with fruits, vegetables, etc.)
  • incredibly stunning natural landscapes
  • cute and graceful animals, insects, birds
  • with famous cartoon characters
  • beautiful girls, boys
  • religious subjects, icons

Cross stitch for beginners using a finished pattern

If you decide to order a set, it will be a pleasure to embroider on the finished picture on the canvas. Even when you abandon this process for a while, you won’t have to remember which square of the diagram you stopped on. You will no longer get confused with the color of the thread and the image. In any case, a painting on canvas using threads will turn out to be a work of art. The fewer crosses you make, or rather, the tighter they are, the more beautiful the embroidery itself will be. In this case, it will look like a solid 3-D drawing.

Cross stitch patterns for beginners

Cute kitten with blue eyes should appeal not only to adult children, but also to little ones. This image can be embroidered with your child at home at your leisure.

A fruit basket will decorate your kitchen. You can embroider such a picture on canvas, place it in a frame, or hang it on the wall.

Cross stitch for beginner children

Simple cross stitching for beginner children also boils down to the fact that the child first needs to prepare a set for work: threads, a needle, fabric with a finished picture, and learn how to make even crosses. And then explain safety precautions for handling scissors and needles. As a rule, children are inattentive. As a result, the needle can end up anywhere. To prevent this from happening, it would not hurt parents to monitor the process. Study creative work together with the baby.

You will find such pictures, with threads included in the set, in stores that sell all sorts of small items. Or in stores of fabrics, accessories and other useful items for seamstresses and needlewomen. They are perfect for embroidery by children.

Cross stitch technique for beginners

The cross stitch technique is a simple technique with a needle, when one thread intersects another with a cross. The most common techniques:

  • Half cross- this is when a picture is embroidered with an oblique line rather than a cross. This is done in order to decorate the entire background of the picture. To save thread.
  • Regular cross— they form it immediately, or rather, each cross is embroidered separately from each other.
  • Danish cross— they try to sew in a row, and using a special technique. First, they sew a row with a half-cross, then they go back and finish what they started. In this case, you get ready-made, full-fledged crosses on the fabric. This method is excellent for embroidering horizontal rows.

Knowing the basics of embroidery techniques, you can make any cross stitch design on fabric. Moreover, this method can not only decorate the interior of the house: make paintings, pillowcases, rugs, etc. You can also repair your favorite clothes using embroidery, if a stain or hole has formed in the most visible place. The main thing is to choose the right pattern to match the outfit. Try it and you will definitely succeed!

Video: “Cross stitch for beginners”

You can cross stitch any subjects. Beginning needlewomen should choose a pattern with a small number of crosses and flowers. More complex works may have additional types of seams, color blends, and a large number of single crosses. Cross stitch for beginners should be tried after a little training on simple embroidery.

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Necessary materials

For embroidery you will need special materials. In order for a needlewoman to create, she needs to understand all the details.


This is an important part of the whole process.. This is a fabric that is made in the form of squares with small holes for a needle. The square should be completely covered with threads afterwards. She may have different sizes cells, which is indicated by the canvas number. The number indicates the number of cells in 1 inch. That is, canvas No. 14 means that 2.5 centimeters of this material will contain 14 cells. Knowing this rule, you can calculate the size of the finished work.


Threads can be produced by various companies, there are cheaper analogues, and there are high-quality expensive floss. Each thread is called a skein; it is twisted at the factory from 6 separate threads. For embroidery, you need to disassemble the skein into individual threads.. The individual threads are put together using a key and inserted into the needle. The number of threads for embroidery can be any, it depends on the size of the cross and its volume.

Individual threads different colors can be folded into one. This mixing is called a blend and gives the cross an unusual shade. The embroidery turns out to be interesting and unusual.

To make the embroidery process faster and easier, you can use special organizers. They help to sort the threads at the beginning of embroidery by symbol and simplify the whole process. There is no need to constantly check the key and look for the required thread number; the thread is simply taken from the organizer.


For cross stitch, you should choose tapestry needles, they are used in the half-cross technique. They have a large eyelet so that a fairly thick thread can be inserted. Also, the tapestry needle has a blunt tip. It helps to move the warp threads apart, thereby simplifying the embroidery process. Beautiful crosses are impossible if the needle passes through the threads of the warp or another cross. The crosses turn out uneven and ugly.

To make it easier to thread the eyelet, you can use special threaders. They can be as simple as a thin wire, or they can be complex automatic structures.


The diagram is most often paper. It represents certain colors using different symbols. Also, a key is always attached to the design; it includes all the colors of the threads and designates each of them with a specific symbol. The symbol may also contain information about the required length of thread.

There are two large black arrows in the figure; they indicate the middle of the diagram.

Currently, needlewomen are increasingly using special programs, which contain a diagram and all the necessary information on this plot. Then the drawing opens on the computer or phone screen. Embroidered crosses can be marked in a certain way and never returned to them.

Special programs can create diagrams from any drawing. Cross stitching for beginners using a finished pattern is very interesting and simple. The drawing should be quite large to make it easier to distinguish the symbols.

The finished drawing in the form of a paper diagram is usually copied by needlewomen and subsequently crossed out the sewn crosses. In this case, it is easier for the needlewoman to navigate the pattern and sewn crosses, and the likelihood of errors is reduced.

Hoop or machine

In order for the canvas to be correctly stretched, only in this case the crosses will be even and identical, you can use embroidery hoops or machines.

The hoop can be round, made of wood or plastic. Nowadays there are square plastic hoops, but they do not have the ability to tighten the fabric. Therefore, such devices are not very popular. The hoop is convenient to use for small projects. But you can use them in large embroidery, simply moving the hoop gradually as needed. But in this case, the crosses under the hoop can become very wrinkled and deformed. And holding a hoop with a large piece of canvas is inconvenient.

For large-scale projects, it is more convenient to use embroidery machines. They are made in different sizes, you can choose the product exactly for the embroidery. The machines also have the ability to wind canvas onto rollers. This is convenient for extended work; as you work, the canvas is rolled into a roll. Thread organizers, a lamp, a magnifying glass, a paper diagram and other elements can be additionally attached to the machine.

Additional materials

Needed for work scissors for cutting threads, a pen for crossing out a pattern, a washable fabric marker, extra needles, and so on. Also, during the embroidery process, you may need a magnifying glass, it is convenient for needlewomen with poor eyesight, or additional lighting. Such devices may already be needed experienced craftswomen who know how to properly facilitate and speed up the embroidery process. Having such devices, the embroidery technique is improved, and the work goes faster.

Work process

The work process must be properly organized. The organization of the process can occur in different ways; each needlewoman independently chooses the organization option that is convenient for her. Before you start, you should prepare everything.

Preparing tools

The embroidery technique is quite simple, easy to learn, you can watch the video tutorial. First you need to make a stitch diagonally on one square. Make a stitch across the first stitch on top. The result was the first cross.

First you need to mark the middle on the canvas. Usually the first crosses begin to be made in the middle. But you can start embroidery in another place. But it is important to remember that determining the middle of the product and the pattern is much easier than calculating the angle of embroidery on the canvas. If you make a mistake in the calculations, the crosses may simply not fit on the canvas, and then you will have to start all over again. Embroidery is a long and painstaking process, so you shouldn’t make mistakes in your calculations.

So, It's worth noting the middle first. The canvas is folded in half, and then in half again; you need to put a mark in the corner. In the diagram, the middle is indicated by arrows. The middle of the outline needs to be visually connected to the middle of the diagram.

To understand the embroidery technique, you need to learn cross stitch for beginners step by step. Internet pages will help you master the technique: how to learn cross-stitch for beginners step by step or we embroider together. The video always tells more about the progress of the work.


  1. Fastening the thread. You can pass the needle through several adjacent stitches on the wrong side or make several small stitches.
  2. A specific color is selected and a thread is inserted into the eye of the needle. This thread is used to make all the crosses that are close to each other. When the thread runs out, you can take a thread of a different color. So the entire canvas is filled with crosses.
  3. Additional stitches are performed, for example, a backstitch or backstitch.
  4. The product is washed, dried on a towel and ironed. The crosses cannot be damaged, so all procedures are performed carefully.
  5. You can start decorating.

Secrets of perfect crosses:

Embroidery design

The design of embroidery directly depends on the purpose of the product. For example, embroidery on clothing does not need to be decorated in a special way, but a painting must be framed. Most often, they decorate paintings, pillows, postcards, and covers with their own hands.

Any plot can be presented in the form of a painting. It could be a very small plot, or it could be a whole work of art. Regardless of the size and significance, the design can highlight the beauty, or it can make the plot dull. Therefore, design is a very important component of the final product.

It's the easiest way to frame a picture. To do this you need to purchase. It should match the size of the embroidery.

Embroidery is stretched onto cardboard. The canvas can be glued, but the glue often remains on the fabric yellow spots, which are not at all needed at work. It is better to tighten it using sewing threads. Using a needle, the thread is threaded into the canvas from the wrong side and pulled together.

Now all that remains is to insert the resulting picture into the frame itself, just as a photo is inserted, and secure it using special fasteners on the frame.

The embroidery design is ready!

Satin stitch embroideries are interesting and varied. Let's decorate the product together and it will become unique. You can embroider anything: tablecloths, pillows, clothes, decorations, towels, napkins, scarves, and so on. For beginners, we can advise simple embroidery satin stitch It's better to start with a small pattern. It is important to understand that the essence of this embroidery is even stitches that fit close and very tightly to each other.

Satin embroidery can be different: double-sided and one-sided, straight and oblique. Techniques and types of embroidery: simple, artistic, convex satin stitch, cut-out, lined, volumetric, satin, white, Vladimir, Russian, Poltava.

If you want to learn satin stitch embroidery, you don't have to memorize all the stitches and techniques right away. You can start with a couple of stitches, which are useful for embroidering flowers, butterflies, small drawings, and animal figures.

Embroidery is possible on different fabrics. Neither the weave, nor the color, nor the composition matter. It all depends on the threads you use to sew. If you took floss threads for work, then it is better to take cotton fabric: cotton, linen, burlap. If the threads are silk, thin cambric, satin or silk will work well. Thick fabrics are suitable for Iris threads.

What will you need for work? You will need a needle. Choose the right needle for the job. The choice of needle depends on the fabric and threads, and we also take into account the pattern. The finer the needle, the more professional your work will look. Next, we use hoops or frames for work, whichever you prefer. On the hoop, the fabric is more stretched, which is important for the design and comfort of the embroiderer.

You will also need small scissors, a thimble and carbon and tissue paper. It’s easier for those who know how to draw; you can simply draw a design on the fabric with a pencil.

If you don't have the ability to draw, use carbon paper. To do this, you need to put carbon paper on the fabric, and place a drawing printed on the printer on top. We pin this structure with pins and trace it along the contour. Let's take everything apart and get to work.

IN various details our embroidery can be used different techniques. For example, large details can be decorated with long stitches, and narrow stripes and small details can be embroidered with short small seams. The techniques are often confused with types of embroidery. You need to remember that one type of embroidery can be done using different techniques.

Let's start with a straight stitch. For a novice craftswoman, it will be enough to recognize this seam in order to do the simplest work. The name comes from the straight stitch simple type. The stitch length varies, from 1 mm to 7-8 mm. For example, in white satin stitch, this stitch is used to outline the outline of the pattern.

You can embroider large details and contours with a straight seam. It is not suitable for small parts. It is also used to fill the inside of the part.

Straight stitch can be done at any angle. Open herringbone stitches are used to embroider leaves, a fern stitch is used to sew fragile long stems, and a stem stitch creates a smooth, flawless line. The split stitch is needed for contour lines.

Wedge and chevron stitches can be sewn on the sides of the design, filling in the empty space. Spot in finished form similar to a coffee bean, the grain is used for a chiaroscuro effect inside the part.

Satin stitches are the next most difficult stage of embroidery. The satin surface is used to give the design subtle shading transitions. Using silk threads, you can embroider landscapes, portraits, and genre scenes. This type of surface is called artistic.

Varieties of satin stitch: shadow, fastened, one-sided, double-sided, slotted, white, counted, flat and convex.

A convex surface is needed to give the design additional relief. The flooring is embroidered with a simple satin stitch, and then worked in the opposite direction. We increase the height of the part and make it convex and embossed.

The herringbone stitch fulfills the leaf motif. It is performed with diagonal stitches close to each other.

Crossed stitches are made with crossed threads. This technique can be used to highlight the center of a leaf or the middle of another shape.

The raised herringbone stitch is very beautiful; diagonal crossing stitches overlap each other. Embroider the center of the sheet using Romanian stitch.

Woven satin stitch consists of groups of stitches embroidered in clear rows. The emphasis is on chiaroscuro. If you have already mastered the previous techniques a little, you can try working with shadow stitch. It helps to create an interesting and beautiful transition of color from one to another on the product. This transition is called a gradient.

Common stitches. Chinese knots subtly highlight and complete the design. We often see the rococo stitch inside floral arrangements.

We embroider iris step by step using the simple satin stitch technique.

To work you will need:

  1. Silk threads: dark purple, violet, white, orange and green.
  2. Fabric (linen, chiffon, nylon, cambric, and so on). There's chiffon here.
  3. Hoop.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Thin needle.

Our work is done on chiffon, so there is no need for tracing paper or carbon paper. We place the fabric on the drawing, secure it with pins and draw on the fabric with a pencil or pen.

This shows how to embroider one flower, but if you wish, you can embroider the entire composition. We will embroider with silk using one thread.

We decorate the petals of the lower part of the iris with a dark purple color. Leave space between stitches for white.

Let's start embroidering the next petal. First, we will embroider the fold of the iris petal.